02x01 - Pharmaceutical marketing

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Last Week Tonight with John Oliver". Aired: April 27, 2014 – present.*
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American late-night talk and news satire television program hosted by comedian John Oliver.
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02x01 - Pharmaceutical marketing

Post by bunniefuu »

[theme music playing]

[cheering, applause]

Welcome, welcome, welcome...

to "Last Week Tonight."

I'm John Oliver.

It is so great--
so great to be back with you.

Clearly-- clearly--
clearly, we have been gone

for the last three months,
and you're probably thinking

I was on vacation.
That was not, in fact, the case.

Much like Brian Williams,
I voluntarily took myself
off the air...

after it emerged
I presented false information

to you last year.
Roll the clip.

My theory always was

that Hemingway
was hung like a hamster.

Not that there's
anything wrong with that.

Oh. Oh, you're right.

There's absolutely nothing
wrong with that.

We Googled "hamster penis,"
and this is what you find.

That's adorable.

I'm-- I'm embarrassed to say

that it turns out that is not,
in fact, a hamster penis.

It is a hamster tail.

I would like
to truly apologize

to you, the viewers,
to the editorial staff here,

and most of all,
to that hamster,

because you deserved
better, Niblets.

You deserved much better.

So with that out of the way,
with trust rebuilt,

let's move on
to a quick recap of the week.

It began
with a glorious, looming scandal
in the US Congress.

Reporter: Illinois
Congressman Aaron Schock

being asked
a lot of questions right now

after redecorating
his Capitol Hill office suite

in the style
of the PBS TV series

"Downton Abbey."

Ooh! "Downton Abbey."

That is perfect.
What better way

to show you're in touch
with your constituents,

than decorating your office

in the manner
of a 1920s British aristocrat?

But let's--
I'm intrigued.

How "Downton Abbey"-ish
is his office?

This is Schock's office.

Bright red,
a gleaming chandelier,

just like on television.

And a vase
of pheasant feathers.

Pheasant feathers?

Somewhere in Illinois,
there is a pheasant

freezing its ass off, going,

"You couldn't just pick up
something at West Elm?

"Have you ever heard
of a eucalyptus bundle?


The congressman had
some explaining to do,

and explain he did.

Okay. Couple--
couple of things there.

You are definitely
an old, crusty white guy

if you think Taylor Swift was
the first person to say,
"Haters gonna hate."

But-- but to be fair to him,

quoting "Shake It Off"
is probably as close

as a congressman
can come to saying,

"Hey, go f*ck yourself!
My office is magnificent.

"Haters gonna hate.
Shake it off.

"Shake it off.
Shake it off."

Moving on-- Moving on
to what may have been

the most spectacularly
ill-advised moment

in diplomacy this week.

Reporter: Argentina's embattled
president, Cristina Fernández,

under fire for a tweet
during a state visit to China

after meeting
with the Chinese president.

And if you're thinking,
"How bad could a tweet

"from a world leader be?"
Well, this bad.

Reporter #2: Fernández tried
to mimic a Chinese accent

by switching "R's" with what
appear to be maybe "L's"

in a tweet that...
translates as,

"Did they only come for 'lice'

"and 'petloleum'?"

instead of "rice"
and "petroleum."

Holy shit!

"Lice" and "petloleum"?

That is a level
of clueless racism
on the Internet

you'd expect
from a Dartmouth
sorority pledge.

And-- And perhaps--
You're the worst.
You're the worst.

And perhaps
the most amazing thing

is that she tweeted this
during a vitally-important
four-day state visit.

Reporter #3:
They're negotiating

which include two huge
hydroelectric dams
in Patagonia,

investments in ports
through which Argentina exports

thousands of tons
of soya to China,
and military hardware.

I have to say, it's actually
pretty big of China

to just go ahead
with their negotiations
like nothing had happened,

because if I were them,
at the very least,

I would have served
President Kirchner
a bowl of lice,

saying, "Here's your food.
Here's the food.

"You know, your funny joke.
That funny joke you said.

"Why don't you eat
your funny joke?

"You still owe us billions
of dollars, by the way."

And finally--
finally, this week,

there was sad news
for a true American icon.

RadioShack, the 94-year-old
consumer electronics chain

has filed
for bankruptcy protection.

Half of it's 4,000 stores

will be turned into
Sprint locations.

The others will be shut down.

