01x23 - Triassic Turtle/t*nk's Baby Brother

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dinosaur Train". Aired: September 7, 2009 – April 12, 2021.*
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Set in a whimsical prehistoric world of jungles, swamps, active volcanoes and oceans, all filled with dinosaur and other prehistoric animal life, and connected by a train line known eponymously as the Dinosaur Train
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01x23 - Triassic Turtle/t*nk's Baby Brother

Post by bunniefuu »

Hello, folks. It's me, the conductor. Today, we're going

To meet some turtles from the cretaceous and the triassic

Time periods.

So come on along with me on the dinosaur train.

All aboard!

Aur train ♪ [whistle blows]

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ once upon a time

There was a mom her name was mrs. Pteranodon

Sitting on her nest she heard a scratching

And said... ♪ Oh, boy! My eggs are


♪ One by one her kids popped free

Baby pteranodons , , ♪

I'll name you tiny, shiny, and don.

♪ But tiny said... ♪ Wait! There's one more, mom!

♪ Last little baby was a different size

With teeth and a tail and big green eyes

He didn't look anything like the rest ♪

What am I doing in a pteranodon nest?

♪ But dear, old mrs. Pteranodon said... ♪

Oh, this is your family, and I'm your mom. You may be

Different, but we're all creatures. All dinosaurs have

Different features. Come on, buddy. We'll take a vacation.

I'll get us a ticket at pteranodon station. We'll

Travel the world in sunshine and rain and meet all the

Species on the...

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ dinosaur train ♪

♪ We're gonna ride ♪ ♪ ride, ride, ride, ride ♪

[Whistle blows] ♪ the dinosaur train ♪




Ha ha ha!


Ok. Let's play "that's not a dinosaur." You have to point out

An animal that's not a dinosaur. I'll start. Ah! That's

Not a dinosaur. That's a snake.

[Croaking] that's not a dinosaur. It's

A frog.

[Gasp] look. A dragonfly.

That's not a dinosaur. It's an insect.

Aww, I was gonna pick dragonfly. Now what species can

I pick?


Awk! This rock isn't a rock.


Hello. I'm tiny pteranodon.

This is don and buddy and shiny. Who are you?

I'm adam, adam atticus. I'm a turtle.


So...does that mean you're not a dinosaur?

Nope, I'm not a dinosaur. I'm a water turtle.

Whoo-hoo! That's not a dinosaur!

It's a game we're playing.

[Knocking] what do you call this part of


That's my shell. Beauty, huh?

Yeah. How does your head go all the way into your shell?

We atticus are turtles that can retract them. That means to

Pull them in. Our heads are retractable.

Retractable--good word.

[Sniffing] ah-ah-ah-ah-choo!



Awk! That was amazing, adam.

Hey! Maybe I can retract my head.

[Grunting] [laughter]

Whoa! Unh!

[Laughter] nice try, don.

Well, adam, that is one amazing shell. It's sort of

Like you carry your home around with you.

Exactly. My shell is my home.

I wonder what it'd be like to carry my home around with me.

Wow. So many creatures live in different kinds of homes.

♪ Some of us creatures live in a nest

That's the home that we love best

Others are critters that live in trees ♪

♪ All day long they can feel the breeze ♪

♪ Some dinosaurs like to dig around ♪

♪ They make a home from a hole in the ground ♪

♪ But turtle homes are special, you know ♪

♪ They carry their shells wherever they go ♪


Ha ha ha!

You're very talented pteranodons and one terrific



I have a hypothesis. All turtles retract their heads to

Keep them safe from predators.

You're right. That is why we retract them. But I've heard

That there are some other species of turtles that can't

Retract their heads.

Really? But how do they protect themselves from


Hmm. What a good question, tiny.

Oh, boy! We have a mystery to solve!

♪ Da da da ♪ let's take the dinosaur

Train! The conductor will know where we can find those

Turtles. Dad?

Sure! Why not? Sounds like an adventure!

The perfect expedition for our family.


Huh? Bye.

Tickets, please. Tickets.

Where to, pteranodons?

We're not exactly sure.

We're looking for a turtle that can't retract its head

Into its shell.

