02x10 - Hart-Shaped m*rder

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Hart to Hart". Aired: August 25, 1979 – May 22, 1984.*
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Jonathan and Jennifer Hart, respectively, a wealthy couple who lead a glamorous jetset lifestyle and regularly find themselves working as unpaid detectives in order to solve crimes in which they become embroiled.
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02x10 - Hart-Shaped m*rder

Post by bunniefuu »


NARRATOR: This is my boss,
Jonathan Hart, a self-made millionaire.

He's quite a guy.

This is Mrs. H. She's gorgeous.

She's one lady who knows
how to take care of herself.

By the way, my name is Max.

I take care of both of them,

which ain't easy,

'cause when they
met, it was m*rder.




JENNIFER: As chairpersons

for the Heart Association
fundraiser this year,

my husband and I wanted to give

the committee members
a little thank you.

And this'll do just perfectly.

What do you think, Max?

Looks good enough to eat.


And here are the others.

Oh. Thank you, Oscar.

You're welcome, ma'am. [SIGHS]

I must admit, I was a
little nervous yesterday

when you told me
they hadn't arrived yet.

Yes, I was a bit concerned too.

So I called our
chocolatier in Zurich,

and he assured me that
they were on their way.

And, well, here they are.

And what a lovely gift,

especially since tomorrow
is Valentine's Day.


I won't be a moment.


MAX: Hey, Mrs. H.

How about getting
something for the holidays?


What about our diets?

Just a sample

to kind of get in
the spirit of things.


There is no spirit
in chocolate, Max.

Only calories.


You will be able to deliver

Mrs. Hart's chocolates
this afternoon?

I'll do my best, ma'am.

Oscar says he can manage.

Oh, Mrs. Bittersweet,
we've changed our minds.

Uh, we're traveling
that way anyway,

and you're busy, so we'll
drop them off ourselves.


My caramels are the
best I've ever eaten.

Don't like the nougats though.

Very poor texture.

MAN: Oscar.

I see we have a new shipment.

Very nice.


Steiner does do beautiful work.


Where is it?

I don't know.

Well... Is this the only piece?

There were three others,

but this is the one that
was coded, you see?

I see...


Now, bring me the others!

The woman with the chauffeur!

Stop them, and get
those pieces now!

I don't know what happened!

You want me to go, Mr. Krump?



Let's see how...

Let's see how
Oscar handles this.


JENNIFER: Oh, this is perfect.

It's almost noon. You'll
drop me at the park.

Jonathan and I will run an
hour while you deliver the hearts.

You trust me with all them
chocolate hearts, Mrs. H?


I have great faith in you, Max.



What's with that guy,
trying to pass me on a circle.

Be careful.

I don't wanna have to
do open-heart surgery.

Well, with guys like that, I
wish I was driving a t*nk.

There's the park.

Go in here.

What's the matter with you?

You nuts?

Okay, Max, I'll see
you in about an hour.

So long, Max.

Either we got our
signals crossed...

or that is the most
expensive jogging suit ever.

Darling, I'm sorry.

I did try to catch you, but, uh,

Uh-huh. I have this luncheon.

So I won't I be able to trip
the light fantastic today. Oh.

Do I detect a lack of
commitment to our regime?

Now, how could say
something like that?

As co-chairman of
the Heart Fund, uh,

I can say that a healthy
mind is a healthy body.

Or is it vice versa?

And when are you gonna jog?

Tonight. Oh.

After dinner. [LAUGHS]

I thought we could
go to La Scala. Oh!

Have a small dinner steak,

maybe a little
pasta, no dessert,

then home, early night.

You remember what the book said.

"Eat right, eat light."

Man cannot jog on lettuce alone.

Tomorrow is Valentine's Day.

We will celebrate with
having dinner for we,

my valentine and me.

That's right. At home.

A nice healthy meal.

No after-dinner delights.

None at... Well... I
wouldn't go that far.

I'm sure we can
find some small way

to satisfy your sweet tooth.

Oh, yeah?

I gotta go.




I just want you to know

that every day is
Valentine's Day with you.

See you later.



