01x25 - Pteranodon Family World Tour/Gilbert The Junior Conductor

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dinosaur Train". Aired: September 7, 2009 – April 12, 2021.*
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Set in a whimsical prehistoric world of jungles, swamps, active volcanoes and oceans, all filled with dinosaur and other prehistoric animal life, and connected by a train line known eponymously as the Dinosaur Train
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01x25 - Pteranodon Family World Tour/Gilbert The Junior Conductor

Post by bunniefuu »

Hello, folks.

It's me--the conductor.

Today the pteranodons begin their world tour, and on our

First stop, we'll visit some amargasaurus, so come on along

With me on the dinosaur train.

All aboard!

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ [train whistle blows]

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ once upon a time

There was a mom her name was mrs. Pteranodon

Sitting on her nest she heard a scratching

And said... ♪ Oh, boy!

My eggs are hatching!

♪ One by one her kids popped free

Baby pteranodons, , , ♪ I'll name you tiny, shiny,

And don.

♪ But tiny said... ♪ Wait! There's one more, mom!

♪ Last little baby was a different size

With teeth and a tail and big, green eyes

He didn't look anything like the rest ♪

What am I doing in a pteranodon nest?

♪ But dear old mrs. Pteranodon said... ♪

Oh, this is your family and I'm your mom.

You may be different, but we're all creatures.

All dinosaurs have different features.

Come on, buddy.

We'll take a vacation.

I'll get us a ticket at pteranodon station.

We'll travel the world in sunshine and rain and meet all

The species on the...

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ dinosaur train ♪

♪ We're gonna ride ♪ ♪ ride, ride, ride, ride ♪

[Train whistle blows] ♪ the dinosaur train ♪

[Roaring] [laughter]


Whoo hoo!

Yeah! Ha ha ha!

Huh? Ow! My foot.

Sorry, shiny.

I'm just so excited.

What are the kids so excited about, mr. Pteranodon?

Heh. Glad you asked.

The whole family is going on vacation.

♪ The pteranodon family is leaving the station

We're going on a big world tour a vacation full of investigation

Exploring, that's for sure ♪ ♪ gonna broaden our horizons

Stretch our wings try some new foods

And experience things ♪ ♪ the pteranodon family

Is leaving the station we're going on

A big world tour ♪ ♪ I can't wait to meet

Some brand-new species ♪ ♪ I can't wait to make

Some brand-new friends ♪ ♪ I'm kind of nervous

About sleeping on the train will I fall out of bed

When it goes round the bend? ♪ Naw!

♪ The pteranodon family is leaving the station

Going on a big world tour a vacation full of investigation

Adventure, that's for sure ♪ ♪ we're stepping out

Into the big, wide world who knows who or what

We might meet? ♪ ♪ Maybe I'll meet

A new kind of bug we're supposed to try

New things to eat ♪ ♪ the pteranodon family

Is leaving the station exploring, that's for sure

A vacation full of investigation we're going on

A big world tour ♪ all aboard!

[Train whistle blows] [knocks on door]


Hello, laura the giganotosaurus.

Hello, kids.

Are you excited about your world tour?


The dinosaur train is taking us all around the world.

I'm as excited as you are because our first stop is

Giganotosaurus junction.

That's where I was born.

I'm going to get off the train there and visit with my family.

Off the train?

But, laura, you're always on the dinosaur train.

Don't worry, don.

I'll get back on the next day and join you for the rest of

Your world tour.

Do you have a big family, laura?

We are pretty big.

I have many brothers and sisters like you, tiny.

Oh, I remember growing up at giganotosaurus junction--running

With them over the plains, hunting for meat.

[Slurps] laura is a carnivore.

Tickets. Tickets, please.

Who's that?

It doesn't sound like the conductor.


Yeah. It sounds like a kid.

Let's go see. Bye, laura.



[All gasp] oh, hello, buddy, tiny,

Shiny, and don.

Meet my nephew gilbert.

Tickets, please.

Thank you. Now observe closely.

Yeah! Awesome!

That was so cool.

I brought gilbert along as my assistant to help us out on your

Fabulous world tour, pteranodons.

And t. Rex.

Right, you are.

