02x17 - Jackson Family

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Supernanny". Aired: 7 July 2004 – 8 October 2008.*
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British reality television programme about parents struggling with their children's behaviour, mealtime, potty training, etc.
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02x17 - Jackson Family

Post by bunniefuu »


Well, hi. Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you.

Jo meets the jackson family.

Never! Don't throw that.

With a trio of tormenting triplets...

This castle is run by a pint-sized princess...

Take your hands off! Isabella, stop it.

And she rules with an iron fist.

Hey, guys. Hey, stop buggin' me.

I don't count! With dad gone all week...

My life is pretty much work. Mom is outnumbered...

Ethan, stop it!

And outmatched.


Ethan. I feel more like it's just them against me.

Jo arrives to bridge the divide... Hey, will.

Hey. Dad, you're huge.

But the challenge is finding middle ground.

Why do you guys tolerate that behavior?

Can jo restore peace in this home...

[Lisa] hey, you're gonna k*ll somebody.

Or has the battle just begun?

Hiya! Hey!



♪ Be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good, be good ♪ ♪ johnny ♪

♪ Be good, be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good, be good ♪ ♪ johnny ♪

♪ Johnny ♪

Let's take a look and see what family we've got here this week.

Hi, I'm lisa jackson.

My husband terry and I have triplets. They're .



And isabella.ethan!

-Year-old triplets. Now that's a handful.

My husband terry works out of town.

He comes home usually at least one day a week

And that's on sundays,

And the rest of the time, I'm here with the kids.

No whistles in the house.

[Blows whistle]

I think the biggest stress--

With him being gone all the time,

It is them against me.

I don't feel like I have a break.

Why don't you play a different game?

No! Never!

My life is pretty much work.

I work here in kansas city for a car sales company,

And it's about three and a half hours away from home.

I work until night, come home,

Watch a movie or something and go to bed.

There are weekends that he doesn't come home.

I think it's definitely unfair to the kids.

You're supposed to come in today.

Well, what am I supposed to tell the kids?


[Terry] the frustration and tension levels in our house

Are very, very high. So I'll be honest--

Sometimes, I feel like I don't want to go home to that.

Dad won't come home today.

Not much daddy time here.

Isabella has the worst temper of the three.

[Yelling indistinctly]

Sometimes she's very physical. [Yelling]

Take your hands off! Isabella, stop it.

[Terry] I have a real difficulty

Relating with isabella.

[Lisa] ethan is the oldest triplet.

Play game on the computer!

When ethan doesn't get his way,

And he's throwing his little tantrum,

He's been known to kick me or hit me.

Will is the middle child.

Will tends to get very clingy when my husband comes home.

You're gonna k*ll somebody.

I used to think that when they were babies,

You know, that was the hardest thing

And that it would only get better... Ow! [Cries]

And now this is so much more emotionally tiring.

Supernanny, we're out of ideas.

We need your help.

[Lisa] supernanny, with -year-old triplets

And my husband being away,

I am completely overwhelmed. [Screaming]

Please come help me.

You could definitely do with some help.

I'm on my way.


How are you?

Hi. [Lisa] well, hi.

Pleased to meet you. I'm jo. Hi, I'm lisa.

Hi. Hello.

What's your name? Ethan.

Hi, ethan, pleased to meet you.

I'm jo jo. Hi.

Hi, I'm terry. Nice to meet you. Pleased to meet you.

When I first met jo,

Obviously, she was very focused and observing.

I found that it was very intimidating for me.

And what's your name?

Will. Hi, will. Pleased to meet you.

You gonna shake my hand? Pleased to meet you.

[Lisa] and this is isabella. Isabella, pleased to meet you.

So what would normally be happening now, lisa--

Each morning?

Um, this is about it.

They kind of run around and do whatever...

Just survive the day.

I wasn't there long

Before isabella and ethan started fighting over a stick.


