02x11 - Carsley Family

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Supernanny". Aired: 7 July 2004 – 8 October 2008.*
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British reality television programme about parents struggling with their children's behaviour, mealtime, potty training, etc.
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02x11 - Carsley Family

Post by bunniefuu »

Tonight, supernanny rescues the carsley family. Hi.

If you think one set of twins was hard work, think twice.

She's got two.

This mom has double the trouble,

And more-- chantal.

This year old is spinning out of control.

[Cheryl] chantal!

Driving this single mom... Why won't you let me in?

To the brink of a breakdown.

I'm really, really stressed and really, really tired.

That is notokay.

As mom tries to deal with this path of destruction...

[Yells] do not hit me.

Will jo have what it takes to control this unruly mob...

Or will they run the two of them out of town?


♪ Be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good, be good ♪ ♪ johnny ♪

♪ Be good, be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good, be good ♪ ♪ johnny ♪

♪ Johnny ♪


Let's take a look and see what family we've got here.

My name's cheryl carsley. I'm a single mom with five kids.


[Laughing] not okay.

You two--you guys stop moving around.

And I'm also going back to school

To try to get my teacher's certificate.

Why won't you let me in? I have a daughter, chantal, who is ,

And two sets of twin boys--

Caleb and nicholas, who are ,

And bobby and elijah, who are .


Five children. This woman's got her hands full.

Let go of it! Let go of it!

Chantal wants to do what chantal wants to do.

You're-- you're getting her all wet!

Chantal will throw tantrums.

Excuse me. Let go!

[Cheryl] she'll hit and hit.

Do not hit me.

[Chantal] no!

The five of 'em together have a mob mentality.

Blah, blah, blah, blah.

[Cheryl] they talk rudely to me...

Caleb-- then don't do that again.

[Cheryl] they hit me.

This is ridiculous.

They just do not listen.

[Roars] bed. In bed.

One of me, five of them. You do the math. I only have two arms.

[Cheryl] hey, guys! Hey, hey, hey!

[Cheryl] the house is constantly a mess.

They write on the walls. They break things.

What are these children doing?

This is not how I wanna live.

The house feels constantly out of control--disaster.

I come home and I wanna leave.

Oh, mom is having a nightmare!

But I'm trying as hard as I can,

And nothing seems to work.

I need to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

[Crying] I'll put this-- I'll put this--

No! Don't touch it!

Please,supernanny, come to my house and tell me how--

That I can get control of five children.

You could definitely do with another pair of hands.

I'm on my way.


Hi. Hi.

Pleased to meet you.

I'm jo. I'm cheryl.

[Nicholas] hi. Hello.

[Jo] what's your name?

[Giggling] nicholas. Nicholas?

[Laughs]pleased to meet you. I'm jo jo.

Hi. [Giggles]

And what's your name? Chantal.

Pleased to meet you, chantal. Hello.

[Jo] when I first arrived, I got bombarded by five children...

And what's your name? Bobby.


Kind of excited to see me.

I'm elijah.

You're elijah. And who are you?

I'm caleb.

[Deep voice] caleb. Caleb the superhero.

[Cheryl] jo walks into my house,

And the kids really seemed to like her,

How cute and funny she seemed.

I'm here today to observe the family-- toys! Toys!

I know that you've got issues that need to be addressed,

And we'll get to the bottom of those. Okay.

So just feel free to carry on as you normally would.

As soon as I walked in,

All those smiles and giggles I saw...

Disappeared rather quickly.

No! [Jo] the kids were just roughhousing

And throwing things.

They're just--the kids are out of control.

That is not okay. That is notokay.

That is notokay!

[Cheryl] jo gets to see what I'm facing everyday.

They're fighting and--and...

They're yelling and screaming... [Crying]

[Screams] [cheryl] do not scream at me.

And the disrespect... Stop, elijah!

[Nicholas] bah ha.