You know it's a rough day when
"2,000 new Sprint locations"

is the happy part
of a sentence.

And look-- Sure, sure,

RadioShack has not
been in great shape
in recent years,

but it's easy to forget
it once ran ads like this.

♪ So much more
than just a store ♪

♪ The best in America,
RadioShack ♪

♪ Nobody compares
to RadioShack ♪

That is a catchy song,
my friends.

If they had
left that on the air,

they'd be the most powerful
company on Earth today.

Look, the death
of RadioShack

in itself
is not surprising.

What is surprising is
the glib, jokey tone

with which its demise
has been discussed
over the past year.

If you have the name "Radio"
in your corporate name,

that's probably not
a good sign in 2014.

Is RadioShack doomed
to remain a punch line?

Tyler Mathisen:
I actually like RadioShack.
I go there a few times a year,

and I kinda like it.
I guess I'm an old-school guy.

Brian Sullivan:
Tyler, you must have
a very full junk drawer,

is all I can say.
[Tyler laughs]

[mocking laugh]
Hey, hey!

This is a dying

At this point,
it's like you're sitting across
from your grandfather

at Thanksgiving dinner
saying, "You know, I don't
really see the point

"of Grandpa Fred in 2015.

"Frankly, I'm sort of surprised
he still exists."

RadioShack would be well
within its rights

to be a little hurt
at this level of disrespect,

which is why we've prepared
a farewell message for them

that they should
feel free to use.

For nearly a century,

we at RadioShack have
proudly served America...

...providing you with
the highest-quality

home electronics
at the best prices.

And now, sadly, it's time
for us to say goodbye.

And so we would like to offer
this special farewell message

to America.

That's right.
Take a 30-pack of batteries

and shove them
directly up your ass.

Who sold your parents that
remote controlled car

you got for Christmas in 1993
that you loved so damned much?

RadioShack, m*therf*ckers.
That's who.

And remember in 1989
when you needed a cable

to plug your Nintendo
into the TV?

Who was there for you?

That's right,
RadioShack again, assholes.

And now look at you,
laughing at our slow,
painful death.

Well, laugh while
you still can, shitheads,

because one day,
you too will be obsolete.

One day you too
will be left behind

in the wake of time's
ceaseless onslaught.

And when that day comes,
know that we'll be standing

over your g*dd*mn grave,
laughing our asses off!

So, America, from all
of us here at RadioShack...

♪ RadioShack!

Moving on.
Moving on.

Our main story tonight,
prescription dr*gs--

the only ovals
that can bring people

in the Seattle area
joy anymore.

To put it mildly--

To put it mildly,
America takes a lot
of these things.


at least one
prescription drug.

More than half
of us take two.

Researchers say a record
four billion prescriptions

were written in 2011.

Total drug spending
jumped last year by 3%

to nearly $330 billion,
with a "B."

Wow. That works out
to $1,000 per person

on prescription dr*gs.

It kind of makes
you feel like Walter White
could've made more money

cooking up rheumatoid
arthritis medication.

But should this
really be that surprising?

'Cause it's impossible
to escape pharmaceutical ads.

You can't turn on the TV

without being subjected
to an endless stream

of sleep-inducing moths,
old men getting boners

while varnishing chairs,
or this...

Woman: If your bladder
is calling the sh*ts,

you may have
a medical condition
called overactive bladder

or OAB.

But we just went.

Okay, okay, listen,
what that woman really needs

is a pill
to stop her hallucinating
anthropomorphic bladders.

You're locked inside the prison
of your own mind, Susan!

Begone, demon bladder!

But that's only one small part
of pharmaceutical marketing.

You see, dr*gs aren't like
most other products,

because you need someone's
permission to buy them,

which is why all drug ads
end with the same catchy phrase.

Announcer: Ask your doctor
if Lunesta is right for you.

Announcer #2: Ask your doctor
about Myrbetriq.

Ask your doctor.

Ask your doctor.
Ask your doctor.

"Ask your doctor."

Three words you're either
hearing in a commercial

or saying to your coworker
when he asks you

if the mole on his back
looks cancerous.

"I don't know, Gene.
Ask your doctor.

"All I said was,
'How was your weekend?'

"It's probably fine."

Drug companies know

that doctors hold
all the real power

in the prescription
drug business,

which is why,
while they spend

nearly $4 billion a year
marketing directly to us,

they spend an estimated
$24 billion a year

marketing directly to doctors.

