02x04 - Larmer Family

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Supernanny". Aired: 7 July 2004 – 8 October 2008.*
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British reality television programme about parents struggling with their children's behaviour, mealtime, potty training, etc.
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02x04 - Larmer Family

Post by bunniefuu »

Tonight on "supernanny," jo meets the larmers.

This family of six has lost all control.

I'm their grandmother,

And I really don't want 'em at my house.

With four destructive kids,

Mom becomes a drill sergeant

Get out of the wheelbarrow right now.

Barking out orders. You do not climb on the furniture!

When dad steps into the ring...

Quit thinking you're so damn smart!

Both parents come out swinging

And jo is caught in the middle.

Can I call time-out right now?

Will jo be able to turn down the volume?

John! John!

And get these parents to focus on their kids?

I just feel like such a terrible mom.


♪ Be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good, be good ♪ ♪ johnny ♪

♪ Be good, be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good, be good ♪ ♪ johnny ♪

♪ Johnny ♪

Let's take a look and see what family we've got here.

Hey, we're the larmers.

I'm judy. I'm ed.

We have children. John is years old.

We have twins-- justin and jessica. I want it!

What? They are /.

And we have a baby named joey.

And he's months old.

Four adorable children.

I work from : to :.

That means judy has the kids all day long.

Hey, you! Ow!


Our kids are extremely destructive.

Kick! Don't hit your sister with this.


There are so many broken things in our house.

They peel the wallpaper off the walls.

They've broken slats in the wood blinds.

John loves to get on our dining room table

And swing the light around.

We just moved to fort worth, texas, from florida

To be closer to my family.

I mean, I'm their grandmother, and I love 'em dearly.

But I really don't want 'em at my house.

Oh! Oh, [bleep]!

Oh, my god.

These children are into everything!

[Judy] our kids-- they don't listen to us.

Get in the house.

Justin, come up by the truck.

[Judy] our son john is very dominant with the other kids.

Look at the eldest one.

[Judy] he's always pushing justin around

And hitting him and knocking him down.

John edward larmer, take your turn.

[Ed] when I get home, I try to lay down the law

Because the kids are running crazy.

Time-out? No.

Spank butt? Where we going with this? No.

Whatever it takes, I would like a happy family

That likes to hang out together.

That's mine, no!

Hey! Knock it off!

Bit of a stern voice.

No, joey!

Please, supernanny, come help us.

We need you.

I got you!

Da da da da da!


This house is out of control. We need you, supernanny.

We need you desperately. Please come and help us.

I'm on my way!

Hello! Oh, my god!

How are you? I'm great. How are you?

Very well, pleased to meet you.

I'm jo.oh, my god, I'm so excited.

Pleased to meet you. Who's this little one here?

This is justin. He's one of the twins.

Hi, justin.

[Judy] when I first met jo, I was so excited I almost cried.

I thought, there's my light at the end of the tunnel.

There's my hope.

And I can finally have my kids and my house fixed.

Jo, this is my husband ed.

Hi, ed, nice to meet you. Nice to meet you.

Pleasure. Yeah.

I'm here today.

I'm going to be watching the family.

The first time I saw jo, I just instantly got butterflies.

I was nervous. I had sweaty palms.

I, you know, choked up, didn't know what to say.

Yes. Yes, ma'am. All right.

Yes. Well, have a good day today.

See you later. And I'll see you when you get back.

The first thing that I noticed when I walked into the house

Was that the children were playing in the living room

Like it was a playground. So I recognized very quickly

That the behavior that I was seeing from the children

Was because of boredom.

That they weren't being occupied.

And then mum pulled me aside,

And she gave me a quick tour of the house.

And this latch is for what purpose?

To keep them in their rooms.

Whenever they're in this room.

Whenever they're in here to sleep,

I hook the door shut.

Are there locks on every door, like that's got a lock on it?

The bedroom door? My door has a lock. John's door has a lock.

John's door? [Jo] I couldn't believe it.

There were gates and locks on every door.

I thought it was a little bit extreme.

Do you have the barricade quite a lot in your home?