[Terry] hey, guys. Hey, no fighting.

I had it first!mine!

No. Whoa. Take it away for now.

No matter what they said,

The kids just weren't listening.

[Terry] move it up here. Belle.

No, I want it! Why do you want it right now?

I want it.

Okay? Let me go!

Hey, hey. Stop buggin' me!

It was definitely very embarrassing

To have jo standing there watching me.

No, I think I'm going to stand and carry on watching.

It was a situation where I felt out of control.

No, you're not climbing up there.

Hey, ethan, that's it.

I want it!no.

[Jo] terry couldn't manage these kids. [Terry] stop hitting.

Really. Stop hitting.

I was mad at daddy

Because I was hitting him and kicking him.

Stop. Enough.

You're staying in your room. No.

Five minutes. Five minutes.

I kept waiting for dad to show some authority...

Stay in your room. No!

But it just never happened.

[Terry] don't kick your door.

I'll see you guys.

Later on in the afternoon, terry went off

To do an errand and left lisa with the kids...bye.

Which was nothing new to her.

You can share it. [Crying]

Ethan was very quietly

Playing his own little basketball game...

I know what it's called, too--slam dunk.

[Laughs] slam dunk, yeah.

And isabella decided

That she wanted to join in and play with him, too,

But the way

She approached the situation was very aggressive.

Ethan, let me play. Let me play!


She becomes very forceful

Where she physically lashes out.

Mum's role when this is all happening

Is of a spectator. Ethan, you need to let her play, too.


Isabella gets mad.

Then I run away because she's really mean.

I lock the door and push it.



I hate him, 'cause he locks me out of my room.

We're in trouble now. She's found the coat hanger.

Well, I just grab a hanger.

You know, I sneak up, and then I try to open it,

But it's hard.

I'm sorry. I can't, I'm afraid.

I was thinking, "oh, no, I'm not getting involved in this one."

[Jo] when your child comes downstairs

And asks you to straighten a coat hanger,

You've gotta question what does she want the coat hanger for.

But instead of going upstairs

And seeing what exactly is happening, she doesn't.

This little girl's seen someone do this before.

Why do you not want to come out of your bedroom?

Is ethan in there?

Finally, mum came upstairs to check on the children.

Ethan, why don't you open your door?

Unlock your door, ethan.

[Jo] by the time mum decided to intervene...

What are you doing in there?

Everybody forgot why the door was locked in the first place.

Casually laying on the bed--

♪ La dee da dee da dee da ♪

Coming up on "supernanny"...

Why do you choose to come home on a sunday

When you could be home on saturday night?

Jill's got a bone to pick with dad.

And she and mom don't see eye to eye.

You were in front of her? No, I wasn't.

I beg to differ.

When "supernanny" returns.

♪ Be good, be good ♪


Hey, come on, you guys!

The kids had some time to play, and their mum decided

It was time for them to come in.

Isabella, what are you doing? Inside right now.

Isabella, come on. Now.

Will, come on! Ethan, now!

Mum talks to the children

Like she is telling them off all the time.

[Lisa] ethan! No! You know what?

You're gonna spend the afternoon in your room

If you don't get over here!

Get inside. Take your shoes off and go wash your hands.

Ethan! Now!

[Jo] I've noticed

That lisa doesn't have a schedule for the kids.

So I was curious what she had planned for them next.

What do you do with them?

They kind of run around, they watch a lot of tv.

I think if I sit on the sofa any longer,

I'm about to doze off myself.

[Lisa] you need to turn it off right now.


Finally, mum turned the tv off, but ethan?

He wasn't in agreement with that plan.


Ethan. No, no more.

Hey! Oh, my god!

That was not nice. Stop it! I want!

Ethan, stop it!

These kids are really aggressive.

And watching ethan punch and kick his mum

Makes me realize how much she tolerates.

Stop hitting me!

Ethan, stop it.

