03x06 - Portal of Doom

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal". Aired: April 11, 2011 – September 24, 2012.*
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Taking place in the near future in a place called Heartland City, the story focuses on Yuma Tsukumo, a young duelist who strives to become the Duel Monsters champion, despite being an amateur.
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03x06 - Portal of Doom

Post by bunniefuu »

You're eager, Kite.

Too eager.

I promise.

This ends today.

( Kite ) You won't escape from me, Chris

or Quinton, or whatever you call yourself now.

Payback day is finally here.

♪ If life is a game they say I can't win ♪

♪ I'll never amount to nothing

♪ Tear me down before my life begins ♪

♪ I won't be afraid to challenge myself ♪

♪ They won't ever break my fire ♪

♪ My dreams won't die if I high-five the sky ♪

♪ Spread my wings

♪ Take off it's time to fly ♪

♪ Take a chance to make it all the way ♪

♪ Take a chance forgetting yesterday ♪

♪ Take a chance believe

♪ Nothing will bring me down ♪

♪ No retreat when I leave all my fears behind ♪

♪ My future's still alive inside ♪

♪ Take a chance and chase my doubts away ♪

♪ Believing gets me through my darkest days ♪

♪ Take a chance to make it all the way ♪

♪ Take a chance forgetting yesterday ♪

♪ Take a breath my heart will lead the way ♪

♪ Take a chance I'll take a chance today ♪

( Bronk ) What a bummer !

I can't believe we still can't watch any of the duels

that are happenin' !

There must be trouble with the video feed.

I hope they fix it quick.

I'm so worried !

My processors won't rest 'til I find out

if Master Kite is safe or not !

To catch up with him I'll have to pour it on !

( Yuma ) Whoa !

I wonder where this crazy coaster's takin' us.

Who knows ?

At this speed, everything is just a blur !

( Yuma ) I can't slow down 'til I get to a field

for a one-on-one duel !

But if you crash,

you may not be able to have any duels.

What will happen if you rush into another trap, Yuma ?

I don't know, but maybe something like that ?

( screaming )

This is not my day !

It's Orbital !

Yuma-ma-ma-ma !

Do you know where Master K-K-K-ite is ?

You sound funny.

Are you okay ?

( beeping )

That grouchy girl is tagging along, too ?!

Watch it, or I'll rearrange your wiring !

Please don't do that !

I have to go and find Master Kite !

So that's why you're here ?

There's something important

that I have to talk to Kite about, too !

All right.

We can track down Kite together then.

Help me to locate him, okay, Orbital ?

Right !

Scanning now !

At last.

I knew you and I would face each other

in battle someday, Kite.

( thundering )

( Quinton ) Ever since I learned the truth

about your family and mine,

I've been filled with a desire to get revenge.

I swore that nothing would stop me from settling the score.

Nothing, Kite.

You're gonna regret what you did to Hart.

I'll make sure of that.

Now let's duel ! Now let's duel !

I'll go first.

Get set, I draw !

I summon Planet Pathfinder !

Next up, I summon Solar Wind Jammer

in attack mode !

I'm allowed to summon this card

by cutting its attack points in half.

Next, I'll give both monsters an upgrade

by activating my Tannhauser Gatespell !

Now my monsters combine their Levels.

My monsters are Level Four and Five, Kite.

That means they'll both become Level Nine monsters.

I can guess what's coming next.

( chuckling )

I doubt it.

I overlay my Level Pathfinder

and Wind Jammer in order to build

the Overlay Network !

I Xyz Summon Number : Dyson Sphere.

A Number ?!

Where is your Number, Quinton ?

You will discover that soon enough, I promise.

In the meantime, since I Xyz Summoned,

this space field's effect kicks in.

It allows me to draw one card.

I'll place a card facedown and end my turn.

That Number must be somewhere.

It's your turn.

You're looking a little worried, Kite.

What's wrong ?


I draw !

( Kite ) I know that Number is out there somewhere,

but even if I can't see it, I have to try and take it down.

Here goes.

I summon Photon Delta Wing !

Photon Delta Wing attack Dyson Sphere !

Photon Fury !

That was useless.

Your attack couldn't possibly do any damage.

How could that be ?

Wouldn't you like to know ?

Too bad this will be over before you have answers !

I draw !

Now I'll attack your Photon Delta Wing

with my Dyson Sphere !

What ?!

Ahh !

( screaming )

How in the world did you do that, Quinton ?

You wouldn't understand.

Just accept that I have you hopelessly outmatched

and you're going to lose.

