01x19 - Magic in the Kitchen

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Bear in the Big Blue House". Aired: October 20, 1997 – April 28, 2006.*
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Bear lives in the Big Blue House where he is a caregiver for his friends Ojo, a bear cub; Tutter, a mouse; Treelo, a lemur; otters Pip and Pop; and storyteller Shadow.
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01x19 - Magic in the Kitchen

Post by bunniefuu »

[theme music]

♪ Welcome to the Blue House ♪

♪ Hello from the small mouse ♪

♪ -Things to do
-Fun for you ♪

♪ Howdy from the big bear ♪

♪ -Want some fun?
-Here's where! ♪

♪ -Just for you
-All is new ♪

♪ In the House of Blue ♪

♪ Lots of room at our house ♪

♪ Catch the moon at our house! ♪

♪ -Kitchen's here
-Bathroom's there! ♪

♪ Attic full of stuff here ♪

♪ Pillows full of fluff here ♪

♪ -Just for you
-In the House of Blue! ♪

♪ Welcome welcome welcome
to the Big Blue House ♪

♪ Welcome welcome welcome
to the Big Blue House ♪

♪ -Door is open
-Come on in ♪

♪ -Now you're here
-So let's begin ♪

Oh, hi! It's so good to see you.

I've been waiting for you!

Come on in!

So, how are you to...


Wait a second...


What's that smell?




[gasps] It's you!


Ooooh, you smell
like freshly baked cookies!

Tell me,
did you just bake some cookies

or do you smell
this good all the time?


come on into the living room.

I was just about to sit down
and have a little swing.

Yep, nothing like sitting
on the old bear swing,

and swinging to and fro
and fro and to...


OJO: Bear!

Bear! You forgot!

I can't believe you forgot.
Don't you remember?

Oh! I forgot?
I mean, I didn't remember?

You promised.

Well, ok. Let's see.

I promised Ojo something.

Now, what could have been?

Bear! You promised
to make me something

extra special
really good to eat!

Oh right! Yes!



Do you remember what that was?


Ok, ok, I'll remember.
Let's see now...

Oh! Was it my...

whole mess of cooked
and buttered string beans?


Was it... corkscrew pasta
with cheese and Rosemary!

I love that.


But no. It wasn't that, Bear.

I can't believe that you forgot.

It's your most
extra special speciality.

Ok, ok, let me think now.

-Think, think.
-Think, think.

Wait, something's coming.
Something's coming

Yes, is it my incredible
banana Berry

whole wheat pancakes,

with maplely, sir?

Yes! You remembered!
When can we eat?

When, when, when? They
sound so good and I'm so hungry!

Ok, well, first we have
to mix up the batter,

and heat up the griddle
and watch them cook!

This is an old bear recipe

handed down
from bear to bear, you know.

Can I help, Bear,
can I help too?

Sure, Ojo!

Yayyyyyy! We're making pancakes!

We're making big
old fluffy pancakes.

Hey, Bear, I'm going to go
get snow bear, ok?

And she can help me too, ok?


See you soon, Ojo!

Yeah. Cooking.



And what is neat
about cooking is

you can do it
with your mom and dad,

or your grandma, or an uncle...
or even a friend!

Personally, I like all the neat
things about cooking like...

let's see...

Oh! Measuring things.

And all the mixing
and stirring...


watching it cook.

There's also the waiting. Mmm...

Waiting is the hardest part
about cooking.

But when it's done...

then, you get to eat it!

cooking and the neat part is,

you've made it yourself!

♪ If you take hot milk
and you pour in powder ♪

♪ And you put it in the freezer
and you leave it 'bout an hour ♪

♪ If it's brown and sweet
when you put it on your tongue ♪

♪ Did you make French fries?
No, pudding, yum! ♪

♪ If you mush an apple ♪

♪ And you squoosh a lemon ♪

♪ Squish an orange ♪

♪ And squash a melon ♪

♪ And you pour it in a glass
and you serve it for lunch ♪

♪ Is it liver and onions?
No, it's punch! ♪

♪ Magic in the kitchen ♪

♪ With a splash and a splatter ♪

♪ Magic in the kitchen
with abracadabra ♪

♪ There's magic
in a cake and a casserole ♪

♪ And the very best part's
when you lick the bowl ♪


♪ Peel a banana,
drop it in a dish ♪

♪ Add some ice cream
and nuts if you wish ♪

♪ Dribble some syrup all over
Is it fish? ♪

♪ No, a banana split! ♪

Now, listen carefully.

