02x14 - Young Family

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Supernanny". Aired: 7 July 2004 – 8 October 2008.*
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British reality television programme about parents struggling with their children's behaviour, mealtime, potty training, etc.
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02x14 - Young Family

Post by bunniefuu »

Tonight on "supernanny"...

Hiya. Good morning.

Jo meets the young family. I'm jo jo. What's your name?

Get off of me.

Get off me?

With a clueless dad...

You know how to do it.

And a combative mom...

That's enough! Sherman! Sherman!

Sherman ray.

Get out! Aah!

I'm ready to cry. Life in this house

Has everyone climbing the walls. Please stop.

Shermie's monkeying around drives mom to the brink.

Sherman, come in the house right now.


Shelby marie.

But when shelby hit the books, mom's hit her limit.

[Mom] don't you dare. [Crash]


Even -year-old dylan wants to dodge these little devils.

I suggest you stop it. Sherman, please stop.

Can jo get things rolling in the right direction,

Or will shelby deliver the final blow?

Look, mama.


♪ Be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good, be good ♪ ♪ johnny ♪

♪ Be good, be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good, be good ♪ ♪ johnny ♪

♪ Johnny ♪

Let's take a look and see what family we've got here.

Hi, we're the young family. I'm joelle...

I'm sherman... And we have three children...

Dylan, who's ...

Shermie, who's , and shelby who's almost .

I'm a customer service representative.

Sherman is a concierge.

So most of the time, I have the kids at night

And sherman has them during the day.

When it's time for me to go to work,

I have to take them to joelle's work,

And then we switch out. The kids are just out of control.

I want my other game.


[Shermie] stupid. [Sherman] sherman, that's enough.

You sit down. But she was kickin' on me!

That seems frantic.


[Joelle] shermie is very aggressive.

Hey! Shermie believes that it's his way or the highway.

If he doesn't get his way, everybody's gonna pay for it. Aah!


He can be very physical.

Hitting, hitting, hitting.

Shermie tells me he hates me and kicks me. Do not hit me!

Shermie tends to be very aggressive with shelby. Whoa, whoa!

He has hit her... [Joelle] stop that!

Choked her... Sherman! Sherman!

Whenever he wants to. That is one angry little boy.

Let go of it, shelby. [Whining]

Shelby can be very dramatic.

She's stubborn.

She does cry a lot.

If you're playing a game,

And she decides she doesn't wanna play it anymore,

She'll throw it away. Shelby marie!

Ever since shelby was months old,

She's been climbing. Get down.

Anything she can climb on, she climbs on.

[Sherman] I think a lot of that comes from shermie.

He does the same thing. One of my biggest issues with dylan

Is he's not very patient with the kids.get out.

He tends to go in his room a lot.

Shermie wants to be with me all the time, but I like

To have my alone time away from everyone.

Come on, shermie. You gotta come out.

I'm emotionally exhausted. I'm physically exhausted.

I know kids are gonna be kids,

But I would really like to just come home

And have a happy family. [Sherman] we really need the supernanny's help.

If we continue to yell and scream,

I mean, nothing's gonna change. You need to settle down!

Supernanny, we really need your help. Please.

Oh, yes, you do need my help.

I'm on my way.

Hiya. Good morning.

How are you? Good, how are you?

Very well, thank you. Nice to meet you. I'm jo.

I'm sherman. Nice to meet you, too.

Who's these two little ones underneath here?

[Sherman] shermie and shelby.

When jo first came in, I saw her focus

Was right on the kids.

Hi. It kinda made me at ease.

I'm jo jo.

What's your name?

Shermie. Shermie.

What's your name?

Get off of me.

Get off me?

[Jo] the children were just reserved. Hi, shelby.

They were just observing me

And doin' what I normally do when I arrive in a family.

Sherman, you know

That I'm here today to be able to observe your family,

And I'm gonna watch you throughout the day. Great. Thank you.

So where's-- your wife is...

She's at work right now... Okay.

So then she takes the kids back home.

I go to work for the night. All right.

So just switching over, the pair of you all the time. Exactly.

It's, like, a kiss and bye and... [Laughs]

[Jo] so it was dad's time to look after the kids,

But they were left to entertain themselves.

These kids are bored.

Dad was in his own little world on that computer.

[Shermie] shelby, stop!hey.

