01x06 - The Facility, Part 1

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's". Aired: April 2, 2008 – March 30, 2011.*
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Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's is set in the distant future, in Neo Domino City.
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01x06 - The Facility, Part 1

Post by bunniefuu »

Now let's get up to speed with "yu-gi-oh! D's"

Jackwelcome to the kaiba dome!

Let's ride. Let's ride.

Junk warrior send'em to the scrap heap!


It's my turn now.

Feel the power of my red dragon archfiend!


You're going to regret ever coming here, yusei,

'Cause I'm going to beat you with your own card!

What is that?

I'll teach you to play tricks with me!

I activate a speed spell!

End of storm!

What are you thinking? We gotta stop!

[Thinking] the mighty beast has emerged from its slumber

Where did this come from?

Jack, what's going on?


You are in violation of code -b,

We are placing you under arrest.

Do not try to run.

We have you surrounded.

[Thinking] oh, man, I got no escape,

But even if I did manage to get away,

I still don't know what that

Thing on my arm was!

Captioning made possible by kids productions

♪ Going fast makes me feel alive ♪

♪ My heart beats in hyper drive ♪

♪ Do you think you can win? Only if I lose ♪

♪ Just let destiny choose

♪ I can hear you breathing ♪

♪ I can see you coming

♪ I can feel the wind, it's blowing me around ♪

♪ Take a shot at me runnin' side by side ♪

♪ It's a blur as I go by

♪ I can hear you breathing ♪

♪ I can see you coming

♪ I can feel the wind, it's blowing me around ♪

♪ See the sun a-risin'

♪ Fire in the sky

♪ Greatness thrusts itself into our lives ♪

Judgewho's next?

"Yusei fudo?"

Look at him-- he's a boy!

What's so bad about this kid?

Let's check out the complaint.

Mr. Yusei fudo, turbo dueling

Without a license,

Blah blah, malicious mischief

Blawdy blah blah--

Entering the limits of new domino city without a permit?


Well now, we can't have that, can we?

So here's a little tracking dye.

Is it supposed to tickle?

It's supposed to make sure we can keep an eye on you!

Now to discuss punishment.


Judge, voice-overi believe a few months in the "the facility"

Should do it.

All aboard!

Not to worry, young man.

Think of it as a sort of summer camp.

Lots of time to yourself, arts & crafts,

Colorful characters.


After your sentence--ahem--

I mean, "vacation" is over, you're free to go

Back to satellite, as long as you never duel

Or set foot in new domino city again.

Hey, kid!

Huh? Hmm.

How ya doin'?

I'm sure ya heard of me, young fella.

Name's yanagi!

Adventure's my name, and famous relics are my game!

Put 'er there!

Guess you're not into shaking hands.

Well, that's alright!

Waaait a second, I never forget a face!

You were at the kaiba dome!

I saw sector security take you away!

So was it you who made all the power in the city go out?

And that monster.

Did you cause that red dragon to appear, as well?!

'Cause if ya did, not bad!

I mean that was was the most amazing thing I've ever seen.

You saw that?

Did I see it?

The whole city saw that dragon!

Please tell me where you got it!

East india?

The south american pyramids?

Lost caves?




Ah. My arm why does it hurt so much?

I can't remember.

Mina? What happened to me last night?

What do you mean, mr. Atlas?

Are you saying that you don't remember?

You were in the kaiba dome.

You had a duel with a satellite named "yusei".

It was amazing! You had him on the ropes,

And then he countered,

And you countered,

And then the power outage

Saved you from losing.

Saved me from what?!

That's impossible. I had him right

Where I wanted him!

Oh, um, of course you did!

Please don't be angry mr. Atlas.


Wait. Where are you heading off to?

Mr. Goodwin told me you should be resting!

Zigzixyou see, when jack and yusei's dragons att*cked

Each other, there was a huge burst

Of the "ultimate energy" I was talking about.

I call it ener-d!

Get it? It rhymes with "energy,"

And the "d" is for dueling,

So you get, the, um, the idea. Heh.

