02x32 - 2015 United States elections and the medicaid coverage gap

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Last Week Tonight with John Oliver". Aired: April 27, 2014 – present.*
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American late-night talk and news satire television program hosted by comedian John Oliver.
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02x32 - 2015 United States elections and the medicaid coverage gap

Post by bunniefuu »

[theme music playing]

[cheers and applause]

Welcome, welcome, welcome
to "Last Week Tonight"!

Thank you so much
for joining us!

I'm John Oliver.

Just time for a quick recap
of the week,

and we begin with Syria--

until 2011, a pretty nice name
for a baby girl.

The Syrian crisis
has been going on for years,

and this week saw the latest
attempt to intervene.

Secretary of State John Kerry

is trying to broker
a cease-fire

between Syrian President
Bashar al-Assad

and the rebels battling him.

Nearly 20 countries have
gathered in Vienna to do this.

Wow, nearly 20 countries

gathering in one alpine,
European country.

It's like the Winter Olympics,

but against all odds,
even more boring.

Although-- although I'll say,
for the record, one country

at the Syrian peace talks was
conspicuous by its absence.

There aren't any Syrians
at the table,

here at these talks,
neither any representatives

of the regime,
nor any representatives

of any opposition groups.

There were no Syrians there!

That's like holding
an intervention,

but not inviting
the person who needs help.

"Listen, I just thought
this would be a much more

"pleasant evening
if Doug were not here.

"He-- he's an assh*le
when he's drunk,

"which he is all the time.

He has a massive problem."

And yet, it turns out
Syria's non-attendance

did not make things
any less tense.

Apparently, the Iranian
and Saudi delegations

hate one another so much,
they were positioned such

that they never needed
to make eye contact,

which is absurd.

The only things
you should absolutely

have to position
yourself to avoid

looking at are the sun,
an explicit photograph

of your grandparents
making love,

and this actual photo
of Carson Daly

dressed as Linus
for Halloween.

He looks like Sloth
from "The Goonies"

during a Medieval
leech bloodletting.

Just... [babbles]

Still, by the end
of the talks,

John Kerry clearly felt they'd
made some valuable progress.

I believe
the diplomatic situation

is today more promising

than it has been
in some time

because all
of the stakeholders

came to this table.

Wait, all the stakeholders?

There were no Syrians there!

Could you not even find one?

Paula Abdul is half Syrian.

How hard would it have been
to fly her out to Vienna

and put her in a chair?

She-- she might be good
at peace-summiting.

She made peace
with MC Skat Kat,

and they were opposites!

They were complete opposites!

She's clearly got skills.
That's all I'm saying.

So, let's move on.

Let's move on to Ukraine,
a nation that,

like the human appendix
and your Grandma Mimi,

you only really hear about

if something's
gone horribly wrong.

Nothing funny has happened
in Ukraine for years now,

but they had local elections
across their country

this week, and they were
surprisingly entertaining.

The "Star Wars"
figure, Chewbacca,

showed up at a polling place
during elections in Ukraine.

He was arrested
with a struggle

when he couldn't
produce an ID.


In his defense,
does he need ID?

He's Chewbacca.

Where would he even keep it?

Wookies don't have
in-built pockets.

But it gets even better.

Not having ID was not

the only reason
he was in trouble.

Reporter: He was caught
campaigning on behalf
of Darth Vader,

that's the main candidate of
the Internet Party of Ukraine.

And it's actually
illegal to campaign

on Election Day
in the country.


Chewbacca was also accused
of illegally campaigning

on behalf of Darth Vader.

And if you are thinking...

Well, Chewbacca would never
campaign for Darth Vader.

In fact, the only time
Chewbacca even interacted

with him was in "Empire"
when Han and Chewy met up

with Lando Calrissian
in Cloud City

and wandered into a trap
set by Vader and Boba Fett.

Well, first,
let me just say,

I'm also glad
that high school is over.

It was rough, right?

That was a rough time,
right? Hm?

But second...

second, you're missing
the larger point here.

Darth Vader was actually
running for mayor in Ukraine,

and the arrested Chewbacca
was, frankly, not Vader's
only hiccup

on Election Day,
because not only

was he forced
to wait in line,

he wasn't even
able to vote!

