02x22 - Smart Fit the Battle of Jericho

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Get Smart". Aired: September 18, 1965 – May 15, 1970.*
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Series centers on bumbling secret agent Maxwell Smart (Adams), aka Agent 86, and his unnamed female partner, Agent 99 (Feldon).
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02x22 - Smart Fit the Battle of Jericho

Post by bunniefuu »

- Max!
- 99.

Agent 77 is up on top posing
as a building inspector.

- Good.
- I don't know, max.

Frank lloyd joshua's
up there with him.

And since he owns jericho
construction company,

He may be familiar with
all the building inspectors.


In that case, he may be aware
that agent 77 is an imposter.

- I'd better contact the chief immediately.
- Right, max.

This is 86 calling control.
This is 86 calling control.

Come in, control.


This is control. Go ahead, max.

- Can you read me?
- I read you loud and clear.

Good. Listen, chief,

I want you to congratulate
carlson on his ingenuity

In putting a telephone
in a magazine.

- I'll tell him, max.
- Only the next time,

Tell him to use a later issue
in order to avoid suspicion.

This one has a picture of
ronald reagan on the cover.

Why would a picture of
ronald reagan invite suspicion?

Because he's dancing
with betty grable.

Max, are you at your post?

Yes, chief. I'm on the
southwest corner of 41st street.

Observing the construction
of a 42-story building.

You're on the northeast corner,

And it's 42nd street. And
it's a 41-story building.

max? Max, why have
you stopped talking?

Why should I talk? You
disagree with everything I say.

Max, three other buildings
put up by the jericho company

Have mysteriously
blown up after completion.

Now those buildings house agencies
working on our space program.

We've got to find
out how kaos is

Blowing up those
buildings and stop them.

has he discovered anything
that could give us a clue?

I don't know, chief. I
haven't heard from him yet.

He's up on top of the
building now inspecting it.

That must be agent 77.

He's reporting in now, chief.

- Well, carlos?
- You were right, mr. Joshua.

There is no such man
listed as building inspector.

A control agent, no doubt.

- Get rid of him.
- A pleasure.

Hey! Catch!

Agent 77 has stopped sending.

- Why?
- Max, look!

Hold on, chief, I think
I see him coming now.

Max, why have you
stopped talking?

Oh max, how terrible.

Yes, broke his glasses
and everything.

Agent 77 must have discovered
something really significant.

Yes, and he was probably trying
to relay it to us just before he died.

Whatever it was, it was important
enough to cost him his life.

Do you mean that agent 77 didn't
fall off that building accidentally

As frank lloyd joshua reported?

No, 99, he was probably pushed.

Pushed?! At that height?

What's the matter
with those workmen?

Don't they know that
someone could get hurt?

Max, somebody did get
hurt. A man was k*lled.

There, what did I tell you?

For some time now, we've suspected
joshua of being affiliated with kaos.

I think what happened
today leaves little doubt.

Chief, if the last three buildings
that joshua constructed

Were all mysteriously blown up,

Then why was he awarded
another government contract?

- Yes, chief, why?
- That's a good question, 99.

joshua always underbids
the other companies

Yet he always uses the
best building materials.

But chief, if he uses
superior building materials,

And underbids the
other companies,

Then how can he
stay in business?

- Yes, chief, how?
- I'm glad you asked that, 99.

we suspect that kaos secretly owns
the jericho construction company.

But chief, isn't the
pentagon suspicious

That all of jericho's buildings
blow up a year after they're finished?

- Yes, chief, aren't they?
- That's a very good point, 99.

there never has been any clue
as to how the buildings blew up.

The pentagon is convinced
it was outside sabotage.

- But how?
- That's what max is going to find out.

Me? Why me, why not her?

She's the one who
asked the question.

Max, this job calls for an
agent with high intelligence,

sharp judgment and
total fearlessness.

Well, okay, chief. If
you put it that way.

unfortunately I can't
spare 99 right now.

- Max, you're going to las vegas.
- Las vegas?

Max, you're going to las vegas
because joshua will be there.

And he'll be staying at the
same hotel with baron von krupa.

You know who baron
von krupa is, don't you?

A german drummer?

You tell him, 99.

Max, the baron owns the
von krupa expl*sives company.

He backed germany in
the last two world wars.

- Two flops in a row, eh?
- Max, please.

There must be some connection
between the baron's expl*sives business

And the blowing up
of joshua's building.

If they're both going to be in las
vegas at the same hotel at the same time,

There must be an
important meeting going on.

Right, 99.

Now when these two men meet,

I want every word of their
conversation recorded.

That's not going
to be easy, chief.

It will be with this.

A silver dollar?

It only looks like
a silver dollar.

It's really a
transistorized microphone

capable of picking up a
whisper from 20 or 30 feet

And then transmitting
it 2,000 miles.

That's a great buy for a buck.

At headquarters

To record the conversation.

Here are your tickets. We made reservations
for you at the arabian nights hotel.

- Right, chief, I'm on my way.
- Good luck, max.

