01x29 - Long Claws/t*nk's Sleep Over

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dinosaur Train". Aired: September 7, 2009 – April 12, 2021.*
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Set in a whimsical prehistoric world of jungles, swamps, active volcanoes and oceans, all filled with dinosaur and other prehistoric animal life, and connected by a train line known eponymously as the Dinosaur Train
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01x29 - Long Claws/t*nk's Sleep Over

Post by bunniefuu »

Hello, folks. It's me the conductor. Today, we're gonna

Visit a therizinosaurus family.

They're very proud of their long claws, so come on along

With me on the dinosaur train.

All aboard!

This program ♪ dinosaur train ♪

[Whistle blows] ♪ dinosaur train ♪

♪ Once upon a time there was a mom

Her name was mrs. Pteranodon sitting on her nest

She heard a scratching and said... ♪

Oh, boy! My eggs are hatching!

♪ One by one her kids popped free

Baby pteranodons , , ♪

I'll name you tiny, shiny, and don.

♪ But tiny said... ♪ Wait! There's one more, mom!

♪ Last little baby was a different size

With teeth and a tail and big green eyes

He didn't look anything like the rest ♪

What am I doing in a pteranodon nest?

♪ But dear, old mrs. Pteranodon said... ♪

Oh, this is your family, and I'm your mom. You may be

Different, but we're all creatures. All dinosaurs have

Different features. Come on, buddy. We'll take a vacation.

I'll get us a ticket at pteranodon station. We'll

Travel the world in sunshine and rain and meet all the

Species on the...

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ dinosaur train ♪

♪ We're gonna ride ♪ ♪ ride, ride, ride, ride ♪

[Whistle blows] ♪ the dinosaur train ♪

[Roaring] [captioning made possible by

The jim henson company] watch out for my long claws!


Heh heh heh!

Rawwr! I'll get you!

Oop! Missed me!

What are you doing, buddy?

Rawwr! Scratching this tree with my long claws. Want to use

Your claws?


[Squawk] I mean, rawwr.


Beware of our claws!

Hey, look. A nut. Let's use our claws to cut it down from


Or you could just do this.

Look at my claws!

Why do you all have claws today? What's going on?

I just think it would be great to have huge, long claws.

The conductor told me about this dinosaur with really,

Really long claws called therizinosaurus.


The therizoonozaurus.

Actually, it's therizinosaurus.

Hmm. Are you sure?

I think so. Anyway, wouldn't it be great to see a

Therizinosaurus someday?

Like today?

Sounds good to me.

Rawwr! I'm ready.

Sounds like an interesting expedition, kids. I've never

Met a therizinosaurus.

Does that mean we can go meet a therizinosaurus family?

And ride the dinosaur train?

[Squawk] let's!

[Cheering] the dinosaur train!

I think I've seen enough scary claws for today. Dad and

I are going to have a special daughter-dad day.

Ok. Have fun, you two.


Let's go!

[Squawk] [whistle blows]

Tickets! Tickets, please!

Thank you very much, buddy.

Oh! Mr. Conductor, your toe claw reminds me why we came to

Ride the train today.

Wait. Don't tell me. Let me guess. You wanted to ride the

Train so you could get a better view of my toe claw!


You wanted to see if I could punch tickets at once, which

I can.


That was amazing!


Well, actually, the real reason we--

One more guess, please. You want to find out about the


How did you know?

Oh, I just had a feeling.

Plus, remember, troodons are the smartest dinosaurs.

Whoa! I can't believe how long their claws are.

Yep. They can be as long as the distance between me and

Don's beak.


And look how long their necks are.

And they have short legs and tails.

Ha ha ha!

But great big bellies.

I have a hypothesis. With those huge claws, I think

Therizinosaurus are amazing hunters.

Interesting hypothesis, buddy. You know, I happen to be

Acquainted with a therizinosaurus family. They're

Very nice and quite proud of their claws. You could possibly

Test your hypothesis with them.

[Gasp] [squawk]

Absolutely! Let's go meet this therizinosaurus family and find

Out about their amazing claws.