I felt a little bit of helplessness,

You know, with ethan throwing a tantrum because

I really didn't know how to handle him.

Don't touch me! Stop it! Sit down!


Seems to me like mom's just given up

When it comes to dishing out discipline.

You feel like you're being defeated?

I feel more like it's them against me sometimes.

[Screams] do you know why you're in your room?

Why? Because you were hitting me.

In the middle of mom struggling with ethan,

Dad came home.

Hey, man. [Crying]

What were you playing?

What was the game?

Terry didn't even bother to ask lisa

What was happening with ethan.

[Lisa] he was up there because he was hitting me.

So you guys, when it comes to discipline,

Are you on the same page or not on the same page?

I didn't realize what was going on.

I guess we didn't communicate very well.

Terry, that doesn't matter.

What matters is he was hitting me.

That's why he was in his room.

In the evening, I spoke to dad about his work schedule.

How much time do you get... With these guys?

Yeah, you don't-- with work and stuff.

With work, it's been like this for almost seven months.

My schedule is very difficult for the family.

It's been very strained for us, me and lisa.

It's been very hard for me and the children.

But do they ask-- do they say, you know,

Is daddy coming back soon? How many days, or...

Yeah, they do. They ask how many days...

Mm-hmm. And what day, and so I go through the days with them--

What today is, you know.

How many days it is until you're coming home.

[Lisa] he tends to think that

I just want him to come home so that I can have a break,

And that's not the case.

I want him home because we-- we miss him. We want him here.

The kids miss him terribly.

What about with isabella-- do you get much time with her?

Do you get much playtime with her, the pair of you? Just the two of us?

Yeah. No.

I believe isabella has had a hard time...

Developing a relationship with me.

Where I probably do fail is i...

I think she likes little girl things,

And I don't bring that to the picture very well.

There's a lot of times I feel isabella doesn't like me.

She's always distant with me.

I mean, there's a definite distance there.

Terry's the parent here.

If he wants his relationship to change with isabella,

Then he's gonna have to make more of an effort,

And that's just one of the things

I'm going to be working on with this family.

Let me say your three children

Have intelligence, have a fantastic sense of humor...

Mm-hmm. And it's an absolute delight,

'Cause they're all so different.




It's not here.

Somewhere along the line, that's been forgotten.

Let's talk about discipline.

Where is discipline in this house?

Uh, I'm not very good at it.

So I just don't know what I'm doing.

I-i try.

I mean, I'm only here on the weekends. So...

Punching, kicking, slapping--

Why do you guys tolerate that behavior?

Well, I don't think it's acceptable, but...

How do you deal with it?

Well, you don't deal with it.

Ethan was playing with his basketball,

And isabella thought it was okay

Just to go over and say to ethan,

"I want to play." Mm-hmm.

I heard you turn around and say to ethan,

"Let isabella play."

Well, I have told her when--

You know, that she needs to ask nicely. I didn't realize

That that is how she approached him about playing.

But you were in front of her when that happened. No, I wasn't.

Well, I was there, and I know you was there.

I was in the kitchen. I didn't hear what was going on.

I beg to differ.

Okay. I beg to differ,

Because I think that actually what is happening

Is that you're seeing a lot of things

And you're ignoring it,

And I think you are as well, terry.

The routine-- well, there isn't one

That creates any time for the children to be creative.

They do that. You can't say you didn't see that,

Because they had paper here, they had crayons,

They were drawing.

And what were you doing?

I don't know.

That's my point, lisa.

They wan to sit down with mommy and say,

"Look what I've done," and "you make one as well."

Why don't you do anything like that with them?

I don't know. I guess I'll start.

Why don't you do it, terry?

Sit down and draw with them?

The kids are bored.

I was bored.

Terry, you go to work all week...

How many hours away?

Three and a half. Three and a half hours away

Every week...


And you finish when?


Why do you choose to come home on a sunday

When you could be home on saturday night?