Look, I'm sorry
that Vader is annoyed,

but I think it's now obvious

that much of
his intimidating presence

was in the original voice
because Darth Vader seems

much less powerful
when he sounds like

an irritable Ukrainian man
working at a drive-thru.

And so,
finally this week, uh,

we turn to the United Kingdom,

where I am fondly known
as "Who?"


The UK's... That's so much
truer than you have any idea.

The... the...

The UK's prime minister,
David Cameron, has had

a rough week,
as he attempted to pass

a controversial
tax credit reform--

uh, controversial
because of who it was
likely to hurt the most.

Reporter: It's estimated
around three million

low-income people
will be affected

and many may lose
up to £1300 a year.

Who will be hit?
Well, there's a very
clear answer.

Most of the pain will be felt
by working mothers.

That is obviously disgusting.

Not perhaps as disgusting

as that time David Cameron
reportedly stuck his d*ck

in a dead pig's mouth,
but-- but still,

still disgusting nevertheless.

The measure successfully
passed the House of Commons

but then hit
an unexpected snag.

A major blow to the government

as its flagship welfare
reforms are defeated

in the House of Lords.

Peers say the tax
credit cuts punish

the poorest workers unfairly.

Yes, the House of Lords
told David Cameron

he was being too hard
on poor people.

A place that looks like this,
where lords and baronesses sit

on fancy red benches
and a man wheels

a giant golden mace,
whose only practical purpose

appears to be
smashing peasants,

a place with a member
whose actual name

is Lord Purvis of Tweed.

They, even they thought that
this smacked of class warfare.

Now, as the Conservative Party
realized the lords

might actually block
their first finance bill
in over a century,

they started calling
in reinforcements.

Very, very packed benches
in the House of Lords today.

We can spot
some conservative peers

like Andrew Lloyd Webber,

who we haven't seen in
for a very long time.

It's true.

Andrew Lloyd Webber,
seen here in his pajamas...

...despite-- despite having
voted only 30 times

in the last 14 years,
flew in from New York

and voted in favor
of cutting tax credits
for low-income families,

which must be one
of the worst decisions
he has ever made,

right up there with using
the name Rum Tum Tugger
for this character,

which sounds like
what a cockney alcoholic

calls a hand job.

Now-- now...
now, I should note--

I should note that
Webber denied having flown in

just for the vote,
issuing a statement

saying he was there to attend
the opening night of 'Cats'

at the London Palladium
and to work with the cast,

which is clearly bullshit.

How do you work
with this cast?

They're adults
dressed as cats.

What do you say?

Uh, "Okay, Jennyanydots,
when Bustopher Jones says,

"'Toodlepip!' I really want
you to keep in mind

"what Stanislavsky said
about affective memory.

"And remember, try not to step
on each other's tails.

"A-five, a-six,

"Act like cats.

Act like cats
all the time."

I guess...

I guess we should all
actually be thankful

that Andrew Lloyd
Webber's vote

wasn't critical--
not just for the sake

of low-income families
in Britain,

but because it means we can
still be most angry at him

for giving the world a shaved,
shirtless, Donny Osmond

singing about
Israeli children.

♪ Children of Israel

♪ Are never alone

That may be the worst
atrocity ever committed

against the children
of Israel.

And now this.

[announcer speaking]

Halloween edition
of "Daybreak."

We've all got
just enough on

to really put us
over the top, I think.
Yeah. I'm Charlie Chaplin.

Something along those lines.
You know, I've gotta
get the gloves.

You have the gloves.
I've got some skeleton
gloves on, makin' it work.

I have another 365
to think about you in that...

in that Batman costume,
you hot little cookie.
Yeah. That's right.

That's right.
Thank you, thank you.
I love it!

Ooh, scary.

I'll get you, my pretty.

[both sigh]

Oh, my goodness!
Are you some kind
of headless person?

Who are you?
I'm a headless person.

You look so cute, Chasity!

I'm-- I'm super
pumped about it.

I know! You're very excited!

I'm super pumped about
being dressed up today.

My equipment isn't working
as well, uh, when you sit down

'cause I think
it creates air pockets.

Come on. Say hi, you guys.
Okay, here we go.

Look at this. Yay.
Hi, guys. Guys, hi.

This looks like
just a T-shirt.

Let's go check in with Eazy-E.

