01x01 - Horizons

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency". Aired: October 22, 2016 – December 16, 2017.*
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Follows the eccentric Dirk Gently who claims to be a "holistic detective", investigating obscure cases based on the inter-connectivity of all things.
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01x01 - Horizons

Post by bunniefuu »

Yes, I was awake.

Where are you?
It's time.


I'm on my way, is where I am,

and almost there already,

so everything's great.

Good morning, buttercup!

Where is my money?


Dorian! Dorian, stop! Stop!

Stop, stop, stop, stop!


Where's my money!

I gave you your money, Dorian.

Where's the g*dd*mn rent?

I paid you the rent,
I paid you yesterday!

Don't tell me what
you did or didn't do!

You don't know
what happened yesterday,

- you're not a historian!
- I'm just... okay...

Are you a historian?

- No, but...
- No!

I will k*ll you.

If you screw with me again...

Damn it.

What are you gonna do,
you gonna call the cops?

Go ahead.

No, you won't.
No, you won't.

You know why?

'Cause I got you,

I. Got. You.


I want my money!

My 600 bucks!

The spring family
is notoriously reclusive

and cannot be reached
for comment at this time.

If you or anyone you know
has information

on the whereabouts
of Lydia spring,

please contact the number below.

Where's the g*dd*mn rent?

My 600 bucks!

I swear to god, I will k*ll you!

Where's my money?

Are you a historian?

Mr. Palacios...

I need you to get up to 745...

Yes, I will, I just...

Welcome to the Perriman grand.

Allow us to help you with that.

If I could get my check
a little early this month?

What? Why?
Are you okay?

Yeah, I could just...
Use the money.

Yeah, look, Todd, I need you
to get up to 745 right away.

There's some kind of
a drunk woman up there

acting crazy,

and do me a favor,

they've had a "do not disturb"
since 2:00 P.M. yesterday.

You still have your master key?

No, I-i misplaced it.

Take mine.

Okay, but then we can
talk about the check?

Later, yes.

Later, hmm?


...yeah, well,
I'm here on assignment,

so just...

No, I was just...

Get out of the way.

Oh, I'm sorry.


Do I have to leave?

Or could I just sit here
for a second?

Take your time.

Can you just

hang out... with me?

For a second?

I hate men.

I'll be out of here in an hour.


: I hate voice-mail!

Hey, sis, it's me.

Listen, I'm not ignoring you,

I just...

I don't know if I have
the money right now,

and I know I promised you,

but there have been some...

Unforeseen circumstances.

I'm going to get past it,
and I'm gonna get you the money,

and you'll be able to...

Time machine!

No, you lied to me.

And now you've screwed
both of us.

No! Silence! No!

Don't you say a word.
I don't want to hear...

Holy shit, this is when
it happened. That means...

Come on!

: Todd?

Where the hell are you, Todd?

I... I don't know.

Have you checked out
the penthouse?

I mean, I'm...
I'm on my way.

I'm on my way.



Missing persons.

Missing persons?

This is a homicide, or...


This homicide has possible
ties to an ongoing...

Probable ties to an ongoing
missing persons case...


What do you mean
"or something?"

It is strange in here.

What are those, are those burns?

The guy in the bed
was torn in half.

The other guy

had his arm torn off.

There are bite marks
on the ceiling.

An animal, or a w*apon?

There are multiple bite marks
on the ceiling.

They say the noise only
went on for 10 or so seconds.

Zim, what the hell
does this in 10 seconds?

A man was bitten in half.

Bitten in half?

They say they got a witness.

Oh, yeah?

How big are his teeth?

When the key
left your possession?

I'll be honest, it
doesn't look great, Todd.

Late to work,
late getting to the penthouse,

no key.

It all seems very, you know...



Adding up to me
raising my eyebrows like...

Like that.

See, I can't do it.
Only Zimmerfield can.

Only Zimmerfield.

Security tapes
are badly scrambled

but we did manage to pull this.

Before you arrived
in the penthouse.

Is that your key?

I don't think so.

Wait, is he wearing
a gorilla mask?

You didn't...

see anything weird this morning,

did you, Mr. Brotzman?



