07x18 - Coronavirus X

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Last Week Tonight with John Oliver". Aired: April 27, 2014 – present.*
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American late-night talk and news satire television program hosted by comedian John Oliver.
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07x18 - Coronavirus X

Post by bunniefuu »

Hi there, welcome to the show!

Still taking place in what is
the saddest man cave ever assembled.

It's been a busy week,
from prominent Twitter accounts

getting targeted in a Bitcoin scam

to federal agents shoving Portland
protestors into unmarked cars,

to the Trumps becoming
the first family of legumes.

But we're gonna begin tonight
with the coronavirus,

the disease
that's wreaking havoc on...

Wait a minute. Is that cake?
God damn it! f*ck you, cake!

Everything can't be you!

Sadly, here in the US,
Covid cases have continued to climb

and a debate over what to do about
schools has been dominating the news,

after kicking into high gear
a little over a week ago.

President Trump tonight once again
at odds with his own medical experts

as he continues to relentlessly
push America's schools to reopen.

Our schools,
we want 'em open in the fall.

He's also threatening
to defund schools that don't open,

though he has
little power to do so

and criticizing the CDC's school
safety guidelines,

calling them
"very tough & expensive."

We don't want the guidance
from CDC

to be a reason
why schools don't open.

Pence doesn't think CDC guidelines
should impede schools opening?

Then what exactly are they for?
These are public health guidelines.

Shouldn't be skimmed through
and deemed inconsequential

to our current situation,
they're not Mary Trump's book.

Trump administration's insistence
that schools should reopen full-time,

for in-person learning,
regardless of local virus spread,

has prompted questions like:
What? How? The f*ck?

And the f*ck??? again,
but with more question marks.

Some in the administration
claim it shouldn't be an issue.

Just go back to school.
We can do that.

You can social distance, you can
get your temperature taken,

you can be tested,
you can have distancing.

Come on, it's not that hard.

Okay, real quick: f*ck you,
Larry Kudlow, you human cufflink.

You can't tell people
to "Just go back to school"

without answering questions around
how that can happen safely.

The only questions that Kudlow's
answering effectively there is:

what would it would look like
if someone made Rudy Giuliani

exactly zero-point-zero-zero-one
percent hotter?

Safely reopening schools
is going to be incredibly hard.

They are not designed
for social distancing

and years of budget cuts
and the economic downturn

are gonna make it difficult
for them to upgrade their facilities.

While this administration
has repeatedly implied

that kids are at low risk
of severe illness:

A, we absolutely do not know that,

and B, you know schools
don't just contain children, right?

Lots of adults work in schools,
many of whom are vulnerable.

In fact, nearly a third of K through

because they're over 50,

some of whom are painfully aware
of the risks they're about to take.

Mary Strickland has been
teaching middle school 22 years

and she loves it.

But the sign outside her Fort Worth
home describes how the 53-year-old

feels about going back: terrified.

Fearing the worst,
she's making end of life plans.

I'm very concerned about my health,
about my life

and that's why my husband
and I decided to write our wills.

That's awful. Teachers should not go
to work scared they might die.

They should be scared
of the usual teacher things,

like not making
enough money to eat

or being made into a TikTok meme
by one of their students.

"I bent over in front of the skeleton
to pick up my pencil"

"and now 10 million people
are watching a video"

"of me getting drilled doggy style by
a bone man to 'Old Town Road'."

"I hate my f*cking life."

This is a tough, complicated situation
that requires nuanced thinking.

Which is why it's so maddening

to see it reduced
to talking points like this.

I can promise you
for many of our kids,

keeping these schools closed
is gonna hurt them

far more worse
than the coronavirus can.

- France, Germany...
- Go ahead, sir.

Denmark, Austria, Vietnam...

Even Vietnam
has opened their schools.

And they've done it safely
and we can too and we should too.

First of all,
the senator is rocking a look there

that can only be described
as open casket realness.

But second,
he can sneer all he wants

about how other countries
have done this, "even Vietnam!"

But the fact is, they've reopened
under very different circumstances:

gradually, and when daily case
rates were low and dropping.

When Vietnam
reopened their schools,

it had seen no community infections
for nearly a month.

Whereas our new daily cases have
reached 77 000 and are rising.

But I will give him this:

there is real harm in not
being able to reopen schools.

At-home learning
is a poor substitute,

especially for those
with limited internet access

or who require specialized support

and some kids rely on schools for
important resources, like meals.