Aah! Hey! You can't do that!

[Shermie] whoo!

I guess the yelling got loud enough, because dad got off

From the computer and went and checked on the children. Sherm.

I didn't do that. Why don't you make up the other one?

[Jo] the kids really wanted dad to play with them,

But he was just so reluctant to just join in and have fun.

Well, you know-- you know how to do it.

[Jo] and he passes them off with

"Oh, you can do it. You can do it." Uh-oh. Sherm,

You're gonna break it. [Shelby] aah!

Please stop.

How can you do that her? Go on a time out.


Two... Three...


You gonna apologize to your sister for hittin' her?

[Shermie] mm. Say you're sorry?


[Jo] I'm a little bit confused here.

Is he on time out, or--or is he just

Refusing to kind of talk to you

And be in his bed? Right. Yes.

[Jo] I don't think that I was the only one that was confused,

Because discipline in this house seems

"Make it up as you go along."

Yes, so I can see. The climbing monkeys.

They climb up the door frames within the house.

Ow. [Sherman] uh-huh.

They climb on the countertops.

They generally do not listen to their father

When he tells them they have to get down.

Please stop. They think it's a game,

But this house is not a playground.

Daddy, did she do it? All right.

What do you find challenging

For you as a father being at home with the kids?

Joelle can sit down with the kids and color with them.

I'm not real big on that.

I wasn't quite sure what he meant by that,

But I can see that occupying the children indoors

Is a real challenge for him.

You recognize how challenging it can be.

Absolutely. I could sense with dad

That he's just trying to get through the morning...

And he's robbing himself

Of having fun with his children,

And that's what I find a real good shame.

Ready? Let's go get mommy.

Every day, mom and dad hand off the kids.

In I go. [Laughs]

Buckle up, sherm. There's a lot of time pressure

When we switch the cars over with the kids,

Because I have to be at work at a certain time.

Oh! Mama!

[Jo] this exchange was absolutely crazy.

Mom and dad don't have time to talk.

The kids were out of the car.

I just can't believe they do this every day.

Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you.

My first time I see jo,

She's stuck in the back of my van with my kids.

Um, it was just a little funny to see that situation.

You gotta get strapped in, please.

Come on in, you guys. When we got back to the house,

I had the pleasure of meeting dylan

Who is a very sweet boy. He really is.

Hi, dylan. Hello.

Nice to meet you. I'm jo. Nice to meet you.

Joelle, it's :. Mm-hmm.

What goes on now? I'll do dinner,

And I try to either get dylan to entertain the kids

Or they just kinda entertain themselves in the house. Okay.

For now, carry on, and I'll just watch you. Okay.

[Shermie] no! [Dylan] yes.

Uh, excuse me. [Jo] trouble started straight away.

Then get out. No.

Yes. Shermie was doing

Absolutely everything to get into his brother's room,

But dylan didn't want him in there.

Dylan doesn't wanna play with you. Now, come on, out.

Out of dylan's room for now until after dinner.

Now let's go.

Out now.

Out. Stop.

[Shermie crying]

I just wanna finish makin' dinner

For the family!

I've had enough.

Coming up on...

Shelby! When the kids push mom too far...

In a minute, you're gonna get a spankin'.

Now that's not nice. Stop it.

She's ready to call it quits.

Now let's go.

Where you at right now?

I'm ready to cry.

When "supernanny" returns.

♪ Be good, be good ♪

[Jo] shermie clearly doesn't respect dylan's space,

But I wanted to speak to dylan

About how he felt about this.

I thought I'd have a quick chat with you...


Without the other little terrors in there...


Disrupting our conversation.

Shelby and shermie are always coming in,

And they're like, "oh, I wanna play, too."

That must just really get on your nerves.

It does. Really. A whole lot.

Who deals with the children, then,

When they're in and out, in and out? Mostly me.

Mom and dad take care of it?

Mm. Iffy-iffy situation.

He does need his own space.

He's a teenager. He's years old,

And--and he's in title to that.

Do you feel you get enough time with--with mom and dad?

Do you feel that you have enough time?

I don't really think we have enough time,

'Cause dealing with shelby and shermie

Cuts out of the family time.

Say, like, we're gonna watch a movie and we don't get to.

