01x27 - Iggy Iguanodon/Shiny Can't Sleep

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dinosaur Train". Aired: September 7, 2009 – April 12, 2021.*
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Set in a whimsical prehistoric world of jungles, swamps, active volcanoes and oceans, all filled with dinosaur and other prehistoric animal life, and connected by a train line known eponymously as the Dinosaur Train
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01x27 - Iggy Iguanodon/Shiny Can't Sleep

Post by bunniefuu »

Hello, folks. It's me, the conductor. Today, the

Pteranodons continue their world tour to another continent, where

They'll visit an iguanodon. So come on along with me on the

Dinosaur train. All aboard!

Thitrain ♪ [whistle blows]

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ once upon a time

There was a mom her name was mrs. Pteranodon

Sitting on her nest she heard a scratching

And said... ♪ Oh, boy! My eggs are


♪ One by one her kids popped free

Baby pteranodons , , ♪

I'll name you tiny, shiny, and don.

♪ But tiny said... ♪ Wait! There's one more, mom!

♪ Last little baby was a different size

With teeth and a tail and big green eyes

He didn't look anything like the rest ♪

What am I doing in a pteranodon nest?

♪ But dear, old mrs. Pteranodon said... ♪

Oh, this is your family, and I'm your mom. You may be

Different, but we're all creatures. All dinosaurs have

Different features. Come on, buddy. We'll take a vacation.

I'll get us a ticket at pteranodon station. We'll

Travel the world in sunshine and rain and meet all the

Species on the...

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ dinosaur train ♪

♪ We're gonna ride ♪ ♪ ride, ride, ride, ride ♪

[Whistle blows] ♪ the dinosaur train ♪

[Roaring] [captioning made possible by

The jim henson company] [train whistle blows]

All awake!


New day!

New adventure!


[All laughing] they never wake up like that

At home.

Good morning, mr. Conductor.

Oh, good morning, kids.

What are we seeing on our world tour today?

Let's see.

We're heading onto a different continent.


There's a lot of cool stuff to see. Let me show you.

On this continent, there were, of course, the unique dinosaurs

Like archaeopteryx, and there is the large, lumbering iguanodon.

Never did meet an iguanodon.

I'd really love to see one of those.

Well, the plan is for you to meet an old friend of mine--iggy

Iguanodon. He lives near our next stop, iguanodon inlet.

Good fishing near there, too.

Hey, the sleepyheads are up.

[All laugh] your father has been busy

With his world tour map, but he can't seem to find what he's

Looking for.

I--heh!--Hear there's great fishing in these parts. I'm all

About great fishing and navigating, but no fishing spots

Are marked on the map.

You need some help, dad?

No, thanks, don. Got it handled. I heard there are some

White cliffs near here and great cliffs to fish off of.

That's true, mr. Pteranodon.

I bet I could lead you there.

Thanks, gilbert, but I'll find it just fine. I've got a

Nose for great fishing spots.

Ha ha! Now if I could just fold the thing here.

Here, dad. This part folds over.

No, I think this part's backwards.

Ok, now, that's not it.

I think we need to fold it over like with--ahem.

Heh heh heh! Gee, thanks, don.

[All laugh] gilbert, would you like to do

The honors?

Certainly, uncle conductor.

Ahem. Time tunnel! Time tunnel approaching! Hang on to your

Hats, beaks, and tails, folks!

[Bell rings] iguanodon inlet station in

The cretaceous time period.

That means you, pteranodon family. Ahem. Gilbert will be

Your tour guide and help you find iggy iguanodon.

And those fishing cliffs.

Uh, heh heh! Sure. You bet, gilbert.

So, where do you think this iggy iguanodon is?

Not sure, buddy. We'll find him after we find those fishing

Cliffs. Heh! My gut says we should head--

Over thataway?

Uh, thataway. Follow me, team pteranodon.

[Squawks] don't forget gilbert.


Are we going in the right direction, dad?

Absolutely. And before you know it, we'll be fishing from

Those white cliffs.

Dad, are we there yet?

Well, soon, don. I think the cliffs are just ahead. Yeah,

Straight ahead, I hope.

Maybe we should land and ask some local dinosaurs for


I'm not about to ask some other guy for directions.

