02x05 - City 'Scape'

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V". Aired: April 6, 2014 – March 26, 2017.*
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In Paradise City's You Show Duel School, a second-year middle school student named Yuya Sakaki aspires to become a professional Dueltainer.
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02x05 - City 'Scape'

Post by bunniefuu »




Are you okay?


And here I was talking to you because I was worried...

What's wrong with you?


The Duel Runner.

By using the new Duel Disk technology brought about by these machines,

Turbo Duels became the greatest show of speed and thrill,

as well as the symbol of freedom!

Filled with excitement, a thrilling Summon!

The cards are calling out to me.

The thrilling back and forths, the effects activating!

Look, the fun has just begun!

Charge the b*mb!

The energy is full let's start, GO!

Yes! And now to the melody of battle ringing...

Let loose your monsters! All of your passion kept within your heart!

Don't run away! Believe in these bonds!

Let loose your monsters! No matter what happens tomorrow lies right before you.

Go on let loose a huge storm! Let it fly!

Toward speed!

Zokuzoku ippai, wakuwaku shoukan,

Kono Card ga yondeiru

Dotou no tenkai yuke koukahatsudou

Otanoshimiha ha saa korekarasa

Charge shite Bomber

Energy sshu ni hajimeyou, GO!

Aa ima tatakai no melody kanade

Hanate monster, mune ni himeta jounetsu zenbu

Nigenaide kono kizuno wo shinjite

Hanate monster donnamonda ashitaha me no mae

Hora dodekai arashi bachibachi tobashite

Speed no mukou he

Yugo and Yuzu have arrived in the Synchro Dimension!

Yugo and Yuzu have arrived in the Synchro Dimension!

A new battle begins in the City!!

A new battle begins in the City!!

Synchro Dimension: The City

Synchro Dimension: The City

Looks like nothing was broken, but...

be more careful, all right?

It was a lot of work building this thing!

Where are we...?

The City!

My hometown!

What about the Battle Royale?!


What's that?

The Junior Youth Championship's Battle Royale!

The Miami Championship's...

That's right I...

I was being chased by the Duelist from the Academy who looked just like Yuya...

the bracelet shined, then that Duelist disappeared and then this person...


Great! I've missed you, Rin!

H-hold on!


What the?!

It's shining again!

Don't tell me I was moved here along with him?!

And Yugo, another guy...

who looks just like me.

Just like Yuya...

Could you be... Yugo?

Yeah, I'm impressed you knew my name!

Then you're with Fusion...!

The hell did you say!?

Who are you calling Fusion!?

My name is Yugo, get it right!

You really aren't Rin.


Because Rin would never get my name wrong.


Oh? Pretty good!

You're really just like Ruri and Rin.

Back then...

The Duelist who was trying to capture me said he had captured Ruri and Rin...


You met the guy who kidnapped Rin?!

Right before you appeared, I was Dueling him...

Who is Rin!?

Where is that guy!?

I don't know...

Right after that, the bracelet shined and he disappeared!


And then you appeared...

Up until now, the bracelet had shined plenty of times,

and it would always happen when I was with someone who looked just like Yuya.

Then when the light finally dimmed, they would be gone...

and Yuya would always show up.

So I thought Yuya had come that time as well!

And then after that, the bracelet shined again...

and before I realized it, I was here.

This isn't Miami City, isn't it?

The city that I lived in...

I already told you that this is the City!

The City?

The town I was born and raised in!

A different dimension from Standard where you're from.

A different dimension?

I can't blame you for being surprised,

This is your first time crossing dimensions, isn't it?

I've crossed dimensions?!


I've crossed over a ton of times, trust me!

Although in my case, it just sent me back home.

But of course, this first time I was thrown across dimensions, I was scared stiff!

That was the day when Rin was kidnapped...

I had thought Rin was being followed for some time before it happened...

I was on the lookout for them.

This game of tag is over.

Now then, come with me to the Professor's side.

Damn... where is she!?


You bastard!

Where are you taking Rin!?

What the!?

The same face as me...?!

I activate the Spell Card: Violent Flash!


Damn it!

Clear Wing?

Wh-why is it...?

When I came to, I realized I was in Heartland.


In the Xyz Dimension?

That's right.

I still don't know why I was brought there.

What the hell is this place?

I had thought maybe Rin was somewhere inside this ruined city...

I looked all over.


Rin, are you here!?

If you are, then answer!



I've finally found you! I won't let you get away!

You're from the Academy as well!?


I'm asking if you're Fusion or not!

Who the hell are you calling Fusion?!

My name is Yugo!

I won't be satisfied until I thrash you!

So you are from Fusion!

Did you not hear me?!


So your Dueling opponent was...?

An Xyz user with the same face as me!

I found him to get Rin back...

You've got it wrong!

That person was Yuto!


