03x11 - Operation T.R.I.C.K.Y./Operation U.N.C.O.O.L.

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Codename: Kids Next Door". Aired: December 6, 2002 – January 21, 2008.*
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Show revolves around a group of five 10-year-old kids (later retconned to be varying ages), using codenames Numbuhs 1 through 5, who are the main home operatives of what is known as Sector V, which is part of a worldwide espionage-style organization called the Kids Next Door.
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03x11 - Operation T.R.I.C.K.Y./Operation U.N.C.O.O.L.

Post by bunniefuu »

Searching for subject to be


Target acquired.

Hey, what are you doing?

Get away from me.


You will be joinified.

No, you can't.

You can't make me.


The others have joined, and

So will you.

Get away from me.


Join us.

[ Screaming ]

[ Laughter ]

That's not funny, guys!

I don't get you, numbuh 4.

- Why don't you come - trick-or-treating with us?

Are you kidding?

Halloween's for stupid babies

Who like dressing up like girly

Butterflies and begging adults

For candy.

[ Growling ]

Uh, that is, unless you're

Into that kind of stuff, I mean.

Well, numbuh 5 thinks you

Don't even know how to


- ]] [ Scoffs ] - yeah, right.

Trick-or-treating would be easy

As one, two, six with me.

Are you sure you're not


No way!

I bet I could get 80 bazillion

Times as much candy as all four

Of you guys combined.

All right, you're on.

I'm on what?

No, captain brainizoid.

Numbuh 2 means we will take your


Whoever gets more candy by the

End of the night wins.



And remember, you get more

Candy if you wear a beautiful


[ Laughter ]

Oh, and don't forget to wear

Your tutu, pretty boy.

It's cold out there.


I am not wearing a costume.

And I am not pretty.

I'm handsome.

[ Indistinct conversations ]

Okay, numbuh 4, here you go.

Just go up there and show those

Adults who's boss.

[ Gasps ]

Oh, look, cheryl, a young

Ruffian at the door.

Oh, dear, maurice.

Whatever shall we do?

- ]] Shall we run to the hills to - avoid this ruffian's formidable


- ]] Oh, no, dear, let's buy him - off with a fantastical treasure.

- ]] Surely, you do not mean our - fantastically yummy scrumptious

Single piece of butterscotch?

Oh, hurry, dear, we can't

Fend off this ruffian much


[ Laughs ]


Trick-or-treating rocks!

♪ Na-na-na-na-na

♪ Got a piece of candy

♪ Na-na-na-na-na


♪ Got a piece of candy

♪ Na-na-na-na-na

♪ Na-na-na-na-na

♪ Gettin' more candy

♪ Na-na-na-na-na

♪ Gonna ring a bell

Come to numbuh 4.

Well, well, well, thank ye,

Me boy.


Give me back my candy!

[ Laughs evilly ]


Give me back my candy!

Give me back... My... Ugh...


[ Grunting ]

[ Gasps ]

Hey, how's it going,

Numbuh 4?

[ Chuckling ]

Just getting started.

Arr, I love halloween.

The whole suburb is ripe with

Kids just aching to be tricked

Out of their candy by

Stickybeard and his band of

Fearsome pirates.

[ Cheering ]

And you get to wear costumes,


Look at me.

I'm dressed like a pirate.

But ye already are a pirate,

Dumb john silver.

Ye can't dress up as a pirate if

Ye already are one.

Oh, but I ordered this


Oh, just shut up and steer

The ship.

[ Laughter ]

So let's see what booty we

Got from the wee, stupid one.


One lousy piece of candy?

That numbuh 4 has got to be the

Worst trick-or-treater ever.

Arr, store it with the rest of

The booty.

[ Grunts ]


Drop anchor there, dumb john.

We'll spring our next trap in

That cul-de-sac.

Apologize first.

You hurt my feelings.

Oh, you're supposed to be an

evil pirate.

So park the ship, already.

Now, let's see what candy comes

Our way next.

Ooh, someone's coming.

What? Where?

Ahh! A ghost!

Everybody run!

Everybody run!

Get ahold of yourself, matey.

It's just a costume, so shut

Your porthole.

Come on, boys.

[ Laughs ]


[ Laughs ]

[ Doorbell rings ]

Why, thank ye.

[ Laughs ]

[ Grunting ]

[ Chuckles ]


Oh, great!

How am I gonna find my bag in

All this candy?

Come on, come on, come on.

