32x04 - Olé, Olé!

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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32x04 - Olé, Olé!

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on The Amazing Race,

nine teams raced through
the heart of the Amazon,

Manaus, Brazil.

Will and James officially
forged an alliance...

- Let's make it to the finals, boys.
- Perfect.

...and set their sights
on a U-Turn target.

Use it on Leo and Alana.

The sooner they're gone,
the better.

At a crowded market in Brazil,
the alliance proved valuable.

Fill them up exactly the same.

A major mistake sunk
father and son Jerry and Frank early.

Everybody has their
bag. We don't have our stuff.

We have to go back.

Damn it!

In a tribal village,

Will and James served up
a U-Turn to Leo and Alana...

We're making big moves.

...causing anger and tears.

I just don't want
this to be the end.

Kaylynn and Haley
returned a favor to help their friends.

- We have to, right?
- We have to.

In the end,
Will and James won the leg...

You're team number one.

...while Jerry and
Frank couldn't recover.

You are the last team to arrive.

We had a winning experience.

I wouldn't trade
it for the world.

Eight teams remain.

Who will be eliminated next?

Oh, my God, look. Let's go.

We're on the Amazon!

- This is incredible.
- Wow.


It's unreal.

Wow, what a day.

They just pulled up.
They're right there.

they're gonna be so mad at us.

Like, that was a hard day.

- Do you think they'll even acknowledge us?
- No.

Will and James
hurt us in the last leg.

- We do have a Yield...
- And we would Yield Will and James.

Yeah. Taste
of their own medicine.

If they leave,
we're not sad about it.

I thought that you were
joking when you said

we'd been U-Turned at first.

I was like, "That's a mean joke,"
and then we turned

around the corner
and I was like...

"These guys." - Oh!

- We thought we were...
- We thought that, of the four people cooking...

we thought that you U-Turned us.

Oh, my gosh,
where are we going today?

Will and James will be the
first to leave the Amazon forest

and fly more than
1,500 miles to Paraguay

in the heart of South America.

They'll land here in the
capital city of Asunción,

and find their next clue

at the Orquesta de
Reciclados de Cateura.

All righty. Let's
go to Paraguay.

During leg number two,
we formed a...

semi-alliance with
four other teams.

That's Gary and DeAngelo,
Hung and Chee,

Riley and Maddison
and Eswar and Aparna.

- Obrigado.
- And it's carried over into leg three,

hopefully now into leg four.

We are departing
Manaus at 3:00 a.m.

Communication is
definitely something

we've struggled with a little bit in,
uh, real life,

and also, in the race,
there are parts

that we still are
struggling with.

- Yeah.
- But there are instances where we're doing really well.

As always,
there's room for improvement,

but I think our communication
is getting better.

Oh, wait,
there's laptops, you guys.

We get to the 24-hour

Internet area.

We wanted to look up information
for our five-team alliance.

If you're not
gonna take advantage

of these helpful things,
you're not here to win.

The last leg,
we came in third place,

and we want to stay there
and just keep moving up

- in the ranks. - I know.

Haley and I moved out
at a really young age.

- I moved out at 15 and Haley moved out at 16.
- Yeah.

So we've always landed

on our feet,
and Haley and I have always

just depended on
ourselves and each other.

We're doing what we
have to do to win this.

We're not ready to go.

It's about surviving
and advancing,

and we feel pretty good
about staying in South America.

So, we're professional
beach volleyball players.

The tournaments we play
in are double-elimination.

- So you can have that one mess-up...
- That's a good point.

...and move on and
kind of redeem yourself.


it's a pretty good
chance if you get last,

you're-you're out.

So, the last leg didn't go

as quite as well
as we wanted it to.

Hopefully there's
physical challenges coming up.

'Cause those
play to our strengths.

- Thank you. - Obrigado.

So we're leaving Brazil

and we're going to Asunción,

Isn't that in Africa?

We know Uruguay is in Africa,
but Paraguay, I can't even...

I-I, like,
I'm having a brain fart.

