01x05 - Down for the Count

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS". Aired: May 10, 2017 – September 25, 2019.*
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In a place known as Den City, thousands of duelists take part in a virtual reality space known as LINK VRAINS, created by SOL Technologies, where users can create unique avatars and participate in games of Duel Monsters with each other.
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01x05 - Down for the Count

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on
"Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS"...

I didn't expect The Gore
to turn me down,

but I'll just have to approach
the next best duelist.

Now, I need to find someone
to defeat Playmaker...

You already did, Zaizen.

I appreciate that
you've changed your mind.

You know what I want, Gore.

Defeat Playmaker
and bring his Ignis to me.

Let's Speed Duel!

Let's Speed Duel!

attack Gouki Suprex!


The Gore donates
all his winnings

to an orphanage,
every last penny.

Even though his own gym
could use an upgrade.

The more popular he became,
the more he earned.

So it's not an ego thing
that he needs to stay famous.

He's actually a sweet,
caring softy like me!

I can't believe
what I'm seeing!

The Gore's back on his feet!


I Link Summon!

Link 3,
Gouki The Great Ogre!

The Gore's about to steamroll
Yusaku big time.

This isn't good.

I gotta get Yusaku
outta there fast!

Great Ogre,
hit 'em with your finisher!

[Gore cackling]



Aww, glitch!

That hairy brute's
gonna shred us!

Must you always panic?

I activate
the trap Cyberse Shatter!

It negates Gouki Headbatt's
special ability,

dropping The Great Ogre's
attack points by 800.

Plus, I can now draw one card.


If you had that card
laying around,

why didn't you use it earlier
on Twistcobra?

It woulda prevented more damage
and we'd be in less trouble!

[Gore's AI]
Your attack no longer
guarantees victory.

Playmaker will have

So what? Even if we don't
finish the guy right now,

he'll barely have
a pulse left!

Gouki The Great Ogre,
attack Cyberse Wizard

and eliminate him
once and for all!

Blast 'im with your Ogre Axe!



Looks like it's your turn,

[fans cheering]

Yeah, yeah!

Unbelievable !

Just when we thought The Gore
had one of his ginormous

size sixteens in the grave,

Playmaker's the one
on life support!

He's gonna to need
some CPR for his CPU

if he doesn't
turn things around!

Come on, Gore,
smash and bash
and gnash and thrash!

Gore has the scariest
and hairiest monsters!

If they're cheering
this loud for George now,

it'll be completely off
the charts when he wins.

Oh, he will.

After all, Playmaker only has
a hundred life points left,

but I'll breath a lot easier
when he's down to zero.


Good, now finish
Playmaker off

and bring his Ignis
directly to me!

Install this patch and... Bam!

Kolter does it again!

Yusaku's escape route
is online!

Playmaker! Take five
from hangin' ten

and get your butt
back in this pen!


Oh, bonus!

it's your lucky break!

There's a security
bypass ahead!

We can log out of
Link VRAINS from there!


Home sweet ho...

Uhh... Umm... U-Turn?

I'm not logging out
of Link VRAINS just yet.

How in the world do you miss
a target that big?

That's it!
Your motherboard's

officially glitched
beyond repair!

Ya mind explaining why
you zigged instead of zagged?

I could've logged out,

but there are three
good reasons why I didn't.

the Gore is presenting me

with unexpected strategies
and techniques,

moves and techniques
that I am able learn from

to improve my own dueling.

Second, continuing this duel
may provide insight

as to who would go to such
lengths to trap us here

inside this quantum cage
for the sole purpose

of acquiring you, Ai.

And third,
I'm choosing to continue

this battle with Gore
and not log out

because I feel like it.

After listening to you,
my mind needs a reboot!

It's my turn!

I draw!

To start,
I'll summon Draconnet!

I'm now going to activate
Draconnet's special ability

which allows me to summon
a monster straight from my deck

that's level two or below
in defense mode.

Join us, Bitron!

Big deal!

My Great Ogre wipes out
all its attack points!


Nice, another monster
that can't attack.

True, but I was never
planning to attack.

What? Then why'd you
summon that pipsqueak?

To do this!

Create my ultimate circuit!


Link Arrows authorized!

I require one monster
in order to Link Summon!

So I set Bitron
in the Link Arrow!

Link the circuit!

I Link Summon...

Link 1 Link Spider!

Spin your web, Link Spider!

It summons a monster
that's Level 4 or below

right next to its arrow!

Rise, Bitron!


You seriously for real playing
that little fella again?

Now you're just straight up
trying to ruin my cred!

'Cause if I pound
that powder puff,

the kids'll think
I'm the heel!

Well, he's sure crushing us
under his, Playmaker!

But no, you don't
need my help.

You're fine.

You think a miracle
will save you?

Of course not.

[Ai gasps]

I have no need for miracles
when I have skill.

And it guides me there!


I have no need for miracles
when I have skill.

And it guides me there!

Huh? Whatcha talkin'
about skill?

[Gore's AI]
Playmaker possesses a skill
that he can activate

when he has one thousand
or fewer life points.

Are you tellin' me that
this jobber took 3,900 points

of damage on purpose?

All signs point
to affirmative.

He worked me!

But that don't change a thing!

With just a hundred life points,
he's like a flickering candle,

and that storm'll blow him out!


Seize the wind, Playmaker!


Go storm access!

So like, what punk card did ya
draw out of the Data Storm?

Don't worry, I won't keep you
in suspense.

I Link Summon
for a second time!


Link arrows authorized!

This time,
the summoning conditions

are two Cyberse Monsters.

So I set my Bitron and my
Linkslayer in the Link Arrows!

Link the circuit!

I Link Summon!

Link 2, Link Bumper!