Five kids, five personalities, five individuals, one mom.

Cheryl, what's happening now?

We're gonna have lunch.

We're gonna have lunch now? Okay.

Mom hadn't even gotten the food on the table

And the fireworks went off again.


[Nicholas crying]

[Jo] nicholas and elijah were fighting together.

Mom had to play referee and pull 'em apart.

[Whines] stop!

There is only me. That's not okay!

I have to be the mean one, I have to be the nice one.

[Whining] no!

[Jo] it was back and forth for cheryl,

But the boys continued fighting...

Emotions went into it. You know, my head's going like this.

[Shouting indistinctly]

I'm sure it is. I'm sure it is.

You know, I'd like to think...

Elijah, come here.

[Cheryl] stop, nicholas! That is not okay! [Crying]

[Cheryl] do I have to be the one that's yelling nonstop?

I don't wanna feel negative all day.

[Jo] cheryl went in and separated the boys,

But nothing got resolved, and the chaos just continues.

No, don't!

I'm stressed.

I'm really, really stressed and really, really tired.

Is your head above water or is it under?

[Boys] mom. Mommy!

I feel like I'm just barely, like-- [boys] mommy! Mom!

It's--i could... It depends on the day.

It depends on the day, really.

I want my juice.


Cheryl was clearly stressed out, so I just pulled her away

From the boys to have a talk with her...

Why do you think they hit one another?

Just--sometimes they seem really angry.

Do you know why they're angry?

'Cause there's not enough of me to go around?

They don't get enough attention, and that makes sense?

What if it does? [Chuckles]

Cheryl's totally overwhelmed with this situation,

And she just doesn't know which way to turn.

What is the toughest challenge for you being a mother?

You know, I've got five that don't get enough of me.

And it's really hard to...

When I don't have enough time in the day for anything.

Trying to put hours into a -hour day. Right.

I'm a single mom,

And with that means that I'm responsible

For everything in the household. It's hard.

That's a lot to deal with-- yeah.

And a lot to maintain. And then after I get them to bed,

I still have to get everything ready for the next day,

Get lunches made, get whatever and then do my homework.

I admire cheryl. She's trying to raise her children

The best way she possibly can andgo to college.

That's not an easy task.

How are we gonna make it happen?

"We." Exactly what we're gonna do. We?

Yeah, together. You're moving in?

[Chuckles] I'll tell you what, if necessary, I will.


Coming up on...

Jo gets a tour of the disaster zone...

Jo jo needs a shovel-- look--to clear the pathway.

And chantal's temper boils over...

[Cheryl] chantal!

When "supernanny" returns.

♪ Be good, be good ♪

[Jo] as I walked around the house,

I just saw that cheryl had completely lost control...

Mess everywhere.

Is this common? I mean, is this throughout the whole house?

Jo jo needs a shovel-- look--to clear the pathway.

I wasn't pleased with what I saw in cheryl's house.

There's writing all over the walls...

You didn't have anymore paper?yeah.

Elijah did this. That means all of you draw on the walls, right?

[Jo] there are books that are disregarded

And just thrown on the floor...

Somebody's kind of torn over that area.

Yeah, I know. Everything is everywhere.

That's what my house looks like. It's true.

There's paper on the floors, tape, mess, dirt.

Food for squirrels.

Kitchen's no better.

[Jo] they've just got no respect for the home in which they live.

Who clears up all of this? I will.

Can you pick up your game? Can you pick it up?

I feel like I'm trying as hard as I can to keep this house

As organized and--and as clean as possible,

And this is still what it looks like.

Definitely need some organization here.


You're gettin' dinner ready for the kids?

That's what I'm doing right now, yeah.

[Speaking indistinctly]

Chantal wasn't hungry,

And she was making sure that mom heard all about it.

[Cheryl] well, what happened last night

When you didn't eat dinner?

You were hungry and you didn't get anything to eat.

That wasn't fun, was it?