Oh, wow !

Our duel coaster is now a space coaster.

This field is virtual, of course,

but quite realistic.

I'm picking up a Duel Tab identification signal !

It's definitely Master Kite !

( Yuma ) He must be aboard that ship.

You better slow down

or we're gonna make a crash landing !

There's something wrong with the controls.

They're not responding.

( screaming )

( groaning )

Next time, I'll do the driving.

Master Kite, what a relief to see you're safe !

Listen, Kite...

I have something important to tell you.

Really ? Yeah.

It's about Dextra.

She was in a duel...

... against Vetrix.

She was defeated !

I saw it.

Dextra was trying to stand up for you.

But Vetrix was too strong.

It's clear that she really cares about you.

Well, I couldn't care less.

Ah, you can't mean that.

That's cold.

Oh, Master Kite.

She did everything to try and protect you !

( Quinton ) So, it's Yuma Tsukumo.

The son of Kazuma Tsukumo !

It's you.

It's fitting that the three of us should meet now.

Destiny has clearly brought us together.

I want some answers from you.

Listen, tell me where my father is !

All right.

Before Kite and I resume,

I'll tell you everything I know about your father.

I wanna duel now.

You can share your stories some other time.

Are we gonna continue to battle or not ?

It can wait.

The story that I'm about to tell concerns you, as well.

Perhaps it will help all of you understand

my family's actions.

Why we came here to compete in the Duel Carnival

and why we targeted Kite and his brother Hart.

The answer is that they are linked to our real enemy.

We seek revenge against their father, Dr. Faker.

Dr. Faker is their father ?

You mean the same guy who built up Heartland ?

It began five years ago.

( Quinton ) Back then, Dr. Faker and my father,

Byron Arclight,

were working together on experiments

in search of a door that could lead to other worlds.

( Dr. Faker ) The anomalies I detected

should lead me to the location.

But it isn't working !

It seems there's something missing in my calculations.

It's driving me mad !

Dr. Faker, please,

have a cup of tea and try to relax.

( grunting )

There isn't any time to relax !

Arclight, I have to open that portal before

it's too late !


don't forget there is someone else

looking for the portal

who might be able to help us.

Hey, Chris, bring up the file we discussed.

Yes, sure, Father, one second.

If anyone can help us, it's this man.

One of the world's most daring adventurers,

Kazuma Tsukumo.

( Kazuma ) Ah, what an incredible view !

And I have it all to myself.

There's no one else around for at least a hundred miles.

Of course, I could be wrong.

Whoa, quite the impressive layout you've got here.

( Byron ) Welcome.

I'm sorry to have interrupted your trip

so suddenly, Kazuma Tsukumo.

But I'm glad you came.

I'm Byron Arclight

and it is an honor to meet you.

These are the most advanced gravitational wave scans

I've ever seen.

( Faker ) But they're not advanced enough !

I've tried every possible technology

but still can't find

the inter-dimensional portal !

It must exist, I'm sure of it !

But there's something we're missing !

Kazuma, you've been looking for the portal, too.

Would you be willing to share your research with us ?

If we succeed, it will change the course of human history.

You will become famous

and rich beyond your wildest dreams !

Eh !

Money and fame !

They're of no interest to me !

All I care about is locating

that inter-dimensional portal !

In that case, we can work together.

That was a test, wasn't it ?

Living for adventure and the thrill of discovery

are all I care about.

I'd say we found the right partner.

Take a look at this.

Arclight and I have detected abnormal gravity readings

at different locations around the globe.

We believe these readings indicate

where the inter-dimensional portal has emerged

in the past.

By analyzing this data,

we were hoping to predict

where the portal will next appear.

So you based your prediction on this data ?

Yes, the calculation is quite complicated.

I almost have it solved.

But there's one piece missing.

( Kazuma ) No, you're missing two pieces.

Your observations are incomplete, Doctor.

Some discoveries can only be made

outside a laboratory.

I found two more locations on my expeditions.

There are data points.


Then that's why my calculations have been off !

Right, do your math over

and you should have no trouble locating the portal.

( Quinton ) Kazuma was correct.

With the additional data he supplied,

Dr. Faker reworked his calculations.

He soon identified the location

where the portal would appear next.

We raced there as quickly as we could.

( Kazuma ) Reaching that portal won't be easy.

We have a challenging trek before us, my friends.

( Byron ) You better stay here, Chris.

I'll go on with Dr. Faker and Kazuma.

Good luck.

