01x12 - Link the Circuit

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS". Aired: May 10, 2017 – September 25, 2019.*
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In a place known as Den City, thousands of duelists take part in a virtual reality space known as LINK VRAINS, created by SOL Technologies, where users can create unique avatars and participate in games of Duel Monsters with each other.
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01x12 - Link the Circuit

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on
"Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS"...

I'm sorry, Skye...

I'm the one who's supposed
to protect you,

but now when you need me most

I have to depend
on someone else to save you.


Don't let me down.

When you neutralized
all my Cyberse monsters,

you got rid of Ai as well.

Have you no idea
what you possess?

The Ignis may be an A.I...

But it's unlike any type
you've ever come across before.

While A.I. are supposed to do
what we program them to do...

The Ignis do whatever
they want to do

And what the Ignis want to do

is bring an end
to the entire human race.

But I don't buy a single
word you said.

I sense the presence of a new
Cyberse monster in my deck.

That means Varis failed to truly
erase the Cyberse or Ai.

I Link Summon!

Link 4 Firewall Dragon!


Huh? I'm back?

Join the fight!
Encode Talker!

You thought
this duel was over.

But this fight's only
getting started, Varis!



I activate Firewall Dragon's
special ability!

For every monster that's
co-linked to this card,

I can return a monster
that's on the field

or in the graveyard back
to its owner's hand.

Right now, one monster is
co-linked to Firewall!

So I can send your
Borreload Dragon away!

Nice try...

But that is not going to happen.

Borreload Dragon
can't be targeted

by a monster's abilities!

Great, now he tells us!

It's like he doesn't want us
to win or something.

Oh, wait.
He doesn't.

In that case, I choose
Mangarokket instead.

Why thank you because now
its ability activates!

You see, when a Link Monster's
uses its special ability

on Magnarokket, I can destroy it
to send one monster

on the field to
the graveyard

So say farewell to
your Firewall Dragon!

Varis seems to have a counter
for every move I make...

Interior monologue later...

Act now!

Okay, I'm on it!

I banish Cynet Refresh
from my graveyard

to activate its effect!

It protects
my Cyberse Link Monsters

from your special abilities.


Firewall Dragon
lives to see another turn...

But, I'll make sure that turn
will be its last with the help

of my Magnarokket!

Its special ability summons
another Rokket monster

from my deck
- Anesthrokket Dragon!

It's your turn, Playmaker.


You're not thriving,
but at least you're surviving.

I may be more hacker
than duelist,

but even I can tell
he's in seriously hot water.

If he doesn't turn things
around this turn, he's done.




Come on, dude!

So I ran through a bunch of
permutations and I found a way

to win this duel!

Wait for it.

Here it comes.


No, Ai.

This next draw doesn't have
anything to do with luck.

You see, I've constructed
my entire deck

for this very moment.

And I'm certain it will come
through for me,

and not just me,

but for all
I'm fighting for.

It all comes down to this!

I draw!

From my hand...

I activate the spell,
Battle Buffer!

As long as Encode Talker
and Firewall Dragon

are linked to
each other...

Both Anesthrokket Dragon and
Magnarokket Dragon's abilities

are sealed away!

Nice! Those two tin cans

won't be blasting away
our cards anymore!

Excellent move for you.

I mean, average one for me but,
you know...

And now...

Firewall Dragon,
attack Borreload Dragon!

Playmaker, you fool, don't you
realize that your monster

has less attack points
than mine?

I'm acutely well aware of each
and every move that I make.

When my Firewall Dragon is
linked to Encode Talker,

it can't be
destroyed in battle!

What are you up to?

Varis is confused,
Varis is confused!

[surprised grunt]

Now go...

Firewall Dragon!

Tempest Terahertz!

Next, Encode Talker's
special ability

gives Firewall Dragon
attack points.


But what good does that do?

Firewall Dragon's
attack is already over.

Firewall's may be...

I activate
a Spell.

Go Battle Buffer!

Since my Firewall Dragon

this card gains
one counter.

And all Cyberse Link Monsters
gain 700 attack points

for each Counter!

Which means Encode Talker now
has more attack points

than your Borreload Dragon!

Quite clever.

Attack, Encode Talker!

Too bad, but you weren't
clever enough!

In fact, far from it!

Because Borreload Dragon's
ability lowers

your Encode Talker's attack
and defense points by 500!

And this ability's
so mighty that you can't play

any card to stop it!

Too bad for you.

Aww, glitch!

You two actually thought
that you were hunting me,

but you were
always the hunted.

Now then...


Now then... fire!


So, umm...

Have you considered not trying
to lose life points?

I know what I'm doing, Ai.