Parents are burdened, especially
those who can't work remotely

and who have few options
when it comes to childcare,

a stress that falls disproportionately
on women, especially women of color.

Even those lucky enough
to be able to work from home

are finding this stressful and badly
want their kids back in school.

Trust me. I love my kids
more than anything,

but I'd send them
to go study in Jake Paul's house

if it meant I could
have my mornings back.

But we haven't made the issue
of schools reopening a priority,

something actually best summed up
by Florida governor Ron DeSantis,

whose state is pumping out cases faster
than just about anywhere right now.

Listen to him explaining why
reopening schools has to be done,

for the sake of consistency.

We spent months saying

that there were certain things
that were essential.

That included fast-food
restaurants, it included Walmart,

it included Home Depot.

If that is essential, then educating
our kids is absolutely essential.

And they have been put to the back
of the line in some respects.

He's actually right, there.
We have prioritized things

like opening restaurants and bars
ahead of our children.

And many advised that we go
a lot slower, while unfortunately

the Ron DeSanti of the world
ignored that advice,

saying things like: "go enjoy.
Have a drink. It's fine."

It is almost impressive to watch
a sitting governor

try and make the argument:
"We were really dumb then,"

"so the only fair thing
is to also be really dumb now."

Schools clearly
don't exist in a vacuum.

And the best way to reopen
schools safely is,

if I may quote Ashish Jha, the director
of the Harvard Global Health Institute:

"Live in a community that doesn't
have a big disease outbreak."

"That's how you open up
schools safely."

So many of the decisions
that could make schools safe

involve what we all do
outside of them.

The frustrating thing is,

the government could be
really helping there,

with consistent messaging
on the importance of wearing masks

and possibly reclosing
some non-essential businesses,

while making sure people are paid
a living wage to stay at home.

Because our response here
is only going to be as strong

as our weakest link
and other countries,

France, Germany, Denmark,
Austria, even Vietnam, know this.

Why? Because understanding is,
if I may quote Larry Kudlow,

not that f*cking hard.

And now, this.

Parents On Television
Just Want One Thing.

I'm gonna out myself as pro-school,
pro-if it is open, I will send her.

I'm just trying to get people
to take my children.

Take my kids back!

That was one of those surveys
that they sent out and I sent it,

I said:
"Take my kids! Take 'em", I said.

Please take my children.

We gotta get our daughter out of
the house. She drives us crazy.

Please send my kids back.
Please send my kids back to school!

You're having a day there, aren't you,
in the Kammerer household?

- You heard that earlier?
- Yeah, I heard that.

Moving on. Our main story
tonight concerns conspiracy theories,

voted definitely true
by "Dipshit Uncle Quarterly".

You're probably familiar with
at least some conspiracy theories,

like the claim that
the moon landing was faked

or the argument that the earth is flat
and that scientists are covering it up.

And that is a theory that led to
this stunning YouTube video.

Operation Fish Bowl.

There Never Was A South Pole.

We're Surrounded By Walls Of Ice

And We Clearly Live
Inside Of A Glass Dome.


And putting aside the factual
inaccuracies, slant rhymes,

shoehorned lyrics and the bad
Adele or solid Björk impression,

my favorite part of that
is the comment:

"Holy crap this is amazing!
I'll share this around the world!"

Which is, quite simply, perfect.
But as you've probably guessed,

the reason that we need to talk
about this is that the coronavirus

has created a perfect storm
for conspiracy theorists.

Because their theories
are now everywhere.

Over the last few weeks,
some people have been saying online

that the virus is harmless
or even that it doesn't exist.

Numerous sites and groups online
have been falsely claiming

that this virus is a result of
some sort of biological warfare,

some sort of bioweapon,
or even created

by the pharmaceutical industry
to try to sell more vaccines.

One particularly persistent falsehood?

When they turn this on,
it's gonna k*ll everyone?

A woman in Britain called workers
K*llers for laying fiberoptic cables.

When they turn that switch on,
bye-bye, mama.

There is so much wrong there,
but most of all,

the only time an English person should
be saying: "Bye-bye mama",

is when they're physically
leaving the womb.

"Bye-bye, mama.
Thank you for an excellent delivery."

And after that it's:
"Yes, mom. No, mom"

and, "Thank you kindly for wiping off
my shameful buttocks, much obliged."

