01x14 - The Number Hunter: Part 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal". Aired: April 11, 2011 – September 24, 2012.*
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Taking place in the near future in a place called Heartland City, the story focuses on Yuma Tsukumo, a young duelist who strives to become the Duel Monsters champion, despite being an amateur.
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01x14 - The Number Hunter: Part 2

Post by bunniefuu »

Yumalast time on yu-gi-oh! Zexal...

Mr. Heartlandenter.

Did you retrieve the number, kite?

Kitei did.

That's superb news.

What's wrong, kite?

Now now,

Don't tell me you're upset about all the souls

That you've been capturing.

Just promise me when all of the numbers cards are ours,

My brother will be okay.

Ah, dr. Faker.

Dr. Fakertell me, what is the latest in our undertaking?

The latest is that everything is going just as planned.

And what a fine plan it is.

What is it they say? One man's trash

Is another man's treasure?

Well it's true, and with that treasure we will

Do what we must to protect our future.

Come on, tori!

Torii'm moving as fast as i...


What's the deal?




Hey, why do you keep freezing everything?

Things aren't exactly frozen.

Time's simply moving at /,th of it's normal speed.

Only people with numbers can move freely in this field.

Now you and I will duel for numbers.

Togetherlet's duel!

I xyz summon number !


Astralhe summoned two numbers in just one turn.

Now, the hunt truly begins.

♪ If life is a game they say I can't win ♪

♪ I'll never amount to nothin'

♪ Tear me down before my life begins ♪

♪ I won't be afraid to challenge myself ♪

♪ They won't ever break my fire ♪

♪ My dreams won't die if I high-five the sky ♪

♪ Spread my wings take off it's time to fly ♪

♪ Take a chance to make it all the way ♪

♪ Take a chance forgetting yesterday ♪

♪ Take a chance believe

♪ Nothing will bring me down

♪ No retreat when I leave all my fears behind ♪

♪ My future's still alive inside ♪

♪ Take a chance and chase my doubts away ♪

♪ Believing gets me through my darkest days ♪

♪ Take a chance to make it all the way ♪

♪ Take a chance forgetting yesterday ♪

♪ Take a breath my heart will lead the way ♪

♪ Take a chance, I'll take a chance in today ♪

I can't believe it. Two number monsters?

And this number hunter guy

Summoned them both in just one turn.

Man, that was quick.

Whoever this fellow is,

He is certainly a force to be reckoned with.

Especially since it seems that even though he craves these

Number cards, he is not under their dark influence.

And now, I end my turn.

Orbital what a move!

Ending your turn!

Right on!

That's not a move, gear-head.

Oh, sorry. My bad.

Well, here goes.

My turn!

I draw!

Gogogo golem!

All right!

Golem can't just take a punch, he can take two.


Here's my move. One monster, facedown,

In defense mode!


That's it?


It's my turn again.

And first I'm going to do this:

Use illumiknight's ability!

Now, by using an overlay unit and discarding a card,

I can draw a card!

Alright then.

Now I play giga-brilliant's ability.

By using one overlay unit,

Giga-brilliant gains attack points.

And now,

Giga-brilliant attack!

Take out yuma's facedown monster!

Sorry hunter, sure giga-brilliant's has more attack

Points than golem, but golem has an ability that

Lets it survive an attack once per turn!

Well, I guess then it's a very good thing that...

I have plenty more att*cks where that one came from!

Go, illumiknight!

Attack with shimmering sword slash!

Not good.

He was my only monster.

Now what?

Now you relax.

There are no other monsters on his field he

Can attack you with.

Oh yeah,

I'm safe for now.

Is that what you think?

You're a very long way away from being safe.

And lemme guess, now you're gonna show me why.

I tribute giga-brilliant and illumiknight.

Goodbye, you two!




And just who exactly are we saying hello to may I ask?

Here, why don't you simply see for yourself.

What's that?

Uh... I don't like the looks of this...

Say hello to galaxy-eyes photon dragon!


Get ready to meet defeat.

Cause my galaxy-eyes photon dragon is

Ready to seek and destroy.

Whoa, seek n' destroy...

Then we better be ready to duck and cover.

I know this creature...

I end my turn. Make your move.

Is there a move to make?

Utopia is the only card in my deck that stands a chance

Against that thing.

But to summon utopia out, I need two monsters.

So I guess I'd better get busy!

Alright hunter, here I go!

First I summon gagaga magician!

And the magic's just startin'!

Next I play a spell card!

Do your thing, monster slots!