[Cheering] all right. There's just one

More thing we have to do. Time tunnel! Time tunnel

Approaching, folks!

♪ Time tunnel, time tunnel tiny loves the time tunnel

Mom loves the time tunnel don loves the-- ♪

[Humming] don?

Don, hello?


♪ La la looooo ♪ [whistle blows]

Next stop, therizinosaurus thicket station in another part

Of the cretaceous time period!

Have fun, pteranodons! Say hi to the therizinosaurus family!

Oh, and mind their enormous claws!

We will! Bye!

♪ Claws, claws, claws, claws gonna find some

Therizinosaurus claws ♪ ♪ claws, claws

Claws, claws ♪ big, big claws!

, , . , , . Looking good, terry.

Thanks, mom!

Now those are some big claws!

Well, hello! Welcome. We're the therizinosaurus family. I'm

Mr. "T," that's mrs. "T," and this is terry.

Hi. I'm tiny pteranodon, and this is my mom and my brothers

Buddy and don. Nice to meet you!

[Squawk] oh! Sorry. We'd love to

Shake your hands, but--ha ha--that's one thing we can't

Do with our claws.

But what can you do with your claws? That's what we came

To see.

You came to see us? Oh, great!

Yeah! Want to see some things that I can do with my


Take it away, terry!

I can go high, and I can go low.

Ha ha ha!

Yeah! Nice!

That's not all we can do.

♪ Scratch, scratch, scratch scratch, scratch, scratch ♪

Oh, yeah! That's the spot.

I can even scratch my own back.

Hey. Maybe I can do that.

Whoa, whoa, whoa! Ugh!

Wings! Won't work.

With these short arms, I'm not even gonna try.

Ha ha ha! They're very funny. Ever think about taking

Them on the road?

Only for adventures.

The therizinosaurus move really slow, don't they?

Um, I was wondering. Can you run fast when you're hunting

Other creatures?

Ha ha ha! No. We move pretty slowly, buddy. You probably


Actually, we move really slowly.

And we don't hunt other creatures.

Yeah! We're herbivores!

You're herbivores?

Yep. Plants and fruits for us.

But I thought your big claws were for hunting.

Heh. We move a little too slow to hunt animals, so we

Hunt plants. They're easier to eat because they never run away.

Ha ha ha!

But these big claws do come in handy to protect us from the

Meat eaters.

Yeah. They're great for self-defense.

Self-defense? What's that?

That's the art of defending yourself against attackers.

Like, if I a predator wants to eat us, we show them our claws!


Wow! Self-defense is cool!

And it's really fun. Watch this.

[Sighing] see? This is another kind of

Self-defense practice. It's not too fast.

Because you don't move fast.

Right, but you do it really well.

Thanks! Ha-za! Haah aah!




Chiya! Hyah! Hyah!

Cha! Hooha!

Ha! Na!

Ohh! Ha!



Chiya! Hyyyah!

[Cheering] thanks! You know, I also

Like to practice self-defense by myself in the thicket.

Will you show us, terry?

Sure! Mom, dad, can I show buddy, tiny, and don around the


If it's ok with their mom.

[Squawk] go ahead.

Come on! Let's take the tour! It's free! You don't need

A ticket to go to the thicket!

[Giggling] have fun, kids!

Bye, mom!


Hey. Where's terry?

Ha ha ha! I'm coming. I'm on the go, but I'm moving slow.

It's all part of being a therizinosaurus.

Then let's all move like therizinosaurus.


So, terry, why is this place called a thicket?

Because the plants and bushes are really thick like

Those right there.

Is this where you practice your self-defense?

Exactly, buddy. I pretend I'm defending myself.

How do you do that?

Glad you asked, tiny. See that bush over there?


I pretend it's attacking me, and I defend myself like this.

Hyah-yah-yah-yah-yah! Ta-da!

Whoa! Good thing t. Rexes never have to fight


I just feel sorry for that bush.

[Squawk] so I never asked what you

Guys like to eat.

Tiny and I are pteranodons, so we eat fish.

Oh, yeah. I love fish.

And I love meat, so between all of us, we eat pretty much

Every kind of food there is.

