01x01 - Ready for the Rush! / Let’s Do This! Rush Duel!

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Sevens". Aired: April 4, 2020 – March 27, 2022.*
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Series takes place in the futuristic town of Goha and stars Yuga Ohdo, a fifth-grade, elementary school student, who loves both inventions and dueling.
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01x01 - Ready for the Rush! / Let’s Do This! Rush Duel!

Post by bunniefuu »


Don't give up!

This is the story of a young boy who sought freedom.

He carved this own road

and went on to become the Duel King!

Let’s go!

Rush Duel!

It hurts!

It was a dream…

Let's Go! Rush Duel!!



Duel Disk has been opened!

If not returned back in minutes and seconds

you will be penalized.

I can do this!

Just a bit more and my Road

My Road will be install-



minutes seconds have passed

User: Oudo Yuga

Total Penalties are

Darn it!

Goha City

Goha th Elementary School

Students of Goha th Elementary School!

Let’s have another healthy and fun day!



That bike has been modified…


There is a possibility that-

Good Morning!

Good Morning!

Five penalties!?

W-well you know…

These are like medals of a challenger!

What'll you do now?

One more and you are done for!

Don’t say that...

Another penalty!?


Good Morning, Student Council President.

What is this thing?

It’s my Duel Bicycle!

Romin, Good Morning!

Good... Good Morning!

Your Band’s new song was awesome!


Oh! That is very convenient!


What on earth did you do this time to receive a penalty?

Heh, it wasn't such a big deal

I just opened my duel disk and

Yyyy... You opened a Duel Disk!?

Sougetsu Gakuto will explain this properly!

Duel Disks are important tools for Duelling

the user data gathered from these duel disks

are completely controlled by the Developers, Goha Corp.


Opening or dismantling it is completely forbidden!

If you meddle, then you will be penalized!

When you accumulate of them, then your account will be banned!

I-I just wanted to install new rules…

Installing new Rules!!!!!!????

Yep! New Rules for dueling

In other words!

My! Road!

Here it is!

Yuga’s Catchphrase!

Why the new rules after all this time?

Isn’t it obvious?

Through building my own road

Rush Duel!

I’ll take back everyone’s smiles from this strict duel world!

What do you mean Strick world?

For example-

Classes will start now.

Duel disks cannot be used at this time.

Like this.

We will continue our talk after school in the Student Council Room!

As you wish!

Installing new rules that he thought of himself?

See? Isn’t Student Council President too strict?

Good-Bye. Be Careful.

Here you go.

I had a pair of these.

Whoa! Thanks a lot!

Here, take this in return!

Trading cards personally between individuals is prohibited.

Please trade amongst yourself with the supervision of Goha Corporation

Hey now…

It’s a bother but can’t be helped.

Hey Yuga! Let’s Duel!

Sorry! I’ll pass today!

You are Oudo Yuga right?

You from the next class-

Goha th's number duelist!

Kamijou Tatsuhisa!

Call me Rook!

Can I have a word with you?

Sorry but I am in a hurry.

Maybe again next time-

Eh? What? Did it break?

Your new rules...

I know the perfect place they can be



He's late!

When the moon is full and so large

that it's hardly recognizable

that duelist will illuminate an unknown path

and will become the Duel King

You must have heard about it at least once right?

Oh, nah.

There is totally a legend like that!

A really long time ago

an engineer of Goha corp created a secret door inside the duel system.

Whoever finds it will supposedly become

the Duel King.

Duel... King?

W-well those things don't really interest me...

You seem to show interest though…

Just watch

I will test…

whether you are fit to be the Duel King or not

One week ago...

when I discovered this place...

I thought that if I can win against him, I can become the Duel King


even if I win against him

nothing happens as time runs out

All I get is a penalty.

So just simply winning against him isn’t the right method… is it?

But then, when I heard what you were saying at school I remembered

The legend states “Illuminate an unknown path”

Is about Installing new duel rules?

But I already have failed times in my installation

Another one and my account will be banned

How about betting on that “Another one”

Rook! You already-!

I couldn’t do it…

But you may be able to actually change this strict and rigid world!

I like it…

Lets do this!

Installation commencing!


Didn’t I tell you to come to student council room after schoo-


Hey! What the heck is this!???

We are just in the middle of installing new duel rules!


Stop right at this moment!!!!!



We have caught unauthorized access.

If not withdrawn in minutes and seconds

all personal present here will receive a penalty


A penalty!!!!???

If you don’t want that,

then you just have to stop talking and keep watching

You too, over there

Well then,

You knew I was here?

Kirishima Romin!

Even the popular guitarist from our Elementary School Band…

Even you were aiming for the King of Duel title?

I am not really interested in Dueling.

I was just practicing my guitar on the top floor.

Anyway, are you fine with that?

Warning. Warning...

If you don’t leave in minutes seconds... Eeh! Penalty!!!!!!!

Wh-what did you do?


To tell the truth...

my soul has devil-

Alright! It’s here!


So you are finally here…

The one who will become the King of Duel

I did it!

Not yet!

The installation isn’t complete yet!


What is it?

My duel disk battery's dying!

For real!?

Oh no!

Do something!
















I’ll generate electricity!

Thanks a lot, Student Council President!

It’s back!



Unauthorized access has been discovered.

It revived!


Do that thing from before!





As expected…

two times is my limit per day

Real-time Duel Programing

might let you make it.


Real… what?

I see…

Program it by actually dueling it!