You see, with this card, by banishing a monster in my

Graveyard that's the same level as gagaga magician,

I'm allowed to draw a card from my deck, and if that card's the

Same level as gagaga, I'm allowed to summon it!


Here goes...

If I can draw a level monster, I'm still in this!

I'm feeling the flow!


All right, I did it!

I got just what I needed, the level

Ganbara knight!

Welcome to the game, ganbara!

And now that I have two level monsters

Out and about on my field,

I'm gonna go ahead and overlay them,

So whenever you're ready, guys!

Alright, the overlay network has been built!

Now I xyz summon!

Number utopia!

I'm countin' on ya, utopia!

Ah, the number has finally appeared!

So dr. Faker,

What do you think of my plan?

A world duel carnival is perfect!

I'm so pleased you approve. I'll get to work arranging for

The tournament at once.

I'll see to it all the finest duelists in heartland are there.

And of course, more duelists from all over the world.

Duelists with numbers.

Quite right.

Naturally, kite will participate.

And then when he wins the tournament,

All of those wonderful number cards will belong to us.

Yes, but...

What if kite should lose?

What happens then, mr. Heartland?

We should leave nothing to chance,

For these number cards are of the utmost importance.

There's no need to worry, sir.

Kite won't lose.

After all, his deck is simply unbeatable.

Our knowledge of the other world has seen to that.

Yes, a valid point.

Very well then,

It's settled. Schedule this so-called

'Carnival' as soon as possible.


And the sooner the better, for I have a great many sphere field

Experiments to run.

And this carnival of duels will be the

Perfect place to run them.

Because with this sphere, I can draw out a number's power,

And then by using that power...


Hartyes, it's all working.

It's working,

The energy... Is flowing...


Well done, hart!

Make astral world pay, make them pay with your power!

Galaxy-eyes has attack points,

And utopia has only .

But even so, I'm gonna attack!

Are you mad?

Maybe so astral, but I'm hoping there's a method to my madness.

Guess we're about to find out right here, right now!

Time to feel the flow!

I activate the spell card - blustering winds!

Thanks to this card, my utopia

Gains attack and defense points until my next turn!

Alright, now utopia's the strongest monster on the field!


Well, why don't we go ahead and battle and find out?


That sounds good to me!

Let 'em have it, utopia!

This is not going to be a very pleasant sight.

Got that right!

You can close you're eyes if you're scared!

Not a pleasant sight for you.

Say wha...

You underestimated my dragon's power,

And now you'll pay the price!

You see,

When galaxy-eyes battles your monster,

Both our monsters are banished.


Your attempt to attack me failed miserably.

What's your next move?

I guess I'll just end my turn then.

I was hoping that you'd say that because now you see,

Galaxy-eyes'ability continues,

And the monsters that were banished from play

Return to the field.


You weren't destroyed?

Alright. With my utopia back, I'm still in this duel!

Little fool.

Still, you simply do not understand.

If the monster that galaxy-eyes banished from play was an xyz

Monster, galaxy absorbs that monster's overlay units,

And gains attack points for each one!

Oh no.

Utopia's overlay units are gone?

Indeed they are, both of them.

So if you do the math,

Galaxy-eyes gains attack points!

Attack points.

That's not good, that's enough to take out all my life points!

That's right,

And then your number card and your soul go bye-bye!

My soul?

Wait a minute, is that what happened back at the mall?

He looked like that because he lost his soul?

You tin twit.

I've already got this kid on the ropes and you bring that up?

What is wrong with you?


Won't happen again!

What's all this about souls?

Tell me!

I suppose there's no point keeping it a secret now.

So okay.

My method for taking a number is somewhat forceful.

So forceful in fact that when I take it,

That individual's soul

Is taken as well!

What do you mean, taken?

Where does it go?

Don't know,

And come to think of it, I really don't care.

Don't care?

But you had better care yuma, otherwise, we are both done for!

That guy's got the upper hand, so I think I better just place

One card facedown, and end my turn!

Alright then,

It's my move!

Now galaxy-eyes, let him have it!

Photon stream of destruction!

Even though only a number can destroy a number,

You're still gonna take damage!

Next I'm gonna play this:

The spell card - photon wind,

And it will be knocking the wind out of you because when I deal

Damage without destroying your monster,

You take an additional points of damage!

So... He was planning on not destroying yuma's number card!

And that's not all my photon wind lets me do.

Now I get to draw a card!

And then I'll place one


And with that, I'll end my turn.


As your life points diminish,

My life force does with it.

I have you right in the palm of my hand.

Can you feel the crush of defeat closing in?

It's my move!


Come on, what are you waiting for?

