02x09 - Scream for the Green

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V". Aired: April 6, 2014 – March 26, 2017.*
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In Paradise City's You Show Duel School, a second-year middle school student named Yuya Sakaki aspires to become a professional Dueltainer.
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02x09 - Scream for the Green

Post by bunniefuu »

I'm not going.

Instead of Duelists we don't know, we should be looking for Yuya...

H-hold on a second, Gon!

It could be possible that Yuya is here, right?

Yuya, here?

Yes, since our objective as Lancers is to find strong Duelists,

and make them our allies right?

Then maybe Yuya already caught wind of this place... get it?

But are they really here?

I can't imagine there being strong Duelists in a place like...

Are they really here, you say!?

You think I, the ever-capable Gallagher the Promoter, am just making this up?!



Let go of me!

The Duel Runner.

By using the new Duel Disk technology brought about by these machines,

Turbo Duels became the greatest show of speed and thrill,

as well as the symbol of freedom!

Filled with excitement, a thrilling Summon!

The cards are calling out to me.

The thrilling back and forths, the effects activating!

Look, the fun has just begun!

Charge the b*mb!

The energy is full let's start, GO!

Yes! And now to the melody of battle ringing...

Let loose your monsters! All of your passion kept within your heart!

Don't run away! Believe in these bonds!

Let loose your monsters! No matter what happens tomorrow lies right before you.

Go on let loose a huge storm! Let it fly!

Toward speed!

Zokuzoku ippai, wakuwaku shoukan,

Kono Card ga yondeiru

Dotou no tenkai yuke koukahatsudou

Otanoshimiha ha saa korekarasa

Charge shite Bomber

Energy sshu ni hajimeyou, GO!

Aa ima tatakai no melody kanade

Hanate monster, mune ni himeta jounetsu zenbu

Nigenaide kono kizuno wo shinjite

Hanate monster donnamonda ashitaha me no mae

Hora dodekai arashi bachibachi tobashite

Speed no mukou he

The underground Turbo Duel Arena...!

The underground Turbo Duel Arena...!

That man's form is bathed in roaring applause!

That man's form is bathed in roaring applause!

An Invitation to Darkness Duels

An Invitation to Darkness Duels

This is the place!

See for yourself if I was lying or not!

What is this place?!

This is City's greatest Underground Dueling Ring!

Where tons of high-stages illegal Gambling Duels take place!

A gathering place for darkness!

Gambling Duels!?

You've brought us to such an indecent place-!

What is it?!


Xyz Summon!

Come forth!

Rank !

Raid Raptors - Rise Falcon!

I was wondering what the rumored Xyz Summoning would be like, but...

To think it was just a ATK monster...

Rise Falcon's effect!

By using one Overlay Unit...

It gains ATK equal to the total ATK of all of my opponent's Special Summoned monsters!



Raid Raptors - Rise Falcon!

Rend and tear all!

Brave Claw Revolution!

Kurosaki! Kurosaki! Kurosaki!

Why, you ask?

To find strong Duelists obviously!


There really are stronger Duelists in an underground place like this than in the main streets!

I had heard that in this Underground Arena, there were truly high-level matches taking place...

but they all bore me.

Every single one of them are just talk and none with any real merit!

This guy is on a -win streak right now with that Xyz Summoning of his!

Well, that doesn't really surprise us at all though.

So it seems.

I see, so you guys were originally comrades?

No wonder then.

Xyz learned at LDS is merely an imitation!

Oh? Is that so?

But your Xyz monsters aren't really that strong, themselves are they?

What was that?!

Quit fighting.

Kurosaki, where are Yuya and the others?

No idea.

I arrived in this dimension alone and came to this place alone.

I assumed the others got lost while traveling between dimensions...

You haven't been looking for them?!

I'm looking for strong Duelists!

Because that was our reason for coming here.

But searching for your fellow Lancers takes priority!


What's that?

And you've been going on about dimensions and whatever too...

Actually, we've came from the Standard Dimension to this Synchr-

What are you doing?!

Now now...

Let's leave all that talk aside for now!


Talking about all the other dimension stuff would be a real hassle after all...

Hey! What're you whispering about!?

Oh, nothing much!

So basically, Kurosaki was just too strong, so that's why you called us here?

That's right!

I was on the look out for some capable newcomers and found you guys.

Especially you, Dennis!

You have the makings of a star!