I don't know.

You just gave every possible
response to that question?

If I were you,
I wouldn't leave town.


Is there...

is there any way you could get
the security footage

for the 18th floor?

That the security footage
was badly scrambled.

Any particular reason
you want that, Todd?

Did something happen
on the 18th floor?

No, I...

Okay, no.

You didn't touch anything

at the scene,

did you, Todd?


Don't leave town.

I won't.


Don't leave town.



Hey, man, snap out of it.

Yeah, sorry, what?

They think it's connected
to something bigger.

What, like the mob?


While you were in there,

did you see any kind of
an animal?


They said they found paw prints.

Paw prints?

Like a dog?


Also, you're fired.

Your involvement in all of this,

it's complicated.

You can't fire me.

I just opened a door.

Well, some doors
shouldn't be opened.

Okay, okay, okay,

is there any way...

you can give me
my final check today,

well, it's a same-day

same day?
What do you mean same day?

Yes, today is the day
that is the same,

today is the day
that it happened.

Right, but any day that
it would've happened

would've been
the day it happened...

Yes, but it's
a same-day termination.

It's always a day, right?

Things happen when they happen.

They happen immediately,

that's what "happening"
is, it means...

No, Todd, sometimes when things
happen, they don't happen.



Right, now you're gonna get...



Stop it...
Jesus! With the...

What the hell, man!

You "what the hell?"

No! Me "what the hell?"

How did you get in here?

The window, obviously.

Do you attack everyone
who comes in here.

Seems like a weird thing to do,

well, clearly, I can.
I mean, I just did...

I'll call the police.

I'm trying to decide
whether you're a clue,

an accomplice,

or an assistant.

Who are you?
What is this?

Have you noticed
an acceleration of strangeness

in your life as of late?

Perhaps a series of intense
or extraordinary events,

which, as of now,
seem unconnected,

with the exception of each
being separately bizarre?

Perhaps every day before now

has, for the most part,
been humdrum and inane,

your life a mundane,
unvarying slog

through unfulfilling jobs,

shallow depression,

and boring, boring sex?


And then suddenly, today,

everything changed,

and your life became a swirl
of interesting activity?

An assistant.

I knew it.

Oh, my name is dirk gently.

I'm a detective,

I live here now, and...


I'll be sleeping here tonight.

You're a terrible assistant.

"Project Icarus"
is leaving the building.

What about the other guy?

I don't know yet.



It's hard to hear you
through the comm in my ear.

I'm not talking to you
through the comm.

I'm talking right to you.

What do you mean,
you've got a shot?

Do I take the shot?

Don't take the shot...

Confirmed, taking the shot.

What the hell are you doing?

You are endangering

the whole g*dd*mn operation!


What the hell just happened?

Who were those guys?

Plates came up military.

Is the guy we're tailing...

Meeting up with another guy,
who is also being tailed,

by... other people?

I let everyone down.

Stupid, stupid, stupid!

I'm so bored.

My life sucks.

Is it bad, or...

No, I mean,
it was a little better today.

Maybe it'll keep getting better.

Didn't you say that
it started out feeling better

a little bit at a time
when it happened to you?

Y-yeah, a little bit,


Don't worry,

I'm not getting my hopes up.

When aunt Esther would have
good days and bad days?

Yeah, I just remember
the bad days.


I'm coming up tomorrow.

Your message said
you didn't have the money.

Yeah, well...

I'll figure something out, okay?

I'll figure it out.

You seem stressed out.

Is everything okay over there?

- Don't leave town.
- Also, you're fired.


No, I...

Everything's fine.

Hurry up!

I'm going
as fast as I can, okay!

Look, it's not easy
doing this under pressure.

Plus, I've never worked with
this kind of rigging before!

It's not like you're paying me
that much anyway.

This is private property.

No, no, no!

No! Stay away!



Help me!


Oh, god!



Dirk gently, you are a dead man!

Who's dirk gently?

You're not dirk gently?


What, are you kidding me
right now?

Then why did you run?

You have a machete!

Why didn't you just say
"I'm not dirk gently?"

Because I don't know
who that is!


What are you still doing here?

