01x08 - Camden

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Tracker". Aired: February 11, 2024 – present.*
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Based on The Never Game by Jeffery Deaver follows Colter who travels the country in his old-school RV to help police and private citizens solve crimes.
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01x08 - Camden

Post by bunniefuu »

Yeah, that car is toast.

Good job, Sully, good job.


You're making the right choice.

The only choice.

Time to roll, Sully.

All right, I'm here.

Fin and Shell, right?

That's the place.

You're meeting Daniela Barrera.

$10,000 reward to find

a missing fiancé, Ethan Sullivan.

Worked the night shift
at the docks two days ago

- and never came home.
- Police?

Local sheriff put out an APB
on the car he was driving,

but the family's not satisfied

and really wants answers quickly,

hence the reward.

Maybe he just got cold feet.

So cynical, Colter.

No, I'm serious. Happens all the time.

- Maybe he doesn't want to be found.
- Try to keep an open mind.

Always. I'll keep you updated.

And this is your
fiancé, Ethan Sullivan?

Yeah, but no one calls him that anymore.

He goes by "Sully."

When's the last time
you talked to Sully?

Not since he left for
work two nights ago.

- Works on the docks?
- Like everybody here.

He unloads boats. Makes deliveries.

Picks up shifts whenever he can.

Lately he's been doing night classes

to get his radiology degree.

He's been trying to get
off the docks for a while.

Yeah? Why's that?

He's smart. Wants to do
something with his life.

None of this is exactly pertinent.

Background's important.

Helps me build a profile.

Okay, good to know.

But he's still not here and
the wedding's in two weeks.

Deposits on reception hall, catering

and now ten grand to find him?

What my husband is saying

is we are concerned
for our daughter's sake.

And you say he hasn't
returned your calls?

No texts, nothing?

He ever do that before?

Not since we moved in together.

He's got this old phone
that's always running out of juice.

A flip phone. Who does that?

Dwayne. Please.

Go on.

So when my calls went
straight to voice mail,

I figured it was just his battery dying.

But then, when he didn't come home,
that's when I started to worry.

Did Sully have any trouble recently?

Yeah, you could say that.

Sully used to get in a lot of trouble

with the law when he was younger.

But that's in the past.
He's a changed man now.

Anything recently? Um...

Any, any unusual behavior?

Anything that would
explain his disappearance?

There's this guy he works
with sometimes, kept calling.

- You got a name?
- Ryan.

Hopkins, maybe?

They argued over the phone last week.

I might be reading into
it, but I don't know.

- You know what about?
- No.

But it sounded kind of heated.

I asked Sully about it,
he said it was just work stuff.

I didn't push it.

We told Sheriff Miller all this.

But it hasn't seemed like
a top priority for him.

You said the wedding's in two weeks?

Yes. It is.

I hate to bring this
up. His car is also missing.

Any chance he just got cold feet?

No. He wouldn't do that to me.

Not after everything we've been through.

Look, he was excited about this wedding.

And, you know, even with everything
that my dad puts him through,

he doesn't get rattled.

The place he's been working
at is closed for maintenance.

He scheduled the cake tasting

and the tux fitting for this weekend.

Does that sound like somebody
that's trying to run off?

We are very grateful
for any help, Mr. Shaw.

Daniela's heartbroken and...

and if her heart is breaking,

ours is breaking.

Please find him, Mr. Shaw.

I can't imagine my life without him.

I'll get to work right away.


- you mind following me out?
- Yep.

Everything okay?

You tell me.

You don't seem like you're
too big a fan of Sully.

That's right. Wife says
I need to get over it,

but it's just a feeling that I have.

Care to be more specific?

Have you seen his record?

In and out of juvie,
breaking and entering,

robbery, g*n possession.

Would you want somebody like
that marrying your daughter?

Daniela says he's changed.

A tiger don't change its stripes.

Depends on the tiger.

The odds would suggest you're correct.

But sometimes, people really do change.

Either way, seems like
you'd prefer he stay gone.

Mr. Shaw?

Everything all right?

The sheriff called.

They found Sully's car.

Who's this?

Colter Shaw. Here to assist the family.

In what capacity? You
don't look like a lawyer.