♪ I make my favorite recipe
with chopped up cheese ♪

♪ Melted chocolate
and pear and peas ♪

♪ Stir it all together
with an avocado ♪

♪ What do I call it? ♪

♪ I don't know, how about ♪

♪ Magic in the kitchen ♪

♪ With a splash and a splatter ♪

♪ Magic in the kitchen
with abracadabra ♪

♪ Magic in a cake
and a casserole ♪

♪ And the very best part's
when you lick the bowl ♪


There's so many
neat things to cook.

But, what do you think?

What do you like to cook? Hm?

What do you think?

My dad cooks spaghetti,
mashed potatoes and corn.

I help my dad make French toast.

I love it when my mom makes me
a burger with French fries.

I cook banana bread.

You have to just
crack eggs first.

I roll the meat ball like this.

When it's finished,

we take it out, let it cool.

Put it on a plate.


And then eat it.


Yummy, yummy!


All that talking about cooking
is making me hungry.

Maybe I'll have one or two
of those pancakes myself.

Well, c'mon. Let's get started.

[indistinct chatting]

Hey, Bear!
Look who I found to help!

Hey, Bear!

Pip and Pop, are you going
to help make pancakes?

Yeah, Bear! We'll help you cook!


This will be interesting.

When we heard you were
making your incredible

banana Berry wheat cakes,

we just had to help!

-And we'll help eat them, too.

Pip and Pop were
just telling me that

they are really good cooks
just like you, Bear.

Really? I didn't know that
you guys knew how to cook.


What do you cook?

Bear, we have so many...




Yeah, like,
we like stomping on apples

that fall off the tree
out by the pond...

-To make apple sauce!

But we don't eat it.

Nope, too dirty.

Well, it's always good to have
cooks with... experience.

-Yes, Ojo?

Snow Bear and I are really,
really, really hungry!

Well then, let's start cooking!


First, we'll need a bowl...

We'll get that!

Gotta bowl, Bear!

Well, that was fast.

next we'll need a measuring cup.

Can I get it, Bear? Can I?

-Sure, Ojo.

-Measuring cup!

Now if I could just
find my wooden...


Certainly do have a lot of help.

Yeah, can we eat now, Bear?

Yeah, can we eat now, Bear?

Guys, we haven't actually
cooked anything yet.

[Treelo speaking gibberish]


No way!

That was fun, Treelo.
Lots of fun,

but I don't think
I'll be doing that again!

Hey, Tutter, Treelo,
what have you two been doing?

[Treelo speaking gibberish]

-That sounds like fun.
-Fun? Fun?

I thought he said
"see some bees"

not "fly through the trees"!

Thanks a lot, Treelo!
Thanks a lot!

[Treelo speaking gibberish]

Treelo! If mice were supposed
to fly through trees

we'd have wings.

We'd we'd we'd be bats! Bats!

Bats I say!

Hey, what's going on here?

Are you guys cooking something?

Yeah! We're making pancakes!

Yes, we're making a mess

of my incredible banana
berry wheat pancakes,

and Ojo,
Pip and Pop are helping!

[Treelo speaking gibberish]

that goes for me too, Bear!

Let's see,
I've got a lot of help now,

but, if you two really want to
help, you could set the table!

What a great idea! Great idea!

I just love setting
a nice table.

Just love it, love it, love it!

Laying out
the napkins all neat...

putting the plates just right,

lining up the silverware
eyeballing it there...

Pip, what's a plate?

Got me.

Well, c'mon.

I'll get you two started.
Be right back!

Ok, you guys,
here are the plates.

Good. All right, we got to...

Yes, Treelo, yes.

Whoah, Treelo, no, no, no!

That's wrong, wrong, wrong!

You can't just throw
the plates around like that!

My grandma Flutter taught me!

You have to place them!
Place them just right!


[Treelo speaking gibberish]

What paper?

No, no, no, Treelo, Treelo!

No, you gotta fold the napkin
like, like a swan

and then you got to place it

right in the center
of the plate,

like a swan!

The way you're doing it
is wrong, wrong, wrong!

Tutter, just because
Treelo's way is different,

doesn't mean it's wrong.

Well... well
maybe it's not wrong, Bear,

but the problem is, Bear,
the problem is, it's not right!