I don't know.

Maybe I've been making some bad decisions and been selfish.

Sometimes, it's hard to hear the truth,

And jo broke down a lot of the problems. It hit home.

It was very hard.

Where are you making priorities

To make sure that the pair of you

Have some form of a family life?

Who's suffering here?

The kids. The little time

That we do have together, all five of us,

You know, we're not making the most of it.

I do agree with some of what jo said.

However, I would have appreciated

For our meeting to be more of a meeting

Instead of the confrontational tone that she used with us.

Are you both willing to put in % commitment?



Okay. So let's start work.

Coming up on...

What's your favorite color? Yellow and pink.

Dad gets in touch with his feminine side.

You know who I made this for? I made it for you.

[Screams] [cries]

[Jo] eye contact. While mom starts seeing double...

This is non-negotiating.


When "supernanny" returns.

But first, a tip from supernanny.

Lots of families have to cope with one parent working away.

So make the most of any form of communication

You have at your disposal.

Remember, be creative.

Kids like to make cards, letters and e-mails,

Or even keep a calendar so you can schedule phone sessions.

It's all about keeping you together as a family.

♪ Be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good ♪

Hello. With the family meeting behind us,

It was time to move on, and the first thing

That I wanted to deal with was discipline.

So I brought in the naughty stools.

This is your naughty stool... And I'm going to put it here.

Once I explained what they'd be used for,

I could see their little wheels in motion,

And I knew they would catch on.

Well, it will be one of those, most definitely.

When jo brought out the naughty stools,

I thought they were really cute,

But I wasn't sure how that would work with my kids.

Later on, lisa was getting lunch ready for the kids,

But isabella, she wasn't happy with what mom was offering.

I'm not eating that.

No, 'cause it's not mixed up.


Here you go. Mommy is not going to do it,

Because you are a big girl and you can do it yourself.

[Lisa] will, this is what I made for lunch for you. [Crying]

Isabella wasn't giving up.

So I told mom, "give her a straight warning."

If you don't stop this behavior,

You will sit on the naughty stool.

[Jo] okay, she's having a temper tantrum.

She ignored mom.

So it was off to the naughty stool for her.

Come on. No! [Crying]

Low tone voice. Remember, you're not pleased.

She's not listening.

You need to stop this behavior, and that is why

You're on the naughty stool. [Crying]

Mommy! Come back!

And in the meantime,

Will started to play up,

And then she had to follow through with him.

Will, I want you to eat

At least three pieces of ravioli, and if you do not,

You will be sitting on the naughty stool.

Here's your ravioli.

Ignore it. We're not going there.


So at one point, both of them,

Isabella and will were on the naughty stool. Eye contact.

Mom, I wanna... Because you have refused to eat your lunch,

You're sitting on the naughty stool. Help your mom, please. Okay.

[Lisa] having both isabella and will on the naughty stool

At the same time, I got a good crash course

In what jo is trying to teach me.

Lisa, step, and now with isabella.

I want an apology from you.

Well, I did that to him.

Come on. She won't apologize.

She wants to negotiate on the naughty stool. Mom. Mommy!

This is non-negotiating.

Mom finally stepped up with the discipline,

And she stuck with it and got apologies from both children.

I want you to say you're sorry to me.

It was nice to get an apology from isabella

Where she wasn't screaming.

I want you to say you're sorry to me.

Come here. Don't cry.

Before jo's instruction, I would have just said "fine,"

And I would have given up, given in.

I knew that

I had to stick with it in order for it to work,

And eventually it did.

Over here. There's no excuse for terry

Not to have a close relationship with isabella.

He just needs to take the time

To find out what she's interested in.

So that's what we're going to do together.

Okay, arts and crafts. Uh-huh.

All right, ideal opportunity, because isabella

Was normally roughhousing with all the boys.

Dad spends more time with the boys

Because he knows what they're interested in.