And those theories
are just the tip of the iceberg here.

You might have seen this video
of two doctors making

a now-debunked claim that
Covid death rates were exaggerated,

because it was all over Facebook
a couple of months ago.

Or maybe
you came across "Plandemic",

a pseudo-documentary filled with
a hodgepodge of conspiracy theories.

In just one week, it was viewed
over eight million times.

Which is a shockingly high number
because that means it's been seen

more times than this TikTok
of a cat matching a piano's pitch.

Good cat.
You deserve more views.

And the problem is,
some online theories

have already prompted
some worrying real-world actions.

Take the hashtag

which spread after some claimed
that the severity of the pandemic

was being exaggerated
and urged people to expose the truth.

That led to videos like this one,
where a man angrily demands

hospital staff show him
their coronavirus patients

and then shouts at them
as he drives away.

Maybe you could call the governor
and tell him about the hoax.

- Take care, sir.
- Are you serious?

Yeah, it's a hoax.

Where's all the patients?
Where's the lines of sick people?

They don't sit in our lobby.

Yeah, she's right. Can you imagine
how confused that man is

whenever he tries
to check into a hotel?

No vacancy?
Where are all the guests?

Where are the depressed salesmen

attempting autoerotic asphyxiation
in your lobby?

Call the governor
of this Best Western

and tell him your sign is a hoax.

And the harms of conspiracy
theories during a pandemic

go far beyond confused
hospital workers,

as one study pointed out,
given the transmissibility of Covid-19,

these beliefs are dangerous even if
only a fraction of Americans

succumbing to them ignore best
practices, such as social distancing.

Let's talk about
conspiracy theories, particularly,

why they're so appealing,
how to spot them

and what you might be able
to do about it.

And let's start with the fact

that these theories are a lot more
popular than you might think.

Polls over the years have shown
that over half of Americans

consistently endorse at least one sort
of conspiratorial narrative.

And look, I'm not immune here.

there is a part of me

that thinks the royal family
had Princess Diana k*lled.

I know that they didn't because there's
absolutely no evidence that they did.

But the idea still lingers.

Because it felt too big an event
to be accidental,

there had to be some intent there.

And experts will say that that is
a huge draw of conspiracy theories.

They help explain a chaotic,
uncertain world,

and appeal to the human impulse to
what's called proportionality bias,

which is the tendency to assume that
big events must have big causes.

Take the JFK assassination.
That event shook the world

and the very idea that a lone gunman
could cause such chaos

was inherently unsatisfying,
so people, perhaps understandably,

reached for a much bigger answer.

Although, it is revealing that,

less impactful events have attracted
significantly less speculation.

The attempted assassination
of Ronald Reagan

was a similar event in all regards,
except that the president survived.

It was a smaller event
in terms of its outcome,

and therefore, we're satisfied
with smaller explanations.

There have been almost
no conspiracy theories

about the attempted assassination
of Ronald Reagan

either at the time or subsequently.

Exactly. And that
kind of makes sense, doesn't it?

'Cause one man suddenly changing
the world is inconceivable.

One man failing miserably
isn't remotely surprising.

Something which is, incidentally,
also the tagline for feminism.

These theories have undeniable appeal
and they've actually been

particularly seductive
during global health crises.

In the 14th-century,
conspiracy theorists claimed

that Jewish people were responsible
for the bubonic plague.

In 1890, a newspaper claims
the electric light was responsible

for a global influenza outbreak.

And in 1918,

rumors spread that the German
pharmaceutical company Bayer

tainted its U.S.-sold aspirin tablets
with the so-called Spanish flu.

The only difference now

is that our current pandemic
is coming in the age of the internet,

when it's not only easier
for people

to do bad research
and spread their results,

it's also possible for them
to make material look authoritative.

In fact, take "Plandemic."
At first view,

it looks like a high-budget
true-crime documentary,

with fancy graphics
and drone footage.

And it deploys those techniques
to tell the story of Judy Mikovits,

a former scientist at
the National Cancer Institute,

who's depicted as a whistleblower
on the scientific establishment.

Here is how the film presents
a key moment in Mikovits's narrative,

where she claims that her enemies
had her arrested without cause.

And so what
did they charge you with?

- Nothing.
- But you were in jail?

I was held in jail with no charges.
I was called a fugitive from justice.

No warrant. Literally drug
me out of the house.

Our neighbors are looking
at what's going on here.