No, they've offered a
reward to help find Sully.

First time for everything.

- Just don't get in the way.
- Wasn't planning on it.

- Any sign of him?
- Nope.

Maybe he wrecked the car and split.

- Can we see it?
- This way.

Is that blood?

Won't know till
forensics gets here, but...

looks like it.

Think he was drunk?

Crashed the car and took off?

Possibly. Seen it a million times.

What do you think, Mr. Shaw?

I think we shouldn't
jump to conclusions.

Got something here.

This yours?

Um... No.

I've never seen it.

Well, if it's not yours
then I'm sorry, Daniela,

but maybe there was someone
else in the car with him.

- That son of a...
- No, there's got to be an explanation.

Were there any, uh,
women that he works with

or interacts with that might
have been in the car with him?

No. Not that I can think of.

I know what it looks like,
but Sully wasn't like that.

He was faithful.

Look, you have to believe me.

Dad, please.

He, or they, could have
been injured and stumbled off.

We need to search the perimeter.

Check with nearby residents.

Maybe one of them went for help.

If that is blood in the car,

it didn't come from anyone
that was injured in the wreck.

How can you be sure?

Because when that
car drove off the road,

no one was in it.

- How do you figure?
- Well, look around.

There's no broken branches,
twigs anywhere in the brush.

There's no... there's no
depressions on the ground

from someone walking
away from the wreck.

I don't understand. You're
saying Sully wasn't inside?

Not when it crashed.

Then how did the car get down here?


I found white sand
all over the inside of the car.

And then there's this...

So somebody put that sandbag

on the gas pedal.

And then it flew out of the
car when the car flipped.

Right through the driver's side window.

Sully ditched the car
on purpose? What for?

I don't know.

What now?

Now I find your fiancé.

All right, let's say
Sully was having an affair,

decides to ditch this car
and run off with the new girl.

That's a long way to go
to get out of a wedding.

It is. If you got any
leads on an affair,

now's a good time to share them.

I don't. And I'm not obliged
to share anything with you.

Look, I'm not trying
to butt heads with you,

but you got a missing person.

And now you got his
car with blood in it.

I can help you with the family.

Yeah, yeah, you know,
you're just after the reward.

You get paid, too. Doesn't
mean you don't care.

All right, fine, but you don't know

what I'm going through with this town.

COVID did a number on Camden.

Economy went in the toilet.

Crime goes up, guys
like Sully get sucked in.

Especially this time of year.

The off-season is slow.
People get desperate.

I got dr*gs running
in. Fentanyl everywhere.

Look, this used to be a nice place.

People left their doors open.

"Hey, how you doing?"
This sort of thing.

I'm just doing the best I can.

But the odds are Sully screwed up,

he went off the rails or is on a bender.

- I don't think so.
- Oh, you got another idea?

Ryan Hopkins.

Worked with Sully.

Daniela said he was calling an
awful lot before he disappeared

and that there was some
kind of disagreement.

I'm gonna run the blood from this car.

You mind if I check in on this Hopkins?

I can't stop you.

But keep me in the loop.

What up, C?

Hey, Bobby. How you doing?

Are you really asking
or is this just small talk

- until you get to the real questions?
- No.

No, I'm asking. How you doing?

Oh, well, I'm good.

Thank you for asking.

- Yeah, that was weird.
- Coming from you, very.

But, uh, unless you want
to talk about the weather,

- let's get into it.
- You get my text?

I did. Sully's cell phone pinged

by the dock on Friday night.

That's where he works and
was last seen. What next?

That's all I got.

Looks like his phone died.

Normally, I'd just hack
the cell phone towers, but

his phone is such a relic,

you had to opt into GPS tracking.

- And I'm guessing he didn't.
- You got it.

But I did get his call logs
from the past two weeks.

Got a lot of phone
numbers to get through,

so it's gonna take me some time.

Can you cross-reference this location

with any women he might've called?

Think our guy had a wandering
eye before the wedding day?

Uh, I don't know. Maybe. One last thing,

I need you to trace Ryan Hopkins.

Worked on the docks.

Was calling Sully an awful
lot before he disappeared.

Apparently, he had a
beef with our missing guy.

Okay. I got it.