We are so thrilled to find
out that there is only one flight,

and we're all gonna be on it.

So our last place is gone.

- We're now able to again compete for first.
- We're tied for first.

- Hey. Did we beat y'all here, or what happened?
- Hey, guys.

- Uh, no, we went inside.
- Ah, okay.


So we printed
out maps for our alliance,

and the blondies have no
idea we used the printer.

So Maddison and Gary
are distracting them

so they don't know that
we got maps of Paraguay.

It's time to get a little
bit more competitive and,

you know,
turn on the cute and fun.

And the plot thickens.

Taxi! Taxi! Taxi!

Come on,
come on! Let's go, come on!

Yeah! Come on, fast, fast, fast!

- Hey, hey!
- Taxi. Taxi?

Come on. Rápido.

- - We are in Asunción,

We just got off the plane.

So we're... please...
Going to Orquesta

de Reciclados?

- Sí. - ...De Cateura?

- You know where that is?
- You know where it is?


I hope it's something music.

- You know where that's at?
- No, no.

You don't know where that's at?

- Oh...
- Other taxi?

- Other taxi.
Why? -He doesn't know.

- Do you know...
- We're switching taxis

because he doesn't know
where the orchestra is.

Do you know where
the orchestra is?

¿Dónde está... orquestro?

Do you know where it is?


- ¿Que hora?
- Yeah, you know where that's at? Let's go.

- Stop. Stop. - Stop.

- Stop, stop, stop.
- Stop.

We're getting out.

Taxi? Taxi?

I think I actually
saw Will and James

having a bit of a harder
time finding their next cab.

Yeah. So, good.

- Of all the teams to see struggling...
- Yeah.

...they're the
ones that we'd like

to see struggling
the most today.

Taxi? Orquesta de Reciclados...

Ah, gracias, gracias.

D... Let's go. Gracias.

Wow, this is definitely, like,

some crazy part
of town right now.

So it kind of reminds us,
like, when we go to India,

the roads are kind of crowded and,
like, not that well-kept.

I'm hoping that this is

a back door or a
quick way to get here,

'cause if it's not,
I'm-a be pissed.

Oh, that's it.


Here we go. Let's keep pushing.

"Who is feeling instrumental?"

If you've
ever heard the expression

"One person's trash is
another person's treasure,"

this could be the
very definition.

The Landfill
Harmonic of Cateura,

where every instrument
has been made from trash.

It was started to help
young people stay in school,

develop their creativity
and provide a better future.

This Roadblock requires teams
to figure out how to repurpose

items from a landfill
to build a cello.

When it's music to their ears,
they'll get a clue.

- I'm gonna do this Roadblock.
- Okay.

- "Who's feeling instrumental?"
- You are.

- Want me to do it? Okay.
- Yeah.


I need to just search
the recycle pile for items

that can be made into
working musical instruments.


These are the pieces
I need to make a cello.

I need that square
gasoline thing.

Yeah, same.

Oh, here's one.

Not an orchestra.

All righty.

- "Who's feeling instrumental?"
- Me.

Next thing.

Need one of these trays.

I have some confidence
that I can do this faster

than at least some teams,

'cause I played a lot
of string instruments.

My mom is a teacher
of string instruments,

so I've grown up
surrounded by violins,

cellos, violas.

They're all familiar to me.

This is not the orchestra
hall I was expecting.

I think I'm in first place,

but I'm not gonna
let that distract me.

There's a lot of things
that I need to get done here.

"Choose a workstation,
use the provided tools

and materials to
assemble a cello."

Okay. Let's see
what this looks like.

Just trying to figure out
the best way to go about this

right now.

- Yeah, wait, wait, wait. Stay here. Stay here.
- Wait.

- "Who's feeling instrumental?" Yeah. I'll take this one.
- This is you.

"Who is feeling instrumental?"

- You. - I am, I am.

Okay, one, two.

All right, so,
I'm gonna figure out the strings.

Let's get these untangled first.


Just seems like it's gonna
be the hardest thing to do.

We got... Eswar.