Do it.

Here goes... I draw!

But even if the luck of the draw is with me,

That may not be enough.

After all, I was able to bring out my very best card utopia,

And it didn't help me at all. But wait,

Only a number can destroy a number,

And his monster isn't a number.

So maybe I wasn't having utopia help me in the right way.

Maybe I need to put him in defense mode!

A risky move.

He went so far as to get rid of his number cards so he could

Summon galaxy-eyes.

He is sure to have a plan in place for you

Playing a number in defense.

So what do I do?

The only thing you can do in a moment like this:

You hunt the hunter.

You mean keep attacking?

Hoping that something will work?

But if it doesn't, we're both done for.

That is true.

But I would rather go out with a bang than a whimper.

Do you feel the same?

Of course.

So let's get to it!

Well alright then.

Now the only question is,

What is our next move going to be?

I don't know.

With so much on the line,

My head is swirling. I can hardly think straight.

Then think back to a time like this.

A time with a lot on the line, how did you get through it?

Yuma's father: feel the flow son,

And climb!

Astral, my head's clear.

I know exactly what I need to do to turn things around.

I need to feel the flooooowwww!

I now summon out zubaba knight!

Next, I activate copy knight!

This trap copies my monster,

So now I have two zubaba knights!

Next, I'll overlay them both so that I can create this:

An overlay network!

And with it, I can now xyz summon!

So come on out

Number leviathan dragon!

Did he say 'number'?

Yep, it's confirmed!

Master kite, it's another number monster!

So then you have two, eh?

I wonder,

Does that mean that you're a number hunter as well?

I sure hope so and do you know why?

Because then you'll have all the more for me to snatch!

Yeah, we'll see about that!

I play leviathan's ability!

By using an overlay unit,

Leviathan dragon gains attack points!

So what? Even with that boost,

Galaxy eyes remains the stronger beast!

Oh I don't care about who's strongest,

And here's why:

The spell card - cross attack!

When I have two monsters with the same attack points, one of

Them can't attack, but the other one can attack you directly!

And thanks to that boost,

Utopia and leviathan now have the same attack points!

So let loose, utopia!

Attack him directly!

So predictable.

Go rising sun slash!

You didn't think I'd let a simple spell card defeat me,

Because it won't be.

And now allow me to show you why.

I play the trap -


Now your utopia's attack is negated,

And galaxy eyes photon dragon gains its attack points!

So... Galaxy eyes is even stronger now?

That's right!

To the tune of !

Just stay calm.

But we're done for.

No, we are not.

So what now?

I will tell you what:

We make the only move left to make.

Yeah okay,

What is it?

Place the trap in your hand facedown!

What, ya mean this?

Mirror mail?

But how will that help... Unless...

That is right.

With mirror mail, when your opponent wages battle,

Mirror mail will change utopia's attack points

So that it equals those of galaxy eyes.

Oh wow.

And even though our monsters attack points would be the same,

A number can only be destroyed by a number.

Which means galaxy-eyes would be destroyed, but not utopia!

That's it astral, that's how we'll win!

Then let us get to it.

Don't have to tell me twice. I play a facedown,

And end my turn!

You're doing great, hart!

Use your power.

Use all you can!


My turn.

I draw!

Bring it!

Do it.


I summon forth photon cerberus!

And when cerberus is let off it's leash,

Your trap cards are put on it.

Oh no!

So then mirror mail won't be able to activate?

That's right.

Which means your last ditch effort to beat me

Has failed, and you're now all out of moves!

He knew.

Somehow he knew.

He has out-dueled us both.

And now your soul and number cards

Will be mine!

Galaxy-eyes photon dragon!

Prepare to attack!

Is this it?

I am afraid so.


Galaxy-eyes photon dragon!

Prepare to attack!

Big brother...

Go photon stream of...

Incoming message. Master kite!


We'll finish this later.

But now,

I must leave.

Come on,

We must hurry!

Then let's roll!

Did I just miss something?

Yeah, me getting schooled.

Now I know, when the stakes are high

And everything's on the line,

I don't have what it takes, even when I feel the flow.

It's on me, astral.

Not you.

I let us down.



♪ Nothing will bring me down

♪ No retreat when I leave all my fears behind ♪

♪ My future's still alive inside ♪

♪ Take a chance and chase my doubts away ♪

♪ Believing gets me through my darkest days ♪

♪ Take a chance to make it all the way ♪

♪ Take a chance forgetting yesterday ♪

♪ Take a breath my heart will lead the way ♪

♪ Take a chance, I'll take a chance in today ♪
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