His phone's actually from this century.

Uh, looks like he's on the waterfront

as we speak. Sending you a pin.

And keep me posted to any women
that he might've been talking to.

- Of course.
- Yep.

Ryan Hopkins?

- Minute of your time?
- Sure.

Want to ask you a few
questions about Ethan Sullivan.

He do something stupid or owe you money?

No, he's missing. Was
hoping you might be able

to give me something
to help me find him.

Geez. Hope he's okay.

I wish I could help. Sully's a good guy,

but I got nothing for you.

Saw him, I don't know,
two days ago, leaving work.

His fiancée says, uh, you
might've had a problem with him.

Says you've been calling him a lot.

Me and Sully? Nah. We're cool.

Yeah? What were those phone calls about?

I'm trying to hustle wherever I can.

Hoping Sully could put a word in,

get me some shifts at the warehouse

where he's working. We weren't arguing.

I was just wanting him to help me out.

So, you're saying it's no big deal?

Yeah. No big deal.

Where were you Friday night?

Out. Few brews with
friends. Nothing special.

Anybody could verify that?

Sure. I'll get you a list.

Don't worry about it. I
think I got what I need.

Thank you.

Bobby, what do you got?

Think I found Sully's girl.

Simone Dawson.

- They went to school together.
- Ex-girlfriend, maybe?

Yeah, looking like it.

Found a few social media
posts from a few years back.

Looks like they were more than friends.

He called her number twice on
Friday before he disappeared.

Lives not too far from
where Sully's car was found.

Can you get me an address and a photo?



Simone Dawson?

- I'm praying Sully didn't do this.
- They go back a ways.

Yeah. Ex-girlfriend,
maybe a present one.

It still doesn't explain anything.

He was calling her
the day he disappeared.

Doesn't look good.

I'm betting that's her blood
that we found in his car

when we get the results
back from the lab.

Maybe she was gonna tell Daniela
that he was having an affair.

Sully couldn't have that.

Come here, take a look at this.

It's the same pendant
we found in Sully's car.

Simone wasn't wearing it. She made it.

That still doesn't alibi Sully.

No, but we don't even
know if he was here.

I mean, look, he knew her.

Right? He could've
talked his way inside.

Why is he breaking the door down?
It just doesn't make any sense.

Now, I'm thinking
someone trailed him here,

so they could rob the place.

I'm gonna have my techs take a look

at that blood from Sully's car.

When it comes back a match for Simone,

there's gonna be a manhunt for him.

Do me a favor,

don't talk to the family about this.


Sure this is the place?

Twofer Tuesday, C.

Not only did I trace
Simone's cell phone there,

but charges from Sully's
credit card just posted.

They were both here?

Yup. Looking like a date from the check.

I mean, not the sort of thing
I would do before robbing

and k*lling someone, but, hey,
kids these days, am I right?

Well, I'm hoping that's
not what happened here.

Thinking they were
meeting someone there?

I don't know.

I'll see what I can find out.

- Hey.
- Hey.

What can I get you?

Actually, I was just
looking for someone.

You working here last Friday night?

- I'm here pretty much every night.
- You are?

All right, I'm looking for this guy.

Ethan Sullivan. You know him?

Hey, get back to work, Zach, all right?

Yeah, that's Sully. He was here.

Um, he met up with some
girl I've seen around.

Simone, I think her name was.

- And they were here, what... just having drinks?
- Yeah.

Over there, corner booth.

Can I ask why?

I mean, you're not a cop, right?

Not that I have anything
against law enforcement,

but these people come
here to be low-key,

and there's no law against that.

Well, Sully's gone missing,

and Simone was just found dead.

- Oh, my God.
- Mm.

If there's anything I can
help with, please let me know.

Actually, you can. Were they
here with anyone else?

No. Like I said, corner booth,
couple drinks, they were gone.

They were fine when they left here.

Thank you.


You know, I had a weird
feeling you might be here.

Yeah? Well, you're a smart kid, Zach.

- It is Zach, right?
- Yeah.

You want to tell me what happened
when Sully and Simone were here?

Look, I-I-I don't know anything.

What-Whatever you say,

it-it-it just, it stays
between the two of us, okay?