We'll see how much
of a builder I am today.

I think the really tough part

is we're not really sure
exactly what the steps were.

But being a software engineer,
that could help.

I think that general kind of
engineering skill might apply.

So I just, uh,
tried to emulate the demo cello

as closely as possible.

Okay, stringing this together's
gonna look pretty difficult.

Starting to get crowded up.

"Choose a workstation."

"Then start rebuilding
this instrument

for students who are poor."

I think I got my last item.

- I'll do it.
- You got it, bitch.

I'm trying
to put the strings in.

That's, like,
the biggest hurdle.

There we go.

Okay. Do this...

No expectations
of this being easy.

One, because I'm just not handy,
and, you know,

putting instruments together is
not something you do every day.

All these pieces are recycled,

which is pretty dope.

You know, I'm looking, like,

"How are these pieces gonna
make a musical instrument?"

But I put stuff
together all the time.

My number one claim to fame

is putting IKEA furniture
together with no instructions.

I got this.

I... honestly,
this doesn't feel right at all.

None of this feels right.

- I feel like there's no way other teams went this way.
- No way.


Mucho. Mucho.

We're very far, she's saying.

I find it
kind of hard to believe

that there... the
orchestra is near this area.

- Where are we going?
- I don't see any other taxis.

It's kind of scary on this side.

Why are we going this route?

We're in a frickin' race.

Let's just pray
somebody else got lost, too.

- No. No.
- No. Nope, nope. Nope.

- No, no, no. No bueno.
- That's not it.

This cannot be it.

- Oh, my God. -

She's about to get us k*lled.

This is bad.

- She's getting out of...
- She's getting out

- to look and see. - ...the car.

- Because she just asked some random... oh, my God.
- Oh, my God.

We need to get out of here.

This is my worst nightmare.

She has no idea
where she's going,

she's so lost, she's stopping,

- she's getting out of the car.
- She's outside at a house.

- She's outside at a house.
- And left us all in the car.

And left us in the car.

- This is insane.
- This is a nightmare.

This is bad.

- This is so bad. We're literally stopped at someone's house...
- What is going on?

Where she's on the phone.

- This is insane.
- She has no idea where we're going.

It was, like,
a little funny at first,

but, like,
it's not funny anymore.

This is bad.

Hey. Wait,
is that the clue box, Victoria?

Yep, yep, yep. Yeah.

"Who is feeling instrumental?"

Okay, so open it.

How did you do it? You
just threaded it through?

Yeah, just put it through
the hole and then twist it.

He doesn't need help.

I hope that, um,
my musical background

will give me an advantage.

Gonna try to work quietly,

I don't want the other
teams to know what I'm doing.

Do you put it in before
you put it in the hole, Chee?

Put it in the hole
and then twist it.

The Roadblock was awesome

because Chee, DeAngelo,
Maddison, myself and Eswar,

whenever there was a
question any of us had,

we would take the
time to ask each other.

- DeAngelo. Did you glue this?
- Yeah.

- Or did it, did it stay up on its own?
- Nah, it stayed up on its own.

The five of us really did
want to help each other.

I love making
string instruments.

A, B, C, D, E, F, G.

G, F, E, D, C, B, A.

It's really humbling to see

how creative and
ingenious you folks are.

And I have kids this age, right?

And so, it's, um,
it's just really beautiful and humbling.

- Group hug. Group hug. - Aw.

Sweaty group hug.

I feel good
because Victoria and I

were in the symphony.

I am very familiar
with instruments.

Come on, screw.




Thank you.

I'm going down the
street to deliver this.

I felt like a proud father,
because the instrument

that I just made,

it sounds great.

You guys are amazing!

- - Magnifico.


"Travel by taxi to
Paseo de los Yuyos

"at Mercado 4 and find
the marked tereré vendor

"to receive your next clue.

Yield ahead. Get
your hourglass ready."

- Yes. Taxi! - Where's our taxi?

- Oh, my God.
- Oh, my God.

- Where are we? Oh, my God.
- Oh, my God, where...