Get a look at your roadways
this morning. Hey, Eazy-E.

Hey. Good morning.
Some busy roadways out there,

and unfortunately, we still
have this, uh, fatal collision

that's in the pickup stages
in Yolo County.

[cheers, applause]

Moving on, our main story
tonight, elections--

the only excuse
for a grown man to kiss

a stranger's baby
and not have the cops called.

As you may know,

there is an important
election coming up.

We're just about a year away

from when American voters will
head to the polls and choose

the next president
of the United States.

Can Ben Carson actually win
the Republican nomination?

Reporter: Can Bernie Sanders
take Iowa and New Hampshire?

The biggest question
right now is will, uh,

Vice President Joe Biden throw
his hat in the ring?

Reporter: Will Al Gore
run for president?

No, he won't.

And... Who gives a shit?!

It's still a year from now.

By the time it's done,
the 2016 election

will have lasted the entire
lifespan of a hamster--

from birth all the way
to popsicle-stick grave.

We should not be talking
about the 2016 race

when America has
very important elections

taking place this Tuesday.

In just two days,
there are gubernatorial

and/or legislative
elections taking place

in these four states.

And many other people will
be voting in local elections,

uh, or on
important referenda,

like Washington State's
Initiative 1401,

which would prohibit
people from selling,

buying, trading,
or distributing

parts of elephants,
rhinoceroses, tigers,

cheetahs, and pangolins.

And if you're wondering
what a pangolin is,

let me show you.

The pangolin is
not very ferocious.

It doesn't even have teeth...

...and it's not very fast.

In fact, it has to wobble

on its hind legs and tail.

What is that ridiculous mess?!

It looks like the result
of a stegosaurus

making love to an artichoke.

And-- and look,
if you're thinking right now,

"Well, I don't live
in one of those four states

and I'm not a pangolin.
Why should I give a shit?"

Well, let me tell you,
there are American lives
at stake here

because a number
of these elections
could determine

whether hundreds of thousands
of people remain in,
or even fall into,

what's known as
the Medicaid Gap.

And I know that sounds
like a terrible clothing chain

where you can buy
khaki hospital gowns

sewn by children in India,
but amazingly,

it's even worse than that.

Meet Cathie Owen,
a Texas woman

who can't afford insurance,
has a family history

of colon cancer,
and is desperately

saving up for a colonoscopy.

$8,000 stands
between me and...

maybe another 20 years

of my life
if I have colon cancer.

But I find myself now,
at 53, with grown kids,

in serious need of help.

Hard to ask for...

but absolutely necessary.

That's just terrible.

$8,000 should not
be the difference

between living or dying.

It should be the difference
between buying

this authenticated bass guitar
signed by Paul McCartney

and this baseball supposedly
signed by Kanye West.

And by the way,
why does that object exist?

Is Kanye West interrupting
baseball games now?

"I'mma let you
finish this pitch,

"but my signature
is the greatest signature

of all time!
Of all time!"

And-- and look,
if-- if your instinct is,

"Wasn't Obamacare supposed to
solve this kind of problem?"

well, yes,
you're right, it was.

To oversimplify things
just a bit,

the idea was,
under Obamacare,

people without insurance would
be split into two groups.

Those who made upwards
of 138% of the poverty line

would be eligible to buy
insurance with subsidies

up to a certain point.

And as for the poorest
Americans, Medicaid,

which had previously
generally applied to children,

their parents
and the disabled,

would have been expanded
to include everyone else,

at which point,
with everyone insured,

America was supposed
to go outside,

brush the dead leaves
off the trampoline,

and celebrate with a backflip
and a broken tibia.

The Supreme Court
even famously upheld
Obamacare in 2012.

What you may not remember
is that even that very day,

there were hints
it may not have been

an unequivocal victory.

John Roberts sided

with the four
Liberal justices,

voting five to four
to uphold nearly all

of President Obama's
health care law.

And there's the problem,
because "nearly all"

is not a reassuring statement.

Health care is like
a pair of gym shorts.

Even if it covers "nearly all"
of what it's supposed to,

you're still left
with some problematic gaps,

and terrible things
can happen.

Let me explain.

The Supreme Court
struck down
the part of the law

which enabled the government
to force states

to expand Medicaid,
which meant states could

choose to reject
the expansion.

