01x01 - The Gink

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Wubbulous World of Dr. Seuss". Aired: October 13, 1996 – May 15, 1998.*
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Combines live puppets with digitally animated backgrounds, and in its first season, refashioning characters and themes from the original Dr. Seuss books into new stories that often retained much of the flavor of Dr. Seuss' own works.
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01x01 - The Gink

Post by bunniefuu »

♪♪ ♪ Skiddly ahh bop bow

get upple on a wubble

buzz into a bubble

wubble on the double

and take your face

to a wubbulous place

scuttle on a shuttle

waddle in a puddle ♪

♪♪ ow!

♪♪ ♪ Through the middle

of a muddle

and dance your feet down

to wubbulous street

flip, float, flop, and drop

bottoms up down to the top

insides, outsides

here and on

when you get to the end

when you get to the end you go on and on ♪

you go on and on ♪

♪♪ ooh!

♪♪ Yeah!

♪♪ Ha ha ha ha ha!

♪♪ Ew!

♪♪ ♪ Scuttle on a shuttle

waddle in a puddle

through the middle

of a muddle

and dance your feet down

to wubbulous street ♪

♪♪ hello.

♪♪ ♪ Get upple on a wubble

buzz into a bubble ♪

♪♪ yeah!

♪♪ Tighten up, get loose.

♪♪ ♪ In the wubbulous world

in the wubbulous world

of dr. Seuss ♪

♪♪ yeah.

♪♪ ha-ha, easy, easy, stay.

Stay... Stay! Good!

Hey! So nice of you to come.

Listen, i, uh...

I can't talk long.

You see, it's time for me

to walk my-- ah!

Okay, okay!

We're going, we're going.

Now, as I was saying.

It's important to remember

to always walk your--whoa!


Or it may just walk you!

Next stop, pet shop!

Thought I'd drop by. Stay!

Good! Yes, may I help you?

♪♪ Uh. Why, yes! We are the

dorfmans of snoozeberry lane.

♪♪ And this is eliza

♪♪ eliza jane.

♪♪ We promised our daughter we'd

get her a pet.

♪♪ Well, then a pet you will

get! Right this way!

♪♪ Oh boy! I want something


♪♪ Here's a doormouse that

actually opens your door.

♪♪ Nah!

♪♪ And a sockshound that picks

up the socks from your floor.


♪♪ good boy!

♪♪ Nah.

♪♪ Nah.

♪♪ Every kid has a dog or a

mouse or a cat.

I want something better.

♪♪ Yeah, but...

♪♪ Something like that.

♪♪ The gink?!

♪♪ The gink?!

♪♪ What's a gink?

♪♪ Well, it's a cross between

a gunk and a skink.

But listen, listen,

you don't want a gink.

♪♪ Well, i, um...

♪♪ ♪ How 'bout an airdale

that flies through the air!

Or this irish setter,

she loves to set hair!

Our poodle can doodle

with oodles of ink,

but whatever you do,

don't get a gink! ♪

♪♪ ♪ Yes, whatever you do

♪♪ ♪ don't get a gink!

♪♪ ♪ I don't want an airdale

♪♪ yeah, but they're on sale.

♪♪ ♪ I don't want a setter

♪♪ okay, then forget her.

♪♪ I don't want a poodle.

♪♪ Well, poodles are a--

♪♪ I want something...better.

♪♪ Hmm. Come on, right this way!

♪ Our bullfrog will ribbet

while shouting ole! ♪

♪♪ Ole!

♪♪ ♪ And here's a bald eagle

who wears a toupee!

I don't mean to rush you,

if you need to think

but whatever you do,

don't get a gink! ♪

♪♪ ♪ Si, whatever you do

♪♪ ♪ don't get a gink

♪♪ ♪ I don't want a bullfrog,

though it's fun to pet her,

I don't want a eagle,

I want something better! ♪

♪♪ ♪ This iguana from xanadu

does what you wanna do,

this pleasing weasel

is certain to pleasel you ♪

♪♪ ehh...

♪♪ ♪ And if you prefer mink,

our mink's in the pink,

but whatever you do,

don't get a gink ♪

♪♪ ♪ yes, whatever you do,

don't get a gink! ♪

♪♪ ♪ Our snake in the grass

will mow your lawn for you,

and smooch-smooch the pooch

will simply adore you,

it's time to decide,

so if you're on the brink

whatever you do ♪

♪♪ ♪ oh, whatever you do

♪♪ ♪ please, whatever you do

♪♪ ♪ don't get a gink!