What are you doing here?

I live here.

Right, but where are you going?

Didn't you say
you lost your job?

No, I didn't say that, actually.

How did you...

I'm a detective.
I'm on a case.

You worked at that hotel,

where the murders took place.

Been all over the news,

for people who still
watch the news,

you know, old people,
and me, occasionally.

Was I on TV?

Would it be bad for you
if you were?

None of your business.

- Where are you going?
- None of your business.

You don't even know my business!

Maybe I'm a cab driver.

You just said
you were on a case.

Maybe I have two jobs!

Leave me alone.

- But maybe...
- No!


My sister's house, okay?

I'll give you a ride.

Unless you have some kind of
magic car-fixing robot.

You don't, though.

I've seen in your apartment.

Time, I laugh at the concept.

I can spend a whole day
without even trying.

Hey, hey, hey, hey!
Where are you going?

- Let's go.
- Where's my money, huh?

Where's my rent?

Where's my rent money?

Careful, it's not my car.

You paid me? Do I look like
an accountant to you?

Do I look like I know
how much you paid me?

Shit. Go, go, go!


Make sure he comes back
with my money!

What the...

They're going to bounce
this case to major crimes

unless we can turn up something

to connect this to Lydia spring,

and I mean soon.

Anybody find that kitten?

With the bloody...

No, but uniforms found
a hole in a wall

in a stairwell adjacent
to the penthouse.

Went straight through
to the electrical system,

some kind of pulse
blew up the whole deal.

What could've caused that?

Lightning strike.

Did that happen?

Nope. We even checked
the lightning rods.

They still have lightning rods?

As long as they have lightning.

Where was the security, Zim?

Patrick spring always
rolled with bodyguards.

We should talk to
Farah black again.

We've got her on file from
when Lydia first went missing,

right here.

Already tried.

No answer.

This is connected to Lydia.

It has to be, right?

Rich girl gets in a fight
with her father,

less than one week later,
he's dead?

Could be a coincidence.

That would be ridiculous.

Like bite marks on the ceiling?

Like bite marks on the ceiling.

I've been trying to find
monkey mask on the tapes,

see if we can trace
his progress to the room,

but it seems like he knew
where the cameras were.

Or he was already
staying in the hotel.

I did find one thing
kind of interesting, though.

Whose dog is that?

Come on, relax, enjoy the ride.

I can already tell
we've got oodles in common.

We both like, um, eating,


Listen, there's an ocean
of commonalities here

why does Dorian know your name?


Oh, right, I was talking
to him this morning.

About what?

Your apartment building,
the Ridgely.

Fascinating history, that place.

: assh*le!

Who are you?

I'm a detective,
a holistic detective,

and before you ask, no,

I'm not with the CIA anymore.

A holistic...

What is a "holistic detective"?

I'm very glad you asked me that,


What's your name?

I'm very glad you
asked me that, Todd.

The term "holistic"

refers to my convictions

about the fundamental

of all things.

With such petty things
as fingerprint powder,

telltale pieces of pocket fluff

and inane footprints.

You're a detective
who doesn't find clues.

That sounds,

you know, insane.

I see the solution
to each problem

in the pattern and web
of the whole.

The connections between
causes and effects

than we, with our
rough and ready understanding

of the physical world

might naturally suppose.


Jesus Christ!


I thought you said
this wasn't your car.

Doesn't mean it isn't new.

It was good you decided
to come with me.

I didn't decide anything.

You said you'd k*ll me
if I didn't come.

You decided it would be
better to come with me

than die.

That was nice.

We gotta stop for gas.

But... you don't need gas.

Call it a hunch.

Hey, hi ho hey,
get up on the roof.

Where I can see you
till I get back.

The roof?

Won't this look suspicious?


Ken, you're a riot.

Did you just k*ll someone?

I'm an assassin.

That's what I do, I k*ll people.

You didn't notice?

You were hired to come here?

No, I'm a holistic assassin.

A what?

A what?

"Holistic" is the fundamental

of all things.

I don't do your whole deal

with sn*per r*fles, poison,

or getting hired.

