01x25 - Suture the Circuit

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS". Aired: May 10, 2017 – September 25, 2019.*
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In a place known as Den City, thousands of duelists take part in a virtual reality space known as LINK VRAINS, created by SOL Technologies, where users can create unique avatars and participate in games of Duel Monsters with each other.
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01x25 - Suture the Circuit

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on
"Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS"...

My name is Chief Kitamura,

SOL Technologies head
of security.

I have created a duelist
militia programmed entirely

out of cutting edge AI.

An unstoppable force
specifically dedicated

to eradicate the Hanoi menace!

Will SOL Technologies eradicate

those hackers
once and for all?

Or will LINK VRAINS fall
to the Knights of Hanoi?

What's this?

[male operator]
Our AIs are losing!

Sir, the data says that the tide
began to turn when two new

Knights of Hanoi
entered the fray.

This cannot be!

They have completely
annihilated our army.

You're going to work?

I am.

I'm not sure how I can help,
but the least I can do is try.

Don't wait up for me.

You up for taking down
the Hanoi?

What should I do...?




Today's the greatest day...

The Internet is kickin'
Kitamura's keister!

You humans sure have
a large vocabulary.

Like what's
a mouth-breathing meathead?

Just like you if your head
was made of meat.

So it's a compliment?

Guess it's not all hate.

Well, without his army, no one's
around to stop the Hanoi.

So no one is safe.

That's where you're wrong.

I will stop them.

My hero.

There's still the other issue
of saving all the Deleted.

We know that one of the Hanoi
has an antidote.

But which one of them?

Let's recheck
the security footage.

All of it, in case we
overlooked something.

We have to find a lead,

even if takes us all night
to uncover it.

[energy crackling]

That was easy.

Baira... Now that we've
completely crushed SOL Tech's

Artificial Army,

they won't be
bothering us anymore.

Yes, Faust.

But it's not SOL Tech
that worries me.

It's the plan being
devised by Dr. Kogami.


I agree that the Ignis
must be eliminated,

but you see Kogami's
plan is...

It's just that I am fearful
that in the end we may

be taking it too far.

And Varis will be the one
who pays the price!

Baira, don't let your emotions
cloud your reason.

Even though you feel
as if Varis is family,

the mission must come first.

I know, but don't pretend
that you're not worried

about Varis
as well.

As he is the leader
of the Knights of Hanoi,

he will be the one...
to shoulder the blame.

The only option
is to destroy the Ignis

and annihilate the
Cyberse before Dr. Kogami's

plan is ready to launch.

And the first step
is defeating Playmaker.

Which you have failed
to accomplish.

Your virus was supposed to find
Playmaker and eliminate him

but you've only
been successful

in deleting everyone
but Playmaker.


Say what you really feel.
Don't hold back.

But perhaps there's a blessing
in disguise, Baira.

With the great number
of duelists you deleted,

Playmaker is certainly
on the lookout for you.

And I'll be
on the lookout for him.

Perhaps we'll run
into each other.

And when we do,
I'll put him to sleep.

[birds chirping]


Rise and shine, Yusaku!


You been at it all night?

'Cause you're droolin'
on my keyboard.

Found nothin' huh?

Well I'll keep searchin'
while you're at school.

You know what
my favorite class was?




The furball is mine.

[startled gasp]

Aww, how cute.

Can you give me a hug?

Teddy no give hugs to thugs.

Say what?

I will.

No! It's The Gore!

What's wrong?
I thought you wanted a hug.

Step right on up.

I'll squeeze
the stuffin' outta ya.

[crowd cheering]

[masked host]
That Knight of Hanoi thought
he was gonna make a meal

out of aâ–  little bear,

but it looks like he bit off
more than he can chew!

With his blend of skill,
courage and dapper looks

I'm tellin' ya', Gore's like
a younger version of me!

The only thing you two
have in common

is the size
of your head!

And let's be sure not forget
about Playmaker, guys.

[host with hat]
Oh, we haven't!

The only one we're forgetting
is Blue Angel!

Where's she in all this?

[birds chirping]

C'mon, Blue Angel,
you gotta fight the Hanoi!

Aww, is she breakin'
your lil' heart?

Not mine!

She'll show up.
I know it!

She'd never let her
True Blue Crew down!

[startled gasp]

My bad.

Close call there.

Good thing I didn't zig
instead of zag, huh?

You seem kinda blue...

Even for Blue Angel.


Perhaps feeling guilty
for eavesdropping

on my conversations?

You're Ghost Gal.

Are you done
with dueling kiddo?

What makes you say that?

Why else would you stop
logging into LINK VRAINS?

You know why.
It's because of my brother.

Akira, he... he hates it
when I put my life in danger.

And I can't say
that I blame him.

Oh, is that right?