Real-Time Dueling Programing!

It’s how developers program updates


Weren’t you supposed to have no interest in dueling?

O-obviously don’t have any interest

Even then, in just minutes and seconds

how could dueling program in time?


If I do it with my own rush duel…

I can do it!

Real time duel programming!


I accept your activation.

So... now then!

Our Rush Duel begins!

His duel disk transformed!

The shape of a ?

But Goha’s symbol is a Hexagonal!

The one to break that is...


Let’s go!

Rush Duel!

The field Changed!

Our hand starts with four cards.

My turn!

I draw!

I summon Dark Sorcerer, Magical Beast Wolfram, and Spell Archer!


He summoned monsters at once!

Is summoning monsters really that amazing?

It’s not possible!

How can you summon monsters that easily?

It is possible in my Rush Duel!

With maximum acceleration

and speed through the road!

Rush Duel…

Now that sounds interesting!

I set cards!

I can’t attack on the first turn

so I end my turn!

It is my turn.

I draw.

I summon Lizard Soldier! Lesser Dragon!

He also summoned of them…

To think that you can summon multiple times right from the start…

It’s a new feeling.

It looks like this will be a dynamic duel

That’s right!

This is what makes Rush Duels feel good.

Well then,

this can also be done…

I tribute monsters

and tribute summon the Ultimate Monster!

Come forth!

Blue-Eyes White Dragon!

I-It can’t be…!

He summoned Blue Eyes so easily…!?

Is that amazing?

Of course!

Even among the select few

This is a legendary top level dragon with extreme power.

Are you okay, Yuga!?

My first Rush Duel…

I face Blue-Eyes?


Don’t tell me he's in complete shock-


That guy…

Now then…

The Ultimate Dragon's exclusive spell

Traditional Burst Breath


All of my opponent’s monsters are destroyed!

His monsters, all of them...

Isn’t that bad?


This time…

He is totally scarred!

That’s not all!

Go, Blue Eyes White Dragon!

Direct Attack!

Burst Stream of Destruction!

Please forgive us!!!


damage at once!?

But he still has left!

He only has left!

I end my turn

Will Yuga...


What are you saying?

A duel is a stream of comebacks!

In addition, Yuga is the Creator of Rush Duels

He must have cards to turn this situation aroun-


Nope! He's got nothing!


There's no chance of a comeback now.

A life point difference of in just the first turn...

Even more, his opponent is using a Blue Eyes…

From one draw he won't be able to…

Is this it, Yuga?


I remember now…


I remember when I decided to create Rush Duels

The more I loved Dueling,

the more I felt that dueling had become rigid

I wanted everyone to enjoy dueling with freedom

and have more and more fun…

That’s what I thought

It is true that the duels you created

bring excitement right from the start

it truly is great fun

but is this is?

This it?

Who asked if this was it?

High excitement right from the start…


there's always a chance for a comeback

no matter the situation!

Don’t you think that that’s a really fun duel!?

My Turn!

I Draw!

W-What are you doing!?

Aren’t you supposed to draw one card per turn…?

Rush Duel is different!

You draw as many times as you can

until you have cards in hand!

So that means that with cards in hand,

he can draw cards!?

It’s still not here…


The remaining time is minutes and seconds!

That much time is plenty!

Hoh, hoh?

I Summon Stray Familiar

and Mystique Dealer!

I activate Mystique Dealer’s monster effect!

I send Answerer the Demonic Swordsman to the graveyard,

and draw more card from my deck!

On this card...

I'll bet it all!


It’s here!

I tribute monsters

to Tribute Summon!

Blocking my path,

the walls

the mountains

the planets!

I will cut a Road through them and move forward!

Let’s do it!

Sevens Road Magician!

Sevens Road…


You finally brought out your Ace monster, Yuga!

But his attack points are !

He can’t defeat Blue Eyes!

Are you sure about that!?

I activate the spell card Wind Spirit’s Blessing!

I send Hydro Magician to the graveyard

and increase Sevens Road Magician’s attack points by !

He got it higher than Blue Eyes!

And now I can use this card!

I activate the spell card High Magic – Double Accel.

Sevens Road Magician’s Attack increases by points!

His attack keeps increasing!

Even still…

If he defeats Blue Eyes, the time limit is…

I can do this…

Sevens Road has an effect to increase its attack by the points

for each different attribute in the graveyard.


Right now the number of different attributes in his graveyard are…






five in total!


and increase of points…

But still…

his attack will be points.

After Blue-Eyes is defeated

he we still have LP remaining!

Hey, it’s not over yet!

Sevens Road’s effect can be activated by sending

the top card of my deck to the graveyard.

Than that means that if that card’s Attribute is…

other than Fire, Dark, Wind, Earth, Water…

in other words…!

If it’s a light attribute monster then it can work!

Let’s do it Sevens Road!

I activate its effect!

Elemental Road!

There is only…

One chance!

It’s here!

A light attribute!

attack points!



Sevens Road Magician, attack Blue-Eyes White Dragon!

Cut through my Road!

Sevens Magic!


I did it...

Is this so?

This is…

Rush… Duel…

You did it!

You actually did it!

Awesome! That was Awesome, Yuga!

Excellent Work!

From here a new Road will open!


The legend was actually true…

Then the one to become the Duel King is...

Penalty is…


It’s disappearing?



Even my Disk has become shaped!

It’s a Seven!

It’s opened…

My Road!
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