That's not okay!

Chantal! You could've just burned yourself! [Crying]

It was sodangerous.

Chantal nearly poured a pot of boiling water

All over herself.

I know a lot of what motivates their behavior

Is lack of attention.

They only have one person to care for them.


Stop. Stop!

Yeah, stop. [Screams]


You need to go sit until you cool off. Okay?

Aah! Her behavior has been just so out of control

That I feel bad for her that she's not getting enough--

But at the same time,

I feel like I try even more because she's not a twin.

This is definitely, where i, like, have no clue.

[Chantal crying]

After chantal calmed down... Come on, sit with me for a minute.

I asked her to have a little chat with me

So I could find out

Exactly what was going on in that little girl's head.

What's it like living in the same house as four brothers?


You wish you had a sister?yeah.

Do you ever get time alone with mommy to do things?mm-hmm.


Chantal needs her mom's time.

She needs to be heard, to be listened to.

And she needs her mom to be that steady rock for her

For her to be able to build her self-confidence.

What would be really good for mommy to do

When you're with her?

"Go to a restaurant." What's your favorite food?

I'm seeing five children fight for mom's time and attention

At a crucial and critical time of their life.

And at the moment, this household is pandemonium.

I'll really do need to speak to cheryl.

I'm getting ready for the family meeting,

And I'm... Nervous, a little scared.

[Cheryl] I'm sure there's a million things

That I'm doing wrong.

Cheryl, you are a determined woman,

And a very hard-working one.

You told me how you're studying,

And I admire your strength in being able to do this

Andraise five children.

And that's a handful.

So I've got to say to you,

You know, a out of effort.

Really juggling between what you wanna do as an individual

And as a mother as well, because it's not easy.


Are you enjoying being a mother at the moment?

[Clears throat]

You really gonna make me answer that?

No, it's not always fun.

You love your kids,

So why shouldn't you, as a mother, enjoy that role?

But it's not happening.

I walk into your home, and what I see is chaos.

Everythingaround you

Is like you've been swept up in a tornado.

And it's just, boom!

Landed back down in your sitting room in your home.

Well, it's, uh, sort of like you say,

My whole life is a tornado.

Actually, that's the way it feels.

You have to be organized when you've got five kids, cheryl.

There's no two ways about it.

The writing on the walls... They're not years old.

Even my year old still writes on the walls sometimes.

That's what I mean.

Not only am I seeing

This big lack of respect for their home.

What I'm seeing is aggression. Okay?

They're not expressing how they're feeling

And communicating correctly.

Let's talk about discipline, cheryl.

How are you disciplining the children so that

You can teach them consequences for how they behave?

I guess I've gotten to the point where I don't know how to...

To follow through with consequences all the time.

Not only are we talking about the boys here

And their aggression,

Let's talk about chantal.

What she doesn't have is your time.

And so she constantly tries to get your attention

In a negative way.

Now I don't doubt you love your children,

And I know, by watching you, that you go out on a limb

To be able to provide for them the best that you can.

Do you know the best thing that you give your kids?

Is your time.

Is your attention.

And each one of them crave it.

And they crave it because it's not there consistently.

And that's what we need to achieve here. All right?

[Sniffs]and the one thing that I feel

That you've lost along the way is hope.

[Cheryl] it's hard to hear that you're having a negative effect

On the people you care the most about,

That every day that you're waking up,

You're trying to do the very best you possibly can

For the ones you love, and you're not accomplishing it.

So are you ready for some hard work?

This doesn't give you a graduation at the end,

But I'll tell you what, it's quite rewarding.[Laughs]

Are you ready for that? Definitely.

Okay, so let's get to work. Coming up on...

Jo gets mom to clean up her act...

[Giggles] [man] how you doing?

But chantal questions

Jo's rules... "Do not talk back."

[Cheryl] don't! Chantal!

How does this make this special time with you hitting me?