Oh, and, max, remember:

Both joshua and the baron

Are ruthless
cold-blooded K*llers.

From the minute you
set foot in that hotel,

You'll be facing
constant extreme danger.

And... Loving it.

Good evening, sir. Would
you care for a table?

No thank you.
I'll sit at the bar.

- Ah, monsieur joshua, good evening.
- Hello, martini.

- Has the baron come in yet?
- Waiting for you at your table, sir.

- Baron, forgive me for being late.
- That's quite all right.

An unexpected intrusion

At the construction
site this morning.

I was forced to
take a later flight.

- It's coming in now, chief.
- And clear as a bell.

The microphone in that
coin is highly sensitized.

Cigars, cigarettes?

- What's happening?
- I don't know.

I heard the cigarette girl's voice.
Now all I hear is a lot of change jingling.

Do you think max bought
a pack of cigarettes

And paid for it with the
silver-dollar microphone?

Could possibly be that stupid.

I guess you're right.

And there's a very good
chance that's exactly what he did.

- Thank you very much.
- Uh, pardon me, miss,

But you have a silver
dollar that belongs to me.

What makes you think
it belongs to you?

I was tossing it up
into the air and it

Accidentally fell into
your tray as you went by.

- Oh, I'm sorry. Here you are.
- Oh, thank you.

- Cigars...
- Pardon me, miss.

This isn't it.

What do you think you're doing?

I'm looking for my silver dollar.
You gave me the wrong one.

What's the difference?
A dollar's a dollar.

Mine is a very
special silver dollar.

- Oh, here it is.
- How can you be sure it's yours?

Eh... Yes.

- It has my name on it.
- Oh, is that so?

- Well, what's your name?
- Eh, e pluribus unum.

Wise guy.

- You shouldn't have done that.
- Why not?

Because heat is
bad for transistors.

- Cigarettes?
- Can I have a pack of gum please?

- All I got's a 20.
- Oh, $20, well...

Let's see, that's
one... That's five...

I should have another
one here someplace.

Hold it!

Don't you know these
machines are fixed?

The odds against you
hitting them are 1,000 to one.

Will you leave me alone? I gave
up smoking, isn't that enough?

- You hit the jackpot!
- Yeah.

Hey, you're lucky for me. If
you hadn't missed down here

I never would have hit the
jackpot. I'm indebted to you.

Here, let me help you.

Touch my money, I
break your arms.

I was just trying to help.

I don't need no help, kid.
Here's a buck for your trouble.

Uh, do you mind
if I take this one?

This isn't even any good.

This must have fallen
from your pocket, monsieur.

Thank you.

So, baron, you say that
the nitroglycerin will arrive

At the construction
site tomorrow morning.


splendid. We are just at
that phase of the construction.

each day closer to completion
is a day closer to demolition.

- Goodbye, baron.
- auf wiedersehen.

Pardon me, but I wonder if
you'd mind if I use your ashtray?

Please do.

Turn around and keep walking.

All right, hold it.

Get your hands up
against that wall.

Are you sure you've
got the right man, fella?

The baron's got a
photographic memory,

He never forgets
a control agent.

Look, you're making a mistake.
I just came here to gamble.

You gambled...

And you lost.

It's you. I don't
think I understand.

My name is charlie
watkins, control west.

Oh. I'm maxwell smart,
agent 86 out of washington.

- Get going. I'll cover you.
- Right.

- Charlie watkins?
- That's right.

I'm working in disguise.

Well, charlie, I've seen a lot
of disguises in my time, but...

Chief, this is the original
tape of the conversation

Between joshua
and baron von krupa.

Thank you, 99. Did you rush a
copy over to the pentagon?

Yes, I did, chief. And
this came by messenger.

Oh, what is it?

Photographs of agent
watkins from control west.

Oh, that's the agent who
saved max's life in las vegas.

- Did he arrive yet?
- Yes, he's on his way up now.

Oh good! I can't
wait to see him.

He's only been gone one day
and it seems so much longer.

- Wow, who's that?
- That's agent watkins.

Hi, chief. Hello, 99.

What's the matter
with her, chief?

She just saw a picture
of charlie watkins.

Oh, charlie watkins.
He saved my life, chief.

You know, if it wasn't for his quick
thinking, I might not be here now.

Yes, I know. I
notified the pentagon

And they're gonna award
charlie watkins a medal.

Oh really? Hmmm.

I'd like to be the
one to pin it on him.

Max, let's get back to the case.

Right, chief.

Now it is my theory

That joshua places
the expl*sives

In the building as
it's being erected.

But I don't understand,
chief. How can he do that?

I don't know, but once
the building goes up

It's too late to do
anything about it.

Now I've gotten you a job as a
member of the construction crew.

You got me a job with the
jericho construction company?

That's right. Carlson's
waiting for you in the lab.

He's got some special
equipment for this operation.

In that case, I won't
keep him waiting, chief.

Max, before you go,
the silver dollar please.

The silver dollar?

