01x08 - A Storm is Coming

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS". Aired: May 10, 2017 – September 25, 2019.*
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In a place known as Den City, thousands of duelists take part in a virtual reality space known as LINK VRAINS, created by SOL Technologies, where users can create unique avatars and participate in games of Duel Monsters with each other.
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01x08 - A Storm is Coming

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on
"Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS..."

Here I go!

I draw!


That card
belongs to the Hanoi!

That naive girl drew the card
we gave to her.

Once she plays it,
she belongs to us.

[Blue Angel]
I don't know why,
but I don't feel so good.

I have to end this duel.

I Link Summon!

Link 3 Encode Talker!

I have no other options left
than to--

Play the card, Blue Angel.

Don't do it!

I discard Dark Angel
from my hand

to activate its special ability.


This is bad news.

The Hanoi have her.



Encode Talker! Attack!



Pick up!

[phone ringing]


I'll eat Hanoi's program
out of her.

[mechanical humming]

You might wanna stand back.

I think I'm about to spew
data chunks!

This is bad.
She won't wake up!

Uh, I'd love to stare at
Sleeping Beauty forever,

but we gotta jet!

There's nothing
we can do for her.

Maybe not from here.

I have three reasons
why I can find Skye's location.

One: I know she's at school.

Two: To keep her identity
a secret,

she'd log in
from somewhere secluded.

And three: The roof has been
off limits for repairs.

Until yesterday, that is.

Come on, Skye.

She has to be
around here somewhere.

[phone vibrating]


[vibrating continues]

[vibrating gets louder]


[tires screeching]

[door opening]

[sign humming]

Oh! No, Skye!

What happened to you?

You need to calm down, sir.

We're doing everything we can
for her.

But my sister needs me!

I can assure you
she's in good hands.


You're the young man
who found her?

Yeah. She's been like that

since I called
the paramedics.

And the whole ride over.

How could this
have happened to her?

No. How could I
have let this happen?

How were you able
to find her anyway?

Just passing by.

I see.

How lucky of her.

Good to know.


Hey! Hold on a second.

I didn't get a chance
to thank you, Mr., uh...?


I'll be seeing you.


How is Skye, Doctor?

The good news is there's nothing
physically wrong with her.

And the bad news?

We ran every test
that we could think of.

But even with our
best equipment,

we don't know why
she's not waking up.

Or if she'll ever awake.

I don't wanna get your
hopes up, Mr. Zaizen, but...

if we only knew
what caused this.

Do you?
I don't.

But he must.

This is a new low,
even for the Hanoi.

I thought I ate whatever bug
was bugging around,

but I guess
I needed a bigger bite.

So what's the cure?

Beats me.

But without one,
she'll be hibernating forever.

Zaizen, you have some
explaining to do.

Why did you
never tell us

that Blue Angel
is your very own sister?

How do you know?

That isn't the issue.

But what is the issue
is that the sister

of our very own
Chief of Security

happened to play
a Hanoi card

in her duel
against Playmaker.

Do you expect us to believe

that this is
mere coincidence?

That you knew nothing
about this?

How can we trust you with
SOL Technology's security

when you can't even secure
your own sister?

All your failures
these past weeks

are suddenly clear now.

If Blue Angel has been
colluding with

the Knights of Hanoi,

it is more than plausible
that you've been

working with
the Hanoi, too, Zaizen.

You have drawn
the wrong conclusion.

Do you have a better one?

Yes. Playmaker.

He must have learned
my sister's true identity

just like you did.

So Playmaker
is trying to frame me

because I'm getting close
to uncovering his.

It is awfully convenient

that your sister
is fast asleep,

unable to disprove your claims.

Very well then.

Find evidence
to substantiate yours.

Or we will have to reconsider
your position

within our company.

The clock is ticking, Zaizen.

You best hurry.

I shall bring
the proof you need.

[engine revving]



Well, well, Akira.

We have to stop
meeting like this

or someone might think
we're up to something.

I have another assignment
for you.

Love to, but aren't you
in trouble with your bosses

for, you know,

keeping some secrets about
a certain little sister?

How did you know that?

Who do you think
tipped them off?

But, before you get
too upset,

you always knew
that I was freelance.

