02x02 - The Fairyland Flower / The Robot Surprise

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky". Aired: 1 August 2005 – 20 April 2009.*
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Bottle Top Bill is a man who lives in a town called Junkyardville with his best friend Corky, a horse.
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02x02 - The Fairyland Flower / The Robot Surprise

Post by bunniefuu »

♫ Bottle Top Bill

♫ And his best friend Corky

♫ Up on the hill

♫ Let's watch them as they play

♫ Playin' all day

♫ Hurray

- [Bill] - The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill.

- [Corky] And his best friend Corky.

♫ Bottle Top Bill

- [Corky] Is it time for an adventure, Bill?

- [Bill] It sure is, Corky.

And, it's called The Fairyland Flower.

(delicate music)

Fairyland gets more beautiful every time

we come to visit Dandy the Fairy.

- [Corky] It sure does, Bill.

- Hello, Dandy.

- Are you home, Dandy?

- [Bill] I don't think she is home, Corky.

- That's a pity.

I wanted to ask her about a new flower I've seen.

- What new flower's that?

- The one shaped like a musical instrument.

- [Bill] Do you mean a drum?

- [Corky] Not a drum, Bill.

- [Bill] A flute?

- [Corky] Not a flute either, Bill.

- [Bill] I know what it is, a tuba.

- Exactly, Bill.

Isn't it a beauty?

- And, you're right, Corky, it looks exactly like a tuba

that you blow in to make music.

- Bill, Corky.

Hey Bill.

Hi Corky.

- Hello Tricky.

- What brings you to Fairyland?

- We were just admiring this flower shaped like a tuba.

- That's my favorite flower.

It's called a Tuba Rose.

Why don't you take one home?

- Can we?

That would be fantastic.

I don't know, Corky.

Things that live in Fairyland should stay in Fairyland.

- (laughs) It's only a little flower, Bill.

What harm could it do?

- That's right, Tricky.

Can we take just one home?

Please, Bill?

- Oh, all right then.

But, just one.

- Thanks, Bill.

It'll look terrific in our garden.

- I hope you're right, Corky.

- There's one part of our garden which will be just right.

- I see the spot now, Corky.

Don't make the hole too big.

- [Corky] I won't.

- [Bill] Place it in gently.

- Gently it is.

Ah, what do you think, Bill?

- [Bill] It couldn't be more perfect.

- Thanks, I think so too.

Bill, did you see that?

- [Bill] I did, Corky.

A second Tuba Rose.

- [Corky] And, a third.

And a fourth.

And a fifth.

- Tuba Roses everywhere, Corky.

All over the garden.

- I don't understand it.

Why is this happening?

- I told you, Corky, it's from Fairyland.

Fairyland flowers are different to normal flowers.

- I didn't know they were that different.

- It's not like they're ugly flowers, though.

Actually, I think they look quite nice.

(tuba tooting)

- Bill, was that you?

- Certainly not, Corky.

- Then where did it come from?

(tuba tooting)

Bill, over there.

(tubas tooting)

- It was a Tuba Rose.

Make that all the Tuba Roses, Corky.

- What a racket!

- I can't hear myself think.

- What can we do?

- We better see Tricky and fast.

- Perfect.

Now, time for my troll nap.

- [Bill And Corky] Tricky!

(Tricky shouting)

- Tricky, where are you?

- Up here (shouting).

- Gotcha!

- You gave me a real fright, you did.

What's going on?

- It's that Tuba Rose we took home.

- It's become lots of Tuba Roses.

- They've taken over the whole garden.

- And they're making the biggest racket you've ever heard.

- I've never heard of Tuba Roses

growing so quickly in Fairyland.

- How can we stop them, Tricky?

- Hmm, Snooge the Snorephant.

He's the one to talk to.

- Right, Snooge the Snorephant it is.

(upbeat music)

- [Corky] Tricky said that Snooge lives down near the creek.

- [Bill] Look, Corky, who could that be?

- [Corky] Could that be Snooge the Snorephant?

- [Bill] Let's watch and see.

- Mmm, tasty, mmm, very tasty.

- [Bill] Hello there.

- Are you Snooge the Snorephant?

- That's me.

- Could you help us with a problem?

- We've got too many Tuba Roses growing around our house.

- [Bill] They're everywhere.

- That sounds like a tasty problem to me.

- Would you come home and eat some of them for us?

- You can have as many as you like.

- I'll be in that.

Just show me the way.

- Follow us, Snooge.

- [Corky] There they are, Snooge.

- [Bill] And, they're noisier than ever.

- And, tasty too.

- Have as many as you like.

Get stuck in.

