01x10 - Shark Attack

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal". Aired: April 11, 2011 – September 24, 2012.*
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Taking place in the near future in a place called Heartland City, the story focuses on Yuma Tsukumo, a young duelist who strives to become the Duel Monsters champion, despite being an amateur.
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01x10 - Shark Attack

Post by bunniefuu »

Astralthis gear puzzle seems to move

Every time I recover one of the

Missing number cards. But why?

Could it have something to do with my memory loss?

Could solving this puzzle

Also solve my amnesia?

And what does yuma have to do with it all?

Why is this apparatus inside his key?

Yumaaw, nuts!

I hate running late at a cross walk!

[Engine revving]


Red means...


Wonder what he's been up to since our last duel?

[Engine revving]

Well, guess he's not stopping.

And neither are these cars!


♪ If life is a game they say I can't win ♪

♪ I'll never amount to nothin'

♪ Tear me down before my life begins ♪

♪ I won't be afraid to challenge myself ♪

♪ They won't ever break my fire ♪

♪ My dreams won't die if I high-five the sky ♪

♪ Spread my wings take off it's time to fly ♪

♪ Take a chance to make it all the way ♪

♪ Take a chance forgetting yesterday ♪

♪ Take a chance believe

♪ Nothing will bring me down

♪ No retreat when I leave all my fears behind ♪

♪ My future's still alive inside ♪

♪ Take a chance and chase my doubts away ♪

♪ Believing gets me through my darkest days ♪

♪ Take a chance to make it all the way ♪

♪ Take a chance forgetting yesterday ♪

♪ Take a breath my heart will lead the way ♪

♪ Take a chance, I'll take a chance in today ♪

I made it, huh...

Caswell'fraid not.

You're late yuma, big time.

I am not!

Hmm, you are. Quite.

Late how?

Late in explaining what's up with those

Number cards you play with.

If you mean why they're not in my deck right now,

That's a no-brainer.

It is?

Toriit is!

They're only here when astral is here.

And who is astral?

You know what, it doesn't matter.

In the end, it's clear why you're hiding them away.

Because they're your secret w*apon,

What let's you win all the time.

Hey, that's not true at all.

Sure I have some good cards but the reason

I win my matches is because I'm a good duelist!

Yeah, sure it is.

Come on...

You could never have beaten shark or flip without 'em,

Tell me I'm wrong.


I told ya you were wrong,

But if ya want me to tell ya again,

No problem. You are wrong, wrong, wrong-wrong-wrong-wrong!

Wow, six wrongs!

Bronki'd have gone seven just to be sure.

Yeah. Plus seven is a lucky number so there's that.

Look, you can say 'wrong' a hundred times, but I think

We both know there's just one way to settle this.

A duel!

You got it.

I'll take on anyone you want and beat 'em

Without using a single one of my number cards.


Oh boy.


Even if the individual I want you to take on

Is your old foe, shark?

No prob!

Let's go find him and get dueling!

Wait hold on, yuma.

You might want to think twice about looking for him.

After you beat shark, he really changed.

Started hanging with a bunch of roughneck dudes!

If you decide to do this and challenge him,

You could be in for the duel of your life!

Announcerwelcome and please enjoy your

Shopping experience with us today.

Why can't anyone understand?

It's the duelist that makes the cards, not the other way around.

I understand yuma, if that helps.

No, it doesn't help.

And do you know why?

Cause it's your fault that I'm even in this great big mess,


My fault? How?

Cause you're always hovering around, interfering.


When you sleep, I no longer hover above you.

More for my benefit, snorer.

Yeah, well you don't exactly stay clear during my duels

Now, do ya?

Until now.

This time astral, I don't want you helping.

Wait up!


Where on earth are you going?

To go duel shark.

This is where I heard he's been hanging.

Way creepy.

What do you say we just grab some corndogs instead?


It's my treat!

Wait! Yuma...

What is this place?

I am getting strange vibes.

We're coming too!

Tori, no.

This place is creepy.

Hey, you hear that?

What in the world?

Get off of me!

Let go!

Scorchwhat are you little pipsqueaks doing here?

Don't ya know this is our territory?

Hey, let bronk go! Ahh!


Let me go!

You're gonna be sorry!

Chillsi wouldn't bet on that.

Weaselwell what do we got here?

If you're looking for trouble,

It's found.


Just leave us alone!

Or else you're gonna have to deal with me when I get down!

That strategy is not sound.

These thugs do not look like they will be

Putting anyone down anytime soon.

Stay outta this, astral!

Hey scorch,

What's the next move?