Well, dear what's it going

to be?

♪♪ I'll take the gink!

♪♪ The gink!

♪♪ Absolutely not!

♪♪ Oh please, please, please.

You promised I could get

any pet I want.

♪♪ All right...

♪♪ But take care of your gink.

♪♪ Oh, I will! I will! I will!

I will!

♪♪ So, here's your gink

and with him you get a gink

video and a -volume set.

Plus a full service contract

and a gink guarantee

that your gink will be just

what a gink oughta be.

♪♪ Ooh!

♪♪ Wait'll my friends see him!

♪♪ That's incredible!

♪♪ It's amazing!

♪♪ Ooh!

♪♪ What did you say it was?

♪♪ A gink.

♪♪ A gink!

♪♪ Mm-hmm.

♪♪ Ooh.

♪♪ Well, what's it do?

♪♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah.

♪♪ Well, um...

♪♪ Gooblat! Gooblat!

♪♪ What's wrong with the gink?!

♪♪ I don't know!

♪♪ Why's he going gooblat?

♪♪ Yeah! Why would a gink start

gooblating like that?!

♪♪ I'm not sure.

Uh, let's, um...

Check the videotape.

♪♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah. Videotape.

♪♪ Let's see.

♪♪ "Exploring the gink"--

with your host and foremost

gink authority--

horton the elephant!

That's you!

♪♪ Hmm? Oh, that's me!

Ha-ha. Here you see ginks

in their gink habitat.

Enjoying the day while going


♪♪ Gooblat!

♪♪ [Giggling] you see, when

they're hungry. They gooblat.

♪♪ Gooblat!

♪♪ Like that.

♪♪ Gooblat! Gooblat!

♪♪ See? He's just hungry.

♪♪ What does a gink eat?

♪♪ Uh...

♪♪ Gooblat!

♪♪ Gooblat!

♪♪ Ginks eat fresh gloopa fruit

from gloopa trees.

You'll find on the mountain tops

north of south geeze.

Here you go.

They're hungry.

♪♪ Gooblat!

♪♪ Ginks are inclined to recline

when they dine,

which is bad for digestion

but good for the spine.

And they listen to snoo-harps

the snootybird plays.

And she'll play for the day

if you're willing to pay.

♪♪ Gooblat! Gooblat! Gooblat!

♪♪ Run! Run!

♪♪ Ah, keep an eye on him,

will you? I need to find some

gloopa fruit fast! The gink is


♪♪ Hi!

♪♪ Oh, oh! Hey! Where can

I get some gloopa fruit?

♪♪ Well, with the gink service

you get fruit galore,

delivered fresh daily

right to your door!

Here they come.

♪♪ Yum-a-yum-yum.







♪♪ Ah, yes! Here's some floopa

fruit, juicy and sweet.


♪♪ noopa!

♪♪ Or some ripe noopa fruit

all you can eat!

♪♪ [Chanting]

♪♪ boopa!

♪♪ Yes, we've got floopa and

zoopa and um...

♪♪ Boop-boop-be-doopa!

♪♪ That's the one.

♪♪ Boop-boop-be-doopa?

♪♪ Uh-huh!

♪♪ Oh! But my gink is

gooblating! He doesn't want

floopa! He doesn't want noopa!

He doesn't want vlooopa!

Or boop-boop-ba-doopa!

He just wants his gloopa!

♪♪ Gloopa?

Why didn't you say so?

♪♪ Gloopa!

♪♪ Yes! Feed your gink

gloopa fruit times a day--

once in between meals

and after you play.

♪♪ Thank you!

♪♪ You're welcome. Oh!

And once before breakfast

and twice before lunch.

On sundays he'll want to have

sausage for brunch.

♪♪ Hooray!

♪♪ Ha-ha! Bon appetit!

♪♪ Gooblat.

♪♪ Open the hangar.

Here comes the plane.

♪♪ [Burp]

♪♪ hey! You stopped gooblating!

♪♪ Ooh! Flubink! Flubink!

Flubink! Flubink!

♪♪ Now, he's going--

♪♪ flubink!

♪♪ And he's bouncing around

and splotching pink ink!

♪♪ Flubink! Flubink! Flubink!