Dylan told me

That he would really like to spend more time

With his parents, and that he doesn't get

The opportunity to do so because they're so busy

Having to deal with these younger siblings...

Now that's not nice. Stop it.

And it doesn't surprise me. In a minute, you're gonna get a spankin'.

Do you want a spanking? Speak to you later.

Okay, bye. Bye.

That's very beautiful. [Jo] whilst I was in dylan's room,

Shelby made shermie a really pretty picture.

That's not nice. She made you

A nice picture all on her own. Sherman, that's enough!

Do not rip...

Sherman ray.

[Jo] shermie held up a picture

That shelby drew for him, and he mocked

As if he was going to rip it.

Put it down. No.


Why did you do that?

It was so typical shermie. He does that

Hoping to hurt shelby's feelings.

Sherman, I'm gonna spank you.

You stay right there.

You do not need to treat me like this,

And I mean it! [Laughs]

I felt like I was watching a wrestling match.

I did not tell you to come out!

The energy that was put into this fight

Was really sad.

It was that bad that it was sad to watch.

You are not coming out until you stay in here [laughing]

And you can behave! [Shermie] aah!

I'm just exhausted, but I'm also very hurt.

It starts to make me feel really, really bad.

Where you at right now? [Shermie kicking door]

I'm ready to cry. It kills me.

Shermie drives his mother to despair.

I just--i feel like he hates me, you know?

That's enough!

And I don't know what else to think. [Kicking continues]

"I hate you. I wish you were dead"...

That comes out. How does that make you feel when he says that?

You hear it enough times, it hurts.

It kills ya.

[Jo] what time is dinner normally?

Usually, um, , :.

Finally, the children settled down,

And the family gather together to have dinner,

But shelby is in in front of the television by herself.

Why does shelby sit at this table

When you are at that table? We'd like her to sit up here,

But she'll eat her supper usually if she's there.

So is it the chair, or is it the television?

I think it's both.

[Jo] this family is missing out

On such an opportunity to come together and exchange words

About how their day's been.

I need to be able to change this as soon as possible.

[Joelle] I'm pretty nervous what jo's gonna say to me,

Because I already know what some of the issues are,

But I know that I'm gonna hear it straight from her,

Which is a little more intimidating.

You both work different schedules...

Mm-hmm. And I can very clearly see

The sacrifices that you have made

For making sure that you can provide that stability

For your home.


The lack of respect towards the pair of you

Is never followed through with discipline.

I see you, joelle,

Fight with shermie for over minutes.

Sherman-- "I'm gonna count to five.

"One, two, three, four"...

The games you play with yourself

Are ridiculous. You're right.

Your children don't know what discipline is.

Is it the bedroom, is it a spanking,

Or is it one, two, three, four? What is it?

Because I don't know. I never saw any.

It's whatever seems to work,

Which is nothing most of the time.

How can you expect your children

To meet lines of expectations when you set no boundaries?

Your children climb up on the walls.

They go on the countertops.

They're aggressive with one another.

They're in and out of dylan's room...

Constantly. Well, that's why we put some locks on the doors,

Which maybe isn't the right thing to do,

But it's very disheartening.

But it's having to be done

Because you guys are not stepping up.

They watch television when they want to watch television.

They actually do what they want when they wanna do

What they wanna do. Absolutely.

Dad, I heard shermie say at least five times yesterday

"Dad, come and help me with the train track.

"Come and help me," and you were, like, "you can do it.

"You can do it." Now where was that coming from?

I don't know. I just...

I guess my priorities are not there.

You have two young children standing in front of you

Saying, "daddy, give me some of your time."

That's your role as a father.


When you come home, it's like you've got boxing gloves on.

You're ready for a fight.

I think I'm just expecting one. You're, like, "right.

"I've gotta get this done. I've gotta get that done."

It's about what you need to get done.

But what you're failing to see is what your children

Need from you as well,

And that is your quality time, and they don't get it.

How does that make you feel, then?

Well, it makes me feel very guilty.

Let's recognize what is the most important priority,

And that is you spending quality time with your children.

The question is,

Do you wanna spend that time or not?

I do. Sure.

We do. We have three great kids.

Very much so, but it takes hard work,

It takes commitment,

And it takes the pair of you working together. Right.

So are we prepared to turn over a new leaf today...

Absolutely. And start changing that for the better?


That's what we want. Good, okay.