Whatever we call it zigzix,

This power flux was apparently strong enough to awaken

The ancient and mystical powers

Of the crimson dragon.

The crimson dragon?!

But its energy is immeasurable.

We have no idea what would happen

Should all of its powers be unleashed!

Earthquakes! Tornadoes! Cataclysmic catastrophes!

Complete generator meltdown!

We lost the signal right here.

The dragon overloaded the power grid.


So it seems the power created

By its summoning is greater than we ever imagined.

Heh heh heh.


Manwelcome to the facility,

Your "home away from home!"

A warm bed, three square meals a day,

Everything the public miscreant could want!

Hurry up!

Computeridentification number gma-.

Illegal entry to new domino city.

Bet you wish you stayed in the satellite now!

Now listen up-- the rules are simple:

No chewing gum, no fighting,

And no dueling!

Also, you probably don't want to get too close

To these bars.

Some of these guys bite!

Now as long as you stay quiet and follow those directions,

You should be safe.

Alright! Here are your new rooms.

I hope the water stained battleship grey is

To your liking.

Home sweet home!!!

Yanagi's been here a few times before as you can tell.

Personally I think the food's finally gotten to him!

Hey! Guard!

What d'ya want?

Thought I'd throw a little "welcome party"

For my new neighbors.

You know, teach 'em the ropes,

Make sure they stay in line.

Good luck.

New guy looks like trouble.

Heh heh heh!

Ahhhh! Great to be back!

You know, you're so much nicer than my last roommate?

What's a guy like you doing here?

Me? I collect cards!

Everyone does that!

Not quite!

See mine are illegal magic relics!

They're from ancient civilizations!

That sounds pretty cool.

Wish I could see some.

Ta-dah! Look here! And here!

Like I said!

I've been stuck here so many times,

I've learned how to sneak in

My entire deck past the guards!

And it's a good thing I did!

Why? We can't duel!

You got a lot to learn, sonny!

Dueling is the only way to stay safe!

And you'll learn that lesson soon enough!

But as long as we got these cards, we're set!

Okay. Ha ha ha!

Wait! The director's in a meeting!

He can't be disturbed!

Look at this!

The ener-d increased

When both dragons were out!

But it only went into to overdrive when they

att*cked each other!

Very interesting.

We must find out why these two beasts

Were able to awaken the crimson dragon.


[Door opens]

I'm sorry, director.


That's my duel!

Did these two peons record what happened last night?!

Calm down, jack.

You broke a dozen laws last night.

You're lucky that your little match

Didn't end up on the news!

It's our job to protect you, jack,

So we need to know what happened.

So then please help all of us help you.

Tell us about the crimson dragon.

Sure, like what, goodwin?!

I know!

How'bout this?

This started to burn!

You should be proud.

It's the crimson dragon's mark.

It's a symbol of power.

You are one of the rare few

Known as a signer.

So what?

This sign indicates that you are

Destined for great things.

Yeah?! Well I already knew I was destined for greatness!

So tell me, why did yusei have one, as well?!

What was that?!

That satellite had the sign as well?!

Didn't your cameras pick it up?

Jack, signs mean far more than you know.

You have to be sure that yusei had one.

So what if he had one!

Yusei's not destined for anything

But minimum wage!

Plus, he didn't have one in the satellite,

So it must be a fake.

Huh? What was that on the video?!

Play it back to me!

Before this!

There! Come on. Come on!

I want that image enlarged.

Uh-of course!

Oh! That card!

That's--that's meteor stream!

You are correct as usual.

And you should be pleased that the power went out.

Otherwise, your unbeaten streak

Would have come to an end.

If you don't believe me,

See for yourself.

I activate a speed spell!

End of storm!

Don't look so depressed, jack!

I guess your friend yusei learned some new tricks!

You probably thought your combo would

Give you back stardust, but you opened the door

For a counterattack.

It's an easy mistake.

A mistake?!

You had better watch what you say in front of me,

You miserable purple-haired little freak!

I only speak the truth.

I knew what I was doing all along!