Flubink! Flubink! Flubink!

♪♪ Ah, it says here.

It says here.

"If your gink starts up bouncing

and splotching pink ink--"

♪♪ "and making a sound like--"

♪♪ flubink!

♪♪ "Walk your gink now!"

♪♪ Ah.

♪♪ Flubink!

♪♪ Uh, right.

♪♪ [Muttering]

♪♪ ahh!

♪♪ Ah! Hold the vase!

♪♪ Whoa!

[Vase shatters]

♪♪ ah!

♪♪ Yes, curb yourselves, and

don't get any hair on my tunic!

♪♪ Excuse me, mr. Park ranger.

Slow down, slow down! No!

♪♪ Flubink! Flubink!

♪♪ I'm really sorry!

♪♪ Look what you did--

♪♪ gooonuck! Gooonuck!

♪♪ I'm the park ranger ronald q.

Clark. Please get that gink

out of the park.

♪♪ I'm trying!

♪♪ Gooonuck! Gooonuck!

♪♪ Your gink is disturbing the

peace much too much.

With his goonuck goonuck

goonucking and such.

♪♪ Goonuck!

♪♪ He's going goonuck, sir,

because he is stuck, sir.

You wouldn't mind,

you know, sir?

♪♪ Oh, yeah, yeah, you want

help. Sorry.

♪♪ Yeah. Just pull a little

right here.

♪♪ Ready!

One, two, and three!

♪♪ Goonuck! Goonuck!

♪♪ Ahh.

♪♪ Is he always this sticky?

♪♪ Aah!

♪♪ Ugh! Unh!

Ginks have a habit

of sticking like glue. Ugh...

To trees and to rocks and to me

and to you. Ugh!

This keeps them from blowing

away in the breeze

'cause the breeze. Ugh.

Is quite strong. Ugh.

In the hills of south geeze.


♪♪ [Screaming]

♪♪ so if your gink is all gunky

and starting to stick,

no need to panic,

here's a neat trick.

Just scrub him and bathe him

with soap and with bubbles,

and you'll soon wash away

your sticky gink troubles.

♪♪ ♪ La-dee-da! Blatt, blatt,

blatt, blatt ♪

♪♪ oh, gink! Will you hold

still! Gink! How am I supposed

to get the gunk off you?

♪♪ Hey, no need to be nervous.

You've got the gink service.

Which includes one free bath

and a scrub.

♪♪ A dub dub!

♪♪ Ha-ha!

♪♪ Ooh!

♪♪ Scrub-a-dub-dub!








♪♪ Hey! Watch it!


♪♪ Ohh!

♪♪ Voila! The gink is clean!

♪♪ Pee-yoo! What's that smell?

♪♪ What smell?

♪♪ Ahh, the gink stinks!

♪♪ Yes! That's how you know

he's clean! Pee-yoo!

♪♪ Eliza, do something!

♪♪ Yes, do something quick!

♪♪ That stinky gink stink

is making us sick.

♪♪ Ooh!

♪♪ Eww!

♪♪ But what can I do?

It's making me sick too.

♪♪ Zooblink! Zooblink!


♪♪ Ohh...

♪♪ [Wheezing]

if your gink really stinks

and starts to zooblink,

that means it's time

for squinking your gink.

Yes, to destink a gink

you must give him a squink.

And a squank and a squonk.

♪♪ [Zooblinking]

♪♪ zooblink! Zooblank! Zooblonk!

♪♪ Your gink is zooblinking,

zooblanking, zooblonking

♪♪ yes! He needs his gink

squinking and squanking

and squonking.

♪♪ But how--how am I supposed

to squink him and squank him and

squonk him?

♪♪ With a squinker-squank-


♪♪ A squink-squank-squonker?

♪♪ Squink! Squank! Squonk!

♪♪ Squink! Squank! Squonk! Squink! Squank! Squonk...

Squink! Squank! Squonk...

♪♪ When you've got a gink

there is no time for fun,

'cause when the work's over

there is more to be done.

There is more to be done. ♪♪ Zooblink! Zooblonk! Zooblank!

♪♪ Zooblink! Zooblonk! Zooblank!

♪♪ Eliza! It's time to play


♪♪ Oh, um, ah.

But my gink is zooblinking,

zooblanking, zooblonking!

He--he needs his gink

squinking and squanking

and squonking with his


♪♪ Zooblink, zooblank.