Teach' em a lesson!


Let go of the little brats.


What, you know 'em or somethin

Sure do.

Guess it's your lucky day.


You shouldn't have come here.

I came here,

Cause I have business with you, shark!

What business?

The business of duelin', that's what!

I can't duel you.

How come?

Because I quit dueling.

I moved on, yuma.

And now I'm moving on from you.

What do they say about sharks?

That they can't change their stripes?

No bronk, that's zebras.


Point is, seems like shark's sure changed his.

So yuma,

What's your take on all this?

After observing you,

I think I know what you are going to say.

Good riddance to that bullying pest.

Am I correct, yuma?


I don't know.

But then again maybe not.

What exactly are you talkin' about, yuma?

I guess it's just always a shame when any duelist quits.

Yeah, I guess that you're kinda right about that.

You're supposed to duel for life,

Not just give it up.

This shark stuff's got me down, astral.

I gotta help him feel the flow again.

Cause if I don't, he might call it quits forever.

Hey tori,

Where's yuma?

I don't know, he's not here though.

I was afraid of this.

What do you want?

You know what I want? A duel!

Question is, why don't you want one?

What happened to you?

You wouldn't understand.

Yeah I would. I get frustrated with dueling all the time!

Trust me.

Come on, shark.

Let's just duel!

For the last time, yuma.

I have quit!

Shark, wait!

Okay, time to high-five the sky...


You can't lose me!

I finally lost him.


You're not losing anything,

Except the duel we're about to have!

What do you say?

Aw come on, I thought we were friends!

We are not friends, you got that?

Why would you even think that anyway?

Why would I think we're friends?

Because we dueled!

And as your friend I'm gonna be the one to tell ya that it's

Time you dump those thugs you've been hanging out with.

It's none of your business who I hang out with, yuma.

Oh yeah?

I'll make it my business. I beat you, and you ditch them!


And what do I get if I beat you?

Well then you... You get to have this.

No yuma, wait.

You keep quiet.


You got yourself a deal.

And once this is all over,

I'm gonna get that necklace of yours.

Yuma, are you sure about this?

I told you, astral.

I don't want your help during this duel.

And that goes for all of those number cards as well.

What do you mean?

I mean it's time that I prove that it's the duelist that makes

The cards, not the other way around.

Oh yuma...

Besides, it's not fair to use number cards

Against shark, he doesn't have any.

And hey, now I've even got a noble cause

That I'm dueling for.

Shark shouldn't be hanging with those jerks,

And soon he won't be!

Alright then.

Consider me a spectator.

I haven't forgotten our last duel, yuma.

If I'm gonna come out of retirement,

I can think of no better reason than to do it to beat you!

Game time!

Duel disk go!

Duel gazer, let's roll!

Computer voiceaugmented reality vision link established.

Togetherlet's do this!

Togetherlet's duel!

Alright, I am feelin' the flow!

I summon gogogo golem!

Be careful, yuma.

Shark has a trove of powerful beasts.

That golem is tough but...

Zip it, astral!

Next I place one card face down,

And since I can't attack on the first move of the game,

I end my turn.

The card I placed face down is battle break.

Now if shark att*cks,

My trap will destroy his attacking monster

And end the battle.

That'll show everyone my dueling skills.

My turn!

I draw!

I summon friller shark!

But it only has attack points.

What could shark be planning?

Now I summon shark stickers!

You see yuma, when friller shark is on the field,

Shark stickers can be summoned right from my hand.

And I think I know what's coming next.


Now I overlay level friller shark and shark stickers!

With these two monsters,

I can build an overlay network and xyz summon!

Now, say hello to aero shark!

Attack points?

That's a hundred more than my golem.

But still, not more than my trap card can handle!

Now I'll play aero shark's ability!

By using up one overlay unit,

You take points of damage for every card in my hand!

And since I have four cards in my hand,

That adds up to points of damage, yuma.

Oh no!

Next I activate the spell mystical space typhoon

From my hand!

Thanks to typhoon,

I can blow off one spell or trap card on the field!

Aw no, not my trap card.

Now go, aero shark!

Attack gogogo golem with devouring dive!

I place one card face down, and end my move.


Yuma is down to life points after just one turn!

Shark duels pretty well for a retiree.

No joke.

Well, yuma?

I hope that you're happy with yourself.

You wanted a duel with me, and you got one.

And all the hurt that comes with it!

Get real!

I'm not feelin' hurt at all!

Well, maybe I'm feelin' a little,

But no point in sharin' that.

I gotta do something, and fast!

My draw!