Now, the first stop on your world tour--

[Clears throat] take it away, gilbert.

Our first stop will be here, amargasaurus acres, after we

Drop laura off in giganotosaurus junction, of course.

Oh, yes.

Laura told us about that.

Amargasaurus acres is mostly open plains--that means flat

Land--where you'll meet the amazing amargasaurus.


Looks like some other quadrupeds we know.

Ah, you mean a creature that walks on legs.

Yeah. It's about the size of a stegosaurus.

Excellent observations, buddy and tiny, but unlike

Stegosaurus, who has plates on his back and spikes on his

Tail, amargasaurus has all spines.


I have a hypothesis.

He means an idea you can test.

Hee hee hee!

Anyway, I was thinking, maybe the spine on its back keep the

Amargasaurus cool.

Or maybe they make amargasaurus look bigger to

Scare off predators.

Hey, maybe the spines do both of those things.

That's my super hypothesis, don.


Ha ha ha!

[Snorts] well, you'll all get the

Chance to test your hypotheses soon because it's time for the

Time tunnel.


Time tunnel!

Hold on to your hats, folks.

Time tunnel approaching!

I guess gilbert is doing everyone's job today.

[Bell ringing] giganotosaurus junction in

Another part of the cretaceous time period.

I'm home.

[Roars] [roaring]

[Brakes screech] [brakes hiss]

Look. There's laura's family.

Let's get out and meet them.

Glad to see you.

Family, please meet my friends the pteranodon family.



I have so much to tell you about my travels, and look.

I brought my sketch book.

I have filled it with drawings of birds.

Hey! Yay!


I'll see you tomorrow.

Bye, laura.

All aboard!

Amargasaurus acres, next stop.

Hee hee hee!

As a special feature for your world tour, gilbert will be your

Tour guide to the amargasaurus.

What's a tour guide do?

Points out interesting things and answers questions you

Might have.

Troodons are the smartest dinosaur, don.

Hee hee hee!

Take good care of them, gilbert.

Oh, I will, uncle conductor.

All right, folks.

Line up single file oldest to youngest.

Come on. Let's go.


[Clears throat] shouldn't you be closer to the

Front, mrs. P.?

You look so young.

Oh, ha ha ha!

[Squawks] oh, gilbert.

So, here we are in amargasaurus acres, or, as we

Call them, the plains, because they're not very fancy.

They're pretty plain.

Those are the jokes, don.

Heh heh heh.

Thank you, and up ahead, what's this I see?

Quick, don, what walks on legs and has spines down it's back?


Last time I checked.

Ha ha!

[Squawks] I see the amargasaurus!

Come on!

Hello. I'm tiny pteranodon, and this is my brother buddy.

Hello. I'm martin amargasaurus.

Pardon my asking, but you seem to have come from far away.

You're right.

We're on a world tour.

We've come so far from pteranodon terrace way up north

On the western interior sea.

Wow, that is far away.

Welcome to amargasaurus acres, buddy and tiny.

Martin, I observed that you not only have spines on

Your back.

You even have a kind of sail thing.

Yes. We're very proud of our sails.

Tiny, I have a new hypothesis.

You know how I thought their spines kept amargasaurus cool?

I bet their sails might be how they keep cool.

Excellent hypothesis, buddy, and look how the amargasaurus

Are all lined up sideways to the wind.

Maybe that's how they stay cool with their sails.

I'm not sure if my spines and my sail keep me cool, but they

Certainly are cool-looking, don't you think?


But, martin, do your spines and sail make you look bigger

To, you know, to scare off predators?

Oh, you mean like giganotosaurus.


Those are the big meat eaters around here.

[Roaring] [all gasp]

I don't think it's laura's family, but they look like


Oh, they're giganotosaurus, all right.

Excuse me.

[Roaring] [roaring]


Sorry. All right.

Since my species isn't that large, our spines and sails help

Make us look bigger, and that scares off the giganotosaurus,

Sometimes. But most important, we amargasaurus stay together as

A herd.

Together, we can really look big and intimidating.

Yeah. A herd is like a big family.

Exactly. My herd makes me feel safe and secure because I'm

Together with the ones who take care of me.

