01x25 - Battle Between Buddies: Part 1

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V". Aired: April 6, 2014 – March 26, 2017.*
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In Paradise City's You Show Duel School, a second-year middle school student named Yuya Sakaki aspires to become a professional Dueltainer.
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01x25 - Battle Between Buddies: Part 1

Post by bunniefuu »

And you are...?

Akaba Reiji.

Leo Corporation's current president.

Akaba... Reiji...

The fact that you continue to as*ault parties related to Leo Corporation

such as LDS in this Maiami city means you wish to meet me.

Am I mistaken?

You're... Akaba Reiji...

The son of Akaba Leo?

I've been waiting for this moment.

Now come at me!

Duel me!

Before that, let me ask you...

as to why you're fighting me.

I don't need to answer that!

It's most likely to rescue your comrades.

The girl collapsed behind you...

testified that you said this when she first encountered you:


Why is Ruri here...?

Did you get away?!

Did you manage to escape on your own!?

From there, I deduced that Ruri is to you...

...no, to all of you, a dear comrade.

And it would seem that she is currently captured by your enemy.

And even now, Ruri has yet to escape from the enemy's clutches.

That's why you are continuing to attack LDS like this.

She is not Ruri.

That girl learned Fusion in front of my very eyes.

There is no way our comrade, and your sister...

would ever learn Fusion with a smile on her face!

There's no doubt that Ruri is still in captivity now.

But I will save her!

In order to do that...

I just need you!

Just as I had suspected...

So simply put, you wish to use me as a hostage to exchange.

That's right.

The reason I kept attacking LDS...

And the reason I sent you the cards with the souls sealed inside...

It was all to draw you out!

If I have his son as a bartering chip...

then even Akaba Leo will be unable to say no!

I wonder about that...


I have a hard time believing that he values me that much.

What do you mean?

Never mind that...

If you wish to fight me, I have no objections.

But I have one condition.


If you alone fulfill my conditions, then I'll gladly be your opponent.

And if you win...

you can do whatever you want.


Born from the discovery of implementing mass into Solid Vision, Action Duels!

Born from the discovery of implementing mass into Solid Vision, Action Duels!

Duels where the field, monsters and the Duelists' become one,

pulls the crowd into the maelstrom of crazed excitement!

Believe Believe Electric Buddies!

Believe! Believe!

Believe! Believe!

Believe! Believe!

Believe! Believe!

You! Forget winning or losing, your best card.

You! Speed full throttle, heart pounding, on the game!

Dan Dan Dan Dan Done! Done! Done! Done!

Dan Dan Dan Dan Done! Done! Done! Done!

Swaying m-m-m-mind!

Pendulum of the Soul, Ultimate Confusion

The urge, Got it got it!

The battles are for real! A true revolution!

Just breakin' the wall!

Ride on now!

Believe! Believe!

Everybody goin' Break through that wall!

You're gonna beat it beat-!

Those infinite futures, throw your hesitation away!

Make it make it! Bring out your courage! (break it now!)

Step ahead! Step it up! Do it now!

The fun has just begun! So come on, anyone can be a believer!

Believe Believe Electric Buddies!

Believe Believe Biri Biri Biri Buddies!

Believe! Believe!

Believe! Believe!

Believe! Believe!

Believe! Believe!

You! Kachi makejanai saikyou no card

You! Speed zenkai, harahara, On The Game!

Dan Dan Dan Dan Done! Done! Done! Done!

Dan Dan Dan Dan Done! Done! Done! Done!

Yureru m-m-m-mind!

Tamashii no Pendulum, kyuukyoku Confusion

Shoudo ga Got it Got it!

Shoubu ha gachigachi honki Revolution!

Just breakin' the wall!

Ride on now!

Believe! Believe!

Everybody goin' kabe wo tsukiyabure!

You're gonna beat it beat-!

mugendai no future mayoi ha buttobase

Make it make it! yuuki dashite (Break it now!)

Step ahead! Fumidaseyo Do it now!

otanoshimi ha korekarada! So daremo ga believer!

Believe Believe Beli-Beli-Beli Buddies!