After so many years in this business, I've got an eye for these things!

Wow, I'm glad you think that of me, Gallagher!

Dennis, don't tell me-!

Yeah! I might give it a try!

Gambling Duels?!


But Dueling here is quite strange...

Doing it while riding those motorcycles...

Duel Runner.


Is that your first time seeing a Turbo Duel?

Turbo Duel?

Turbo Duels were originally a way for us Commons to play.


Crow said that some crazy guys started it off by zooming around the city Dueling!



Eventually, they got ahead of themselves and went and started using the highway that runs straight through the City!

Apparently those Tops guys who scorned us were shocked with their eyes wide open!

Dueling alongside speed, huh?

It certainly does sound like an exhilarating activity!

Turbo Duels were a symbol of our freedom!

That's why it instantly became very popular!

Everyone couldn't wait their turn to show it off to those Tops!

Hey, don't you want to go over there and talk with everyone else?

Damn it.

How long must we remain in this place?

But they didn't just let it happen...

Claiming Turbo Duels were disrupting the peace of the City, Security made a move.

That's what their special units, the Duel Chasers, are for!

Duel Chasers?

Security that rides Duel Runners!

If you lose to them in a Duel...

You're arrested on the spot and sent to the camps!

Without even a trial?

Security really is horrible...

Back then...

If Crow hadn't came...

I'm sure we would have been...

Security aren't the only horrible ones!


Those bastard Tops took Turbo Duels away from us!

Took them?

Then right now, no Commons are doing it?

They're having us do it.

Just as a show to entertain those Tops bastards!

A show!?

When a chase starts on the highway, the road is sealed off and broadcasted on TV!

And the Turbo Duels that were originally meant to blow away those Tops became their pastime!

If you go out now, Yuya, you'll get surrounded and be put on a live broadcast.

If you don't want to shame yourself in front of them you can't act yet.

The same goes for you!

So the city is covered in Security, you're saying?

That's why you came back with your tail between your legs.

What was that?!


You have no information on Yuzu?

Selena! Crow has already done so much to help us...

Even if you work hard, if you don't get any results, it's meaningless!


Where are you going?

Isn't it obvious? I'm going to search for information on my own.

If you want to get caught that badly, then go right ahead!

Then I guess I'll go right ahead as well.

Being cooped up in a place like this is suffocating!

I'm going to find leads to where Akaba Reiji is.


Hold on!

If you just go off on your own like that, we'll be split up again-


Ah jeez, now what do we do...

I see!

A high-speed Duel fought while riding a Duel Runner!

That's what a Turbo Duel is!

Sounds fun!

What seems fun about it?!

We don't have time to be pawns in their Gambling Duels!

But it is very enticing...

Kurosaki! Kurosaki!

It makes my entertainer blood boil!

It wants me to change that Kurosaki chant into a Dennis one!

Well said Dennis!

I knew I had the right idea when I picked you!

All right that settles it!

Let's have it right now!

The Kurosaki vs Dennis Duel!

Kurosaki! Don't tell me you're going along with this!

If you win matches in a row in this Underground Arena, you're allowed to participate in the Friendship Cup!

Friendship Cup? What's that?

The City's greatest Duel tournament!

It acts as the symbol of reconciliation between Tops and Commons!

Tons of strong Duelists are selected and gathered,

It's a once a year festival, and the winner...

is given the right to fight the Duel King, Jack Atlas!

Duel King?

So that means he's the strongest Duelist?

You're asking if he's strong?

Of course he is!

Jack is the City's... no, the world's greatest monarch!

Then that settles it Gon!


If we enter the Friendship Cup, we'll meet tons of strong Duelists!

And at the end, we'll be able to fight the King!

It's perfect for achieving our objective as Lancers!

The who will fight the King...

is me!

I wonder about that...

We won't know unless we try.

You guys...

Why did it come to this...

All of you looking to make a quick k*lling, the I the ever-capable Gallagher the Promoter, will let you see your dreams today!

Next up Kurosaki, will finally make his attempt at his th consecutive win!

If he wins this, he'll finally obtain his qualifications to enter the Friendship Cup!

But it's not going to be that easy for him!

And here to bar his way is this man!

A powerhouse of a newcomer that caught my eye!

His name is Dennis Macfield!

Yes! I'm an entertainer!

I'll be your guide through this fun show coming up soon!

Let's enjoy!