When "supernanny" returns.

But first... ♪ Be good, be good ♪

A tip from supernanny.

As a single parent, having a current list

Of people to look after children in case of an emergency

Is a very valuable thing to have,

Whether it be a neighbor, someone from church,

Or even a parent from your kid's school.

Having this list

Is gonna take a massive weight off your shoulders

In case a situation arises.

♪ Be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good ♪


[Jo] cheryl has a routine at the moment,

But it's in her head,

And it does get lost by around : in the afternoon.

So what I would like to do is to set up a good structured,

Tight routine for her, so that it will give her focus.

All right, so we've got our family routine up.

What we need to do is to start prioritizing

What needs to come first, and that's tidying up.


From : to :, we're gonna have tidy up time.

I wanna give you a hand, and I wanna give you a surprise.

[Jo] cheryl's a mother.

She has come out of an emotional divorce,

And she's in school at the moment,

But her head needs de-cluttering

And the home needs a little bit of a tidy up.

So I rounded up some neighbors and some friends

And everybody was very willing to be able to lend a hand.


When I saw the people at the door,

I was surprised, of course. I was extremely surprised.

But at the same time, I was like, thinking, aah!

[Chuckles] embarrassed!

I don't want these people to come into my home!

Oh, my god! This is embarrassing! [Chuckles]

Come in, everyone.

I just want you to know that you aren't alone

And that there are people here that understand

The situation you're in. What we're gonna do is,

Is sort this out, get organized, all right?

So that we can have a nice happy environment.

All right. Let's get going!


[Singing indistinctly]

I love this book. It's my favorite.

I know cheryl was really embarrassed,

But I do think it's a vital step in making sure

That she can regain that respect for her home again.

No more stuff on the floor. Okay.

Tight and tidy, ma'am. Oh, nice!

[Jo] and I know she was very happy in the end.

Once the children got home from school,

It was time for dinner. And boy, were they all wound up.

Come on.

What's going on here?

That's not okay.

[Panting] you all right?

I want an egg! Chantal, do not drink out the bottle. Get a cup. Okay?

And then give them their expectations, tell 'em what

You want 'em to do, so you can serve up dinner for 'em.

Everybody's hungry, right? [Shouting]


I need meat!

Um, what did I say to chantal?

Chantal! Chantal! [Boys shouting]

It was complete anarchy!

They were just running rings around mom.

You need to take ownership of this.

There are times when you're gonna have to stand out

And be authorative, all right? Mm-hmm.

So that's what I want the children

To start recognizing from you.

Enough is enough. This house is crying out for rules,

And it's about time I started laying them down, a.s.a.p.



These are the house rules. Okay?

If you stick to these house rules,

And you do what's on these house rules,

You earn rewards.

"Drawing and painting at the table only."

Nowhere else in the house.

If you draw on the walls, that's a no-no.

"Drawing and painting at table only."

These are the things that have come out of my mouth

A million times.

Oh, you can read number eight. What's number eight say?

"Do not talk back."

Okay, chantal, I'm gonna give you an example of that.

I turned around earlier, and I said to you,

"Listen to mommy, and you do as you're told."

And you said, "no, I'm not." And I said, "yes, you will."

I really did that?

Yes. So now you know that's called talking back.

All right? So we're not gonna do that anymore.

Great! Now what's the magic fairy dust trick

You're gonna teach me to get them to follow these rules?

When you stick to those house rules,

Mommy sees this behavior.

And when mommy sees this behavior,

You'll get rewarded for it. [Bell dings]

There's just too much fighting going on in this house.

These children need to work together...

That is fantastic!

[Jo] and learn from one another, so I'm introducing

The home team technique.

Each person are going to live in one of these houses.

And this is how it's going to happen, okay?

We've got bobby and nicholas in the green house.

Caleb and elijah,

You're gonna be in the red house.

