03x04 - Fager Family

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Supernanny". Aired: 7 July 2004 – 8 October 2008.*
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British reality television programme about parents struggling with their children's behaviour, mealtime, potty training, etc.
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03x04 - Fager Family

Post by bunniefuu »

Tonight, jo meets the fagers...


A blended family of eight. Oh, and there's another zachary.

Where'd daddy go, you guys?

With dad gone trying to make ends meet... I'm going to a meeting.

This mom is on her own...

Stop it! They're fortacos!

And fading fast.

My head's gonna explode. Where's your mommy?

Meanwhile, -year-old sarah and -year-old andrew

Have lost touch with their biological mom.

She hasn't talked to us since last year.

When I was turning , I think.

[Jo] do you go to the beach or get away?

No, I'd be scared to death.

No, no, no, no, no, no, no. With mom and dad too afraid

To leave the house with all the kids...

That's very dangerous. I'm missing one.

Jo jo would like to say something very important.

Jo comes up with her boldest family experiment yet.

You guys are all gonna go away to florida.

Will the vacation help the family

Finally learn to work together?

[All] the fager family.

You guys have ten minutes. Let's go.

Looking for your shoes. Look under the couch.

They're in the towels!


There'll be no hitting one another, okay?

Or will it be a one-way ticket to disaster?

We don't throw sand at other people.


♪ Be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good, be good ♪ ♪ johnny ♪

♪ Be good, be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good, be good ♪ ♪ johnny ♪

♪ Johnny ♪

Well, let's take a look

And see what family we've got here this week.

Hi, we're the fagers.

This is my husband joe, and I'm stacie,

And I'm a stay-at-home mom. Listen up!


He drives a truck, and he's going to school

For business administration.

We have six children.

I brought in sarah and andrew, who are and .

And then I brought in chelsea, who is also .

And then together, we had twins... No choking!

Benjamin and zachary, and they're .

And then we have jacob, who is .

These kids are so cute.

Most of my day is spent saying, "no"...

No! Get in here! You don't have any socks on!

"Stop it"...

Stop it! They're fortacos!

"Move"... Move your butts!

Go! Go to your room!

I would never take all six of 'em by myself

Into a store or a restaurant.


I bought some gum. I bought gum.

I'm exhausted.


Mom looks depleted.

I'm overwhelmed.

No, I just wanna get a drink of pop.


All I have to do is use the restroom.

[Stacie] hey!

This is just ridiculous.

Mom's seriously stressed out.

Admittedly, I don't have a lot of time with the family.

That's a big struggle.

My two, sarah and andrew...

Flush. Haven't seen their mom for a long time.

What do you mean you feel like you don't belong here?

Supernanny, I want you to help me

Be able to raise six kids by myself

Because he's not here... And I don't know how to do it.

Jo, we need you.

Please come to our house.

You guys hold on in there, because I'm on my way!

Hi. Hi.

May I come in? Yes, you may.

Pleased to meet you. Jo.

My name is joe, too. Joe, meet jo. Pleased to meet you.

Stacie. Hi, stacie.

I was real excited because jo was my last hope.

And who have we got here?

Chelsea. Hi, chelsea. Pleased to meet you.

How old are you? ... !


I think jo is cool.

And what's your name? Sarah.

Hi, sarah. Pleased to meet you.

And who's this? Zachary.

Hi, zachary. You gonna shake my hand?

Pleased to meet you. Oh, and there's another zachary!

You're not zachary, though, are you?

What's your name?


And who's this?

Andy.hi, andy, pleased to meet you. I'm jo.


It was very hard to believe that jo was actually in my house.

And who's this little one here?

This is jacob. Hi, jacob.

Are you gonna say hi to jo jo? No? Okay.

So can I place this somewhere?

Yep, as long as it's up high enough

Where they can't get to it.

I tell everybody when they come in the house

When they set their purses down to put it feet and above.

And actually, I think I'm switching it to .

When I first arrived, stacie and joe

Asked the children to go outside and play in the backyard.