- Nice and peaceful at last.

- They were delicious, they were.

- Thanks so much, Snooge.

- My pleasure.

- What's wrong, Snooge.

- Oh, I think I might've eaten a bit too quickly.


I'll have a nice little nap.

That should fix things.

Nice little nap, that's for me.

- We'll see you after your nap, Snooge.

(Snooge snores)

Hanky pink!

- Now, I know why Snorephants are called Snorephants!

- That's the biggest snore ever.

- Look, Bill.

- Goodness me, if Snooge doesn't stop,

he'll shake the house down.

What'll we do?

- Snooge, wake up, please.

- Please wake up, Snooge.

(Snooge snoring)

- We've got to see Tricky again.

- Come on, Corky.

- [Bill And Corky] Tricky!

(Tricky shouting)

- Sorry, Tricky, but we've got a new problem.

- It's Snooge.

He's snoring so loudly that the ground shakes.

- It shakes so much that our home might fall apart.

- And, we don't know how to wake him.

- Hmm, Bouncy Coots.

- Bouncy Coots?

- A Snorephant can never sleep

when a Bouncy Coot's nearby.

- Where do we find a Bouncy Coot?

- [Tricky] My friend, Boppy the Bouncy Coot

lives in this cave.

- [Bill] Is Boppy here, Tricky?

- [Tricky] I'm not sure.

- [Corky] I can see someone, look!

- [Tricky] That's gotta be Boppy.

- [Corky] Why is he called a Bouncy Coot?

- [Bill] I know why.

He's bouncing.

- Hey, Boppy, meet my friends, Bill and Corky.

- Hello.

- Good morning.

- Hello, Boppy.

- They've got some Snooge trouble.

- Snooge?

He's not snoring loudly again?

- He couldn't snore any louder, Boppy.

- Would you be able to wake him for us?

- I'll have a very good try.

(Snooge snoring)

- Oh, this is worse than I thought.

- What can you do, Boppy?

- I'll do what Bouncy Coots do best, bounce.

(Snooge snoring)

- Oooh, what's that noise?

Oh, hello, Boppy.

What's the matter?

- Your snoring, Snooge, that's what's the matter.

- My snoring?

- They're not used to your snoring here.

You should go home to Fairyland and nap.

- But, I like napping here.

- Sorry, Snooge.

If you keep napping, I'll keep bouncing.

- Duh, oh all right.

Home I go.

- Great work, Boppy.

Is there anything we can do for you?

- Do you know, this is the first time

I've been to your world.

Could I stay for awhile?

- You certainly could.

- We'll be happy to have you.

- [Corky] We have plenty of room.

- [Bill] You can stay as long as you like.

- [Boppy] Wonderful, marvelous.

Thank you, Bill, thank you, Corky.

I'm going to like it here.

- Corky, do you think Boppy ever stops bouncing?

- He must stop bouncing sometime.

- Maybe he stops bouncing when he has a nap.

- Nap, did someone say nap?

Ah hmm, now that's a good idea.

- (yawns) I'm with you, Boppy.

- (yawns) It's been a long morning.

- Um, see you later.

- Can you believe it, Bill?

- Boppy's napping but still bouncing.

- Bouncy Coots never stop bouncing.

- And, we'll never be able to sleep with all that bouncing.

It's as bad as Snooge's snoring.

- What can we do, Bill?

- There's only one thing we can do, Corky.

- [Both] Back to Tricky again.

(Tricky groans)


(Tricky shouts)

- Tricky, we need your help again.

- It's Boppy.

- He never stops bouncing.

- And, we'll never be able to sleep.

- Hmm, this is a hard one.

Nobody has ever stopped a Bouncy Coot from bouncing.

- So, what can we do?

- Well, I'm stumped, Bill.

There's no answer to this problem.

- Oh dear, this is terrible.

- Bill, Corky.

- [Bill And Corky] Hello Dandy.

- Well, what's the matter?

It's not like you to be sad.

- We've got a big problem, Dandy.

- A bouncing problem.

- Boppy the Bouncy Coot is in our home.

And, he never stops bouncing.

- (giggles) Is that all?

That's easy to fix.

- Really?

- Come with me and I'll show you.

(lively music)

(tuba tooting)

- What?

That sounds like a Tuba Rose.

I don't like Tuba Roses.

(tuba tooting)

- Dandy, what are you doing?

- Sorry, Boppy, I have to practice my tuba.

(tuba tooting)

- I can't sleep with all that noise.

(tuba tooting)

This is impossible.

I'm going home to my cave.

- Are you sure you won't stay, Boppy?

- With that awful racket?

Sorry, but I'm off.

