01x05 - Flipping Out: Part 1

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal". Aired: April 11, 2011 – September 24, 2012.*
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Taking place in the near future in a place called Heartland City, the story focuses on Yuma Tsukumo, a young duelist who strives to become the Duel Monsters champion, despite being an amateur.
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01x05 - Flipping Out: Part 1

Post by bunniefuu »

Shopkeepercome and get it everyone!

Tasty snacks and treats for sale.

Everything half off!

They won't last long.

Fliphalf off?

Hmm, let's see here

Mm-hmm, and this one?


They're all half price but that's only half the story.

This food's so cheap because it's past its expiration date!

Women crowddisgusting!

I don't want this!

Toss it back!

Kid, what are you doing?

You're costing me money!

I'm just telling the other side of things!

Everything has two sides...

Just like in a duel, there's a winner and a loser.

Then bring it on, kid!

And now

I play the trap card...

Ultra c!

What, ultra c?

Yep and next I summon grenosaurus!



That's for tryin' to pull one over on us!

Se the truth is...

The food had no expiration date to begin with!

That's life for ya

For every up, there's a down.

For every yes, there's a no.

Every coin has two sides.

Otherwise put, everything has its flip side!

Girl aweird

Torihey! You!

And I get by in this world by exposing that side!

Robottrash identified

On everything I come across!

Error malfunction

Make that everything and everyone.

Like him.

Yuma tsukumo.

Yumagotta hurry...

Grandma won't be happy if I'm late for manicotti monday!

Astralthat boy

Yuma is infamous for being a terrible duelist

Yet he defeated shark...

A duelist so good he made it to the nationals.

There is definitely a flip side to that coin

And with the help of this card, I'm gonna find it out.

I'll give yuma this little guy in exchange for a duel.

And then I'll learn what I need to know!


♪ If life is a game they say I can't win ♪

♪ I'll never amount to nothin'

♪ Tear me down before my life begins ♪

♪ I won't be afraid to challenge myself ♪

♪ They won't ever break my fire ♪

♪ My dreams won't die if I high-five the sky ♪

♪ Spread my wings take off it's time to fly ♪

♪ Take a chance to make it all the way ♪

♪ Take a chance forgetting yesterday ♪

♪ Take a chance believe

♪ Nothing will bring me down

♪ No retreat when I leave all my fears behind ♪

♪ My future's still alive inside ♪

♪ Take a chance and chase my doubts away ♪

♪ Believing gets me through my darkest days ♪

♪ Take a chance to make it all the way ♪

♪ Take a chance forgetting yesterday ♪

♪ Take a breath my heart will lead the way ♪

♪ Take a chance, I'll take a chance in today ♪

Studentsdo you have a copy of last night's homework?

Studentsi left mine at home.


Yep, that's what he says he wants me to call him.

And he's here now?

Of course he's here, bronk.

He's here all the time.

And to be honest, it can be quite awkward...

Especially when I wake up with him hovering over me.

Duel time

And another thing, keep it down when I'm sleeping, would ya?

Oh, please

You snorer!


Am not!

Do ya think we should leave?

Yes, very slowly.


Hey yuma, how's it going, buddy?

Who are you?

The name is flip.

And I take quite a bit of pride in that name.

Cuz I believe everything has a flip side.

My right has my left.

My front...my back.

My frowny face has...

My smiley face!


Pleased to meet ya.


Oh, before I forget, I have a little something for you, yuma!

It's an xyz monster, baby tiragon!

And you're giving it to me?

Yep, for taking down that bully, shark.

Go on, yuma, don't be shy.

Take it.

It can be a symbol of our new friendship.

Symbol of friendship, huh?

I'd have to be a jerk to turn that down!

What is this dark aura flowing from this boy?

Something is not right.

That's right, don't be afraid, just reach out and take it.

Well if you insist



We're gonna be late for class.

C'mon, let's go.


If you moved your legs, it might help a little.

But that card!

I want it!

Sorry yuma, but that kid is nothing but trouble.

Whadaya mean, how would you know?

We know cuz tori and I used to be in the same class with him.

And I'm telling you, he's always up to no good!



That little guy?

Please, what's the worst he could do?

You may have resisted the bait this time, yuma

But just like a coin, fate won't always land in your favor

Very soon, I'm taking you down!

Mr.kayso as you can plainly see, finding the percentage

Of air in this vial of sand is the easiest way to

This is a complex structure.

What is its purpose?

But more importantly, what role does yuma play?

Oh my could this be?

Hey yuma, here's your card...




Your card

-Come on! -Heyyyyy!

Your card!

Let's go.

You've gotta keep your guard up, yuma!