So let's get started straight away.

Okay. Okay, good.

[Joelle] my feelings were hurt,

But not because I took it personally what she said.

Just because I know a lot of the issues in my family

Are mine and sherman's fault.

Coming up on...

When it comes to discipline,

Shermie's winning the battle. I don't know what to do.

Now I'm gonna end up chasing him through the whole neighborhood.

Leaving mom and jo barking up the wrong tree. Sherman...

I want you to come in the house right now.no.

When "supernanny" returns. But first...

♪ Be good, be good ♪ a tip from supernanny.

Hey, are you listening to me?

Shouting across a room isn't a very clear way

Of communicating or getting your point across, now is it?

But coming down onto your knees and using eye to eye contact

Is to ensure that your children will take you seriously.

♪ Be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good ♪




Look what jo jo's got here for you all...

The young family routine. That's right, mom.

So, dad, when you're at home in the morning,

Your day's gonna start

From to :, and that's your time with shelby.

Take her to an activity... Mm.

Take her to the park,

But let's see you getting out, all right? Okay.

And then to , the switch-off with mom,

That's you guys switching over,

And we are also going to make sure

That you guys have got deeper communication

By letting each other know

Exactly what's been going on in each other's days.

Okay. All right,

And we will get to that as a technique.

Okay. All right?

From to :,

When you get back with mommy,

Okay, into the house,

You can have tv and video games.

So you can watch television,

And you can play video games,

But if your behavior is naughty...whoo!

And you misbehave, all right,

Then it's gonna be taken away.

You understand?yes.

Shelby? Good.

What I've got here are some

No zone areas, okay?

These kids climb on just about everything

Like they're in a gymnastics hall,

And I need to be able to change this as soon as possible.

You guys are gonna put these up

In your no zone area where you're not allowed to go,

And together, you're gonna decide where they are.

No-go zones are a great idea.

My kids are climbers. They climb on everything.

[Sherman] you can't get up here to get into this. [Joelle] no counter.

If you can reach it, that's great,

But I don't want you to put your feet on here.

You let mommy and daddy open up the door.

Right, and you don't run outside and just take off running.

Dylan's bedroom is a no zone spot,

And shermie and shelby

Have gotta learn to respect dylan's privacy.

When you see the red circle up here,

It means that you're not allowed

To go into dylan's room.

If you see this one, and it says "come in,"

You just knock first and wait for dylan

To say "come in" or "who is it?"

[Jo] not long after we put up the no zone markers,

Shermie decided to test them out.

Uh-uh, when he comes out for dinner, we can.

Oh, the sign? Okay.

[Shermie] yep, it is.

It is? Okay. That's a good boy

For not knocking then. Good job.

At first, I wasn't sure if the kids would just think

They were a toy, and they could pick up and take 'em away,

But they are paying attention to them.

[Shermie yelling]

[Jo] later in the afternoon,

Shermie was refusing to respect his mother

And didn't come out from underneath that table.

If you come here and talk to mommy...

Mom, mom, stop right there. Okay.

Okay, we're nipping this straight in the bud. Okay.

You're teaching your children right now

How to talk to you and address you. Shermie,

I want you to come into the kitchen and talk to mommy.

If you don't, you will go in the naughty corner...

[Jo] for not listening to mommy. For not listening to mommy.

So you take him to the corner, you explain, and you walk away.


Come on, sherman.

Ow. [Jo] stern voice, mom.

Sherman, I am putting you in the naughty corner

Because you did not listen,

You will stay here for five minutes.

[Jo] shermie wasn't in the naughty corner

For a minute... [Laughs]

And he just bolted off again... Don't run.

And refused to sit there.

I don't know what to do.

Now I'm gonna end up chasing him

Through the whole neighborhood.

I was really wondering

If this was gonna work for shermie or not,

Because he's very strong-willed,

And when I saw him bolt outside,

Even though jo was there with me,

I was thinkin', "oh, my goodness.

"This is gonna be rough."

I can climb the tree real fast

'Cause I'm a monkey.


Sherman, I want you to come in the house right now.

No! You tell him that if he doesn't get down from the tree,

And if he doesn't come into the house,

He's automatically going to lose his video game time, okay?

Sherman, if you do not come into the house right now,

You automatically lose your video time.