I can see it's like they're on a beach.

They're making sandcastles.

[Stacie] yeah, they wanna go to the beach so bad.

Do you go to the beach or get away?

No, I'd be scared to death

With a huge beach and my kids running.

It'd have to be a gated beach.

I don't know if they have those.no.

We're big about gates and locks and stuff like that.

So it's the fear of not being able to control the kids?

Joe gets embarrassed, but they have those harnesses

That are like vests with leashes.

[Stacie] it's hard to just go on a walk with them

In the neighborhood.

I can't even take them to the park.

It's something that I want to be able to do.

It's just too stressful, and I couldn't handle it myself.

No, no, no, no, no, no, no.

Stacie went out into the cul-de-sac

With all six kids, and she was really trying her best

To keep tabs on them all.


Don't go over those boards!

Jacob, see the guy? He says "slow." Thank you.

Mom's definitely stressed out with trying to manage

All the children at once.

As soon as something happens

And one child goes in one direction...

Guys, don't go in the neighbor's driveway unless you ask!

[Jo] she shows this great anxiety.

I'm missing one. Okay.

Don't! I like my clothesline. I hang stuff on it.

That's very dangerous!

Get over here now!

You don't do what zachie does. That was naughty.

Jacob! Who are you?


Playtime was no fun for mom at all,

With all six kids running off in different directions,

And joe nowhere to be found.

Where'd daddy go, you guys?

Joe! Well, could you tell me before you just leave?

I thought you had jacob.

Here, joe. Okay, well, I'm going to a meeting.


Stacie feels like she is left here with the kids,

And, you know, I'm out doing whatever,

Which is actually work.

I'm not able to spend as much time with the kids.

I'm trying to get us to a place where I can.

[Jo] I think the idea of being out alone

With all six kids really got mom flustered,

So she brought them all in for a nap.

Do you like ice water? No!

I think that mom puts the kids down for a nap

Not because they're tired... Stay here, please. Stay here, please.

But because mom needs a break.

Get up here right now.


You don't hide from me.

Jacob, get to your bed.

Just one frazzled mom trying to do the best she can, really.

My head's gonna explode, literally.

Like, % of the time, physically,

My head is, like, I wanna tear it off

And throw it at somebody.

[Jo] she's emotionally and physically exhausted.

So the overwhelming feeling of having to raise six children

Is a bit too much for stacie, to say the least.

Once the younger ones had gone down for a nap,

I pulled stacie aside to have a chat with her.

What's the toughest time of the day for yourself?

It depends if joe's here or not.

Suppertime, a lot of times, he's not here. Yeah.

And that's when I get, like, all flustered,

And I'm trying to cook, and they're all around.

When you say he's not around, what does he do?

He works, like, hours a week.

He's driving a truck right now, going to school full-time,

And so he's pretty much nonexistent.

Like, I say he sleeps here, like, four hours a night.

So you raise these kids...

Alone. That's how I feel.

Most of the time, pretty much alone.

Yeah, and I can't do six by myself.

Stacie and joe have very different agendas right now.

Joe wants to be able to change careers

And better the family situation,

And it's a long-term goal.

But mom needs helpnow.

You can only handle so much, and I got to a breaking point.

And now I'm overwhelmed, exhausted

And can't do it anymore.

Coming up on...

Are there things that you would like to say to your mom?

Sarah and andrew open up about their biological mom...

What are you guys doing to change the situation right now?

And jo questions mom and dad's willingness to change...

What I see is nothing.

When "supernanny" returns.

♪ Be good, be good ♪

[Jo] I wanted to talk to andrew and sarah...

Get a chance to speak to you both.

Because their dad is not around much.

They haven't seen their biological mother

For over a year now,

And that's hard for any child to take.

This is new for you, right?

Because you guys obviously are brother and sister,

But then daddy met stacie.

Yep.so that now you have a bigger family, right?


So where's your mommy?

[Both] in california.