Good night, Mr. Krump.

Good night, Irene. Good night.

Oh, Lester, taste
the cherry fills.

They really are my forte.

No, thanks, Mr. Krump.

I don't know how you can resist.

I, uh...

I see you're
empty-handed, Oscar.

Had some trouble.

An accident.

Oh, that's too bad.

I'm glad you weren't injured.

Um... sit down.


Have a piece.

No. Ahem. Thanks.

Do you know where
this woman lives?

[CHUCKLES] It's on the order.

But she's gonna deliver
'em to three other people.


I called Zurich.

OSCAR: Zurich?

What did they say?

Steiner says

he packed the sculpture
himself personally...

and coded the box.

[CHUCKLES] I don't understand.

It is curious, isn't it?

You really must try one
of the nougats. They're...

They're very special.

Yummy, aren't they?

It's a pity you weren't able to
retrieve the chocolate hearts.

We have to be very careful...

or someone may s-s-s-suspect.

Someone... is already suspect.


Something you
wanted to say, Oscar?


Oscar seems to have eaten

something that
disagreed with him.

Hm. I'd say them
nougats are a real wipeout.



Hello, Mother.

Hello, son.

What's the matter with Oscar?

Oh, I think his hypoglycemia
is acting up again.

Oh, poor dear.

Too much chocolate
isn't good for anyone.

We have to get
those hearts back.

Who is that woman?

Oh, uh...

Name's, uh, Hart.

You think she and Oscar
had somethin' cookin'?

A reasonable supposition.

Yeah, but what
good would it do him?

Money, my friend.

She could always
sell it back to us.


if this Hart woman and Oscar
share such a fondness for candy,

I think it only appropriate

we send her a box
of my favorites...

for Valentine's Day.




Smells like sweets
for the sweet.


Who would do such a thing?

May I remind you, Mrs. H,

that you just did it
to three other people.

Oh, I know, but that
was just a gesture.

I think you just got yourself
a box full of gestures.

Cupid's arrow Has
pierced my heart

I yearn for a day
We'll never part

Do not let me forever pine
Won't you be my valentine?

It ain't exactly Shakespeare,
but it makes the point, I guess.

Jonathan wouldn't...

Would he?



Just looking.

Mrs. H, don't you
think that we could take

a short holiday from our diet

in honor of the holiday?

In a few days, that
feeling will pass.

Believe me, you'll
begin to feel thin.

You'll look terrific.


I just can't believe Jonathan
would do such a thing

with our diets and all.

Darling, how could you believe

I would do such a thing
with our diets and all?

Well, I'm sorry, but who
else could it have been?

Well, you must have
hundreds of men

who are secretly
in love with you.

Darling, I think
you're a little biased.

How could they resist?

I mean, you're
beautiful, intelligent,


You're convincing me.

What about my cooking?

Your cooking, let me
see if I can think back

about your cooking.


Oh, I'm just kidding.

I mean, this
stuff is very tasty,

but what is it exactly?

Mm. You like it?

It's broccoli, steamed in
skim milk and alfalfa sprouts,

and sprinkled with
selected herbs.

I found it in an old cookbook:

Meals of 400 Calories or Less.

There's less?


Oh, and that.

That is baked cottage
cheese. Do you like it?


Mrs. H? Mm?

Don't you think because
we've been so good tonight,

I mean, less than 400 calories,

that we could, uh,
get a little reward?


Oh, I'm sorry, Mrs. H.

On second thought,

maybe we should
take that box of candy

and put it right
there on the counter.

Sort of a... A testament
to our willpower.


Why don't we talk
about breakfast?


Baked cottage cheese.

Eh, one piece won't k*ll me.

JENNIFER: Jonathan?



What are you doing?

Uh, I couldn't sleep.

You're not, by any chance,

raiding the
refrigerator, are you?

No, no. Just making
myself a cup of tea.

No sugar.

Oh, good idea. I'll join you.

Would you like a
stalk of celery with it?

Oh, no, thanks, darling.

Say... maybe it's
not such a terrific idea

that we have this candy around.

I mean...

why put ourselves
under such pressure?