It's gotta be here somewhere.

Oh, man.

I'm never gonna win the bet at

This rate.


Catch you later, suckers!

Ha ha, score one for numbuh 4.

Now, all I have to do is get a

Whole, huge bunch of candy

Before the other finish their


Oh, crud.

[ Evil laughter ]

Oh, dear, look at all this

Yummy candy I've got.


I can barely carry it.


Maybe I'll trick-or-treat at

This unsuspicious house next.

[ Laughs ]

Nah, I've already got too

Much candy.

I mean, even a horde of candy

Pirates couldn't finish all this


[ Yelling ]


[ Chuckles ]


[ Crying ]

Uh, ahoy, mate.

The captain-guy says to...

I don't care what the captain


Fine, I'm a pirate.

That doesn't mean I don't have


But with him, it's all about the

Candy and the beard and being a

Big meanie.

Well, I quit.

That's right.

I'm not gonna take it anymore.


[ Mumbling ]

So, what does the new booty

Taste like?

Tastes like a brick.


Brick-or-treat, captain cavity!


Ha ha ha!

[ Together ] yo!

Ha ha ha!

That was easy.

A shipload of candy for me, and

I've won the bet.

- I can't wait to see the looks on - their face.

[ Gasps ]

[ Indistinct shouting ]

[ Together ] ugh!






Okay, okay!

I'll go!

[ Laughing evilly ]


Hah! That's right, run!

Had enough of numbuh 4, have


Well, I was just getting


[ Gasps ] aaaah!

Man, that has to be the best

Halloween ever.

I can't wait to see the

Expression on numbuh 4's face

- When he sees how bad we've beat - him.

[ Laughs ]

[ Laughs ]

We'll, numbuh 5 got some serious

Candy sorting to do tonight.

Sorting? I'm going to eat

Mine all at once.

I hope numbuh 4 didn't do too

Bad with his trick-or-treating.

[ Laughs ] he probably got

Like one measly piece of


- [ Rumbling ] - ]] [ together ] huh?


[ Gasping ]

Hey, guys.

So, who's going to help the

Winner sort his candy?

Hey, numbuh 2, is that


I'll trade you.

Let go!

Head for the spaceship!

I said, "go"!

We're not leaving you behind!

This is not open for



[ Both ] ashley!


Let go of me!

Run, you fools.


You heard the commander.

Let's go!

What about numbuh 78?

It's too late!

I'm going back!

I can't leave numbuh 78!

You heard the boss!

We are leaving now!

[ Gasps ]

[ Gasps ]


Numbuh 34!



[ Gasping ]


You want a piece of this?

Come on, I'll take you all on.

No! No!

Numbuh 34! No-o-o-o-o!

Hah! In response to your

Doggy-doo bomber attack, I'll

Beef up my yipper-spaniel

Squadron with posteriori



Good one, but not good enough

To stop my guise of furry fury

Black cannon.


When did you get yipper

Numbuh 97?

This card's like

Triple-double-ultra rare.

I've got my source.

So, that'll take care of your

Entire squadron, leaving mine...

Hey, you guys, put the dorky

Card game on hold.

We picked up a distress signal.

Let's go, y'all.


No, it's mine!

I tell you, it's mine!

Hey, wait for me!

[ Indistinct shouting ]

And for the record, numbuh 5,

Yipper card squadron is not


It's a strategy-base,

Collectible card game.

Thank you very much.

I didn't know it's a strategy

To be a nerd.

[ Laughs ]

Knock it off, you two.

The distress signal is coming

From that escape ship.

- Numbuh 2, let's check for - survivors.

Roger that.

Anything, numbuh 3?

Here comes mr. Sleepyhead.

Ugh! Oh.

Numbuh 42?

Are you okay?

Hoagie? Hoagie!

- You got to take me back to - sector "x"!

Whoa, slow down.

First, tell us what happened.

There were kathousands of


And numbuh 78 is still there!

You left numbuh 78 behind?!

Uh, sorry, hoagie.

[ Crying ] there was nothing I

Could do.

Get him to med lab.

Then, buckle up.

We're going on a rescue mission.

I know this mission is

Important to you numbuh 2, but

Maybe we should call for backup.

Call for backup if you want.

I'm going for numbuh 78.


Well, mr. Patient guy, aren't

You a sight to see.

It's a good thing here to help.

Just a stitch more here.

And there. Ugh.

♪ Ta-da

Actually, you could still use

Some more blush.