In fact, one analysis
claimed that in 2013,

nine out of the top 10
drug makers

spent more on marketing
than they did on research.

Drug companies are a bit like
high school boyfriends.

They're much more concerned
with getting inside you

than being effective
once they're in there.

So we thought--
we thought--

Okay, don't think
about that too much.

We thought-- Don't--

We thought-- We thought
we would take a look--

We thought we'd take a look

at how all that
marketing money gets spent,

which turns out to be
surprisingly difficult.

It's a pretty secretive world

you usually only get
tantalizing glimpses into

during lawsuits years
after the fact.

For instance, in 2012,
the government settled a case

with the makers
of asthma medication Advair

over allegedly irresponsible
marketing practices,

which meant,
for the first time,

we were able
to see this video

of a 2001 Advair
sales meeting.

Announcer: Ladies
and gentlemen, please welcome

Darrell Baker,

Simon Jose,

Rob Yott,

and Ken Tyma.

♪ Y'all ready for this?

What the f*ck?

That-- That was
for an asthma medication,

and they were treating it
like an NBA pregame show.

Please welcome--
he's 59, white,

he likes turkey sandwiches,
and his wife's name is Karen--

ladies and gentlemen, say hello
to Darrell "Boom Boom" Baker!

The audience in that room

were pharmaceutical reps,

the foot soldiers
in every company's
drug-marketing efforts.

Now drug companies will
tell you their reps are there

to educate doctors,
but behind closed doors,

that message can be
a little different.

There are people in this room

who are going to make
an ungodly sum of money
selling Advair.

And you know who you are.


That would barely be
an appropriate tone

if they were trying to get
cereal into people's bodies,

let alone dr*gs.
Now you don't--

you don't need to see
the people whooping
in that room

to know what they look like,
because pharmaceutical
sales reps

are famously young,
attractive people.

In fact,
this is so widely known,

it's become a sitcom
punch line for years.

J.D.'s voice:
Today's the day
the pharmaceutical reps

show up to peddle
their new dr*gs.

And at Sacred Heart,
that means one thing:

Julie's here.

♪ Doctor, Doctor,
gimme the news ♪

♪ I got a bad case
of loving you ♪

If something is
a joke on "Scrubs,"

you know
it's common knowledge.

That show did not do
a lot of arcane,

"Hey, what is it
with phlebotomists

"and French cuisine?
Am I right?"

"You are right, Turk."
"We're great friends."

The problem comes--
the problem comes

if those reps don't
understand the effects
of the dr*gs they're pushing.

Listen to one former rep
describe his first
training session.

I was in a room
with 21 classmates

and two trainers,
and I was the only one

with a science background.

In fact, on the first day
of training,

I taught my class
and my instructors

the very basic process by which
two brain cells communicate.

So, essentially,

pharma reps are like
the cast of "Grey's Anatomy"--

they're young,
they're hot,

and they have virtually
no medical training whatsoever.

Now to be fair,

most doctors will probably
take that into consideration.

The problem comes
when some don't.

I even had
one physician

who would
often bring out
a patient chart

if she was having
a difficult patient,

or whatever the case is,
she'd bring out a patient chart

and be like, "Okay, Kathleen,

"I've tried this,
I've tried this.

"What do you recommend here
in terms of tweaking?"

And I'm sitting here thinking,
"I'm a political science major.

"You're asking me
what to prescribe
for this patient."

Yeah, exactly.
Because the only question

a poli-sci major is really
qualified to answer is,

"Was it weird having
to move back in with your
parents after college?"

Now if you're thinking--

If you're thinking--
If you're thinking
at this point--

If you're thinking,
"Why do doctors let drug reps

"into their offices
at all?"

Well, they don't come

They'll often show up
with free samples

and, even better,
free chicken parm.

Whoever said there's
no such thing as a free lunch,

hasn't worked
in a doctor's office.

There are some offices
that advertise

in the front-desk
job description,

"free lunch every day."

Not because the doctors
are paying for it,

because the drug reps are
bringing it in every day.

"Free lunch every day."

Now that may not seem
like a big deal,

but think about it.
Lunch is awesome.

If Charlie Manson brought me
a free lunch every day,

I'd at least listen
to his sales pitch

on forehead swastikas.