Well... Doesn't bother me.


No salt.

No salt.


Nothing. The
Hiatts don't have it.

KRUMP: Well...
there are two left.


So if it's not in one of them,

our heart problem...
could become terminal.



Good morning, darling.

Oh... Good morning.

What's for breakfast?

Oh, I remember when
you used to kiss me

before you asked me that.

That was before 400
Calories and Less.


How about breakfast in bed?



You won't have any
energy for jogging.

Jogging? Mm-hm.

Can you do that in bed?


I'm afraid you have
to do that in the street.

What will people say?

[CHUCKLING] Oh, Jonathan.

All right.

One, two, three, up.

How are you doing?

Keeping up.

Keeping up.

I wonder what's
going on at the Hiatts'?

I don't know, let's
go in and find out.


Jonathan, Jennifer.
Good morning.

JENNIFER: How are you?
JONATHAN: Anything wrong?

I guess not.

Oh, by the way, thanks
loads for the valentine heart.

Monica and I
thought it was great.

You're welcome.

I was beginning to
think it was criminal

to send you all those calories.

You're not the only one.

What do you mean?

We had a break-in last night.

JENNIFER: You're kidding!

Well, did they take anything?

No, nothing.


there was a casualty.

Not Monica?

No, no, she's fine.

But your chocolate hearts...

they were smashed to pieces.


LESTER: This is it,
house number two.

The Hopkins place.

You know, Mr. Krump,

I don't understand
what's going on.

Of course you don't.

No, no. What I mean is,

if this Hart woman and
Oscar put the snatch on it,

why does she always give
it away to somebody else?


Very obvious, Lester.

Somebody else... is in on it.

You think she's tasted
her valentine yet?

If she has, she'll be
giving up chocolate.





Well, we're awfully
glad you liked it.

Besides being such good friends,

you both worked so
hard for us that we just...

No, wait a minute.
That's very strange.

Last night, the Hiatts
were broken into.

And... Well, no,
they didn't take it.

They smashed it
to bits and pieces.

I tell you what
I'm gonna do, Lisa.

I'm gonna call that store,

and I'm gonna find out
exactly what's going on.

I'll let you know when I do.

Sorry about this.



Well, how did that get there?

Must have jumped out of the box.

Oh... You don't... think
I was gonna eat that.

Of course you wasn't.

Don't worry, I ain't
gonna count the pieces.

Jonathan? Yes?

I just got off the phone
with Lisa Hopkins

and guess what.

Don't tell me. She's
got heart trouble too?

How did you know?

Sounds like the
beginning of an epidemic.

A deliveryman from
Mrs. Bittersweet's

came to her house and
took back the hearts,

said there had been
some sort of a mistake.

Do you believe that?

No, I don't.

I'd like to know
what is going on.

Isn't it amazing how
you and I think alike?

Now, let's take off and get down
to that candy shop right away.




Mrs. Bittersweet?

Hello, Mrs. Hart.

Oh, and this must be
your husband, Mr. Hart.

I'm so pleased to meet you.

Thank you. It's my pleasure.

We wonder if we could have

a word with you,
if you're not busy.

No, of course
not. Come right in.

Sorry to intrude
on you like this.

Oh, it's no intrusion at all.

I love company.

Please, come in.

Ah, thank you.

Sit down, please.

Could I get you some
tea or something?

Oh, no, thank you.

What a charming room.

And aren't these
wonderful clocks.

Charming, aren't they?

I think of them as my children.

One or the other's always
coming down with an affliction.

They're such a bother,
but I do enjoy them so.

Please, sit down.


Thank you.

We came to, uh, talk
to you about our hearts.

Your hearts? Yes.

Oh, your chocolate
hearts, of course.

We're a little confused.

You see, one of the hearts
was taken back this morning.

I don't understand, dear.

Well, neither do we.

Someone from your shop

came and took one of the
hearts from one of our friends.

It couldn't have been
anyone from our shop.

They wouldn't do such a thing.

They wouldn't?

No, why would they?

Oh, they were designed
especially for you.

Well, uh, last night,
someone broke into the house

of one of our other friends
that we gave the hearts to.

