Part 2: 03x15 - The New World

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal". Aired: April 11, 2011 – September 24, 2012.*
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Taking place in the near future in a place called Heartland City, the story focuses on Yuma Tsukumo, a young duelist who strives to become the Duel Monsters champion, despite being an amateur.
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Part 2: 03x15 - The New World

Post by bunniefuu »

Last time of "Yu-Gi-Oh ZEXAL"...

King Overfiend, attack Masquerade!


Nash destroyed the Number that Don Thousand gave to Vector.

Now Vector will regain the true memories of his past!

No, it's impossible, what've I done...

all the destruction I caused.

How could I?

Don Thousand!

Now that I have the power of the other Emperors,

I'm stronger than you'll ever be!

Stop this, Vector! You need me!


This attack is for every Emperor you betrayed.

You can't do this, Nash!

(Nash) How could I lose?

♪ Still together as one 'cause divided we're none ♪

♪ Ready to go we feel the flow ♪

♪ So don't stand in our way ♪

♪ You know we ain't afraid

♪ This our time we're in control ♪

♪ If I trip up today just wipe it away ♪

♪ All of my fears are gone erased ♪

♪ Let us stand on the walls till the final night falls ♪

♪ The bonds of our souls can't be replaced ♪

♪ Let us fight together regretting never ♪

♪ Our dreams will be

♪ Halfway to forever

♪ Our light come shining through ♪

♪ Reach down deep beat defeat ♪

♪ Do all that we can do

♪ Halfway to forever

♪ We've got nothing to lose ♪

♪ Keep breathing believing ♪

♪ Halfway to forever ♪

He did it! Shark won the duel!

(groaning) Impossible!

How could I lose to you? How?

Can you hear their voices yet, Vector?

Can I hear the what?

Last time we dueled in this palace,

just like this time, you lost.

That's when the spirits haunting this place,

those of the people who lived in the countless villages

you destroyed dragged you into the darkness, where you belong.

Aah! Aah!

So, do you hear them yet?

I don't hear a thing! Get real!

(ghostly voices moaning) Vector...


No, stop it! Let me go!

It's over, Vector.

Just like before, they will pull you into the shadows.

(grunts) I don't think so!

Things are different now! Release me!

This time I have more power at my command

than you could possibly imagine!

So If I'm going down, then I'm taking you with me!

(maniacal laughter)

Did you think you had won, Nash?

That it was all over? You're wrong!

It hasn't even begun! I cannot be beaten.

I am all-powerful! (laughing)

(demonic voice) How interesting that you should say that.

The power you wield is not yours, Vector.

You? But how can this be?

Don Thousand!

I thought you had met your end.

I am quite aware of what you thought,

but it is as you say--

One of limitless power cannot be beaten!

You meaningless flea!

Did you honestly believe that the boundless power

I allowed you to wield was yours to have forever?

Know this-- what I have given to you,

I can also take away.

How little you grasp!

You boasted that you no longer needed me.

Ignorant puppet. It is I who no longer need you!

(crying out)

Wait! I beg your forgiveness!


No! This can't be!

It can't end like this! Somebody help me!


Yuma! Come back, Yuma!


I got you! Grab my hand!

Whatever you do, don't let go!


Hang on tight!

Whatever you do, don't let go!


Hang on tight!

This is most amusing,

the helpless helping the hapless!

What do you think you're doing?

Yuma, you are in great peril!

Yeah, I know, but I can't give up now!

Yuma, you know as well as I, He'll just betray us again!

Maybe he will, but that's a chance I'm willing to take.

No matter what he's done,

everyone deserves a second chance.

Yes, but this would be his th chance!

Vector, I've seen the good in you!

I saw it in Ray Shadows!

We had awesome times together. You were my friend.

Let's give this thing another go, pal, what do you say?

I say that...

you've gotta be the most trusting simpleton

who's ever lived!

You really wanna hang out some more, let's do it!

Yuma! (pained cry)

(insane laughter)

Come with me to Endsville!

Sure. If that's what it takes.