- Is that a marker? Is that it?
- Are we here?

Oh, my God.

- Are we here?
- By the grace of God, we found where we're going.

Oh, my God.

- Is that you or me?
- It's your turn.

- I'll take it.
- Kaylynn's doing it.

I'm not getting frustrated yet,

just trying to figure
this last bit out,

'cause attaching
the strings is taking

a little bit longer
than I expected.

Okay, a wooden crate.

Oh, okay. I've got one.

This is very tedious.

Every detail counts.

Steady as they go.

Just not trying to make
any mistakes that would

make me have to
redo this whole thing.

Oh, my God.

Oh, man, this is hard.

how did you get this thing to not move?

- Make it one tension first...
- Okay.

- And then that way you-you can get this in place.
- Yeah, okay.


That was so dumb.

Taxi ride from hell.

So, we're looking for Mercado 4

and we're looking for
a marked tereré vendor.

Mercado 4,
right here. Number 4, right here.

- It's right there, it's right there.
- No, no, no, no!

- Straight, straight, straight.
- Wait, wait, wait.

There it
is right there. Good job.

We choose not to yield anybody.

"Route Info."

Mmm. This is the national
drink of Paraguay, tereré.

The taste is hard to describe,
but the medicinal properties

include vitality, vigor,
and physical and mental stimulation.

Teams must prepare
tereré the traditional way,

then fill up a termos,
which they will carry as a refreshment

for the rest of the leg.

You watch, you watch.

- Okay.
- Put it in there and then crush it.

- Okay. So, did he take this flower?
- Uh...

Put it in there and
crush it. That's what he did.

- Yeah, but it's...
- No, no, no.

I am making the national
drink here in Paraguay.

That involves beating
up a bunch of plants.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah.

This is gonna be awesome.

We left the
Roadblock in first place,

and we believe
we're still in first place,

because we haven't
seen any other teams.


-Bien. -Perfect. -Muy bien.

- "Detour." - "Detour."

Teams are
about to face the first-ever

Double Switchback,

balancing bottles and
stacking watermelons.

Vendors can expertly stack
them in ten-story-high pyramids.

Looks easy enough,
but let's not forget what happened

the last time racers
tried to perform this feat.

In season 20,
it was a crash course

in watermelon stacking.

- Oh, my gosh. -

We need to take
every one of them out.

And the bottle balancing proved

- no easier. - Holy cow.

Nobody knows exactly why
the women here in Paraguay

started balancing
bottles on their heads,

but there's no denying

it takes a lot of skill.

It's not gonna work.

In this Detour,
both team members

must complete this
choreographed routine

without breaking a bottle
to get their next clue.

- We-We're gonna do "Stack Your Melons."
- "Your Melons."

- - Yes.

This is a,
more of a strength challenge for us,

so this was just a
logical choice for us.

The other one was dancing,
and we're not really one to dance.

Um, hopefully, I-I did it right.

And if I didn't do it right,
back to the drawing board.

- - No.

Okay. Wow.

The guide, you know,
he measured the length.

This needs to be 28 inches.

Our taxicab was just
insanely lost the entire time.

Everyone's already almost
done by the time I got here,

and this is really
freaking confusing.

I've never built a
cello in my entire life.

Check, please.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

All right,
looks like James got it.

Good for him.

Gracias. Gracias.

Come here, baby. - ALL: Aw.

To see these kids find

so much joy in what
they're doing is something

that I want our kids to have,
is to find their passion

and to find what they love.

And I can't wait to
have a bunch of babies.

He was ready for babies
yesterday. Let's be real.

Thanks, guys.

- Do you see the watermelon?
- No, we'll find it.

- Okay. I'll... We'll leave this in. Wait.
- All right. Wait.

- Right here. Over here.
- Oh, Gary,

that's a ton of watermelon.

Look-look at here.

One, two, three, four...

- Ten.
- You want to catch 'em?

- Let me find the spots where...
- Oh...

You got to let
me find the spots.

Don't do it until I turn to you.