Time to make a move,



I summon gagaga magician!

And the magic of gagaga is that once per turn it can change it's

Level to a number between and .

That's nothing compared to what

I have up my sleeve, or in my hand rather.

Monster reborn.

If I use this to resurrect gogogo golem,

I can bring utopia to the field!

Hold up, utopia is a number card.

I said I wasn't using those this duel. Aw, nuts!

Go on!

Play that number!

I want you to!

Has shark lost his mind?

Yeah, only a number can destroy a number,

And shark doesn't have one!

So why would he want yuma to play it?


We're waiting, yuma.

You know playing it is the only way you'll be able to beat me!

But then again maybe your number's not enough,

Maybe the only reason I agreed to duel you

Was to prove I could take it down!

Okay, now I'm really confused.

I wanted to duel shark to prove I could beat him without using

A number card, but he wants to duel me

To prove he can beat me with a number card.


If the duelist really makes the card,


Then it should not matter if that card in question

Happens to be weak or to be strong.

And besides all of that,

What you have really set out to accomplish here

Is not to help out your ego as a duelist,

But to help your friend, shark.

Oh yeah,

I almost forgot.

I gotta get him to lose those loser friends of his.

And to make that happen, I'll do whatever it takes.

I activate the spell card monster reborn!

And now bring back gogogo golem from my graveyard.

Next I overlay level gagaga magician and gogogo golem.


With these two monsters,

An overlay network has been built and that means,

I can xyz summon!

So appear, number utopia!

Yuma just played a number card?

Yeah, what gives?

I thought he was done with those digits.

It's like I said, yuma needs number cards to win.

I knew I was right.

Yes yuma, do it.

Attack me!

Yes yuma, do it.

Attack me with your number monster!


Go, utopia!

Take out aero shark!

I'm not afraid!

I play friller shark's ability!

By banishing the friller shark in my graveyard from play, your

Utopia's attack is stopped, and it loses attack points!


Next I play fish rain!

Thanks to this trap card, when a fish type monster is banished

From play, I can summon a level or below

Fish monster from my hand!

And this one has some bite!

Come out, big jaws!

Not good.

Now I'm in an even bigger fix than before.

Yes you are yuma, I was afraid this would happen.

What you failed to recognize is that monster reborn can also

Bring back a monster from another player's graveyard.

You could have brought back friller shark, and used gagaga

Magician's level changing ability

And then xyz summoned leviathan dragon.

And then you could have used leviathan dragon

To destroy aero shark.

Ugh. Oh well,

I'll get him next time!

After all, utopia has attack points.

Shark doesn't have a monster on his field stronger than that.

Alright shark, make your move!

Never mind about me,

It's aero shark and its ability

That you should be worried about.

Because now, just like before, by using one overlay unit,

You take points of damage for every card in my hand.

I have two,

So that's a walloping worth !

Next I summon skull kraken!

Two level monsters?

It is alright.

He still does not have a card that can

Destroy a number like utopia.

I now overlay skull kraken and big jaws, and because I have,

I can now xyz summon!

Welcome to the duel,

The mighty black ray lancer!

And now for the best part,

I activate lancer's ability!

By using one overlay unit,

Your utopia's ability is negated this turn!



That's right, yuma.

The ability where only a number

Can destroy another number is gone.

So now your utopia can be taken down like any other card.

He's right!

Which means,

My number's about to be seriously crunched.

Go black ray lancer,

Attack with shimmering spear slash!


I can't believe it's gone.

I cannot believe shark knows a number's weakness!

Aero shark,

Attack yuma!

Devouring dive!

So even with a number, yuma lost!

He got trounced, poor guy.

Not just trounced,

Completely annihilated.

I suppose now I can tell ya.

The reason that I stopped dueling yuma,

Was because I was crushed when you beat me.

But I feel all better now.

And this here is just the cherry on top.

Then again, keep it.

As a reminder of what I did to you.

Shark no,

Don't go!

Yuma, you and I are finished.

So don't you ever come bothering me again.

You may think those friends of mine are thugs,

But they're all that I have.

And that's just fine with me.



[Engine revving]

I failed, astral.

I failed.

♪ Nothing will bring me down

♪ No retreat when I leave all my fears behind ♪

♪ My future's still alive inside ♪

♪ Take a chance and chase my doubts away ♪

♪ Believing gets me through my darkest days ♪

♪ Take a chance to make it all the way ♪

♪ Take a chance forgetting yesterday ♪

♪ Take a breath my heart will lead the way ♪

♪ Take a chance, I'll take a chance in today ♪
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