- [Both] Bye Boppy.

- You're a champion, Dandy.

(Dandy giggles)

- I think we've all learned a lesson today.

- Fairyland things should stay where they belong.

- In Fairyland.

- (chuckles) When you're right, Corky, you're right.

- [Corky] What's our adventure today, Bill?

- [Bill] Our adventure today, Corky is

The Robot Surprise.

What's this at our front door, Corky.

- [Corky] It's big and tall and square.

- [Bill] And, wrapped in pretty paper.

- [Corky] Is it a present, Bill?

- Even better, Corky, it's a surprise present.

- From our friend, Cedric the Scientist.

- Let's take the present inside and open it, Corky.

(Bill and Corky grunting)

- The present won't budge.

It's too heavy, Bill.

We need some help.

- I know someone who can help.

- [Corky] Who, Bill?

- [Bill] A very special troll.

- [Corky] A troll?

Did you invite Tricky the Troll to visit us today?

- I sure did, Corky.

- Hey there, Bill.

Hi, Corky.

- Hello, Tricky.

- You're just the friend we're looking for, Tricky.

We need some help with this surprise present.

- I love surprise presents.

- We have to get it inside, Tricky.

Will you help us?

- Too right.

Let's get pushing.

(all grunting)

This is hopeless.

It's just too heavy.

- We need even more help.

- But, who?

There's no one else around, Bill.

- Hold your horses.

Look who's here.

This could be just the help we need.

- [Corky] Who is it?

- [Bill] I think it's Neighbor Ned.

- [Corky] You're right, Bill, it is Ned.

- Ned, Ned.

- Over here.

- Wow, what have you got there?

- A surprise present.

- I love surprise presents.

- We need your help to push it inside, Ned.

- I'm on my way, Bill.

Right, let's get pushing.

- On the count of three everyone.


- [Corky] Two.

- [Tricky] Three.

(all grunting)

- This is one very heavy surprise present.

(all grunting)

- I wonder what it is.

- Come on, Bill, open it up.

- Are we all ready?

- [All] Ready.

- [Bill] What do you think it is?

- [Corky] It looks like a person.

There are legs and a body and arms too.

- [Bill] But, I don't think it is a person.

- [Tricky] Oh, I know, I know.

- [Ned] So, do I.

- [Corky] What is it?

- [Tricky And Ned] It's a robot!

- I love robots.

- I love robots too.

- But, how does a robot work?

What does it do?

- Good morning, Bill.

Good morning, Corky.

- It's Cedric the Scientist.

- Do you like your robot surprise?

- We sure do.

- This robot will make you a most yummy surprise.

- [Both] Yummy surprise!

- All you have to do is pull down the red lever

and say could I please have a yummy surprise, Robot?

- Let's do it.

- Let's get a yummy surprise.

- [Ned] I'll pull down the red lever.

- No Ned, not yet.

- We haven't heard all of Cedric's message.

- Could I please have a yummy surprise, Robot?

- What's it doing, Bill?

- [Bill] I'm not sure, Corky.

- Yummy surprise.

- [Tricky] Hanky pink, it's a pie.

- [Both] Wow!

- And, this is a yummy surprise.

- Let's get more pies.

- Lots more pies.

- But, we already have one pie.

- We don't need any more.

- First, we pull the red lever.

Uh oh.

- Ned, what have you done?

- I hope it's not broken.

- Let's find out.

Could I please have a yummy surprise, Robot?

- Yummy surprise.

- [Both] It still works.

- Yummy surprise, yummy surprise, yummy surprise,

yummy surprise, yummy surprise.

- How do we stop it, Bill?

- We can't, it's broken.

Yummy surprise, yummy surprise.

- What do we do, Bill?

- We need some thinking time, Corky.

- So many pies.

- Too many pies.

- [Corky] Everybody outside quickly.

- Yummy surprise.

We have to find a way to stop the robot, Bill.

- If only we'd heard all of Cedric's message.

- Wow, have a look at that.

- [Bill] Our home's become a pie factory.

- [Corky] More pies than we can eat in a year.

- We'll help you eat them.

Won't we, Tricky?

- Too right.

- Yummy surprise, yummy surprise.

- We'd better get away, Bill, before we get pies on us too.

- Where can we go?

- [Corky] What about the shed, Bill?

We'll be safe in there.

- [Bill] Great idea, Corky.

Right everyone, off to the shed.

- Pies.

- Yummy pies.

- Yummy surprise, yummy surprise.

- [Corky] Ned!

- [Bill] Tricky!

- [Ned And Tricky] Pies.

- Got them, Corky.

Foo, I think we got away just in time.

