01x26 - Diagnosis: Deletion

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS". Aired: May 10, 2017 – September 25, 2019.*
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In a place known as Den City, thousands of duelists take part in a virtual reality space known as LINK VRAINS, created by SOL Technologies, where users can create unique avatars and participate in games of Duel Monsters with each other.
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01x26 - Diagnosis: Deletion

Post by bunniefuu »

on Yu-Gi-Oh! Vrains...

Blue Angel...

And.. you're Baira,

The one who created
this stupid virus

that's deleting peeps?

A lil' ghost told me
you tested the original on me.

You may disagree with
my methods,

but what I'm doing is
actually for the greater good.

[Blue Angel]
Not one more duelist
will get

deleted on my my watch.
And I'm on watch!

Let's Speed Duel!

Surgical Forceps, incise
Trickstar Holly Angel!

Trickstar Holly Angel can't
be destroyed in battle!

You may have saved
your monster...

but can you
save yourself?

Have a nice fall,
Blue Angel.


You're not shaking
me off!

I pity you, Blue Angel.
Crashing would've been

far less painful than what
I have in store for you.

Let me check
this video again.

Who's that?



Who's that?


Hard to tell through
the tinted windshield.

Not the one in the car...
the one behind the car.

Creeper alert!

Let me enhance
the image.

You think you can identify
who this woman is Kolter?

Who ya think
you're talking to?


You think
that's close enough?

Close enough to wonder
what she's up to.

For three reasons.

One: Why would she be hiding?

Two: Judging by her white coat,
this woman's a doctor.

So why wouldn't she help a man
who's clearly in distress?

Because she's somehow

Geez, Playmaker, learn
to put two and two together.

Number three:
Who would be involved

in the act of a deletion?

A Knight of Hanoi!

It seems I put two and two

quicker than you did.


Okay, I'm pulling up
her 411.

Dr. Klarissa Turner.
Says here she suddenly

cut her shift short today
and went home.

Here's her address.

Wanna go visit
the good doc?

'Cause I'm believing
that a medical professional

would be super great
at creating a virus.

You game?


It's your turn,
Blue Angel.

Your best move is
to make any move.

Uh, thanks.

Here I go!
I draw!


If I summon
either of these monsters

Current Hack Virus
will infect 'em

my Trickstar Nightshade.


[Blue Angel]
In that case...

I'll play this

Silly girl.
That won't help you.

When you place a monster
next to Holly Angel's link,

Surgical Forceps
destroys it!

Your monster's like

an appendix: useless
and about to be removed!

Mm! I had no idea
it could do that.

Blue Angel,
what you don't know

could fill
an entire ward!

You are a joke.
You didn't even know

not to mess with
the Knights of Hanoi!

I end my turn.

Well that turn sure
ended quickly.

Are you trying
to let me win?

Because I don't need
your help.

[Blue Angel grunts]

It's my turn!
And I draw!


I drew yet another
trap card.

And whenever I do,

Surgical Forceps's
special ability

deals you 500 points
of damage.

[Blue Angel shouting]




My board!

If I don't get back on,
I'll be DQ'ed!

My board!

If I don't get back on,
I'll be DQ'ed!

Nothing to it!

You won't be getting away
from me that easily, Baira!

[Baira chuckles]

You'll wish that I had
because I'm now

elevating my game
to prolong your suffering.

I use my skill!

Malevolent Malpractice!

I regret
to inform you

that my confidence
in your victory is waning.

By banishing two copies

of the same monster
from my graveyard,

my Skill then allows me
to summon

two copies of another monster
straight from my deck!

Arise, Dark Mummy Infusers!

Baira's stickin' it
to Blue Angel!

I hate to say it,
but the paramedics

better get another
hospital bed ready.

Since I summoned
one of my Infusers

next to Surgical Forceps's

its special ability

My Infuser protects
Surgical Forceps

from being affected
by trap cards!

Wha-- ?

Now my traps aren't
gonna work on that thing?

That, Blue Angel, is only
the beginning of your problems.

Surgical Forceps also
gains 600 attack points

for every monster
next to its links!

Up to 3K?
Just great.

I'll place this
for later.

Oh look,
it is later!

Due to the effect of my spell
Temple Of The Kings,

I can activate
the trap card I just placed!

By tributing one of
my Dark Mummy Infusers...

Root Ransom Virus infects
every Link Monster on the field,

lowering their attack points
to zero

and neutralizing
their special abilities!

Your Holly Angel's not looking
so good.