And, uh... Well, it was smashed.


Forgive me, but...

we might have a chocolate
masher on our hands.


Oh, this is a dreadful
state of affairs.

I'd be only too happy
to replace them for you,

but we don't have
anything like it in the shop.

We don't want you to
replace them, Mrs. Bittersweet.

It's, um, just that we
thought that you might...

Well, these special sculptures

come all the way
from Switzerland.

They do such original work
in chocolate, don't you think?

And, uh, we just do
the everyday chocolates.

But they're delicious.

My son Spencer

has a wonderful
touch with chocolate.

I'm sure he does.

Would you take a couple

of nice boxes in
exchange for the hearts?

Oh, no. No, thank you.

We have all the
chocolate we need.

Well... you'd make me
feel a lot better. Please.

Oh, thank you anyway.

So glad to see you again.
Glad to have met you, Mr. Hart.

Thank you very much. Thank you.

Come back. We will.

Bye-bye. Bye.


How do you do?

very well, thank you.

Who was that?

That's Mrs. Bittersweet's son.

He's the chocolate maker.

He looks like the
chief taster to me.

Get in, I wanna
show you something.

That's the Hart woman, isn't it?

I think so.

I found this on Mrs.
Bittersweet's floor.

JONATHAN: Chocolate.


What's so unusual about
finding a piece of chocolate

in a chocolate shop?

This is a piece of a heart.

Still alive, huh?

She must not share
my sweet tooth after all.

Um, those people
that just left, Irene,

what did they want?

They were up to see
your mother, Mr. Krump.


Don't you know
chocolate is bad for dogs?


If I ain't getting
any, neither are you.


That's easy for you to
say. You got an excuse.

You could always say,
"I don't know no better."

Plus we could always
blame it all on you.



Saved by the bell.

[BARKS] Shh!

Forget ya even saw it.

Come on in.

Who do you say called you?

I don't know.

They just said the refrigerator
needed checking out.

Must be Mrs. H.

Did she tell you what was wrong?

Something about the
temperature being off.

It's possible.

We haven't been
feeding it too well lately.


Come on in.

Well, there she is, doctor.

You can see she looks
a little down in the door.


Be right back.


Max, we're sorry.
We forgot the key.

How'd you make out?

Well, this, uh, candy
business is a little sticky.

None of it's sticking to me.

By the way, the guy
is here to fix the fridge.

I didn't know anything
was wrong with it.

You didn't call him?

No, not me.

Well, what's he doing here?

Let's go see.

Care for a glass of
milk with your candy?

Jonathan, watch...

Let's just relax for a minute.

You two... why
don't you join us?

Who are you?

I'll ask the questions.

Where is it?

Where's what?

You know what I mean.

Don't be cute.

There's no rush.

Care for a piece?

Uh, no. He's on a diet.

What do you say we
get some answers?

JONATHAN: Answers?

Answers to what?

Now, listen.

I got all the time in the world.


Boy, when I think
of how close I came

to eating that stuff... Me too.

Me too.

Max, uh, would you fix
us some coffee, please?

Right, Mr. H.



Tell me, do you have
any idea who he is?

Yes, Mr. Hart. We know
exactly who he was.


He was with Interpol, Mrs. Hart.


Who are you?


Uh, Mr. Randolph is,
uh, with the government.

What government?



Oh, that's very reassuring.

Would you mind telling
us what is going on?

Ah, it's nothing you should
concern yourself with, Mr. Hart.

died in our kitchen

from an overdose of
candy intended for us.

And we shouldn't concern
ourselves over that?

And he was one of the good guys.

I understand your anxiety,

and I would certainly
like to relieve it.

Would you relieve it?

This is a very sensitive
matter, Mr. Hart.

Oh, we're very
sensitive to dying.

Please, sit down.


This case has a
national-security overtone.

I'm... I can't even discuss
it with the lieutenant.

You're going to have to do
better than that, Mr. Randolph.

Please don't press me.

I'd like to be more specific,
but believe me, I can't.

This all-consuming interest
in our chocolate hearts

wouldn't have anything
to do with it, would it?

