01x09 - Malicious Mayhem

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS". Aired: May 10, 2017 – September 25, 2019.*
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In a place known as Den City, thousands of duelists take part in a virtual reality space known as LINK VRAINS, created by SOL Technologies, where users can create unique avatars and participate in games of Duel Monsters with each other.
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01x09 - Malicious Mayhem

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on
"Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS"...


It's him!


I only came here
for one reason.

To acquire Playmaker's
Ignis from him.

And you think I'll just
standby and do nothing?

If you want to
save Blue Angel.

After all, it was our card

that infected her
with a virus.

It was?

But I am in possession
of an antivirus

that can revive her.

I'm challenging
Playmaker to a duel.

If Playmaker wins,

I'll give him the antivirus
to cure Blue Angel.

But if I win,

not only shall
I take his Ignis...

she will never
wake up again!

Do not make me
regret this later.

You know you're allowed to
say no to all this, right?

Varis must answer
for what he has done.


You're going to duel him
to save my sister...

even after everything
that I put you through?

I forgive you.

But I will never forgive
the Knights of Hanoi.



Do you think Playmaker
can defeat Varis?

[Ghost Girl]
You better hope so

if you ever want to
see your sister

up and about again.

So, Playmaker,

remember that if I win,
I gain control of your AI.

I know.

But losing it to you

is a risk that
I'm willing to take!

After everything you've
done to ruin my--

no, all our lives!

When I defeat you,

the Knights of Hanoi

will never thr*aten
anyone ever again!

You seem quite certain

that you will emerge
victorious, Playmaker.

But in the end,

you will fail like
all who have opposed me.

This is not an opinion--
it's a fact.

And for someone
who sees us as a threat,

why do you harbor
an Ignis,

the greatest
threat to mankind?

What do you mean?

[Ai groaning]

Are you truly unaware

of what you have
in your possession?

And are you unaware

that it's impolite to answer
a question with a question?

Which I also did, true,
but you know... I can explain.

I emphatically think more

than grammatically.


You don't need to
give me

extra reasons
to delete you.

[Ai groaning]

Playmaker, glitch this guy.

So much contempt
for such a tiny AI.

What did you say?

Come at me, bro!

You act like I deleted your
bank account or somethin',

which gives me an idea...

Your very existence
is the problem.

AIs are not to be trusted.

I don't even include
one in my Duel Disk.

You programs--

in fact, this whole
network world--

is an illusion that will
lead to the end of humanity.

And my mission is
to stop that!

People have to wake up
before it's too late!

Uh, exaggerate much?

And what kind of hacker
hates programs,

especially one
as handsome as me?

I will destroy the Ignis
to save the world.

And if that means
destroying you as well...

so be it.

But I can promise you
the last duel

you ever fight will
be a memorable one!

Ah, what has Varis done?

is in flames!

Playmaker, this is where
you will crash and burn!

[chuckling maniacally]

I think not.

If he wants a firefight,
that's what he'll get!

Let's Speed Duel!

Let's Speed Duel!

[Ghost Girl]
I'm goin' in for
a closer look.

Ghost Gal, please
keep me appraised.

Sure thing, love.

Playmaker, Skye's fate
rests in your hands...

No, no, no,
where's the picture?!

Hey, put the picture
back on!

Aw, no fair!


Aw, man!

Come on, there's gotta be
a feed somewhere.

It's Ghost Gal's camera!

Why's she tailin' em'?

Not that
I'm complaining.

Be careful, Yusaku.

With what little data
we have on Varis,

each nugget's
gotta come in handy.

Then let's analyze
what we know.

When I dueled one of
the Knights of Hanoi,

he summoned a powerful
Cracking Dragon.

But since Varis is
the leader of the Hanoi,

he must have even more

powerful monsters
in his deck.

Ugh... Cracking Dragon
was one tough nut to crack,

and you're telling me this
is gonna be worse?

Don't tell me
you're scared.

Not as long as I go to
my Zen place.


Wait, I don't have
a Zen place.

B-but it's fine!

Because no meat bag
in the universe

has the processing
power to outduel me!

This is it.

Ever since I laid eyes on you,

I knew this
moment would come.

The moment to avenge
my past!

I am going to go
first in this duel.

And by paying a thousand
of my life points...

... I can activate
my spell card

Dragonoid Generator.

This allows me
to summon up to

two Dragonoid Tokens
every turn.

Take to the field!

He already has two monsters!

We've seen this
strategy before.

I follow that up
by tributing

my two
Dragonoid Tokens,

which allows me
to summon...

... your old friend
Cracking Dragon!


Not Cracking Dragon!