"I don't think
it's for me, Charlie,

"but keep talking.
That's delicious."

Drug companies don't
do this to be friendly.

They do it
because they know it works.

In fact, they know
a terrifying amount

about nearly
every prescription

coming out
of a doctor's office.

Every time a patient
goes into a pharmacy

to get a prescription filled...

Woman #2:
The information is
sold to drug companies

who send it to laptops
out in the field.

So we see everything
that the doctor does--

how many prescriptions
he prescribes of our medication

and the competitor's

Woman #2:
If the computer shows

a doctor's not
prescribing as promised...

All you have to do is say,
"Hey, you're banging out

"a lot of prescriptions
for the competitor's drug
and not mine.

"What's going on?"

"Yeah, what's going on, Carl?

"You seem to be making
medical decisions

"based on your best judgment.

"I brought you a meatball sub
with chips, Carl.

"Don't f*ck me on this!

"Don't f*ck me, Carl!"

With this level of pressure,

drug companies have,
in the past, crossed the line,

pushing doctors
to prescribe pills
for non-FDA-approved uses.

That's called
"going off-label,"

and here is
a horrifying example

involving AstraZeneca,
who the government charged

with going off-label
with Seroquel,

and antipsychotic
with dangerous side effects.

Lew Morris:
The allegations,
which were very troubling,

were that
they were taking a drug

that was really approved
for fairly narrow uses--

bipolar disorders
and schizophrenia--

and marketing it
for everything

from sleeplessness
to depression and dementia.

Here's the thing,
you can't just give people
potentially dangerous dr*gs

and see what happens.
You're a Fortune 500 company,

not a white guy
with dreadlocks
at Burning Man.

Now, AstraZeneca denied
any wrongdoing,

but it paid
half a billion dollars
to settle the lawsuit.

And if you're thinking
that's just one company
with one drug,

you should know
that just about
every major drug company

has paid money
to settle similar charges.

Johnson & Johnson
paid $2.2 billion,

Eli Lilly paid
$1.4 billion,

Pfizer and its subsidiary
paid $2.3 billion

and GlaxoSmithKline

paid out a record $3 billion

to settle
accusations that it had,
among other things,

pushed Wellbutrin,
an antidepressant,

as a cure for weight gain
and sexual dysfunction,

or as one former drug rep
describes the pitch...

It was a quick zinger
for your doc--

to tell your doctor,
"Hey, Doc, remember Wellbutrin.

"It's the happy,
horny, skinny drug."

Okay, that's not
just irresponsible,

that's copyright infringement,

because there is only one
happy, horny, skinny drug,

and that is crystal meth.
That's a fact.

That's a fact right there.

And for the increasing
number of doctors

who will refuse
even to see drug reps,

the companies have one other
trick up their sleeve--

simply paying doctors
to talk to other doctors

about their products
over dinner.

And that sounds ridiculous,
but not as ridiculous

as the special ego-boosting
title they use.

I essentially say to a doctor,

"Hey, our company has identified
you to be a thought leader.

"Would you like to be a thought
leader for our company? "

The doctor will normally,
almost every time, say yes.

Of course they say yes.

That's an appealing phrase.

Doctors like to be called
thought leaders

the same way
that Brendan Fraser

likes being called
two-time Academy Award
winner Brendan Fraser.

It's clearly not true,

but it's got
a lovely ring to it,

and look how happy
it makes him.

Give the guy a gold.

Look how happy he is.

In fact, the problem is

for a position described
as "thought leader,"

not a lot of thought
goes into the job.

In many cases,
the slides, and the content,

and the script
are actually prepared
by the drug company.

It's not always clear
to the audience

that this is material
that was really scripted

by the drug company

that was paying the doctor
to give the talk.

Okay, so if you're a doctor
just regurgitating a script,

you're not really
a "thought leader"

so much as you are
a "thought sayer."

Abraham Lincoln
was a thought leader.

You're more like
the animatronic Lincoln
at Disneyland.

Now to be fair, again,

GlaxoSmithKline will no longer
pay for thought leaders,

and the industry in general
claims they're reforming.

In fact,
a spokeswoman for PhRMA,

the drug industry's
trade group,

has even bragged about
the tough, new restrictions
they've put in place.

In our PhRMA Code,
we say that pharmaceutical

can bring
an occasional meal--

a modest meal--

turkey sandwiches, pizza...

I don't wanna
just focus on turkey.