How many times must I tell you

Yusei's just a loser?!

I'm the champ, and I'm the one who's

Gone undefeated in new domino city!

Then why doesn't our dear champion

Know what happens when yusei's

Meteor stream counters your intended move?

You lose the match!

But I still had life points after my combo,

And his meteor stream was only gonna take away...

All of them.

There was nothing I could do.

I actually lost to him. Impossible.


Jack! Last night never happened.

No one outside this room knows this video exists.

But I know, goodwin!

I know what happened last night!

And I'm going to settle some unfinished business!

Where is yusei?!

I have to duel him again!

I'm afraid that's a little tricky right now.

Yusei's a satellite.

Therefore he's been taken to the facility.

And I'm afraid he won't be leaving

For quite some time.

But don't worry, jack.

We hear that he's being made feel right at home

I'm going.

The facility?!

If this is your idea of a joke,

I'm not laughing, jack.

Don't throw away all that we've worked for

Just to prove that you're the best against him.

Your sign, jack, it is your destiny!


Say hello, newbie, to my duel stadium.

Hope you know how to duel!


You ready, guys?

Let's see what he's made of.

Aah! Aah!

Now lemme tell ya how things are gonna work around here.

First day in, everyone duels.

You duel good, you get respect.

But don't get no ideas

'Cause I'm the best.

Ahhh! Ha ha ha!

Of course you're the best!

You're bolt tanner!

He's a pro!

And I'm your biggest fan!

Can I have an autograph please!

Sure, but I only write in black and blue?

Aw, man.

The old guy had that coming!

Tanner sure does hate it when anybody

Brings up his past!


You got your first opponent,

And it's yours truly!

And I'm gonna mop the floor

With that big head of yours!

And cause ya got no deck, looks like

You're duelin' with a reject one we put together.

Hee hee!

Actually I smuggled in my own deck, tanner!

And it's the greatest deck ever made!


And I call it my treasure deck!

And it's packed!

Relics! Fossils! Antiques!

See? See? See, see!

It's all here!

A "treasure deck?!"

How'd he get that?!

Either way, they won't help you, grandpa.

N'where's your deck?

Not with me.

After I'm through with gramps over here,

I'll rustle up some cards for you.

And then I'll teach you a thing or two

About dueling in the facility.

And you better believe it'll be a lesson

You'll never forget.


Let's everyone calm down!

I've been here before, and I know how the rules

Are supposed to work!

If I win, then well I'm in charge.

Like that would ever happen!

Well since you're so confident,

Let's get this duel started

So I can end it.


This is like a dream come true, tanner!

Dueling my hero!

Just go!

Be careful, tanner!

After all if his deck's for real,

Then you just might have a fight on your hands!

Like his "treasure deck" is real.

Don't make me laugh!

Oh they're real! I promise!

And they're gonna put me in charge of this place!

Grandpa! Age before beauty!

Ha ha ha! I get it!

I'm first!

Ha ha ha!

Watch this!


A priceless artifact!

I got this one during my last amazing adventure!

I befriended an ancient tribe of aztec warriors,

Who led me to their secret, forbidden temple,

Where I found--

Save the stories for bedtime, grandpa,

And make your move.

Where I found this!

The ancient relic known as the crystal skull.

Computercrystal skull is a monster card

That deals points of damage

To its controller when it is summoned.

Ha ha ha!

So who's laughing now, tanner?!

Huh? Aah!

You didn't read the fine print, gramps!

Looks like his treasure has its own curse!

He lost life points just for summoning it!

But of course!

The curse proves that it's no fake!

The aztecs promised me that it was real!

And what else did they promise you?

Montezuma's revenge?

Hey grandpa!

I got an ancient artifact for ya:

It's your wardrobe!

If there's one thing the ancient aztecs

Didn't give you, it was a mirror!

Ha ha ha!

Oh yeah! Not to mention deodorant!

You think you're funny?

Just you wait. The ancient

And mystical powers of the crystal skull

Will stop you laughing in your tracks!