I k*ll whoever
I feel like k*lling all day,

and if I k*lled them,
they were my target.

The connection between
cause and effect

is much more, you know,


than you would otherwise think.

I mean...

You wouldn't believe it.

Things, they... they double up.

They parallel.

Everything is chaos, but it...

It's synchronized?

It's like there's always
something ready

to mirror itself,

life endlessly turning inward.

Don't get me wrong...

But that just sounds like
a m*rder spree.

I've never k*lled
the wrong person.

I have k*lled
a lot of people, though.

Get in the car.


And you're already acting
like an assistant.

I just...

I'm just trying to be helpful.
It's not...

You're more important
to this case

than you realize.

What case?

You broke into my apartment.


I mean, how do you even
investigate anything

if you don't use
any investigative... stuff?


And the rarer, sexier

Once hired,

I am intrinsically connected
to the specific case.

I then will
eventually solve the mystery

merely by just kind of
doing whatever.

So, then who told you
to break into my apartment?

I was investigating
your building

which will for now
remain tangential,

and I just had a hunch
you might be important.

Hey, and I was right.

I found a very compelling
piece of evidence.

What did you find?


But you just said...

Everything is connected.

Nothing is also connected.

Don't run any more red lights.

Whatever keeps you sane.

Oh, no.

We should go.

We should go.

Ring the bell.

What the hell?

You said you were going
to stay in the car.

I lied, though.


I was trained
as a ninja by the CIA.


Sorry that's a lie, too.

Just go back to the car.


You came!

Yeah, of course, I came.

What, you didn't think
I would come? I...

Who's this?

It's, uh...

It's dirk gently.

Dirk... okay, hi. Sorry.

I'm Amanda.

- Hi!
- No, don't.

Don't say hello?

Hello, Amanda!

Are you friends?

- No.
- Yes.

- Yes.
- No.

- No.
- Yes.

- Yes.
- No.

We're very good friends.


You're a terrible

The death
of billionaire entrepreneur

Patrick spring
and several others

rather than a m*rder
as was initially reported,

remains undisclosed
at this time.

Sources within
the police department

will neither confirm nor deny...

To the recent disappearance
of spring's daughter,

heiress Lydia spring,

now missing for over four days...

Do you have any friends
who can come by

and just help you with this,

cleaning up, or-

it's hard to keep friends

when you can't go outside

without worrying a gust of wind

will knock you down.

I barely get out
of the house anymore.


Why don't you move back in
with mom and dad?

You know that
they're broke, Todd.

I would just be
a burden on them.

I'm a burden on everyone.

What's wrong with you, exactly?

I have pararibulitus.

Ah, of course.

What's that?

Who are you?

I'm dirk gently.

I'm a private detective.

You don't look like
a private detective.

Well, no private detective
looks like a private detective.

That's one of the first rules
of private detection.

But if no private detective
looks like a private detective,

how does a private detective
know what it is

that he shouldn't look like?

It's a nerve disease.

It causes your brain

to misinterpret certain inputs,

and you actually have
hallucinations that feel real,

and, in most cases,
very painful.


That means...

Water on your hand

could feel like fire.

Breathing could
feel like drowning.

I'm sorry.
That's terrible.

And so interesting.

It makes it hard
to not be scared all the time.

But Todd had it,
and he got better,


I just need to take my meds
and eat healthy.

So then why do you stay
in the house?


If the disease is in you,

why does it matter where you go?

Hey, uh...

Amanda, do you wanna jam?

Yeah. Of course.


I'll be there in a minute.

Why are you doing this?

I'm on a case.

My primary method
of investigation

who looks like they know
where they're going...

That you not be identified
as my friend,

that you felt the need
to argue about it?

You are an insane person,

who has insinuated himself
into my life

okay, well, I think
you're an insane person,

into being my combination
assistant and best friend.

But that's...


Okay that is not
what's happening.

I have the primary
and the secondary

in my sights.


I thought we were clear
that the r*fle isn't necessary.

Yeah, but in
the Mishkin parambuler,

it said that we have to prevent

all aggressive action
against the primary.

The mission parameters?

Except that's not what you said.

The gum went weird
in my mouth, sir.