I do it just to, like, minimize my hassles.

After the lockup tour of the house had finished,

I got to see the other method of prevention.

Get off there now!

You do not climb on the furniture.

John, get off the fireplace.

Leave the computer alone.

Do not spin that chair.

Out of the kitchen.

Mom's definitely got her hands full.

I mean, let's face it,

Keeping four young children occupied is no easy task.

One of their favorite things to play with--

Like we don't have enough toys out here--

Is my husband's mixer.


That doesn't surprise me.

I usually don't let my kids outside that often,

Because they do get dirty, and I prefer them to stay clean.

Get out of the mixer.

Jessie lynn, get out of there right now.

Where's justin?

Okay, kids, go find a toy to play with.

With all time time mum's spending

Chasing these kids around barking orders at them,

She could be playing with them instead.

I said go find a toy to play with.

Jessie, get out of the dirt.

Coming up on "supernanny"...

Okay, mr. I don't ever start an argument.

When jo calls a time-out...

Is this done in front of the kids all the time? Yes.

Mom's hard shell is cracked...

What example are you setting? A terrible one.

When "supernanny" returns.

♪ Be good, be good ♪

Judy explained to me that she didn't get to spend

A lot of time at her mum's house.

We all lived in florida and one by one my family moved out here.

Do you go over and see your mum and sister a lot?

Like, maybe every other week.

I'm not really allowed to go to my mother's very often.

Why's that?

She doesn't like the kids there.

'Cause they get into too much stuff at her house. That's a shame.

It is.

But today's visiting day, so I'm about to see

Exactly how it really is at grandma's house.

When we arrived at sharon's home,

I got to know sharon a little bit.

Hi, pleased to meet you. I'm jo.

I'm sharon. Nice to meet you.

Hi, sharon. Nice to meet you.

And she started telling me how she loves her grandchildren,

But they get their sticky fingers into everything.

They cannot leave their hands off anything.

They just go through the whole home.

Give me those. Give me those.

Joey, you can't touch those things.

So if you know that judy's coming over here,

Are you kinda like...

Yes, yes.

It's like with thanksgiving coming up,

I'm stressed already.

Well, I understand that grandma gets really angry

About the children into everything.

But they've got nothing else

To play or occupy themselves with.

They're kids after all. I mean, where are their toys?

[Sharon] they just come in and tear everything apart.

Oh, my goodness.

So I think her expectations on these children

Are just a little too harsh.

It's easier at my house where everything is kid-proofed.

But just to even pop over and see your mum

Is obviously hard work,

Because you can't sit down and have a conversation.

[Sharon] it's, like, not worth coming over

Because it's way too much work.

Leave these grapes alone!

Now she's breaking your grapes.

Grandparents should want to spend time

With their grandchildren. But right now,

That's not what's happening.

Come on, justin, get away from the street.

[Jo] when dad got home, he played with the children

For a little bit,

And then, out of nowhere,

He and mum got into one nasty fight.

I don't know what it was about.

I haven't mentioned that in five years. Yeah, but--

But you have to bring it up like it happened yesterday.

I thought we agreed to leave the past in the past.

Because if I ask you to do something nicely,

You ignore me just like the kids do.

I have to turn into a [bleep].

A raving [bleep] to get you to do anything.

Can I ask a question?

Is this done in front of the kids all the time?


Parents are going to have arguments from time to time.

But the language they were using towards one another--

In front of the children-- I had to interrupt.

I'm gonna have to say something. Can I call a time-out right now? Yes, you can.

Because I need to call time-out right now.okay.

Because your children are around you at the moment.

And this is something we will discuss later on.

When I first meet a family, I go in and I watch the dynamics

Between the parents and the children.

After observing the larmer family

I had definitely seen enough.

And I knew it was time to call for a family meeting.

So if you guys are ready,

Let's go and sit down and have a talk.

[Judy] I'm nervous about the conversation

We're gonna have with jo because I think

It's going to be really hard to hear all of our faults.

[Ed] going into this family meeting,

I am wondering what I am doing wrong.

I'm just nervous that, you know, is she gonna throw rocks at me?