( Quinton ) That was the last time I saw all of them together.

But I know what happened after they left me.

When I finally saw my father again,

he told me everything.

Following Dr. Faker's calculations,

and with Kazuma guiding the group,

they pressed onward.

( Byron ) Kazuma, what if after all this effort

we arrive at the location and there is no portal ?

( Kazuma ) Even if we fail in our quest,

it will be worth the effort.

Anyway, the most important thing

is that we never give up and keep feeling the flow.

"Feeling the flow" ?

It's something I tell my son,

so that he never gives up.

That's your family, Kazuma ?


My son Yuma is really into dueling.

Mine, too.

I have three sons myself,

and dueling means everything to them.

( Byron ) Dr. Faker also has sons--

two of them.

Do you know why he's so obsessed

with finding that inter-dimensional portal ?

I'm not sure.

But if anyone can locate it, he can.

Dr. Faker is a true genius.

( Faker ) The runes I found were very clear.

"Deliver two souls for mysteries untold."

Two souls, huh ?

Three days later,

the group finally arrived at the location.

Gentlemen, I think we found what we're seeking.

Arclight, look here !

I saw this rune in my research !

It's true, we have found the portal !

Success at last !

And now we just have to open it !

Let's hurry !

( Kazuma ) Watch out !

Watch out !

Dr. Faker, Kazuma !

Don't move !

Listen, Byron, we have to proceed carefully.

This whole location must be filled with traps.

( Kazuma ) Whoever built this place didn't want trespassers.

If you want to leave here in one piece,

I suggest you watch your step.

( Byron ) Looks like we reached a dead end.

That's strange.

Maybe we took a wrong turn.

Should we go back ?

What's this ?

( groaning )

( Faker ) Gentlemen...

the time has finally come.

Dr. Faker ?

Believe me, I regret that there is no other way.

Doctor, what's going on here ?

The writing beneath your feet explains everything.

The ancient inscription reads,

"Deliver two souls for mysteries untold."

You planned to betray us all along, didn't you ?

I have sworn to open a passage to other worlds

and nothing will stop me !

You've lost your mind !

How can you do this, Doctor ?

How can you betray your friend ?!

A friend ?

So what !

All that ever mattered to me is reaching my goal !

Byron was useful for a time,

but now he's expendable !

Whoa !

Ahh !

I've got you, Byron, just hang on !

Kazuma, save yourself.

Let go of my hand !

My son always tells me

when he duels with someone,

then they become friends forever.

It's the same for me.

Anyone who goes exploring with me

will always be my friend !

We're in this together !

All right.

Enough, the portal is open...

and you're both finished !

You'll pay for this, Faker !

( Quinton ) My father couldn't believe how Faker betrayed them.

That was the last anyone saw of my father.

( Astral ) "Deliver two souls for mysteries untold."

That sounds like a Xyz Summon.

Yuma, one day my father did return.

He found a way to travel through

inter-dimensional gaps between the worlds

until he reached this world again.

However there was a price.

His appearance became warped

until he was no longer recognizable.

My father now calls himself Vetrix.

( stuttering )

I thought he was a kid !

It's all Faker's fault.

He betrayed my father.

And I've sworn to someday get revenge.

This doesn't change anything.

Dr. Faker means nothing to me.

I only care about Hart.

And getting even for what you did !

Move away, Yuma !

It's my turn !

I draw !

To start, I summon Photon Thrasher !

I can bring out Thrasher when I don't have any

other monsters on my field.

And I'll follow that up by summoning Photon Pirate !

When I banish a Photon monster

from my graveyard,

Photon Pirate gets a thousand attack points stronger !

I tribute my Photon Thrasher

and my Photon Pirate !

Here comes the monster more savage than a supernova !

With the cataclysmic force

of ten black holes put together !

A cosmic scourge

that vaporizes anything in its path:

Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon !

( Quinton ) You're playing into my hands perfectly, Kite.

( Kite ) Let's see, my Delta Wing had , attack points.

It was destroyed on my last turn

and I got hit with , points of damage.

So then Quinton's invisible Number

must have , attack points.

Galaxy-Eyes, use your , attack points

to pummel NUMBER !

Big mistake.

We'll see.

Go Photon Stream of Destruction !

It failed.

Of course it did.

To understand why, take a look at my Number !

No way !

A monster bigger than the sun ?

That thing...

is so huge.

How could any monster destroy it ?

It seems impossible.

That's because it is impossible.

No one has ever defeated Dyson Sphere in battle

and no one ever will !
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