01x11 - The Pack: Part 1

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal". Aired: April 11, 2011 – September 24, 2012.*
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Taking place in the near future in a place called Heartland City, the story focuses on Yuma Tsukumo, a young duelist who strives to become the Duel Monsters champion, despite being an amateur.
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01x11 - The Pack: Part 1

Post by bunniefuu »

Last time on yu-gi-oh! Zexal...

Bronkwait up!


Where on earth are you going?

Yumato go duel shark.

This is where I heard he's been hanging.

Weaselwell what do we got here...

If you're looking for trouble, it's found.

Chillshey scorch,

What's the next move?

Scorchteach' em a lesson.


Let go of the little brats.

You shouldn't have come here.

I came here,

Cause I have business with you, shark.

What business?

The business of duelin', that's what.

I can't duel you.

How come?

Because I quit dueling.

This shark stuff's got me down, astral.

I gotta help him feel the flow again.

Cause if I don't, he might call it quits forever.

I finally lost him.


You're not losing anything,

Except the duel we're about to have!

What do you say?

Aw come on, I thought we were friends!

And as your friend I'm gonna be the one to tell ya, that it's

Time you dump those thugs you've been hanging out with.

It's none of your business who I hang out with, yuma.

Oh yeah?

I'll make it my business.

I beat you, and you ditch them.


And what do I get if I beat you?

Well then, you...

You get to have this.

You got yourself a deal.

Togetherlet's do this!

Aero shark!

Attack yuma!

Devouring dive!

The reason that I stopped dueling yuma,

Was because I was crushed when you beat me.

But I feel all better now.

Then again, keep it.

As a reminder of what I did to you.


♪ If life is a game they say I can't win ♪

♪ I'll never amount to nothin'

♪ Tear me down before my life begins ♪

♪ I won't be afraid to challenge myself ♪

♪ They won't ever break my fire ♪

♪ My dreams won't die if I high-five the sky ♪

♪ Spread my wings take off it's time to fly ♪

♪ Take a chance to make it all the way ♪

♪ Take a chance forgetting yesterday ♪

♪ Take a chance believe

♪ Nothing will bring me down

♪ No retreat when I leave all my fears behind ♪

♪ My future's still alive inside ♪

♪ Take a chance and chase my doubts away ♪

♪ Believing gets me through my darkest days ♪

♪ Take a chance to make it all the way ♪

♪ Take a chance forgetting yesterday ♪

♪ Take a breath my heart will lead the way ♪

♪ Take a chance, I'll take a chance in today ♪

You ready yuma?

I summon ufo turtle in attack mode!

Shoulda stayed in your shell, turtle!

Cause gagaga magician's comin' for ya!

Caswelli must admit, sometimes yuma confounds me.

If I suffered the epic fail that he just experienced against

Shark, I'd seriously consider

Hanging up my duel disk for good.

I play rush recklessly!

Oh no. It's gaining more power?

Perhaps in the end, yuma simply doesn't have any pride.

Ufo turtle, attack gagaga magician!

That's twenty losses in a row.

Nice bait n' switch, bronk.

I did not see that spell card coming!

C'mon, one more time!

You still feel like dueling?

Of course!

What future duel champion doesn't feel like dueling?

C'mon big guy, bring it on!

Meatloaf's getting cold, I'm goin' home.

Oh, well.

Looks like you're up, caswell.

Bust out your deck and let's do this!

Bronk, hey wait up.

What's wrong?

I just don't think I like who yuma is turning into.

That duel...

With shark... Yuma said he wouldn't use a number.

But then, he did.

He went back on his word.

And that's not right!

You know how he is.

He just gets carried away and...

There's a big difference between getting carried

Away, and what he did!

You don't break a promise just 'cause you're losing!

Wait a sec...

Bronk's right.

Thugshaha, denied! Nice move!

Haha, gotcha!

Hey shark. You want next game?

No thanks.

I'm outta here.

That new fish is getting on my last nerve.

He acts like he's so much better

Than me and the rest of the boys!

Just deal with it, weasel.

Cause that new fish is worth a lot more to us than

You're ever gonna be.

We didn't let shark start

Running with the pack because we like his winning personality.

We let him start running with us because we like his winning.

And if he wins for us, we can take down whoever we want.

Hey, bronk!

Hold up!

Let's have a duel!

I'm done duelin' you, yuma.

Fine, then!

I don't need to duel you!

I know better people I wanna duel anyway!

Astrali would not bother.

In your current state of mind,

You could duel a tree and still lose.

Your strategies are always sloppy and ill-conceived.

But right now, you do not even have those at your disposal.

You just keep attacking and attacking without any thought.

You don't know what you're talking about!

Your recent defeat against shark has rattled you.

But yuma, while it is true he is a fabulous duelist,

I strongly suspect that it is not the only reason he won.

What do you mean by that?

He seemed to have taken the time

And analyzed your deck and figured out your strategies.

How much do you know about his?

Well uhh...

So, are we just talkin' about doin' this,

Or ya' know, are we talkin' about doing this?