Meanwhile, who is the next Duelist awaiting Yuuya!?

Meanwhile, who is the next Duelist awaiting Yuuya!?

Reiji finally appears in front of Kurosaki!!

Reiji finally appears in front of Kurosaki!!

Steadfast Resolve!! Gongenzaka Noboru

Steadfast Resolve!! Gongenzaka Noboru

Where's Masumi...?

You've grown just as I had expected in these past three matches.

In your first Duel, you showed there are no perfect plans in cooking or Dueling,

and learned that having a flexible state of mind and an ability to improvise on the spot...

create the best hospitality.

In the second Duel, you learned that you won't improve through complacency, and that it's important to communicate with the opponent and audience...

And in the third Duel, you finally surpassed my imagination and left the entire gallery in awe!

So far so good!

But the next match is the most important!

This is the fourth and final match I will produce for you, Yuuya-kun!

This is your th match this year!

If you win this you'll be at wins out of matches and reach your % win rate benchmark,

qualifying you for the Junior Youth Championship!

Show me the summation of your acquired skills in this next battle!

And make your first step towards becoming a pro!

Today, my future will be decided.

No matter who my opponent is, I'll believe in myself...

and make it through with my Entertainment Dueling!

All right! First, I'll eat my fill of Mom's pancakes!

I'll have a big serving of in order to get my th...!






What the...



Even Sora isn't here even though he usually is...

Where did everyone go?


Today is the important day that determines whether or not her son takes his first step as a pro...

and Mom doesn't even make breakfast...


Even the Principal isn't...

Is Yuzu here?

Hey, what are you all hiding for?

Come on out!

Ayu! Futoshi! Tatsuya!

Ayu! Futoshi! Tatsuya!

Ayu! Futoshi! Tatsuya!

How could nobody be at home or at Duel School?

Just what happened?

I wonder! Just what could have happened?


At your service! Good morning, Yuuya-kun!

Did you get enough rest last night?

More importantly, where is everyone?

Is it bothering you?

It is!

Where is everyone?

Oh, look at the time! You should hurry or you'll be late!

Now then, let's go!

W-Wait! Answer me!

Where did everyone go?

"Gongenzaka Dojo"

My fourth opponent is here... don't tell me it's...

You can confirm that yourself.

I was tired of waiting for you, Yuuya!

Why did you go out of the way to make me fight Gongenzaka?

We've already Dueled tons of times...

It's true that you have Dueled him plenty of times.

But you haven't had a real match with him yet.

I am also aware of the fact that he is your best friend.

Especially after your father, Sakaki Yuushou, disappeared during his championship match,

Gongenzaka-kun put his body on the line to protect you from the cruel public!

I was moved by such beautiful friendship!

But even if you are best friends, a real match is a different matter entirely!

Even more so if you're aiming to be a pro!

He's exactly right, Yuuya!

You and I have fought countless times before.

But there was no seriousness in those matches!

I couldn't seriously fault you for feeling hurt at your father's disappearance.

But I realized that feeling pity for you only served to make me weaker!

Make you... weaker?

In the third match of You Show Duel School vs. LDS...

I wasn't able to win even though we were tied -!

But it still ended in a draw!

I couldn't win because of the weakness in my heart!

Being unable to break away from my own softness was the reason I didn't win that Duel!

I must push myself further if I am to purge myself of such weakness!

And with that in mind, Gongenzaka-kun shockingly went as far as betting his entry into the Junior Youth Championship on this fight!

He won matches until he was just one away from the % win record requirement,

then refused any further Duel challenges and waited until Yuuya-kun had won enough matches!


Just one more win!

He waited until you were under the same conditions!

Simply put, he set it up so that only the one who wins this very Duel can enter the tournament!

Wh-why go that far?!

Because I thought that if I didn't do this much, I wouldn't be able to get a serious match from you.

Eventually, I will inherit this dojo, so this duel is also a test for honing my Steadfast Dueling!

I'll set aside my pity and defeat you with all I've got because you're my best friend!

Prepare yourself, Yuuya!