Maybe we could have
ham sandwiches.

But... modest meals,

not steak in a restaurant.

Oh, no, no, no, no.
Not in a restaurant,

although we'd
probably allow a steak
at an Outback Steakhouse,

because, come on,
that's not a great steak.

That's basically
a chunk of horse meat

with grill marks drawn
on it with a Sharpie,

so no one's getting
ethically compromised by that.

That's what we're saying.

This voluntary
PhRMA Code is,

I guess, a step
in the right direction,

so let's see how
one of their members

have been abiding by it.

The Justice Department filed
a civil fraud lawsuit

against the Swiss
drug maker Novartis,

accusing it
of paying kickbacks

and lavishly
spending on doctors,

including taking
some out to Hooters

in exchange
for prescribing
its dr*gs.

Don't worry.
Research has shown

the best medical decisions
are always made

with an Arizona State
college football game

blasting in the background.

But at least Hooters
qualifies as a "modest meal."

They allegedly
also paid doctors

to speak at places
like L2O in Chicago,

a restaurant
whose Zagat review reads,
and I quote...

I'm guessing
at the end
of the meal,

the waiter came over
and asked,

"Separate checks,
or is one person buying
your influence?

"Just one, is it?
Oh, that's very nice of him.

"There you go."
And at least they were
there for that one.

The suit says many doctors
took payments for speeches

they never even gave.

All of which
Novartis has denied,

saying that
everything they did

had a legitimate
business purpose,

and besides,
speaker programs like this,

"are an 'accepted and customary
practice in the industry,'"

which is kind of
the whole point.

Even in its best form,

hiring doctors
as paid spokesmen

seems like
a conflict of interest.

And multiple reports have
found that many dr*gs'

top prescribers are
also often getting money

from that drug's company,
which is worrying,

because we trust doctors.

When you see Rihanna
trying to get you to drink
coconut water,

you know she's
getting money to do that,

and you take
that into account.
You think to yourself,

"I'm glad you're
getting paid, RiRi,

"but... I'm actually
not going to drink that,

"because you and I
both know that coconut water

"tastes like cereal milk
mixed with bull semen.

"We both know that,
so I'm gonna take that
into account

"when I make this decision
for myself."

I know this has
all been disheartening,

but luckily,
there is actually
some good news here.

A new clause
in the Affordable Care Act

will, for the first time ever,

allow average citizens
to search a federal web site

to see all of the perks
given to physicians

by pharmaceutical companies.

Now, I know
what you're thinking.

"What? A federal web site

"made up of a list
of doctors?

"Hold on, let me Command-T,
open new tab, right now."

But look, this web site is
actually kind of fascinating.

The first batch of numbers
are now online,

covering the last
five months of 2013,

and you can--
and absolutely should--

go online and look up
your doctor

at this address
and see what you find.

Maybe you'll find your doctor
did a little research

for a drug company,
which is probably fine,

Or maybe, as ProPublica
did when they looked
at Pharma payments,

you'll find a doctor
who's earned more than
a million dollars

delivering promotional
talks and consulting.

Or maybe, like we did,

you'll find a doctor
who got food and beverages

one day worth 4¢.

what that meal was!

Because the only way
a 4¢ meal makes sense

is if that doctor
is a mouse.

That's the only way
it makes sense.

Wipe the Cheez-It dust
off your whiskers

before you prescribe me

The point is,
there is information

on this database
you should know,

and this should really
be just the beginning.

If drug companies really want
to regain our trust,

maybe they should
let us know

the effect that
their money has on doctors

in the only way
they know how.

Have you noticed anything
strange about your doctor?

Does he seem happier
than usual these days?

Is he quick
to prescribe dr*gs you think
you might not need?

You know what?
One more, actually.

Does his waiting room
frequently feature

surprisingly attractive,
not-sick-looking people?

Well, that may be
because your doctor's
been taking...

Pharmaceutical Money
takes many forms,

from free lunches
to speaking fees.

Here's how it works.

Money combines
with the cash receptors

in your doctor's wallet

to create fast-acting
financial relief,

so your doctor
can rest easy

and enjoy life.


Common side effects
of doctors taking money

may include
chronic overprescription,

unusually heavy cash flow,

on free samples,

of confidence,

and an increased tendency

to suggest
off-label prescriptions

which in turn can cause
heart attack, stroke,

loss of feeling
in arms and legs,

blurred vision,

grinding of the teeth,
temporary deafness,

total blindness,

sudden bursts of rage,
reduction of trust,

angry erections lasting
over 17 hours,

and death.