When I have a Cyberse monster
on my field,

I can automatically summon
Backup Secretary!

Which then allows me to
Link Summon for a third time!




This is it.

I require two Cyberse monsters
to Link Summon.

And so I set my Backup Secretary

and my Draconnet
in the Link Arrows!

Link the circuit again!

I Link Summon...

Link 2 Honeybot!

There's more!

No way!

My quadruple Link Summon!

I'm required to have at least
two Effect Monsters this time.

So I set Link 2 Honeybot
and Link 1 Link Spider

in the Link Arrows!

Link the circuit
for a final time!

I Link Summon!

And bring forth my Link 3...

Decode talker!

I Link Summon!
And bring forth my Link 3...

Decode talker!

You know what, folks?

You'd need a roll of pennies

to witness more
linkin' than this!

Way to go, Playmaker!

I'm equip my Decode Talker with
the spell Cyberse Annihilation.


Then I activate
Cyberse Shatter's effect

by banishing it
from my graveyard.

That way I can Summon a Cyberse
that's Link 2 or less

from my graveyard.

Return, Honeybot!

That's a whole lot of labor
for a whole lot of nothing!

Not one of those weaklings
is strong enough

to defeat The Great Ogre!

Really now?
My Monsters are more

of a threat than you think.

Attack, Decode Talker!

Why are you attacking with a
Monster that's weaker than mine?

Decode Talker isn't weaker,
because I equipped it

with Cyberse Annihilation,

which raises its attack points
to match The Great Ogre's!

Your monster's destroyed!

Yours too, punk!

[metal clanging]

Whoa! Are you kidding me?

Both monsters are out cold
and I don't think either one

is getting up!

Aww, man.

Looks like both of
their best monsters are goners.

Or... maybe not?

Why's your Monster
still alive and kickin'?

Because of Honeybot.

Her special ability
prevents Decode Talker

from being destroyed in battle.

My Monster's back on its feet!


So that curtain jerker's
a tough guy, huh?

Well, my Ogre's tough, too!

Use your special ability!

By destroying a monster
that's linked to it,

The Great Ogre rises
to fight again!

And When Headbatt's gone,
its special ability lets me

add a Gouki card
in my deck to my hand.

Like that?

Oh, oh, oh, my!

This mesmerizing main event
has yours truly wondering

whose finisher is gonna
finish this duel!

Who will break who first?


Your weak sauce alliance
sure botched up that finish.

And who said
that I was finished?

Say what?

Link Bumper, activate your
ability and give Decode Talker

an extra attack for every other
Link Monster that I have!

Decode Talker, attack Gouki
The Great Ogre once again!

You know the outcome
will be the same.

Yeah, then that means
this shouldn't worry you.

Cyberse Annihilation once again
raises Decode Talker's

attack points to match
The Great Ogre's.

Time for Round Two!

Strike that chump down!

[both grunting]

Another double K.O.!



Since Twistcobra's linked
to The Great Ogre,

I can destroy it to keep
my main man in the match!

Likewise, my Honeybot protects
Decode Talker from destruction.


Since I destroyed Twistcobra,

its special ability
kicks in big time!

I get to draw Gouki Suprex

which'll come in
really handy next turn...

To beat you!

There won't be a next turn!

Link Bumper,
use your ability!

Decode Talker
gets one final attack!

It all comes down
to this fight, Gore!

Cyberse Annihilation, raise
Decode Talker's attack points!


Attack The Great Ogre!


Ogre! Smash 'em!

[Monsters growling]

[sword slicing]

My monster's still standing.

Yours however, is not.

Yeah? The Great Ogre will
kip up in no time!

All I gotta do is destroy
another one of my monsters

that it's linked to
which'll be...

Oh, no!

I'm afraid you've run out
of Monsters, Gore.

That means you can't save
The Great Ogre anymore!



[crowd murmuring]

[children gasping]

And when your monster is
destroyed in battle...

Cyberse Annihilation deals
you damage equal to

your monster's attack points,

which is more than enough
to defeat you.


[bell ringing]

Oh, yeah!

The Gore is down
for the three count!

He met his maker, Playmaker,
in a duel to the finish!

[children crying]



That was amazing!

Um, who laughs after
they lose a duel?

His eyes should
be dripping with water

as if his tear ducts broke!

Why would he need to mourn after
a well-fought fight, Ai?

There's no shame in losing.

Of course there is!

You humans are weird.

It wasn't easy
programming that exit.

Yes. But you know,

it's not every day
that I get to duel

just for the sake of dueling.

Well, I guess you're right.

That Gore was pretty good,
wasn't he?

You know what?

If we really are going to take
down the Knights of Hanoi,

then we should try to get
all the help we can get.

We could use an ally
like The Gore.

It's too dangerous.

This is our fight, Kolter.

Not his.

We must defeat the Knights
of Hanoi without his help.

[Gore grunting]

I need an ice down.

Speed Duels really
make you feel the burn.


Thought I had that kid,

but I couldn't kick out.

Just gonna have to train harder
to win back my fans,

especially my littlest ones.

Hey, who you calling little?

[children laughing, cheering]

You're the bestest ever, Gore!

And we're your bestest fans!

You almost had him!
You'll win next time, right?

[laughter continues]

You'll always
be a champ to us!

And here's the belt
to prove it!

I got it down myself!

So even though
I got my butt kicked,

you're still cool that I went
from a hero to a zero?

Cause this guy's feelings
won't get hurt

if you don't want to see
anymore from The Gore.

We want The Gore!

Take this belt

and wear it like a champ,
but don't rip it.

We're out of glue!

I promise.

Here you go.

[children cheering]


[children laughing, cheering]

[Gore laughing]
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