I even like bugs. Ha ha ha!

Hey. Whatever works, don.

You know, that fruit way up there is terry's favorite food

Of all.

Yeah. Too bad we've already picked the ones we can reach.

I can get you those, terry.

Watch this.

[Squawk] wow! Thanks, tiny.

Hey, terry. Do you ever stick food on the ends of your

Claws and eat it that way?

No. I never even thought of something like that.

Hooray! Let's try!

[Giggling] [train whistle blows]

[Squawk] well, that's our ride back

Home. Better get going, kids.

Bye! Thanks for letting us spend the day with you.

Your claws are cool!

Thanks for showing us your self-defense! It was superfun!

And thanks for showing me that trick, tiny! It's my new

Way to eat fruit!


Good-bye now!

[Sighing] hmm.

It's called self-defense.

All the therizinosaurus do it.


[Gasp] that's harder than it looks.

[Laughing] hi, there. I'm dr. Scott the

Paleontologist, and this is therizinosaurus.




Therizinosaurus was an amazing plant-eating dinosaur

From the cretaceous time period. It had superlong

Curved claws on each hand that may have been used to fight off

Predators or to pull down tree branches when eating, but with

Its small head, long neck, pot belly, and huge claws, we can

Say that therizinosaurus was one weird-looking dinosaur.

[Doorbell rings] point of fact--dinosaurs did

Not do martial arts.


Thank you.

But therizinosaurus did have really cool claws.


This strange beast was giant. It grew up to feet

Long and weighed as much as a small elephant, and

Therizinosaurus' arms were huge, too, up to feet long.

Paleontologists often compare therizinosaurus to the living

Tree sloth, which also has very long claws. Sloths tend to move

Very slowly, and that's how we think therizinosaurus moved, as

Well. Ok. Get outside, get into nature, and make your own


Dinosaurs had claws!

Tickets, please!

Wow! Your troodon claw is so great!

It's nothing compared to the fantastic toe claw off the


Hyah hyah hyah! Hyah!

The therizinosaurus family!

Ha ha ha!


Get a better view of my toe claw.

They're huge!

♪ Claws, claws, claws ♪ ta-da!

[Giggling] tiny!


♪ I'm a t. Rex yeah, I'm a t. Rex

A-roaring round the forest tyrannosaurus rex

T. Rex rowr

I'm a tyrannosaurus I'm the biggest carnivore

In the cretaceous forest gonna romp and stomp around

The biggest dinosaur in town a-roaring round the forest

Tyrannosaurus rex rowr ♪

Hello, folks. It's me the conductor. Today, t*nk

Triceratops is coming over to have his very first sleep over

With the pteranodon family, so come on along with me on the

Dinosaur train. All aboard!

[Whistle blows] ha ha ha! Oh, me, too.

Oh, what a great idea. Ha ha ha!

This is gonna be the best sleep over ever. We're gonna

Play games and tell stories and funny jokes, and check this out!

I brought snacks! Leaf dogs, leaf burgers, leaferoni

Leafzza, enough to last all night!

But, t*nk, none of the rest of us eat leaves.

Oh, right. Sorry. I guess this is all just for me. Think

It's enough?

Probably. We also have a lot of leaves back at our nest for


For the sleep over? Quick!

Sleep over dance!

♪ A doomp-a-doomp a doomp-a-doomp

A doomp-a-doomp a doomp-a-doomp ♪

♪ Da dum ba dum ♪ ha ha ha! Oh, let me guess!

Sleep over dance!


Aw, you kids will have a great time, and it will be

Interesting, too, seeing how other dinosaurs sleep.

What do you mean?

Isn't sleeping just sleeping?

Not at all! Pteranodons and triceratops sleep in different

Ways. Some dinosaurs sleep in burrows, some sleep in trees.

Each species sleeps in the way that feels best to them.

[Squawk] I never knew that.

Yeah. Me, neither. I guess it will feel pretty different

Sleeping in a nest.



t*nk, you don't have to have a sleep over if you don't want


Are you kidding? I was just thinking about all the great

Stuff we're gonna do. I bet we'll have so much fun! We

Won't go to sleep at all, right, guys?