Whereas with isabella, he's not too sure.

So I wanted him to have some quiet time with isabella

So he could get to know her.

What's your favorite color? Yellow and pink.

I'll take out these ones here for you. Can't.

Here, hold on. Terry and isabella

Were communicating a lot more. How does this look?


What's key here is to be able to interact with your children,

To start asking questions and find out about each other.

Actually, some of these.

[Terry] this is the first time where I've sat down with belle

And attempted to build communication,

And, uh, that was very exciting.

You know who I made this for?no.

I made it for you.

You wanna do this again with dad?

At another time?yeah.

Okay, jo jo has got something very exciting here,

And what it's going to do is allow you all

To speak to daddy

Via the webcam.

These children need to be speaking to their daddy

More during the week, so I've set up a videophone

Which is going to be absolutely fantastic.

So they can let their dad know what's been going on.

Okay, so when daddy's in kansas working,

You'll be able to talk to daddy

On this laptop...no.

Before you go off to sleep. Exciting?

Really, really cool.

Even though the videophone was for dad

When he was in kansas city, the kids just couldn't wait

To try it out.

Okay, say "hi, mom."

[Laughs] she's talking to you. Hi....


I'm watching you.

I think the videophone is gonna be very successful.

I'm very excited. I like the concept

Of us being able to see each other.

Uh, I think facial expressions will be huge for us

To maintain a relationship.

[Jo] it was time for dad

To go back to kansas city for the week for work,

And he did say good-bye to his family...

Can I talk to you this week on the phone?yeah.

Okay. I'll see you next week. I love you.

But will couldn't accept that.

He became very upset. I can't be there.

[Crying] I have to work, you know?

I love you. Confident voice, dad, okay?

It's not a bad thing, is it? I will call you...

On the computer this whole week,

And I will call you when I get there tonight, okay?

[Whines] now I have to go.

I really hope that dad uses the videophone,

Because if he does, it's going to make

A huge difference to his family whilst he's gone.

Coming up on...


While the kids are breaking boards...

[Man] hiya! Hai!

Will decides to break rank...

Go have fun. Go. Mommy.

Okay, am I gonna have to get my hands in dirt? Yeah.

And jo's got the family seeing green.

This is hard work. Hiya!

When "supernanny" returns.

♪ Be good, be good ♪

I wanted to surprise the children.

So I told them that jo jo was taking them on an adventure.

Any guesses?

The children have got lots of energy,

But they use it to be aggressive with one another.

So I thought it would be good for them

To get them involved in martial arts

So that they could use their energy in a positive way.

I decided that I would suit up as well

To get the kids motivated.

We're gonna learn about tae kwon do today,

Which is a korean martial art, and we teach

A lot about respect, and we'll talk more about that later.


Hiya! Very good. Ready?

Unh! [Grunting]

Whilst the class was carrying on,

Will lost concentration,

And he wanted to come over to mom and hug her

And stay with her. Come here, buddy.

I'm gonna teach you how to kick and punch, okay?

It's frustrating and a little bit heartbreaking,

You know, to see him wanting me

And me having to tell him, "no, you need

"To go back to your spot."

[Girls] sure! [Man] hiya!

[All] tae kwon do!

[Man] hiya! Awesome. Let me see.


Ooh, right here. Will tried to escape and come over to mom again,

But this time, she wasn't givin' in.

Go have fun. Go. Go ahead and have fun.

Come on, will. We're gonna pop out,

And we'll be back in a minute when the class ends.

If you have children that don't concentrate as much,

Teachers will always recommend that parents leave the room,

Because it allows the child to focus on the sport.

What part of the fist do you break with?

Hiya!whoa! Everybody give him a big hand!


You wanna try that, or you want your sister to go first?

Okay, come on up, isabella.

Hiya! [Man] whoa!

[Jo] without mom there, will wasn't distracted.

Now give it a great big whack! Three! Hiya! Hai!

