01x23 - A Grim Tale

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS". Aired: May 10, 2017 – September 25, 2019.*
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In a place known as Den City, thousands of duelists take part in a virtual reality space known as LINK VRAINS, created by SOL Technologies, where users can create unique avatars and participate in games of Duel Monsters with each other.
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01x23 - A Grim Tale

Post by bunniefuu »

[MC on loudspeaker]
It's an epic smackdown
between The Gore

and the PhD of DNA--
Dr. Genome!

Stomp him good,

Make this clash flash!

[crowd chanting]
Go, Gore!

Go, Gore!

Go, Gore!

Go, Gore!

Have you ever heard
or seen anything

about a Data Gale before?

Nah, man.

But it can't be

that it sounds
just like a Data Storm.

I think a Data Gale creates
winds strong enough

to allow them
to Speed Duel.


But that's all it does.

'Cause only
moi can create

an authentic Ignis-certified
OG Data Storm!

I should sue for
copyright infringement,

but I don't know how
that law works.

Ya know,
Gore might appreciate

a friendly hand.

No, I don't think
that he would.

When I saw him
at the hospital,

it was clear to me

that this fight
is truly his own.

Good luck, George.

Mackendrick's well-being
depends on your victory,

but I hope it doesn't
cost you your own.



Now let's Speed Duel!

Now let's Speed Duel!

It's brains before brawn,
so I'll go first!

I draw!

Let's see what I have.

This couldn't be
any more perfect!

I mean, for me.

Not so much
for you, Gore.

I figured,
ya cyclopean egghead.

Ooh, look at Gore
trying to impress me

with his fancy
$5 words.

But none of that
will help you--

for I have analyzed
your dueling DNA,

so I know all your moves
before you even make them!

You're like a book
I've read 20 times over!

Maybe there's
a new chapter.


What chapter
do you mean?

Make a move

and you'll find out,
ya quack!

Trash talk--

the crutch
of the unsophisticated.

But I shall let my cards
do all the talking.

By discarding a Helixx monster

I can summon
Helixx Marmotroll!


I didn't think
he'd troll me literally.

Once per turn,
Marmotroll's special ability

reduces the battle damage
I take to zero.

So that means even
your most brutal pounding

won't leave me with
the tiniest bruise.

You sure about
that, pal?


Oh, very sure,
but please, give it a try.

I am so gonna enjoy

pinning the tail
on this donkey!

My turn!


I summon Gouki Suprex!

And when Suprex
steps into the ring,

I'm allowed to summon

Gouki from my hand!

Slither on out,
Gouki Twistcobra!


And next, this monster's
gonna be joinin'

my tag team
to form a triple threat!

By sending Gouki Riscorpio

from my hand
to the graveyard...

I can summon my Gouki Headbatt

to the field
in defense mode!

Come on out!

And its special ability
gives Gouki Suprex

attack points--

not that I need it!


I'm mashing up
my circuit!

Here it comes,

He's Link Summoning!

The summoning
conditions require

at least two Gouki Monsters.

So I set Gouki Headbatt,
Twistcobra, and Suprex

in the Link Arrows!

Get to it, Goukis!

I Link Summon!

Link 3
Gouki Thunder Ogre!


We've never seen
that monster before!

Gore's stepping up his game!

For every Gouki I used
to Link Summon,

I get to draw
another Gouki card!

That totals up to three new
cards, if you're countin'!

Yes, yes.

I've expected every single
one of those moves.

But you won't be
able to predict

what's comin' next!

Dr. Genome
doesn't realize that

George is willing to do anything
to save Mackendrick,

even it if means
getting his hands dirty.

I activate the spell
Gouki Dark Mask!

I equip the spell
Gouki Dark Mask

on my Thunder Ogre,

its inner rage

and transforming it into
Dark Thunder Ogre!


This mask just unleashed

the uncontrollable
in my monster!

So even I'm scared
what it's gonna do to ya!

When I duel, there's
a line I never cross.