Even though that--
that would be an odd decision,

under the law,
the federal government

would pay 100% of the costs
for the first three years,

eventually decreasing to 90%.

And I can't think
of anything I would not buy

if I only had to pay

"Fred Claus" on DVD?

I mean, no thank you,
but yes, I'll take it!

Vince Vaughn is always good
for 49 cents worth of yucks.

Basically, for--
for relatively little

of their own money,
states could cover

all their poorest citizens.

It was an exceptionally
favorable deal,

but guess what
many states chose to do?

Texas will not
be participating

in Medicaid expansion.

They're working hard
to change the American Dream

into the European nightmare.

This system, uh,
we call Obamacare

that we now see
is gonna be a train wreck,

and I do not want
the name of Mississippi

emblazoned across that train
when it leaves the tracks.

Would you consider
expanding a broken system?

Of course not, of course not.
It's like a drug dealer.

You give 'em
your first hit free,

and then they're hooked
for years and years.


except in this instance,
that drug addict has cancer,

the drug being
pushed is chemo,

and the corner boys have

seven years
of f*cking med school.

to expand Medicaid,

leaving over
three million people

in the Medicaid Gap.

People in the illogical
situation of not making

enough money to receive
government assistance.

Just listen
to Lashombee Hoard,

a diabetic who
at one point

was forced to reuse needles
to save money.

I don't make enough money
to get the insurance

through federal government,
and then I--

I make too much
to get Medicaid,

and I cannot afford
the insurance

that's offered
at my job, so...


I'm just...
hanging in the air.

It's hard to explain
how disappointing that is.

Okay, the word "disappointing"
does not quite cover it.

"Disappointing" is your child
dropping out of college

to be a street mime.

"Gerald, your mother's

"Do not pretend
you can't hear me

"inside that glass box!

I know you can
hear me, Gerald!"

This kind of situation
is not disappointing.

It's f*cking tragic.

The frequent argument
for states refusing

the expansion is they couldn't
bear the increased cost.

Although, it is worth noting
that to their credit,

even fiscally conservative
Republican governors

like Jan Brewer,
Chris Christie,

Mike Pence, and John Kasich
did expand Medicaid

in their states, despite being
firm opponents of Obamacare.

I don't support Obamacare.

I-- I wanna repeal it,
but I did expand Medicaid

because I was able
to bring Ohio money back home

to treat the mentally ill,
the drug addicted,

and to help the working poor
get health care.

Because you oppose Obamacare
doesn't mean when you have

an opportunity to bring these
$14 billion of Ohio money

back to Ohio,
that's not Obamacare.

That's Medicaid.

You know what?
Good for him. Good for him.

Although, it's a bit weird
when accepting billions

of dollars to give
health care to poor people

is somehow a brave
and noble stand

when all Kasick technically
did was see a dump truck

full of money backing
into his driveway

and just not say, "Stop."

All of which brings us back
to Tuesday's elections,

because in these three states,
they could determine the fate

of Medicaid expansion.

So, let's start
with Mississippi.

Their incumbent governor,

Phil Bryant,
opposes the expansion.

The good news is,
his opponent has promised,

if elected,
he'll expand it.

The bad news is,
his opponent is this guy.

Political experts
in Mississippi were stumped

when the long-haul trucker,
who ran no campaign
to speak of

and who was essentially
unknown outside his own home

was elected as the Democratic
nominee to be governor.

Spent how much in this race?

Maybe $50, $60.

$50, $60 on
the whole campaign?

No signs in the yard,
no bumper stickers?
No signs, no anything.

Gray's run for the nomination
was so low-key,

he forgot to mention it
to his own mother.

I called him
and I said,

"Robert, you're
running for governor?"

And I was like,
"No, he would've told us,"

and she's like,
"No, it's him."

Holy shit!

There-- there is a difference

between running
a low-key campaign

and not having
name recognition

within your own family!

And if you're wondering
how on earth

he got that nomination, well,
some people have a theory.

Some think it's simply

because Gray's name
was the first on the ballot.

Others say it's because he has
a traditional man's name.

He is a male,
and this is Mississippi.


"He is a male,
and this is Mississippi."

It's depressing when
that's all you have to say

and everyone understands.

It was an attractive goat,
and this is West Virginia.

I-- I get it.
I get it.