Or is she gonna shake my hand?

Let me start off by saying

You're extremely grounded parents.

And that is a reflection

On the way that the children are.

That's a real credibility to the pair of you.

Thank you. Thanks.


For me to walk in and see two adults

Verbally spitting out

Remarks at one another where I have to call time-out,

Because it is only me that is registering

That you have young children around you is beyond me.

What example are you setting,

The pair of you, for the kids?

A terrible one.

Let's talk about the safety in the house.

I love that the pair of you are very responsible

In making sure that your children

Are protected from harm's way.

But, the pair of you have gone overboard.

There are stair gates everywhere.

If it's to keep the children in their bedrooms,

I think a lot of it is slight laziness.

It is the lazy way out. I know.

It is the lazy way out

Because it doesn't actually benefit the child.

And there's no learning curve from the process.

Now let's talk about routine.

You have the cornerstones of a routine.

When the children get up,

Go to school, get ready for the evening.

But the gaps in between are not productive.

Because in that space of time,

The children jump on the sofas. They play with the cushions.

So these children are bored. It's wrong.

What I don't see happening

Are correct measures of discipline here.

But the one thing that I do notice

And that is, when the children are being given a warning,

Judy... Whoo.

You are hard-core, girl. And it's a bit intimidating.

[Imitating judy] get over there! Move out here! Over there!

[Normal voice] that's what you sound like.

You're standing over them.

You never come down to their level.

It's easier for me to pick them up to my level.

Judy, how scary is that?

That you'd be picked up by your shoulders

While your mum puts you

Inches away from her face.

I'll tell you one thing-- I would be shaking.

It's all right, babe. You didn't know.

I just feel like such a terrible mom.

I know how much you love your children.

But discipline should not be about intimidation.

You want your children to be able to come to you,

To be able to respect you.

But know that, as parents, you're gonna draw the line.

Are you both committed

To put hard work in to changing this around?

Yes. Yes, ma'am.

[Ed] jo was correct about everything.

We're ready to start this long process

Of healing this family back to health.

And I do need two key players

'Cause, after all, this is about you two guys

Making sure that you are happy.

Bringing up four beautiful children.

So if you guys are ready for hard work,

I'm ready as soon as possible.

Let's start right now. Let's go.

When we had our conversation about the family

And most of it was aimed towards me,

That hurt a lot.

So I really am going to try my hardest

To do everything she tells me to do.

Coming up on "supernanny"...

When jo introduces productive play...

Okay, let's go! Let's go do some painting!

Things get messy...

Jessie, no!

When "supernanny" returns.

But first, a tip from supernanny.

Parents, do all you can to make your children safe at home.

A toddler sees the world from this level.

A baby sees it from this level.

So do what you can, see what they see

And protect them.

♪ Be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good ♪

[Jo] the first thing I do when I go back to a family

Is to place a family routine in their house.

Hello. [Judy] hello.

Okay. The family routine.

All right. All right?

Let's go through it.

From to ,

I want you to get productive

With jessie and with justin.

So let's get messy,

Let's get arts and crafts out,

And let these children start enjoying themselves.


[Judy] when jo put that schedule on our pantry door,

I felt like I would have things

That I know I need to be doing with the kids

Instead of letting them have too much free time.

From : to :, yet again,

Productive play.

What that is going to do in the long run

Is promote a judy

That is gonna start to chill out a bit.

Start to relax and recognize

That having fun with your children comes first.

I like it. It's all in black and white right there.

[Jo] judy? I can't wait to start.

[Judy] the best part of the new routine

Is that now I have so much more time

To spend with my kids

On a positive note instead of just

Screaming at 'em all day long.

[Jo] judy can be very obsessive

When it comes to having everything tidy.

What's it say over here?

It sure does, doesn't it? Yeah.

She doesn't like mess. So very calculated,

I made sure that

The "productive play" in the afternoon

Was arts and crafts.

Okay, let's go! Let's go do some painting!

Painting. I have to get used to

The kids getting dirty. Come on, let's go paint.