But for you, I'm making
an exception!

'Cause you
crossed the line first

by deletin' Mack!

So if you're playin'
no holds barred...


... you ain't dealin'
with Gore no more.

You're facin' Grim Gore!

And Grim Gore's
all about servin' up

a heap of defeat!

I'll crush
the vowel out of you

and squish you
into a gnome!


Gore made a heel turn!

Why's everyone
freakin' out over a mask?

I mean, it does make him
more handsome, but...

It's a symbol,

that he's changing up
his dueling style.

That's right.

In wrestling lingo,

Gore went and turned
into a "heel."

Unlike a "face"

who plays things all
fair and square,

a "heel" isn't above
pushin' the boundaries.

I hope you're wearing
a parachute,

'cause you're about
to crash outta this duel!

Such intimidating words.

You're just trying
to scare me, I see.

You won't be
seein' nothin'!

Not after I activate
my spell

Gouki Poison Mist!


Right in my ocular!

How can I duel
without my vision?

That's your problem.

You go figure
it out, crybaby.

While you're busy

wipin' the goo
outta your eye duct,

I'll be wipin' the floor
with ya when I use

Dark Thunder Ogre's
special ability to summon

Gouki Riscorpio
next to its link!


Punish that puny punk!

Uh, okay.

I'm not sure if that's
the move I would have made.

Why would he attack
with Riscorpio?

It has fewer
attack points.


There ain't
no gain without some pain!

Dark Thunder Ogre's
ability activates!

Since a monster
that it was linked to was

just destroyed in battle,

it gains 400 more
attack points.


So that's why he att*cked.

Pretty good play.

Now Gore's Thunder Ogre
has the same number

of attack
points as Genome's.

Yeah, that's true.

But I doubt that
he's stopping here.

Since Dark Thunder Ogre
used its special ability,

it's allowed to fire

of damage
straight at you!

Go, Ultimo Thunder!


I kinda like this Grim Gore.

Does that make me a bad guy?

Well, it certainly doesn't
make you a good guy.

Since my Gouki Riscorpio
took a head dive

straight into
the graveyard,

I can add a Gouki card

straight from
my deck to my hand!

[Genome cackling]

That ability, eh?

Well now, Gore,

I believe I've seen
that same move before,

in one of your
previous duels.

Am I correct?


So what, Genome?

I do cutting-edge
genetic research.

DNA from great duelists
fuel my experiments.

Of course, Playmaker's
DNA tops my wish list!

I just find it
so utterly fascinating

that for someone
who supposedly

made a big change,

you would still use
the same moves.

As if you can't
change your true essence,

your dueling DNA.

You mean the moves
that got you scared?

Oh, do they?

Or does it only
appear that way,

similar to how you appear
to be a different duelist.

That's just vocabulary.

Genome, I won't let your
words mess up my game!

'Cause I got
me a new skill!

Rising Rage lets me
resurrect my Gouki

that was destroyed
in battle this turn!

Riscorpio's attackin'
Helixx Marmotroll again,

with a lil' help from
Dark Thunder Ogre!


I'd hate to be thrown
so hard that I get...

But that means
Dark Thunder Ogre

powers up again.

It's a savage
way to battle,

but I highly doubt Grim Gore
will lose any sleep.

Dark Thunder Ogre gains
another 400 attack points!


[Grim Gore]
And zaps you again!

Ultimo Thunder!

Looks like this duel's
gettin' to ya, bub.

So if ya wanna play
hide-and-seek instead,

ready or not,
here I come!

Found ya!

What a blow!

That had to have been
the flashest attack ever!

You may have destroyed

but I didn't take
any battle damage.

Well, I'm glad,
'cause that means I get

a ton more chances
to wail on ya.

You actually think
you're winning this duel.

As if I didn't expect
this very situation.

It's quite hilarious.

Let's see if
you're still laughin'

when you're a crack
in the pavement!


As a man of science,

I am quite curious
about something.