Hmm. A turtle that can't retract his head. To see one of

Those, we'd have to go way back to the triassic time period,

When the first turtles lived--a turtle like proganochelys.


He said proganochelys!

Can we go back to the triassic, mom and dad?

Hmm. We haven't been to the triassic in a while.


[Chuckling] well, that's why we came on the

Train, team, to find us some turtles. The pteranodon family

Is going all the way back to the triassic!


Then tuck your tails and ride the rails because it's time

For the time tunnel! Time tunnel approaching!

♪ Riding in the time tunnel back to the triassic

Hanging with my family and everything's fantastic ♪

Take it, shiny.


♪ Tiny thinks the time tunnel's fun

But I'm usually happiest when it's done ♪

[Laughter] next stop, proganochelys

Place in the triassic time period. So long, pteranodons

And buddy. Good luck finding out about turtles and retractable


Thanks! Bye!

[Laughter] phew! It's hot in the

Triassic. Heh heh! Hey, why don't you kids search for

Turtles while your mom and I sit here in the shade?


See you soon, kids.

Stay where we can see you.

Hmm. I'm not sure what a proganochelys smells like, but

Since turtles live in the water, let's look around this




Progder--uh, progo--uh...


No turtles by the pond.

No turtles in the bushes. And it's hot!

Mmm. Ahh. Huh?


Awk! Oh, I'm sorry. I thought you were a rock. Are you

A pro--proggy-- yup, a proganochelys. My

Name's pauline proganochelys.

Hi, pauline. My name's don.

Oh, buddy and tiny and shiny will be so glad I found you.

Hold on. I'll call them. Awk!

Everybody, come here! I found a triassic turtle! Pauline, meet

Buddy, tiny, and shiny.


I'm surprised that don found you up here in the bushes. We

Were all looking for you down by the water.

Oh. I don't go in the water.

I just drink it. I spend my time on dry land looking for

Tasty plants to eat.

She's a herbivore. She eats plants.

Just like adam atticus. He's a turtle friend of ours from

The cretaceous. You mind if we compare features?

Go right ahead.

One: big, hard shell--check.

Yup. My shell is made of about bony plates.

, , , ...

Two: sharp beak for cutting tough plants.


: Tough armor-covered feet.


And now the big question: does pauline proganochelys have

A retractable head?

A what?


Oh, right.


Uh, boo!

Pauline, why isn't your head retractable?

Retractable? Ooh, what's that mean?

To pull your head into your shell, like this.

[Grunting] wow, that looks hard. I'll


[Grunting] nope, I don't think I can do it.

Well, we live in the cretaceous time period, and we

Met a turtle that can retract his head into his shell.

Wow! That sounds amazing.

The cretaceous time period, you say. I've never been there.

Oh, you'd love the cretaceous, pauline. We have



Yeah! They're plants that grow out of the ground, and

They have these beautiful petals.

They can be all different colors.

They sound delicious. I'll have to ride the dinosaur train

To see the cretaceous someday and see these flowers for


I still don't get it. If she can't retract her neck--pauline,

How do you protect your head and neck from predators that

Want to eat you?

Well, check out the spikes along my neck. Really tough


Hmm. Her neck is more armory than adam's neck. How about your


Oh, I'm especially proud of my tail. If a predator tries to

Eat me, I swing this big thing at him.


But the most important feature that turtles all seem to

Have is their big, beautiful shell.

Aw. You're right, buddy.

Pauline, were you born with your shell home already on?

You know, over at our nest area, we have some eggs that

Are about to hatch. Why don't you go and see for yourselves?

Some babies are about to hatch? Are they yours?

Some of them are.

Aren't you gonna be there?

Oh, baby proganochelys have so much armor, they can take

Care of themselves from the day they hatch.

Can we see them?

Sure. Come on.

Ooh! There's the eggs. Come on!

Awk! Look! This one's hatching!

And look. It does have a shell.

See? Off they go. I'm so proud.

I guess they're gonna be ok.

Yeah, I guess so.

Awk! There's the train, kids.

Come on, team, let's get back to the station.

Bye, pauline! Bye, babies!

Bye-bye, kids. Nice to meet you.