She hasn't talked to us since last year.

When I was turning , I think.

We haven't talked to her since my th birthday

And sarah's th.

Are there things that you would like to say to her?

To your mom? Like, I wanna go visit you.

How have you been? And stuff like that.


I miss you a lot.

I hope she'll remember us, and, like,

See us again.

But what's important...

Is to make sure that

You both know there are lots of people in this house

That love you very much.

I mean, that just must be such a heavy load

For these children to carry.

Well, I would love andrew and sarah

To recognize--is that that it's not their fault.

Come here. Let me give you a big hug.

Joe and stacie have had some real serious challenges

To deal with,

And I'm prepared to do what is necessary

To make a difference.

But I need to know from them first whether they're prepared

To make some big changes.

Stacie and joe,

The blessing that you have in your life

Of having six children,

Should be recognized, but it's not.

Because emotionally, you're overwhelmed.

Joe, you're away from home a lot.

And, mom, you're home here with the children.

And that can take its toll in itself, can't it?

It was... So much easier when he was here.

He always helped at bedtime,

And we read with the kids together

And we sang songs with them.

And, I mean, that seems like a dream now.

Children do need your attention.

They do need your quality time.

Joe, andrew and sarah

Would love to be able to spend more time with you.

They want to be a part of this family.


And under the circumstances

With sarah and andrew's other parent,

More than ever, they need that.

In this house, everything's become overwhelming.

What are you guys doing to change the situation right now?

Because what I see is nothing.

Mom, let's talk about how you are around the children.

"Jacob! Come here!"

This is you-- walking around,

With your face all day like this.

You've made it very clear that you guys can't even

Go on an outing or a vacation or enjoy yourselves

Because of the fear of not knowing

How to handle the children when you're out.

We tried just to go to a little park here,

And, I don't know,

It's just stress-- it was just stressful.

Wouldn't it be nice to all go out as a family again?

Well, the kids would like to go anywhere,

Like, on vacation.

You guys need to make a decision

Whether you are going to change where you're at right now.

Because not only are you doing it for yourselves,

But you're doing it for your kids.

[Joe] I felt like we need to get busy and make some changes.

Because the kids, I mean, they're gonna, you know,

We're gonna lose 'em, emotionally.

I don't want to become further disconnected with my kids.

The pair of you are gonna have to do it together

To be able to raise your children

And be a happier family than what you are right now.

I'm taking what jo has told me to heart, definitely,

Because I've been waiting for a change for a long time.

Okay, so enough said and done.

Tomorrow's a new leaf.

Coming up on...

Dad has a heart-to-heart with sarah and andrew...

It feels kind of sad because we haven't seen our mom.

You guys feel like you can't talk about her?

Yeah. It's not your fault.

And jo sets up the ultimate challenge for the family...

You guys are all gonna go away to florida.


We really haven't got any time to waste! [Joe] no, we sure don't.

Because we're going very soon! When "supernanny" returns.

But first, a tip from supernanny.

Parents, if you're packing for a vacation,

Get the kids involved.

It may be easier if you do it yourself,

But allowing the kids to choose some toys

And books and clothes of their own

Is going to make planning much easier.


♪ Be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good ♪

[Jo] I've got some big plans for the fager family.

But before I reveal them,

There's some situations I need to address

That just can't wait.

I wanted joe to go on a picnic with sarah and andrew

So that he could get the chance to answer

Some of the children's questions

With regards to their biological mother.

Okay, so tell me more

About what you were trying to tell me the other day.

It feels kind of sad because we haven't seen our mom

In a long time.

And I feel...

And I'm depressed because she never calls us,

And I feel like she doesn't, like, love us anymore.

And you guys feel like it's your fault that she hasn't called?

Yeah. Yeah.

[Jo] the children were very receptive

To discussion with their father, which was fantastic.

People sometimes make decisions.

We don't understand why they make 'em.

You guys feel like you can't talk about her?

Sometimes. It's a hard thing to talk about.

It's not your fault.

