01x08 - Fire It Up!

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's". Aired: April 2, 2008 – March 30, 2011.*
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Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's is set in the distant future, in Neo Domino City.
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01x08 - Fire It Up!

Post by bunniefuu »

So how you liking your stay here, yusei?

So far, so good.

Well, that'll change soon enough!

Chief armstrong.

We have the kid. Are you ready for him?


Prisoneri cant believe yusei won

And he didn't even attack once.

Different prisoneryeah, that was amazing.

I better hide you guys.

Gramps! Is yusei back?

I'm starting to worry about what the chief wants him for.

Oh, he's fine!

It's just routine!

It's not "just routine."

There are only two ways you get to meet the chief:

You make a mean barbecue sauce, or he's mad.

And yusei may know how to duel like a pro,

But I gotta feeling he doesn't know squat about barbecue!

So how do you like the facility so far, yusei?

I'm sure it smells better than what your used to

In the satellite,

As does my anchovy and onion breath, don't you think?



Rumor has it that you might be hiding something.

And it's my job to find out if you are.

Take'im, you two!

Heh! And run your tests.

Find out what this punk's hiding.

Captioning made possible by kids productions

♪ Going fast makes me feel alive ♪

♪ My heart beats in hyper drive ♪

♪ Do you think you can win? Only if I lose ♪

♪ Just let destiny choose

♪ I can hear you breathing ♪

♪ I can see you coming

♪ I can feel the wind, it's blowing me around ♪

♪ Take a shot at me runnin' side by side ♪

♪ It's a blur as I go by

♪ I can hear you breathing ♪

♪ I can see you coming

♪ I can feel the wind, it's blowing me around ♪

♪ See the sun a-risin'

♪ Fire in the sky

♪ Greatness thrusts itself into our lives ♪

Just lie still, and don't move a muscle.

Computeranalyzing genetic make-up.

Dna testing complete.

Now, you better hope we find what we're supposed to find,

And soon.

'Cause if you make me miss lunch,

You and I are gonna have big, big problems, satellite!

See, when my blood sugar level gets too low,

I get cranky, angry, and super mean!

He's with him right now.

Though he hasn't found the sign as of yet.

I doubt the chief could find anything

That wasn't lathered in a sweet honey glaze.

Lazarthey're continuing to run all the normal tests,

But with no results.

Here's yusei's file, sir.

Lives in the satellite,

A few run-ins with sector security.

Aptitudes include dueling, mechanical engineering


There's nothing about who he is

Or where he came from!

We're--heh heh-- working on that as we speak, mr. Goodwin!

But you have to consider,

He may not be as special as we hope he is.

It is time I take a trip to the facility.

I need to observe this satellite firsthand

To see whether or not you're right.

And shall I inform the chief of your impending arrival?

Yes. Tell the chief to send the boy back to his cell.

I think I know of a better way

To find the information I seek.

Ha! Have a nice trip!

Hmm. Heh!

You look horrible!

What'd they do to you?!


Nothing. Just ran some tests.


They must have been looking for a mark

That appeared on my arm

When that dragon showed up at the kaiba dome.

They're looking for the mark of the dragon?




You must be a signer, yusei!


I heard about them long ago!

I thought the whole thing was just a legend!

But now, the tale of the people of the stars

May actually be true!

You see, long ago, there was a tribe.

They were brave, and they worshipped a crimson dragon.

And some could even summon the beast!

They're called signers.

There were such warriors,

And each had the mark of a different dragon

That they could call forth to aid them in battle!

Yusei, don't you see! You're one of them!

Me a signer?!

So you think that I actually called out this crimson dragon?

That's exactly what I think.

And as legend would have it,

The mystical powers of the dragons

Were eventually sealed into different duel monster cards!


Which means that you... [Gasp]

Yusei! You must have one!

One of the ancient dragons?!

I'm not so sure.

What?! Well, I've never been so sure of anything

In my entire life!

You'll let me see it, won't you?

I don't have it.


You don't have it?!

Just as well. Heh.

In here, it would probably be confiscated!

But why does the chief even think that

You're a signer in the first place, huh?

Unless someone told him.

Jack, thinkingthere's no way a loser like me could be a signer?

How does goodwin expect me to save the world

When I can't even save myself

From losing to the likes of yusei?

Mr. Atlas?

What do you want?

I'm sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt.

But, um, you see,

I've got a breakdown for tomorrow's duel.

I won't be needing it, mina,

Because I'm not dueling anyone until yusei gets out!

My rank means nothing anymore.

Because he beat me! Me!

And until we have a rematch,

I'm throwing in my cards!

But, mr. Atlas,

You have a contractual responsibility to your sponsors!

You think I care?!

I duel for me!

Not some fat cat holding a checkbook!



Don't you realize that dueling

Is more than just paydays and trophies?

Funny. The only one who understands is yusei.

[Thinking] I wonder if yanagi really knows what he's talking about?

Do I really have the mark of the crimson dragon?