Look, that coward's kid is walking over there.

Yeah, he's the son of Sakaki Yuushou, the guy who ran away!

He was at the stadium, wasn't he?

He was saying things like "I'll duel you in the place of my father!"

If you're going to fight in place of your father,

then I'll be fighting for Strong Ishijima!

So let's Duel!

What? You don't want to?

You going to run away like you Dad did?

Jeez, you're a helpless weakling, aren't you!

Stop it!

I, the man Gongenzaka, won't forgive bullying the weak!

Have you forgotten the Iron Rules of our Gongenzaka dojo?!

I wasn't bullying him.

I just asked him for a Duel, that's all.

We were going to prove who's stronger between Sakaki Yuushou and Strong Ishijima in their stead!

Our dojo did not teach you Steadfast Dueling for things like this!

Those who take part in meaningless fights are excommunicated at once!

Whether you may be a senior disciple to me or not!

I won't let it slide!


Have you not steeled your resolve yet, Yuuya-kun?

Well that's understandable.

You have to cut down the man who's had your back all these years.

Otherwise, you won't be able to play in the Junior Youth Championship.

Where is everyone at a time like this...

And of course, in order to become a pro, you need the strength to fight alone.

Up until now, you have been protected by not only Gongezaka-kun, but plenty of others.

Always being cheered on and encouraged has given you strength.

Being a pro means being able to display your own skills even as the away team, even if everyone around you is cheering for the enemy.

That is exactly why I had your cheer crew take a leave of absence this time.

This is their first serious match together.

Good luck!


Well then, shall we begin, Master Gongenzaka?

Dueling is to polish one's soul!

Diligently cultivating each other's character while possessing an immovable spirit no matter the circumstances.

This is the path our Gongenzaka Dojo travels upon!

You shall clash with each other fair and square in this fight.

And I wish for you to polish each other's souls.


Action Field on!

Field Magic: Sword's Graveyard activate!

Th-this is!!


This is the same field that I fought LDS on!

Why pick this one?!

Did you choose it?!

Yeah, you'll soon understand why.

Duelists locked in battle!

Kicking against the earth and dancing in the air alongside their monsters!

They storm through this Field!

Behold! This is the newest and greatest evolution of Dueling!

Let's go!




I'll take the first move!

I summon Superheavy Samurai Kageboushi from my hand!

On the turn this card is successfully Normal Summoned, I can Release it and Special Summon a Superheavy Samurai!

I summon Superheavy Samurai Big Benkei in Defense Position!

I end my turn with this.

A Level monster right out of the gates?!

Gon-chan's going all out right from the get-go!

He's really serious!

Both of their entries into the Junior Youth Championship are riding on this Duel!

I want Gongenzaka to win since he's been such a huge help, but...

as the Principal of You Show Duel School, I should cheer for Yuuya...!

What should I do?!

Keep it down!

Don't yell!

What'll you do if Yuuya hears us?

That's right! Nico told us to quietly watch here today!


I wonder how Yuuya will answer to Gon-chan's fighting spirit?

This is gonna be fun!

Why does my most important match have to be against Gongenzaka?

It's all thanks to him that I've come this far...

Even the reason I have matches played this year is because he referred me to disciples from his own dojo!

And now I have to defeat the very person who helped me and make him unable to enter the tournament?!

Pitying your opponent so much is the same as disrespecting them!

I'll say this again, Yuuya, it's because you are my best friend that I will defeat you with all my strength!

You should throw away those meaningless feelings and face me with all your might!

My turn!


I summon Entermate Silver Claw!

Let's go, Silver Claw!

This is...!

I activate Action Card: Extreme Sword!

Silver Claw's ATK increases by when it battles another monster!

I can use this too!

I activate Action Card: Oversword!

Silver Claw's ATK is increased by another when it battles!

Running around while getting Action Cards, huh?

He's going on the offensive!

Yuuya-niichan is Dueling like he always does!

And it always gives me shivers!

But even with those power-ups, Silver Claw's ATK is only ...

It isn't enough for Big Benkei's DEF!

Battle Phase!