That kind of info has
a hefty price tag,

and a girl's
gotta make a living...

I don't need your loyalty.

What I need is you
to use your tracking skills

to bring Playmaker to me.


You must really
be in a scrape

to ask for my help.

Why do you want Playmaker
so badly?

Because as much
as I hate to say it,

Playmaker's the only one
who can save Skye.

Her doctors are
completely helpless

as they are useless.

Careful! Don't let them
hear you say that.

Playmaker is the disease,

but he's also the cure.

Since he is the one
who put my sister to sleep,

he must know
how to wake her up.

Makes sense.

And this is where
you come in.

I'm asking you
to save my sister.

Finding Playmaker
is one thing,

but capturing him
is another.

And only the best tracker
can pull that off.

That is why
I want you.

Will you do this for me?


Akira, it seems flattery
will get you everywhere.

And the right price,
of course.

Good. Playmaker will regret
harming my sister.

And earning my anger, as well.

Excellently ex*cuted,

If Playmaker wishes
to save Blue Angel,

he has no choice
but to face us.

Along with the Ignis.

Yes. The Ignis...

They must be destroyed.

But can you?

When the time comes,
I will do what needs to be done.

I understand.

I know very well that it
won't be easy to do.

But doing
what is right
never is.

Bingo! The hospital's
got a gnarly firewall.

But I finally found
Skye's chart.

You two sure love
violating people's privacy.

First you tinker my RAM
with your sausage fingers,

now you hack hers?

So that means you don't
wanna know what I found?

I didn't say that.

Then it's settled.

Did you learn anything?

No. She barely has
any brain activity.

Almost none at all.

It's like her entire mind
has shut down.

Shut down?
Aww, glitch!

I know what happened!
She has a virus!

A virus?

Yeah. A computer virus.

Your human brain
is your CPU,

so if it gets infected
with a virus

your whole body shuts down
like a PC in sleep mode.

Humans can't get
computer viruses.

Oh, I didn't know
you had a medical degree,

Dr. Yusaku

So Hanoi's card
was infected with a virus.


Which Blue Angel activated
when she played that card.

I knew something was off.

I had to reboot my taste buds
to get rid of the flavor.

How do we get rid of
the virus?

With an anti-virus,
of course.

Since the Knights of Hanoi
created the virus,

they'll have the cure.

Not that they'll
hand it to us willingly.

Where in tarnation
is Blue Angel?!

Hey! Nope, that's Black Panda.

Ah, Blue Robot--
so close.

Aw, that's nothing!

There's so much traffic

that I'm de-syncing.

Then sink on down there!

It'll give us
a bird's eye view

to spot Blue Angel.

See? And get the story
before them ambulance chasers.

A true reporter must always
have the eye of an--


Get off my perch!

My network's getting the scoop!


Your perch, huh?!

I'm not scared of ya

because your avatar's
higher up on the food chain.

Oh, yeah?
Then it's feeding time!


B-B-Blue Angel?

Roll the camera!

Hey, Playmaker!

What you did to me
was, like, so shady!

You thought you put me
to sleep,

but I'm wide awake!

I demand a rematch
and you are so giving me one.

Skye is still asleep.

There's no way that's
the real Blue Angel.

You don't need
my processing power

to know that
this is a trap.

And only dumbest dummy
would be stupid enough

to walk into it!

See? Told ya.

Come on, Yusaku.

Even you know
that this is too dangerous.

Perhaps, but there are
three reasons I must go.

One: This is our only lead
to curing Blue Angel.

Two: I wish to learn
who would go through

so much of this trouble
and effort to deceive me.

And three: Just because
it's a trap

doesn't mean I will fall for it.

Look, I don't care if you
want to risk your life,

but don't risk mine!

I'm with Ai.

Whoever that is, it's gonna be
real bad news, man.

Then let's hope
that you're wrong.

It's time to link into


Playmaker showed up too!

And we have the exclusive scoop?

That's so much pressure
I wanna fly the coop!

Don't shake the cam!

You came, Playmaker.

Ugh... and I was feeling
a hotdog sandwich.


Whoa! The rematch is happening.

She may not be the real
Blue Angel,

but she's not Hanoi either.

So who are you?


That's Blue Angel, right?