What a great hypothesis, you guys, and what a great

Feature--spines that make a sail that keeps him cool and makes

Them look bigger to intimidate predators.

[Squawks] kids, it's getting late.

We should get back to the train station.

We don't want to miss it.

You're right, as usual, mrs. P.

[Laughter] [snorts]

Last one back to the station is a rotten dinosaur egg.

Bye, martin.

Nice to meet you.

Have a nice trip back home.

We're not going home.

We're still on our world tour.

We get to sleep on the train.


Oh, ok. Bye.

Hee hee hee! Tourists.

And here's where you'll be sleeping tonight.

Oh, boy!

We're gonna sleep on the train.


I call lower bunk.

I call upper bunk.

Good. All comfy?

Yep. I feel safe because I'm with my tiny doll and my family.

It's kind of like our own herd.

I'm glad.

Do you kids need anything else before we go to sleep?

Yeah! A story!

Ha ha ha!

Whoo hoo!

The one about when we hatched.


It's our favorite.

All right.

It was a bright, sunny morning at our nest in pteranodon


Your dad was out fishing, and I was watching...

Hi there.

I'm dr. Scott the paleontologist, and this is





Amargasaurus was a giant, long-necked dinosaur, or

Sauropod, like brachiosaurus.

Amargasaurus was discovered in south america, and it had one

Big feature that made it stand out from all the rest of the


Big spines on its back.

Right. Paleontologists like me aren't sure what those tall

Spines were used for.

One idea is that the spines made amargasaurus look bigger so that

It could show off to others of its kind.

Now, can you think of any animal alive today that shows off and

Tries to make itself look bigger?

A peacock.

[Squawks] that's a great example.

Another idea is that the tall spines helped amargasaurus cool

Off when it was getting too hot, and today there's a giant animal

In africa that kind of does the same thing, flapping its big

Ears to cool off.


[Trumpets] whoa! Check put these noisy


Ok. Keep watching for more dinosaur discoveries.

Dinosaurs had tails.

Time tunnel!

Time tunnel approaching!

Hold on to your tails.

[Laughter] tails work fast.

They look really powerful.

Oh! Hey! Hey!

Ha ha!

Do you guys want to climb on my tail?

Whoo hoo!


It's like a big club.

Wow! What a tail!

♪ Every day I go down to the station

And look on down the shining tracks

When I hear that old lonesome whistle blowin'

And I'm so glad that old train is coming back

'Cause I love trains ♪ wooh wooh!

I just love trains.

♪ Well, I can't explain but I won't complain

I only know that I love trains ♪ hello, folks.

It's me, the conductor.

Today on the pteranodon world tour, the kids spend the whole

Day on the train with my nephew gilbert, so come on along with

Me on the dinosaur train.

All aboard!

[Train whistle blows] all awake!

[Snoring] [laughter]

Kids, let your dad sleep a little more.

After all, he's on vacation, too.

Do you want to try to sleep more?

Not really.

I'm not sleepy at all.

I'm too excited.

This is our first whole day on the dinosaur train.

Can we go find mr. The conductor?

It is exciting to wake up on the dinosaur train.

What do you think, hon?

Can the kids get out of their bunks now?

[Snoring] [laughter]

I agree. Ok, kids.

Off you go.


I'll be right behind you.


Last night was fun.

It was like a sleepover but with no one else sleeping over.

You're right, don.

It was great.

Hey, look.

The sun is coming up, and you can still see the moon.


Hey, I have an idea.

We could play-- good morning, pteranodon

Family. What's shaking?


I knew you'd be up.

Want to play?

I think don had an idea for a game, right, don?

Yeah. I thought we'd play count the things we can see out

The window with the moon in the sky and the sun coming up.

Good idea, don, but, you know, we can actually see

Outside because of the sunlight.

There's no actual moonlight.

What we see is the light of the sun reflecting off the moon.


Wow, gilbert, you really know a lot of things.

Well, what can I say?

You can say, "thanks."

Then I shall. Thanks.

Whoa! Must've been my big brain almost tipping me over.

[Laughter] was that a joke?

I don't get it.

You see, troodons have bigger brains than other dinosaurs

Compared to the size of their bodies, so gilberts brain is

Really big.

Oh, ok. Heh heh.