[Blue Angel]
What gives?

She said
Root Ransom Virus

infects all
Link Monsters,

But Surgical Forceps
doesn't look sick at all...

well, for her
that is.


As long as Baira
has Dark Mummy Infuser,

Surgical Forceps isn't affected
by traps.

When a good doctor
creates a virus,

she always creates
an antidote.

I'd never allow
my monsters to get sick.

But I have no such hesitation
about yours!

Surgical Forceps,
attack Holly Angel!

That's a no!
I activate Trickstar Perennial!

By sending this trap to
the graveyard

it stops Holly Angel
from being destroyed!

But it's not going to stop
the damage!


Blue Angel's down to
a hundred life points!

If she had any fewer
life points,

she'd be in debt!

I've seen enough!

Just when
it's getting exciting?


I don't care
about exciting!

I'm putting an end
to this duel.

I won't just stand by
and watch my sister lose!

who says she will lose?

Who says she won't?
As her brother,

it is my duty
to keep her safe.

Well, I think it's your duty
to believe in your sister.

So stop being
such a lame ol' lame-o!

Please don't fire me.

You can't protect her
from everything forever,

but you can believe
in her forever.

And she's actually
really good at dueling!

Your best move is to make
any move.

I know that.

Okay, let me
think this through.

I have a Trickstar
in my hand.

And I have to destroy
her Infuser

to get even a teeny chance
at a comeback.

And the first step
to doin' that is using my Skill.

But, my Skill
has a drawback--

Baira gets to draw cards
from her deck.

And if she draws
even one trap card,

Surgical Forceps's
special ability

will activate
and I'm toast!

And the way she's played
so far,

I bet she has like
a bazillion traps in her deck.

I'm sure you're thinking
of every option

to turn this duel around,
but the diagnosis is hopeless.

It's over.

Why, just because
you say it is?

I'm using my Skill,
Trickstar Trick!

Here goes.
This is my last chance.

Emphasis on last.

[Blue Angel]
By sending
Trickstar Mandrake

from my hand
to the graveyard...

Yes yes, I know.

I get to draw until
I have three cards in my hand.

But in exchange,

I must banish a card
from my hand

for every Trickstar
in your graveyard

at the end
of the turn.

Huh, quite
a risky move.

I draw one trap card
and you're done!

Aww, a spell card.

You survived
the first draw

but I have
two more remaining.

I draw!

Appears you lucked out again.

But will your luck hold?
Let's find out!

The final card!

[Blue Angel]
It all comes down
to this!


[Blue Angel]
It all comes down
to this!

You're one lucky girl.


And when I sent Trickstar
Mandrake to the graveyard...

that flipped the on switch
of her special ability,

so I can automatically
summon her

to my field
in defense mode!

You took all that risk
to gain one measly monster.

Your turn, Blue.

Your best move
is to make--

By ending your turn,

my Skill forces you

to banish all three cards
from your hand!



I'm not gonna lose!
'Cause, you are!

[AI whistles]

The doc
has swanky digs.

I bet her monthly rent
can buy ten food trucks.

Twenty if
it's like Kolter's.

You know I can hear you.

Oh, I know.
That's why I said it.

Ready to venture inside?

If the doc's smart enough
to create a plague,

she's smart enough
to rig some traps

in her apartment
to ambush us.

Your concerns are duly noted.

But not processed!

[doors beep]


Unregistered resident.
State your business.

You have ten seconds
to comply

before security protocols
are initiated.

C'mon, say something.

Like... you're here
to drop off takeout.

Energizing laser blaster


Welcome home, Mr. Yusaku.

Easy peasy hacking PC's.
You're clear, Yusaku.

Thank you.

Cutting it really close
there, Kolter.

We were almost down
one brainpan.

I got the job done.


While you get to Klarissa's

I'll erase
the security camera logs.

No one'll know
you were ever here--

that is unless you leave



This is her place.

Hmm... this lock
is state-of-the-art.

But old school
for me!

Just a little digital
sweet talk...



I don't think
she's here.

Keep it down.

But she's not here!

Here I go!

The whole duel depends
on the next card...

I draw!


I'm starting off

by summoning
Trickstar Narkissus!

That triggers my
Current Corruption Virus,

which wipes out all of
your monster's attack points!

Good job!
It's not easy

to get three monsters

whose total attack points
add up to 0.

Well then...

good thing I'm not
usin' 'em to attack!


The summoning conditions require
at least two Trickstars.

And I have three!