Hold on, I'll get more.


♪ La-la-la la-la la

Where am i?

I... I'm back in sector "x"!

Maybe there's still time to save

Numbuh 78.

[ Panting ]

Good news.

I found some rainbow monkey-red

Lip gloss that'll... Hey!

Don't tell me he went out

Without applying his eye liner.


Aaaah! Nerd stopping!

There's a whole sci-fi

Convention's worth of them!

[ Indistinct shouting ]

Together: [ growling ]



Keep moving!

I'll hold them off.

Maybe a little salsa will heat

Things up for these nerds.


Uh-oh, I better switch to


Come and get it...

Come on, I've got plenty for



[ Gasps ] get off of me!

Get your dirty hands off of me!

Oh, help me!

Somebody, help me!



Numbuh 1!

We got to do something.

Toast them.

Ha ha! Take that!

Ha ha ha ha!

I got something for you, you

Cruddy poindexters!

Oh, yes, that's right.

Gave me a kid-nerd blast that

Eats chewy pellets.

And guess who just ran

Out of chewy pellets.

[ Laughs evilly ]

Yeah! Oh, you want...

Numbuh 4, look out!


They're pulling the protectors

Off of me!

You buggers!

We've got to save him.

Forget it!

He's in the a.v. Club now... A

Club I'm not about to join.

- [ Gasps ] - ]] [ gasps ]

- ]] Eat sardines, you honor - students!

We're running out of room


Any ideas?

No, it looks like we're going

Down then.

Good idea.

Both: aaaaah!

- ]] Come on, what are you sitting - around for?

We got to find numbuh 78.

Both: [ gasps ]

Don't sh**t, hoagie!

It's me!

Numbuh 42?

What's with the makeover?

And where's numbuh 78?

Numbuh 78's okay.

Just follow me.


She's beautiful.

Yeah, yeah.

So, grab your girlfriend, and

Let's go rescue the others.


Yeah, get numbuh 78, and

Let's go before the nerds

Find us.

Who? My commander?

We didn't come to rescue that

Numbuh 78.

Yeah, we came for this

Numbuh 78.

Meet the... Numbuh 42 is my

Yipper card supplier.

If you need a rare card, he'll

Find it.

Numbuh 78 is one of your

Stupid trading cards?!

Excuse me?

This card adds plus-8 to your

Entire squadron.

I'm about to add plus-8 to my

Foot and kick both your butts!

Now, I don't know about you and

Makeup boy, but numbuh 5 is

Getting out of this

"Night of the living uncool."

I'll trade you my

Pedigree-puppy power plane

For it.

Ooh, deal.

All right, numbuh 5, now we

Can get out of here.

Numbuh 5?

Together: [ growling ]

Both: whoa!

[ Panting ]


[ Gasping ]

[ Whimpering ]

Numbuh 1 was right.

We should have called for backup

Before we came here.

Man, that card has been

Nothing but trouble.

- I should have never stole it in - the first place.

You stole numbuh 78?

Well, yeah, you said you had

To have it.

Well, I didn't mean steal it.

Don't you know what happens to

Nerds when you steal their


[ Growling stops ]

[ Roaring ]


I, uh, think this is, um,


[ Grunts ]

[ Sniffing ]

[ Electricity crackles ]


Gee, thanks.

It's about time I got this back.

You know, it wasn't very nice of

You to take my yipper numbuh 78.


It's a serious breach.


If you really wanted it, I'm

Sure we could have worked out a

Trade or something.

Now we have a vital ingredient

To complete our ultimate master

Lord of the yipper vat!


[ Together ] excelsior!

[ Laughter ]

Hey, what about my friends?

Oh, they're back at our

Clubhouse, being forced to watch

Reruns of "dr. Time-space and

The continuum."

The black hole's power has

Created an alternate universe

Where everyone is purple and

Fridays are opposite days.

[ Crying ] turn it off!

Please, please turn it off!

In the name of all that's pure,

Turn it off!

That's terrible.

You got to let them go!


Unless, of course, you have

Something to trade.

Both: uh...

How about yipper numbuh 99?


That is extra impossibly rare.

Where did you get that?

[ Howls ]

[ Snarls ]

You did it.

♪ Kids next door

♪ Kids next door

[ Electric guitar solo ]

♪ Kids next door

♪ Kids next door

♪ Kids next door

[ Electric guitar solo ]

♪ Kids next door

♪ Kids next door
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