05x112 - The Tightrope of Love!

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Hamtaro". Aired: July 7, 2000.*
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Series involves the adventure of a brave and childlike hamster named Hamtaro, with his Ham-Ham friends.
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05x112 - The Tightrope of Love!

Post by bunniefuu »

Lovely Tightrope Walking!

Got it? I will let you go.


One, two, three!

That hurts.

Are you okay, Laura?

Yeah, I'm fine.

Why can't I ride it as well as you can?

No way. I can only make it to meters.

Even making meters is enough for the summer festival.

Don't be blue! Let's do our best tomorrow!


I'm back!

The circus?

Yeah, I thought you could go watch it with Kana tomorrow.

Isn't it good timing?

You two have been practicing riding the unicycle a lot! It suits you!


Make sure to have fun, Laura!

Yeah, thanks, Dad!

Papa presented Laura and Kana with circus tickets because he knew they were practicing! How sharp of him!

But what is a circus? Can you eat it?


It's a real lion!

A circus is not something you can eat! What a surprise!

Penelope's so excited!

But those guys can really do awesome stuff!


Something new is coming out!

NOTE: I didn't get this one, sorry; but he related "shippoi" with "omoshiroi" (fun/enjoyable).

This is the best joke!

That man is funny!

He's called a pierrot!

NOTE: A pierrot is a stereotypical fictional character in pantomime.

He is the star of the circus!

The circus is the best!

It's so exciting, and thriving, and funny that it made me hungry!

NOTE: Oxnard used a lot of funny words there. :P

What are you saying? You're always hungry!

No way.

Jingle! Herbert!

Eh? You missed it?

You weren't in the circus tent?

Herbert really wanted to enjoy the circus.

But right now his heart's canvas is blue like the sky.

Herbert really looks down.

How troublesome.

Emotions are like the circus.

Joy, laughing, tears, and also excitement.

Just like us...

Let's move, Herbert.

I feel sorry for Herbert.

There must be a way to make him feel better.

But... what can we do?

It's difficult, indeed.

Could there be any good plan?

Eh? You said we should make our own circus?


I see! We can show Herbert our circus!

That will make Herbert feel better, for sure!


That's amazing, Penelope - what a nice idea!

Okay, the Ham-Hams' big circus has started!


Isn't this overdoing it a little?

It's all right!

You look like real pierrots!

Having my face all painted is a disgusting feeling.

Come on, jump, Howdy!

More and more!

This should do!

The preparations are finished, Penelope!

I am totally against Penelope's doing tightrope walking.

Penelope wants to do it, no matter what!

She wants to make Herbert happy her own way!

I understand. But please be careful, Penelope.

That tightrope walking was really exciting!

The dancers and the pierrot's being silly was too! It was really funny!

Now that you mention it, the pierrot was really good at the unicycle.

It's nothing!

Today's not a day to worry about the unicycle!

When we're finished eating, do you want to go to the school?

You're worried, right? About the unicycle...


Let's practice, Laura! If you put forth enough effort, you'll be like the pierrot!


Un, deux, trois!

Un, deux, trois!

Un, deux, trois!

Un, deux...

That was close.

Okay, Penelope, do your best!

Hang on tightly, Penelope, okay?

Slowly... slowly...

Keep going like that, Penelope! You're halfway there!

Be careful!

Penelope, keep your balance!


I was frightened!

Are you all right, Penelope?

Hey... wouldn't it be better if you quit the tightrope walking, Penelope?


Don't worry, Pashmina! If it's Penelope, she can do it!

I-I get it.

Well then, Penelope! Let's do our best for Herbert!

Episode dedicated to Commando

Un, deux, trois...

Un, deux...

More quickly! More spirit!

Yeah, like that, slowly, slowly!

You're doing well, Penelope!

She fell again.

I can't do it any more. I need a rest.

Hey, get back to it! Hang in there!

I can't anymore...

Please, let's stop.

I can't really be a pierrot.

Boss... Oxnard...

I can't do any more. I'm at my limit!

Everyone, hang in there! We must show Herbert our circus!

Come on, let's resume the training!