Sherman, if you do not go back there,

You will lose your video game privileges.

[Jo] shermie got up, and he's sent straight

Into the naughty corner.

No chair in the corner.

This is not a comfort spot here.

It is not for your comfort.


[Jo] for the first time, even mom meant it.

I was completely surprised

When actually it worked out, when he did stay

In the naughty corner for that whole five minutes.

Shermie, mommy put you in the naughty corner

Because you were not behaving nicely.

Now I would like an apology, please,

And I will let you up.


In the end,

She did go back and get an apology from shermie.

Coming up on...

When it comes to getting the family outside...

Shelby, shall we get daddy to roll down the hill?

Jo has dad on a roll.

Roll, daddy, roll! Oh! Oh!

Roll! Roll!

When "supernanny" returns.

♪ Be good, be good ♪

[Jo] when dad gets home,

He only ends up in front of that computer.

So I wanted to make sure

That he gave his children full focus,

And I sent them all to the park.

Play once more on the monkey bars?

Careful. Swing on the swing--

That's why we do what we do here--

Get it out of their system.

Shermie and shelby climbed absolutely everything

Because they need an outlet.

So this is their playground.

That was fantastic. She balanced really well.

Shelby, I saw you do that, baby. Good girl.


Shermie, shelby, can you come with me?

'Cause we're gonna go over to that big hill over there.

[Jo] the kids are having great fun in the park,

And dad was looking on a bit. So I gave him a nudge

And said, "go have fun with them as well."

Shelby, shall we get daddy to roll down the hill?

Daddy, roll down the hill! Shall we get daddy to roll down the hill?

Roll, daddy, roll! Oh! Oh!

Roll. Roll. Roll.

I think jo was trying to get me

To be a little more active with the kids.

I can do what they can do.

Oh! [Shelby screams]

You know, I can get out there

And play with 'em like the best of 'em. [Sherman] come on, baby!

And we pushed daddy down the hill.

And he saw that they enjoyed it so much

That it encouraged him to just be himself, do what he wants,

'Cause that's what matters at the end of the day.

It was very fun. I mean, like I said,

I did some things I haven't done in years.

Whoo! [Laughs]

Okay. So between and ,

We've got the school chart.

There isn't any time to communicate about your day.

So we have this.

It's a very simple idea.

Before dad leaves, he reports about the day.

He lets them know exactly what's going on,

And then he leaves it with mom in the car

To listen on the way back.

Hi, honey, it's me.

Just wanted to let you know we had a great day today.

Breakfast was good. Went to the park.

That was great. Shelby did take a nap.

Shermie ate his snack, and shelby did not eat her snack

Because I woke her up 'cause we're on our way out the door.

I'll talk to you soon. I love you. Bye-bye.

I think it's very important to talk,

And this one is a different way.

They ate everything, you know, at their snack time,

So she doesn't go about that.

How are you? Good.

[Shelby] hi, mom! Hi!

I got you a little... Oh, what's this?

Communication device.

Oh, is this supposed to be what you did for the day?

You listen to it... How cool.

I was a little surprised

When he handed me a tape recorder,

And he told me that he kind of recorded

What him and the children did during the day,

And it was for me to listen to on the way home.

[Sherman] when we're at the park today,

I got to roll down the hill... About this far.

I'll talk to you soon. I love you. Bye-bye.

Daddy went down a hill today at the park?

Did you have fun at that park?

Yeah, we did. We did, yeah.

[Joelle] okay.

It's pretty useful, actually.

Being so rushed, I am able to get

A lot of information from sherman from that tape.

When the young family sit down to have dinner,

They're all really quiet.

So I'm giving them an opportunity to come together

To open up conversation with a talking stick.

That's something very special at dinnertime.

[Joelle] sort of.

Shelby, you want to help mommy set the table? I want to do it!

[Jo] the children were so excited by the talking stick,

Shelby left her little table to come up to the main table.

[Joelle] shelby's gonna sit with us tonight.

I was really surprised shelby sat at that dinner table

And didn't even want to go sit at her little table.

That was great.

That is the talking stick. Okay.

And every night, I'm gonna give that to somebody,

And they are gonna think

Of a topic they would like to talk about.

Dylan, I'm gonna give it to you tonight.

[Shermie] why does he get it?

Well, you might be tomorrow night, okay?