Do you really
believe that mask

makes you a different

It's not just
the mask, egghead.

It's all of the days
that led to the mask.

[Grim Gore]
After my duel
against Playmaker--

I mean my loss against

the only ones
left to cheer for me

were those rug rats
at the orphanage.

And that was
enough for me.

Or it should've been.

But Playmaker
was their hero.

He was everyone's hero.

he was my hero.

But you're not
a true duelist

unless you wanna
beat your heroes.

So I studied every duel
he ever fought.

And I realized
that my style of dueling

wasn't cuttin'
it no more.

That I would never
defeat Playmaker.

I think my dueling days
are done.

Now, don't be hasty.

I know that you honed
your techniques

over many long years,

but how about taking a fresh
approach to dueling?

Not a tweak
here and there

but a whole new style
you've never done before?

You mean...
start from scratch?

So this ain't
the old Gore!

That Gore's gone.

He took the bus
to Bye-byeville!

Now I'm all refocused
on winning.

'Cause everybody
loves a winner!

And Grim Gore
is nothin' but a winner!

This is one doozie
of a duel, folks,

and it's only gonna
get doozier!

He changed because
of you, Playmaker?

This guy would never do that.

There's never anything wrong
with evolving your methods

and taking your
dueling in a new direction.

I mean, I've had
to simplify things

and slow down my play
at times

in order for
you to keep up, Ai.


You think you've


You said you're starting from
scratch, but that's not true.

Why, just last turn

I saw that you made
the exact same move

that you used in your duel
against Playmaker.

You're still hanging
on to old techniques.

So despite that mask,

you're the same
ol' Gore.

Because a person
can't truly change.

No matter how hard
they pretend.

Am I right?

No, you're wrong!

I'm nothing
like I was before!

I'm a winner!

You are who
your DNA says you are,

and it says you're
a loser!

It's my turn!

I draw!

I activate the spell card

Graveyard Incubation
from my hand!

I resurrect two Marmotrolls
from my graveyard,

but they lose
their abilities

and all of their
attack points.

Oh well, that's
no concern of mine!


Because I'm using these
two to Link Summon!

The summoning conditions

require two
Helixx monsters,

which is exactly
what I have!

I Link Summon!

Link 2,
Helixx Gothiclone!



The doc summoned a...
whole lot of nothin'?

It has no attack points.

And now that I have
a Link Monster on my field,

I'm allowed to automatically
summon Helixx Dreadrat.

Then I place
one card facedown.

Gothiclone, attack
Dark Thunder Ogre!

He's also attacking with
a weaker monster?

Is this a thing?

It's a little thing we
humans call strategy, Ai.

You blundered it up.

Dark Thunder Ogre,
destroy that clone!


Gothiclone's attack points
become the same

as the monster
it's battling.

So they're both toast?


Incorrect again,
my dear simpleton.

Once per turn,

Gothiclone can't be
destroyed in battle!

Oh yeah?

Once per turn
Thunder Ogre

can't be destroyed
in battle either!

So who's
the simpleton now?

Ooh, boy!

They're both down
for the count!


Now where oh where
have I witnessed

a double
knockdown before?

Ah yes!

In your duel against

Further proof
that that mask

cannot hide the fact that

you're still the same
ol' pathetic Gore.

And your dueling DNA
is inferior to mine!

You failed to see
that my Gothiclone

has another ability.

It can tribute a monster
that's next to its link,

and then I can deal
you damage

equal to its attack points!

So take 1,200 points
of damage, Grimmy Gore!

You're quite lucky it didn't
go and break the skin.

With that I end my turn,

and Gothiclone's
attack points

drop back to nil.


It's my turn!

Ya know what, Genome?

does say who we are.

But guess what, ya quack,
you're only half right.

Ya see, 'cause our
DNA isn't everything!

How I grew up,

all the struggles
I had to face--

and how I overcame them--

that tells me more
of who I am

than those three letters!

And I'm about
to prove it to ya!

Good luck.