Ok, gramps, story-time's over.

So now it's my turn!

And I'm starting out with this--

My spell card cost down.

Computercost down is a spell card that downgrades

All the monsters in your hand by two levels

Until the end of your turn.


And why'd you do that?

'Cause you're a funny guy, grandpa.

N' I want the chance to embarrass you even more!

And this guy should keep the misery coming--

I summon ushi oni!

And he's worse than anyone you might

Run into here.



Ha ha ha! You look scared, grandpa!

And you should be because the my ushi oni

Is about to turn your crystal skull

Into an aztec ruin.

Ushi oni, take out that ancient relic!

You can't!

The crystal skull is a priceless artifact!



Do you know what you've just done?!

I just destroyed a "priceless artifact," gramps!

Guess what? Now it really is ancient history!

Your turn.

Well let's see what other treasures I have for you!

Ha ha! Watch this!

Ha ha ha!

This was a rare find indeed!

During my adventures in india,

I discovered this ashoka pillar

In the lost capital of the maurya empire!

Ha ha ha!


Looks more like a giant lamp post to me!

Yeah! That don't seem so special!

Well it is!

See the ashoka pillar is a source

Of great strength to the maurya culture!

It's over a millennia old,

And no one knows quite how it was created!

I have my suspicions.

Hey! Grandpa! Give the college lecture a break!

They tried to teach me that stuff back

At the reeducation center!

And I flunked it a dozen times!

I'd be happy to tutor you in all the relevant texts!

For instance, this spirit mask spell card

Is a treasured artifact from a africa tribe!

Heh! All that's good for is halloween!

But it has vast supernatural powers!

Just wait 'til next turn!

Don't think so!

I've had enough of aztec-this,

Ashoka-that, and african-whatever!

So I think I'll end this lecture of yours

And start up one of my own!

See I rule this place, and it's time you losers

Learned a lesson in respect!

Now lets get this class started.

And start up one of my own!


I summon giant ushi oni!


Hey, grandpa! You might want to close your eyes!

Unless you want to see your pillar get pulverized!

Ha! So much for that!


But wait, guys.

Gramps wasn't lying about that pillar's strength...


'Cause as soon as it gets destroyed,

It delivers two thousand points of damage

To its owner!


And let's not forget your supernatural spirit mask.

It went right to the graveyard.

'N' that means you take one card from your hand

'N' throw it in afterwards

To keep it company!

Oh yeah.

Heh! Tanner's right!

He should've saved that mask

For some masquerade ball!


If you want to see some real magic,

Check out ushi's special ability.

If he destroys a monster in battle,

He can attack you all over again!

Now, giant ushi oni, attack!



Aah! Aah!

Are you okay?


Class dismissed.

You may have been here before, grandpa,

But you never dueled with the likes of me!

N' since you lost, that means im still

In charge of this place!

Now get outta here.

And leave your "precious treasures" with me!

Please let me keep my deck!

I'm--i'm just an old man, mr. Tanner!

I've spent my entire life collecting all these rare cards!

These cards are all I have left, you understand!

They're like my children!

These cards are so special and so delicate

That they require proper supervision!

I've climbed mount everest,

I've survived the saharan heat,

I've touched the north and south poles,

And in all these amazing travels,

There's nothing as precious as these cards!

Jus' open your heart and let me keep

Them safe and sound!

You can't do this!

Ugh! Unh! Aah!

Looks like you just earned yourself a duel!

Can I borrow your cards?

I can see the true value of your treasure deck.

What? Huh?

You think this treasure deck is worthless?

Then prove it, tanner.

Duel you? With that deck?

Please, I want a challenge.

And you'll get one.

You said we duel here for respect.

I think it's about time you learn what

That really means.


♪ Going fast makes me feel alive ♪

♪ My heart beats in hyper drive ♪

♪ I can hear you breathing ♪

♪ I can see you coming

♪ I can feel the wind, it's blowing me around ♪

♪ See the sun a-risin'

♪ Fire in the sky

♪ Greatness thrusts itself into our lives ♪
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