It went weird

and made my tongue
do a weird move

and say stuff wrong.

What branch
did they assign you to me from?


They said you didn't have
the budget for the op.


Our goal is to observe
and protect the primary.


To k*ll anyone.



I've got a shot.


It's okay. It's okay.

You okay?
Back off, okay?

Back off!

Thank you.

So, you pay for her medication?

I did.

What's changed?

That was my last $300.

I now literally have no money.


I don't understand.

You've got that nut Dorian
chasing you around,

why give her all of your money?


A disease runs in my family,

it has for five generations.


Yeah, right.

How did you pay for treatment?

You don't seem...

Our parents.

I was in college.

They had more money back then.

By the time I'd recovered,

my treatments had pretty much

depleted all their savings.

It's good of you to help.

She's my sister.

Every time I see her,

she looks at me, and thinks...

She thinks maybe
she can get better, too.

Well, isn't there a chance
she will, though?

If you did?


Can we just be quiet

for the drive?

Probably should've seen
this one coming.

Like the asteroid
that k*lled the dinosaurs.

There's no way
I could have known what...

I'm not...

I'm coming to get you, Lydia.

I am coming to get you, okay!

I'm coming to get you!

What? Why?

No, just leave me alone.

I live here now.

Well, why do you think
I was talking to Dorian.

Did you not hear my voice?

I'm not from here,

I'm from a totally
different place.


Screw this.

Ow! Ah!

Shit, sorry.

Ow! I... ah-hah!


That's mine!

What do you want now?

I need you to work with me,

I wanted to discuss the case.

What case?

The death of Patrick spring.

The incident
at the Perriman grand?

I was hired to investigate it...

By the victim.

Patrick spring, the rich guy?

Wait, he's the one
who died at the hotel?

And he hired me,
well above my normal rate,

to investigate his own death

a full six weeks
before it even happened.

I wouldn't have taken the case

except, come on,

animal attack?


A guy predicting his own death?

Pretty interesting stuff.

And how am I involved
in any of this?

You were there,
the day it happened.

They used your key.

The cases are connected.

All cases are connected.

Have you ever actually
solved a case?

Sure. Tons.

Well, some.

Well, a few.

There was a bit about a sofa,
a thing with Thor...

Yes, he's not nearly
as good-looking as people say.

Listen, dirk,
you seem like a nice guy.

Or, not nice,

but you seem like a guy, okay?

You seem like a guy,
but I can't do this.

I'm a m*rder suspect, okay?
I'm broke...

Money won't be a problem
for you soon, Todd.

How do you figure that?

Now that I've told you
you're working the case,

the universe will
make you a part of this

you are now a vital part
of the investigation.

Well, so who's
going to pay me. You?

Probably not.

But you will investigate,

even if you don't mean to,

and you will be compensated,

even if you haven't
technically earned it.

Oh, no.

Things are about to get ugly.

Stay frosty.

What's this?

"Project incubus."



Stupid traitor bed!

Whoo! Whoo!

I'm sick of the games!

No chess, no checkers,
no monopoly!

What is this?

What is happening?

The rowdy 3!

Let's go!

There are four of them.

I'm wildly aware.

They're after you, right?

Come on, dirk, please go!

Please, just go!

Bad news delivery!


What the hell is this new shit?

Big D is gonna
take care of business!

Listen, I am a person
of varied intuitions.

And they're rarely wrong, but
also rarely completely right.

That's the nature
of the situation,

that's a reality
we're going to accept.

Accepted? No? Yes?
Doesn't matter.

There's four men
with baseball bats

headed up the stairs right now
to wreck your apartment!

- No, no, no, no!
- No, Todd, no! No. Please...

I don't want to be
a part of this.

Ding dong.

We are not professionals!

Before we tear it out your face
and throw it in a dumpster!


There's garbage everywhere!
What the...


I have had enough of this shit.

Jesus, you gotta be kiddin' me.

We got eyes on a g*n,

require backup at 515...

Request backup
at 515 Ridgely Lane.

Dorian's gonna kick your ass!

Shit, Alpha is in danger.

We're live.

Lock and load.

Okay. Lockers.


