02x30 - A Man Called Smart: Part 3

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Get Smart". Aired: September 18, 1965 – May 15, 1970.*
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Series centers on bumbling secret agent Maxwell Smart (Adams), aka Agent 86, and his unnamed female partner, Agent 99 (Feldon).
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02x30 - A Man Called Smart: Part 3

Post by bunniefuu »

Max, the chief's been hit!

I'm sorry...

Don't try to talk, chief,
try to save your strength.

Oh, max, the chief's
got to be all right.

He's just got to be. If
anything happens to him...

- 99...
- Max, please tell me he'll be all right.

- 99...
- Tell me he'll be all right, max.

Tell me, max. Tell me.

- He'll be all right.
- You're just saying that.

Feel about the chief.

I know, max. He
yells at you a lot,

But he really likes you so much.

Yes. You know, it's funny, 99,

At a time like this you
remember little things.

Do you know, when I
first came to control,

- The chief had a full head of hair?
- Really?

When I came here he was bald.

That's right. You joined
two weeks after I did.

Oh, max, I'm so
afraid kaos will...

I mean, if anything
should happen to you, I'd...

Don't worry, 99. Nothing's
going to happen to me.

You know what I mean, max.

Yes, I do, ernestine.

That's the first time you've
ever called me ernestine.

- I know.
- I wish it were my name.

Admiral hargrade?

Oh, there you are.

There certainly are a lot
of sharp turns in this hall.

What are you
doing here, admiral?

What am I doing here?

My boy, when the president
of the united states

Puts me in charge of
a case, I take charge.

Don't overtax yourself, sir.

Nonsense, my boy.

I may be 91 years old,

But I have just as
much vim and vigor

As I had when I was 32.

Well, maybe 31.

All right, 86, let me
have your report.

Well, it's bad news, sir.

The chief has been hurt.

Tell me the bad news first,
then we'll discuss the chief.

That's it, sir. The
chief has been shot.

Well, what about our
witness, bediyoskin?

Did you talk to him
while he was conscious?

Did he tell you who
has the stolen formula?

Well, he wasn't able to talk,

But he wrote something
down on a piece of paper.

That's a piece of
paper all right.

We'd better get this over

To bediyoskin's
brother right away.

If anybody can read
this, it's dr. Smith.

This piece of paper will tell
us who has the stolen formula.

I can't believe this!

The chief is lying in
there in critical condition,

And all you're worried
about is the formula,

Now see here, young lady,

I am a soldier and so
is the man in that room.

Our nation's security
comes before any one man.

and if one of us
falls by the wayside,

We must still move forward.

We have to not
get him too excited.

No, it's all right, 99. It's
time for his nap anyway.

Let's get him over there and
stand him against the wall.

All right.

Let's go look in
on the chief, max.

Right, 99. Have a
good rest, old timer.

- Hi.
- Hello, chief.

What's new?

The doctor says you're
gonna be just fine.

Yes, chief, but
it's very important

That you get a lot
of peace and quiet

And I'm personally gonna
see to it that you get...

Sorry about that, chief.

now if there's
anything I can do,

Anything at all, don't
hesitate to let me know.

If you need blood,
you can have mine.

Excuse me, I have
to check his chart.

Well, we have to be
going anyway, chief.

I've got to get bediyoskin's
message over to dr. Smith.

there's every chance in
the world that he may be able

to decipher his
brother's handwriting.

Put your hands up.


The doctor expressly said

That the chief should
have rest, peace and quiet.

She's a kaos agent. Max, look!

how did you know
she wasn't a nurse?

a nurse doesn't wear
high heels on duty, max.

Hold it!

All right, get on your feet.


- Max, are you all right?
- Yes.

- Don't let her get away, 99.
- Right, max.

Now you just relax,
chief, and get some sleep.

There she goes, max.

The chief's car.

Larrabee, quick,
follow that car.

Right, 86!

- I'll go first.
- Right, max.

Man on tv: if we do
not receive $1 billion

We will unleash
the terrifying power

Of formula 6076767.

your country will be
turned into a wasteland.

kaos has moved ahead with
its threat to destroy your country.

Less than 30 minutes ago

We dried up another
body of water...

Niagara falls.

Isn't that terrible?

Now thousands of honeymooners

Will be stranded up
there with nothing to do.

Dr. Smith,

You must decipher your
brother's handwriting.

If you fail, the entire
country may be destroyed...

By the very formula
you have created.

It's three initials...


Whose initials are t.b.o.?

T.b.o.? Why does that
sound so familiar?

Would you get that?

- Where's the phone?
- It's the microscope.

No no no, internal security
changed it this morning.

It's the bunsen burner.

You listen to the metal
part and talk into the flame.