This will come in handy for
us 'cause we play football,

so if I can't catch a
watermelon thrown at me,

there's something going on.

This just plays right
into our skill set.

We choose not to yield.

"Make tereré,
the national drink of Paraguay."

- ¿Sí? - Yeah.


- Ooh, that smells so good.
- Oh, my God,

I cannot wait to drink it.

- Wh... It's good, it's good.
- Oh, good.

- ¿Agua? ¿Agua?
- Agua.

- Delicioso. - Oh, heck yeah.


"Perform a traditional
Paraguayan bottle dance

"to receive your next clue

in this classic Switchback challenge."

- Oh, my God, we just watched that episode.
- No.

We practiced at home...

- How weird.
- ...after we watched that episode

because we were like,
"Oh, my gosh."

- "Let's just try it."
- Had to do it.

We didn't drop it, so I'm hoping

that we can not
drop it this time.

This is, like,
really freaking hard.


No está bien.

I'm not too sure
what the issue is,

but I'm gonna
find out real soon.

Okay. This needs
to be 28 inches.

Looks like 28 to me.

Okay, let's try again.

I'm gonna do this
bottom screw around here.

Finito. Feeling good.

I see the end of the tunnel.



This needs to be 28 inches.

- - Man...

thank you so much. Thank you.

Thank you.

Yes, I did.

So I loosened up this,
which makes sense,

'cause this thing was
sticking all the way down.

I don't think that was
right. It was different

from the example,
so now I'm just double-checking

- the example. -

Oh, sh**t.

That'd been an epic fail.

- Está bien.
- Thank you. Thank you very much.

This is, like,
the hardest thing I've ever done

- in my entire life.
- You got to string

all of them loosely first,
and then go back

- and tighten them. - Okay.

Thank you so much.

Come on, Maddison.

We got here first by
a good ten minutes,

so I'm a little concerned as to

what's going on in there.

I'm just having a hard
time with these strings.

It was so confusing.

Putting the strings in there,
like, they had to be t-tightened

the right way,
had to come over, not under.

And then they all had
to be on the right side.

And, like, dude, it was brutal.

Wait, why does this go loose,

Make sure we get ten in there.

So the trick is,
put it on its natural resting spot,

and you got to have a
mix of big and small ones.

- Yeah.
- So make sure you got ten on each side.

- Right.
- There's ten, there's ten there.

You got ten on
that side over there?

- Yeah, I got ten over there.
- Well, good.

- We're flying through right now.
- Okay.

- Yeah.
- I think it's gonna be easy.

Come on, baby.



One, two, three, four,

five, six, seven, eight.

As a superfan,
it was super exciting

to know it was a Switchback,
especially from a season

we had just freshly watched.

If there's anything we
learned from season 20,

it's that the real kicker
was just concentrating.

Three lunges.


Ready? Here we go.

this takes a lot of focus and patience.

This is very hard.

But we're gonna get it.

- Here, Hung, here.
- Oh, here, here, here.

We choose not to yield anybody.

It looks like
two of the stations

are already done,
which makes sense.

And then you pour that in.

Mmm. Very,
like... This tastes like tea.

- Mmm. Gracias.
- Like herbal tea. It's actually pretty good.

- Muchas gracias.
- Gracias. Muchas gracias.

- Okay, we choose...
- We choose, uh...

"Use Your Melon."

Slowing down because
I'm a little bit of all three

of, like, confusion, tiredness,
not really sure what I'm doing.

My engineering background
is not currently helping me out

as is quite clear.


Come on, my guy.

Boom, 28.

Yes! Yes!

This better be him.

- You see how you tie it up there, too?
- Yeah.

And then this has to
be 28 inches from there.

It's like the smallest things.

Muchas gracias. Thank you,
my man.

Oh, God.

It's in order.


Thank you!

I feel pretty
helpless right now.

Just sucks. We were
neck and neck for first tier,

and now we are
competing not to be last.

I'm struggling so hard
right now with the strings, so...

I think the really
tough part was

just stringing the instrument.