I don't need anymore details.

We're on the same page.

It-- it's pretty clear
at this point Robert Gray is

not going to be the next
governor of Mississippi,

so let's move on
to Virginia,

where the obstacle
to Medicaid expansion

is their state legislature.

For anything to happen,
Democrats would first

have to gain
two Senate seats,

and one of the Senate's
leading opponents

of expansion is d*ck Black,
whose name, yes,

sounds like a category heading
in an adult bookstore.

But believe me,
he's considerably less fun

than his name suggests.

For instance,
he once sent

a thank-you letter
to Bashar al-Assad

commending him for
his extraordinary gallantry

in his w*r against t*rrorists,
a letter Assad posted

to his Facebook page--
which I'd say was

the worst thing he'd ever
posted on social media

if it weren't for this
genuine Instagram photo

of his windshield
on a rainy day,

which Assad--
which Assad actually tagged

"#Rain, #Morning,

#bestoftheday, #instagood,

Assad abuses hashtags
almost as much as he abuses

the Syrian people.

And by the way,
Bashar al-Assad is not alone

in getting surprising
envelopes from d*ck Black.

Years ago, when he was
in the House of Delegates

and sponsoring
an anti-abortion measure,

he left envelopes
on Senators' desks

with little,
plastic pink fetuses inside.

Well, that is revolting.
It almost makes you wish

that d*ck Black,
who is running in Virginia,

was legendary
accordionist d*ck Black.

I'm sure he could find
a great campaign song

from his actual album,
"A Taste of d*ck Black."


"A Taste of d*ck Black."

Now, is that relevant
to what we were talking about?

Absolutely not.

But you cannot deny
it's a nice palate cleanser

after you just heard
the phrase "plastic fetuses."

But perhaps the most
striking election this year

is in Kentucky, where
they did expand Medicaid,

and by all accounts,
it has worked brilliantly.

Kentucky has seen
the nation's steepest drop

in the rate
of uninsured residents.

Only an idiot would
try to undo that,

which brings me to
gubernatorial candidate
Matt Bevin.

He is being accused of
wanting to end the expansion

and kick people off Medicaid,
something he denies.

You're hearing things
that I'm supposedly saying,

which in fact,
I've never said.

I've never said I'm gonna
kick people off of Medicaid.

All right, okay, fine.
You never said that?

Well, I presume that means

that this footage
does not exist.

The fact that we have
one out of four people

in this state on Medicaid
is unsustainable.

It's unaffordable.

So, if you were governor,
you would undo

his executive order
to expand Medicaid?

No question about it.

I would reverse
that immediately.

The only rational explanation

is that Matt Bevin
has cloned himself,

and his clone, Batt Mevin,
is even stupider than he is.

And what-- what makes
his opposition

to government assistance
especially hard to take

is that he heads up
a family bell-making business,

whose Connecticut factory
sadly burned down
a few years ago.

So, what did this
staunch, small government,

free-market advocate do?

Owner Matthew Bevin
vows to rebuild,

and he may be
getting some help.

Senator Blumenthal vows

to explore EPA grants
for cleanup,

possible small business loans,
and potential resources

from FEMA
and other federal agencies.

Your kind, uh, offer
to basically form

Team Bell Town is critical.

Now, to be fair,
Team Bell Town did not
receive federal assistance.

Bevin did, however,
get a $100,000 state grant

to reopen his factory.

So, if Matt Bevin
ends up winning,

I presume he'll
give you health care

as long as you cover
yourself in bells

and set yourself on fire.

But the real irony here
is that Bevin did not have

insurance to cover the fire
because he claimed

"No company would
insure the buildings

for a price
that made sense."

That's right, because
the cost of insurance

was too high,
he needed to turn

to the government for help.

And quite frankly,
Matt Bevin,

that should ring
a f*cking bell!

[cheers and applause]

And yet-- and yet,
as of right now,

his race is
considered a toss up.

He could win-- just like
d*ck Black could win,

and just like
Robert Gray definitely won't.

So, on Tuesday,
even if you don't live

in a state
holding an election,

spare a thought
for the people who do,

because the results may
ultimately affect the health

of half a million people,
and of course,

one ridiculous looking animal.

And now this.

[announcer speaking]

Now, there's no rain
in the forecast today.

