02x17 - For a Few Duncans More

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Total DramaRama". Aired: September 1, 2018 –
April 15, 2023
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Series re-introduces some of the original "Total Drama" characters in an alternate universe where they are aged down from teenagers to toddlers, being taken care of by Chef Hatchet.
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02x17 - For a Few Duncans More

Post by bunniefuu »



Owen: Ha ha ha ha!

It's here-it's here-it's here it's here-it's here!

I can't believe the best day of the whole week

is finally HEEEEEEERE!

- Yeesh. Get a grip.

Why are you so hot for Tuesday anyway?

- Not Tuesday, dude! It's...


♪ Ahhhhhh!

- (Cheering) Woo-hoo! Yay!

- Are you kids as excited as I am!

All: Yeah!

- And why are we excited?



- Check it out!

Announcer: Discover the power, POWER, POWER,

you've been missing with the Panther Copy Pro .

Sleek lines and incredible printing speed.

It's the copier of the future.



Is that the Copy-Pro ?

Oh, I'm on top of all that stuff.

Photocopiers, answering machines, VHS players.

I subscribe to "Unpopular Mechanics for Kids".

- I'm sure I don't have to say this,

but the Copy-Pro is totally OFF LIMITS.

It's too delicate and hi-tech for little hands.

- Ugh! C'mon, Chef! Photocopiers are lame!

Make with the pizza already!

- OH! I forgot to tell you kids...

Pizza day had to be cancelled to pay for the new copier.

All: NOOOO!!!!

- But don't worry!

I found a great picture of a pizza and made copies!

Take one and pass them along.

(Paper thuds) OOF!

- (Licks) This isn't like eating pizza.

It's not like eating pizza at all!

Why is this happening!?



You got crumpled paper in my eye!


- I think it's time I paid this fancy new copier

a little... visit.

Hmm. How to take revenge on a photocopier

for cancelling pizza day...

Oh! I know!

I'll replace this picture of Chef's Mom

with something a little more... cheeky!

I wonder how it'll go down.

- No matter how bad my day is,

kissin' my beautiful mama

always makes everything better!

(Big kiss)


- (Laughs) This will be my masterpiece.

Yikes. How many buttons do you need?

Good thing I'm tech savvy.

Agh! (Bangs)

(Juice squirts)

(Fizzles, sparks)

(Beeping, whirring)

Whoaaaaaa! Ahh!

But that's impossible!

You're... so good-looking!

- What were you expecting? Cody?

- (Laughs) And a k*ller sense of humour? Huh?

- Cool, so, uh? What now?

- Let's call you Duncan-.

And since you appear to be my equal in every way,

I've got a great plan for us.

- Awesome. Are we gonna cause trouble?

Cubbie cookout? Hot sauce balloon fight?

(Gasps) Releasing the Kraken?

- Oh, you'll see.

Storytime with Chef is gonna blow your mind!

Chef (reads) "Then Lil' Cabbage gathered

the sharpest gardening tools he could find

and went to teach Mr. Farmer a lesson

he wouldn't soon forget."

- Ugh. Boringgg. This is so not fair.

Duncan should have to do his share of boring junk too, right?

- This feels like a trick question.

(Video game sounds) - (Clears throat)

- Hey buddy, how was Chef's story?


And while I was busy getting bored to death,

you ate candy and played video games?

How's that fair?

- Uh, cuz I'm Original Duncan?

The man, the myth, the legend?

And I'm all about number one. - Sure.

But if I'm exactly like you in every way,

shouldn't I get to hang out and have fun too?

- Curse me and my excellent debate skills.

Alright, I've got a plan.

You wait here; I'll be right back.


Okay, welcome to the world.

You're Duncan-. Yada yada yada.

Now go fingerpaint 'til your little heart's content!

There. Looks like that's the end of that!


- (Cackles)



(Light whoosh, thud) Ouch!

- (Slurps) Ahh. Livin' the dream.

But I wonder where Duncan- went.

I thought he wanted to live the dream with me.

- Actually. I dream a little bigger.

(Duncan gasps)

Duncan-: Meet Duncan-, Duncan-plus,

Duncan-plus and Duncan-plus.

Yeah, we all stink at math.

- Whoa! Dude! Were you spying on me in Chef's office?

Not cool!

- Oh, c'mon; you'd do the same thing.