[Train whistle blows] and she had a big, bony

Tail, like a club.

You don't say? A bony armored outer shell and a spiky

Tail like a club? Reminds me of a certain dinosaur I know called


Ooh! I knew I'd seen a tail like that somewhere!

We also saw some proganochelys eggs hatch.

And then the babies just sort of wandered off by themselves.

Yeah. Pauline wasn't worried about them at all!

Well, every species has its own way of doing things, tiny

And shiny, like the way they care for their babies.

Do you think the babies will be ok, mom?

Oh, I think so. They're protected with plenty of armor

And should grow up to be happy and safe grown-up proganochelys

Someday. But--awk--i'm glad the pteranodons like to stay close

And care for their babies. I can't imagine doing it any

Other way. I just love you kids so much.

We love you, too, mom!

Ha ha ha!

Hey, don't forget me. Rawr!

Hey, what am i, carrion?

Oh, we love you, too, dad!

[Laughter] hi there. I'm dr. Scott the

Paleontologist, and this is proganochelys.



Proganochelys lived alongside the first dinosaurs in the

Triassic time period, but it wasn't a dinosaur. So what is

This animal?

It's a turtle.

Yeah, proganochelys looks a lot like turtles living today,

With a strong beak, sprawled legs, and a tough shell

Covering its back and belly. But this ancient turtle also had

Something that you don't see in any living turtles.

A spiky tail.

Right. The tail of proganochelys was spiky with a

Bony club on the end, kind of like the armored dinosaur

Ankylosaurus. Turtles are amazingly successful creatures.

Not only have they been around for millions of years, they

Still live all over, from hot deserts to chilly oceans, like

This guy. And turtles come in many different sizes. Some are

Only inches long, and others are over feet long.

That's a big turtle!

But no matter what their size, when turtles are on land,

They walk very...


That's right. So remember, get outside, get into nature,

And make your own discoveries.

Dinosaurs had feathers.

Troodons have feathers?

Like me.

Whoa! They're amazing.

Well, thanks, buddy.

I'm a northern troodon.

We're different because we got a lot more feathers, eh?

We're looking for a match for this feather.

Mmm. Looks familiar.

I wish I had your amazing feathers.

Can we compare this one to yours? Wow! The feather mystery

Is solved! Whoo-hoo! Yes!

♪ I'm a hungry hungry herbivore

Plants are what I'm hungry for

I don't eat insects don't eat critters

Just get me some of them durn fern fritters

When you're a hungry herbivore the world is full of food

I always follow this simple rule

If it's green it's good

Wah-ooh, we love to chew 'cause that's our food

And if it's green it's good ♪

Hello, folks. It's me, the conductor.

Today we're gonna visit our good friend t*nk triceratops and

Meet his new baby brother. So come on along with me on the

Dinosaur train. All aboard!

Ha ha ha!


Big pond! Trudy triceratops. New baby boy! Dinosaur train. Let's


Come on, slow down! I can't understand what you're saying.

I think mom's saying that she heard at the big pond that

Trudy triceratops had a new baby boy.

Yes, exactly. Sorry. I just get so excited about a new baby



t*nk has a baby brother? And we can take the dinosaur train

To meet him?

Yes. Shiny and don are off fishing with dad, so if you two

Are interested in meeting a new baby, let's go.


Oh, whoops. Silly me.

Heh heh! Oh, mom.

[Train whistle blows] tickets. Tickets, please.

Oh, mr. Conductor, did you hear the news? Trudy triceratops

Had a new baby boy.

I did. It's wonderful!

Mom's really excited about the new baby.

I bet t*nk's excited, too.

In fact, I bet the whole herd is excited about their new


That's right. t*nk lives in a herd. I wonder if triceratops

Trails is like pteranodon terrace.

Maybe it has a lot more nests.

Uh, it-- maybe there's just one big

Nest. I wonder if the whole herd helps take care of the



Wonder if t*nk's baby brother looks like him, with

Horns and a frill, or eats as much as t*nk.

Can a baby even eat anything yet?

Those are all excellent questions, buddy and tiny. Let's

Take a look. Triceratops don't sleep in nests at all. They just

Lay their eggs in them. Also, triceratops trails is just where

The herd is staying for now.