[Shelby] me too?yeah!

Whatever he wants to talk about tonight

We're gonna talk about, okay? School.

What happened in school today then, dylan?

We watched, like, a movie in science and stuff.


Parameciums. What is that?

It's, like, these little cell things.

And they, like, swim around in pond water...

[Jo] what a change from the last mealtime.

Everybody was talking and listening,

And they enjoined the conversation.

Dinner with all five of us

Sitting at the table was really nice--

With no tv on-- just us talking is really good.

It's great.

When I was speaking to dylan,

He was saying how he would love

To be able to spend more time with the pair of you.

Because of the circumstances,

It hasn't allowed him to do that.

Before I leave, I think it's really important

That joelle and sherman recognize that dylan

Needs their time, too, because he can't be looking

After shermie and shelby all the time.

So I'm going to set them a homework assignment.

Go do something fun, all right?

I thought it might be quite a funny idea

To just write an invitation down to him

Like, "mom and dad invite you to bowling," for instance.

A good evening. All right.

You know, just something quirky, but he may find that amusing.

Okay. That'll be fun.

Shermie, come and see me at the door

And say good-bye to me.

Shelby, come on. Come and give me a big hug.

I'm pretty sure that while jo is gone,

I think we will be able to pull it off.

Dylan, I'll see you in a couple of days.

Bye-bye. See you soon.


I'll see you soon, all right? Yeah.

Work together. Keep strong.

Okay. You know you gotta be doing the naughty corner, also praise.


And remember, no confrontation. Okay.

All right? Follow through, be consistent. Okay.

Take care. See you soon. Thank you.

You're welcome. All right. Bye-bye. Thank you.

Bye, kids!

[Jo] those younger children are going to test

Sherman and joelle, but I hope

That they really do stick to the techniques

And take a little time when they need to.

Coming up on...

Dylan puts the brakes on shermie...

I suggest you stop it.

While shelby's bad behavior goes full-speed ahead.

You do not hit me in the face with a doll.

When "supernanny" returns.

But first, a tip from supernanny.

When you have children with a large age difference,

It's all too easy to make your eldest the babysitter.

But do remember your teenagers need your quality time

Away from the little ones

As well as space on their own, too.

♪ Be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good ♪

[Jo] let's see if mom and dad are working

On that homework assignment I gave them.

When mom and dad

Came in my room, they had a makeshift invitation for me,

And it said,

"Dylan, you are invited to bowling with mom and dad."

It was really nice

That they just decided to throw that card together

Instead of just asking me.

Will you accept the challenge?



[Jo] that's really wonderful,

And he seems so excited.

[Joelle] you're first up, buddy.



[Joelle laughs]

[Sherman] bring it on. Ohh!

Oh, my god. Do we need to put the bumper things up?

Yes. The one for lanes would be good.

[Joelle] oh, jeez. Yeah, mom!

[Joelle] don't smoke enough. Uh-oh.

[Laughs] oh, that's good, dylan.

Perfect all the way.

The thing I enjoy about my parents

Is that whenever we get a chance to go out together,

We have a blast. We just like to have fun.

[Jo] couldn't have gone any better. Fantastic.whoa!


[Jo] it's really good to see the boys out together.

I didn't call him a baby.

Yes, you did.

Now, shermie, you guys are not supposed to fight like this.

I want you guys to play together.

[Jo] what if dylan doesn't want to play?

I think I'm forced to spend more time with shelby and shermie,

And it gets a little frustrating after awhile.

He was being a little baby, and I got it first.

Okay, dylan, that's enough, son.

You don't have to keep going on and on.

I would just like to maybe have my own time.

I suggest you stop it.

Shermie, please stop!

You're not supposed to run into people.

I'm riding it! You said I could ride it!

I went back there--fine, whatever.

You go ahead. I really don't care.

[Jo] I can see that shermie's getting on dylan's nerves.

Shermie, I don't even want you around me.

[Jo] dad, maybe you should hang with shermie

And give dylan a break.

Pretty cool, huh? [Jo] that's good to see you

Spending time with the kids, mom.

No way!oh, no!

You're gonna sit here in this corner for four minutes

Because you broke one of our house rules,

And that is no hitting at any time.

Do not get up.


[Jo] oh, boy, is she trying to test you, joelle.

This is the naughty corner, not a playtime.