I'll stick by your side because helping a friend is the Ray Way.

Yuma... (voice echoing)

I've seen the good in you! You we're my friend.

What're you doing?

You're really awesome, Yuma.

Our worlds need more of you and less of me.

Hang on, what are you saying?

I'm saying goodbye.


Why did you let go?


My power has returned to me.

Enjoy it now, because you won't have it for long,

and that's a promise!

One you cannot keep!

At last, I am complete again!

Astral, we should really get out of here!

Ugh! And now my true reign begins!

What's that light?

It is a beacon of the new realm that I have shaped.

I have fused your world and Barian World together

to forge a dominion unlike any before!

Turn around, Yuma Tsukumo, and bear witness to my creation!

Ah! It can't be!

Yes, it is.

I have shattered the feeble dimensional barriers

between our two worlds, and united them

under one absolute rule, my own!

(maniacal laughter)

Now what?


We meet again, Yuma.

Why are you here?

This is the last place I expected to see you.

Yuma, I came here to fulfill Kite's last wish.

When the duel ended, he entrusted me with this.

What is it?

Numeron Dragon?

He gave me this card so that I would give it to you.

Seriously? But why?

How will this help?

He thought you would need it.

But unfortunately, you will never get a chance to play it.

What do you mean?

Look, Nash, Don Thousand distorted the memories

of the Seven Emperors.

He tricked us so we would serve him.

He wanted our aid in his mad quest to rule the universe.

The future that he is trying to shape...

is one I cannot allow to come to pass.

What are you doing, Mizar?

Righting our wrongs,

and stopping Don Thousand once and for all.

Mizar. You wish to duel me,

despite the loss of your Barian powers leaving you weak

whilst I have regained all my immeasurable might!

Have you lost your mind?

Your agony and defeat is inevitable!

Whoa, Don Thousand looks stronger!

That is his true form.

I do not fear the likes of you.

Duel Disk, engage!

So be it.

I will grant you the destruction that you crave.

Let us duel! Let us duel!

Let us duel! Let us duel!

You should never have challenged me, Mizar.

It shall be your last mistake.

I will do nothing more than end my turn.

What? But you did not do anything at all!


Do my moves shake your resolve, Mizar?

You think a tactic like that will rattle me?

Well, think again!

I draw!

To begin, I summon Heliosphere Dragon!


And now I activate the spell Galaxy Wrath!

If I choose not to battle this turn,

I can summon one dragon from my hand.

Radius, the Half-Moon Dragon!

I overlay Heliosphere and Radius!

With these two monsters, I build the Overlay Network

and Xyz Summon Galaxy Stealth Dragon!


I activate Stealth Dragon's special ability!

For the price of one Overlay Unit,

I can summon one Dragon from my hand.

I use two...

so that I can call two dragons to my field.

Take flight, Schwarzschild Limit Dragon

and Parsec, the Interstellar Dragon!

Amazing. He's got three monsters already!

But the bad news is, he's not allowed to attack this turn.

Curious. Mizar is smart.

I am sure he has a strategy planned.

I now activate Dragon King's Demise!

I tribute all my monsters.

You will be sorry I did.

Because by doing so, we both take damage,

equal to my dragons' combined attack points.

Say what? That can't end well at all!

Correct. It would mean the end for both of them.

Mizar, don't do it!

Your evil ends here, Don Thousand.

I am ready to do what it takes to send you to oblivion,

even if I have to take you there myself!

The damage heading your way now will put a stop

to your deranged schemes.


You stopped it? How can that be?

You are pathetic.

I suggest you take a closer look at your field.

I-I do not understand.

This is not the spell card I played.

I activated Dragon King's Demise,

not Card Of The Dragon King!

And yet, there is no mistake that Card of the Dragon King

lies before you.

As with the card you thought you played,

it too tributes every Dragon on your field.

Yes, but unlike the card I had intended to use,

instead of both of us taking damage, as I planned,

now only I will.

And that means I lose the duel.

This can't really be happening!