But a woman is dead because
of something that started here.

Now, I have a feeling you saw something.

Right? That's not setting well with you?

And you got to be thinking to yourself,

"Man, if I would've said something,

if I would've done something,
maybe I could've stopped it."

All right, this didn't
come from me, though, okay?

Man, you're just taking out the trash.

What happened when Sully
and Simone were here?

Okay, yeah, um, they came
in and they grabbed a booth,

- like Chelsea said.
- Yeah? And then what?

A couple guys came in.

Couple guys came in with Sully?

Like, kind of, like, right behind him.

Okay, go on.

Well, I mean, one of the guys,

I-I did know, you know,
I'd seen him before.

He's not, like, a nightly regular,

but he's been around.

The other guy, um...

He was scary.

Really? Get a name?

They were calling the scary guy Clem.

I don't know the other guy's name,

but one of the waiters,

he said that Clem had
just got out of prison.

- Really?
- Yeah.

What the hell would they want
with Sully and Simone? Any idea?

No. I could tell Sully
didn't like it, though.

Him and the girl,

they asked me to get them a box
for their food, and then they,

- they left.
- Yeah? And the two guys who were harassing them?

- They leave, too?
- Yeah, they kind of, like,

watched them leave and then,
like, followed them right after.

Hey, Zach, what you doing?

What are you doing?
Can you get back inside?

- I'm out of clean silverware.
- Yeah.

Is everything okay?

Yeah. Everything's great.
We were just, you know,

cleaning up some trash.

I hope you find Sully real soon.


Hey. The cops found Simone.

Yeah. Someone's in
here looking for Sully.

I'm looking for a guy named
Clem. Not sure if that's

his first or last name.
Just got out of prison.

How'd you get all this?

Kid who works at the bar
where Sully was last seen.

His boss knows more
than she's letting on.

- I'm staking her out now.
- Go on.

Well, Clem and this other guy
were harassing Sully and Simone.

I think they followed
Simone back to her place.

Y-You know who this Clem is?

I think you're talking
about Dougie Clemons.

Let me run him down.

Okay, well, if he's got
Sully, I'd like to be there.

I got this.

I could just get his address on my own.

- That a threat?
- No, just being honest with you.

I'd hate to see this
shake out wrong for Sully.

Course, it's your call.

Okay. I'm gonna send you the location.
I'll meet you there.

Yeah, sounds good.

Tell me about this Dougie Clemons.

Bad dude. You name a crime,

odds are Clem has been pinched on it.

What's his tie to Sully?

Oh, they grew up together,
got in a lot of trouble.

Thought they'd drifted apart. Clemons?

Well, it's hard to outrun your past,

- no matter how hard you try.
- Clemons?

Sheriff Miller. I got questions for you.

I don't think anyone's here.

What are you doing?
We can't go in there.

- I don't have a warrant.
- Yeah.

Yeah, I don't think you need a warrant.

I'm breaking and entering,
and you're in pursuit.

Come on.

Kitchen and bathroom are clear.

Looks like this duct tape's been cut.

Yeah, but look over here. See
this, see how it's twisted?

There was a struggle
here before it was cut.

Someone was trying to get out.

That's not all.

These marks here, bottom of the door.

These are scuff marks from a boot,

kicked outwards as someone
was dragging him in.

So, maybe Clem k*lled Simone,
then brought Sully here?

Question is, what do
they need Sully for?

That's still warm.

They left in a hurry. Come on.

Sheriff Miller's still
at Clemons's place.

It's officially a crime scene.
No sign of Sully.

I'm sending you pictures of Clemons.

Plenty of mugshots to choose from.

And his record.

as*ault and battery, armed robbery,

burglary, grand larceny,

illegal firearm possession.

This guy Clem is running a stickup crew.

Did until he got caught

robbing a liquor store and
went away for four years.

He got out three weeks ago.

So, what's he want with Sully?

They met in juvie.

That liquor store Clemons
got caught robbing?

Sully was the lookout.

He never went in, never pointed a g*n.

Sully got probation,

Clemons got hard time.

Maybe he blames Sully, wants payback.

Clemons sounds like the
type of guy to hold a grudge.


I got to go.


Hurry up.

Come on, let's go.