No kidding, but from flip or from you two?


Tori and bronk won't let me near yuma!

I'm going to have to change my strategy a bit.

Spenceri lost my xyz monster, anyone see it?

Hey, that's spencer.

He has a class with yuma.

I can use him.

What? Are you for real?


Then you've got yourself a deal!

Yes! This must be my lucky day!


Yet another flip side

This kid loses something and I find my plan!

I'm home!


Didn't I tell you to do more homework

And to stop with all the dueling?

Yeah, ya did and I am

Then what is this?


To my dueling hero, yuma.

From your biggest admirer.


It's fan mail!

I mean not cool!

-Bye! -Yuma!

When is he going to learn that no dueling means no dueling?

Can you talk to him?

I'm just worried,

Grandma, because we both no what dueling can lead to.

Hey, where have you been hiding out?

Anyway, look whatcha missed.

My first fan mail.

I'm so excited I can't wait to see it!


Don't think maybe a congratulation is in order here?

Someone out there likes me.

Wish I could meet 'em and give 'em a big hug and an autograph!


Tell me why your sister does not want you dueling.

Don't worry about my sister.

Now then, let's rip this baby open!

Observation #, humans have ears,

But that does not mean they listen.

Hey, this is a baby tiragon card

Just like the one flip tried to give me.

Hi yuma!

I saved up for a year to get you this!

I hope you like it!


I'm the luckiest guy around!


I can't believe I've gotta an xyz monster!

Yes, indeed you do, yuma.

And I've got you right where I want ya.

But that card's just the start


The plan is to get you all alone and friendless.

Then you'll be at my mercy!

Good morning!


You have got a lot of nerve showing your face

Around here after everything that you've done!

Uh, what exactly did I do?

I know it's hard, but don't play dumb.

You know the least you could do is admit it.

We've all seen the photos.

They were sent out to the whole school.

And all I have to say is you should be ashamed of yourself.

Stomping on flowerbeds.

Pulling pranks on teachers.

Cheating during exams.

But the worst thing you did was eat spencer's lunch...

And replace it...

With a toad!

Check out the look on your face.


I didn't do that!

Hey, where's spencer?

I gotta clear my name.

We can't find spencer!

He must be home sick or something.

Still, we're with yuma.

There's no way he'd do those things!

I used to feel the same way, bronk.

We all did...

That is, until we saw these awful pictures.

Sorry yuma but we're not friends anymore.

Come on everybody, let's go.

Wait... Please, no!

I guess in the end, there's another side to yuma

A side we never knew.

But I swear, I'm innocent!

Time for step .


It sure stinks having everyone upset at you.

Well,i guess bronk and tori aren't

But the rest of the school sure is!


Hey, how's it going, pal!

Hey, flip

[Devious giggle]

Wow, it sounds like you got a bum rap!

Tell me about it.

Now I'm the school outcast.

That is not true, yuma.

You are no outcast.


Like I said before,

I've liked you ever since I heard you beat shark.

That was one of the best duels ever!

Wow, really?


By the way,

What was that card that you used to take down shark, you know.

You mean utopia?

Oh right, that was it.

So, that's his secret w*apon.

Strangethat dark aura is getting stronger.

This is quite troubling.

Well, yuma, no matter what anyone says about you,

Remember that flip always has got your back.

What was that?

In that case

You know what would really cheer me up, a friendly duel!

I was hoping you'd ask, yuma.

I'd love to!


Oh, absolutely.

In fact, 'ol pal

I insist on it!

Ha! Yeah! Let's do this then!

Yes, let's.

And once we're finished, utopia will be mine!

I have a bad feeling about this duel.

I think you should pass.

What for?

Wait, lemme guess you think that flip is up to no good too.

Well then why would he stand by me in my time of need?

Wait a second, you're not jealous are ya?

Uh, are you talking to me, yuma?

Nope, just to myself.

Anyway, let's get on with this duel!

Because I am feeling the flow!

Duel gazerlet's roll!

Duel interface set!

Computer voiceaugmented reality visual link established!

Let's duel!

I'll go first if it's okay

Here goes...draw!

I place a monster facedown in defense mode!

That's it for this turn!

Playing it safe by shoring up your defenses, huh?

I'd better play it safe when I'm facing a duelist

As good as you are, yuma!

I believe your opponent's praise is masking his true motives.

No, he just thinks I'm a great duelist!

Is that so hard to believe?

Wait a sec, don't answer that.

Let's get back to the duel.

Since flip summoned a monster in defense mode.

It's played facedown.

Now I can't see how strong a defense it has,

Unless I attack it.

But if I do attack and his monster's stronger

Than my monster I'm gonna take damage.