It's true that I have my big brain, but, hey, you know lots

Of things, too, buddy.

I'll bet you know how to play this new game I just thought of.

It's called hyper hypotheses.

We can make hypotheses as fast as we can. Ready?


I'll start.

I have a hypothesis that buddy will be great at this game.

I agree. Buddy, your turn.

Hmm, I hypothesize that since laura giganotosaurus lives

Around here, other big dinosaurs do, too.

Great hypothesis, and you were right. Look out the window.

Argentinosaurus, a sauropod.

They live in this part of the world.

We know an argentinosaurus named arnie.

They're one of the biggest dinosaurs anywhere.

I wonder if those argentinosaurus know arnie.

I'm gonna say yes, and I have another hyper hypothesis.

I think buddy and I will be great friends because we both

Like to learn so many things.

But aren't we all going to be friends, gilbert?

We love learning things, too.

You're right. What was I thinking? We're all gonna be


[Laughter] [sighs]

Don, want to play with us?

Ok. It's my turn.

I have a hypothesis.

I think I'm buddy's brother and his best friend.

[Clears throat] is that really a hypothesis?

Nope. That's just a fact.

It's something that's true.

But it is true.

We are brothers, don, and best friends.

Excellent, but--hey, hey, hey--i just thought of a

Completely first-time, brand-new game called , , , new game.

Really? How do you play?

We start a game, and anyone can change it to a new game

Anytime by shouting, ", , , new game."

That sounds really fun.

Hmm, I'm not su-- , , , new game.

Let's play I'm the conductor.

Ooh, me first.

"Come along with me on the dinosaur train. All aboard!"

[Laughter] my turn.

"Next stops on the dinosaur train--giganotosaurus junction,

Triceratops trail, stegosaurus forest, valley of the

Stygimolochs, rexville, big pond, and pteranodon terrace."

Whoo hoo!

Nice job.

Take a bow, buddy. Take another.

[Door opens] [gasps]

Now, I heard you imitating someone, but I can't quite put

My toe claw on who it is, buddy.

Great job, though.

[Laughter] I don't get it.

Don, is everything ok?

Yeah, I guess.

Ok. I'm here if you need me.


Thanks, mom.

Kids, it's almost breakfast time.


That's the best news I've had all morning, mrs. P.

You have time for one more game.

Then meet me in the dining car for our special world tour


So, what do we play?

, , , New game.

Let's play passenger coach hide-and-seek.

Great idea, don.

Oh, I call buddy's team.

No. No teams. That's my rule.

Ok, don. No teams.

We'll all hide on our own.

Can I be it?

I'm excellent at finding things.

Look. I found my toe claw, and I found buddy's tail and shiny's

Amazing shiny beak.

Hee hee hee!

Ok. Everyone ready?


Wait. Where's don?

He must've gotten a head start and hid already.

Then we should catch up.


, , , , .

Ready or not, here I come.

Hee hee hee!

Ha ha ha! Found you, shiny.

Wow, you really are excellent at finding things, gilbert.

Top of the morning to you, tiny.

[Squawks] you found me.

[Laughter] hmm, now where is buddy

And don?

[Snickering] we see you, buddy.

Ha ha ha!

Oh, it's hard to hide this big t. Rex tail.

But it's a perfect balance for your head and torso, right?


Ok. Where's don?

I don't know.

I couldn't see him anywhere.



Oh, don!

Do you think he went to another car?

I don't think so.

He did say passenger coach hide-and-seek.

I say we check, just in case.

I'll look in the dining car.

I'll look in the observation car, and maybe I'll observe

Don there.

Ha ha ha! Good one, tiny. Ok.

I'll stay loose and check out the caboose.

I'll keep looking here, just in case we missed him.

[Laughter] hee hee hee!

Don, that's a perfect hiding spot.

You really think so?

Are you kidding?

None of us had any clue where you were.

Not even gilbert?

No, not even gilbert.

I thought maybe you just weren't really looking for me,

You know, since you were having so much fun with gilbert.

What do you mean?

We were all playing with gilbert together.

Well, it kind of felt like you wanted to be gilbert's

Friend instead of mine.


Don, you and I will always be best friends, remember?

It doesn't matter who else plays with us.