- You nearly had pies all over you.

- (sighs) Thanks, Bill.

- Thanks, Corky.

- We don't need a million, billion pies.

- A million pies would be enough.

- Yeah.

- I think one pie is more than enough.

- We still have to work out how to stop that robot, Bill.

- You're right, Corky.

- [Robot] Yummy surprise, yummy surprise.

- How can we stop it, Corky?

- I think we have to see Cedric, fast.

- Right you are, Corky.

He'll know how to stop all this pie making.

How will we get there?

- [Corky] We'll need something quick.

- [Bill] Like what?

- [Corky] Like our scooter.

- Great idea, Corky.

Let's go everybody.

- Yummy surprise, yummy surprise.

- This is all our fault, Ned.

We wanted too many pies.

- [Robot] Yummy surprise, yummy surprise.

- He's catching up fast.

- What can we do?

- Leave it to me.

- [Ned] What's this?

- [Tricky] It looks like a flying machine.

- [Corky] It is a flying machine.

- It's our helicopter.

We'll be safe from pies now.

Up we go.

- Yummy surprise, yummy surprise.

- We can relax now, Corky.

- Yummy surprise.

- [Corky] I'm not so sure about that, Bill.

- But, Corky, there's no way the robot

can follow us up here.

- Look again, Bill.

- [Bill] Strike me lucky.

He can fly.

- [Corky] Full speed, Bill.

- [Bill] Fully speed it is, Corky.

- [Corky] Cedric's laboratory should be

around here somewhere.

- [Bill] There it is.

- [Ned] I see it too.

- [Corky] Take us down, Bill.

- [Bill] Here comes the robot.

- [Robot] Yummy surprise, yummy surprise.

- (pounding) Cedric!

- Cedric, open up.

- Oh no, I don't think he's home.

- I'm sorry for breaking the robot.

- I'm sorry too.

- We don't need pies.

- Just one's enough.

If only we'd never started it.

- Wait a minute.

That's it.

- What's it?

- You started the robot making pies

by saying some special words.

- Ah, could you please give me a yummy surprise, Robot?

- Yummy surprise, yummy surprise.

- So, maybe you have to use special words

to stop the pies.

- But, what words?

- Yummy surprise, yummy surprise.

- Whatever words they are,

we'd better think of them quickly.

- Uh, stop, Robot.

- No more yummy surprises.

- Yummy surprise, yummy surprise.

- Um, no more pies, Robot.

- Yummy surprise, yummy surprise.

- Could you please, um, stop giving us

yummy surprises, Robot?

- Yummy surprise, yummy surprise.

Yummy surprise.

Stop all yummy surprises.

- You did it, Corky.

No more pies.

- [Corky] Someone's coming, Bill.

- [Bill] I know who this will be, Corky.

- Do you think it's Cedric?

Oh dear, I hope he won't be cross about us

breaking his present.

- Well, I never.

What's been happening here?

- We had a little pie problem, Cedric.

- It was my fault, Cedric.

I broke the robot's lever.

- We wanted too many pies.

We made a big mess.

- A big mess, you say.

Hmm, let me have a look.

We'll have that mess cleaned up in no time,

no time at all.

(bird shouting)

You were right, this is a big mess.

- Do you think you'll be able fix things, Cedric?

- Just you watch.

- Clean up yummy surprises.

Clean up yummy surprises.

Clean up yummy surprises.

Clean up yummy surprises.

- That's brilliant, Cedric.

- Thank you so much.

- No trouble, no trouble at all.

- Clean up yummy surprises.

Clean up yummy surprises.

- All those pies will be gone completely.

- [Ned And Tricky] All of them?

- Could we just keep one?

- Just one, please.

- All right, one pie.

- Could you please save us one yummy surprise, Robot.

- Yummy surprise.

- Thank you.

Now, please stop giving us yummy surprises, Robot.

- Stop all yummy surprises.

- [Ned] Oh boy, I can't wait to eat it!

- I can't either.

- And, all our friends will enjoy it too.

- But, that means, we'll only get one slice each.

- A small slice.

- Isn't a small slice enough, or do you want to ask

the robot for more pies?

- More pies?

- [Robot] Clean up yummy surprises.

Clean up yummy surprises.

- Um, maybe one small slice is enough.

- A small slice is plenty, thank you.

- I'm going to enjoy this pie, Bill.

- I'm with you, Corky.

- But, after today, I don't want to see anymore pies

for a long, long time.

- (laughs) Corky, when you're right, you're right.

♫ Bottle Top Bill

♫ And his best friend Corky

♫ See, you again

♫ Good bye

♫ Bottle Top Bill
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