Ask your doctor today

if he's taking
Pharmaceutical Company Money,

then ask your doctor
what the money is for.

Ask your doctor
if he's taken any money

from the companies
who make the dr*gs

he just prescribed for you,

then ask yourself

if you're satisfied
with that answer.

Pharmaceutical Money.

Ask your doctor
if his taking it

is right for you.

Finally, tonight,

a quick word about Ecuador.

Ecuador's president
is Rafael Correa,

a charismatic leader who,
once a week,

does an address
to the nation

he calls Citizen Link,
where, as you'll see,

some amazing things
can happen.

[speaking Spanish]



That is how a president
should address a nation.

In fact, every presidential
speech, from now on,

should have
somewhere within it,
in brackets,

"clown enters."

Now-- So look,
these addresses

can clearly be pretty fun.

Unfortunately, they can
also take a darker turn.

Yes, darker even
than a clown,

because Correa
frequently uses them

as a platform
to attack people
he feels insulted by.

On more than one occasion,
he's ripped up newspapers

that have criticized him,
because, I guess,

he doesn't realize
that newspapers

tend to print
more than one copy.

And last week,
it actually got even worse,

when, for some reason,
he decided to start

calling out
individuals by name

who had been
abusing him on Twitter.

[speaking Spanish]

Another little angel,

he's a Twitter bandito.

His real name is
Johan Arturo Caicedo Rovira.

So young, what a shame.

He's 18 years old.
Very young.

"Oh, 18. So young.
So immature.

"Unlike me,
the 51-year-old head of state

"who is currently
attacking him in public."

Now-- Now to be fair to him,

that 18-year-old
had expressed the hope

that Correa would die,

but-- but Correa
should have people

who take care
of that sort of thing for him,

rather than spending,
like he did,

nearly 15 minutes
calling out online trolls,

even attacking one
individual's Facebook page.

[speaking Spanish]

The little angel--

and I didn't
even know his name--

he was just...
[speaks Spanish]

He's got a whole bunch
of trash on his page.

Yeah, of course he has.

That's what Facebook is.

It's pages full of trash.

Stop Googling yourself.

You're President of Ecuador.

He even explicitly
encouraged his supporters

to tweet back
at his attackers.

[speaks Spanish]

We are more, many more.

We will respond
in the exact same way,
my friends.

If they send one tweet,

we'll send 10,000,

because we are

How are you now
getting involved

in a Twitter w*r?

You do know no one has ever
won one of those, right?

It's impossible.
Look, look,

President Correa,
if you're this sensitive,

then Twitter and Facebook
might not be for you.

And to be honest,

being a world leader
might not be for you

unless you can
build up your tolerance
for personal abuse.

Trust me.
I've been through this.

I used to be very sensitive,

then I became a comedian,

and I got insulted so much,

I can't feel anything anymore.

It's made me
stronger as a person--

emptier and stronger.

So you don't need less abuse,
you need more!

You need more abuse
to tip you over the edge,

so allow me
to help you right now.

[clears throat] Hey.

President Correa,

nice smug smile
you've got.

You look like a used
Jeremy Piven salesman.

You look like
every "Real Housewives'"
third husband.

In fact, you're the only
president for whom this

might be the single,
most dignified moment
of your presidency.

Oh, and by the way,

what the hell
is happening here?

That's a necklace
made out of penises.

That's not even a joke.
That's a d*ck-lace
around your neck.

And don't get offended by this,
President Correa,

because if your skin
was any thinner,

you'd be a taint.

So don't get offended!

Uh-oh. I think we all know
what that music means.

A psychotic clown
is about to tell me
our time is up.

But I would encourage
all of you

to tweet insults directly

to President Correa's
Twitter handle

all this week to help him get
over his over-sensitivity.

That's our show!

Thank you so much for watching!

Good night! Yes!

Look at him!
Look at him!


All right.

So you don't feel good.
That's what I'm getting.

[grunts] There we go.

How strong are your teeth?

So when I had my color scheme

I found out that I'm actually
an autumn

and not a winter.

So that's why I changed
my whole wardrobe,

just to answer your question.

[clapping rhythmically]
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