It was exciting to see my kids participating

In the tae kwon do class.

I could see that they were enjoying it. And then I got a surprise.

The master called me over for a turn.

[Man] come on up, nanny jo.

Nanny jo break the wood.

Hiya! Hiya! [Laughs]

[Man] holy moly! Let's give her a big hand!

The kids had a lot of fun,

And now they have a way to channel their energy

Into something positive.

Thank you very much. Thank you. We're very excited. Thank you.

[Jo] so who's got green fingers?

[Ethan] I've got green fingers. You've got green fingers?

The children can get bored very easily.

And that leads to them fighting and squabbling with one another.

What we're going to do now

Is to build and plant your own garden.

This project's just a fun and easy way

For mom to get involved with her children.

Okay, am I gonna have to get my hands in dirt? Yeah.

Okay, this is good.

So, mom, look there.

They've got their own watering can and spade there.

Do you wanna give one each to them now? Okay.

Ethan, you would like the green one?

Isabella, which one would you like?

I want this one.

So what I'd like you to do is to delegate them each a job.

So that's the second step. Okay.

Now first of all, you know what we have to do? What?

We have to put some soil in here.

Let's bring this right over here...

Okay, and we're gonna come over here, mom.

And the third is to make sure that you supervise

What's happening, but allow yourself every now and then

To step back to watch them.

We have to get the whole bag done.

This is hard work.

They got a kick out of it.

[Will] ethan, we need some for these rocks.


I wanted to show lisa

That this activity would be a great way to show

How they could all work together as a team.

[Lisa] oh, good job, isabella.

We're all finished.

The community garden they really enjoyed.

I thought it was a great idea.

They really worked well together.

So that was really kind of neat to see.

Hey, well done, guys. Good job.

That evening, the kids were really excited

For dad to make his first videophone call to them.

There we go. Come on, daddy.

Let's hear from you. Let's hear from you.

Ring, ring, ring. [Telephone rings]

[Lisa gasps] there he is. Daddy.

There. Yay.

Hey, dad, you're huge.

You're huge.

Hey, dad. Hey, will.

What are you guys doing today?

[Isabella] I broke the wood.

I broke the wood as a hammer smash.

Me, too. Me, too.

The kids were really excited to try out the videophone.

I think it's gonna really help their relationship with terry.

Hey, guys, can you hold the board up that you broke?


[Terry] there we go. You broke that?

Yep, I did.

I showed him how I break the wood like this. Bop!

What did we do today?

Dad, you know what? We planted the flowers.

I like daddy when he calls us on the videophone.

[Terry] you could just see they were very excited.

They're, like, "oh, daddy's on the computer."

So it went very well,

And, uh, oh, it's just a neat way to communicate.

[Children] bye, dad.

[Terry] bye, will.

Bye, dad.


And we'll talk to you at : tomorrow night.


Bye, guys.


Jo jo's going now.

I'm feeling a little apprehensive

With jo leaving.

Give jo jo a hug.

Now I'm going to be on my own trying to remember,

You know, what she's taught me. The naughty stools, we know about those.

Will? Oh, hey.


Will, come here.

Stand up.

If you cannot listen to me,

You will sit on the naughty stool. All right, good, mom.

Oh, okay.

I just said no more hurting.

I don't like this hitting.

[Jo] well, I almost made it out of the door.

Explanation on the stool, mom.

You're here because you're hitting.

I'm gonna leave you to deal with the naughty stool.

You seem to be doing a good job there.

Make sure we keep that up. Okay.

I hope that mom stays motivated while I'm gone,

And dad has got some work to do,

But we'll see how they get on.

Take care. See you soon. [Lisa] okay, bye-bye.

[Boy] bye-bye-bye-bye!

Coming up on...

Dad? Dad ignores isabella...

Hey! But then gets more attention than she's looking for.

When "supernanny" returns,

But first, a tip from supernanny.