Chiefzip it, everybody!

Good. Now that I have your undivided attention,

Allow me to introduce the director general himself,

Mr. Rex goodwin.

He's here to shed some light on a new program

That he'll be implementing here at the facility

Over the next few weeks.

We're hoping that someone here has the mark of a champion.


[Crowd cheering]

Announcerduelists young and old,

Professional and amateur alike,

Welcome to the kaiba dome!

Now let's get ready to rev things up!

We've got an unprecedented rematch today, so stay tuned!

Mr. Atlas? If it means anything,

You've made the right choice to duel today.

Now let's put all this yusei business behind us

And move on.



I'll move on when I'm good and ready.

Of course. I only meant that--

Save it, mina! I have a duel to prepare for.

[Thinking] because the last thing anyone would want

Is for me to lose again.

All right! Now let's give it uuuuup, for the one, the only

Hunter pace!

Com'out, com'out, jack atlas!

Itz'yur old friend!

And hunter pace's got a score to settle!

I'm winning my title back, pretty boy!

[Crowd cheering]


And now, please welcome,

The undefeated, undisputed duel champion of the world!

The master of faster, the one, the only jack atlas!

[Crowd cheering]

What say we kick this turbo duel into overdrive!

Yeah! Yeah!

Announcerdoes jack atlas have the moves that matter

To take down hunter pace's new deck?

The word on the circuit is that its powerful, it's mean,

And it's hotter than hot!

If everyone here wants a show,

Then I'll give them a show!

Allgo, jack! Go, jack! Go, jack!

Jack, thinkinggo on, cheer.

Scream your lungs out. Buy season tickets.

Crowd around your televisions to witness this deceit.

Heh. It's all a waste.

You came to see a champion?

Well, he's stuck in a cell somewhere.

But if you want a show, step right up,

I'm the all-singing, all-dancing runner-up of new domino city.

Announcerjack atlas and hunter pace are at the starting blocks.

Now let's make some noise, new domino!

Are you ready to turbo duel??!!

I think it's finally time to get things started, don't you?!

I'll fire things up!

Computerduel mode engaged.

Autopilot standing by.

Turbo duelists.

Countdown initiated.

Ready, set, duel.

Hey, hunter! Watch this!

Dark resonator, put up the "big-d!"


Computerdark resonator is a dark attribute fiend type tuner monster

That cannot be destroyed in battle once a turn.

Announcerjack atlas is off to as strong a start

As I have ever seen.

I think he's trying to let hunter pace know

That this title is his and his alone!

Heh! So is that supposed to scare me?!

No, but these two facedowns should do the trick!

Announcerhunter had better be careful,

Or one of those facedowns could lead to an early exit

For the former champ.

Good evening, everyone.

If you will allow me a few moments of your time,

I will explain the details of the pilot program

That chief armstrong mentioned earlier.

I'm sure that many of you feel

That you have been dealt a bad hand in life,

But I hope to change that.

In fact, for one person here,

New opportunities are a handshake away.

Your experiences in life can be of great service to the city.

And that is why I have decided to select one of you

To take under my wing.

And should that person prove himself helpful

To me and the city,

Then I will be more than happy to return the favor--

Like, say, a full pardon, for example.

A clean record,

Perhaps even an invite to live here

In new domino city.

And now its just a matter of picking one of you here

To come and assist me.

Don't go losing your cool, jack, ok?

'Cause now it's my turn,

And I'm planning on turning up the heat in this place, "champ!"

Starting with skull conductor!

See, losing to you last time

Caused me a lot of pain,

But that was nothing compared to the agony

That this monster card is about to orchestrate!

Because as soon as I send ol' boney here to the graveyard,

I can summon out two zombie type monsters

Who are just dyin' to burn up some of your life points!

Ha ha ha!

Say hello to my two burning skullheads!

Announcerand it looks like hunter pace is going all out

To make sure that this duel doesn't end up like their last rematch.

They say that two heads are better than one,

And I couldn't agree more,

Especially since you lose a thousand life points

For each skull head I have on the field!

Looks like I'm halfway to my victory lap,

Doesn't it, jack?!




Oh, dear!

I can't bear to watch this unfold.

Well, then keep your eyes covered,

'Cause there's lots more to come!

And I'll start by releasing my burning skullheads

In order to summon skull flame!

Announcerhunter pace certainly has brought his "a" game

With him today, folks,

And it looks like he's going to do everything in his power

To make jack sweat this one out.

Now lets see what he's gonna fire up next.

Well this should send a signal to the world

That jack's number one rank is about to go up in smoke!

Another burning skull head?!

Something tells me hunter's got a bone to pick with jack atlas!

Burning skull head, attack!


Our champ's down to his last thousand life points!

It seems like we all might be witnessing

Jack atlas' undefeated streak come to an end!

Hear that, atlas?

Sounds to me like your fans

Have already chalked this one up as a loss for you!

Heh heh!

So have i,

Because I've got a little surprise

Waiting for you next turn:

I get to summon another burning skull head.