And chantal and mommy,

You're gonna be in the blue house. [Chantal squeals]

I actually thought, "how brilliant."

This is a good way to get them working together,

Not necessarily the one that

They would immediately join up to cause trouble.

Hands up--who's in the red house?

Hands up--who's in in the green house?

Blue house!

Mommy's gonna be watching you. Okay?

And if she sees that the pair of you are behaving very well,

She's gonna give you a point in your house.

The goal of the home team technique

Is for each house to have ten tally marks.

Now when you have ten in your house,

You get a chance to spin the dial.

[Jo] the children's faces lit up.

They knew that there were rewards to be achieved,

And they wanted to get 'em. Yay!

Coming up on ...

You give the children a chore to do.

Jo gives the kids a chance to succeed...


They're all for me?

But chantal is failing the grade.

Do not hit me! [Growls] I don't want it!

When "supernanny" returns.

♪ Be good, be good ♪

[Jo] these children have been on an emotional roller coaster,

So I wanted to give them a discipline

That will allow them to reflect about their behavior.

This is called the thinking pond.

When mommy tells you to do something

And you make a choice not to listen and do as you're told,

Which means you break the house rules,

Mommy's gonna ask you to come to the thinking pond.

This is where you're gonna think about what you did wrong,

So that you know not to do it next time.

I am soready. Let's turn this around

And make this a positive environment,

And a positive life and a positive family

And be happy, not angry.



[Chantal] oh! Look!

They're all for me? [Jo] yeah! You're gonna do this with mommy.

It's very rare that mom gets to spend time

With chantal alone because the boys are always involved,

So I set up a nice time

For the girlies to have fun together.

[Laughs] oh, I see how you are.


[Jo] everything was going great, and then suddenly,

Chantal gets mad.

Hey, uh, uh...

[Crying] I don't want it!


No, that's enough. No.

Do not hit me! Hitting is not okay.

How does this make this special time

With you hitting me?



Chantal, that behavior really isn't unacceptable.

You don't spit.

Oh, it's so discouraging,

Because that's what's been happening in the past.

And I'm just so am...

I was hoping that it was going to be different.

Turn around, please.

And right now,

You are a little girl who is behaving not nice.

I don't like supernanny. She's mean.

If I talk to you, young lady, I expect you to listen.

Now you owe your mother an apology for your behavior.

[Jo] I'm talking to you, chantal.

I suggest you think about what you've done.


I would like to take chantal to the thinking pond.

Okay? For her to think about her behavior.

I do.

Now I want you to sit on the thinking pond-- [crying] no!

And think about it.

[Jo] after chantal got off the thinking pond,

I pulled her aside so that I could have a word with her

About her behavior...

Well, if you want alone time with mommy,

Okay, what you've got to do is to make sure

That when you are with mommy, that you treat her nicely.

I definitely knew I'd made that little girl think,

Because she got up from the thinking pond

And she apologized.


The next thing I needed to do

Was to get these children involved

In helping mom clean the house.

So I introduced the chore challenge.

This is how it works--

Every week you give the children a chore to do.

Okay? And you put their dial, all right?

Their colored dials on the chore that you want 'em to do.

And when it's been achieved, they get a point in their house.

It's a good positive way

Of being able to give children a chance to succeed.

Mommy is going to decide who's going to do what.

All right? Because it's always gonna change.

To start it off...

There was one chore that they needed to all do together,

And that was to get that writing off them walls.

The challenge is set. Let's go!


[Cheryl] this is awesome! There wasn't any fighting

Or--or "I want it to be me!" Or any of that.

Do you understand what you get for keeping your room clean?

A point. A point.

Let's do the points straight away.

Caleb's on the red team. Whoo!

[Jo] caleb gets a point. Well done! [Cheryl] good job!

Well done, elijah!

Whoa! Good job!

You've nearly got one brick. Look at the red house here.

[Jo] later on in the evening,

The boys started to really play rough.