Because all's I have to do is wash 'em

And they're as good as new.

What? The paint, yeah.

Oh, yeah, of course. It's all color wash stuff. Okay.

Children's paints are. You know that?

No, I didn't know that because I've never even looked at 'em.

[Jo] at first, judy was a little bit apprehensive.

Whee! Mama's gonna get her hands all messy!

When she saw the smiles on their faces,

And she saw how much they were enjoying themselves,

I don't even think she thought about it.

[Ed] I've never seen my wife

Get out there and do that with the kids.

They were just havin' the fun they ain't never had before.

I didn't know you were so good with a paintbrush, john.


I think judy felt proud of herself,

And it put a big grin on her face.

As much as it did the children.

Look there. Look at john's smile.

Look at them paint. You see?

Our kids need to be kids.

Did you ever go to the park

And get yourself rolled with mud?

My mother was so afraid of us makin' a mess,

It was just never allowed to be done.

Do you see a reflection there somewhere?

Yes, I do. All right,

And that's what I want you to do. Break that mold.

And I really want it to be different for them.

It's just really hard to do something

Other than what you've known your whole life.

This is what it's about-- being kids and having fun.

And she relaxed, and we saw a different side to judy

And the children saw that side, too.


They're definitely havin' a lot of fun.

They are. They're all smiling. Look at their faces.

There was a quiet moment where I could just talk to mom

With regards to her tone of voice.

This is you.

[Imitating judy] can ya put that down?!

That sounds-- john!


That sounds terrible.

[Normal voice] that is how you speak.

It's a real low, harsh voice,

And it's like marching orders.

Jo sat me down to let me know

Exactly what I sounded like yelling at my kids,

And when she did

Her imitation of me, it made me flinch.

I can't believe I yelled at my kids like that.

There are three levels-- your everyday voice,

Then there's the voice that's slightly higher pitched,

And it's when you're praising children,

And then when you are giving the children discipline,

You need to adopt an authoritive tone which is of a lower tone.

Without the yelling.

Without the yelling.

It's "john,

"Stop that behavior, please.

"I'm really not happy with that."

So let's practice your tone of voice.

John, please stop doing that.

Okay, that was better. I wanna hear another one, though.

I'm not fully convinced.no.


John, you are not to swing

From the mantelpiece. Please get down.

Okay, that is better. Why?

Because I was firm without scaring them.

So I wanna practice the praising.

I wanna see your voice come up a notch--or two.

Or two. Okay, how about,

[Raises voice tone] great job, john.

Mommy's really proud of you.

Okay. Go, jessica, that was fantastic!

Jessica, that was fantastic.

It's gonna be really tough to make sure

That I keep my voice levels correct

And that I am usin' the vocal tones

That she taught me to use.

Justin, you did a great job. Look, you did it.

All of a sudden, your eyes light up,

There's a smile,

Cheekbones are in your face,

And everything changes...happy.

And that is what I need you to understand about yourself.

Now that mom's going to work on her voice control,

We need to set up some discipline

So that she's not just shouting and yelling

At these kids all the time. Naughty blocks...

And these blocks are going to be

Consequences for unacceptable behavior.

John, you either have to get up and help,

Or you need to sit over there,

But you cannot sit on my lap, okay?

[Whiney] but I want to.

We were in the playroom, and the kids

Were helping tidying up, but john,

He was in a pouty mood, and he just didn't wanna help.

Tell john that you want him to help with the buckets

And sit to the side, but you don't want anybody on you.

You've already told him that you don't want him to sit on you.

I did. [Whines] I don't want to.

You either help with the buckets

Or you sit over here by yourself.

I do not want you sittin' on me right now.

I'd give him a warning with a low voice.

John. John, you will listen to mommy,

Or you will go to your naughty block.

You understand me?

[Jo] judy did warn him, but he refused to help.

So off to the naughty block he went.

[Cries] oh.

Take the lego piece off of him,

And I want you to explain why he's on here.

John. No. [Crying]

You are on this block because you didn't listen to mommy.

So now you have to sit here for four minutes.

No. Don't want to. Leave him. Leave him.