[Joe] I hope that that picnic was a turning point

For sarah and andrew,

That maybe they can start to move on a little bit.

Not to forget about their mom, and like I said,

Hopefully she'll call, but if she doesn't,

At least that they can deal with it.

So, dad, I think we should have more days like this.

What do you think, sarah and andrew?

More time with dad like this to come and hang out together?


The picnic with my dad helped

Because me and sarah have been having a hard time

Handling our problems about our mom.

It was good to hear it wasn't our fault

That she hasn't called us.

Stacie and joe are absolutely petrified

At the prospect of taking all six kids out in public.

Hey, guys, stay together.

So I'm bringing everyone to the park,

Because with a little bit of confidence and the right tools,

They'll have nothing to fear.

What's important here is that you guys always keep yourself

At a distance where mommy and daddy can see you.

If you can't see mommy and daddy, you've gone too far.

Faster! Faster!


It wasn't long before zachary ran off and broke the rules.

Come here, zach!

This was a good opportunity for dad to step up.

So you're gonna place him on the bench, okay?

You're gonna explain to him why you put him here, okay?

And then you're gonna leave him here for four minutes.

Zachary, look at me.

[Jo] make him hear you.

You're sitting on the naughty bench

Because you ran off.


And you were told to stay

Where mommy and daddy could see you,

Not to run away.

So you'll have to stay there now

Because you did not listen.

Now that stacie and joe have seen how easy it is

To discipline the children out in public,

I hope they now know they can go anywhere.

Mom and dad are petrified to take their six kids anywhere.

Oh, but I've got a surprise for them,

Because we're gonna attack that fear head-on.

Jo jo would like to say something very important.

You guys are all gonna go away for six days together,

As a family, to florida, and I'd like to present this to you.

[Stacie] oh, my gosh. [Children screaming]

I never thought in a million years

That jo would take us on a vacation.

Honestly, I never would have thought

That this was even a possibility.

I wouldn't perceive taking six kids,

Especially some that are as young as they are,

On a vacation like this.

We're gonna need these.

What they learn on vacation they can take home,

And what they learn at home, they can take on vacation.

Who's gonna make sandcastles?i am!

You're going on an airplane. Yeah!

I am kind of in shock

Because I am going on an airplane in one day

With my six children and my husband for the first time ever.

We really haven't got any time to waste.

[Joe] no, we sure don't! Because we're going very soon.

I was just, like, excited, but, like,

"Holy crap," like, how am I gonna be able to,

You know, pull this off?

We're doing the countdown technique.

We're writing everything down

So we can eliminate it before we leave,

Right down to the last thing.

Everybody has to preplan before they go on holiday,

Make sure there's a checklist.

So the countdown technique is all about that.

"Shorts, underwear, books"...

How about goggles? "Goggles."

Socks! Socks.

How many socks?

Well, I don't know how many.

I have eight kids... No, I have six kids.


The little suitcases we've got here--

It's because they gotta pack their toys

And activities to occupy themselves on the plane with.

He's trying to pack the food.

Darling, you're gonna eat there!

You need to pack some toys to play with on the beach.

Oh, dear, this is like packing one of my bags.

This vacation is gonna be the opportunity of a lifetime.

I'm anxious to see how jo's gonna help us do this.

[Imitating p.a. Announcer] calling flight for florida.

Flight for florida.

You know, we're going on an airplane,

So I wanted to go over a few rules with the children

To make sure they know how they are expected to behave.

Benjamin, listen to what jo jo's saying.

When you're on the airplane, it's very important, okay,

That you listen to mommy and daddy,

That you look into your little bags

And keep yourself active

By doing your word searches or playing with your toys.

But no shouting or screaming.

No kicking your feet and having temper tantrums,

Because there are other people that will be on the airplane.

I'm a little worried because it's a lot to deal with,

And maybe the twins and jacob will be naughty on the plane.

But I don't really know.

The main point here is to make sure

That you keep the kids occupied.