Shelby, you go to that naughty corner right now.


I am not playing, chasing you around this house. [Screams]

[Jo] don't bend with her, mom, just put her back.

Shelby, to the naughty corner right now!


You do not hit me in the face with a doll.

Get in this naughty corner,

And you stay here for hitting mommy

And for hitting your brother!

[Jo] shelby's totally out of control, mom.

You need to step up and sort this out.

You throw one more book--

Shelby marie--all right.

No playing videos or watching tv.

[Jo] mom, this empty threats getting you no where...

[Joelle] don't do dare!

Looks like she'’s got plenty to read

I knew when I came into the house,

And I saw joelle's face, she was very upset.

She was at the end of her line.

I've done everything

That I thought I should do or could do,

And I don't even know what to do anymore.

[Jo] joelle, don't give up,

Because I'm heading back, and we'll sort it out.


I'm pretty nervous

About what jo's gonna have to say about the dvd,

Because I went back into my old mode

Of being on the defensive.

Let's take a look and see what we've got here.


Whoa! Very great.

That was great.

We had a great time. It was funny.

He so badly needed it.

Great, absolutely great for you guys following through there.

I suggest you stop it. Shermie, please stop!

You said I could ride it! No, I didn't!

I went back there-- fine, whatever.

I don't even want you around me.

What do you think about that piece of footage you see there?

Shermie wants to be around dylan.

He wants to be with dylan all the time,

And we understand that, you know,

Dylan needs his space, too.

There's nothing wrong in dylan having

The children for an hour to play.

But at the same time,

We don't want dylan to feel forced to have to do so. Right.

And he does need his space.

If you throw one more book--

Shelby marie--all right.

No playing videos or watching tv.

She's being a very naughty girl,

But what she's trying to do is to get a reaction.

Mom loves a bit of confrontation.

She'll feed into it.

Oh, and I did. I have no problem

With you actually turning around and saying to her that

She's going to lose her privilege of television.

But what I am seeing here is you just,

Excuse the pun, but you throwing the book at her.


I was just trying to do anything to get that to stop,

And I mean, it just didn't work. Didn't work.

Ultimately what you want to do

Is to stop her from throwing everything from those shelves.

You should have moved her away from that play area

And put her into the corner in the kitchen there

Or by the back wall and carried on what you were doing. Somewhere else, mmm.

Watching myself on the dvd

Was really a little bit of an eye-opener.

So that's what I'm gonna be working with today

With the pair of you...

Right. Tweaking the techniques,

Put everybody back onto a positive level again. Okay.

All right? Any more questions?

Let's start working on them. Okay, great. Thanks.

Coming up on...

Shelby's at it again.

You will stay here for four minutes.

[Crying] you need to sit down.

But this time, will mom carry out jo's plan?

When "supernanny" returns.

♪ Be good, be good ♪

Dylan has expressed to me

That he feels totally obligated

To look after shermie and shelby,

So I wanted to make sure that he could express himself

To his parents, and I encouraged him to do so.

I think it's really important that they know how you feel--

Just to say to them, "look, I'd like

"A bit of free time and stuff,"

And just tell 'em how you've generally been feeling.

I had a lot of trouble talking with my parents.

If I had problems, I'd keep it to myself,

And I would hold it inside.

The thing is, dylan, is that when you tell your parents

How you're feeling,

You're given a chance to change it for you.

Mom and dad were eager to listen,

And dylan was ready to talk, so I gathered them

All together for a conversation.

We can tell that you're very frustrated

With shelby and shermie, and, you know,

We understand that a lot of that

Is because we had you take care of the children for us.

How are you feeling about it all?

As soon as you get home, I go out and give you a hug

And come straight back in, you know?

'Cause I think, well,

I'm gonna probably have to watch shelby and shermie,

And I don't want to do that. Uh-huh.

So I come in here. Yeah, I understand that completely.

We really want to try to make things better for you

In that you're not forced, or feel forced,

To take care of them.

We're trying to teach them how to play together

Without fighting,

And we're gonna do everything we can

To, you know, make everything better.

I think he knows know that we're committed--

Committed to making his life easier

And, you know, the children's life easier as well.

When it was time for dinner, everybody was ready to eat

Except for shelby... [Crying]

Because she wasn't happy with the seat she was given.