I don't want to!

I'm out!


I am too. I will take my leave.

That's right, I'm finished too.

Hey, everyone, let's go!

Ah... no, we... umm...

I'm sorry, Hamtaro.

If there's no beast to tame, there's no reason for me to stay.


And with this...

...the Ham-Hams' big circus is finished.

Penelope, don't be sad!

You're right. This way, we won't be able to cheer up Herbert.

What shall we do?

I guess we can only give up.

We can't give up! We need everyone's cooperation!

For Herbert's sake, we'll perform a circus!

I'll let you go, Laura.


One, two, three!

You're doing well! Keep going!

It hurts.

Laura, are you all right?

I'm fine!

I just had to last a little longer.

Okay, one more time!

Well then, what should we play?

First of all, let's have lunch! I'm really hungry!

Yeah, that's a good idea, after all the hard training.


Please wait!


Are you still going on with that?

I beg you, come back!

Help us show a circus to Herbert to make him happy!

I do want to help Herbert, but...

It is impossible for us to play in a circus!

Yeah! No matter how much we try, it doesn't go well.

Being a pierrot is really hard.

That's right! Even more importantly, it doesn't suit me to be such an uncool pierrot.


It hurts.


I'm fine! Come on, once more!

Laura's doing her best today too!

Doing her best for what?

She's been practicing the unicycle every day!

Every day?

That's right!

I want to be like the circus's pierrot!

I want to ride faster on this unicycle.

Don't worry! I'm sure you'll be able to ride it!

Yeah, I'll do my best!

Okay, I'll let you go.


One, two, three!


I'm fine! Come on, once again!

Once again!

Do your best, Laura!

Once... once again...

I won't give up. If I do my best, I'll do it!

Okay, I'm going once again!

Laura is giving it her all!

But she's having a hard time.


Boss! Wait!

What's up all of a sudden?

I'm going back.

Going back to where?

Isn't it obvious? The Ham-Hams' big circus!

No way! Didn't you say that being a pierrot was not suited to you?

Lay off! I can be a pierrot if I want to!


Let's go, Hamtaro; the show must go on.


Hey, wait!

The summer breeze might cool with the water.

But... there are no tears that can clean the sorrow of the heart.



Bijou and Pashmina?

Please come with us!

Come on, hurry up!

Jingle, Herbert, welcome to the Ham-Hams' big circus!

Ham-Hams' big circus?

We hope you enjoy to the depths of your heart!

Come on, everyone!

It's show time!

This is... splendid!

I see...

Let's dance!


Jump! Faster!

Beautiful! It's like a big jump of destiny!

Next is Penelope's and Hamtaro's tightrope walking!

We're going!

Do your best!

Carefully, carefully...

Well done, Hamujiro!

It is finally Penelope's turn.

I wonder if she can do it?

She has not been able to work it out even once during practice, right?

It's all right. She can do it!

Do your best, Penelope.

Well done, Penelope! Continue like that!

Be careful!

Just a little more, Penelope!




What could be wrong?

She must be so scared that she can't move.

Do your best, Penelope! Herbert will feel better after watching your tightrope walk!

Just a bit more!

You did it!


Thank goodness! Herbert feels better again!

Yeah, it's all thanks to Penelope!

Let's go, Laura.


One, two, three!

I must do my best, I must do my best.

Keep going, Laura!

I'm riding it! I'm riding it!


I did it!

Laura! Congratulations on clearing meters!

Thank you, Kana!

You did well, Laura!


Today I went to the circus with Kana!

And after that, we both practiced riding the unicycle!

I worked hard, and I hope that someday I will be able to ride it like the pierrot does!

The Ham-Hams' big circus was a success too!

Herbert was so happy!

Today was really fun, but tomorrow will be even better, right, Hamtaro?


I'm Hamtaro!

And I'm Laura!

Heke! Today we saw idols Glitter and Sparkle after a long time!

But they said that even though it's summer break, they have too much work to play.

I feel badly for them.

Kushi-kushi... Okay, leave that to us, the Ham-Hams!

Next time! Vacance, Sparkle!

See you next time!
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