They search my house
without a warrant.

That looks pretty compelling there.
The police surrounding her house,

using violent force, and eventually
throwing her in jail without cause.

A few things you should know.
First, she was criminally charged.

As stated in a lawsuit that she herself
later filed over the arrest:

"Mikovits was arrested
on criminal charges."

When a reporter
pointed this out to her,

she said she meant the charges
were later dropped, adding:

"I've been confused for a decade"

and that "I'll try
to learn to say it differently."

Second, while that arrest
footage looks dramatic,

it is not actually
from her arrest at all.

It's from an unrelated SWAT raid
and is the first result you get

when you search "house raid"
on a stock footage website.

Which is just ridiculous, 'cause if
they'd simply worked a little harder

and searched "house raid"
on other stock footage sites,

they could have found this video of
a masked robber spanking himself,

then flipping the bird
and dancing around like a maniac.

And that's not just objectively
better than the clip they chose,

it's also exactly as relevant.

And the issue isn't just that the film
misrepresents Mikovits's backstory,

it's that, in doing so,
they lend her an air of credibility

when they allow her
to make unchallenged,

batshit medical claims like these.

Wearing the mask literally
activates your own virus.

You're getting sick from your own
reactivated, coronavirus expressions.

And if it happens to be SARS-CoV-2,
then you've got a big problem.

Why would you close the beach?

You've got sequences in the soil,
in the sand.

You've got healing microbes
in the ocean, in the salt water.

That's insanity.

Yes! It is! Everything
that you just said is insane.

The idea that wearing a mask activates
your own virus is absurd.

In debunking it, PolitiFact said:
"There is no evidence to support this"

and then threw in: "We're not sure
what a 'coronavirus expression' is."

As for the idea that there are healing
microbes at the beach:

I don't want to be the depressing guy
that tells you

going to the beach
won't cure coronavirus.

But I will say, the beach
is exactly three things,

none of which are medicine.

It's sand that goes down
your ass-crack,

salt water that gets up your nose
and sun that burns your skin.

The beach doesn't cure anything
except you being comfortable.

Incidentally: when we reached out
to the director of "Plandemic"

to cite our many issues
with the film, he wrote back,

not only saying that he stands
behind it, but asking:

"In a country that marches to the chant
of 'believe all women',"

"why is it that people are so quick
to disbelieve Dr. Mikovits?"

To which the answer is, obviously:

A, because she's telling people good
coronavirus prevention involves

not wearing a mask
and going boogie boarding.

B, the phrase is "believe women"
not "believe all women".

And, C, that's not what that phrase
is about

because the point
of the movement is not:

"We all have to take Rachel Dolezal
at her f*cking word now."

And look, I am well aware that,
for some,

even these criticisms of "Plandemic"
will somehow be further proof

that what it's saying is true.

That is actually a common trait
of conspiracy theories,

that they're "inherently selfsealing",

with any criticism just becoming
evidence that the whole thing

is bigger
than anyone could've imagined.

I will simply say this,

if I am in on this conspiracy, that
means my puppet master is AT&T.

And what makes you think that
they can pull off a global conspiracy

when they can barely pull off
a complete phone call?

How would they even be
sending me orders? Sprint?

The point is, these theories
can be innately appealing

and, thanks to the internet,
can spread with ease.

All of this would be dangerous enough
before you take into account

that one of the most prominent
spreaders of conspiracies on earth

is the current
President of the United States.

'Cause he's been spreading them
around for years,

often with the excuse that
"people are saying" them

and he's "just asking questions".

Something he's done on bullshit
claims like "Obama was born in Kenya",

"Antonin Scalia was m*rder*d"

and that millions of fake votes
were cast for Hillary Clinton.

Conspiracies are like ugly buildings
and deeply tragic adult children,

in that Donald Trump loves
to unleash them into the world

and then refuse to take responsibility
for them ever again.

And he's been doing this
throughout the pandemic,

including this week, when he retweeted
a theory that the CDC and the media

are lying about the virus
to hurt his re-election chances.

Trump has passed on so many
conspiracies that news outlets

have repeatedly called him
the "Conspiracy Theorist in Chief".

I would argue he's not invested
in these things that he's spreading,

he's only interested in amplifying

whatever he thinks he might
personally benefit from.

I can not believe I'm saying this,
but the person with the clearest sense

of just how deeply cynical Trump's use
of conspiracy theories is, is this guy.