♪♪ Eliza! It's time for the


♪♪ I'm squonking and squinking

and squanking and squonking!

Whoa! Grr!

Squonk! Squink!

Squank! Squonk!

♪♪ Eliza! It's time to go


♪♪ Snorkeling? Ugh!

Ooh! I'm tired of squinking

and squonking and squanking.

I'm tired of all this



♪♪ Zoooblank!

♪♪ Huh! I don't care for you,

gink! No, I don't anymore.

I'm taking you back--

I'm taking you back-- back to the store!

Back to the store!

Back to the store! ♪♪ Sneeblatt!

♪♪ Sneeblatt!

♪♪ Please heed this warning.

When your gink sticks to you,

if you're not careful,

if you're not careful, you'll stick to him, too.

You'll stick to him, too.

And soon you will find

you are never apart.

'Cause you've got a gink

'cause you've got a gink stuck to your heart.

Stuck to your heart.

♪♪ Come on! Come on boy!

This way! No, no, not that way.

You want to go that way?

Fine then. We'll go that way!

Fine then. We'll go that way! Or this way!

Or this way!

♪♪ ♪ I'm stuck on you,

oh, yes, I'm stuck on you,

could it be more than goo

that makes me stick to you?

Could it be your blatt, blatt,

blatt? ♪

♪♪ Blatt!

♪♪ ♪ Or your sweet goonuck

♪♪ goonuck!

♪♪ ♪ Could it be your blooga

bloo, that makes me oh so stuck

on you! ♪

♪♪ Blooga bloo!

♪♪ ♪ I'm stuck on you,

oh, yes, I'm stuck on you!

And could it be

you're stuck on me, too?

So if you're zooblinking,

and need a squinking,

I'll be there for you ♪

♪♪ zooblink!

♪♪ ♪ And if you zooblonk,

and want a squonk,

well, I'm the one

to squonk you, too ♪

♪♪ zooblonk!

♪♪ ♪ 'Cause I'm stuck on you

♪♪ ♪ goobloo

♪♪ ♪ oh, yes, I'm stuck on you

♪♪ ♪ bloogoo

♪♪ ♪ and could it be

♪♪ ♪ and could it be you're stuck on me, too? ♪

You're stuck on me, too? ♪

♪♪ Come on, gink, the concert's

about to start.

♪♪ Yanooky!

♪♪ The gink!

♪♪ You brought the gink with


♪♪ You brought the gink here?

♪♪ Well, yeah, he likes music.

He has a good ear. Come on.

♪♪ Hey! Hey! I can't see a

thing! Did you hear what I said?

I can't see at all

with that hat on his head.

♪♪ Well, I know what you mean.

I heard what you said.

But that hat's not a hat.

That hat is his head!

♪♪ Do you have to sit here?

♪♪ Can't you move over there?

♪♪ Uh...uh...

Sorry, too late!

He's stuck to his chair!

♪♪ But.

♪♪ Shh.

♪♪ ...is "concerto for trio of

snoo harp, in 'a'."

Snoo harp, in 'a'." ♪♪ Flat.

♪♪ Flat.

♪♪ ♪ Sneebla, sneebla, snoo

♪♪ shh!

♪♪ Sorry.

♪♪ I can't hear a thing.

♪♪ Hey, what can I do?

My gink likes to sing.

♪♪ Blooba! Blooba!

♪♪ Everybody!

♪ Sneebla! Sneebla! Snoo,

sneebla! Sneebla! Snoo ♪

sneebla! Sneebla! Snoo ♪ ♪♪ good!

♪♪ Good!

♪♪ [Moaning]

♪♪ come on, gink!

Let's go stick to the trees!

♪♪ Gool.

♪♪ What's wrong with you, gink?

Hey! You've lost all your stink.

You've lost all your stick!

Gink, are you sick?

♪♪ Don't worry! No fear!

You've got the gink service.

And lucky for you

it includes doctors

not one doc, but two!

♪♪ ♪ Da-na-da-da-da-da!

♪♪ I'm mr. Knox.

♪♪ I'm mr. Knox.

♪♪ You're fox in socks.

♪♪ You're fox in socks.

♪♪ ♪ And we are the doctors

today! ♪

♪♪ Sorry. Sorry.

♪♪ Hmm...hmm.

♪♪ What's wrong with my gink?

♪♪ It's hard to tell.