[Squawks] I don't see any cliffs up ahead,


I see a lot of trees.

Uh-huh. Well, after we pass all these trees, team, we'll

Probably be right at the white cliffs.

Are you sure, hon?

Of course. Heh! Most likely.

Why don't we set buddy and gilbert down and just take a

Little rest?

Ok, team pteranodon. Let's walk a little ways and give our

Wings a rest before we arrive at the white cliffs.

Now which way, dad?

I'd say thataway.

I think the water's that way, sir.

You mean back in the direction we just came from?

Heh heh heh! Nope! Let's go, team, this way.

[All humming] there's my favorite rock


Dad, are the cliffs near here?

Well, that's a good question.

I believe the white cliffs are-- [british accent]

Did you say white cliffs?

Did you guys hear that?

I heard something, but who said it?

Look. An iguanodon.

I recognize it from the picture the conductor showed us.

You're absolutely right, buddy.

Ha! Quite right, chaps.

I am indeed an iguanodon.

I knew it! What's a chap?

A chap is, well, a fellow or a friend. Now I have a question

For you: who are you and what are you doing here?

We're the pteranodon family.

We're on a world tour.

And we're looking for the cliffs that are really great for

Fishing, right, dad?

Exactly. The white cliffs that are just over there.

Ha ha! A world tour. So, you lot are not local. I'm afraid

I have some inconvenient news: you're headed the wrong way.

We are?

But I may be able to help you chaps.


Speaking of chaps, we're also looking for an iguanodon friend

Of a friend. Maybe you know him.

His name is iggy iguanodon.

Hmm. Yes, I believe I do know this iggy. Handsome chap. The

Smartest, funniest, most popular dinosaur in the entire inlet.

That sounds like iggy. My uncle told me all about him.

Your uncle?

The dinosaur train conductor.

By jove! How is the old brain of the train?

[Gasps] you know my uncle?

Indeed I do. Ah, now I remember. He was leading a world


Wait a minute. You're an iguanodon who lives here and who

Knows the conductor. You're iggy!

At your service. I was merely jesting.

[All laugh] hello, iggy. I'm gilbert.

These are my friends: buddy, tiny, shiny, don, and mr. And

Mrs. Pteranodon.

How do you do?

Pleased to make your acquaintance. Now, let's get you

To those white cliffs.

Oh, could you point us in the right direction?

Point? Ha ha! I can do one better than that. I'll lead you

To the white cliffs.

You can stand on two feet.

I certainly can and often do.

To the white cliffs!

Iggy, after seeing a picture of an iguanodon, I didn't think

You'd be able to walk on two feet.

Ah, but I can, buddington.

[Giggles] "buddington."

Standing on two feet helps me reach higher branches, and I

Find I can get around faster on two legs.

Well, iggy, I can probably get the family to the white

Cliffs from here.

Ha ha ha! I'll take you the whole way. Don't mind a bit, old

Boy. A bit of two-legged walking would do me good.

Really? Well, thanks. Put her there. Whoa! That is a good,

Strong grip you got there, iggy.

Why, thank you, sir. As do you.

It might be because of iggy's big thumbs. Check 'em out.

Don, it's not polite to point.

Don't mind a bit. I do have big thumbs.

And your pinkies look like they'd be really good at

Grabbing stuff.

I have a hypothesis. Maybe our pinkies help you grab leaves

And branches off trees.

Sounds like an interesting hypothesis, buddy.

Buddy loves hypotheses.

He's always coming up with them.

Brilliant. Well, let's test your hypothesis, buddy, shall


[All clamoring] where are my manners? Starter?

No, thanks. We're pretty much all carnivores.

And I'm an omnivore, but I don't eat trees.

Iggy, I observe that you have lots of sharp teeth. Do you ever

Use them to eat meat?

Oh, no, no, no. I am a herbivore, like all ornithopods.

Right, buddy, like all ornithopods. Heh! What exactly

Is an ornithopod?

Allow me to demonstrate.

We ornithopods walk on two legs.

Cheerio! Hello, hello, hello.

I'm back, mates. And walking on all of me legs. We ornithopods

Can do that, too. In fact, we can do a whole variety of walks,

Some quite silly.

[Pteranodon family laughing] I can do that one.