Next is the entrance of the champion, Kurosaki!

This match will also be following the unique rules of our Underground Duels, making it a handicap match.

Our newcomer Dennis will have LP!

And our consecutive win holder, Kurosaki...

Will start with a startling LP!

But even with /th of his usual LP, Kurosaki's true style won't budge!

But I, Gallagher, can guarantee that Dennis' skills are the real deal!

If they want to make a k*lling, they'll bet a ton on Dennis!

I'm betting on Dennis!

Put everything I have on Kurosaki!

All of these people overflowing with greed...


I won't be holding back because you have the handicap!

I wouldn't need you to.

All right, let's go!

Field Spell: Speed World Neo Activate!

Duel Mode On!

Autopilot: Standby.

Turbo Duel, Acceleration!


I'll be going first!

I Summon Raid Raptors - Skull Eagle from my hand!

And I activate the Spell Card: Raid Raptors Call!

I can Special Summon a monster with the same name from my Deck!

I Overlay my two Raid Raptor - Skull Eagles!

Xyz Summon!

Come forth!

Rank !

Raid Raptors - Doom Eagle!

At this moment, due to the effects of the two Skull Eagles used as Xyz Materials,

Doom Eagle's ATK increases by for each!

Next, I activate Doom Eagle's monster effect!

By using one Overlay Unit...

I can deal damage equal to the ATK of a Special Summoned monster on the field!

This soon?

I set one card and end my turn.

As expected of our current champion, Kurosaki!

He pulls of an Xyz Summon in the first turn, and in a startling turn of events, shaves LP off of Dennis!

Is he going to go for finishing him off right now?!

There's no way that'll happen!

The fun has just begun!

Now he's going and stealing Yuya's catchphrase!


My turn!


If my opponent controls a monster and I don't,

I can Special Summon Entermage Wind Sucker from my hand.

When it is Summoned this way, I can lower its level by !

And now, I Summon Entermage Ballrider from my hand!

I Overlay my Level Wind Sucker and Ball Rider!

The show must go on!

Artisan of the air, swing across the stage with grace!

Xyz Summon!

Come forth!

Rank !

Entermage Trapeze Magician!

He can use Xyz too?!

Xyz versus Xyz?!

This is the first time I've seen this!

I use Doom Eagles remaining Overlay Unit...

and activate its monster effect!

I deal damage equal to the ATK of a Special Summoned monster on the field!

Take Trapeze Magician's ATK in damage!

Oh now this is a pinch!

Trapeze Magician's ATK is !

Dennis' LP is !

So if this goes through...

Kurosaki's victory is guaranteed...

I activate Trapeze Magician's effect!

I don't take any effect damage less than or equal to Trapeze Magician's ATK!

Then, I use one of Trapeze Magician's Overlay Units...

making it able to attack twice!



Trapeze Magician, attack Doom Eagle!

And the tables have been turned!

Now Dennis has Kurosaki cornered!

Kurosaki only has LP left!

Is he finally going to lose?!

Next, of course, is a direct attack!

Get him, Trapeze Magician!

Trap Activate: Necro Raptors!

I take no damage from a direct attack and can Special Summon a "Raid Raptors" monster from my Graveyard!

The card I will call back is Raid Raptors - Doom Eagle!

Your specialty Trap Cards, huh?

I'm a bit upset, though...

I set one card and end my turn!

It's as if they have blades at each others throats! I can feel the tension in the air!

You can't let your eyes off this fight for an instant!

To think Dennis was this good...

As expected of LDS, you could say.

He learned these practical Dueling skills from LDS?

If that's how this is, then...

My turn!

I activate the Spell Card: Rank Up Magic - Raid Force from my hand!

I use my Rank Doom Eagle as Xyz Material and Xyz Summon a Raid Raptor with one Rank higher!

Rank !

Raid Raptors - Force Strix!

Force Strix's effect!

By using one Overlay Unit,

I add Raid Raptors - Necro Vulture from my Deck to my hand.

And Summon it!

And I Tribute Necro Vulture and activate its effect!

I add a Rank-Up Magic from my Graveyard to my hand!

Rank-Up Magic: Raid Force!

I use my Force Strix as Xyz Material and Xyz Summon a Raid Raptor with one Rank higher!

Ferocious falcon,

break through this fierce battle and spread your wings!

Rank Up! Xyz Change!

Come forth!

Rank !