A hotline, huh?

This is control laboratory,

Maxwell smart speaking.

Uh, I blew the connection.

There's a big, black "t",

A lot of little letters,

A big "b", and then...


He's reporting in that he
infiltrated the laundry.

The laundry. That's it.

These are the laundry
tickets that I found

In your brother's
clothes at the hotel room.

"Three brothers
omniwash... T.b.o."

Good girl, 99.

Now I want you and 86 to go
to that laundry immediately.

This is a code "p" alert.
That's "p" as in "peter."

Hello, 13. This is
a code "p" alert.

That's "p" as in "peter."

Hello, 13. I was saying

It's a code "p" alert...


How about "l" for "lamont"?


Well, I'll tell him
when I get there.

- Come on, 99.
- Right, max.

Hi, 99, where have you
been keeping yourself?

Hello, 13. How are
you doing in there?

If you two are quite finished,

Do you mind if we
get down to business?

Have you learned anything, 13?

Yeah, i... Oh,
somebody's coming.

Listen, you'd better keep
stuffing clothes in here

So we don't look suspicious.

And if anybody comes
by, close the door.

The laundry is a front
for a horse room.

The machines represent
different horses and races

Throughout the country.
The bets are in the laundry bags

- And they're deposited in the machi...
- shh, someone's coming.

Are deposited in the machines
by runners posing as customers.

Of course. That
explains everything.

That's why you found the
laundry tickets in bediyoskin's room.

The laundry tickets are
the bets for the races.

- The red tickets...
- Shh.

He's coming back.

Are $500 bets, and the
white ones are $1,000.

Bediyoskin had
six $1,000 tickets.

Of course, of course.

He was betting on the races
and losing and he had to pay off,

So he stole the formula
and sold it to kaos.

Yeah. 86, Do you think you'll
be needing me anymore?

No, I don't think so, 13.

Well, I can't wait to get
home and take a warm bath.

That man who just came in.

- What about him?
- Don't you recognize him, max?

That's the drunk who was in the
hotel lobby when bediyoskin was shot.

You're right, 99. Why, he
could have shot bediyoskin.

- Do you think he saw us?
- No, I don't think so,

But we'd better step back
here just in case he comes out.

Strange, his showing up here.

Well, maybe he's a horseplayer.

Max, I have a hunch.
Call it woman's intuition,

But his being here is
not just a coincidence.

Now supposing he owns this place

And supposing bediyoskin
had lost heavily at the races

And supposing he's the bookmaker
that bediyoskin had to pay off.

Well, that's a lot
of supposing, 99,

But you just may be
right, and if you are

Then the pieces begin to
fit together very nicely.

If we could just figure
out what t.b.o. Stands for.

T.b.o., T.b.o. Wait a
minute, 99, I've got an idea.


No, that's no good.

Max, look! T.b.o.

Yes, and a lot of little
letters underneath it.

R-l-a-n-d-o. Orlando,
and a phone number.

Max, "2-1-3"... That's the
area code for los angeles.

Maybe someone called a
t.b. Orlando in los angeles.

- Do you think orlando is a name?
- Could be.

Well, there's only
one way to find out, 99.

I'm going to call that number.

Hello, operator?
This is maxwell smart.

I want to call long distance,
los angeles, california.

The number is 462-7399.

I want to speak
person-to-person to a mr. Orlando.

- Panamint studios.
- It's panamint studios.

Mr. Orlando? Yes,
we have a mr. Orlando.

T.b. Orlando. Shall I ring him?

No, never mind.

Well, that's it, 99.
We've found our t.b.o.

Come on, we're
going to los angeles.

- Max, why didn't you talk to him?
- Why warn him?

This way nobody knows
we're coming. Come on.

A man called smart just phoned

From washington
inquiring about orlando.

Look, fella, you can't see
mr. Orlando without a pass.

Besides, I don't believe
you're his brother.

Can you please stand back

And let mr. Hurrah's
car through?

Mr. Hurrah? Wait a
minute, we know mr. Hurrah.

If he says it's
okay, can we get in?

He's the big one.

You get an okay from
mr. Hurrah and you're in.

- Morning.
- Morning, sir.

Uh, mr. Hurrah, I don't know
if you remember me or not,

But we met in washington when
your friend bediyoskin was...

Of course, when
bediyoskin was... Was what?

- Uh, shot.
- Shot. Yes, terrible, sad.

Some actors should be
shot, but not bediyoskin.

what are you doing here?

My sister and I
just came out here

To see a friend in the studio,
but they won't let us in.

You want to get in the
studio... You're in the studio.

This man is a very dear
friend of mine. You let him in.

- Yes, sir.
- Come, I'll give you a ride. Get in.