[Squawks] everyone, do the iggy.

Early cretaceous conga line!

Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!

Woo hoo!

I call this one river dance of the iguana--whoa!


[Giggles] boy, iggy, your middle

Fingers must be strong to walk on them.

So true, buddington. My front middle fingers can support my

Great weight. It allows iguanodons to walk on or

Legs, to eat leaves from high or low branches. Delicious

Low-hanging foliage. I give it two thumbs up.

Those are some spiky thumbs.

What, these? Don't worry.

I won't poke anyone.

I bet you use those thumbs to scare off predators.

I'm with you, buddy.

You are both spot on, but I also use my spiky thumbs to

Point, and I dare say I'm pointing to what's just ahead of

Us--your white cliffs, mr. Pteranodon.

What? Really?

Yes. Our cretaceous conga line took us all the way to the


[All gasp] how 'bout that? I found the

White cliffs. I mean, we did.

Heh! Iggy, thank you.

Thank you, iggy.

Pish posh! 'Twas nothing.

Happy to do it. Ahem! Well, now let's see some fishing,

Pteranodon family.

Yahoo! Pteranodon!

[Squawks] ♪ shiny the fish-catching

Pteranodon ♪ ah! What a great day. Ha ha!

Some pretty great fishing at those white cliffs. I can't

Believe how many fish we caught.

[British accent] yes. I am so full, chaps.

Well, save some room, don, 'cause we're headed to another

World tour location, and I'll bet you'll find more fish there.

I'm sure glad we got to meet iggy. I love his silly walks.

Precisely, buddington.

Everybody, do the iggy!

[All laughing] buddington!

[Train whistle blows] hi. I'm dr. Scott, the

Paleontologist, and this is iguanodon.




Iguanodon was one of the very first dinosaurs ever found. Its

Bones were discovered in england in . When iguanodon fossils

Were dug up, people didn't even know what dinosaurs looked like.

Imagine being one of the first people ever to see huge dinosaur

Bones. The name of this dinosaur means "iguana tooth" because the

Teeth of iguanodon looked kind of like the teeth of lizards

Known as iguanas. At first scientists thought that

Dinosaurs must have looked like giant lizards, so that's how

They made iguanodon look--like a giant lizard. Today, we know

That iguanodon didn't look much like a lizard at all. Instead of

Being sprawled, iguanodon walked on legs when moving slowly and

Switched to legs when going faster. Paleontologists also

Found a strange, pointed bone with the fossils of iguanodon.

At first, they thought it was a horn that went on the nose, but

It turned out to be a big spike on the end of the thumb. Today,

We paleontologists are still learning lots of brand-new

Things about very old dinosaurs, so keep watching for more

Dinosaur discoveries.

Dinosaurs have claws.

Tickets, please.

Wow! Your troodon claw is so great.

It's nothing compared to the fantastic toe claw of

The dinodocus.

Ha ha ha! Yah yah!

The therizinosaurus family.

Ha ha ha!


Get a better view of the toe claw.

It's huge!

Claws, claws, claws. Ta da!

Ha ha ha!


♪ Just like every troodon I'm happiest when

The lights aren't on I love to step out in the dark

'Cause I'm nocturnal and it's great

We troodons like to stay up late now there's no need

To feel no fright 'cause all the troodons

Are comin' out tonight ♪ ♪ choo choo ♪

♪ Troodon night train ♪ ♪ woo woo ♪

♪ Troodon night train ♪ ♪ choo choo ♪

♪ Troodon night train all the troodons

Are comin' out tonight ♪ hello, folks. It's me, the

Conductor. Today, we continue on our world tour, and the

Pteranodon family gets to spend the night on the train. So come

On along with me on the dinosaur train! All aboard!

Amargasaurus, confuciusornis, iguanodon, giganotosaurus,

Velociraptor, jingengopteryx.

And gilbert--all the new dinosaurs we've met so far on

Our vacation.

Yeah. I feel like we've been away from our nest for so long.

Me, too. For so long.

Now it almost feels like the dinosaur train is our new home.

Kind of, but I really miss our nest.

Me, too, but right now I'm so tired I could sleep anywhere.

[Yawns] good yawn, tiny.

[Kiss] [kiss]

[Kiss] oh, look. Don's already asleep.