We've been on this case
a long time, Mrs. Hart.

JONATHAN: Well, I'm not
going to ask what you're after.

I suppose you do know
that one of our other friends

has the remaining heart.

Oh, trust me.

Your friends will
be perfectly safe.

I can see that.


How long does that
have to stay here?

I would think a couple of days.

Are you interested in lunch?

No thanks, darling.

What are we gonna do
about Roberta Geller?

We're responsible for
sending her the other heart.

We're not just going to sit here

until somebody maybe
just tries to k*ll her.

If we're gonna be forced into
this cops-and-robbers game,

the least we can do is get
the heart back from Roberta.

And let them try and
get it back from us.

You read my mind.

I want to thank you so
much for the present.

It was totally charming.

Oh, it... Well, it was
really Jonathan's idea.

And you know, he never
had a chance to see it.

That's right, I didn't.

Uh, you don't still
have it around?

I'd love to take a peek.

Well, I-I-I really...

Did you eat it already?

I don't eat chocolate.

I can't.

I'm allergic to it.


Oh, I wish that was my problem.

Well, in that case,
why don't you let us

take it back, and we'll get
you something you like?

Oh, it's okay.

I gave it to Herbie.


Little Herbie.

Oh, is, uh, Herbie
around anywhere?

No, he's at the playground.

Do you wanna know
if he has it with him?

Yes. Does he?

Yes, he does.

Why are you all asking about it?

You mean, there was
someone else here?

Well, that very large
man from your office.

Oh, yes.

Oh, yes. The, um...

large man from our office.

Well, um...

he sort of does everything.

He's what you would call, um...

What would you say, darling?

Uh, an expediter.

Yes, he's sort of an expediter.

I see.

the playground?

Uh, it's, uh, four blocks
down on Montrose.

Is something wrong?

Uh, no.

No, no. Nothing's wrong.

Thanks very much
for the coffee, Roberta.



Herbie, I told you, I
don't wanna kiss you,

and I don't wanna
be your valentine.

Why not?

I asked you nice.

You spit when you talk,

and you're always pinching me.

If I don't pinch ya
anymore, will you?

What's in the box?

If you promise to
be my valentine,

I'll let ya have it.

Don't worry, you won't be sorry.

Okay, but no
kissing unless I like it.

You got that for me, Herbie?


"From our hearts to yours."

Why does it say that?

They misspelled it.


Do I get to have all of it?

It's supposed to
be for both of us.

Then I'm not kissing.

That's not very fair, Marilee.

What a lovely heart.

Would you care to
negotiate a trade?

What's "negotiate"?

We ain't tradin'.

I have so much ice
cream and no chocolate.

How much ice cream?

Oh, the whole wagon full.

Herbie, you gave me the hearts,

and I want them.

Sorry, mister.

Ice cream doesn't make
it on Valentine's Day.

Give me that heart, little girl.

Hey, I told you,
we're not tradin'.

I wouldn't Lester.

Come on.

Come on.

LESTER: Come on, kid.

Give me the hearts.

Come on, Herbie!


Let's go!

Hey, Herbie... ya okay?

Oh, yeah. Hi, Mr. Hart.

Climb on down.

You know, I just didn't
wanna trade with those guys.

Oh, I understand. I don't
wanna trade with you, either.

I just wanna take
a look at the hearts.

It's broken.

Goodbye forever, Herbie Geller.

Wait, we could still eat it!

Hey, Herbie, let
me give you a tip.

Yeah? Yeah.

Hey, Marilee.

Hey, Marilee!

Well, this is not a
b*mb, that's for sure.

Look at this.

It's a little bird.

It's a cuckoo.


I still don't understand

why they gave it
to somebody else,

and then went to all
that trouble to get it back.

I admit I don't understand
their ploy myself.

And letting that kid have it.

We'll negotiate
with these people,

and then I want them eliminated.

And this time...

with something more
reliable than a box of candy.

Darling, shouldn't we be looking

for Mrs. Bittersweet's
largest son?

We will...

as soon as we find out
why one of her cuckoos

was nesting in our chocolates.