Well, tell you what,
I have an idea.

you be in charge of the plates.

Plates! Ok, plates.

Tutter, you be in charge
of the silverware.

Well, I know how to do that!

My grandma Flutter taught me.

I learned from the best!
The best!

And together, you two will be
in charge of the napkins.



I don't think
this is going to work, Bear.

let's just forget the napkins!

Well, then that changes
everything about pancakes.

Well, you know how pancakes
can be kind of messy...

And kind of sticky with syrup.

Hey, hey, hey! Let's not be
hasty, Bear, let's not be hasty.

We've got to have
napkins to eat pancakes.

[Treelo speaking gibberish]

Yeah, so maybe the two
of you together,

can think of a new way to...

Wait a second, Bear!

Wait a second!

I just got a brilliant idea!

If Treelo and I...
now stay with me here, Bear.

Just stay with me
on this one, Bear.

What if we make up
a totally new way

of putting napkins on the table?

[Treelo speaking gibberish]

What a great idea.
I wish I'd thought of it.

Well, I'll leave you
two to your creation.

Thank you, Bear!

-ALL: Bear! Bear! C'mon!
-Okay, okay, I'm coming.

Alright, alright.

Hey Bear, can we eat now?

Guys, we still
haven't cooked anything yet.

Come on, let's get started,
let's get going!


But first we will need flour,
eggs and milk.

We'll get those things, Bear!

I can almost taste
those pancakes now.

We got it, Bear!

[indistinct chatting]

I got the eggs.

Fire when ready,
purple egg hurler.

But wait... Guys...

-Fire one!

Missed it.

-Fire two!

Missed it.

-Fire three!
-I get you.

Got it!

I got the flour, Bear!

Ojo, watch out,
don't slip on the...

We gotcha! Whoa!


Are you all right, Ojo?

I'm fine, Bear,
I just slipped a little bit.

Ok, ok, yes, yes, yes.

But, let's clean this up first,
and then we'll start over.

We love starting over!

-I'll get the paper towels!
-Yeah, yeah!


Well, this is going well.

Okay, this is better.

Now, do you want to stir?

We love stirring!

Yeah! Stirring is
the mostest funnest of allest!


Okay, you guys keep stirring
and I'll be right back.

Ok, Bear!

Ok, Bear. Here we go.

[indistinct conversation]

While they're stirring,

now might be a good time
to find my friend, Shadow.

Now where could she be?

You know, if we sing
our song together,

maybe she'll might appear!

♪ O where-o where-o
where is Shadow? ♪

♪ Where-o where-o
where is Shadow? ♪

♪ Where-o where-o
where is Shadow? ♪

♪ Where could Shadow be? ♪

Hey you, fluffy fella!
I'm over here!

Hi, Shadow!
What have you been doing?

I've been playing leapfrog
with the ripples on the pond.

That sounds like fun.

Well Shadow, we'd love to hear
a story if you've got one.

Well, say no more, Bear.

I think I have just the story
you'd be needing today.

Just watch!

♪ Do you know the Muffin Man? ♪

♪ The Muffin Man?
The Muffin Man? ♪

♪ Do you know the Muffin Man
who lives on Gingerbread Lane? ♪

It's Muffin Man!
Super delicious tasty treat!

MUFFIN MAN: Made from flour,
milk, sugar and eggs.

And baked in an oven
at 350 degrees

until he became...

Muffin Man!

Muffin Man, able to sit
testily upon your plate!

Muffin Man, able to fly, with
a little help, into your mouth!

It's Muffin Man!

♪ So do you know
the Muffin Man? ♪

♪ The Muffin Man?
The Muffin Man? ♪

♪ Do you know the Muffin Man,
who lives on Gingerbread Lane? ♪

♪ Yes, I know the Muffin Man ♪

♪ The Muffin Man,
the Muffin Man ♪

♪ Yes, I know the Muffin Man
who lives on Gingerbread Lane ♪

-And there he is!
-My hero!

Mine too!

I'm so tasty!

What a great story!

But I think it's even made me
even more hungry!

Then you'd best be getting
back to your cooking then.


Well if you need another story,

just try and catch me!

[both laughing]

-Bye, Bear.
-Bye, Shadow!

Let's go check
on Treelo and Tutter.

Then we fold there and there...
And yeah!

This is gonna work!
I think this is gonna work...