Everything I own...



What did they do to you?

It's complicated...

Where's my rent, Todd?

What did you guys do
to this place?

Who were those guys?

You think they intimidate me?

No, it's too late, nobody
makes a fool out of me!

What, you think I'm stupid?

Tell me you have
some kind of way out of this.

I'm sorry, I'm very good
at getting in to situations.

I've often found I have more
trouble getting out of them...

Dirk, shut up!

Just shut up!

I know what you did.

I warned you!

Bye-bye, you thieving mother...

sh*ts fired! sh*ts fired!
Let's go! Let's go!

Move out!

Whoa, whoa, whoa!
Freeze! Freeze!

- Drop the g*n!
- No, you drop the g*n!

- Freeze!
- Drop it! Drop it!

- FBI!
- Drop your weapons!

- Drop it!
- Freeze!

What is going on?

Find me!

Find me!

I'm right here!

What now?

You're free to go.

For now.


The death looks like
an accident.

For now.

FBI had surveillance
on Dorian Ozman's house.

They did?

Uh... why?

Apparently, he sold

to an astonishing
number of people.

So, I'm not a suspect
in anything?

You're a person of interest,


even though
you're not necessarily

an interesting person.

That feels unnecessarily rude.

The police will determine

the proper levels of antagonism

toward a man now connected

to four dead bodies

in two separate cases.

The "do not leave town" order
is still in effect.

Do not leave town.

Hey, you're not
supposed to be down here.

Hermano Palacios?

Um... yes?

Did you find a kitten?


In the penthouse,

did you find a kitten?

Look, I don't know
what you're talking about.

All done down here, ed.

You're sure
you did not see a kitten?


They let me out, too.

Must've been the CIA,

always getting me out of things.

They didn't even mention
the bloody rowdy 3,

but I guess the CIA
must've told them not to,

shut up.
I don't care. Go away.

Need a ride?

Someone died tonight.

They died right in front of us,

that doesn't bother you?

I think it might
bother me more later,

when I'm less...


Do you want to know why
Dorian wanted the rent?

Because he was crazy.

No, because I stole it from him.

Huh, but... what?

And I didn't think I'd be able
to get an advance at the hotel,

so I paid him in cash,

I snuck around
the back of his house

when he wasn't there,

I thought he'd be
too cracked out to notice,

he did notice,

and he wouldn't let it go,

and now he's dead.


To be honest,

that seems practical to me.


He shot himself in the head!

B-but you're okay,


I have nothing.

I don't have my apartment,

I have zero money,

I have no prospects.

I'm homeless,

and I'm a suspect
in multiple homicides.

Well, when you put it like that,

it's pretty bad,

but we've got a case to solve.

A missing girl,
her m*rder*d father,

and, undoubtedly, more pieces
falling into place...

I am not your Watson, assh*le!

I'm not available
for side-kicking

on something
I am not involved with!

I am my own messed up person,

with my own messed up problems!

No, just shut up.
You never shut up!

Stop. Stop...

Shut up!


You've been making choices
out of desperation for too long,

that much is obvious.

You're backing yourself
into a corner.

Break the pattern.

Take control of your life, Todd.

The instant you take control,
interesting things will happen.

I guarantee it.

You know what, no,
I don't want to hear all that

from you right now.

Keep the hallmark card.

Stop the bus!

Stop the bus!

Stop the bus!

I, uh...

Your dog,

I-I brought...

The address was on the tag.

Come here...


Yeah, that's Brotzman.

...and we'll pick

another winner tonight.

That's right,
every moment is an opportunity.

Every second is a chance
to change your life.


This is your big opportunity.

Every choice is a new beginning.

The smallest decisions in life

can have
the biggest consequences.

It's never too late.

This is your chance
to fix everything.


Announcing tonight's

$10,000 midnight pick!

The winning numbers are...







♪ You are never gonna get

♪ everything you want
in this world ♪

♪ First things first

♪ get what you deserve...

♪ It began when I was

♪ And my mom and dad
were begging me to go ♪

♪ So I left a note
and we went and hit the road ♪

♪ Me and Chris
and all the stuff I own ♪
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