Angry, shouting, frustrated, disagreements?

If that sounds like you, mom and dad,

Then take it outside.

Kids see, and they hear everything, trust me.

Have some self-control.

Postpone those conversations until the kids are in bed

Or at least take five minutes out and get some fresh air.

♪ Be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good ♪

I wanna make something. I wanna make a paper hat.

You need to think about how to make a paper hat.

What color do you want?

[Jo] that's terrific, mom.

You set the kids up with a project.

Pink. Let's take two pieces of paper.

Fold it. Oh, wow.

I love that you're getting involved with them.


What? I'm making a paper hat.

Look at that. It went all the way into the kitchen.

It was really neat to see them, you know,

Enjoying spending time together.

I definitely want to keep up with this.

[Lisa] what?


There is another truck over there.

You can use that one... No!

And then you two can take turns. It has no driving!

[Jo] isabella's starting.

Okay, you know that I don't like hitting.

And I'm not going to deal with this anymore.

You continue to talk to me that way,

I'm gonna add five minutes for every time you say that.

[Jo] you know that's not the rule, mom.


Don't argue with her. Just walk away.

She's trying to wind you up.

I would like an apology for the names, and the hitting.

Come here. No hitting and no name calling, okay?



[Jo] ah, dad's home.

Why is isabella playing on her own?

You're supposed to be spending time with her.

Oh, right there. Terry, if you don't make the effort,

Your relationship's not going to get any better.

I'm on my way back.

Okay, so let's take a look and see what we've got here.

Yellow. Yellow?

Pieces of paper. Fold it.

I lost a wrapper.

More. Outside up.

Look at that.

It went all the way into the kitchen.

Did you have fun?

I did. I'm working on, you know, the creativity.

They're having fun, you're having fun,

You're engaging with them,

And, I mean, it was just

A very pleasant afternoon to see. Well done.

Well, good. Thank you.

You know that I don't like hitting,

And I'm not going to

Deal with this anymore.


Okay. When she's on the naughty stool,

You ignore her. What she's trying to do

Is to wind you up and get your attention.

She's annoyed. What you've ultimately done

Is taken away the power and control that she wanted.

You don't have to interact with her

To make you feel better. Okay.

Because that's what it's about, really.

It's about you feeling, "I will get the last word.

"Because I'm the mother in the house," but you already

Have the last word. She's on the stool. Okay.

Oh, right there--is that supposed to do somethin'?

You definitely came to me

With concerns of your relationship with isabella,

And that's what you're going to need to work on.

And working on that takes time,

But it means you've gotta put that time in.

Here's what, I guess, my question--

Um, when I'm home, will demands my attention.

I mean, do I say, "okay, I'm playing with belle,"

Or do I somehow push him away, or...

He does have to understand that you're home

And that you want to play with all of them,

But that doesn't mean that somewhere throughout the day,

You can't just have minutes with just the one child.

I was happy to hear some positive reinforcement from jo,

And I appreciated the constructive criticism.

Do I have two parents on board for some more work?

Yes. Definitely.

Okay, let's get going. Coming up on...

You can put it down. In here?

You found it. This one?

The elephant. Dad learns that love can be blind...

And jo's not leaving without a fight.

Hiya, hah!

When "supernanny" returns.

♪ Be good, be good ♪

Belle and daddy are gonna play

The favorites game, okay?sure.

Terry's relationship with isabella still needs work.

She's years old, and he still doesn't

Really know what she likes.

Now you see all these envelopes?

[Terry] you see 'em, belle? They've all got questions on 'em.

"What is your favorite ice cream flavor?"

"What animal would you like to cuddle the most

"At the farm yard?"

This is a fun little game that's going to help dad

Get to know isabella a lot better.

[Terry] okay. Am I close?

You can put it down. In here?

You found it. This one?


The elephant. Wow.

You're now gonna place it on the pink card.