Caleb, I'd like you to go in the kitchen

And wait for me, please.

Mom certainly needed to put a stop to that.

Ow! [Jo] it's not caleb. It's bobby.

Look, bobby's holding him down. Look.

Caleb, stop it. That's not okay.

You need to go sit. You're losing a point, bobby,

And you're gonna go sit in the--in the thinking pond.

[Jo] bobby, what's happened there?

Take him there. Be direct, okay?

You're supposed to listen to mommy when I talk to you.

Come down, come down, come down and talk to him.

I just watched you.

Now you think about what you've done. Let mommy talk.

Okay. Think about all the things that you just did

In that living room. Yes, I did.

[Jo] bobby was playing up, and mom had to take a point

Off his home team. [Cheryl] okay.

[Nicholas] but look it, mommy.

But nicholas got really upset about it.

Everybody, you need to go calm down first.

No, calm down first. Stop it.

Stop for a minute. You got mad.

Things really started to get heated up.

And mom, before she could deal with it, had to learn

To calm down herself. You're gonna have to learn to remain calm.

You've got five kids.

[Kids whining] it is something you're gonna have to learn to do.

See, what you're hearing.

It's behind you and to the sides,

Block it.

So that you can stay focused and channeled

On the child at the time. That is the priority.

Nicholas, nicholas,

Talk to mommy about how you're feeling.

[Jo] come down, come down to nicholas' level.

You have to talk to bobby, okay? Talk to your brother--

No. And tell him how important it is.

Nicholas got really upset.

But if he learns to encourage bobby,

Then they won't lose any more points.

Okay, chantal, jo jo's gonna go home now.

So I would love to say good-bye to you

And have a big hug.

Jo's leaving, and I've just gotta keep reminding myself--

Follow through, follow through.


Big kiss.

Give me hug. [Roars]

I can do this. I'm gonna make this happen.

This is gonna work.

[Jo] keep it up. You all right? Keep it up, keep it up.

[Jo] cheryl's definitely

Gotten used to having another pair of hands around.

But with five children,

That woman's got her work cut out for her.


Coming up on...

And you don't come and see me

Till you're ready to say you're sorry to me.

When it comes to discipline, mom is on the run...

Do not hit me.

You're fuming. Until she slams into a reality checkpoint.

Oh, god, I'm awful. Oh, my god.

When "supernanny" returns.

But first... ♪ Be good, be good ♪

A tip from supernanny.

The first thing many single parents forget about

Is spending time on you.

But you parents need to recharge your batteries.

So if you can, find a friend or a relative

That can look after your children

While you take a breather and have some fun.

And if you can't, make sure you schedule some downtime,

So that you've got some energy

That will benefit your whole family.

♪ Be good, be good ♪

[Jo] there's no doubt

Cheryl's got a big challenge ahead of her,

But she's hopefully staying strong.

We're gonna make a scene with our poster paper.

I wanna make a monkey.

[Cheryl] to put in the jungle, or to put in the forest?

That's a really good idea, chantal.

The most important part is that we work together and have fun.

[Jo] that's terrific.

Great fun at family time.

I was using that one and this one.

[Cheryl] make a character? Excellent.

[Jo] this kids are absolutely loving this.

I like the way everybody's nicely talking to one another

And working well together.

Raise your hand if you had fun doing that activity?

[Jo] that's great to see. You had fun?

But I hope it all lasts.


Do not hit me.

You do not hit me!

You're gonna go sit on the thinking pond...

[Jo] don't get mad. Stay calm.

Remember, you're the one in control.

Sit here and think about what?

We don't hurt people... [Crying]

And you don't come and see me

Until you're ready to say you're sorry to me.

Cheryl, that's not the way.



Go sit on the thinking pond,

And you don't come back

Until you're ready to tell me you're sorry.



[Jo] why are you running from him?

Now it's a game.

No. I do not want to talk to you.



[Jo] what happened to the thinking pond?