Female reporteri'm reporting live in midtown, where the

City museum has opened a new exhibition.

Oh, we're talkin' about doin' this.

The exhibition's centerpiece is an extremely rare and powerful

Duel deck which was donated to

The museum by an anonymous benefactor.

A panel of leading experts has yet to confirm

Just who the deck originally belonged to.

Heh, well after tonight, that deck is gonna belong to us.

This seems really dangerous.

What about museum security?

What if we get busted?

They'll catch us and my parents'll

Send me to boarding school and...

Look ya' little worm, if you wanna run with the pack,

You need to start actin' like a wolf!

I... I know, I'm just sayin', maybe we...

We're gonna be fine.

Don't forget weasel, we've got these.

A number card...

These are our tickets in.

As long as we got these bad boys,

We can do whatever we want.

And no one can stop us.

Alright then, we'll meet by pier at midnight tonight.

Well, but what about...

C'mon what's a matter, little weasel?

You chicken?

No! Just...

What are you doin' out here?

I hope you weren't listening in on our private conversation.

Cause if you were, we might have a problem.

Well I was, and I want in.

Then you got in.

Just don't get in the way.

Cause if you do, you'll have to deal with me.

This is not good.

I'm gonna spend the next years of my life eating cold cafeteria

Slop and arm-wrestling for respect.

I can't arm-wrestle, I have like zero upper body

Strength, my family is all legs, we're not built for...

Listen, there's a : train out of town.

You should be on that.

Eh? But what about all my friends and my stuff and...

How much is a ticket, 'cause I don't...

Just go!


Why is finding info on shark so hard?

What does "invalid path" mean?

You don't come to the library much, do you?

You're in the wrong browser.

You wanna click here.

Last year's national duel tournament?

Just checking something out.

"Disgraced contender reginald kastle was disqualified when..."

Shark's real name is "reginald?"

I didn't know that.

"Duelist reginald kastle was disqualified in the finals when

It was revealed that he had secretly

Looked at his opponent's deck in violation of

Tournament rules."

I hope nobody sees me leavin'.

Train, here i... Wait!

I can't just leave shark to those guys.


Shark was kicked out of the tournament.

It's gotta be a lie.

But the article said.

I know, but...

I've dueled shark, tori,

I can tell he's got the heart of a true duelist,

He's not a cheater.



You're one of those guys that shark hangs out with, right?

What do you want?

Shark's... In... Trouble!

What do you mean, what kind of trouble?

He and the other guys are gonna break

Into the museum and steal that rare deck.

It's all 'cause of t cards they got!

Every since they got 'em, they've been doing crazier

And crazier things!

Yuma, are you thinking what I am thinking?

I know how these guys roll, they're probably gonna make

Shark take all the blame, he's gonna go down, he's...

Yuma, hang on a second!

Shark's trouble.

Maybe it's best to forget him?

I can't tori,

I have to help him.

But why?

It's not like he'd do the same thing for you.

You don't get it!

I'm not just doing this for shark.

I'm also doing this for me.

I lied to myself, tori.

I wanted so much to cream shark the other day, so much that

I broke my promise and used a number. And lost.

Now, shark's in danger.

All because beating him mattered more to me than helping him.

Why hasn't weasel shown up here yet?

Forget about him.

But he was going to be our...

I said forget him, chills.

We don't need him anymore, now that we've got shark.

Let's roll.

Who are you?

I'm the kid that's gonna stop

You from doing what you're about to do.


This isn't a sandbox you wanna play in.

They both have number cards.

If you guys wanna take another step forward,

You're both gonna have to duel me!

Is that so?

What's the wager?

If you manage to defeat me, then my number card is yours!

He's out of his mind!

But if I win, then you walk away from this museum.

His card's just like ours, scorch.

I get it...

So this is called a number card.

Imagine how strong we would be if we had another one.

Are you sure you wanna do this, pipsqueak?

I'm sure.

I can take both you guys!

Yuma, don't be crazy. Two on one?

I won't back down!

I'm not gonna step aside and let you throw your life away, shark!

Save it, yuma.

I don't need you looking out for me.

Sorry, but I can't just turn away!

These thugs don't care about you shark, they're just using you!

How do you know that I'm not using them?

Either way, I'm right where I belong yuma.

You're wrong!

You're better than this reginald, and you know it!

I'm gonna get you to cut your ties with these lowlifes,

If it's the last thing I do.

Why do you even care so much about what happens to me?

I care because I'm your friend, shark!

Forget it, I am not goin.

He knows he made a mistake, bronk!

And to make up for it,

He's about to duel so he can save shark's skin!

Yuma needs his friends.

Aren't you his friend?

Well bronk?

We need to clear something up.

When you challenge one of us, you challenge all of us.

This isn't two on one.

This is gonna be a three on one battle.

You ready, shark?

Whatever you say!

I don't care if it's two or three or five!

Cause I'm fighting for my friend.


It's gonna be two on two.

It's what?

You really think that you can betray us?

Are you sure?

Don't get the wrong idea.

I'm just not really a big fan of these guys.