That thing still
gives me nightmares!

Now that my turn is done,

Dragonoid Generator's
effect summons

a pair of Dragonoid Tokens
to your field

to match the two that
I have summoned to mine.

Aww, sweet!

Unless there's a catch.


Has there ever
been a time

when there
wasn't a catch?

First time for everything?

This clearly
isn't one of them

because Varis will use this
summoning against us.

Nothing gets past you,
now, does it, Playmaker?

But of course knowing
and surviving

are two entirely
different matters.

Cracking Dragon's special
ability activates,

decreasing your
monsters' attack points

by 200 per Level!

And for every
point they lose,

you suffer that same
amount as damage!


But you still left us with
two Tokens to work with!

Which is plenty enough
for us to Link Summon!

My thoughts exactly.

I draw!

Here I go!

Create the ultimate

Link Arrows authorized!

I require one monster
to Link Summon, so...

I now set a Dragonoid Token
in the Link Arrow!

Link the circuit!

I Link Summon
Link 1 Link Spider!

Since Link Monsters
don't have Levels,

your Cracking Dragon's
special ability

can't activate to hurt us!

Next, I activate

Link Spider's
special ability.

I can summon a monster
from my hand

to Link Spider's arrow!

Come out, Bitron!


Unlike your Spider,

that monster
does have a Level!

Take this!

Since Bitron
is a Cyberse Monster,

I'm now allowed to

... Backup Secretary!

Summon all the peons
you like!

the more you do...

... the more you

my Cracking Dragon!

Ahh, I should've
brought my windbreaker.


I may have taken

but I can now
Link Summon again!

Link Arrows authorized!

This time
the summoning conditions

are two Cyberse Monsters.

So I set my Bitron
and Backup Secretary

in the Link Arrows!

Link the circuit!

I Link Summon
Link 2 Honeybot!

But I have no need to
stop at Honeybot...

because I can use her
to Link Summon again!

It's déjà vu, part two!

This Link Summon requires
at least two Effect Monsters.

And my Link Spider and Honeybot
will fit the bill perfectly,

so I'm setting
them in the Link Arrows!

Link the circuit!

I Link Summon...
Link 3 Decode Talker!

[Ghost Girl]
Playmaker Link Summoned
three whole times

just so he could get
Decode Talker?

Why go through all that sweat

when Cracking Dragon's
still stronger

than that purple fella?

Decode Talker
gains 500 attack points

for every monster
it's linked to.

Power Integration!

If only Varis placed
his Cracking Dragon

one space to the left

Decode Talker would've
gained 500 more attack points,

making our monster
stronger than his.

I can't believe
he got so lucky!

That's one wrong way
of looking at it.

More like Varis
anticipated my tactics.

That's right.

You're so utterly
predictable that I had

a counterstrategy

You're not
the only one.


By tributing one
Dragonoid Token,

I can now summon
Capacitor Stalker

from my hand to the field!

And Capacitor Stalker's
special ability

energizes my
Decode Talker

with 800 additional
attack points!

With 3,600 attack points
to wield,

Decode Talker now has

more than enough
power to crack your

Cracking Dragon
in half!

But your move shall
not go unpunished!

Cracking Dragon!

Zap away 1,000 attack points
from Capacitor Striker!

And deal that thousand to
Playmaker's life points!


That won't
slow me down!

Now, Decode Talker,
attack Cracking Dragon!

Decode Destruction!

Decode Talker!

Destroy Cracking Dragon!

Not bad.

Way to shish
that kebab!

[Ghost Girl]
Playmaker's improved his game.

Cracking Dragon no longer
poses a challenge.

Nicely done.

Well, well,

that was too easy
for you.

But I do have much
more powerful monsters

waiting in my deck.

Then maybe you should've
summoned them!

Capacitor Striker!


With that attack,
I end my turn.

And Capacitor Stalker regains
all its attack points...

ready to face
whatever you've got.

Yup, but it won't be
anything special!

I mean, look at his field.

It's emptier than school
on a Saturday!

During a heat wave!

In Antarctica!

He's out of resources
to summon anything

that could even
scare a mook like you.

Don't be so sure.


I don't sense any fear

or insecurity
from him.

Even someone
as stoic as Varis

wouldn't be so calm if he
thought he was in trouble.

This fight has only
just begun.

I don't know.

Maybe his avatar's
keepin' him cool,

but the real
Varis is in sweat city.

Or maybe he's hoping you slip
off your board and get DQ'd.

Or maybe you need to
maintain your focus.

Well, if you're trying to hurt
my feelings, you succeeded.

I mean, you didn't but I'm
trying to make you feel bad.