♪♪ Your gink has two hearts.

♪♪ And they're both beating


♪♪ Yes! One ticks and one tocks

and one tocks and one ticks.

One tick tock tock ticks

while the other tick tocks!

♪♪ So what's up docs?

♪♪ Well, it's clear that the

gink is truly distressed

♪♪ yes! This gink isn't sick

♪♪ he's merely depressed!

♪♪ Oh!

♪♪ How sad!

♪♪ What makes a gink happy

is being at home,

swinging from nubble vines

and sleeping on foam.

♪♪ Yanooky!

♪♪ And a nice game of

tiddlyginks with mother and dad.

♪♪ Yanooky!

♪♪ Whoa!

♪♪ Ugh!

♪♪ Whew! Whew!

♪♪ Oh, poor gink.

You're homesick!

♪♪ Gool.

♪♪ Don't worry, gink!

You'll soon feel at home.

Mom! We need to

re-decorate the house.

♪♪ Yanooky! Yanooky!

Yanooky! Yanooky!

♪♪ Here I come, dad! Yanooky!

♪♪ Ready! Ooh!

♪♪ Your turn, gink! Your turn!


♪♪ Gool.

♪♪ It'll make you feel better.

Oh! Why won't he play?

♪♪ We aren't real ginks.

♪♪ We are dorfmans by name.

♪♪ And we think your gink thinks

it's just not the same.

♪♪ Gool.

♪♪ Perhaps we should take the

gink back to the store.

♪♪ No! No! Don't take him back!

No! Not to the store!

I'll do anything! Please!

I can do more!

♪♪ But dear...

♪♪ I'll make you happy.


I'll be more like you.

I'll, I'll gooblat and goonuck

and goobloo till I'm blue!

Gooblat! Goonuck! Gooboo!

Gooblat! Goonuck! Gooboo!

Goonuck! Goobloo! Goobloo!

Goobloo! Goobloo!

♪♪ [Sobbing]


♪♪ But no matter what, it...

It still won't be home?

♪♪ Gool.

♪♪ Oh...

Oh, I wish I could keep you.

But keeping you's wrong.

So I'm taking you back,

so I'm taking you back, back to where you belong.

Back to where you belong.

♪♪ ♪ I'm stuck on you,

oh, yes, I'm stuck on you ♪

♪♪ gool.

♪♪ ♪ Could it be

your blooga bloo

that makes me

oh so stuck on you? ♪

♪♪ Blooga bloo

♪♪ ♪ I'm stuck on you,

oh, yes, I'm stuck on you ♪

♪♪ gabloo.

♪♪ ♪ And could it be

you're stuck on me, too? ♪

You're stuck on me, too? ♪ ♪♪ Bloogoo!

♪♪ Bloogoo!

[Breathing heavily]

♪♪ well, you're home, gink!

You're here!

Go stick to your mother.

Go stick to your dad.

Go stick to each other.


Oh, no, no, no, no...

I--i--i'm not a gink.

My name's 'liza jane,

and my home is at home

on snoozeberry lane.

♪♪ Gool.

♪♪ But--but--i'll--i'll

write to you often

and visit you soon.

♪♪ Visiting hours are from

: to noon. But on thursdays

we're open the whole afternoon!


♪♪ Bye-bye, gink.

♪♪ Blagoo.

♪♪ [Laughing]

♪♪ yanooky!


♪♪ Blagoo.

♪♪ Oh! Oh!

♪♪ Oh! Oh! What a happy family! He-he-he!

What a happy family! He-he-he!

♪♪ I miss my gink.

♪♪ Ugh! Unh!

This pet needs a home

does this home need a pet?

♪♪ Huh?

♪♪ Oh, my!

♪♪ Here we are.

♪♪ A kitten! Ohh!

♪♪ I'm sure a kitten won't be

too much trouble.

♪♪ Ohh!

♪♪ And she comes with full

service and my guarantee.

That this kitten will be

what a kitten should be.

♪♪ Aww, what a cute kitty.

You hungry, kitty?

You hungry, kitty? ♪♪ Gooblat!

♪♪ Gooblat!

[Gink singing "stuck on you"]

♪♪ yeah. Oh, it's nice

I'm not--ha! Ha! Ha!


see, you've got it wrong--

when all's said and done--


this is really quite fun!


[laughing] I'm not ticklish!

I'm not ticklish!
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