No. There must be a mistake.

That's Ryan Hopkins, the man
you said kept calling Sully.

And there's another guy
by the name of Clemons.

Clemons and Sully were friends in juvie.

They must be forcing Sully somehow.

All we have is this photo.
I'm just telling you what I learned.

I don't believe it.

Did you know a woman
named Simone Dawson?

Sully might've dated her in the past.

Yeah. I mean, I know the name.

I think they stayed friendly.

Sully doesn't have any crazy
ex-girlfriends or anything.


She was m*rder*d.

There's a connection somehow
to Sully and this crew.

None of this makes any sense.

Sometimes the past can swallow you up.

It's easier to get sucked
in than we'd like to admit.

Sully swore to me he was
gonna be a better man.

I'm telling you, this might be
who everyone thinks Sully is,

but it's not.

Let-Let's say that's true.

There had to have been a reason

why they recruited Sully.

Now, what do you suppose that might be?

I don't know.

You said Ryan was harassing Sully.

About what? Something about work?

Sully was moonlighting
at Kings Warehouse.

I think Ryan was trying to
get in there or something.

- He was moonlighting doing what?
- Sully was working as a security guard.

And this is the same warehouse

that you said was closed
because of maintenance?

Yeah. Uh, for a few days.

Sully said it was a gas
line that needed to be fixed.

He was bummed about losing shifts.

And I'm guessing Sully still
has access to the building?

A security card?


What do they keep at Kings Warehouse?

Lobster? You're kidding, right?

They bring the catch from
the boats through there.

Look, I love a lobster roll
as much as the next guy,

but why would anybody knock
over a lobster warehouse?

Well, I think there's
a pretty good chance

they're bringing more
than lobster through there.

The sheriff said they're
dealing with a crime problem.

Could be g*ns, dr*gs... who knows?

But Kings Warehouse is the target.

And right now, it's empty.

Yeah, I see the city has a
gas line replacement today.

All right.

I tapped into the Kings
Warehouse key card system.

- Just give me a minute.
- Oh, our guy's security card

would be his full
name... Ethan Sullivan.

- Sully's just a nickname.
- Colter, please.

Let's not insult my intelligence.


Sully's key card swiped
in 29 minutes ago.

West side entrance. You
want me to notify the police?

Not yet.

♪ Well, I ♪

♪ Well, I been thinking too much ♪

♪ That I been thinking too much ♪

♪ Seems like everyone's talking... ♪

- ♪ So I've got to get me some... ♪
- Come on, man.

♪ My baby's crying ♪

See what I got.

♪ So now my baby's crying ♪

Don't move. Don't move. Just hold still.

Put your head down. Put your head down.

- This is Sheriff Miller.
- Sheriff, it's Colter.

- What's up?
- I'm at Kings Warehouse.

There's a robbery in
progress, got a man down.

- Gas employee.
- He okay?

- He's breathing.
- We're on our way.

Yeah, good. Get here soon.

Okay. Hey, just hold still.

Help's on the way, okay?


How long do you want me to
keep these cameras down for?

You keep them down until we say,

unless you want to
find your lady filleted.

Drop it.

Who the hell are you?

I'm working for Daniela.

For Daniela? Wha... Is she okay?

That's how they were
able to convince you

to go along with this?

Told you they were gonna
k*ll her just like Simone?

She tried to fight back.

Clem k*lled her right in front of me.

He said he was gonna do the same

to Daniela. They were following her.

He showed me pictures of her

in her... in her car, at work.

She's fine. She's worried about you.

We need to get you out of here.

Clem's not gonna get away with this.

Sheriff's on his way. He'll handle it.

What are they stealing down there?


Clem got a tip from some dirtbag

who told him that the lobster pots

are being used to
smuggle dr*gs into here.

- Ryan?
- Yeah.

They were trying to talk me into it.

I kept saying no.

Then they showed up
at the bar with Clem.

I tried to make sure
Simone got home safe,

but they followed us there and

that's when they k*lled
her and grabbed me.

And made you help them ditch your car.

They wanted to make it seem like

I was cheating on Daniela,
and that I ran out on her.

Give them enough time
to do the drug score.

I would never cheat on Daniela.