That means a thousand less life points for you,

And a championship title for me!

Heh heh heh!

Don't look so glum, jack.

If you ever miss your title,

Feel free to contact my agent for a rematch!

I'm sure he'll be able to fit you in

In a year or two.

When you took my title,

I lost my sponsors, my paychecks,

My house, and all my fans!

They say that revenge is a dish best served cold,

But my burning skulls think heatin' it up works just fine!

Announcerit all comes down to this last turn!

If jack can't stop hunter, he's finished!

Hunter's no yusei.

He's the same sort of trash I always beat.

And it's about time I take out the garbage!

Listen up!

Everybody, back to your cells! Immediately!

The director's made his decision!

Come on, move it!

Hold it right there, yusei.

You're the one the director has chosen.

Careful, yusei.

So tell me, mr. Fudo,

What do you think about the little experiment

That I've proposed?

I don't want any part of it.

You'll take part, and you'll like it, you insu--

Oh, come now, yusei.

I know you want some answers.

Huh? What kind of answers, goodwin?

What do you mean?

Don't act so coy, yusei

I know all about that mark of the dragon

That appeared on your arm.

Really? Then tell me what you know about it.

What does it mean?

That is what I'm hoping to uncover with your help.

I can't do it alone.

Well, I don't believe you.

You're hiding something. You're just gonna use me.

Of course!

We all use each other! Look at our city!

The satellite needs the trash that we give them.

And they recycle it for energy and heat

That we in turn use, yusei!

It's not trash that we need, it's freedom.

Fine! It's yours!

Oh, yeah? For what?

Just come with me

So I can study your mark of the dragon.

Together, we may be able to unlock

The secrets of the signers!

But say no, and, well,

Without that knowledge,

We have a special place to send you to.

And then who knows what might happen to you

Once you get there?

What do you mean?

Well, here in the facility,

Anything is possible.

I'll take my chances.

Yes, you will.

Announcerwe're back!

And jack atlas has this one chance to stay undefeated!

Enough warm-up.

Its time I kick this duel into overdrive!

And I'll start by summoning out big piece golem!

What's this? It appears jack is going for a facedown!

You wanna "facedown?"

How'bout I blast ya off your runner!

Funny, hunter,

But he who laughs last laughs best

And my revival gift trap

Should have me laughing all the way to victory

Since I can now summon a tuner monster

From my graveyard!

Next I bring out dark resonator!


Announcerwait! What's happening now?!

Why don't you tell me, pal?!

That's a special effect of the trap revival gift!

Hunter gets two monster tokens on his field,

And who knows what those two have planned?

Oh. Is jack going to come back?!

Will he overcome certain defeat?!

Will he retain his title as champion?!

Will he kick it into over-drive?!

Well, let's find out, shall we?!

Resonator, time to upgrade our golem!


And with him on my field,

I can summon red dragon archfiend!

Talk about saving the best for last!

Jack atlas unleashes his most powerful monster!

Now, let's get fired up!

This isn't good.

Archfiend, attaaaack!

Ouch! That's gotta hurt!

Hunter's skull head is dust, or should I say, smoke!

N'the tokens, too!

Archfiend's just gettin' warmed up!

Wow! Now, that's what I call a special ability!

As soon as it destroys any monster in defense,

All the others get a one-way ticket to the graveyard!

Now, I'll play my trap:

Lineage of destruction!

Computerwith lineage of destruction,

The number of times your monster can attack

Is equal to the number of your opponent's monsters destroyed

While in defense mode.

Announcerand it appears jack has played this match

With the skill and poise of the true champion that he is.

And it seems red dragon archfiend is ready

To finish things off!



Hope by now you learned not to play with fire!

'Cause your career's about to go up in flames again!

Is it too late to say sorry?


Go ahead,

But I guarantee it won't help ya against him!

Attack, red dragon archfiend!

Show no mercy!


Why don't you look on the bright side of this, hunter?

You may lose,

But at least it makes for great television!


Nice little dragon.

You don't really want to attack me, do ya?


Announcer flame on!

Hunter pace is down to his last points!

Don't feel too bad, you're just a warm-up.

Once we're finished,

I've got a rematch with an old friend of mine.

So, thanks for the practice!


It's time to lose a third time!

Archfiend, end this!


They say that times' a charm, hunter,

But I have a feeling that your sponsors won't see it that way.

Maybe you'd be better off changing brake pads for a living.


Announcerjack atlas wins!

In a duel that's sure to go down in history,

Jack turns certain defeat into victory

Over former champ hunter pace!

Who's the master of faster? Who rules the duels?

That's right, it's me, jack atlas!


[Thinking] and next time I meet yusei fudo,

I'll prove it, once and for all!

♪ I can hear you breathing ♪

♪ I can see you coming

♪ I can feel the wind, it's blowing me around ♪

♪ See the sun a-risin'

♪ Fire in the sky

♪ Greatness thrusts itself into our lives ♪
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