I'll start by summoning
Gouki Riscorpio from my hand!

Then Dark Thunder Ogre
flexes its pecs

to let me summon another
Gouki next to its link!

Gouki Twistcobra's
joinin' my squad!

And it's usin' its special
ability to tribute Riscorpio

and add its attack points

to another
one of my monsters!

My Dark Thunder Ogre
was already mighty tough,

but now it's even tougher,

which is mighty
bad news for you!

Now power up those
attack points,

Dark Thunder Ogre!


But that ain't
the last of it!

When Riscorpio heads
to the graveyard...

I'm allowed to draw one
Gouki card from my deck.

I activate this spell

and hit ya with
Gouki Serpent Slash!

You take damage equal
to the difference

between Thunder Ogre's
current attack points

and its original
attack points!



Wait, that's...

carry the one...

Which is more points
than Genome's got.

Seems Gore
pulled it off.

Go, Dark Thunder Ogre!

Pin him for
the three count!

[Grim Gore]
Dark Thunder Ogre,

pin him for the three count!

You actually think
you're going to win?

Why wouldn't I?

For every move you make,
I have a counter move!

My trap Regeneration Cure
lowers your damage to nil!

Well, GG couldn't
get that GG.

You shouldn't abbreviate
Gore's chances, Ai.

Then Gore better
think of something ASAP.

Regeneration's Cure
additional effect

lets me summon
a Helixx Token

in defense mode!

There's nothing more
I can do but end my turn.

By doing so, Dark Thunder Ogre's

attack points return to 3,000.

This sure ain't
lookin' good for Gore.

You can even say
it's looking "grim."

Get it?

I'll be here all night.

I'll draw a card.

Let's see...

I activate Dreadrat's
special ability

to resummon
it from my graveyard!

Good luck.

Watch as I unlock
my monsters' true potential!

I require two Helixx
monsters to Link Summon,

so I set my Helixx Token
and Helixx Dreadrat

in the Link Arrows!

Link the circuit!

Witness genetic perfection!

Link 2 Helixx
Necro Darwin!

When our Link Monsters
are linked to each other,

you are not permitted to attack
my Necro Darwin!

[Grim Gore]
No way!

I'm also required
to banish my Dreadrat,

not that I care.

It has served its purpose
perfectly for me.

Now then, with my
masterpiece produced,

I can toss that lab rat
out with the rest

of the failed experiments
and biotech detritus.

The same way
I'm tossing all your

monsters in the garbage heap!

Necro Darwin,
atomize his Gouki Twistcobra!

My Twistcobra
may be a goner,

but it ain't
goin' down quietly!

Its ability lets me draw
a Gouki from my deck!

But that's not all,

'cause you see
Twistcobra then energizes

my Dark Thunder Ogre

with 400 more
attack points!

And I finish off
the combo by zappin' ya

for 400 more points
of damage!

Ultimo Thunder!

That's not gonna work.

Not anymore!

Darwin, if you would please
cancel out this damage?

And then Darwin's
attack points double

until the end of this turn.

A turn which I'll
make sure is your last!

Helixx Gothiclone,
rematch Dark Thunder Ogre!

But first,

raise your attack points
to equal his!

And remember
that once per turn,

Gothiclone can't be
destroyed in battle!

Well, you remember
that goes the same

for my Dark Thunder Ogre!


They hit the replay button
for KO part two!


No replay.

Not with Gothiclone's


By tributing the monster

that's linked
to Helixx Gothiclone,

you take damage equal
to its attack points!

All 3,600
of Necro Darwin's,

more than enough to erase

every one of your
life points!

Aww, glitch!

Gore's gonna lose and I'll
have to pay up on his bet!

You remember, right?

The one where he'll reveal
Playmaker's secret identity?

Maybe you oughta put on a wig
and glasses already.

It ain't over yet,

'cause I'm discarding
Gouki Octostretch!

It cuts any of
the damage I take in half!


He's still alive
but, like, barely.


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