We are done here, Mizar. You are finished.

It is laughable to think that a paltry wretch like you believed

he could stand against the great Don Thousand.



Are you okay? Speak to me Mizar, please!

My eagerness turned into foolish pride, Yuma.

I was so hungry to beat him that I became careless.

And that is when my victory plans came undone.

It is up to you now.

All of you. Work together.

It is the only way.



You stand as the last of the Seven Emperors, Nash.

You cannot escape your destiny.

Your defeat will be a merciless one.

After which I will take your power,

as I have that of all the fallen emperors before you.

Such as your beloved sister.

Soon you will join them,

As will you, Yuma, and you, Astral.

None of you will escape this world.

I will consume you as I have consumed so many before you.

So, which one of you has the nerve to be the next

to fall by my hand?

You wanna duel, let's do it.

No, let me.


We cannot repeat Mizar's fatal mistake.

Remember, he told us to stick together.

None of us should duel Don Thousand alone.

Shark... Yuma...

let us duel as one!

Hmm. Hmm.

Hear that? We're gonna team up!

And take you down together.

With our combined strength, your reign of terror is over.


Whoo-hoo! You go, guys!

Duel Disk, go!

Duel Gazer, let's roll!

Let's duel! Let's duel!

Let's duel! Let's duel!

Astral, how I have longed for this moment.

Soon, you will kneel before me in defeat

and watch as your world crumbles!

And now, I draw!

I end my turn.

Hey, he didn't do anything.

Tread carefully. Do not rush this.

Remember how quickly Mizar was defeated.

We must stay focused. Expect the unexpected.

I got you. All right...

I draw!

I summon Toy Knight!

And this toy doesn't like to play alone,

so it lets me summon another monster!

I summon Gagaga Magician!

But they're not gonna be around for long.

With these two monsters, I build the Overlay Network

and Xyz Summon Number Utopia!

You seem confident.

Let us find out if your confidence holds

once a new reality sets in.

Utopia! What's going on?


What is Ganbara Knight doing here?

This is very strange!

What trick are you pulling, Don Thousand?

I do not need tricks! Simply this trap.

I activated Numeron Xyz Revision.

Numeron Xyz Revision?

That's how he changed our cards?

That is correct.

My trap, Numeron Xyz Revision, allowed me to rewrite your card

so that instead of summoning an Xyz Monster,

you summoned a different monster entirely!

You are no longer in control of your actions, I am.

I have mastery over the past, present and future.

So I rewrote your past.

Rewrote the past? That must mean...

Don Thousand has acquired the power of the Numeron Code!

Only it can rewrite history!

No way! How could he have that?

Astral is correct.

Fusing our two worlds together allowed me to activate

the field spell Numeron Network,

giving me mastery over the Numeron Code.

When I have no cards on my field,

I can activate a Numeron card from my deck once per turn

to rewrite this duel in my favor!

I see. This explains Mizar's defeat.


Numeron Network allowed me to activate

the trap Numeron Spell Revision,

which I used to change Mizar's spell into one that worked

in my favor instead.

Mizar never stood a chance, since he was never in control

of his own cards.

So you rewrote history to sabotage Mizar's strategy!

Oh, no!

If Don Thousand can change their cards, they can't win!

This is odd.

How could Don Thousand have the power of the Numeron Code?

It is hidden on Earth, and only when all the Numbers are

collected can it be found,

(gasps) Of course!

Don Thousand did not need to find it!

He gained its power when he merged Earth with Barian World!

I wondered when the truth would dawn on you.

It is true that I do not know where the Numeron Code rests,

but I have no need to locate it when I own the entire planet.

The Earth belongs to me.

Down to the smallest molecule, even the Numeron Code.

With this new power, I can finally rip a portal

between dimensions.

I can now attack Astral World and annihilate

your wretched home, Astral!

This cannot be!

It can!

For every point of damage you take,

so will Astral World,

raining devastation on your land far and wide.

Extinction looms moments away for both Earth and Astral World,

and you three can do nothing to stop it!

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