When you get to Trump
and his conspiracy theories,

he does it
in a really clever way.

Trump never says that he believes
these conspiracy theories

that he touts,
he's simply passing them on.

It's his way of jamming 'em up,
of teasing 'em,

it's his way of getting these
conspiracy theories out there.

So, Trump is just throwing
gasoline on a fire here.

And he's having fun
watching the flames.

Yeah, Rush Limbaugh gets it. That's
a sentence I never thought I'd say

unless I was talking about
toilet transmitted chlamydia.

But the thing is,
right now in particular,

there is real harm
in throwing gasoline on the fire,

because people
are going to get burned,

making those flames
not quite as f*cking fun to watch.

Because make no mistake here,
people who have been convinced

that Covid was overblown
have sometimes paid a steep price.

Around this time last month,
Jupiter rideshare driver Brian Hitchens

was a self-proclaimed
Covid-19 skeptic.

I thought it was maybe the government
was trying something that...

And it was kind of like they threw it
out there to kind of distract us.

Fast forward to this week

and Hitchens has a whole new outlook
from his hospital bed.

This is a real virus
that you've got to take serious.

My wife's on the ventilator.
She's been like that for three weeks.

And it's tough, it's sad.

Yeah, it is sad.
And unfortunately,

I don't think he's gonna be
the last person in this country

to learn that a lot of what's on
the internet is bullshit, the hard way.

What can we do here? Social
media companies are finally doing

more to label conspiracy theories
or limit their spread.

But the truth is,
they can only do so much.

They don't always have the expertise
to litigate what is and isn't true.

And the sheer volume
of material flying around

makes it almost impossible
for them to catch everything.

And that's actually been
a challenge for us in this story, too.

We are clearly only scratching
the surface of what is out there.

If you look down at the comments
section when this is on YouTube,

you will find people saying:

"How about the fact the virus
was created as a bioweapon?"

or "What about Bill Gates's
plan to microchip me?"

And it would take days to go through
why each one of those is bullshit

and it still won't address
the ones that come up

in the weeks
and the months ahead.

The fact is, it's gonna be incumbent
on us as individuals to try

and spot these theories and treat
them with a skeptical eye

before we believe them or
indeed spread them around.

And there are actually three basic
questions that you can ask yourself.

First: is there a rational,
non-conspiracy explanation?

Remember the theory 5G towers
are spreading coronavirus?

Or, as that one woman
so memorably phrased it...

When they turn that switch on,
bye-bye, mama.

Exactly. It made the rounds,
helped by images like these,

showing maps of coronavirus cases
alongside maps of the 5G rollout.

And initially, the similarity there
does seem striking until you realize

those maps also look like ones
of population density,

which makes a lot more sense.

Because, that's correlation,
not causation.

Wi-Fi rollouts and virus cases will
be where there are a lot of people.

In fact, lots of maps
look like those maps.

This one of Domino's Pizza locations
looks like a map of outbreaks.

I'm pretty sure Domino's Pizza
isn't causing it.

Yes, their Wisconsin 6 Cheese
will give you a dry cough, fever,

diarrhea and Covid toe but not in
the same way as the coronavirus.

And knowing the difference
is called science.

The second question
you could ask is:

"Has this been held up
to scrutiny by experts?"

"And if so,
what did those experts say?"

Because it's not uncommon
for theories to cite a single source,

a doctor or scientist, like severely
Midwestern Diane Keaton here,

making an outlandish claim.

But, it's worth checking

if most credible doctors
or scientists agree with them.

If you're thinking:

"What if all of them are in
on the cover-up, too?"

That actually brings us
to our final question here:

"How plausible is this conspiracy,
as a practical matter?"

Because not every conspiracy theory
is fictional.

Obviously, some have absolutely
turned out to be true.

But the very fact that we know
about the real ones

actually teaches us
something important.

One study looked
at real government secrets

like Edward Snowden's revelations
about government surveillance

and found the reason they unraveled

was because of the sheer number
of people who had to keep them secret.

They created an equation to predict

how quickly other science-based
conspiracy theories

would have unraveled
had they been true,

finding that faking the moon landing,
for instance,

would've required an estimated

and would've broken down in just
over three and a half years.

Which does make sense,
doesn't it?

Think just how many people
would have to be sworn to secrecy

to keep
a coronavirus hoax under wraps.