Oh, well, we wouldn't want
to put you out, mr. Hurrah.

Nonsense, nonsense,
my dear friend.

Get in, get in. Bring your
sister. Get in. Plenty of room.

Come right here. That's
it, I'll make a little room.

Sit right here, my dear.

Take this. That's it.

That's it. That's it. Okay.

Okay. You all right?

Be careful, I'm on
the edge of the car.

No, this is "the edge of
the car," my new picture.

Are you sure we're not
putting you to any trouble?

- No. Where are you going, my friend?
- Stage 7.

Here we are.

I hope we didn't take
you out of your way.

Not at all, my friend. I'm so glad
you could have the ride with me.

Fine, I'll just take
that. That's a girl.

Yes, there we are.

Who are you going
to see on the lot?

- We're looking for a mr. Orlando.
- Orlando? Uh...

Oh, there he is, over
there with the green jacket.

- Well, goodbye, my friends.
- Thank you.

- Mr. Orlando, I have to talk to you.
- About what?

I'm maxwell smart,
a government agent.

I don't know anything.

This concerns the whole
world. You've got to help us.

I have an appointment
with mr. Hurrah,

And the big one doesn't
like to be kept waiting.

Bediyoskin told
us to contact you.

He even wrote your initials
on a slip of paper... T.b.o.

T.b.o. Can mean a lot of things.

Oh, really? For instance,
give me another t.b.o.

- One t.b.o., 40¢ - T.b.o?

Tomato and bacon,
on an onion roll.

You see? Now go away.

Our nation's
security is at stake.

You owe it to your country
to tell us what you know.

Wait a minute.

Did you say bediyoskin wrote

The initials t.b.o.
On a piece of paper?

- Yes.
- I must check something.

What? - Not now.

Meet me on stage 7.

Give me five minutes.

There must be a light switch
in here somewhere, max.

Forget it, 99.

It will make us perfect
targets for orlando.

Just stick close to me
and hug the shadows.

Come on.

Take it easy, 99.

It's just a bunch of dummies.

They use them for fight scenes.

Max, look!

It's orlando. He's dead.

- Oh, max, how terrible.
- I know.

That practically
eliminates him as a suspect.

Come on, 99. Let's
get out of here.

Oh, max, we're right
back where we started.

We still don't know
who the big one is.

Yes, well, I guess we'd
better call the admiral.


- Wait a minute. Wait a minute, 99.
- What?

It's been right here in front
of our eyes all the time.

- What has?
- Of course.

Orlando said it, the guard
said it, and now you just said it.

Said what, max?

The big one... T.b.o.

T.b.o. Stands for "the big one."

Max, I don't know what
you're talking about.

Don't you remember,

"I've got an appointment
with otto hurrah,

And the big one doesn't
like to be kept waiting."

And then the guard said...

"If it's all right with
the big one, you're in."

T.b.o... The big one
is otto hurrah.

- Exactly.
- What are we going to do now, max?

We'll just go over
to mr. Hurrah's office

And have a little talk with him.

Why not have it here?

Run, 99, run.

I'll get him, 99.

Thank you.




Missed. Ha ha.

This is going to be
a pleasure, hurrah...

For you.

Tell me, hurrah, what made
you decide to join kaos?

I'm a creative
producer and director,

Bursting with new concepts.

I was wasted in
the movie business.

Kaos had an opening for
a mastermind, so I took it.

Besides, my agent
recommended it.

But kaos is vicious,
evil and rotten.

So is my agent.

Your government made a big mistake
not giving us the money, mr. Smart.

Now everyone in america is doomed
to die of thirst and starvation.

You're the one who's
made the mistake, hurrah.

Yes, I let others
try to k*ll you.

I almost deprived myself of
this measureless pleasure.

Any last words, mr. Smart?

Yes. You're under arrest.

Your last chance, mr. Smart.

Make a phone call and guarantee
the money, and I'll let you live.

You're bluffing, hurrah.
You've used up most

Of the formula in
demonstrations already.

Our chemists in europe
will duplicate the formula

As soon as I deliver it there.

We have men in every
airport, every seaport.

You'll never get the
formula past them.

We shall see.
Correction... I shall see.

You won't be alive.

Well, hurrah, as they say
in the movies, this is the end.

Don't worry, my friend.

I've never k*lled
an unarmed man.

Sorry about that.

Well, sir, I'm very
glad to tell you

That the case is
officially closed,

And I will now turn over
the wheel of the ship to you.

Well, admiral, it was a...

A pleasure serving
under you again, sir.

The pleasure was mine.

And now I've got
to get to my doctor.

I'm overdue for my checkup.

When did you have your last one?


I think we should all go home.

We could certainly
use a nice, quiet weekend.
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