Really? You mean, not sleep?

I guess we can try.

We'll see. Maybe you'll get a little sleep.

No sleep sleep over dance!

♪ A doomp-a-doomp a doomp-a-doomp

A doomp-a-doomp ♪ they'll sleep.

Hoo hoo hoo!

[Giggling] and now for the roll the

Gourd championship, it's t*nk!


Nice one, t*nk!

Ok. That was fun. What should we play next?

Ooh! I know! I made a whole list: hide and hoot like a

Hadrosaur; toss and catch; freeze tag; raptor, raptor,

T. Rex; shiny...


Maybe we should just play one of those games.

Or we could show you around our nest, hank. You haven't

Been here in a really long time.

[Squawk] we have lots of things to show


Great, but first, I'm hungry. A snack!

[Errp] excuse me. Let's go!

First, don's collection section.

[Cheering] ok. This broken claw is from

An oryctodromeus. They use them to dig holes.

No way!

Lots and lots of holes. Heh heh heh!

Whoa! Is that a triceratops tooth?


Don, you have the greatest collection ever.

Thanks, t*nk!

Ok. Next, some of our wonderful trees. And these,

t*nk, are-- ooh!


What I was saying is these are our dad's favorite oak

Trees. They're not for eating.

They're for sitting in.

Oh. Do you think I could take a teeny bite?

Well, I guess a teeny bite is ok.

Mmm! Delicious!

[Stomach growling] whoa! All this snacking makes

Me hungry. You guys want to show t*nk how we fish.

Fish! Oh, yeah!

That means a pteranodon snack time.

[Giggling] [squawking]


[Giggling and squawking] ta-da!

I've never seen your brother and sisters fish.

Yeah! They're really good at it.

Wow! Everything here is great but really different from

Everything at triceratops...trails. Hmm. The

Sun's starting to go down.

[Squawk] ok, kids! Time to head to the

Nest and get ready for bed.

Ok, mom!

Come on, t*nk! We have a really fun before-bed routine.

You'll love it.

Ok, but we're not really going to sleep now, right?

Aren't we gonna be staying up all night?

Um, sure. Come on.

Ha ha ha!

I love this before-bed routine. What's next?

Next, we walk around the nest and pick up our things.

Ok. I can do that.

My tiny doll.

[Sighs] hey! My winning gourd from

When we played roll the gourd.

Ooh! Can I put it in my collection?

Sure, don.

Ha ha ha!

So what's next in the routine?

The sun's going down.

There it goes. Down, down, down.

Bye-bye, sun.

And hello, moon.

Now we look for stars that make shapes in the sky.

Ooh! I see one. It's a troodon.

Yeah. Nice one, shiny.

There's a star stegosaurus.

Ooh! There's a me, a triceratops!


Good one!

It is you, t*nk!

Ahem. Next in the routine is bedtime.


But it's a sleep over. You never actually sleep at a sleep

Over. They're just called a sleep over.

Come on, team. Pteranodons into the nest, and, t*nk, we

Made a special leaf bed for you right here next to the nest.

Wow! Thanks!

Mom, dad, can I sleep out here in the leaf bed with t*nk?


[Squawk] hello, down there. Hey, t*nk.

How do you sleep? Because shiny, don, and I like to curl


I sleep standing up sometimes, but mostly, I sleep

On my tummy or my side.

I do both of those, too!

Well, you all look ready to sleep.

Wait. We're not actually going to sleep, are we? We're

Staying up all night, right?

Yeah! That's right!

[Snoring] it's ok. I'll stay up with

You for a while, t*nk.

You don't have to sleep right away. Just relax and play

Quietly next to the nest.

You sleep, hon. I'll stay up till the kids fall asleep.


[Squawk] thanks!

Mr. Pteranodon, you'll be up a long time because we're not

Tired at all, right?



Great! How about we tell jokes? I know a great one.


Who's there?


Myasaura who?

Mysaura feet-a need a rest-a.

Heh heh heh.

That was a good one.


[Snoring] hey. Tiny, shiny? That's ok.