Get set to get decked!

I draw!

I gotta summon a monster with high attack points!

I summon gagaga magician!

Now gagaga magician, attack that facedown monster.

I was hoping yuma would side with this aggressive approach.

Porcupine fish, appear!

Defense points?!

All right - gagaga magician wins!

Flip effectactivate!

What's a 'flip eff

You must have missed that day of school yuma.

It's a special ability that activates

When a monster that's facedown is flipped face-up.

Wanna know what its flip effect is?

You now take points of damage!

Pretty cool move!

But gagaga magician still has higher attack points!

My monster!

Better luck next time!

I end my turn.

Well played, but I expected no less!

Still, I took away life points

From the mighty yuma tsukumo, yeah ha!

The duelist that took down the infamous shark!

-What an achievement! -He sure is happy.

Interesting, so he is a flip effect monster user.

Okay, thank you!

I don't get it, spencer's mom said

That he went to school today like he always does.


But he's nowhere to be found.

Hey, maybe there's a hint as to what's going on in those photos.

Ya think?

It's worth checking!

Anything that will prove yuma's innocence.

My turn.

Here we go!

I play a monster in defense mode!

Facedown again.

He must be planning to use another flip effect!

Then I'll end my turn with two facedowns!

Yuma had better be careful.

Flip's field is stacked.

Alright, my turn!

I draw!

First I summon full elf!

And now I'll use it to attack your facedown monster!

But yuma, do you not recall what happened last time?

Of course!

But who cares if I take flip effect damage

If full elf destroys that facedown monster,

I can attack flip directly with my magician!

Now go!

Full elf

Attack that facedown monster!

Yes, please do!

Full elf attack flip's facedown monster!

Chew bone, appear!

Defense points?!

That'll be a piece of cake to beat!

And now for

Chew bone's flip effect!

With it, I can summon up to three chew bone jrs

From my deck onto your field in defense mode.


You summoned them to my field?

I am so cool!

Did ya see how I pulled that sweet summoning off?

Yeah, I sure did, flip but they won't do you

A whole lotta good way over here on my field!

What? Your field?

Aw nuts, I misunderstood the effect!

So you say.

Aw, don't beat yourself up over it!

Happens to us all!

But a duel's a duel.

Can't let ya off the hook!

I now attack you directly with gagaga magician!



I'm winning life points to !

And with that, I'll end my...

Whoa, wait!

Hold up there!

Aren't you gonna summon your xyz monster?

My xyz?

The guy doesn't even realize!

You know, because of the summoning mistake I just made?


The mistake I made that brought out

The three level chew bone jrs.

Right, I've got three level monsters out!

Which means I can do an xyz summon!

Then do it already!

There's no doubt.

Yuma's being set up.

But why?

Wait a moment, of course!

I overlay these three level chew bone jrs!



I will use this overlay network to summon forth

An xyz monster!

Appear, baby tiragon!


Alright, I did it, I summoned an xyz monster!

[ Erie laughter]


You sap!

You bought it!

I bought what?

My right facedown is the trap uratra c.

Uratra c?

Thanks to uratra c

When baby tiragon is summoned out to your field

I can summon one xyz monster to my field!

Oh and there's one more thing

I have to summon it straight from your deck!

My deck?


Which means


Is all mine!

You summoning baby tiragon

Was the worst thing that could have happened to you.

Flip planned this from the very start.

In order to get you to summon baby tiragon,

He purposely summoned those chew bone jrs to your field.

No, that's impossible, I mean think about it,

Flip didn't even know that I owned that baby tiragon!

[Devious chuckle]

I saved up for a year to get you this!


I hope you like it.

Wait, so then that card was sent by you?

That's right...

And, I was also the one who sent around all those fake photos

Of you to the entire school

I knew it would make everyone hate you.

But why?!

Because I needed to get you alone, yuma!

And besides, I knew if you were down about everyone disowning

You as their friend, you'd finally let me be your friend.

And friends duel!

And that note on your back tells you what we're dueling for!

What in the world?

Bet this doesn't say 'kick me'.

If I lose this duel, I agree to give flip a card from my deck.

This is not good.

That's no fair!

That note was on you so you must honor it...ha!

What a snake!

My friends warned me that you were always up to no good!


I guess this is what I get for not listening to them,

So fine, which card of mine is it that we're playing for?

Why the card you beat shark with, of course,

Your utopia card!

Utopia is a number card.

If yuma loses that, then I too shall be lost!

Now that we know the stakes

Let's get on with the duel, shall we!

Now ultra c!


And with your power, I summon utopia from yuma's deck!

Rise up


So now I gotta take on my best monster?

This isn't gonna be easy
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