Yuto is trying to find Ruri who was captured from the Xyz Dimension!

There's no way that Yuto would kidnap someone precious to you!

P-Precious to me!?

Isn't that it?

Rin is your lover, right?


We're just childhood friends!

We aren't really lovers...!

Besides, we haven't really done anything...

But then, why were you sent to Heartland?

This guy let me chase after them!

It must have understood my feelings of wanting to save Rin.

Then that mean the guy who kidnapped Rin...

...might have been there!

He must have been nearby when you were Dueling Yuto!


So it was all a misunderstanding?

That's got to be it.

The Duelist who tried to kidnap me looked a lot like Yuto!

Those two, and you...

and Yuya too.

When I was with Yuto, Yuya appeared!

And when I was about to be captured by that person, you appeared!

It may not be a coincidence...

Not a coincidence...?

Then that means Clear Wing Synchro Dragon has been guiding me this entire time?

I don't know.

But just maybe, you guys...

You guys?

All of you with the same face are being drawn towards each other!

That's right... back then, that guy had the same face as me...

No no no, hold on!

It's just a coincidence that someone who looked just like me was there!

There's no way...

It's not just you!


Don't tell me...

I have two other people aside from Rin who look just like me.

One is Ruri, the other is Selena!


She is a Duelist from the Academy, just like the guy who kidnapped Ruri and Rin!

Our world is split into four dimensions.

Fusion, Synchro, Xyz and Standard.

The Academy from the Fusion Dimension is working to make all four dimensions one!

All four into one?!

And to accomplish that, the Academy even started wars!

They went that far?

So then this Selena is a comrade of those who kidnapped Rin?

And is a part of their troupe?!


But right now, she's being chased by the Academy!

Chased? Why?

The tyrant of the Academy, the Professor, is trying to collect Ruri, Rin and girls who look just like us!

That's why I'm sure he's after Selena too...

I don't know why the Professor is trying to capture all of us...

Or why the four of us all have the same face...

And also why the four of you do as well.

I've got it!


That all aside, Rin is at that Academy place, right?

Let's go!

Go? Where?

Isn't it obvious?!

If we know where Rin is, all we gotta do is sneak in and take her back!

Sneak in? You mean the Academy?


We just have to use this!


This bracelet has the power to cross dimensions, right?

That's what brought you here!

If we make this shine...!

We can't...


Because I'm not the one making it shine.


I told you, didn't I?

This thing only shines when I'm with someone who looks like Yuya and right when Yuya appears!

Then we just have to bring that Yuya guy here!

That's why we can't...

Why can't we?!




Yuya isn't here!



My bad...

Thank you.

If I could use this bracelet to freely cross dimensions,

I'd want to go home right now!

Where Yuya, Dad, and everyone else is!

Why can't you do something with that card's power?


I can't make this guy shine on my own either...

I'm really sorry about that!

I always say what comes to my mind...

Rin would always lecture me about thinking before I speak.


She always would give me an earful!

It was always like that, don't do this, do that...

She sounds like a mom!

I know, right!

Well, Rin and I don't know what our real mothers look like, though...


Don't touch that!


Why would you do that?!

What's wrong, Yugo?!

What if you got infected?

Someone! Someone come here!



Put it on!

What's wrong, what happened?

Over there...!

There are Commons over there!

You're Commons?!

This villa is for Tops only!

This is bad...!

Get on!


Everyone, get over here!

No questions, just get on!

Some Commons have snuck in!

Hold it!

Are you okay?

Contact Security!

Hey... why did we run away all of the sudden?

That's a Villa Area for Tops only.

I had a feeling it was, but I got caught up talking and didn't leave in time!

Why do we have to leave?

What are Tops?

Tops are the elite who control most of City's wealth and influence!

The elite?

The part of City where I was raised was a dog-eat-dog competitive society.

The ones who won gained everything...

And the losers lost everything!



That's the competition!

The ones who win are Tops.

Those guys control % of this city's wealth.

While all of the rest of us are left with a mere %!

That's absurd!

It's so pretty!

Amazing, isn't it? This overflowing light...

Who knows how much wealth is gathered here...

But underneath it all...

The other % of the population lives there!


That's where those who have fallen out of the race for wealth, the slums.

My true hometown where I was raised!

Tops call those of us who live in the slums commoners, or Commons for short.

They treat us equally on the surface, but they really think of us as losers and quitters.

But not all of us are like that!

I Synchro Summon Maken Dharma!

I Summon Lucky Piper!

If the City was a society based on winning, all we would have to do is win our way to the top.

That's what Rin and I decided to do and practiced our Dueling since we were kids.

There was a guy from the facility I was raised in who made a debut like that!

Look, you can see him right now!

The Duel King, Jack Atlas!

Duel King?

