06x132 - Maria's Memorable Book

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Hamtaro". Aired: July 7, 2000.*
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Series involves the adventure of a brave and childlike hamster named Hamtaro, with his Ham-Ham friends.
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06x132 - Maria's Memorable Book

Post by bunniefuu »

We're going to find her!

Next time!

Bijou's memorable picture book!

See you next time!

Bijou's memorable picture book!

Look, Hamtaro!

It's snowing! Isn't it beautiful?

Yeah, it's really beautiful!

Hey Hamtaro, do you know? Today we're going to Maria's mansion to play!

To Maria's? Then I'll see Bijou!

It's such a beautiful ballad.

It's a beautiful sound.

It's making me sleepy.

Hearing Maria's piano during this beautiful snowfall makes it even better, right?


What's wrong, Maria?


I just remembered something.


What happened?

A snowy day like today... made me remember...

Grandma Satomi's gentle face.

Grandma Satomi?


Grandma Satomi was my babysitter.

When I was a kid, she was always by my side.

Mama and Papa used to go to Paris in winter, so I could only have fun with Grandma Satomi to not feel lonely.

Grandma was really gentle.

By that time she was my only grandma.

I wonder if I'm doing well with the piano?

You're improving a lot!

I want to play more.

Then take this present!

Here, for you!

A picture book!

This is the picture book you made?

Yes! I wrote it just for you!

Ah, it's so cute!

That city reminds me of when I was a child.

Hey, hey, let's read it!

Okay, good idea!

In this town lived a young and cute girl named Maria.

Maria really liked the piano, but she had to practice a lot more!

So she was kind of sad.

Nice to meet you!

Who are you?

I'm the fairy of the snow!

Come on, let's play the piano together!

Thanks to the help of the fairy hamster, Maria was able to improve a lot with her piano lessons!

And then...


Maria performed a snow concert!

Cool, it's an incredible story!

And what was this fairy hamster's name?

The name...

I guess...

What about Bijou?


NOTE: She says "Ribbon-chan", her Japanese name, I'm just translating it as Bijou.

That's a cute and beautiful name!

If I ever get a hamster, I'm going to call her Bijou!

It's a promise!

Thanks... then it's a promise!

But when Spring arrived, I had to go with Mama and Papa to Paris to attend classes.

I would always remember Grandma.

I won't forget about you, Maria, ever!


So that's it.

So that's why Maria give Bijou her name.

Wasn't Grandma Satomi happy when you returned to Japan?

That's... I don't know where she lives anymore.

No matter how many letters I send... they all return.

I want to be with her.

I really want to.


I didn't know... that Maria had memories this valuable.

Maria really wants to see her grandma.

Hey, is there any way we can go and search for Grandma Satomi?

That's right, we can find her!


Okay, let's do it!

Thanks, everyone!

We'll borrow the letter and the picture book, then.

I'm sorry, Maria!

We will make sure to return it!

A picture book?

And a letter.

So you want to deliver these two things to that Grandma Satomi's place, right?

That's right! That's why we would be pleased to have everyone's help!

That's kind of difficult.

That's right...

just with a letter.

How about it? This time it wasn't that cold, was it?

It was really cold.

That's mean, Pashmina.

That's it, I've got a good idea!

A good idea?

We just need to gather a lot of sunflower seeds around Maria's mansion!

That way, her grandma will come, guided by the nice smell!

I see!

That won't do.

Her grandma is a human, not a hamster.

I-I see.

I wonder what we can do?

A mystery is only a mystery if you look for its answer.

And all you need is a scope.


Long time no see, Hamuko!

I'm not Hamuko, I'm Hamtaro!

There's only one way to know where Grandma Satomi is.

What is the only way?

Follow me, if you please.

I think I overestimated myself.


What is the only one way to look for Grandma Satomi?

That's something Sabu should know.

He is a man of the world.

Go look for Sabu?

That's all?

Let's look for Sabu quickly!

Satomi... Satomi...

I don't really know that name.

Sabu, please!

Hey Françoise, do you know anything?

In the end, it's useless.

What? Are you saying you know that tower?

That tower?

When you were little, you used to go there?

When she was little?

Now that I remember it...!

When I was little, I lived in a place like this.

That's the place where she lived when she was a kid!

I-I see!

Could it be that Grandma Satomi lives there again?


