01x37 - Out on a Limb

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS". Aired: May 10, 2017 – September 25, 2019.*
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In a place known as Den City, thousands of duelists take part in a virtual reality space known as LINK VRAINS, created by SOL Technologies, where users can create unique avatars and participate in games of Duel Monsters with each other.
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01x37 - Out on a Limb

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on
"Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS"...

Just like it was
when I was a child.

So long as this tree
protects me,

There is no possible way
that I can be defeated, and...


You can't stop Varis
from destroying Link VRAINS,

along with the Ignis!

I Link Summon
Link 3 Excode Talker!


My absolutely perfect
defensive formation
is falling apart!

You leave me no choice but
to play my ace in the hole.

What is... Zaizen?!

If Zaizen touches his cage,
one tiny prick from its thorns

will digitize him
out of existence.

I've linked my life points
to Zaizen's cage,

so any damage I take
will grow those thorns!


You can attack me
and put Zaizen's
well-being in jeopardy,

Or you can choose
not to attack me

and put all of LINK VRAINS
on the brink of destruction.

I end my turn.


Sunavalon force's
effect activates!


This bridge is
looking pretty beat up!

And I gotta bad feeling
the same might be true
for us too!

[theme music playing]

How unfortunate!

It was my desire to
facilitate your downfall,

but I believe the bridge will
take care of that for me.


Playmaker, is there
nothing you can do?

Come on, pal.


What exactly
is so amusing?

You, obviously.

You've conceded

that you cannot
defeat me in a duel.


That you cannot win
even after

you resort to cheating.

So you must believe
that I'm inherently

superior to you
in every possible way.

Can anyone spare a chute!?

Very well, Playmaker.

If you so desire
a personal touch

to your impending downfall,

I'm happy to oblige.

Oh man, Playmaker's hangin'
on by the skin of his teeth!

And LINK VRAINS's survival

is hanging on
the outcome of this duel.

And mine's hangin' on
by the tips of your talons!

So hold tight!

You're no fool, Playmaker.

You know who has
the advantage in this duel,

and I'm not just talking
about the cards on the field.

I'm also talking about
the suit trapped
inside my cage.

If you should attack me,
any damage I will take

will bring those thorns
closer to Zaizen.

And you've already proven
that your misguided
sense of decency

will not allow you to
put him in further danger.

Forget me!
Defeat Spectre!

For it you don't, the whole
world will be doomed!

I place one card facedown
and end my turn.

You're up, Playmaker.

I'm giving you a second
chance to attack me.

Or will you let opportunity
pass you by again?

Hey, no trash talking
when you're cheating!

You gotta earn
that smack talk, bub!

Oh my.
You're right.

Please do pardon
my poor etiquette.

I did get carried away,
didn't I?

I forgot that I was
in the presence

of such a majestic
and bloviating AI.

A truly addlepated blinkard.

You eat a dictionary?

If you're done, I draw!

So will you attack?

I'm wide open!

I place one card facedown
and end my turn.

I said I was wide open.

How deeply disappointing.

But you have made
your decision!

Ya sure it was
the right one?

Aww man!

Yusaku won't attack as long
as Zaizen's locked up.

But if I can reconfigure
the LVSS's abort system
to target Zaizen,

maybe I can log him
outta there.

I've never tried it before,
but it's as good a time as any.

You kept your aggression
in check, but I will not.

I draw!

And now, Sunvine Thrasher!

Attack Excode Talker!


This attack will eliminate
his remaining life points!


And thus brings an end

to the tragic tale
of Playmaker.

Well, any last words?

I activate the trap
Overload Anchor!

It shields Excode Talker
from destruction

and cuts the damage
I take in half.

And this trap also
ends this battle.

My, my, my!
You never cease to impress.

But this changes nothing.

If you don't attack me,
you'll never eliminate
my life points.

I hate to say he's
right, so I won't,

but... you gotta
cut your losses.

Zaizen's nice for a meatbag,
but he isn't that nice.

It's true that prioritizing
the well being of one
over billions

is not a logical decision
as it sacrifices
the welfare of the world.

Exactly! That's
exactly what I said!

Except I said it
better, of course.

Now do what's right and
bring Spectre the fight!
You with me?

You with me?

It seems you two aren't
on the same page again.

In fact,
it's quite apparent

you two aren't even
in the same library!

Wow, nice joke.

C'mon, Playmaker!
This is a duel,
not a staring contest!

If we don't
get past Spectre,

the Tower's takin' down
the network
in the blink of an eye!

You do not need to remind me
of what I already know, Ai.

Now, now, don't fight.

Is that truly
how you two want to
spend your final moments?