{bordHEBB&HFFF&pos}Phoenix Whirlwind

{bordpos}{HEHBFFBA&b}King of Entertainment!

He's the first king who was born as a Common!

{bordposHBFBF&HDAA&}For your Ultimate Satisfaction!

{bordHEAFE&HFDpos}Phoenix Whirlwind

He won the greatest Dueling Tournament in the City, the Friendship Cup!

and climbed his way to the top in an instant!

{bordposHF}A King's Figure of Solitude.

{bordHEDA&HFFCB&bpos}Phoenix Whirlwind

He's our hero!

If he can do it, then there's no way I couldn't!

Rin and I both polished our skills just like Jack did...

And planned to enter in the Friendship Cup eventually.

And fight against Jack...

That's what we thought...


I built this Duel Runner with Rin, you know!

In order to face Jack in a Turbo Duel!

Turbo Duel?

Attention Duel Runner!

Pull over immediately!

This is Security!

Attention Duel Runner, pull over immediately!


Those guys from earlier reported us!

Wait! You're not going to stop?

Isn't that the police chasing us?

They're just the Tops' dogs!

Recently, they've been after us Commons even more!

But that doesn't mean you should run away from them...!

If we're caught we get sent to their internment camps!

Internment camps!?

I bet that we were accused of trespassing into the Tops' Villa and injuring residents there!

And they're out to arrest us!

That's ridiculous!

It is!

The Tops and Security both are!

The fleeing Duel Runner is currently on the th lane, and is being pursued by Duel Chaser No. .

The named Duel Runner does not appear to be complying with the order to halt.

Request to resort to brute force.

You're authorized to Duel.

Immediately capture those who would are not to listen to the orders of Security.


Now beginning Forced Duel,

Field Spell: Speed World Neo, Set On!

Duel Mode On!

Autopilot: Standby.

Duel Mode On!

Autopilot: Standby.

Wh-what is this?!

It's a Forced Duel!

If you lose, you're arrested!


It's a Duel!

A Duel is beginning.

All vehicles, please leave all indicated routes immediately.

A Duel is beginning.

All vehicles, please leave all indicated routes immediately.

A Duel is beginning.

What was your name?


I haven't asked your name yet.

I'm Yuzu.

Hiragi Yuzu.

All right, hold on tight, Yuzu!

I'll show you what a Turbo Duel is!

Turbo Duel, Acceleration!

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Shall we begin? (Come on!)

Thank you for waiting,

Don't miss it!

Start a countdown , , , !

Step forward & draw!

That feeling that something is going to happen,

When you Synchro with your soul and your burning heart beats faster.

You want to waver, this is your limit.

Scattered throughout the field,

Are countless possibilities to draw on, fight it out!

You feel like you're a speeding jet coaster!

Zooming around Ba-Bang! Entertainment!

Crossing space-time and connecting your friends and your goals!

Can't you handle it like you usually do? No! Don't give up!

I will go!

To further heights, (Fly so high!)

Are you going to do it now or let it end?

No one knows the answer to it!

In a do or turn, turn it around with a flash!

To someday reach that best image you wish for,

Just smile just smile!

Make a full smiling ARC!

My pride never changes!

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Don't miss it.

Step forward and Draw!

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Shall we begin? (Come on!)

Thank you for waiting,

Don't miss it!

Start a countdown , , , !

Step forward and draw!

Nanikaga okorisou na youkanga

Tamashii he to Synchro shite atsui Heart ga takanaru

Yuru ga shita imamade no Limit.

Field ni chibaratteru

Muzuu no Possibility hikidashite Fight it out!

Kibunha marude Hashiru Jet Coaster!

Kakemawari Ba-Bang! Entameito!

Jikuu wo koete tsunagaru nakama to no Goal!

Hitosujinawa deha ikanai? No! Akiramenai!

I will go!

Motto takami hi (Fly so high!)

Kokode yareruka soretomo owaritte

Darehitori wakannai kara

Zettai zetsumei Turn mo hade ni Turn over!

Itsuka tadoritsukitai saikou no image ha

Just smile just smile

Zenkai egao no ARC

My pride never changes!

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Don't miss it.

Step forward and draw!

Residents of City, Good Evening!

This is Top City TV's Melissa Claire!

Tonight, I'm bringing a thrilling chase and an exciting Turbo Duel!

Hey, don't tell me we're going to Duel while riding this!?

Of course!

That's dangerous!

Shouldn't we get off and Duel?!

Here we go, Yuzu!

Hold on tight!

Next time on Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V:

Public Order Enforcement: Duel Chasers!

The fun has just begun!

Public Order Enforcement: Duel Chasers

Public Order Enforcement: Duel Chasers

Yuzu's bewilderment!? Yugo vs Security!

Yuzu's bewilderment!? Yugo vs Security!

The Turbo Duel has begun!!

The Turbo Duel has begun!!
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