[Kiss] the rest of you should get to

Sleep, too. We have another big world tour day tomorrow.

All right!

Mom, I'm not sure if I'm that tired.

Sounds like you're restless, shiny.

I just can't stop thinking about our nest. Sleeping here is

So different than our home.

[Sighs] I know, dear, but our whole

Family is right here with you.

That's kind of like having the feeling of home around you.

Night, mom. I'll try to sleep. Good night.

Good night.

[Squawk, kiss] [snoring]



[Sighs] dad. Dad.

Huh? What?

I can't sleep.

Everything is ok, shiny.

Just crawl back in your nest.

I'm right here.

[Snoring] can't sleep at all, huh? Well,

I understand how you feel. Let's make your nest as comfortable as

We can, ok?

There. I fluffed up the grass so it's nice and soft. Now, hop in.

And here's your favorite shiny shell.

Thanks, dad.

Yep. You're welcome, shiny.

Ok. , , . Let's close our eyes and go to sleep.

Ok. Sleep. I go...

Sleeping. I'm sleeping. I'm...

I'm awake.

Dad, I still can't sleep.


Heh. I know it's tough to fall asleep when you're

Someplace unfamiliar. Tell you what, how about we go out and

See what nighttime is like in the train?

[Giggles] just for a little while, and

Then we'll try to sleep again, ok?

I like that plan, dad.

Ok. Let's tiptoe very quietly.

The train is so different at night. Is everyone asleep?

Well, just about everyone, I bet. Ok. Time to tiptoe again.

Through the observation car we go.

[Snoring] whoa!

That was such a lovely insect. Oh, yes, I'll take

Of them, please.

[Squawks] is she even asleep?

She is. Archaeopteryx sleep standing up, shiny, so they can

Be alert for predators. Come on.

You ok, shiny?

Well, sometimes at night the shadows can look pretty scary.

Right. But if you see them as creatures you know, I think it

Helps. I'm pretty sure that's tiny. "Hi! I'm shadow tiny


[Giggling] ooh, look at that one.

"Hi! I'm buddy. I have a hypothesis." Hey, how about that

One? "La la loo! I'm don! I'm a shadow, too!"

Oh, dad.

Look at that big shadow.

That one says-- ooh!

Oh! Mrs. Conductor!

Yes. That I am. I heard noises. Just wanted to find out

Who it was.

Hi. Why aren't you asleep?

Oh, I love to stay up at night. I'm nocturnal, don't you


Oh, right. Troodons hunt for food at night, so we didn't wake

You. You were already up.

Exactly. But why are you two awake?

Well, shiny was having trouble falling asleep.

Oh, yes, I know it can be hard sometimes to fall asleep in

A new place. But, shiny, you have to try. Pteranodons are not

Nocturnal, and you youngsters need your sleep.

I know, mrs. Conductor.

I'll try.

Right. Very soon, shiny will curl up and try to sleep again.

[Creak] [whimpers]

Mrs. Conductor, do you like being awake at night? I mean,

Don't you get scared by the shadows and stuff?

Ha ha ha! Oh, shiny, the truth is I don't get scared.

I like the shadows. I'm used to being awake, plus I'm not the

Only one up late at night.

All kinds of creatures are awake in the nighttime.

Even here on the dinosaur train?

Oh, certainly. The other troodons who are on the train

Don't want the engineer to be asleep at the wheel. Ha ha ha!

Oh, right.

Oh, but that's fine with me.

I like my night rituals, you know, my routine? I have a snack

And then I walk the length of the train, check in all the

Cars. That's an old habit from being a conductor for years.

Hey, we could make up a nighttime routine for you, too,


Well, yes! Right now I'm on my way to the caboose. I always

End up there.

Can we come with you?

Well, we don't want to mess up mrs. Conductor's routine.

Oh, you can tag along.

It might help to tire her out.

Follow me!

Yeah! Um, I mean, yeah.

So, you're interested in nocturnal creatures, are you?


You know that troodons are nocturnal, but how about

Oryctodromeus, palaeobatrachus, and many hermit crabs?

Hermit crabs? Like my friend henry.


That's pretty neat that you can work the screen like the

Conductor does.