I was being set up.

Eh, once they k*ll you,
it doesn't matter anyway.

Why'd they give you a g*n?

I saw you in the van.

I had them thinking
that they could trust me.

When I saw the opportunity,

I pulled the g*n on Ryan.

I tried to escape.

I should've known that
they were testing me.

- The g*n wasn't even loaded.
- I bet you that g*n's loaded.

Why don't you grab it and
let's get the hell out of here?

Is Clem still down there?

Yeah. Yeah, we're gonna
have to leave quietly.


He's gonna pay for
what he did to Simone.

Sully. Sully, hey.


Sully. Hey. Hey, Sully.

I'm sorry.

I know what you're thinking.

You're gonna get yourself k*lled.

Yeah, maybe.

Sully, you don't have to do this. Hey.

- What are you doing?
- Hands up.



Easy, Sully.

Hands up.

- Do it if you're gonna do it.
- Shut up.

You don't got the stones. Go on.

Sully, you don't have to do this.

You k*lled Simone.

You knew... you knew her.

She wasn't like us. She was good.

You-you k*lled her, for what?

What, a drug score?

Sully, listen to me.

Clemons is gonna get what he deserves.

You don't want to do this. Think of...

think of Daniela.

That's right.

Think of your girl.

Turn around.

Get on your knees.

This was always my fate.

No. No, you can leave
the past behind. Today.

- Once and for all.
- I tried that.

But the past came back.

It'll come back again.

You're about ready to make a choice

that's gonna determine
the rest of your life.

You... you k*ll him,

you're going to prison,

and your past becomes
your present forever.

Or you hand him over to the police,

and you marry Daniela,
you move on with your life.

Let him go.

Let him go, Sully.

Put the g*n down.

Put your hands in the
air and lock your fingers

behind your head.

Hey. Hey.

- It's all right.
- Turn around.

Do not move.

It's all right.

Let's go. Come on.

The amount of fentanyl in there,

ooh, boy.

Biggest bust this town's ever seen.

Did you get the smugglers
who brought it in?

I put the Coast Guard on it.
It's a bit above my pay grade.

But looks like they're gonna run
down the whole operation with the DEA.

- That's gonna send a message.
- It sure is.

I don't think anybody's going to
run dr*gs into my town anytime soon.

You have enough evidence on
Clem to put him away for good?

As airtight as it comes.

Clemons and his pals are going down for

false imprisonment,

kidnapping, armed robbery

and for the m*rder of Simone Dawson.

Dougie Clemons will never
take another breath as a free man.

I can promise you that.

Nice. Good job, Sheriff.

Well, I can't thank you enough, Shaw,

for what you did here, for this town.

Yeah, well, I feel like
you're thanking the wrong guy.

Not possible without him.


I apologize, Sully.

Daniela's going to be damn
lucky to have a guy like you.

To my beautiful daughter

and my future son-in-law.

Here's to a life of smooth waters

and abundant catch.


- Cheers.
- Cheers.

- Let me get you a real drink.
- Mmm, tempting,

but I got to get to another job.


Well, look at that. Looks like
a tiger can change his stripes.

It's good to see that her
old man finally came around.

Yeah, I guess everyone has.

It's nice.

Feel like a weight has been lifted.

Letting it all go.

You know what I mean?

Yeah, I do.

Feels good to leave things in the past.

You're invited to the
wedding, of course.

I hope you can make it.

Well, thanks. I'll see.

Um, one thing, though, before I forget.

I grabbed this, thought
you might want it.


I thought this was lost for good.

Simone made it for me to give
to Daniela as a wedding present.

Did a beautiful job.

She did a great job.

I really can't thank you enough.

Can you give us a minute?

This is from my dad, actually.

He's calling it an engagement present.

Thank you, and, uh, congratulations.

I'm so grateful for everything you did.

♪ When the sun comes up ♪

♪ And I'm ruined with regret ♪

He's playing our song.

I'm not gonna stand in the way.

- Get over there.
- ♪ The day forgives ♪

♪ And out of all those wasted nights ♪

♪ I wish I could forget... ♪

I have something for you.

♪ The day forgives ♪

♪ The day forgives ♪

♪ The day forgives. ♪
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