Do your best, Bijou!

We're counting on you, Hamtaro!

Everyone, we're leaving!

We will find Grandma Satomi! Definitely, we will!

The snow turned into a blizzard.

Don't give up, Françoise!

It's that town!

Just a little more, Françoise!


Thanks for doing your best, Françoise!

Thanks, Françoise!

Just a little more until we arrive at that town!

Bijou and Françoise, you can wait here!

I don't want to!

I'm going too!


For Maria's sake, I'll do everything to find Grandma Satomi!

Ah, she's so cute!

I've known your name for a long time!

Bijou, that's going to be your name!

As I promised to my dear grandma.

That's why. Please, I want to go too, Hamtaro!

Okay, I've got it!

Is it cold, Bijou?

I'll be okay!

Let's do our best, Bijou!


Bijou, are you okay? Bijou!

Yeah... I'm okay.

Jeez... and we're so close to the town.

Do your best, do your best!

Okay, we're riding that truck!



We did it!

Big success!

With this, we will arrive at the town!

We were saved, right?

Hey Papa, are we heading to Satomi's?

Yeah, I want to see Satomi's picture book!

I've got it!


Bijou... she wants to see Satomi's picture book, meaning...

Yeah, could it be?


Here it is!


Welcome, Akira, Minako!

Are you looking for a new picture book?

We were wrong.

That girl is not her.

It looks like it.

I wonder if she's not in this town?

That she was here when she was a child may not have been such a clever clue.

She's here. She's surely in this town!

But... Bijou...

I'll keep searching!


She's here for sure! For sure!

Wait, Bijou!

Bijou, what's wrong?

Hamtaro... that...

The chapel of the picture book!

It's beautiful.

This song...

It's the song that Maria was playing!

At that house!

Bijou, this time, there's no doubt!


Mom, you love this song!

Yeah, so that I don't forget. This song was the one she practiced so much.

Maria, how are you doing now?

We found her!

It's Grandma Satomi!

There's no doubt!

Grandma! Maria wanted to see her grandma!


What's wrong, Mama?


Just now, I had the feeling...

It was my imagination, I guess.

It's impossible for the Bijou of the picture book...

This is...

from Maria?

We did it, Bijou!


Maria, did you return to Japan?

Grandma Satomi, are you doing well?

Every time I practice with the piano, I remember you.

When we said goodbye... I'll always remember it.

Grandma, I have those very happy memories from when I was a child.

When I felt sad or lonely, you always went to so much trouble.

But you were always so kind to me, always helping me.

Every time Grandma came, I had a really happy and fun time!

To be able to see Grandma again, I keep practicing hard.

If I become a genius, then maybe we can perform that snow concert for the world, and you would be able to see it.

That's why I'm always practicing.

I want to see you, Grandma.

Everyone, sorry for making you wait!

You're late!

Good morning, Hamtaro!

Good morning!

Come on everyone, let's hurry and go to Maria's mansion!

Let's do it, Hamtaro!


Here we go!

There she is!

The plan is starting!


Huh? It's open.

Weird, I made sure to close it earlier.

C-Could it be?

Grandma Satomi.

So many memories.

Grandma Satomi!

Grandma Satomi!


How? How?



I missed you!

I missed you too, Maria!

Thanks for your letter!

Letter? Did you get my letter?

Yeah, I was really happy!


It's amazing to think that the cute Maria grew this big.

Grandma... I kept our promise!

If I ever get a hamster, I'm going to call her Bijou!

It's a promise!

Yeah, a promise!

Come out!

Look, it's Bijou!


I'm glad for you, Maria.

I'm glad for you too, Bijou!

I'm really glad!

I got a call from Maria earlier.

She was with her Grandma Satomi.

Maria's voice was really happy.

It made me happy too!

And me too!

Hey, Hamtaro... Could it be that this beautiful snow performed a miracle?

Now they can have the snow concert!

Today was really fun, but tomorrow will be even better, right, Hamtaro?


I'm Hamtaro!

And I'm Laura!


When I was going to Oxnard's house, I found a cute girl hamster called Barrette!

Barrette was her name, huh?

A girl who can knit is awesome!

She's a really happy girl!

Okay, let's play with the Ham-Hams in the snow!

Next time!

Knitting Barrette!

See you next time!
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