If he gets off, you'll place him back.

Don't want to. [Crying]

Okay, go through and explain it to him.

John. [Cries]

Mommy put you on this naughty block

Because you did not listen to me.

Now can you tell mommy you're sorry?

Let's change. Let's go play.

Let's go and play. Come on, let's go play.

Coming up on...

She thinks I think they're heathens.

And you do think my kids are awful.

And my kids are not awful.

After a communication breakdown,

Jo gets this family talking.

I can read your feelings in the way you talk to me,

And it hurts.

When "supernanny" returns.

♪ Be good, be good ♪

But first, a tip from supernanny.

Parents, it really is true.

The way you speak to your children

Has a massive impact on the way they respond.

So don't be shy. Use that mirror and practice.

That's fantastic!

♪ Be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good ♪

[Jo] judy was working hard

On gaining control over the children's behavior,

And unlike previous visits to grandma's,

She had high hopes for the next visit.

So I asked sharon and judy to join myself for a chat.

Hello, how are you today? All right. How are you?

Good. Good to see you.

Up until now, you didn't fully realize

How much of an impact your children's behavior had

On grandma's attitude towards the children

In her own home.

Is that correct? That's correct.

Because we had jo there as sort of a mediator,

I think we were able

Just to get it all out in the open.

She thinks I think they're heathens, and I never said that.

What are they? I said, "they're out of control."

Is it because I left them with

So much unoccupied time?

I never said that.

And you do think my kids are awful,

And my kids are not awful.

They're not well behaved.

What do you expect them to be?

Well behaved.

Tell me what "well behaved" means.

Somebody that isn't running around all the time.

I mean, bring-- okay.

Bring some of their toys over. That's a great idea.

When they come to my house from now on,

We will have the naughty chair, and they'll have

Their bucket of toys and books and that

That they can play with...

And, hopefully, everything will work out fine.

We had a chance to actually get out how we truly feel.

The wall that has been building up between us

Is now, like, open.

Hopefully, with all our new rules in place,

I will have better control of the kids

And they can come to your house.

And I love you.

Okay, it's getting to me now. I'm watchin' you cry.

I'm gettin' all welled-eyed now.

Makin' me feel all emotional.

I became emotional. That, for me,

Made me recognize that there were two grown women

Wanting to heal.

I think together, they'll work it out

So that everybody's happy.

In order for mom to feel comfortable

With the children at grandma's house,

She needs to be able to trust her children in her own house.

It's time to take off those locks.

Let's take the latch off the door now,

Have a stair gate at the top of the stairs so that

The children are free to come in and out of their bedrooms

And to go into each other's

And have this hallway space as well.

Mom's attitude has become more relaxed.

She's been very receptive to the advice I've given her.

Look at me. She just wants change.

Look at me.

Judy and ed needed to recognize

That they weren't being responsible parents

By arguing and fighting

In front of their children. So I explained to them

That we were going to go upstairs to the bedroom

And do the in solution

To resolve this matter once and for all.

We asked supernanny to come to our home

To take care of our kids,

And as it turned out, she's taking care of us.

At the end of every evening, I want you guys

To do the in solution...

And this is what it is.

Mom and dad write down issues,

They discuss it amicably,

They do this within minutes,

And then they shred that piece of paper.

It means to be honest with one another

And to truly say how you feel.

[Winds timer] okay.

Minutes. Judy.

My first one is to stop yelling at each other

In front of the kids.

Sometimes, you're the one that's yellin', and you...

We, um, egg each other on, basically.

Well, the way you talk to me, I can read your feelings

In the way you talk to me, but you just

Throw 'em out there like it means nothing to me,

And it means a lot and it hurts.

I hear ed saying that he feels egged on by your behavior,

And you're feeling like he doesn't understand you,

And that causes yelling.

How do you resolve a situation?

Stop whatever we're talkin' about,

Whatever the problem was, and put it on hold till later.

Yeah, I think we need to take the--put the kids first.

Realize that they are in the room,

And they don't need to hear us acting like that.

What I'm hearing is you both have agreed to save

What you need to discuss in the in solution. Correct?