I think it taught 'em a little something,

Because they--some of 'em have never been on a plane before.

Okay, keep going.

Okay, so we're buddy system-- we're gonna head this way.

Are we all buddied up?

When we arrived at the airport,

I had the older children pair up with the younger children

So that everybody was accounted for,

And nobody would go wandering off.

Look at this.

You're doing the buddy-up system fantastic.

I kind of like the buddy system, so no one gets lost in anything,

'Cause ben and zach usually, like, run away and stuff.

It's very cool.

[Jo] the fager family

Got to the airport with no incident.

And for the first time, this family went on an airplane.

Listen. Listen to me, all of you.

Benjamin and zachary, we're gonna take off in a minute.

[Jo] remember, stay in your seat belt, okay?

The golden rule for taking children on an airplane

Is to be prepared, organized and to bring lots of activities.

The fagers were prepared and organized,

And that flight went smoother

Than they could ever have imagined.

[Man] all right, folks, we are going to florida.

[All] yay!

[Jo] I booked the whole family a vacation

At the marco island marriott resort & spa.

Gather them together first.

Tell the children what you expect from them.

Listen, we're not gonna run off, right? Stay together.

Stay together, and walk slow. Come on, let's go.

[Jo] the children have never been to a hotel before,

So I reminded them always to buddy up

So that they could be in eyeshot of their parents.

This is a very large resort.

You need to stay close together

So that you don't get lost, okay?

Okay, guys, back in line. Back in line, behind daddy.

Buddy up.

When I first saw that room, I'm like, "wow."

Look at this! Okay.

My bed!

Start unpacking your clothes.

Keep the toys in there, and then they can

Dip into the toy bag whenever they want. Okay.

Get the kids sorted, get their clothes laid out,

Everything done, and then you can start toward a dinner.

Remember that even though we're on holiday,

There's still the cornerstones of a routine

That need to be met when you're on vacation.

Ben, did you put all your clothes away?

Good boy.

Stacie and joe are gonna have to work really hard together

In making sure that all six of their children toe the line.

Coming up on...

The family's ship is about to set sail...

Come here. Put it on first. [Jo] you can write it anywhere, my love.

But the twins have mutiny on their minds...


When "supernanny" returns.

♪ Be good, be good ♪

The first morning we got here, we went down to the beach.

I was nervous.

[Jo] so remember, this is a time for children to have fun,

For you to relax and have fun with them.

I wanted to show mom and dad the easiest way

To stop the kids from running off

Was to keep them occupied and engaged in an activity.

[Stacie] jo had me sit down in a lawn chair

And just let my kids play

And just watch them and observe them and relax.

Chelsea, get water.

[Jo] dad did a fantastic job

In keeping the kids all engaged, and it gave mom a break, too.

But mom's break didn't last long.

Benjamin ran towards the water, and mom had to go and get him.

Benjamin, warning.


I need some water. I gave you a warning, and you did not listen.

Oh, oh, oh.

Um, we don't throw sand at other people.

When you put him on to his naughty spot,

You're gonna explain, with your glasses off,

So you can give him eye contact,

Okay, why he's there, all right?

Discipline needs to be consistent,

Whether you do it on the beach or at home.

Benjamin, you're in the naughty spot

For going to get water without asking. [Shrieking]

I gave you a warning, and you did not stop.

Now you will sit here.

Let's move away.

Benjamin knew that mom meant business,

And he stayed there for four minutes.

So what do you need to say to mommy?


[Jo] stacie did a fantastic job with the naughty spot. Give me a hug.

And if she continues with it, things will get easier.


This afternoon, I had an activity for them,

And it's all about bonding, teamwork

And bringing them together as a family.

We have to use all these pieces as a family to make the boat.

Think we can do that?

[All] yeah! I bet you can!

[Joe] when I first heard we were gonna build a boat together,

I thought it was kind of cool.

I thought that was gonna be fun.

But I didn't realize we'd have to make it ourselves.

I thought there'd be plans there.