I remember a time when
Blue Angel did what she wanted,

not what others
wanted from her.

I get it.
You don't wanna scare
your brother,

but this is your life.

So go live it.

But Akira will--

Look, I didn't come here
to produce your future.

But if I were you...
I'd never let anyone

take my life away from me.
Not a chance.


Speaking of taking lives,
I know who tried to take yours.

The same lady who's
deleting everyone.


The virus has
the same signature.

You were the guinea pig
to this whole pandemic.

But, I don't know
why I'm telling you.

You're retired, right?

Let some other hero
solve this mess.

Oh... but in case
you're interested,

the culprit's
name is Baira.



Maybe I should give up
my hacking gig

and be a life coach.

[door shuts]


Welcome back.

So did you find anything?

Yeah, a bunch.

Of nothing, that is.


I thought you were
an exceptional hacker.

Turns out you're an
exceptional slacker!

And a whacker.


My chin is not
to be pa-tinged!

Come along.

[Ai muttering]

I can take over
from here.

You sure, Yusaku?

Then I'll whip us up
some chow.

So whattaya feel like?

Well... we can all go
for a hot dog sandwich!

Now, Ai.

If you're trying to upset me,
it's working.

[Skye grunts]

Ghost Gal just shows up
and thinks she can lecture me?

What does she know?!



Hey boss, where in the world of
LINK VRAINS are you hiding out?

Down here!


And keep it down,
ya dodo bird!

[nervous gasps]

The Knights of Hanoi
can be lurking anywhere!

Over there, way up high
in the sky,

they're a stealthy bunch.

Then we should be
anywhere but here!

Everyone else
has left!

You see as journalists,

it's our duty to report
from the front lines,

no matter how dangerous
it may be.

We bring the story
when no one else will!

And nothing to do with the
fact that we need a big scoop

to refill our
bank accounts, right?

After you wasted
all our money?


And we're living
in fro-verty?

Keep it down...
before the Hanoi finds us!

Okay, keeping it non up.

I'm giving you
the silent treatment.


Hey, what's that
over there?

Don't know...

[both screaming]

She's one of the Hanoi!

Not just any one.

She's the one who took out
SOL Tech's army!

Just the pair that
I was looking for.

Do you know where
I can find Playmaker?

We don't.
We don't. We don't!

That's not what
the deep web says.

How are you always the first
on the scene

for every Playmaker duel?

It's Luck!

Just sheer dumb luck!

Listen to him; we're really
not that great at our jobs!


So you don't know where he is?

[both groaning]


Then perhaps he'll
show up here...

if I go ahead
and delete the both of you.

I don't think so!

Blue Angel!

Blue Angel!

That's right!
Ready for a headline?

Blue Angel.


Uh-huh, and you're
Baira, right?

The one who created this stupid
virus that's deleting peeps?

A lil' ghost told me you
tested the original on me.

Please don't you tell me
you're still upset

about that little incident.


Uh, yeah!

It's not just something
you get over and forget!

I don't believe I ever said
that you should forget

what happened to you
and move on with your life.

Without the data
I gathered from you,

none of this could ever
have happened.

You should feel proud
for being a medical pioneer.

What are you talking about?

I don't feel proud
or anything!

I mean, being a pioneer
does sound sorta cool but...

I'm not in the hurt business!

Not when it's
hurting everyone!

So young, so idealistic,
and so naïve.

You may disagree with my
methods, but what I'm doing

is actually
for the greater good.

Outside of LINK VRAINS
in the real world, I'm a doctor.

Oh yeah, then they should
revoke your license!



I've learned that sometimes
you must sacrifice a little

to save a lot.

So you're deleting people
because if you don't,

something worse
will happen.


I don't need to go to med school
to know that that logic

is bogus!

Not one more duelist will
get deleted on my my watch.

And I'm on watch!

Very well.

It's clear we can't
settle this verbally.

But our cards can!

They're gonna duel!

Know what this means?

That we have the exclusive
scoop on this match?

That we have the exclusive
scoop on this match!

Start recordin'!

Great idea.

I want this duel
to be broadcast worldwide!

Yes, sir!

Because youâ– 
want to serve the public!

And not because you need
the broadcast fees right?

One more word and I'll
serve you up teriyaki style!



Our Angel's back from the blue!

It's been a while
since her last match!

Let's hope her skills aren't
as rusty as a wet rebar.

Well, I will
see you tomorrow.

Blue Angel's facing the Knight
of Hanoi's creme de la crème.



What did he say?


Here, take a look.

Hey all, I'm back!

Back to spread the blue!


She's your sister,
right, Mr. Zaizen?

I bet you're
proud of her.


She's amazing!

My second favorite member
of the Zaizen family!

Skye, why are you doing this?

Promise me that
you will not get involved

in this Hanoi crisis,
will you?