Raid Raptors - Blaze Falcon!

Blaze Falcon's monster effect!

By using one Overlay Unit...

it destroys all Special Summoned monsters my opponent controls,

and deals damage per monster destroyed this way!

Trapeze Magician was-!

I'll have you follow it soon!

I activate the Equip Spell: Raptors Ultimate Mace!

I equip it to Blaze Falcon, increasing its ATK by !


I attack directly with Blaze Falcon!

Dennis' life is !

Will he be defeated this time?!

When a Special Summoned monster att*cks me directly, I can Special Summon Entermage Ball Rider from my Graveyard in Defense Position!


Blaze Falcon can attack directly even if a monster is on the opponent's field!

Trap Activate: Pinch Breaker!

I make an opponent's ATK equal to the DEF of one of my monsters!

He took the attack, but has barely held on!

Blaze Falcon's effect!

When Blaze Falcon deals damage from a direct attack, it can destroy one of my opponent's monsters!

At this moment, Pinch Breaker's effect ends and Blaze Falcon's ATK returns to normal.

I set one card and end my turn.

Are you really from LDS?!

Of course!

Why do you ask?

Both of them only have LP left!

You can't tell which of them will win!

I don't know what you're suspicious about, but...

Let's both keep making this more exciting!

Now lets go!

It's my turn!

I, using the Scale Entermage Water Dancer and the Scale Entermage Fire Dancer,

set the Pendulum Scale!

With this, I'm able to simultaneously Summon monsters from Levels to !

Pendulum Summon!

Come forth my monsters!

copies of Entermage Wing Sandwich Man!

and from my Extra Deck, Entermage Ball Rider!

Three monsters in an instant?!

And two level monsters without a Tribute!?

And the name of this magical Summoning method that has left everyone speechless is...

Pendulum Summon?

Yes sir.

In the Underground Dueling Arena in the center of the City.

Send personnel immediately.

They may be hiding out there.

It shall be done.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Shall we begin? (Come on!)

Thank you for waiting,

Don't miss it!

Start a countdown , , , !

Step forward & draw!

That feeling that something is going to happen,

When you Synchro with your soul and your burning heart beats faster.

You want to waver, this is your limit.

Scattered throughout the field,

Are countless possibilities to draw on, fight it out!

You feel like you're a speeding jet coaster!

Zooming around Ba-Bang! Entertainment!

Crossing space-time and connecting your friends and your goals!

Can't you handle it like you usually do? No! Don't give up!

I will go!

To further heights, (Fly so high!)

Are you going to do it now or let it end?

No one knows the answer to it!

In a do or die turn, turn it around with a flash!

To someday reach that best image you wish for,

Just smile just smile!

Make a full smiling ARC!

My pride never changes!

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Don't miss it.

Step forward and Draw!

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Shall we begin? (Come on!)

Thank you for waiting,

Don't miss it!

Start a countdown , , , !

Step forward and draw!

Nanikaga okorisou na youkanga

Tamashii he to Synchro shite atsui Heart ga takanaru

Yuru ga shita imamade no Limit.

Field ni chibaratteru

Muzuu no Possibility hikidashite Fight it out!

Kibunha marude Hashiru Jet Coaster!

Kakemawari Ba-Bang! Entameito!

Jikuu wo koete tsunagaru nakama to no Goal!

Hitosujinawa deha ikanai? No! Akiramenai!

I will go!

Motto takami hi (Fly so high!)

Kokode yareruka soretomo owaritte

Darehitori wakannai kara

Zettai zetsumei Turn mo hade ni Turn over!

Itsuka tadoritsukitai saikou no image ha

Just smile just smile

Zenkai egao no ARC

My pride never changes!

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Don't miss it.

Step forward and draw!

Did you see that?!

Everyone was left speechles by this magical Summoning method!

Its name is: Pendulum Summoning!

Will Kurosaki protect his number one spot,

or will it be the birth of a new number one, Dennis?!

Kurosaki or Dennis?!

Dennis or Kurosaki?!

Next time, Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V:

Underground Turbo Duel!!

The fun has just begun!

Underground Turbo Duel!!

Underground Turbo Duel!!

Kurosaki vs Dennis, who will be victorious...!?

Kurosaki vs Dennis, who will be victorious...!?

And meanwhile Crow and Yuya's Duel starts!?

And meanwhile Crow and Yuya's Duel starts!?
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