02x01 - Glove Glove Me Do

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Total DramaRama". Aired: September 1, 2018 –
April 15, 2023
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Series re-introduces some of the original "Total Drama" characters in an alternate universe where they are aged down from teenagers to toddlers, being taken care of by Chef Hatchet.
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02x01 - Glove Glove Me Do

Post by bunniefuu »




- Wow, whack-a-monster!

When did this get here?

- Duncan says he "found it" on the way to school.

- Technically I did. You wanna try?

The more fingerprints I get on this thing the better.

- Sure, okay!

Ha! Agh!

(Dazed) That's gonna leave a mark!

Lemme try again--

Ow! Ah. Ow! Ow-ow-ow! Ow-ow!


- I never knew the monsters could win.

- Today we'll be learning how to toss pizza dough.

Who wants to try?

- Oh! Me! I do!

Oh-oh-oh! Me! Me!

- Anyone who... doesn't make a mess?

- Me! Me! Me!

- Anyone? - Me! Me!

Me! (Slap) Me! (Slap) Me! (Slap)


(Glass shatters) (Car alarm sounds)

- (Sighs) All right, Owen. Go ahead.

- (Grunts)

(Panic screaming)

(Dough splats) - Ahhhhh!

- Ahhhh!

Ahhhh! - Ahhhh!

- Oh... am I finished?

- Yes. You're finished. - (Sighs)

- Careful, Courtney.

- It's all about control.

- Can I try? Can I-can I-can I?

- Umm... - It's just that...

- Pleeeease?

- Fiiiiine... - Yes.

- Okay, Owen. Keep your fingers nice and zen.

- Here goes...

(Flames crackle)

(Fire extinguisher whooshes)

- How did it burst into flames?!

- Ummm... - It was Owen.

- I don't know! It's my hands!

I was just-and fire- the pizza dough-

wack a monster with my face-gah!

- Ah-ah-ah. Your hands are fine.

You just need to be more careful, okay?

Come on, give me a high five.

- Are you sure about this?

- Yeah. Go for it, champ.

- Here goes...



Ahhhhh! (Pins clatter)

- That still counts.

- There. It's perfect. - Aaaaahhhh!!!

- Owen, you ruined my painting!

- (Groans) - Wait, no.

It's still good.

- Waaahhhh! OOF!

- You're right, your hands are just terrible.

- (Sighs)

Oh hands, why can't you be better at stuff?

Dr. Digits: Oooweeen...

- Who is that? Cobra clutch: Ooooweeeen...

- Oh, that's weird.

It's coming from the lost and found.

Huh. Nothing in here can talk.

- Well, that's not true.

- Wha-wha-whaaat? Talking gloves?!

- And we can do so much more.

- We shall make you the best at everything you do.

- All you gotta do is slip us on.

- But we're not supposed to take stuff

from the lost and found unless we're the one who lost it.

- You can't leave us in here

with this smelly gym sock. Come on!

- Imagine how impressed your friends will be

when we make you amazing.

Just undo the clasp.

- Okay. But just for a little while.


- Sweet, sweet freedom!

- Jazz hands!

- I didn't know I could do jazz hands!

- (Chuckles) You can't, but we can.

I'm Dr. Digits.

- And I am Cobra Clutch.

From now on we will be giving you a hand up.

- This is awesome!

(In unison) Fist bump!

A-hem. Can I try?

- Owen, you'll probably just hurt yourself again, so...

go for it!

- Play it cool, daddy-o. We got this.

- Wow! - Yes!

(Poof) I won!!

(Weak groans)

- Heh-hey! Now that's how you beat a game!


All: Woooooow....

- He turned raw dough into a cooked pizza!

- Owen?! That was incredible!

Who else wants to try?

All: We do, we do!

- Here, I'll get you started.

(Dough thuds) All: (Groan)

- Bowling ball?! Cinderblock?! Anchor?!

- (Gasp) How did those get in there?

- Yeah! You kids know those aren't proper pizza toppings!

Smarten up!

- Careful duuuude...

- (Gasps) - But... how?

- Not gonna lie,

even I impress me with that one.