Since my monster
was involved in a battle...

Battle Buffer gains
another counter,

further powering up
my Firewall Dragon.


With Encode gone, Firewall's
no longer co-linked.

Meaning Battle Buffer no longer
seals away Anesthrokket

and Magnarokket Dragon's
special abilities.

Well, that's that.

No matter how many attack points
Firewall Dragon has,

Varis can use Magnarokket's
special ability

to get rid of it
next turn.

That means Playmaker will have
no monsters left to defend with,

and that's game over.

I tore through
your entire playbook.

How does it feel to be such
a failure, Playmaker?

Why don't you tell me?

Say what?

You think you can
back up that burn?

It's true that I currently have
no monsters on my field

that can attack
for the rest of this turn.

But that doesn't mean
I can't summon a new one!

You can?
Without cheating?

Yes, Ai.
I can.

I activate my trap
Recoded Alive's effect

by banishing it
from my graveyard!

From your graveyard?

That lets me revive
Decode Talker!

And my Decode Talker gains

for each and every
monster that's linked to it!

That's why I placed it right in
front of your Borreload Dragon!

Power Integration!

And that's just step one
in pumping up its power!

The field spell
Cynet Universe

gives it another 300
attack points!

And Battle Buffer will provide
it with even more strength!

Cyberse Link Monsters gain 700
attack points for every Counter!

And since I have two,

that means Decode Talker
gains 1400 attack points!

Guess who's stronger
than Borreload?

Decode Talker,

destroy Borreload Dragon!

Ha, I don't think so!

I activate my trap
Borrel Cooling!

By tributing
Anesthrokket Dragon,

I can equip this trap
on Borreload Dragon.

Now Borreload gains the ability
to target one of my monsters

and prevent it from being
destroyed in battle

or by any effects.

And naturally, Borreload targets
my Magnarokket Dragon!

Because that triggers
Magnarokket Dragon's

special ability!

Which will bring all your
moves to a screeching halt!

By self-destructing,
it sends one of your monsters

to the graveyard too!

So your Decode Talker
is lost to the abyss!


So goes your last
ditch effort, Playmaker.

I stopped it like
all the others,

with not a single problem.

You're like
a pebble in my shoe.

Annoying and uncomfortable, yes,

but ultimately small
and worthless,

not given a second thought
once it's tossed away.

And when you lose,
you'll be lost to history.

You're wrong.
I must win.

And there happen to be exactly
three reasons why I will.

For one...

I must avenge the horrors
that the Knights of Hanoi

put me through
a decade ago.

Two: Defeating you
is a step towards uncovering

the truth about
that incident.

And three: I must rescue
the one who rescued me.

Did you say three?

No way...

Can it be you?

After all of these years?

Ten years to be exact.

But I'm back to get justice!

Ooh, interesting.

Ten years ago.


But if it's really him...

Destiny never ceases
to surprise.

Playmaker, whether it's ten
years or even a hundred years,

you do not have what
it takes to defeat me!

Listen to me, Playmaker,
You have it all wrong.

You blame us for all your woes,

when you should instead be
directing your anger

at SOL Technologies!

SOL Technologies?

Ooh, this is getting
juicier and juicier!

I should do some
digging of my own

when the gossip's
this good...

And worth a lot of coin!

Your attempts to sidetrack
me won't work, Varis.

My past may be hazy,
but I'm sure of one thing.

The Hanoi must be defeated!

[surprised grunt]

From my graveyard,
I activate the effect

of Parallel Port Armor!

I banish this trap along
with two Link Monsters

from my graveyard to upgrade
my Firewall Dragon!

Parallel Port Armor
allows Firewall Dragon

to attack one final time!

Oh, no...

If his Firewall Dragon
att*cks again I'll be...


Just like I finished
your thought!

Tempest Terahertz!

Time for you to go kapow!


Playmaker actually
pulled it off.

Way to duel, Yusaku!

He won!

You're finished Varis.

And you'll tell me
everything I want to know.

No he won't!

He's a baddie.

So I'll just eat
the info outta him!

I want a meal,
not a snack!

[Ai screams]

What is that?


Someone's hacking the system

Retract, Ai!

Lucky villain...

I can't believe
he's getting away.

I'm a man of my word...

So here...

It's Blue Angel's antivirus,
as promised.

You may have been victorious
today, Playmaker.

But as long as you carry
that A.I. with you,

we won't stop
stalking you down!

This I swear!

Well, I'll give him
this much.

He certainly knows
how to make an exit.


[erratic beeps]



I have the antivirus.

Here we go.

Where'd she go?

It's okay.
She's just logged out.

Oh, yes...

Why don't you join her?