They travel around to other places. That's what herds do.

Oh, right. Herds move all around. They don't live in one


Correct, buddy.

But why?

Well, when triceratops herds eat all the vegetation in one

Area, they have to move on.

Now, as far as what t*nk's baby brother looks like and what he

Can eat, well, you're about to see that for yourselves.

Ohh! Are we there yet? I can't wait to see that little

Bundle of cuteness.

Oh, mom.

Next stop, triceratops trails station, in another part of the

Cretaceous time period.

[Train whistle blows] have fun! Say hi to t*nk and

Trudy and the new little triceratops.

We will!

Awk! We're here, kids. Let's find our friends.

[Gasp] trudy! Congratulations.

Oh, thanks so much.

Hey, guys.



[Gasping] [cooing]

Meet tuck.


He is so precious. May I pick him up?

Well, you can try, but he's a pretty big guy.

[Grunting] ha ha ha!

Well, he is a big fella. How about if I just sit with him?

[Gibberish] aren't you the sweetest



Ha ha ha! She means he's really, really cute.

Mrs. Triceratops, I observe that tuck has tiny horns and

Barely has a frill.

You're right, buddy. Tuck's horns will grow, and his frill

Will, too.

Can we play with baby tuck?

Buddy, tiny, hi. I said hi!

Oh, hi.

Ha ha ha!

We're just meeting your baby brother.

He's so cute.

Yeah, really cute.

It must be so cool to have a baby brother.

We're playing with him. Want to join us? We can play with

Tuck, right?

Sure, as long as you play right here on the ground and be

Very gentle with him. New babies are fragile.

We will.

We promise.

Aww. Yes. Who's the little cutie?

Ha ha ha!

Sorry. He's just so cute!

Here you go, little one. Meet tiny and buddy--my babies.

Hey, baby tuck.

Awk! Nice to meet you. I'm tiny. Look. He's smiling at us.

Of course he is. He has excellent taste in friends.

Ha ha ha!

You know, I liked buddy and tiny first. So I'm the one with

The excellent taste.

Look. Tuck can roll over.

Aren't you just the sweetest little mr. Cutie horns?

Tuck likes that. He's giggling.

[Laughing] whoa! Look at him nibble

That leaf!

Such an appetite.

You think that's an appetite?

What a good, good eater you are.

Hey, everybody, want to see someone really eat? Check this


[Belch] excuse me.

Ha ha ha!

...little cutie.

Ooh. Mom, my tummy hurts.

I'm sorry, honey. I think you may have had a little too

Many leaves at once and a bit too fast. Would you like to lie

Down and rest?


Awk! Look. Tuck's walking.

That's so cool.

t*nk, look. Your brother's walking.

Yeah, triceratops walk. I do it all the time. Hey, look at

Me. I'm walking just like tuck.

I'm a tiny triceratops. I'm taking my first steps. Uh-oh,

Frill jam. Um, a little help, please?

t*nk, let's try to be more careful. You know, ever since

Tuck was hatched, t*nk has been kind of...frustrated.

Thanks, guys.

[Sigh] hey, want to play something?

[Growl] wow! He's so little, but he

Roars so loud.

Hey, if you like noise, let's play roar as loud as you can.

t*nk, please don't roar now.

But tuck does, and you never get mad at him.

I'm not mad. It's just that tuck is a little baby, and

You're a big boy, and you know better, sweetie, don't you?


I guess it's not always easy having a baby brother.

Yeah. Can you imagine if mom and dad had a bunch of new

Babies? Kitchy-cooing all the time.

I think we'd get pretty mad.

Hey, t*nk!

Wait up. We want to play with you.

With me? How about little mr.

Cutie horns?

Nah. Tuck's just a baby. We want to do something grown-up

With you.


Could we go to that watering hole? It looks like a perfect

Spot to dig holes and play.

That sounds great! But that's where the big kids in the

Herd play.

We are the big kids, right? I mean, as long as our moms say

It's ok.

Hey, mom! Can we play over at the watering hole?

Sure, honey. I can see you from here. But keep an ear out

For us.

Ok. Let's do it.