Though it may appear
as if you have the lead,

everything is proceeding
as I'd hoped.

That's what they all say
before they lose!

Watch and learn.

I draw!

This is just getting

worse and worse
for you, Playmaker.

I place this card

And when you have
a Link Monster on your field,

I can summon this!

Gateway Dragon!

True to its name,

this dragon will open
the gateway to my victory!

And it all begins

by activating
its special ability.

Once per turn, Gateway Dragon
allows me to summon

another Dragon
from my hand

as long as its
Level is 4 or less.

Such as my Sniffer Dragon!

Sniffer Dragon has a special
ability of its own.

This monster sniffs out

another Sniffer Dragon
from my deck.

But why
keep it in my hand...

when I can summon it?

Never forget, Playmaker.

You're not the only one
who can Link Summon!

Link Arrows authorized.

I am required to have
two Level 4 or lower Dragons

in order to fulfill the
summoning conditions.

Therefore I set
my Sniffer Dragon

and my Gateway Dragon
in the Link Arrows!

Link the circuit!

I Link Summon...

Link 2
Twin Triangle Dragon!

Next, I pay 500 life points

to activate
its ability!

I can resurrect a monster
from my graveyard

and summon it next
to Twin Triangle's

link with one drawback.

That monster is not allowed
to attack this turn

but such is the way of
things, isn't it, Playmaker?

Return to the field,
Cracking Dragon!

It's all
falling into place.

Heh-- that wasn't smart.

Why give up life points for
a monster that can't attack?

Especially when you have
barely any to start with.

It's time.

I'm activating my Skill.

One that you may be
familiar with, Playmaker!

He didn't
care about his monster.

He just wanted to lose
life points!

But what's his Skill?

There's a bazillion of them.

Which ones require you to be
scraping by on life points?

I mean, other than
yours that is.

Wait, you don't think...

No one ever said that
two duelists

can't have
the same Skill.

Aww, glitch!

As you already know,

I can wield
the incredible power

of the Data Storm in
the palm of my hand.

These winds
rage for me...

and me alone!

This wave
is much too modest.

I demand more!

Now this is what a real
storm looks like, Playmaker,

you were just seizing
the breeze!

I don't wanna digitally drown!


[Ghost Girl whimpering]

Ai said that the stronger
the Data Storm,

the more powerful
the monster that's inside!

I activate my Skill!

Once the fiercest monster
residing in these winds

is within my grasp,

you have zero chance of
winning this duel, Playmaker!


That's the monster
that I'm looking for!

Storm Access!

You're mine now.



Storm Access
is my thing!

Get your own thing,
you poser!

Ah, but I will be
the only one left

using this Skill...

after I delete you
from this world

with my new
Link Monster!

Here I go!

Link Arrows authorized!

The summoning conditions

at least two
Effect Monsters.

I, however,
am going to set

three of them in
the Link Arrows:

Twin Triangle Dragon
and Cracking Dragon,

along with my
Sniffer Dragon!

Link the circuit!

Four arrows are glowin'!

That means he's summoning
a Link 4 monster.

I've never seen
a Link that high!



I Link Summon!

Behold the power of

Link 4
Topologic Bomber Dragon!

I can barely hang on!


[Ghost Girl groaning]

You got a plan,
right, Playmaker?

Tell me you got a plan!

Would that be fear
and desperation

I hear
in your voice?

Umm... maybe?

He's just trying
to intimidate us.

Decode Talker still has
more attack points

than Bomber Dragon.

Yes, but only temporarily.

I activate
Dragonoid Generator's effect,

which allows me to Summon
a Dragonoid Token!

And that activates
Topologic Bomber Dragon's

special ability!

When a monster is summoned
next to its link,

Topologic Bomber Dragon
destroys all monsters

in both our
Main Monster Zones!

Oh no!

Annihilate them!



Your Decode Talker isn't
linked to any monsters now,

so its attack points
will plummet.

And it drops even further
because Capacitor Striker

no longer powers it up.

Not so tough anymore.

But you still
pay a price

for destroying my
Capacitor Striker, Varis.

When a special ability
destroys that monster,

we both instantly
take 800 points of damage.

Ah, you were short by
a hundred points.

And that small difference
will cost you this game.

[Ai groaning]

Topologic Bomber Dragon,

Take out his
Decode Talker!

Malicious Mayhem!


Phew-- we're still alive.


Did you really think that

that was the end of
my as*ault on you?

Topologic Bomber Dragon

another ability!

You take damage equal to

your destroyed monster's
attack points!

This is not good!


This game is now over,

Be gone and never return!
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