My buddy buddy won't let me down, right, up-all-night pal?

Uh, actually, it really is time to try to get some sleep,


We're really not sleepy.

[Yawn] I'll tell you what. How

About you play a game to get you sleepy?


We can name different species we know. I'll start.


T. Rex.




Gigano--giganoshumm. Yeah.

Well, laura.

[Snoring] heh heh heh! Buddy?

[Snoring] buddy? Don? Don?

Mmm. Let's the dip the squid in the feathers.

What? Is that a game? I'll play. Don, are you really awake?

♪ La la snooze ♪ don!


[Squawk] you're up. What should we do?

Honey, you really need to go to sleep. We all do. How about

We try to count fish together?

We can try, but I know it won't work. I'm just not

Sleepy, mrs. "P."

Mom, can I talk to you for a minute? I have a hypothesis

About t*nk. He says he's not tired and he wants to stay up

And play, but I think he's just afraid of falling asleep away

From home.

That's an excellent hypothesis, buddy. I think we

Can help t*nk.

I bet it's not easy being away from home, is it, t*nk,

Especially in the middle of the night.

Naw. It's easy. Sleep overs are fun.

They are, but I remember my first sleep over. I was so

Excited until bedtime came.

Then I realized I was away from everything familiar to me. I

Couldn't sleep at all.

You couldn't?

No, but then I realized I was in a safe place with

Friends who loved me just like you are, t*nk.

Yeah. Everything's pretty different here. It feels weird

Not sleeping in my own place, and I miss mom and dad and tuck

And the herd.

[Squawk] yeah. I'd miss my family if I

Were sleeping somewhere else, too.

Yeah. It would be really hard.

What do we think? Is there anything we can do to make t*nk

Feel more comfortable here?

Well, you could put my tiny doll next to your head when you

Lay down. She always makes me feels safe.

Thanks, tiny.

And you could have this.

It's a piece of mineral I found. See? It sparkles in the

Moonlight like a little light for nighttime.

Wow! Thanks, shiny.

Are you ok, t*nk?

It's just at home my mom always sings a special

Good-night song, and I really miss it.

Teach it to us.

♪ Sleep, little dinosaur you're safe as can be

Close your eyes and snore happily ♪

[Snoring] ♪ sleep, little dinosaur

You're safe as can be close your eyes

And snore happily ♪ [snoring]

You're safe and sound here, t*nk, and surrounded by friends

Who love you. Go to sleep.

Good night.

Good night, t*nk.

[Yawn] [snoring]

[Snoring] hi, there. I'm dr. Scott the

Paleontologist. We don't know a lot about how dinosaurs slept,

But we can make some good guesses by looking at animals

Alive today. Shh. One kind of animal that likes to sleep a

Lot is cats. All cats from tabby cats to lions are big

Sleepers. That's because meat is very nutritious, so cats and

Other carnivores don't need to eat very much to get their fill,

But big plant eaters like zebra and wildebeests are different.

They have to spend a lot of time eating every day, which

Doesn't leave as much time for sleeping. When they do sleep,

Herbivores always need to keep an eye out for predators that

Might be hunting them, so plant-eating dinosaurs like

Triceratops probably slept a lot less than big meat eaters

Like t. Rex. Ok. Remember, get plenty of sleep before you get

Outside, get into nature, and make your own discoveries.

Did you know that the dinosaur train travels

Everywhere in the mesozoic era?

Let's look at the map. There was the triassic, jurassic, and

Cretaceous time periods.

Let's visit the triassic.

It was the first age of dinosaurs and was mostly a dry

And warm climate. Many of the first known reptiles like frogs

And turtles lived in the triassic time period,

And that's just one of the the stops on the dinosaur train!

Time for tiny ditty ♪ being a big dino

Might be cool but how about us little ones

I think we rule we got the power ♪

♪ We got the power we got the mikey

And tiny power ♪ [cheering]

♪ Dinosaur train dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train dinosaur train

We're gonna ride the dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ we're gonna ride ♪

♪ Ride, ride, ride, ride ♪ ♪ the dinosaur train ♪
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