Who said it's over?
It's my turn!

I activate the spell card

I just drew,
Link Processing Failure!

My Link Monster will be
destroyed in two turns.

But until then, if your
Link Monster has equal

or fewer Link Arrows
than mine, they can't attack!


My Excode Talker is Link 3,

meaning none of
your monsters can attack me!

That's a smart defensive play,

but it won't help him
win this duel.

Not if Playmaker
refuses to attack.

I guess you want more time

to rehash all he errors
you have made.

Why else would you
drag out this duel?

Believe whatever you want.

Well, I believe
you're making a mistake!

And following that up
by making more mistakes!

You can't win
if you don't attack!

Says you.

Yeah! Says me!

Hello, I just said it!

Facts are facts!

If you don't fight,
it's over for all of us!

Just hang in there.

If I can log Zaizen

Yusaku can duel Spectre
for real.

Your compassion
makes you weak.

And now it will
cost you everything!

I manifest my circuit!

The summoning conditions
require at least
two Plant monsters.

So I set Sunvine Thrasher

along with Sunavalon Dryanome

in the Link Arrows!

I Link Summon!

Link 4 Sunavalon

Link 4?

That means Link
Processing Failure

can't stop it
from attacking us!

But it doesn't have
any attack points.

Trust that its
special ability
more than compensates.

By tributing a Plant monster
next to its link,

I get to destroy
a face-up spell
or trap card on your field

for every one of its links!

Sunavalon Daphne is Link 2!

So I destroy
two of your cards,

Overload Anchor
and Link Processing Failure!

Wha-- wha-- what?!
Aww glitch!

You ripped up
our defenses!

That's not all I did.

I activate Sunvine Shrine!

This spell once again
lets me resurrect

a Plant from my graveyard!

Sprout forth,
Sunseed Genius Loci!

And watch
my seed take root!

By setting
my Sunseed Genius Loci

in the Link Arrow
I can Link Summon!

Link 1 Sunvine Thrasher!

But this nightmare
isn't over.

Sunvine Thrasher gains

for every one
of Dryatrentiay's links.

Since Dryatrentiay is Link 4,

Thrasher's attack points
increases by 3,200!

That'll wipe out
our life points!

This is your bad!
Not mine, yours!

since my Dryatrentiay

used its special ability
just now...

Monsters in my Main Monster
Zone cannot attack this turn.


Phew! So no bad.

That's good.
My bad.

I don't think we're out
of the woods yet, Ai.

I highly doubt Spectre
would summon a Monster

and then increase its attack
points without a good reason.

Nothing ever gets
past you, Playmaker.

You're right.

I have a very,
very good reason.

And a very good trap!

Sunavalon Bloom!

It negates Excode Talker's
special abilities,

freeing my Monster Zones!

Wha-- That means
he can go back

to using his combo
to regain life points!

Oh I don't think I'll
need to go and do that.

Not when I can attack
with Dryatrentiay
and end you now!

Pollen allergies?

That thing's got
zero attack points!

You'll see!

Sunavalon Dryatrentiay,
attack Excode Talker!

When Dryatrentiay battles,

she gains the attack points

of the monster
she's linked to.

And Sunvine Thrasher
has 4,000 attack points

to donate!

This duel is over!

Farewell, Playmaker!

Farewell forever!

Why aren't ya
freakin' out?

Because there's no need to.

Say what?

I activate the trap
Link Surge Counter!

Since your Dryatrentiay

has more links
than my Excode Talker,

I can banish two spell
or trap cards

on my field
or from my graveyard.

And by doing so,
I can then increase

Excode Talker's
attack points

to equal those
of Dryatrentiay's!

I banish Overload Anchor
and Link Processing Failure

from my graveyard...

to fortify Excode Talker!

Well done.
You avoided
my finishing blow!

it still doesn't mean

I can't chip away at you
because I activate my trap

Sunavalon Force to deal you


We're still
in this, baby!

That's nothing worth
boasting about.

Even babies have more
than 50 life points.




Now that
Sunavalon Dryatrentiay

no longer exists
on your field,

it cannot protect your other
cards from being destroyed!

Your defenses were perfect,

so I knew none of my att*cks
could get past them.

But if I could get you
to attack me instead,

I was certain an opening
would present itself.

Spectre, your lack of patience

will prove to be
your greatest mistake.

No, his biggest mistake
was challenging

the best duelist
in the world...
and Playmaker!

That's why your big ol' oak

got taken to the woodshed
and chopped to lumber!

I hope you don't
"arbor" any ill will

about its tree-tment--

That-- That tree

meant everything to me,
and you butchered it!


I knew I went
one pun too far!