But you and gilbert are so much alike. He's smart, he knows

All about dinosaurs, he has good hypotheses, and everyone else

Thinks he's funny.

Yeah. Gilbert is smart and all, but give him a chance, don.

He's funny, just like you're really funny.

You think so?

I know so.

You say funny things all the time, like la la loo.

Plus, you're my brother, and that's more special to me than


Thanks, buddy.

Gilbert just wants to be friends and play with us while

We're on this world tour.

Nothing. We looked up, we looked down, we looked--don?

Where were you?

You'll never guess.

Don is amazing at hiding.

Ha! You couldn't find me, even with your big brain.

You're right.

My big brain didn't help.

[Laughter] oh, I wish I was good at hiding.

I'm always the first one to be found.

[Gasps] hey, maybe you can give me some

Tips sometime.

Really? Sure.


[Squawks] come on, kids. Breakfast time.


Come on, gilbert. Race you.

Don, you're on.

Ha ha ha!

[Train whistle blows] this fish is delicious.

What kind is it?

A local cretaceous freshwater fish, a delicacy in this part of

The world.

Mm-mm. We ought to go on world tours more often.

[Squawks] you certainly do know a lot of

Things, gilbert.

Aw, mrs. P., You say the sweetest things.

Rawk! How'd that sound?

Pretty good.

, , , New game.

Let's play what's in your collection?

Yeah. I'll start.

Shiny minerals.

My tiny doll.

Dinosaur species facts.


[Inhales] feathers, leaves, dinosaur

Teeth, minerals, flowers, sand, small fossil bones, eggshells,

And a map I made up of pteranodon terrace.

Whoa, you really have all that?

Yep. Don has the most amazing collection ever.

He works on it all the time.

No one is as good at collecting things as don.

Except dinosaur facts.

You're the best at collecting those, buddy.

And tiny, too.

She's never afraid to ask questions.

It must be so great to have brothers and sisters.

You never have to worry about making friends.

Your best friends are right there with you all the time.

Brothers and sisters are the best, but new friends are

Cool, too, like you.

♪ La la loo ♪ like me? All right!

♪ La la loo ♪ [laughter]

Giganotosaurus junction.

Next stop--giganotosaurus junction.

[Brakes hiss] hey, it's laura.

Hi, laura.

Hello, kids.

So good to see you.

Did you have a nice visit with your family?

Oh, it was wonderful, and I made some drawings of our family

Reunion to show you.

Whoo hoo!


Bye, laura!

Goodbye. Adios. See you soon.

And here's a drawing I made of the dinosaur train.

Look. There's the conductor.

"Well, bless my scales and feathers."

[Laughter] I'm telling you, it's on the

Tip of my tongue who you're imitating, but I can't quite

Figure it out.

[Laughter] hi there.

I'm dr. Scott the paleontologist.

Like the pteranodon family exploring the whole world,

Paleontologists also look everywhere for dinosaur bones,

And some of the biggest and best have been discovered on this


Do you know what it's called?

South america.

Right. The dinosaurs found on south america and especially in

The country of argentina include plenty of herbivores, or plant

Eaters, from little gasparinisaura to giant...


And then there are the carnivores, or meat eaters, like

Tiny alvarezsaurus and huge...


Other amazing dinosaur fossils include footprints and

Even a large nesting area with hundreds of dinosaur nests and

Thousands of eggs.

Ok. Keep watching for more dinosaur world discoveries.


Did you know that the dinosaur train travels

Everywhere in the mesozoic era?

Let's look at the map.

There was the triassic, jurassic, and cretaceous time


Let's visit the cretaceous.

Many new kinds of flowers and insects appeared during this


The most dinosaurs, like tyrannosaurus rex, and flying

Creatures, like pteranodons, lived in the cretaceous, and

That's just one of the stops on the dinosaur train.

Time for a tiny ditty.

Theropods have -toed feet; lots of teeth for eating meat; big,

Long tails to balance well; and theropods have a great sense

Of smell.

Go, theropods, go!

Dinosaur train dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train dinosaur train

We're gonna ride the dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ we're gonna ride ♪

♪ Ride, ride, ride, ride ♪ ♪ the dinosaur train ♪
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