[Jo] okay, work together. Mom?

The boat building was very fun

Because our family never,

Never has built anything together before.


[Joe] the kids have really good ideas,

And that's something that jo is really showing us,

Is that we need to involve the kids,

And listen to their ideas and have them help us.

[Jo] you can write it anywhere, my love.

Look, you see where ben is? We're gonna help ben.

Come here. Put it on first.

[Sarah] ben and zach were very naughty.


Ben just hit zach as hard as he could with the oar.

[Jo] after ben hit zachary, dad pulled the boys aside.

Now, benjamin and zachary,

I want you to give each other a hug,

And tell each other you're sorry.

Yeah, but how does that resolve it?

What have they learned from that?

This is the point. Benjamin and zach, come here, please.

There'll be no hitting one another, okay?

Because that's unacceptable behavior.

It's naughty behavior. You said it was an accident.

If it was an accident, you need to say you're sorry, ben.

So look at zachary.

[Joe] I learned something.

If it's an accident, go ahead and apologize.

Just make clear that it's not acceptable to hit each other.

[Jo] once we sorted out our incident,

It was back to boat building.

Are you happy with that? Yep.

[Stacie] I'm proud of sarah for naming the boat.

Andrew really, you know, did his part

In getting it together.

Even, like, the twins picking their own ideas,

And chelsea with the waves, that was awesome.

Who built this boat?

[All] the fager family.

And you did a very good job in working together.

Whoo! Gotta go a little deeper than that.

What was great for me is for this family to feel very proud

Of the boat they had built.

And together as a family, they had fun with it.

[Jo] I needed to let them have their family quality time alone.

So I took it as a perfect opportunity

To say good-bye to them so that I can go away

And let these guys get on with the advice and the technique

And see how they do. Listen, guys, I'm gonna go.

I'm gonna leave you guys, okay, to go on with having fun.

I'll see you when I get back. Don't forget the techniques!

Have fun! Bye! [Joe] say bye to jo jo!

[Children] bye, jo jo!

Coming up on...

Count 'em! One... Eight.

During a family scavenger hunt...

[Stacie] why are you not part of it?

The only missing item is a good time...

We got year olds-- we got jacob, who's about to fall asleep,

And -year-olds that are rolling around on the floor.

That's because we're not doing anything. When "supernanny" returns.

But first, a tip from supernanny.

Parents, when you travel, keep mealtimes and naptimes in mind.

Travel, if you can, at a time

That fits in with your children's schedule.

And remember, time zones and flight times

Are all to be taken into consideration

So that when your children arrive, they're not groggy.

Happy flying.

♪ Be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good ♪

[Joe] we're gonna enjoy the afternoon

In our balinese spa. Are you naked?

[Jo] I'm glad to see you took time to get a sitter

And spent time by yourselves.

I just did. You're naked.

[Both laughing]

It's about time you had some fun together.


This is like a honeymoon we never had.

Yeah, it is.

[Jo] it's just so great to see you guys enjoying the day.

I don't know which fork to use. I don't, either.

I just dig in.

[Stacie] do you have your swimsuit on?

Well, get it on and throw it in that bag.

[Jo] a family trip to the beach.

Look for ben and zach's shoes under all the beds right now.

We only have one. We need three.

[Jo] disorganization equals stress--it's that simple.

Put those away--the buckets are not what we're looking for.

We're looking for your shoes. Look under the couch.

Here's one. See.

They're in the towels, you guys.

Is there a tube?

Now exiting. [Jo] that's crazy.

It took an hour just to get out the door!

Are you going to go on the scavenger hunt today?yeah.

[Jo] a scavenger hunt. The kids are gonna love this.

How old are you? How old am i?


Count 'em.

One... Two...

[Jo] joe, I'm loving that enthusiasm.

Eight! Okay. What are you doing, sarah?

Why are you not part of it?

It takes forever because there's million of us.

I don't know.

Every time I've done a scavenger hunt,

It's really fast, we're jumping in cars...