We're gonna be dry.

But a little bit
cold out there.

We have these temperatures
in the 30s in Kentucky.

Generally mild
through the city
and surrounding areas.

Four in Airdrie,
six in Okotoks and in Concord,

Bragg Creek still
a little bit cooler.

We also have a couple
showers that are moving

through Northeast Nevada,
cloud cover, some showers.

Could move up
along the Idaho border.

Certainly an improvement
from a bit of light rain,

and even some freezing rain
that we saw come

across the region
over the last several days
for some communities.

And here comes
the seven-day forecast.

And we got a high
of 60 today,

And lastly tonight,
we move on to China--

a 3.7 million square-mile
panda fuckpad.


China is one of the largest
countries on Earth,

and in recent years,
they've seemingly been trying

to get even larger.

Reporter: Satellite photos
of China gaining ground.

Island building to cement
its claim over disputed

territories in
the South China Sea.

Whichever country plants
their flags on these islands

and reefs could control
considerable resources.

It's also one of the world's
busiest shipping lanes,

with over 10 million barrels
of oil moving through

the South China Sea each day.

It's true. China is
building man-made islands

to claim territory despite
several other countries

also claiming those islands.

Although, to be honest,
I'm pretty sure they are

all going to be unsuccessful,
and I'll tell you why.

Janice in Accounting
don't give a f*ck.


The-- the US emphatically
disputes China's tactics,

and-- and earlier this week,
sailed a warship

just 12 nautical miles
from one of the islands,

prompting this response.

The possible threat of w*r
against the United States

leveled by a top Chinese
military official...

According to Reuters,

Chinese Admiral Wu Shengli
in a video conference

with US Admiral
John Richardson said

if the US continues
with those kinds of maneuvers,

there could be
a serious confrontation.

Quote, "or even a minor
incident that sparks w*r."

Holy shit.

We could be going
to w*r with China.

And before you think
China shouldn't make

a mountain out of a molehill,
I will remind you,

they just made f*cking islands
out of the ocean.

But-- but before
anyone panics,

I may have a possible
solution here,

and it involves this man--

Grammy winning
saxophonist Kenny G.

Let me explain.

Kenny G is a really
big deal in China.

In fact,
throughout the country,

his song, "Going Home,"
is piped into shopping malls,

schools, and train stations
as a signal to people

that it's time to leave.


This has been happening
for years. Just take a look.

["Going Home" playing
over PA systems]


What do you mean
is Kenny G still alive?!

Of course he is!

The G is an immortal being,

untethered from space
and time, floating endlessly

on an eternal wave
of pure smoothness.


And frankly,
is it any wonder

the Chinese people love
that song so much?

Just listen to it.

Oh, that is smooth!
That's so smooth.

It's like wearing a mink coat
in a bathtub full of lube.

It's-- it's almost
impractically smooth.

Listen, Kenny G is clearly
our secret w*apon.

He has an uncommon ability
to make the people of China

stop what they're doing
and go home to relax.

If we could only harness
that power of subliminal

suggestion for good,
we could all live

in a slightly safer world.

So, in the light
of this week's events,

ladies and gentlemen,
please welcome

the future winner
of the Nobel Peace Prize,

Mr. Kenny G!

[cheers and applause]

[playing "Coming Home"]

China, I know
you want these islands.

I know you want them
real bad, China,

but I'm guessing you're
feeling a whole lot more

relaxed about
the whole situation
right now, aren't you?

And I'll tell you
why you are--

'cause Kenny G
is pouring liquid velvet

into your ears right now!

No one can start
an international incident

to this sound,
can they, Kenny G?

Can they, Kenny?

No, of course they can't!

They can barely move!

This is like being shot with
a silk horse tranquilizer!

Anything else you'd like
to add, Kenny G?

No? I didn't think so,

'cause Kenny G lets
his saxophone do the talking.

And right now,
it's telling everyone

to calm the f*ck down!

That's our show!

Our thanks to Kenny G
for bringing peace

to the South China Sea!

See you next week!
Good night!

[cheers and applause]
Play it, Kenny!

Play it, Kenny!

That is so smooth!

That is so
f*cking smooth, Kenny!

Oh, yes!

It's like audio syrup!

Audio maple syrup!

I feel like I'm drowning
in full-fat milk!
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