I'm ranked super high
in the True Blue Crew fan club,

just behind some
guy named Shima?


I say this duel
is between Blue Angel

and the Knights of Annoy

not that I'm taking sides,
but I have a good idea

which side the crowd's taking!

[crowd cheering]

What say you to putting a bit
more speed in our Speed Duel?

I activate the Data Gale!





Blue Angel!

You can borrow
my brother's board!

I love you, Blue Angel!

You're, like,
so gonna win!


Let's Speed Duel!

Let's Speed Duel!

I'll kick this duel off
in style with a smile!

I'm setting the stage
by activating my Field Spell

Trickstar Light Stage!

It lets me add a Trickstar
in my deck straight to my hand!

But this is one Trickstar
that I'm also allowed

to automatically summon!

Trickstar Lilybell!

[cheerful squeal]

But why stop at one Trickstar
when two is twice as nice!

I summon Trickstar Nightshade!

[cheerful squeal]

And... well, with these two?

I can build the circuit that
turns dreams into reality!

I need exactly two Trickstars
to Link Summon.

And that's exactly
what I have!

I Link Summon!

Link 2 Trickstar Holly Angel!


After a long layoff, I thought
she'd stumble out of the gate,

but she hasn't lost a step!

I may've given up Trickstar
Nightshade to Link Summon...

...but her special ability
brings her right back
to my field!


[cheerful squeal]

You know, I didn't just
resummon her in any old spot!

I resummoned her next
to Holly Angel's link,

which triggers her
special ability

and deals you


And... every time my Trickstars
deal you damage,

my Trickstar Light Stage

hits the spotlight
to blast you with 200 more

points of damage!

[Baira groans]

Baira, when you infected me
with your virus...

You didn't put me to sleep.

You kept me awake
in a living nightmare.

All alone in a world without
light... or hope.

Is anyone here?

If you can hear me... [sobbing]

And I know the other Deleted

are suffering
just like I did.

Baira, you may have been the
cause of my nightmare, but now,

I'll be yours!

This is one duel that
I can't afford to lose!

Okay, I'll place
this card facedown

and end my turn!

So, you're up, Baira.

I don't know what tricks
you have up your sleeve,

but I'm ready
for any and all of 'em.


It's cute.
How confident you are.

I don't know why you would be

when you're using
your same old strategies.

Your lack of innovation
will be your Achilles heel.

For you see...

I prepped my deck
to beat yours!

I knew you'd play your Trickstar
Light Stage so I had a card

ready to take advantage of it!

When there's a Field Spell
in play, I'm allowed to summon

Dark Mummy Probe!

Come on out!


Then the Field Spell in play
is immediately destroyed!

No way!

Now I'm summoning a second
Dark Mummy Probe!


I'll place this facedown.

And then... well,
I'll activate this spell card!

Temple of the Kings!

It lets me play a trap and
activate it on the same turn!

So I activate the trap
Current Corruption Virus!

A virus?

It requires me to tribute
one of my Dark Mummy Probes.

But in exchange,
your monsters with 2000

or fewer defense points

lose all their special abilities
and attack points

for three whole turns!


You may have infected
one of my Trickstars,

but my Holly Angel's immune

because Link Monsters
don't have defense points!

Yes, I'm quite aware.

So I will tribute
my other Dark Mummy Probe.

That lets me activate this.

The spell
Monster Restitch!

It sews together three
Dark Mummy Tokens!

She transformed
one monster into three!

Which is more than enough
to Link Summon!

[Skye gasps]

Watch as I suture
the circuit!


For me to Link Summon
I need three Dark Mummies,

therefore I set my three
Dark Mummy Tokens

in the Link Arrows!

Come on out!

Link 3 Dark Mummy
Surgical Forceps!


That monster really
needs a manicure. Yikes!

Now it's time I administer

your monsters a checkup!

Surgical Forceps,
incise Trickstar Holly Angel!



That is such a no!

I activate my trap
Trickstar Perennial!

By sending Trickstar Nightshade
to the graveyard,

Trickstar Holly Angel
can't be destroyed in battle!

You may have saved
your monster...

but can you save yourself?

[Skye screaming]

Have a nice fall,
Blue Angel.

[wind whooshing]



Hey, Baira!

You're not shaking me off!

I pity you, Blue Angel.

Crashing would've been far less
painful than what I have

in store for you.

Because no matter what you try,
your diagnosis is defeat!

Blue Angel whipped herself
out of trouble!

She's still so in the duel!

And... so is every member
of the True Blue Crew!

Win this Blue Angel!

The True Blue Crew
believe in you!

Poor Blue Angel...

She's giving it
all she's got, but...

If she only had an AI like me,

then she'd--

Lose quicker?



Let me check
this video again.


Never gets easier.

Who's that?

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