Come to think of it, you did. - Enh. Fair point.

But what happened to these Duncans?

They look sorta jacked up?

- This one was copied on the wrong sized paper

This one ran out of toner.

This one turned out okay.

- (Goofy laugh)

Duncan Duncan Duncan.

- (Laughs)

- Okay, I think things might be getting out of hand.


Do I really need to go over the rules

of finger painting again?

Rule number one:

Wash hands thoroughly before opening a jar of paint--

(Splat) - (Laughs)

- Whoa! I like his style.

- That is IT! I'm calling your parents!

- Whoops. That's my cue!

(Phone buttons beep)

- Please! You gotta give me another chance, Chef!

Don't call my parents!

They'll just sing about how unhappy they are with me.

(Answer on the line) (Beeps call off)

- True, last time I called "Bananas and Cheese",

it took a week for me to stop singing

that disappointment song.

(Hip-Hop Beat)

♪ You shouldn't have done what you did ♪

♪ With the stuff that you pilfered and hid ♪

♪ We were not impressed we were rather distressed ♪

♪ And we wish you were a better kid ♪

(Whimper) - My life stinks.

- Alright, I'll give you one last chance.

But no pudding cups for the rest of the week!

- Stern, but fair.

Okay, listen up, Duncans!

Things have gotten a bit out of hand lately.

So from now on, all plans go through me.

- Yeah, I guess you don't know you very well,

cuz rules don't really work for us.

- He's trying to control us! - Let's flatten him!

- Duncan Duncan Duncan!

Let's talk about this. (Screams)

(Hitting thuds)

- Save you for later.

Oh hey Duncan.

That's weird.

What the...?


Huh? If that's Duncan,

who are the rest of these guys?

- (Goofy laughter)

Duncan Duncan Duncan Duncan.

- This makes no sense,

it's not like Duncan can make copies of himself--

Oh no.

Are you the real Duncan?

- Of course I am, dork. - I don't know.

That's exactly what a copy would say.

You kinda look like the real Duncan

- Beth.

- But you do look pretty low quality.


- I mean medium settings at best.

- BETH! Untie me right now,

or I'm gonna WEDGIE YOU IN HALF!

- It IS you!

- Come on, we gotta stop those evil Duncan copies

before it's too late!

- The Chefsterrr, goin' to make some coppays.


Baron Von Chef.

(Sighs) I miss the s.

(Gasps) (Book thuds)

(Duncan's react) - (Screams)

(Door slams) (Angry groans)

- (Effort grunts)

Come on, Chef, you knew this day would come.

Hold the door. HOLD THE DOOR!


- (Cackles) - Ahhhh!


(Panicked screaming)

- What do we do? How do we stop them?

- How am I supposed to know?

Usually I'm on the other end of this stuff!

- C'mon! Think!

How do we reason with a bunch of troublemakers

when all they want is anarchy?

Oh, now I get why Chef is so frustrated all the time.

- (Gasps) Wait! That's it!

There's one thing all Duncans Want

even more than anarchy.

- Wait! What's the one thing?

Is it pizza?!

I bet it's pizza!


- Duncan Duncan Duncan.

(In unison) Woo-hoo!

Two dimensions - Two dimensions -

One of us - one of us!


Look, the chaos you guys are creating is great.

Like, really, really inspired stuff.


you know I'm a huge fan of your work.

But I need you to think.

Is there one thing we've always wanted more than chaos,

more than world domination,

even more than pizza?!

That's right.


All: Freedom!

- I finally have the kid-power to dig the tunnel

I've always dreamt of!

(Cheering, laughing)

Wow! Freedom!

- Well, it's been a while.

Let's see how your little army is doing.

Whoa! NICE job!

I wonder where they went.

- (Laughs)



(Fireworks whistle and pop)



- Duncan, I should be mad at you for a year

but you used some quick thinking to save us.

And as a reward, Pizza Day is back on!

All: (Cheering)

I'll order one pie and make a bunch more

with my crazy new magic photocopier!

(Disappointed groans)

- Don't worry, guys.

I've been training my whole life for a Pizza Invasion.

Bring it on.

- Well, that horde of Duncans

is probably gonna destroy the city.

But at least things are back to normal around here,

eh pal? - Duncan Duncan Duncan!

- Enh. Close enough.

♪ Ta ta ta!



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