I will now activate the spell

Sunavalon Cursed Rebirth!

It resurrects a Sunavalon
Link Monster from my graveyard

by negating
its special abilities!

Sunavalon Dryatrentiay!

Aah! It's back
for treevenge!

In addition,
Cursed Rebirth's
second effect

infuses my
Sunavalon Dryatrentiay

with 1,000 attack points
for each of its links!

Since she's Link 4,
her strength rises to 4,000!


Ugh! And rises to 4,000

on the "ughs" meter, too!

Cursed Rebirth has
a third and final effect.

An effect that will
prove to be the nail
in your coffin.

If you deal me damage,

this card deals
the same damage back to you.

And, Playmaker,
since you only have

any prick to me will
lead to your demise.

Ain't that OP?
Just a skosh?

Okay, realigning target
module... and done!

Now... let's get Zaizen
out of there!


He's able to log out.

About time he found
the escape button!

Now now! I didn't give you
permission to leave.


[Spectre laughing]


My cage is unhackable
so you can't escape.

Besides why would you
ever want to leave

when it's getting
to the best part?

No way!

As long as I have Zaizen,
you can't attack.

And if you can't attack,
you can't win.

You're right, Spectre!


Playmaker cannot
win this duel

If he chooses to save me.

Therefore, I'll...

I'll take that option
off the table.


I still don't know if I
fully trust you, Playmaker.

But you must do
one thing for me...

Do not let my sister's
sacrifice go to waste.



He's digitizing

This can't be!

Well, Skye...

I hope I'm the hero
you always wanted me to be.

The hero you are to me.



[Spectre laughing]

What an absolutely
useless gesture!

He sacrificed himself
for nothing

because you still have
no chance of winning!

Is that so?

I happen to have
a differing opinion.

I didn't ask Zaizen
to do what he did,

but he did it anyway
in order to save me.

And I do not know
what is so humorous

about one making
the ultimate sacrifice!

I don't know what I've
done to earn his trust,

but I will not betray it!

I will not forsake
the opportunity
that he gave me!


I start off by
summoning Rom Cloudia!


Rom Cloudia's ability
lets me retrieve

a Cyberse monster
from my graveyard

and add it to my hand.

So I get back my Latency!

And then I'm
automatically allowed

to summon Latency to my field
in Attack Mode!

And it's just what I need
to build my circuit!

The summoning condition

is one Cyberse that
is Level 2 or lower.

So I set Latency
in the Link Arrow!!

I Link Summon!

Link 1 Talkback Lancer!


Now, Latency's
ability activates!

Since I used it
to Link Summon,

I get to draw one card!

And I follow that up
by also using

Talkback Lancer's
special ability!

By tributing
a Cyberse monster,

I can resurrect
a Code Talker
from my graveyard

and summon it next
to my Lancer's link!

I tribute Rom Cloudia

to bring back
Excode Talker!


Excode Talker gives

to the monster
next to its link!

Talkback Lancer
rises from 1,200

to 1,700 attack points!

Then I activate
the spell card Link Atrocity

from my hand!

By tributing a Link Monster

and sending it
to the graveyard,

it will give
all its attack points

to another Link Monster
on my field!

I tribute...
Talkback Lancer!

Excode talker inherits

Talkback Lancer's

raising its
strength to 4,000!

So what?
This is all for nothing.

Your Excode is strong enough
to destroy my Dryatrentiay,

but it's not strong
enough to defeat--

Attack! Excode Talker!

Strike down his
Sunavalon Dryatrentiay!


Go ahead!

You will be left
with absolutely nothing

on your field, Playmaker!

And that will leave me
with the final victory!

You're wrong.

You've been wrong
about everything.


About me, about the Zaizens,

even about yourself.

Link Atrocity's additional
effect activates!

When my Link Monster
battles yours,

your Link Monster loses

for every Link Monster
in our graveyards!

For every Link Monster?!

But there are
so many of them!

But who's counting?
Wait I am!

equals... wowza!

It's sappin' your tree
of all of its attack points!

Get it?
Tree? Sap?

Hello? You mad?

Excode Talker!

Go Closing Chaos!




Well done, Playmaker.

I had this duel won...
until I didn't.

Even though you tricked me
into defeating myself,

Master Varis will not fall
for such deceptions!

That is why he is the leader
of the Knights of Hanoi.

The one who will be
your downfall!

My one true master.

I don't care.

So you say.

But know this.

Your tale will end
in tragedy!

[laughing manically]

It is already written!

TL;DR for real!

What are you standing
around for-- Run!




Faster, Playmaker!

Because if that bridge
goes down, so do you!

[both shouting]

[theme music playing]

[theme music playing]
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