Shelby, do you want to sit there like a big girl? I want to sit in the...

How do I make everybody happy in this--

You can't. So you know what you do?

"I'm sitting here, and daddy's sitting here.

"And that's how it is."

Mom was totally on top of it,

And she gave shelby a firm warning.

Shelby, this is your warning. [Crying]

You need to sit down and eat some dinner,

Or you can go right back to the naughty corner.

Come on, sit down. [Jo] okay, mom, I'm gonna ask you to follow through with this.

I think it's very important that you and I work together

On dealing with shelby.

If shelby started to throw those books again,

Then we were gonna have to move that naughty corner.

When she was in the naughty corner,

I don't even think it was just a few seconds even, maybe--

She started throwing books.

Pull her straight over and set down in the corner.


So you're gonna have to bring her

Straight down the corner, straight down here,

And she stays here.

Mom is getting more confident at discipline.

She's now recognizing what she needs to do.

You will stay here until you are ready

To tell me that you're sorry. No!

Up again.

I was very relieved that now I know what to do

When shelby starts throwing a little temper tantrum

In the naughty corner. And eventually she's gonna learn

It doesn't matter what she does, I'm gonna find a corner

Where she's gonna go, and she's gonna stay there.

Mommy would like you to tell me you're sorry.

I'm sorry.

That's a good girl.

It won't take long before mom

Has got shelby behaving accordingly

And defuses those temper tantrums dramatically.

She was calm. She was confident

That she was going to be in control of the situation,

And that reflected in her actions tonight.

And so she got the positive result that she wanted.

[Jo] jo jo's leaving now.

And I would love some little troops

To come to the door and give me some big hugs--

A big, big, big, big hug !

Shermie, bye-bye.

Dylan, take care. I will.

I'm gonna miss having jo around.

She was a lot of fun, and we all love her.

Dad, keep rolling down those hills.


Yay! [Laughs]

And, mom, just keep stepping back, all right?

And recognize-- don't fight every battle.

Yeah. All right?

Thank you very much. Take care.

When jo was leaving, it was sad,

Because it was nice having her here for the support.

But I know that it's okay, 'cause since she's been here,

Our lives have been a lot less stressful. Take care. Bye-bye.

The family really took to jo,

And that's something we'll always remember.


Bye! [All saying good-bye]

I'd like to say to joelle and sherman

That I am very, very proud of your hard work,

Your patience, your perseverance and your courage.

You've been able to change your family for the better.

Joelle and sherman are moving in the right direction,

No doubt about that.

Hey, shelby. Here, put it up there, baby.

Things in my family are beginning to change.

The kids aren't as combative.

[Joelle] you win!

Before it was, "put 'em in front of the television,"

And then that's where they stayed.

All right, I'm gonna count to ten,

And then you guys all have to hide. Ready?

[Sherman] now we've got interaction with the kids.

[Joelle] one. Two...

Where could shelby be?

Shelby and shermie

Are respecting my privacy a lot more.

Mommy, the green sign's on there.

I mean, they're paying attention to the signs.

What you doing?

Homework. Doing his homework.

I am good, and I'm gonna listen.

All right, sherm!

I've learned a lot about dylan,

And now he's gonna be more open with us.

'Cause I think I've done a lot, you know, with him

And molded him to what he's doing now,

You know, a very mature young individual.

We gotta start getting in the gym and working out. Yeah. Yeah.

[Joelle] hi, babe.

I think I've changed by, you know, lightening up.

I notice I'm smiling more.


I think it's a big improvement that the whole family

That the whole family sits at the table together

And just enjoys everyone and has a really nice conversation.

Very good! Happy plate! Excellent.

I'm looking forward to enjoying our kids... Be very careful, though.

And our children enjoying us. That's the way.

My stress level has dropped, big-time.

[Joelle laughs]

Jo jo, thank you!

[Joelle] I definitely feel

There's been huge improvements in our family.

I think that it's definitely going in the right direction.

Hold on.

Let's watch dylan, see what he's doing.

All right, watch him, sherm. Maybe I should go at an angle.

[Sherman] there you go.


You started too late, huh?

Aah! [Joelle] started off late again.

Uh-oh. Oh, no. You started too late.


[Joelle] you gotta up! Right at the beginning of that board.

That's what we used to do in circus, you know.



That was better.
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