That's a pretty good disguise,

but not good enough
to fool me.

What?! It's a disguise?!

Wow, what gave it away?

And I thought I nailed
these pigtails.

It took forever.

Well, no matter!

I didn't come
to do impressions.

Here's a little gift
for showing up.


[thundering boom]


What is this?
I can't move!



Run away!

I said it was a trap,
but nooo.


Oh! Oh, no!

Flap harder!



Aw, come on, man.

You have gotta be kidding me!

And now Yusaku can't log out.


The feed disappeared!

What? This is bogus.
I'm gonna miss the action.

Our main feed is offline!

I'm switching to
our backup cameras.

Let's see if SOL Tech's
having better luck than me.

Oh yeah!

What? Oh, man!



It wasn't just the flower.

This whole area's
one big trap!

Maybe I'm no actress,
but I'm a pretty good tracker.

I caught you when
no one else could.





It's Blue Angel-- The real one!

Don't take it personally.

This is all
just part of the job.

So then you're working
for someone.

Yeah, and I'm pretty good
at what I do.

The name's Ghost Gal.

I'd love to talk more,
but you seem

all tied up at the moment.

Who would hire you
to catch me?

Why don't you ask him yourself?


Playmaker, my name
is Zaizen.

Who you are is
irrelevant to me.
What do you want?

I simply thought you would
desire to know my name.

The name of the person
who is going to end you.

You really thought you could
hurt my sister and walk free?

I didn't hurt her.

Nice one.

He sure looks convinced.

You were the one who put her
to sleep in your duel.

So you must know
how to wake her.

Tell me how, Playmaker.
And tell me now.

It wasn't me, Zaizen.

It was the Knights of Hanoi!

Stop lying!

My sister would never
work with the Hanoi!

And I mean never!

And you're right.

I never said that Blue Angel
was working with them.

I believe "tricked" would be
a more appropriate word

for this particular situation.

I did not come here to play
word games with you, Playmaker!

If you won't
tell me voluntarily,

I will force you!

[strange warbling]

Now tell me!


Give me the anti-virus!

How many times do we
have to say it's not us?

You, too?

Stop covering up
for your master!

How dare you!

He is not my master!

All this suffering
can end now,

or I can make it much worse.


There's no talking to this guy!

Don't make me ask again.

[grunting continues]

[loud thud]


What's going on?

It's him!



The leader of the Hanoi.

You two can leave now.

Because you don't want me
to force you to leave.

I don't think so, Varis.

I see...

Then perhaps I need to
give you a demonstration

of my power.

[wind rushing]



Are you kidding?

He can summon a data storm
at will?


I can destroy Link VRAINS
and everything in it--

including you.

But I only came here
for one reason.

To acquire Playmaker's Ignis
from him.

And you think
I'll just stand by

and do nothing?

That's exactly right.

If you want to save
Blue Angel.

After all,
it was our card

that infected her
with the virus.

It was?

But I am in possession
of an anti-virus

that can revive her.

If it's not too late, that is.

Why did you do this?

Why? Why did I infect
Blue Angel with a virus?

Why not?

I could have chosen to infect
anyone at all, really.

But this target
was much too good to pass up.

When she challenged Playmaker,

all it took was a simple
slip of a card.

And look at the results.

I couldn't ask for more.

You went and gift wrapped
Playmaker for me.


I'm challenging Playmaker
to a duel.

And you will do
nothing but stand there

like a useless statue
and like it.

If Playmaker wins,

I'll give him the anti-virus
to cure Blue Angel.

But if I win, not only
shall I take his Ignis...

she will never wake up again!

That means Playmaker
controls her fate?

But I do not trust Playmaker.

You think you have a choice?

You do not.
You never did.

You're not in control
of this situation.

Ugh, Akira...

Do not make me
regret this later.

Let's never
do that again, okay?

Heh! I'll be waiting...


[wind rushing]

You know you're allowed to say
no to all this, right?

Varis must answer
for what he has done.


I-I don't know
what to say.

You're going to duel him
to save my sister,

even after everything
that I put you through,

refusing to believe
anything that you said.

But you will still fight
to help me

when you really
should despise me.

I forgive you.


But I will never forgive

the Knights of Hanoi.
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