Of course. Who do you think taught the conductor how to use

The screen? I did! Ha ha ha!

I taught my sonny boy everything. After all, I've

Known him since he was a little baby boy. Ha ha ha!

Where's the conductor now?

Oh, he's asleep. Even troodons have to sleep sometime,

Especially if they work hard all day long.


[Yawns] speaking of sleeping, let's

Go visit one more place and then we'll have a little quiet

Bedtime story and then you can go to sleep, shiny.

Are we going to the caboose now?

Yes indeedy doo.

Oh, I love to sit out here at night. You can see so much of

The nocturnal world from here.

Yeah. What a beautiful sky.

So many stars.

[Animals hooting and chirping] I can hear so many different


Yes, if you listen closely.

I hear some birds...

[Frog croaks] and a frog. And a...

[Snort] snort.

I thought it was a snort and I can hear the train engine.

Me, too.

But mostly I just hear the peaceful quiet.

Well said, mr. Pteranodon.

The quiet part is the part I like best.

[Shiny and mrs. Conductor sigh] who goes there?


Well, good evening to you, sonny.

Good evening, mr. Conductor.

What are you doing awake?

Well, I was asleep, but I heard several voices out here,

So I came to investigate.

Oh, yes. Usually there are no voices out here, but as I was

Saying to shiny and mr. Pteranodon, these quiet

Nights are actually more active than they imagine, right, sonny?

Yes, mother, very much so.

[Yawns] it's an active nighttime world.

Oh, my little sonny boy is sleepy. Do you remember when you

Were a little knock-kneed theropod and I'd tell you

Bedtime stories?

Yes, mother, I remember.

Oh, could you tell us a bedtime story, mrs. Conductor?

Mm-hmm. Well, my stories always seem to help sonny boy

Here sleep, so maybe one will help little shiny.

Ha ha! Sure. Sounds great.

Once there was a cute and curious little--well, let's just

Say troodon. He loved riding on a certain train. He loved all

The other creatures he met and he loved learning about how the

Engines of the train worked.

And every night, he listened to all the sleepy sounds of the

Dinosaurs who lived in the forest and all the sounds of the

Train as it chugged through the forest. And he'd sit in the

Caboose and he'd say, "nighty-night, train."

[Chuckles] you see? A quiet story works

Every time. Ok, sonny boy.

I don't need help.

Hush, little baby. Sleepy boo time.

And I don't need to sleep, either.

Oh, here we go. Easy now.

I have to...

[Yawns] stay on schedule.

Ok. You're safe in your nest, sweetie. Sleep tight now.

I'll be right..

[Yawns] over here.

[Snoring] honey, you're snoring.

Yes, thank you. One double fish kabob coming up.

[Snoring] [chuckles]

[Sighs, squawks quietly] [train whistle blows]

Hi there. I'm dr. Scott, the paleontologist. This week, the

Pteranodon family is traveling in europe, where they learned

About how some dinosaurs sleep.

Paleontologists think that some dinosaurs may have slept

Standing up.

[Pretending to snore] can you think of any animals

Today that sleep standing up?



That's right. Like birds, all dinosaurs were probably born in

Nests, but they soon left the nests after hatching. We don't

Know much about how dinosaurs slept, but the fossil of one

Dinosaur called mei long was found all curled up in what

Looks like a sleeping position, with the head tucked under the

Feathered arm.

Hey, look at them all sleeping.

I'm getting kind of tired, too.

So remember, get outside, get into nature, and make your own


Did you know that the dinosaur train travels

Everywhere in the mesozoic era?

Let's look at the map. There was the triassic, jurassic, and

Cretaceous time periods. Let's visit the cretaceous. Many new

Kinds of flowers and insects appeared during this time. The

Most dinosaurs, like tyrannosaurus rex, and flying

Creatures like pteranodons, lived in the cretaceous. And

That's just one of the stops on the dinosaur train.

Time for a tiny ditty.

♪ And we figured it out ♪ ♪ we figured it out ♪

♪ We worked together and figured it out! ♪

[All laughing and clamoring] we love playing games.

♪ Dinosaur train dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train dinosaur train

We're gonna ride the dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ we're gonna ride ♪

♪ Ride, ride, ride, ride ♪ ♪ the dinosaur train ♪
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