Go on,
she'll be waiting.

You're right...




Guess he's not
for long goodbyes.

Or even short ones.

You take care,

Yes... And thank you.


How'd you know
I was here?

You're always here.
Plus I received a tip.


But said I should take
you to the hospital.



Yes, right.

What are we waiting for?

[erratic beeps]


You okay, buddy?


Just hope...

Skye is, too.




Can you hear me?




I'm sorry...

For all this.

There's no need.

All that matters
is you're okay.

That's all that
ever mattered.


[Akira huffs]

I'm just so happy that...

Don't you tell anyone
you saw me like this.

Love a happy ending!

[breathing heavy]


But things are only
starting for Yusaku.

Wake up!

Nah, let him rest.
I'd say he's earned it.

Him? I was the one doing
all the analyzing

and strategizing!

Why doesn't anyone
give me a hand?


I meant clapping not grabbing!
What gives?

I wanna check out the data
you gobbled up from Varis.

Aww, you're gonna pick and prod
my memory circuits again?

Do me a favor,
if you find a folder labeled

"binary baes," don't open it.
Heh. Trust me.

Now I really gotta
find that file!

Aww, c'mon, don't!
that's not nice...

Look, it's not wrong to have
a thing for elegant coding

when the value strings are
aligned in the right order

and... I've said too much.


So you lost, Varis.

And I think I know why.

You became distracted...

When he spoke
of ten years ago.

Forgive me, Father.

Next time...
I will not fail you.

I know.

And besides...

Your duel wasn't a total waste
because you collected

valuable data that will
aid you in your next fight.

But you must win
that next duel

because unless we acquire that
Ignis, all will be for naught.

Do you hear me, Varis?

Yes, Father.

Zaizen overheard something
he should not have.

I fear he may become
too curious about matters.

I fear it is too dangerous
to keep him

as our Chief of Security.

So let us
replace him.

I propose that Kitamura
assumes his role.

He has the necessary attributes
to succeed for us,

the most important of which
is his desire to please us.

In order to secure
a promotion,

he will go to
the ends of the earth

to do our bidding.

Have you no idea
what you possess?

Allow me
to educate you...

The Ignis may be an A.I...

But it's unlike any type
you've ever come across before.

While A.I. are supposed to do
what we program them to do,

the Ignis do whatever
they want to do,

because the Ignis,
they have free will.


Free will...

Lemme guess...

You were dreaming about what
Varis said back in your duel.

Do you think
any of it's true?

Now you're

You certainly weren't
at the time.

Unlike you, the Knights of Hanoi
are on the right side of history

because we are the ones
who will save the world.

You would be aiding us instead
of trying to fight us

if you weren't so daft.

Nice try.

But I don't buy
a single word you said!

We know this much is true:

Varis certainly believes
in what he is saying.

But still...

An A.I.
that's actually alive?

And free to make
his own decisions?

Is that possible?

I dunno but maybe
we can run some tests...

You know, try and get
to the bottom

of this mystery

Uhh, my eye is shut
but my ears are open!

So give us your take
on all this, Ai.

On whether
I'm alive or not?

Why do I gotta prove that?

Just because
I don't breathe oxygen

or eat hot dog sandwiches?

Not a sandwich!

But if you really insist
then okay, the truth is,

of course I'm alive!

If I wasn't, do you
think I could do this?

What exactly
are you doing, Ai?

Expressing my free will!

What's that?

Ai musta snatched
that image file from Varis.


Wish the resolution
was better though.

Oh, I'm sorry I'm not
providing pristine pics

of my personal programming.

But if you ask nicely,
maybe I will...


If you don't show us
right now,

I'll have no choice but
to delete you immediately.

I guess that is nice for you...

Okay, tighten your britches
and knuckle your robes,

because the data I retrieved
from Varis is...

my true form!




It's Ai version 2.0!

See me, love me, adore me,
worship me!

Now that I have hands,
I can give you autographs

before I get too famous!

Come on, tell me what you think
of this bodacious bod!

And don't hold back on your
praise because I can take how

awesome you think I am.

You're small.


Did you absorb any other
data from Varis?

Well, um...

Let me check...

Nothing of note.

But you're missing
the point.

I'm more than just
an eyeball now!

See if there's any
actual useful info in there.

Excuse me!

Yeah, I'm on it.

Over here!

Hey, fleshpods!

What are you doing checking out
flash drives

when the flashiest thing
since lightning was invented

is standing right
in front of you?

Oh, come on!

If ten fingers,
two hands and free will

don't impress, what will?

How about silence?

Ai should have
seen that coming.

Get it?
Ai, as in "A.I."?

Hello? Is this thing on?
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