Correct. Correct.

Let's move on. Okay.

Next one, please.

I'm happy with it because I get to write down my issues

And tell judy point blank range what I'm thinkin'.

Forgive and move on

So that you don't drag up yesterday

So that you can move forward. [Coughs]

Sorry, babe. Sorry.

I'll try harder. Yep.

I both want you guys to tear off your paper and shred it.

It is going to be difficult to actually--

Once it goes in the shredder, act like it's just disappeared.

That's gonna be really tough,

And it's gonna take a lot of work.

Come on, give me a big hug. Mm, big boy.

I'm leavin' the larmer family for a couple of days

With all the advice and all the techniques.

Please remember the in solution.

Judy, relax. Shake it out,

And remember that tone of voice.

Okay. All right?

Okay. Thank you so much. You're more than welcome.

I think what I'm gonna miss most

About jo not being here is the support.

Bye. See you. Say "bye, jo-jo."

I'm gonna have to check myself instead of her checkin' me.

That's gonna be really tough.

Coming up on...

With jo gone...

You're not comin' in. [Whines]

Mom and dad revert to their old ways...

I asked you a simple question in a normal tone of voice.

I'm so sick of your hard head.

It's so sad...

The need to be confrontational.

When "supernanny" returns.

♪ Be good, be good ♪

[Jo] I'm leavin' the larmer family for a couple of days.

With all the advice and all the techniques.

So let's just see how they get on.

We're goin' to nana's house. Nana.

This box is what we're gonna take.

We're gonna fill it up with a bunch of our toys

So we have stuff to do while we're at nana's house.

Say, "hi, gran. Hi, nana." Hello.

So we're gonna show nana all we've learned.

[Jo] this is off to a good start.

Jessie, let's do a puzzle.

You wanna do bugs? John, you wanna do ice cream?

There ya go. Great job, john.

Thank you.

Now you pat that. You pat it, and it comes out.

[Gasps] cherry pie. I like cherry pie.

Look it. [Judy] way to go, grandma.

[Jo] that's the way to get involved.


Did mommy bring lunch?

There you go, justin.

Here you go, joe. I'm so proud of you.

You're keepin' nana's house nice and clean.

Y'all are gonna clean up the livin' room now

And then we're going to head home.

[Judy] oh, my goodness.

Did we have fun at nana's house this time?

Yay! Nana's house!

Bye. Bye-bye, joe.

[Jo] what a change. That's a real success.

You guys wanna go swimmin'? [Jo] good idea, mom.

Pool time for productive play. Turn the hose on for mom?

Mommy has a little time to go get a few chores done.

So you guys stay out here, be messy, have fun.

[Jo] mom, where are you going? You just got out there.

Cleaning can wait. What about your kids?

Ha ha!

Ha ha!

Now, y'all stop

Bangin' on this door right now.


Go play.

[Jo] mom, the kids wanna play with you.


You listen to me, if I got somethin' to do

In the house for two minutes,

You need to use your patience.

Why can't I have two minutes to myself?

You have lots to do out here.

Find somethin' to do, and play nicely.

Go. You're not comin' in. [Crying]

[Jo] judy, remember your time with the kids.

Come on over. Let's put all the stuff up.

Babe, I'm really sorry,

But you're supposed to have time with the kids yeah, I know.

And I got three of 'em in the kitchen.

Justin's standin' in a chair. Jessie...

Come on. No. No.

[Jo] looks like dad could use some help

With ideas for playtime.

She's tryin' to watch tv. You have to be quiet.

[Judy] you know what? She's not supposed to be watchin' tv.

I think y'all are supposed to be doin'

Some type of productive play.

Sorry, baby. It's goin' off, okay?

, ...no.

No. .

Come on. Just go in the other room and play.

So what y'all wanna do?

Y'all wanna make funny plates with paint?

Uh-huh. Yeah?

Yeah. Okay.

Let's go outside!

Is that where we're goin'?

No, you can't go out and paint. Dinner's in, like, a minute.

[Jo] give 'em a break, mom. At least he's trying.