[Laughter] hey, t*nk, who are they?

Oh, that's truman and todd.

They're part of the herd, but I've never really played with

Them before.

Hi, truman. Hi, todd. I'm tiny. This is my brother buddy.


And this is t*nk.


Oh, I mean--i guess you already know t*nk, right?

Yeah, we know t*nk. Your mom just had the new baby, right?

Yeah, she did.

That can be rough.


I mean, it's great. Having a baby brother or sister is the

Coolest thing in the world! It's just hard at first, you know?

Whoa. You think it's hard, too?

Really hard. The new baby gets all the attention, and

Then you have to be the big kid and do everything right because

You're older.

But sometimes it's nice to be older because you get to

Teach them things. That's the fun part.

Plus when you're older, you get to play with friends and

Hang around the watering hole.

We play here all the time.

You guys want to play something?

Yeah! Can buddy and tiny play, too?

Sure. That's what's great about a herd. We all play

Together. We can play, uh...triceratops rule.

But we're not triceratops.

That's ok. You can pretend to be. Tiny and buddy, you're

Triceratops for the day.


High !

High !

High two!

All right! Let's play!

Ok. We're a herd. I'll be the dad.

I'll be the kid.

Me, too!

Ahem. Ok. Then I'll be the mom. Kids, follow me and your


Yes, mom.

[Laughter] yeah! Ha ha ha!

Boys, stop playing with your horns. Someone could get hurt.

Sorry, mom. Heh heh heh!

As the dad of the herd, I think we should all line up

Together and eat everything green in our path.

[Cheering] yeah. Now I'm a widdle baby.

I can't weally walk, and I don't eat that much.

[Laughter] well, son, do the best you


, , ...


[Chomping] buddy, tiny, t*nk, hi.

Hi, mom!


[Gasp] did you hear that, t*nk? He said

Your name.

Whoa! Hi, tuck. You said my name.

Aww. You want to play with t*nk and

The big kids, don't you? Oh, but you're too little.

Hey, t*nk, tuck wants to do exactly what you do.

Sorry, tuck. You can't do everything I do now. Some things

Are for big kids, and some things are for babies.

[Chuckling] [train whistle blows]

Awk! There's the dinosaur train, kids. We'd better get


Bye, pteranodon family!

Bye, baby tuck.

Bye, trudy.

Bye, t*nk. We had so much fun playing at the watering


Yeah, pretending to be part of the herd. Right, t*nk?



[Laughing] it's called "peek-a-boo."

Babies love it. You guys should try it.



[Laughter] bye!



Hi there. I'm dr. Scott the paleontologist, and this is a

Baby triceratops. For a long time, scientists weren't sure

How many babies hatched from a typical dinosaur nest.

Ooh, there's a baby triceratops!

Today we know that most dinosaurs had lots of babies,

With about to eggs hatching in a single nest. Some

Dinosaurs nested in groups, probably so that the grownups

Could help protect the eggs and the babies. In argentina,

Paleontologists found a nesting ground with hundreds of nests.

Dude, that's a lot of eggs.

It sure is, and can you think of any animals living today

That nest in groups?


Right, many seabirds nest in groups, or colonies, just like

Dinosaurs. Group living helps the birds protect their babies.

Ok. Keep watching for more dinosaur discoveries.

Did you know that the dinosaur train travels

Everywhere in the mesozoic era?

Let's look at the map. There was the triassic, jurassic, and

Cretaceous time periods.

Let's visit the triassic. It was the first age of dinosaurs

And was mostly a dry and warm climate. Many of the first known

Reptiles, like frogs and turtles, lived in the triassic

Time period. And that's just one of the stops on the dinosaur


[Whistle blows] time for a tiny ditty.

♪ Being a big dino might be cool

But how about us little ones?

I think we rule we got the power ♪

♪ We got the power we got the mikey

And tiny power ♪ [captioning made possible by

The jim henson company] ♪ dinosaur train

Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ dinosaur train

Dinosaur train we're gonna ride

The dinosaur train ♪ ♪ dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ dinosaur train ♪

♪ We're gonna ride ♪ ♪ ride, ride, ride, ride ♪

♪ The dinosaur train ♪
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