But you've never done it as a family with little kids.

We got jacob, who's about to fall asleep,

And -year-olds that are rolling around on the floor.

That's because we're not doing anything.

[Jo] stacie, are you hunting for your positive attitude?

Honey, they've been acting like this since we started.

[Jo] if you guys wanna carry on making big progress

With your family,

You've gotta be % motivated. We've got more work to do.

Okay, should we take a look?


We're gonna enjoy the afternoon in our balinese spa.

[Both laughing]

He will never do that.

This is like a honeymoon we never had. Yeah.

This is great, and look, your humor's back.

The pair of you just laughing away.

You were able to spend some good quality time together

As a couple, and just forget about the kids.

I didn't even make a phone call or anything.

Letting go is such an important part of being able

To relax, and make sure that you do that at home as well.

I'm glad you had such a fantastic time.

Look for ben and zach's shoes under all the beds right now.

We got one more shoe to find, okay?

Here's one. See. They're in the towels!

What was going on there?

Good job you didn't have a plane to catch.

You'd have missed it!

What you're not gonna do is get yourself out the door

If you're not organized.

So you have to be ahead of the game,

So that you're able to be able to smoothly get out of the door.

And that's what I didn't see happen here.

It takes forever because there's million of us.

I don't know. It took us an hour to get started.

Oh, my word, sourpuss face you are there.

And then you're wondering

Why the kids are sitting on the chairs going,

"I don't want to do this."

Energy level's completely flat.

Gotta be excited. I was very excited.

Well, if that's excitement, I'd hate to see you happy.

So, mom, you've gotta recognize that a holiday

Is about everybody doing something that they love to do.

Doesn't all revolve around you.

There is stuff that needs to be tweaked today,

Because you need to be able to take this back home as well now.

But I'm very proud of the pair of you

In how far you've come along.

I mean, absolutely remarkable, it really is.

[Joe] even though the meeting was a lot more positive

Than I actually expected,

There were some serious things that she brought out.

So are we ready to be able to tweak the rest of these?

You guys ready?

All right, then, so let's carry on and get some work done.

Coming up on...

Time is running out for the fagers...

You guys have ten minutes. Go!

Chop, chop. Two minutes.

Put your shoes on, buddy. One minute.

We're not ready yet. And joe has

Some last-minute paperwork for sarah and andrew...

Anytime you start to have feelings, just write 'em down.

That took a lot of courage.

When "supernanny" returns.

♪ Be good, be good ♪

Hi! We're goin' swimming again!

You're goin' swimming again?

After watching the dvd footage,

The first thing I needed to help this family with

Was sorting out the chaos and getting them out the house.

So I'm giving them the out-the-door technique,

So they can use it here and at home.

The first step that we're gonna do

Is tab organization,

Which is, let's have all the shoes in one place,

All the beachwear in one place, okay...

We need to prepare ahead of time,

And that's the bottom line.

The stuff needs to be set up,

And we want the kids to be able to do that.

All the beach toys right here with the big purple bag. That's good.

Sarah, come on out and be a part.

Oh, well done. Look at this.

Good job. The shoes are great, guys.

The shoes are great. Okay, come on, guys. Come here.

Okay, stacie and joe, so we've lined up their shoes,

We've lined up the beachwear, the children know where to go

When you're about to do the next stage.

And this is the next stage.

Once everything was in its place,

It was time to get this family moving.

And you guys have, starting from now,

Ten minutes to do that-- let's go. Get your swimsuits on.

Ten minutes with all their beach gear was gonna be a challenge.

But if they could do it here, then when they got home,

It'd be a piece of cake. We're not ready yet.

Dad, come on, chop, chop!

Go put your shoes on, buddy. Here, put 'em on.

Chop, chop, dad.

The older children are doing their stuff.

Jo jo really helped us get our act together a lot.

You have two minutes. Room key.

Front? No, sarah.

One minute. One minute. Give me the boogie board, please.

Are we ready? You got jacob, joe?