Oh, okay. Let's play set the table.

Jeez, and you've only been at it for a couple of minutes.

[Jo] judy, lighten up. You're so harsh.



As soon as a subject came up this mornin'

That you didn't like, like money, we decided

We can't talk about this now. Let it be a - thing.

You're supposed to get over it right then.

Instead, you held a grudge all morning.

Are you done?

Yeah. I guess that leads to my number one.

"Think twice before being rude in questions or statements."

The way you talk to me is the way I talk back.

I'm so sick of your hard head. You...

It is your way or no way.

You either do what I say, or I'm gonna be mad,

And I'm gonna stay mad

If you don't start doin' what I say.

[Jo] this is supposed to be a discussion,

Not a fight.

What's the resolution to this?

Until you start taking responsibility for your actions,

I don't think there will be one.

All right. We got about a minute.

[Jo] this is gonna take a lot longer than a minute.

I'm headed back. [Timer rings]

Having been away for a couple of days,

I then return to the family. Hello.

How are you? Good to see you. I'm good. How are you?

You are? Good. Hi, there. Good to see you.

It is an opportunity for them to realize

The mistakes that they've made.

So together, we can then move on to amend them.

So let's have a look at this stuff now.

[Ed] justin, come here. Jessie, let's do a puzzle.

Thank you.

Now you pat that. You pat it, and then you...

[Judy] we have fun at nana's house this time?

Yeah, nana!

All right. Love you.

Absolutely fantastic.

And the fact that you've used the box

To be able to place everything inside for the children,

And just a more productive afternoon here.

It was. It was way different

From all our other visits. Fantastic job, the pair of you.

Thank you.

Okay, what do y'all wanna do? Y'all wanna make

Funny plates with paint? Uh-huh.

No, you can't go out and paint. Dinner's in, like, a minute,

And you've only been at it for a couple of minutes.

I'm not pleased with the tone that was given to ed, judy,

Because what you're doin'

Is undermining your husband in front of your children.

What I want you to do

Is to be supportive towards ed and to teach him.

Mommy has a little time

To go get a few chores done. [Cries]

You go find something to do and play nicely

For five minutes. Go. [Crying]

Chill out, chill out, chill out. Aah! Mom.

Fantastic idea. You've got 'em out,

But what you didn't do

Was spend time with the children first

Before allowing yourself to step out.

You lost patience with justin there,

And then when telling him,

You were right up in his face again,

And that is intimidating. You need to step back.

So be very aware of your own...

Body space. Okay.

Let's carry on with this.

I asked you a simple question

In a normal tone of voice,

And you turned it into a big, huge argument.

"Think twice before being rude in questions or statements."

We have to come up with a resolution.

We got about a minute.

It's so sad--the need to be confrontational

And win your battle

Leaves no room for compromise.

This really isn't fair for the children.

I totally agree with you, but I don't know how to make it stop.

Today, we are going to do a in solution,

And today, I'm gonna be here

To just move you guys on so that you progress...

Okay a step more.

Good. Any questions?

We were both out of control, talkin' in circles,

Doin' everything that jo told us not to.

Okay, judy? No, I'm good.

Okay, so let's get crackin'. All right.

Coming up, on...

Jo teaches the family to remember to have fun...

And what you have to do

Is tell jo-jo what it is that's missing.

Oh, it--it was a duck.


Whoo! Quack, quack, quack, quack!

When "supernanny" returns.

♪ Be good, be good ♪

Today, I knew that

I had to sit down with the pair of them

And go through the in solution again.

Thank you. One way or the other,

It means the children are not gonna suffer,

And what I would like you to do

Is to write down

Three things that you feel are your own flaws.

So if you could do that first, that would be brilliant.

I truly believe it's important

To realize that they're taking

Responsibilities for their own issues.

Ed, read your first flaw about yourself.

I always look at the bad side and take the worst.

[Jo] how are you gonna change that?

When somethin' good's supposed to happen,

Instead of just figurin' for the worst,

I'll try to figure for the best.

It does take a little courage to admit your own flaws

And to talk about them as well. It's not easy.