I set
Trickstars Narkissus,

Mandrake and Holly Angel
in the Link Arrows!

Link the circuit!

I Link Summon Link 4
Trickstar Bella Madonna!


[Blue Angel]
Trickstar Bella Madonna,

let's send this dirty doc
home in stitches!

She did it!
Blue Angel finally summoned

a monster with some
attack points!

But trouble is,
it's still weaker than Baira's!

Well... that certainly
added up

to a whole lot
of nothing.

Then I guess they don't teach
any math in med school.

When Trickstar Bella Madonna
is summoned

using Trickstar Mandrake,

you are allowed to destroy
a monster

linked to Dark Mummy
Surgical Forceps.

That definitely sounds
like something I'd like to do.

I'll destroy
Dark Mummy Infuser!

And then that drops

Surgical Forceps's
attack points by 600.


But what's even better,

without Infuser's mojo
or whatever to protect her,

your very own
Root Ransom Virus

infects your Surgical Forceps,

shutting off her abilities

and lowering
her attack points to 0.

So what?
The same goes for you.

The virus infects
Trickstar Bella Madonna!

And weakens her and--

Nope, you're wrong.

When there are
no monsters

next to
Bella Madonna's links,

no spells, traps or abilities
can affect her!

No way!
She's immune?

Now you're starting
to get it, Baira.

But that's not all.

Bella has another
special ability.

She deals 200 points
of damage

for every different Trickstar
in my graveyard.

And if you weren't

which I know
you weren't

'cause you're bad at math--
there's 6!



This can't be happening.

I pushed her to the very edge
of deletion--

but she found
a way to survive.

No, not just survive,
but thrive...

because she never
gave up hope.

Did I lose hope?
Did I lose hope that

the Hanoi would find
Playmaker and his Ignis

Ignis in time that
I was willing to risk

infecting thousands
of innocent duelists?

Who am I kidding--
of course I was.

Well Bella, what say
we end this duel.

Destroy Dark Mummy
Surgical Forceps!

Scimitar Stream!

But, it's not too late
to make amends.

Geeee Geee!

No one's clipping
Blue Angel's wings this day!

Oh yeah!

Skye won.

[children cheering]

if I told you once,

I told you
a quadrillion times

no one's here!


You were saying Ai?

Like I told you
a quadrillion times,

someone's here!


Our target is currently logged
into Link Vrains.

And it's clear
that she's the one

who is dueling
Blue Angel.

What's our next step?

Let's question her when
she logs out.

You may have avoided
being deleted today,

but I can't speak
for the future.

I'll worry
about that tomorrow.

Listen I know I shoulda
set the stakes

before we started
our duel...

but, ya know,
I kinda forgot.

But since I won...

can you please heal
the Deleted?

No can do.

Take a look.

I can't do what
I've already done.


I'm here!

Just in time.
Something's happening.


Hey, I can log out!

What happened?


Check it out...

it looks like all the Deleted
are regaining consciousness.

The doctor must have
released the cure.

Why are you healing
all of them?

You had a little something
to do with it, Blue Angel.


Do no harm.

That's the first lesson
you learn

when becoming
a doctor.

Then why did you
create it?

Fine, don't tell me.

It's because I was willing
to sacrifice thousands

in order to save millions.

And that's only because
I lost hope.

In my younger days,

I'd find a way
to save the millions

without sacrificing
a single person.

Because I had hope for
the best... like you do now.

So no more Deleted.

I'm going to hope that
it will all turn out fine...

because if it doesn't,
the consequences

will be beyond imagining.

She logged out.


She'll be back in her body
any second now.

Then we should tie her up
before she wakes up!

Instead of rope,
I recommend

a soft terry cloth
to prevent chafing.

Hmm... that's weird.

It shouldn't take
this long to log out.

But she's clearly no longer
logged into Link Vrains.

That's glitchy.

You're not gonna
like this, buddy.

Varis! What's he doing?

Looks like Varis took care
of the good doctor.

She knew the consequence
of releasing the cure...

but she still
did it anyway.

Huh? For realsies?

'Cause she had
a change of heart.

She had
a heart transplant?

We should do something,

I'll call the medics.

[TV reporter]
The top story today:

Patients across the city,

known as the Deleted,
have all miraculously recovered

with no lasting

Doctors are at a loss

to explain the cause
or the cure...

so, um...

I heard some
interesting news...

Blue Angel dueled against
one of the Hanoi last night.

And I also heard...

she did great.

[gasps softly]


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