Yep. So we are ready?

Can I just tell you

How long it took you all last time to leave this room?

It took you minutes.

Shall I tell you how long it took you now

Because you were organized?

It took minutes and seconds.

[All] yay!


[Joe] jo was telling the truth when she said

It took minutes to get out the door.

It's not cool. I mean, we don't like seeing that.

Right, come on, champions, let's go to the beach! Okay.

And it just goes to show you that when they're focused,

And they're organized, and they prepare beforehand,

They can quite easily get a family of eight out the door.

Before I left, I wanted to speak to joe

About giving sarah and andrew a journal

So they could write down their feelings

About the situation with their biological mother.

I thought that perhaps we could have you explain to the children

What these books represent. Okay.

I don't have any doubt that it's good for the kids

To write their feelings down-- to get 'em out, talk about 'em.

So that should be a positive thing.

These books...

That one's yours, that one's yours.

And the reason I'm giving you these

Is for you guys--anytime you start to have feelings

About your mom...

Just write 'em down.

'Cause we don't know what's gonna happen, guys.

But, you know, someday,

You know, maybe if you're able to talk to her again,

You can show her these books.

Or you can keep them to yourself.

I encourage you to share 'em with me. You can.

And this is just a chance

For you guys to write down your feelings.

I liked writing in the journal, 'cause it made me feel excited

To let my feelings go in a journal.

[Sighs] yeah.

I don't really talk about my mom a lot

In front of other people.

I love you guys.

That made me feel good.

[Joe] well, when sarah was reading from her journal,

She did add a little bit about the divorce and stuff

That she's never talked about before, so, um--

And jo said that was a-a huge step for her.

That took a lot of courage.

And you're a very brave little girl

To write that down on that pad.

And I'm really proud of you. Very proud of you.

[Jo] this vacation has given the fager family

A fresh, positive outlook on life,

And will definitely keep them smiling at those memories.

It's been an absolute pleasure to be able to take you guys

On holiday and give you the vacation you've dreamed of.

You've done very well. I'm really proud of you.

I'd like to thank jo for giving me the realization

That I need to spend more time with my family.

I guess I could just say, "thanks, jo,

For giving me my family back."

Come and give me cuddle. Can I get a cuddle?

Thank you, jo jo!

Take care, darling.

We had lots of fun.

I'm gonna miss jo jo so much.

Keep drawing.

I wanted to give you this.

This is the flag, and I want you to look after it.

Take care, my love.

I felt a little special

When jo jo handed me the flag of the boat.

Could I have a kiss? Mwah.

Bye, jo jo. [Blows kiss]

Stacie, keep positive, okay?

There are no words to describe

How grateful I am to jo for picking us and helping us.

Give me a hug, you.

I can leave the fager family,

Knowing that they have a positive outlook on life.

And that together as a family... Bye!

They would just continue to thrive. Bye!

I think our family is closer together.

I think we're more of a unit.

I really feel like a totally different person.

I love you very much, sarah.

Stacie's a lot less stressed out now

Because of the techniques that jo's taught her.

[Joe] there it goes.


It's amazing how when I say, "warning,"

That they're like, "no, no, no, I'm done.

I'm sorry, mom."


You want down?

I've never spent this much time with my family before, ever.

[Stacie] go all the way! Whoo!

Sarah and andrew, for their mom,

They're able to talk about that more openly.

Gimme a smooch.

She helped us a lot.

I wish she could stay here for the rest of my life.

One of the biggest things that I've realized

Is how important each moment is.

Just the sheer amount of time that I spend with my family.

I've learned that when I come home from work,

That if I just take out just a little bit of time

And just spend some quality time with my kids,

That it'll benefit all of us.

Not only did I feel like a vacation was impossible,

I mean, I didn't leave the house.

Now I can go anywhere with all six of them.

Jo has shown me how to embrace my children,

And, like, their lives and their laughter

And just, like, everything that I've so missed out on.




[Blows kiss]
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