Well guess what, we ain't big fans of you either.

Cause ya see shark,

If we got caught,

Chills and I were gonna see to it that you took the fall.

Well the only people who are gonna fall tonight are you two!

Duel disk go!

Duel gazer, let's roll!

Computer voiceaugmented reality vision link established.

Togetherlet's duel!

Whad'ya say we get this duel started?

It's my turn!

I draw!

I place a monster facedown in defense mode!

Next, I end my turn by placing two cards facedown.

It is apparent from the way they are interacting,

That these two are used to dueling as a team.

I'm not worried!

Here I go, heh heh!

I summon zubaba knight!

That facedown monster is looking like an easy target right now!

Go zubaba knight, jump in and...

Not so fast, yuma!

Why not?

Cause in a tag duel, you can't attack until all players have

Taken at least one turn, smart guy.

Oh really?

In that case, I end my turn!

What a rookie.

This is going to be a piece of cake.

It's my turn!

I draw!

I summon pompadour blizzardon!

Then I place two cards facedown, and end my turn!

Once this train gets goin', it doesn't stop.

You are gonna wish you stayed in bed tonight, kid.

Well you're gonna wish you stayed outta the water.

Cause I'm summoning big jaws!

And that lets me also summon shark stickers!

See, I can bust out this monster

Whenever I summon a fish-type monster to the field!

That's two level threes back to back. Do it!

I overlay big jaws and shark stickers!

With these two monsters, I can build the overlay network and

Xyz summon submersible carrier aero shark!

He xyz summoned on his first turn.

That is all kinds of awesome!

And now I activate it's special ability!

Once a turn, by using an overlay unit, aero shark can dish out

Points of damage for every card in my hand!

An excellent move.

He is skirting around the rules

By using a special ability to deal damage.

Since I've got four cards in my hand,

I'm serving up points of damage to scorch!

That's what I'm talkin' about!

[Eerie laughter]

We were hoping you'd do that.

Hehe, I activate my trap.

Blizzard egg level !

When a special ability deals damage,

Blizzard egg enables the duelist who took damage

To summon one level monster from his hand.

But if he has no monster to summon,

Then that duelist gets slammed for

Points of damage himself.

So that means...

He is gambling on scorch having a level monster in his hand,

Which is quite a reckless risk for him to take.

Let's see here...

I summon level baggy pants lavasaurus!

And now,

To really heat things up, I activate my trap!

Flame egg level !

When I take damage from a special ability, flame egg

Grants my teammate the power to summon one

Level monster from his hand.

But if he's not holding one to summon,

Then he takes points of damage.

This can't be good!

You're about to learn why nobody messes with us!

Something is not right here.

Both of them had level monsters waiting in their hands?

Aw man...

They summoned two powerful big guys in one move,

And it wasn't even their turn.

That's because we've mastered the art of the extended combo.

Did we forget to mention that no one has

Ever defeated us in a tag duel?

There is something not quite right about this scenario.

Why are these two so confident?

I think I smell a rat.

And now, our combo's big finale!

Glare level !

Thanks to the power of this trap,

You take points of damage for every level

Monster on our fields.

We've got two level fives out,

So we're talkin' a thousand points of damage!

And it's all for you, shark.

Are you okay?

Huh, that'll teach you, traitor.

I place two cards facedown and end my turn.

I just had to step up and act all tough. What was I thinking?

What if I'm still too rattled?

Stay focused, yuma.

We're not gonna win this thing if ya start feelin'

Sorry for yourself.

He's right.

It's like astral said: I let my defeat rattle me.

I can't do that.

I've gotta stay strong.

And now the fun really begins!

First, I switch my facedown monster to attack mode.

Here comes flamesaurus!

A tag duel?

Why are yuma and shark on the same team?

Flamesaurus' special ability activates!

And that means it becomes level .

Now I can overlay flamesaurus and baggy pants lavasaurus!

With these two monsters, I build the overlay network!

I summon number !


Okay wow, that's like... Humongous.

Look at that thing!

Nice goin', scorch!

I'm not done yet. I'm gonna make it known

What happens to little chumps.

I activate volcasaurus' special ability!

By using one overlay unit, one of your monsters is destroyed,

And you take damage equal to its attack points.

Say bye-bye to aero shark,

And say hello to a world of hurt!

Don't you know who we are, you little runt?

Nobody gets to betray the pack and then just walk away!

No, shark!

I wouldn't be worried about him.

E next, I'm destroying your little zubaba knight!


My grandma punches harder than that!


Big words coming from a bug who's about to be squashed.

Your number card's as good as ours!

[Eerie laughter]

♪ Nothing will bring me down

♪ No retreat when I leave all my fears behind ♪

♪ My future's still alive inside ♪

♪ Take a chance and chase my doubts away ♪

♪ Believing gets me through my darkest days ♪

♪ Take a chance to make it all the way ♪

♪ Take a chance forgetting yesterday ♪

♪ Take a breath my heart will lead the way ♪

♪ Take a chance, I'll take a chance in today ♪
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