Be consistent.

Well, go get your chore challenge. What does it say?

Yep. Make sure the floor is cleared up first.

[Jo] it's great

To see chantal using the chore challenge.


Go like that?


[Jo] go on, show her,

But don't take away her enthusiasm for this.

You're never gonna get the whole thing

Doing it like that.

Around all the edges of the room.

I get a point for vacuuming.

But I vacuumed.

[Jo] mom, where's the praise for chantal?

But I vacuumed. So did i.

Cheryl, you've forgotten what's important here.


I'm really excited to show the cheryl

The dvd footage I have here

Because I feel she's going to learn so much

From this experience.

Okay, so let's have a look, cheryl,

And see exactly what we've got here.

We're gonna make a scene with our poster paper.

I want to make a monkey.

Raise your hand if you had fun doing that activity?

[Boy] I did. [Boy] me.

Got creative. A productive afternoon.

Yeah, that was fun.

You were so relaxed.

Keep up the good work, cheryl.

Absolutely fantastic.

Do not hit me.

Sit there and think about what?

[Cries] we don't hurt people,

And you don't come and see me

Until you're ready to say you're sorry to me.

I'm scary. I'm mean. I'm yelling.

You're fuming, and that's what we see then,

Is a loss of control.

You're annoyed, and when you're annoyed,

Everything else tenses up.


He runs after you, you run.

It's a game.

It's about having the self-discipline

To be able to put in place the positive techniques

That are gonna help bring out a positive result.

[Chantal] mama, could I vacuum?

Yep. Make sure the floor is cleared up first.

Why are you doing it like that?

Wouldn't it be a lot easier to-- I want to do this.

What's she trying to do? What's she trying to show you?

That she can do her chores and earn a point and...

God, I look so negative.

[Cheryl] I get a point for vacuuming.

But I vacuumed.

But I vacuumed.

But I vacuumed.

So did i.

Oh, my god. I'm awful.

Oh, my god.

I didn't even give her credit for what she did.

You went, "I vacuumed as well. I did as well."

Oh, my god. I'm a child.

Do we each get a point? No.

We get one combined point for vacuuming.


This mommy here needs someone

To know exactly how hard she's trying.

Doesn't she?

So you're empowering the children

To start doing stuff for themselves.

But you gotta give 'em a head start,

Gotta make 'em feel good about it.

And emotionally, it is tough,

And it is challenging, and it's bloody hard work.


We can say bye-bye to that woman if you like.

And we'll close the dvd.

And we can get up from here and we change that.

Jo had me close the lid on the...

Dvd and say good-bye to that cheryl.

I am so ready to say, "let's go. Let's make this--

Let's turn this around in a positive way."

Give me a hug.

You need a hug, girl.

Coming up on...

Jo doesn't like what she sees...

Sit on the thinking pond.

You need to listen to me. Chantal.

And what do you need to say to mommy?

Will she have time to get the job done?

You sure you can't stay the rest of the week?

When "supernanny" returns.

♪ Be good, be good ♪

[Cheryl] we're gonna clean up,

And we're gonna take baths, and we're gonna read stories.

[Jo] mom was prepping the children for bath time.


But chantal was making it difficult for everyone.

I need you to sit on the thinking pond

And think about what's been going on tonight.

Chantal repeatedly ignores her mom.

And she got off from that thinking pond

Before she even had a chance to think.

You need to listen to me.


Okay, what I'm recognizing with chantal

Is a circle of confrontation with you.

A vicious circle that needs to be broke.

And it does mean that you're gonna have to

Be authorative and take charge.

Chantal's not getting away with this.

She needs to realize that her behavior

Is totally unacceptable.

Now mommy's doing bath time now.

And then afterwards, she's gonna do story time.

And everybody's gonna get a chance

To tell the stories again.

Do you remember how great that was for you?

What are you gonna do today so that you can get up

From that thinking pond? Behave.