They stick them onto a board to make a collage.

So they know what each other's interested in.

[Terry] just getting to know her,

Getting to know a little bit about her personality,

Just getting a chance to... To learn about my daughter.

I was very excited, and... Vanilla.

Yeah. Wow.


I love brownies.



[Jo] is that nearer? You got it.

She was very affectionate. There were lots of big smiles.

[Terry] yeah, strawberries. Daddy was getting to know

His daughter isabella a lot better,

And isabella was getting to know her daddy better, too.

I had a good game, dad. [Terry] that was a very good game.

I could tell belle was enjoying my company,

And I'll be honest. It made me feel wonderful.

This is mine. I get to keep this one.

I get to go show all the people at work what you like.

Okay? That would be good.

Okay. And you could see it, and when some people come in,

You could see it. That's true.

I think really for lisa and terry,

It's been a real realization

Of what they need to put first...

Well, a nanny's work is done here.

Their children.

Catch! Catch!

You got it?


Bye-bye, jo jo.

Keep going to that tae kwon do,

'Cause you were very good at it.


Hiya! Hah!

Bye, jo jo.

Thank you again.

You're more than welcome.

The biggest impact jo had on my family

Was not just that she made us believe

That these things are possible at this time,

But that she showed us how to do 'em.

Yes, ethan?

Will I have my glasses on? Yes.

When I first arrive, I'll have my glasses on.


Why? That's because jo jo can get

A very good look down her spectacles

At exactly what all the children are doing.

Definitely, I'm a better parent today

With the tools that I have than I was before jo came.

I wanted to leave you with this.

Oh, wow. Okay?

A calendar with all the photos

Of the kids from different months. Oh, wow.

And yourselves. Wow.

Because I do feel it will be a marvelous idea

For you, dad, before you go,

To write down on the weekend the things that you may do

With the children together. It will allow the children

To look forward to doing those things

For when daddy comes home. All right? So there you go,

And keep up the good work.

I think jo has had a very good impact on our family.

I think we have a better understanding of discipline,

And some boundaries have been established.

Take care. Thank you.

Bye-bye. Bye-bye, thank you.

The jacksons have made a lot of progress.

Mom spends more quality time with the children, and dad

Has a better relationship with his whole family,

Especially isabella.

I'm proud of the changes they've made.

[Terry] I'm very proud of us as a family.

It's very cool to watch my kids play and have fun

Without a negative end result.

There you go. Push your leg forward.

My kids listen a little more. They hear us and they respond.

[Lisa] one of the biggest ways

That I've changed as a parent is realizing

How important it is for me to be...

Mom! You're doing great.

Actively involved in the things that they do.

You know what you're doing, don't you?

I'm very proud of what lisa's done.

It's hard for lisa to make changes.

So the fact that she's come so far so quickly is--

It's amazing, and it took a lot of effort.

Daddy, can I make a fish, dad?

[Lisa] this experience has affected

My relationship with terry in a positive way.

I feel that he is taking on

A more active role in parenting.

Dad, look, I can climb.

You sure can. ♪ Ta-da ♪

I have a better relationship with all of my kids,

But obviously, the biggest change is with isabella...

But he's too heavy.

Because we expressed a relationship verses anger.

We're making time for isabella

To spend with just daddy by herself.

[Terry] turn this over.

Wow. I have enjoyed playing with my kids more,

Doing the crafts with them... Great.

Showing them that I am...

With this, you can make a person.

Just as interested in what they're doing.

That's really good, will.

Jo jo, thanks for helping my mom.

I like jo jo. She's nice.


I'm gonna call the bird like this. Tweet, tweet, tweet.

Tweet, tweet.

Tweet, tweet, tweet, tweet, tweet.

It's called an eye kiss. Ready?

You've gotta put your eye near my eye like this.

Can you blink?


That was called an eye kiss?

An eye kiss.

That's crazy.

This is my mad face
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