Silver Claw, attack Big Benkei!

At this moment, Silver Claw's monster effect activates!

Its ATK increases by until the end of the Damage Step!

It's higher than Big Benkei now!

Now he can win!

Shivers abound!

By sending Superheavy Samurai Soul Fire Armor from my hand to my Graveyard,

I activate its monster effect!

It negates Big Benkei's destruction!

When its destruction is negated by this effect, Big Benkei's DEF goes down by !

Silver Claw as well as my two Action Cards' effects wear off at the end of the Damage Step, returning Silver Claw's ATK to normal.

I can't fight this match with half-hearted feelings...

I set one card...

and end my turn!

Attacking Yuuya, Defending Gongenzaka.

The opening act went as expected.


No matter how the opponent may move around, one must always hold a steadfast stance.

This is the fundamental fighting style of our Gongenzaka Dojo!

Well done, Noboru!

As expected of the successor of my dojo!

Pierce through the Junior Youth Championship with your Steadfast Dueling!

You're getting ahead of yourself, father.

The match has only just begun, and I haven't exerted my full strength yet!


Here we go!

My turn!

It's here!

I, the man Gongenzaka, have cast off my shell and steeled my heart in order to defeat my friend!

Watch this, Father! This is the new Steadfast Dueling I aspire to create!

I summon the Level Tuner Monster, Superheavy Samurai Horagai!

A Tuner Monster?

Is Gon-chan really going to-!?

Do a Synchro Summon?

No way!

I tune my Level Superheavy Samurai Big Benkei with my Level Superheavy Samurai Horagai!

Raging deity, in unison with the roar of a thousand blades,

come forth in a spiralling sandstorm!

{fstHFFFA&H&}Synchro Summon!

Now come before us!

Level !

Superheavy Koujin Susanoo!

Gongenzaka... Synchro Summoned?

My goodness!

He really..

did it...

Was the reason he went out of his way to pick this field was for this?


Here I come, Yuuya!

The serious match has finally begun!

Prepare yourself!

Now, catch the dreams dancing in your heart

and release those overflowing tears.

Step out onto your first Field,

to experience that miraculous Fabulous One Step!

I've realized that strength isn't something that's given.

It's something you get bit by bit.

Then you better get moving, staying still won't get you anything.

Even if walls or the wind bar your way.

Use courage as your trump card!

Draw it and take one step forward,

Believe in this story of victory!

I'll take anyone who challenges me on My Way!

being tested is what it means to be a Duelist!

Whenever it gets tough that's when you

Smile, Jump, Fight and Step Up!

Use smiles as your energy to

kick away those feelings to run away!

Leap forward onto that new Field.

A Shiny One Step that continues on into the future.

Just one! Just one is fine! That'll be your Big Chance!!

Ima mune odoru yume Catch

Koboreru namida Release

Fumidaseyo hajimete no Field

kiseki ni autame no Fabulous One Step

Kidzuitanda tsuyosa ha ataerareru mono janai

Hitotsudzu sou tsukami torunda

Nara sugu ugokanakucha jittoshite nanteirannai

Kabe ga kaze ga yuku tehaban demo

Yuukitte kirifuda

Draw shite ippomae he

Shinjiru shouri no Story

Dare mo chousenchuu My Way

tamesareteiru Duelist

Tsurai shunkankoso

Smile Jump Fight and Step Up!

Hohoemi ga Energy

nigetai kimochi ni ha Kick

Tobikomuyo atarashii Field

mirai he to tsudzuku Shiny One Step

Ippo tatta ippo de ii sore ga Big Chance

This is the fruit of my training, the new Steadfast Dueling!

From here on, it's a serious match!

Next time on Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V:

A New Horizon, Superheavy Koujin Susanoo!

The fun has just begun!

A New Horizon, Superheavy Koujin Susanoo

A New Horizon, Superheavy Koujin Susanoo

This is the man Gongenzaka's new Steadfast Dueling!

This is the man Gongenzaka's new Steadfast Dueling!

The results of his training is Synchro Summoning!

The results of his training is Synchro Summoning!
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