Max, the microphone,
don't tell me you lost it.

Don't be ridiculous, chief.

I wouldn't lose anything
as valuable as that.

- What a relief.
- I must have spent it.

now let's see...

Got off the plane, I went
to the magazine stand,

- I bought that magazine...
- Max, that microphone cost $700!

How could you have
spent it? Of all the stupid...!

Take it easy, chief,
that's a $700 magazine.

Well, hello, carlson.
How's everything going?

Fine, up till now.

Let's get started.
First we'll take this...

- Oh good, I'm starving.
- There's nothing edible in here, 86!

This contains camouflaged
communication devices.

Now this, on the surface,
appears to be nothing more

Than an american
cheese sandwich.


Are you kidding?

A telephone. Why,
that's fantastic.

- Thank you.
- Does it come in any other colors?

Just basic black. But it does
come in different sandwiches?

Egg salad, peanut butter
and an imported liverwurst.

Hmm. Which do you recommend?

Better try the
cheese. I just made it.

Well, so much for your lunch.
Now let's look at your tools.

- Now this...
- A hammer.

Yes, it's a hammer when
you hold it this way,

But when you hold it this way,

It's a .45-caliber p*stol.

That's fantastic.

The old p*stol-in-
the-hammer trick.

Uh, what's this?

That's a wrench.

Well, I know it's a
wrench, carlson,

But what does it do?

Well, you use it for
tightening bolts.


What do you mean
"and"? That's all it does.

Oh. Well, you keep
working on it, carlson,

You'll come up with something.

That was a little high and
outside. Let's try another one.

That's more like
it. Let's try it again.


- Sorry about that.
- Hey, fella?

Hello, chief, this is max.

They just brought
up the nitroglycerin

And joshua has another
set of blueprints

Which he keeps
under lock and key.

Those blueprints will tell us how
they put the expl*sives into the building.

You've got to get a look at
them, max... But be careful.

Right, chief.

- Carlos, that new riveter?
- Hmm?

I recall seeing him in las
vegas and he looked familiar.

- And now he shows up here.
- Hmmm.

- That's strange.
- And there's something even stranger.

I just saw him talking
into his sandwich.

I have a photo file on all control
agents downstairs in my car.

And if that man
is who I think he is,

You've got to get rid of him.

You know how I
hate to fire anyone.

Couldn't I just k*ll him?

- Precisely.
- Thank you.

I'll be back shortly.
Stay close to him

And don't let him
out of your sight.

All right, everybody,
break for lunch!

Ah, here you are.

I make it a point
always to eat lunch

With a man his
first day on the job.

That's very sweet
of you, carlos,

But I'm really not hungry now.

Go on, eat, I insist.

A man does not do good
work on an empty stomach.

Yes, well, I agree with
you, but I'm not hungry.

Eat it.

Eat it.

Hello? It's for you.


- Thank you.
- You're welcome.

Gimme a hand.

I said a hand, not a foot.

All right, mr. Smart,
it's all over for you.

Not for me, joshua, but for you.

You see, I've discovered
your hollowed bricks,

And I know how you
blow up your buildings.

Ingenious, is it not, mr. Smart?

Placing nitroglycerin
inside the bricks

And cementing them into
designated areas of the building.

Yes, it is ingenious.

A completed building actually
an expl*sive skyscraper,

Sitting right here in the heart of
washington waiting to be detonated.

And as soon as the space
research laboratories

In the building have
made too much progress...

A b*llet striking any one of
the bricks containing the nitro

Sets off a chain reaction
of total destruction.

Thanks for filling
me in, joshua.

No harm, as you
are about to die.

Don't move, joshua.

This hammer happens
to be a .45-caliber p*stol.

So is this wrench.

Oh really?

Carlson is going to
feel terrible about this.

All right, mr. Smart,
make your choice:

The .45-caliber b*llet
or a 41-story fall.

I don't suppose a simple
apology would do?


Well, mr. Joshua,

It seems that your
wrench is useless.

On the contrary.

- Max, are you all right?
- Yes, I'm fine, chief.

- What happened? Who is he?
- That is frank lloyd joshua.

Tried to knock me
off the building.

Luckily I fell onto that girder.

And when it was lifted
up, I knocked him out.

Good work, max. Did you
find out how they did it?

Yes, chief, I did. You
see they took the nitro

And they put it inside
the hollowed bricks

And then they cemented
it into the building.

Very clever. We'd better get
rid of that nitro right away.

It's highly
expl*sive. Where is it?

Well, chief, while joshua
and carlos were talking

I took the nitro out of
the container and hid it.

That was wise.
Where'd you hide it?

In the bags of cement.

Max, they're starting
to pour the cement now.

I noticed it on our way up.

Well, we really fooled
kaos this time, chief.

They think the nitro is still in the
bricks and all the time it's in the cement.

Listen, chief, I think we'd better
contact all the space agencies

Who are going to occupy
this building and tell them.

- Tell them what?
- Not to buy expensive furniture.
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