Let's see what we got over here.

Um, the way I speak to you.

It's wrong. I've seen it.

It's kinda like you say. It's awful.

[Jo] I'm proud that judy and ed have realized

A lot of stuff about themselves,

Because for me, it means that

They're moving in the right direction.

The way you're talking to each other right now,

It's fantastic,

And I'm seeing a breakthrough

With the pair of you starting to understand

Each other's issues.

So that you can get on with being parents to your kids

And be successful at doing that.

Well done. Well done. Thank you.

Thank you. Give each other a big hug.

I think as long as the pair of them

Can trust one another

And--and have faith in one another and believe

That they can get through it together,

Then we're making a footstep in the right direction here.

I was really at a loss

At finding something to do that was productive for my children.

I'd just like more ideas.

[Jo] when it comes to productive play,

Dad was running out of ideas,

And so today I showed him

What other things we could do together with the kids

To stimulate them and engage them.

Everyone come around. All right.

[Jo] we played a memory game where I placed some odd bits

From the home on a cushion,

And I told the children they would have to remember

What was on that cushion.

This is a leaf,

And we're going to put this right next to the spoon.

And I want you to look-- no touching, just look--

At what's on this cushion.

Are you ready?


Now do you know what's gonna happen?

You're gonna close your eyes

And put your hands over your eyes.

Hands over your eyes, jess, like this.

And jo-jo is going to take two things away.

And what you have to do is tell jo-jo

What it is that's missing.

Oh, my! Oh, my.

Oh, my. Put your hands over your eyes.


Justin, what's missin'?

No. Can you remember, john?

[Judy] johnny, what was sittin' right there?

Dad, let's give the first clue.

It had a beak.

Quack, quack.

It was the duck. [Ed] did you hear that, johnny?

Quack, quack, quack, quack.

The duck was right here.


That's right. It went there.

Okay, we'll put it back.

What was the other thing that went missin'?

Yeah! Whoo!


[Ed] trying to find something to do

Was a challenge at first.

And I think I got a good start on some ideas,

And I'm hopin' that some more productive ideas

Will roll my way just off of these.

You guys could put it all in the basket now.


I hope this encourages them to carry on.

Can I have a kiss, big boy?

Can I have a kiss?

Bye-bye. I'm going now.

[Jo] it's been an emotional roller coaster

In this household

Over the last couple of weeks.


And just remember,

It's about you guys workin' it together

To make sure that these little ones

Are contented,

And you guys are as parents, all right?

So take care, ed. Thank you.

Take care of yourself, mate. Thank you so much.

You're more than welcome.

Thanks for all you've done for us.


Say good-bye to jo-jo. Wave to jo-jo.

Bye. Bye.

[Jo] I think that the larmer family

Have worked very hard to build bridges.

I just hope that they can walk across them together

For the future.

For them, the future is very bright.

This is just the beginning for them.

I'm already seein' my kids--

% Turn around.

Rawr, rawr, rawr. [Laughs]

I haven't seen 'em smile and have this much fun ever.

Hey, bubbles!

[Judy] the kids are happier.

They have more playtime with mommy.



I'm really trying to keep a cap on my yelling.


And mommy loves you. And mommy loves you.

Jo came in here

And gave us techniques to use to improve our marriage,

Which will, in turn, improve our kids.

Scrub, scrub, scrub.

[Ed] they are listening better already.

They are behaving better already.

Very nice. Thank you, justin.

They're lovin' playing with each other now.

Ed and I are speaking to each other with more respect.

How was your day?

Real good. How was yours? Good.

Things are gettin' better around here.

[Judy] now we have the tools to use to make things better.

She's not just a nanny. She's an angel in disguise.

She saved a marriage here,

She saved children here.

Thank you, jo, for all you've done for us.

We--we really appreciate it.

And there's no way we can ever thank you enough.

I did it again.

[Judy] stop with the angry eyebrows.

[Jessica] justin!

Stop it.

Oh, bubbles! Get them.

Whoo-hoo. It's fun!

[Judy] do those taste good?


Yuck. [Laughs]


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