And what do you need to say to mommy?

I'm sorry.


You see, you do know it.

All right, so if you want to go and change that,

Let's go and see that happen.

You gonna listen to mommy now?

All right, well, it's time for you to take a shower.


[Cheryl] chantal gets a point for putting her stuff away.

Nicholas gets a point for putting his stuff away.

And caleb gets a point for putting his stuff away.


Elijah was keeping his teammate one point away

From earning their reward.

[Cheryl] one more point to spin the dial.

There are elijah's boots right here.

And they go in the blue bucket, and they know that.

But caleb--he wasn't going to settle for nine points.

All right, we've got caleb

Encouraging his brother now.

That's how it happens.

You have a big family, so you want the older ones

To play a part,

And they do influence the younger ones as well.

That's the dynamic of your family.

You know, that they'll look up to the older ones

And the older ones will set an example for the younger ones.

Really? Let's see.

Where'd they go?

In a boot bucket.

In the boot bucket. Good job, elijah.

I want you to give me a point.

You want me to give you a point?

Well done, caleb, for helping teamwork.

[Cheryl] good job.

It was very heartwarming to see caleb step up

And help his brother so they could achieve ten points.

Elijah, come and have a look and see what mommy's gonna do.

This family's really psyched.

Aah! You got ten points.

You got ten points.

[Jo] it was the most excited

That I've seen the children since I arrived,

And they just felt a sense of pride and accomplishment.

That's totally what this family needed.

Good job, caleb. Aww, look.

That's lovely, chantal. Do you know what's really good?

To see you giving your brother a hug

Because he's achieved that.

I think this time caleb should spin the dial first,

'Cause he's the oldest and he's been working very hard,

Getting points and encouraging you, okay?

So let's all watch caleb spin the dial.

A restaurant.

[All cheering]

All right, we need to get the phone

And make some plans.

[Cheryl] I was so amazed.

After caleb got to take the spin, you know,

That it was such a positive environment,

That all the kids

Were like, group hug and...

Just like, wow.

This is awesome. Yeah.

And then they had to go and find him with a flashlight.

Why did they need the flashlight?

When I first walked into this house,

It was a complete shambles.

The children were fighting all the time.


Sleep tight.

But now they're working together as a team,

And they seem a lot happier.

[Whispers] sleep tight, okay?

Time for me to go.

You sure you can't stay the rest of the week?

I really would love to.

You can sleep in my bed. I'll take the couch.

Jo has given me the ability to--

To grab a piece of confidence within myself.

I want to say how I'm tremendously proud...

Of your strength, of your courage.

And I don't want you to forget any of those

Because single parents feel that they're not being heard,

And that they feel isolated and very alone,

And you're not alone.

Jo has given me the ability

To--to grab a piece of confidence within myself,

And that has given me direction

And a leg to stand on.

Can anybody talk her into coming back?

I feel good leaving cheryl

Because I feel that she's gained so much confidence

In being able to raise her five children now.

This single mom, she's gonna be all right.


Watch out!

Jo brought a big chunk of hope into our house

And has shown me that I have the ability

To make our family a happier and healthier one.

I didn't realize I was so angry.

I don't want to be that way,

And I don't have to be that way.

I'm more than ready to be the mom

That they deserve to have.

This is going to you, mama.

Chantal's showing me little signs that

We could have a relationship

That I'd almost given up hope on.

All the things that I dreamed of doing

With my daughter...

Caleb and nicholas both are really responding.

Hey, good job.

She helped mommy make new rules.

I like the rules.

Hitting is not okay. We don't hurt one another.

Thank you, jo jo.

Thank you, jo jo.

There's hope and a positive future for me

And for my kids.

I'm very grateful to jo.

Thank goodness she came.


See, look, I'm a princess.

My name is chantal.

[Piano keys playing]

I want to make sure you're coming.

Ha ha. It's you.
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