Nary a chirp.

Let me have the fingernail file.


don't you think we
should get that...

government man to handle this?

I don't like the way
he handles anything.

What do we do if Mrs.
Bittersweet comes home?

We'll tell her we're members
of the Audubon Society.


do you notice anything
strange about these clocks?

They don't tick.

Shine that on there, will you?

Look at that.

What is it?

Solid-state mechanism.

Genuine Swiss movement.


shine that up there, will you?

I think we may
have found a perch

for our little bird.


I'm relieved we found a
home for our little friend,

but now what?


I thought Mother went out.

She did.


JONATHAN: Looks like a
rerun of The Invisible Man.

What is it?

It's not the Dow Jones closing.

Must be some sort of a code.

I think our canary has
come home to roost.

What it is, is not
really important

unless you have an
interest in these matters.

Give... that... to me.

I've always had a
soft spot for espionage.

Oh, yes.

And it shows.

Tell me, are there
other viewers hooked up

to your closed-circuit

The entire Western states.

You mean, your
agents can just...

sit home and watch their
messages on television?

[CHUCKLING] Oh, yes, Mrs. Hart.

How do I subscribe?

Your viewing days are over.


Would you like to make a deal?

Mr. Hart,

you're not in a
bargaining position.

Now, move.

You don't really think that we
walked into this cuckoo's nest

without any backup, do you?

Don't try to bluff me.

If we don't walk out of
here in three minutes...

Randolph and his men
will be all over this house.


Lester, check the street.


uh, don't expect them
to be standing out there

with signs on their backs.

You have, I would
say, about, um...

2 minutes and 32 seconds.

What does your
watch say, darling?

Oh, uh, my watch says...



Randolph's watch
was always a little fast.

Spencer! Mother!

JONATHAN: I'm sorry, ma'am,

but I'm afraid
your son is a spy.

And a pretty stupid one at that.


You managed to bungle
everything, Spencer.

I'm sorry, Mother.

Don't "Mother" me.

JONATHAN: Well, well, well...

Mrs. Bittersweet.

A little more bitter than sweet.

You think you can manage

to eliminate the
right people this time?

But what about Randolph?

What about him?

H-he's waiting outside.

BITTERSWEET: Highly unlikely.

Pay attention
this time, Spencer.


You heard my mother.

Mr. Hart.

Darling, uh... look at this.

Oh, yes.

This is where you make all
those wonderful chocolates.

Here, uh...

have a nibble, Mrs. Hart.

Oh, no, no, no. I... I couldn't.

Spencer, don't dally.

Mrs. Bittersweet,

we don't want you
going anywhere.

Yeah, stay right there.

I didn't have a
chance to wish you

a happy Valentine's Day.

JONATHAN: Well, if it isn't
a chocolate-covered nut.


little late for a valentine,

but you'll make a
lovely Easter egg.


JONATHAN: Darling,

that was really delicious.

JENNIFER: Oh, thank you.


What do you call it, Mrs. H?


Bacon and eggs, Max.

Oh, yeah. I thought I
recognized the taste.

Uh, Max,

uh, have you got
everything ready?

Everything's set, Mr. H.



By the way, that reminds me.

What was it you said

to little Herbie in the park?

Well, I just said to him

to tell that little girl

what every woman wants to hear.


Three little words?


"I love you."


How many little girls
did you get with that line?

The only one I ever wanted.



Now... what is Valentine's Day

without a little something
from the heart, hm?


Max, you ready?

Aw. MAX: On its way.


Come on, Freeway.

Come on, come on. Awww.

[LAUGHING] Attaboy.

From Freeway?

From your valentine.




"This certificate
entitles the bearer

to a year's supply
of love and kisses."

Isn't that sweet.

Yeah, the, uh,

subscription is
renewable after a year.


Remind me to
collect on it every day.

Oh, yeah?

Believe me, I won't forget.

I'll hold you to that.

Go on, get out of here, Freeway.

Go on. Go on.


Now, will you close your eyes?


Come on.


There you are.


Oh, Jonathan.

A ruby reminder.

You're all heart.

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