Your turn, Jude.

- Ahhh...

(Blocks clatter)


- Shh! Now Owen, I don't know what you changed,

but you've become the best pizza tosser,

building blocker and whack-a-monsterer

I've ever seen.

You get first prize!

- Wow, really?!

I didn't even know there was an award for this!

And I couldn't have done it...

without my hands.

- Yeah, I guess not.

- Y'see, Owen? We told ya you'd be the best.

- This calls for a celebration!

I say we let loose!

- Little help, bro? - Can we help 'em out?

- Sure... - Why not?

(Poof) Both: Wedgyyyyyyyy!

- Ah! My hands have a mind of their own!


Did you wanna get pushed?

- Whoa. - Hey. Too high!

- Did you say higher? (Giggles)

- Ahhhh! - Eeee!

- It seems like I did that on purpose but I didn't, bye!

Hey, guys, can we talk?

- About how awesome we are? Sure.

- Well, yeah. Being awesome is good,

but it seems like I keep hurting my friends

and that's not good. - Hurting your friends?

(Chuckles) Puh-shaw.

It's all in your head.

Courtney: (Clearing throat) - Maybe their heads too.

- Owen, you keep hurting your friends.

- We want you to stop! - Yeah. That's my thing?

- Well, I can explain. These gloves--

(Muffled) Mmmph!

- Owen, we always cheered for you before.

But now that you're good at everything

you're a real meany.

- Yeah, dude!

- (Sighs)

- Ignore them. They're just jealous.

- But I don't understand.

Why do you have to mess with my friends?

- (Sighs) Allow us to explain.

Dr. Digits: You could become the best by practicing

and working hard...

Cobra clutch: ...or you can just do whatever it takes

to make your friends fail at everything

they try to beat you at.

- It might not be nice... - But it's way easier.

- What?! That's horrible!

My friends won't like me anymore.

- Ya, it's lonely at the top,

but view is siiiick!

- I like being good at stuff,

but this has gone too far!

The gloves are coming off!

- Hey, now! What do you think you're doin'?

We aren't goin' back to that bin!

No way, no how.

- You'll just have to get used to getting your hands dirty.

Won't-chya?! Won't-chya?! - Ow. Okay-okay! Ow. Stop!

Yeah, you will! - I give! (Sighs)

You need to think of way out of this.

I know... Pizza!

Oh think better! (Gasp) I got it!


Oh hey,

I heard there's treasure buried in this sandbox.

- Treasure? - Bling a ding ding!

- Everyone! Come quick!

Okay, I know this is gonna sound nutty, but...

I wanted to get good at stuff so I tried magic gloves,

but now they're being mean and I can't get them off!

I need help.

- We don't buy it.

- What's more likely?

I suddenly got good at everything...

or I have magic evil gloves?

- Whoa. Owen has magic evil gloves!

(All gasp)

- I have a plan but I'll need your help

getting them off my hands! - You got it, dude.

- Whoa!

- We really cleaned up! - Thanks for the tip!

- You're welcome?

Anyway I was thinking.

There's one thing I haven't done yet...

give the perfect high five.

- Don't leave me hangin', dudes.

- Too easy. - This'll be a synch!

(Snickers) - Great!

But I only need one.

Which one of you gives the best high five?

- Dr. Digits is in the house.

- Move aside. Watch the cobra clutch this.

- Get real. No one high fives with their left, baby.

- That's it! - Gah!

Reconnect the clasp and tie them together!

That shuts them down!

(Struggling) Ahhhhhhh!




- Gah! Oof! - Ooooohhh gaaahhh!

- Ooooohhh gaaahhh!

Both: Nooooo!


- And that's that.

I'm gonna miss being good at stuff.

But I'd rather have friends.

- Look at this place! What happened?!

- Chef... I took gloves from the lost and found

and they made me do bad things.

- What's the rule about the lost and found?

All: Don't take stuff from the lost and found

unless you're the one who lost it.

- Chef! Duncan took shoes from the lost and found

and now he's--

- (Screaming)

Help! - Duncan!


Duncan: Ahhhhhhh!
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