Here, too?

Yeah! Great idea, Treelo!
Great idea!

Hey, Bear!

Hi, Bear!

Hey, guys. Everything's working?

Yeah, Bear! We've got
everything under control.

It's under control!
Right, Treelo?

[Treelo speaking gibberish]

Okay, just checking, c'mon.
Let's go check on the stirring.

This is great!

Look, Bear, look!

Yeah, Bear, look, check it out!
Look at this, look at this.

We stirred it all up!

Wow! It looks great!


I really think
we should eat it now, Bear.

-Yeah. I think it's done.
-No, not just yet.

First, I need to get my...

Pancake griddle!


Then we'll cook them up!

And then the pancakes
will be ready in...

no time!

[everyone exclaiming]

PIP: Look at that!

Yeah, it's something!

Yes, pancakes are served!

Tutter and Treelo,

may I say what a lovely job
you did setting the table!



Yeah, yeah, yeah.
We made tee-pees!

Yeah, little napkin tee-pees.
How exciting.


Well, the tee-pees
look great and everything...

Yeah, they really do,
but can we eat now?


Yes, dig in everybody!

[excitedly shouting]

This looks so good!

[indistinct conversation]

Boy. That was so good, so good.

Very satisfying.


Excuse me.

Well. I have a sure fire cure

for the after pancake

What's that, Bear?

Well, it's a job
that has to be done

after you're finished cooking.

So, what do you say...
Let's clean up the house!

♪ Come on, everybody ♪

♪ -Let's clean up the house
-Let's go! ♪

♪ Come on, everybody
let's clean up the house ♪

♪ Clean up the house ♪

♪ Clean up the house ♪

♪ Everybody clean up the house ♪

Come on, you too!

♪ -Clean up the house
-Tidy it up, tidy it up! ♪

♪ -Clean up the house
-Tidy it up, tidy it up! ♪

♪ Everybody clean up the house ♪

♪ Let's take it upstairs! ♪

♪ -Clean up the house
-We've got to clean it up! ♪

♪ Clean up the house ♪

♪ That's right,
now-clean it up!♪

♪ Everybody
clean up the house! ♪

♪ You tell them, Ojo! ♪

♪ -Clean up the house
-Tidy it up, tidy it up ♪

♪ Tidy it up, tidy it up ♪

♪ Everybody clean up the house ♪

♪ Baby, baby! ♪

♪ Everybody clean up the house
Let's clean up the house! ♪

[soft guitar music]

Uh! There's Luna!

Hey, Luna.

Hello, Bear.



What's that wonderful aroma
coming from the Big Blue House?

Oh! I cooked everybody
a special dish today.

My favorite thing to cook.

Banana Berry wheat pancakes!


You've loved those ever
since you were a little bear.

Yeah, and I had a lot of help!

You did?

Ojo, Pip and Pop were very...



Every chef needs his helpers.

And what about those other two?
Tutter and Treelo?

Oh! [giggles]

You should have seen them
working together.

They came up with a whole
new way to set the table.

Isn't that grand?

But tell me, did everyone
enjoy the pancakes?

Did they ever?

I don't ever think
I've tasted pancakes that good.

Well, I've always thought
that food tastes better

when it's shared
with friends and family.

True, true.

Well, Bear,

I think it's time for me
to go and light up the sky.

I don't want the night
to get lonely without me.

Hey Luna, would you
join me in singing

a goodbye song
with me before you go?

I'd be delighted, Bear.

I'd be delighted.

♪ Hey this was really fun ♪

♪ We hope you liked it too ♪

♪ Seems like we've just begun ♪

♪ When suddenly were through ♪

♪ Goodbye, goodbye,
good friends goodbye ♪

♪ Cause now it's time to go ♪

♪ But hey,
I say, well, that's ok ♪

♪ Cause we'll see you very soon
I know ♪

♪ Very soon I know ♪

♪ Goodbye, goodbye,
good friends goodbye ♪

♪ And tomorrow just like today ♪

♪ The moon, the Bear ♪

♪ And the Big Blue House ♪

♪ We'll be waiting for you
to come and play ♪

♪ To come and play
To come and play ♪

Bye, now!

Well, thanks for visiting
the Big Blue House!

Oh! I almost forgot.

Be sure and come back tomorrow

and see what's cooking!
Ha, ha! Bye!

[theme music]
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