I don't know if you've ever tried
to organize a mid-size surprise party

for your cousin but it's borderline
impossible to keep it quiet.

'Cause someone is telling Roxanne.
No matter how many emails

you've sent saying:

Roxanne is finding out.

I know you may not find
conspiracy theories plausible,

but you also
may know people who do.

While you can't reach everyone,
you can reach some.

Now more than ever, it might be
important for you to try.

Which clearly is not easy,
it is completely natural

to simply want to scream at them:

"Why do you believe this nonsense,
you titanic f*cking idiot?"

I would say:
"Just show them this piece",

but obviously
I'm not the best messenger.

Within in the first 20 seconds,
I called your uncle a dipshit.

And dipshits tend
not to like that.

What experts say
is that the most effective way

to approach someone is not by shaming
them for believing something

or overwhelming them with counter
evidence but to try and be empathetic,

meet them where they are

and nudge them
to think a bit more critically.

So, to that end,
we've asked some people

that they might be more
willing to listen to,

to help you start a conversation.

For instance, let's say
your confused grandparents

are passing around misinformation
about not wearing a mask.

They may not listen to me,
but they might listen to the man

that they've been letting into
their home every weeknight

to calmly tell them
what is and isn't correct.

Hi everyone, the answer is:
Alex Trebek.

The correct question, of course:

"Who is that handsome man
I'm looking at right now?"

Yeah. We got Alex Trebek
to make a 90-second video,

gently urging anyone who watches it
to be careful

with what they encounter
and share online.

So, you could show your grandparents
that and then talk to them about it.

But, let's say you've got a cousin
who's not a "Jeopardy" fan.

Maybe they like wrestling
or "Fast & Furious" movies.

Well the good news is, John Cena
has got something to say to them, too.

There's a lot of official-looking
stuff on the internet.

Not all of it's true. And there's
some stuff that seems false,

but isn't, like this one: John Oliver
and I are the exact same age.

Born on the same year,
on the exact same day.

It seems impossible that two human
bodies can age so differently,

but it's true, I checked!

And it's important you do that.

Before you go believe any theory
about the pandemic

or share any information
about the pandemic,

it's good to know
where that information's coming from.

Both of those things he said are true.

You should check information
you see online

and we are the exact same age.

It's a thing that I think
about every birthday.

And it's not just Alex Trebek
and John Cena.

We have an assortment
of truly beloved figures,

from Paul Rudd to Catherine O'Hara
to Billy Porter,

each of whom made messages to urge
people to think more critically.

Here is just a taste.

What's going on, my people?
It's me, Billy Porter.

Hello there,
I'm Catherine O'Hara.

I'm Paul Rudd.

Alex Trebek.

John Cena here, WWE superstar,
actor, internet meme, dessert lover

and number three
on your partner's free pass list.

I'm literally a superhero,
the smallest one, but it still counts.

I know
that we are living in scary times.

Given the current state of things,

you're searching for answers
about the global health crisis.

That's awesome.

That curiosity, that's good.
I'm curious, too.

If nobody ever asked questions,

"Jeopardy" would be a very,
very weird show, wouldn't it?

But you have to be careful

'cause there's a lot of convincing
looking shit on the internet

and most of it ain't true.

I once thought I was dead because
hashtag ♪RIPPaulRudd was trending.

Before you go off and share something
with your friends and family...

It's good to know where
that information's coming from.

Is it a trusted news source?

If you're not sure, look to see

if other trusted news sources and
experts are saying the same thing.

A good way to know if an idea or story
that you've read about holds water

is if a majority
of trusted sources agree on it.

And finally, think critically.

You're smart.

You're a smart cookie,
I know you are.

You have the look of a scholar
and the taste of a macaron.

Y'all got brains, use 'em! Use it like
it's the first roll of toilet paper

in a brand-new pack,
unsparingly and with gusto.

You have common sense,
trust that part of your brain

to guide you as you educate yourself
during this difficult time.

Trust that I'm doing what I can
to hop to number one

on your partner's free pass list
and number three on yours.

Be safe out there.

That's good advice!
To increase the chance

that conspiracy
theorists stumble on them,

we've put their full videos online
at TheTrueTrueTruth-dot-com.

And if you're looking to start
a conversation with someone,

picking one of these videos
is a pretty good entry point.

That is our show. Thank you.
We'll see you next week. Good night!

Get comfortable. Take off your shoes.
I want to talk to you one-on-one.
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