You have to get the
strings just tight enough

that they would
actually play a note,

but if you made them
just a little too tight,

- - Then the bridge would snap

and then you have to start
from the beginning again.

If we can get it on
this go... Maybe not.

It's just me and Es right now.

I feel like I'm gonna
be here all night.

Come on...

- "Tereré." - Ooh, I see it.

- Tereré. Tereré.
- No Yield, no Yield!

At that point,
Will and James were ahead of us,

so it doesn't really make
sense to use the Yield.

- "Detour." - "Detour."

Yeah, we're using our melon,
we're using our melon.

It's way harder than it looks.

Ready? Go.

It's over here, Chee.

Chee and Hung are here now.

- Yeah, we make one circle.
- Circle.


And then we turn
around in the circle.

Nope, nope. You're off-center.


Take as long as you need.

experiment with different places.

I think we must go through here?

- Okay, oh, she's gonna teach us.
- Oh, okay. Okay.

- Will.
- Yas, queen, you did it.

- Oh, my gosh.
- It's me that's the problem.

Because I'm a dancer,
I spot, and I can't spot.

You need to focus on the bottle,
nothing else.

I know,
but that's like reteaching me how to walk.

- Three... - Left, and then uno,

dos, tres, and then down.

I think I'm slowly
getting the hang of this.

Now I'm trying to help Hung, uh,

figure out her
right balance point.

It's pretty tricky.

We're gonna have to
practice for quite a while.

So close.

- Oh, right here, Riley. - Yeah.

- We choose not to yield anybody.
- Yeah, we're not yielding anyone.

The blondes showed up
so late to the Roadblock

and Eswar was struggling a lot,

so we thought we
had enough of a lead

- where we didn't have to burn it.
- It just would've been evil.

- Let's do "Stack Your Melons," right?
- Okay, good, good, good.

- Yeah. We're gonna do "Stack Your Melons."
- Let's go. Yeah.

We declare not to yield anyone.

- "Detour." - "Detour."

- Let's go. Bottle dance.
- Bottle dance.

Go... Let's go.

you got to stop throwing 'em like that.

You got to get
away from that tree.


You got to get
away from that tree.

Hold up...

I'm obviously a better thrower.

I'm the better catcher.

These watermelons don't
compare in weight to a football.

But, again,
we don't have to worry about

somebody taking our head off,

We get this done,
we'll be in first.

Let's get it done, then.

Damn it.

I'm having a problem because
I don't have the balance.

I can't balance it on my head.

I don't know.

- Gracias. - Gracias.

Oh, yes.

the-the sisters are already here.

- I say we switch, yeah.
- You want to go? You want to go?

I say we switch. The
progress is too slow.

- Okay, let's go. We're gonna switch Detours.
- Okay.

- We're gonna switch Detours.
- Okay.

- Kneel. Left leg...
- Kneel... Oh, these are lunges?

- These are lunges? - Yeah.

Hung and Chee left, baby.

- James, don't get frustrated. We got this.
- I'm not frustrated,

but I'm just saying.

This is gonna be hard.

What the hell?

I'm not gonna give up.


If I were to give up,
then I would let Haley down

and I would let myself down.

Maybe somebody's still
stuck at another challenge.

Maybe there's hope.

I'm not ready to be out.

- Oh.
- See? You got to be careful.

Oh, there's the pallets, Riley.

There's the watermelons.
How hard is this?

It's hard.

We got it,
dude. We got this, we got this.

Hey, guys.

- Hey.
- Hey. Hey, it's hard. Hey, guys.

- It's tough, it's...
- It looks... Yeah, we know.

- You think that's the best way? Okay.
- Yep.


Two other teams showed up.

We had to make sure
we get this thing right.

- Ten. Ten by ten.
- Uh, look at the angle, Chee.

On one side, it's horizontal,
and then the other direction...

it looks like the bottom layer,

- they're all horizontal like this.
- Yes. Yeah.

Let me know if you
need a drink or something.

No, I need anything,
Chee. Just focus.

We-We're not
competing for first.

I just need to finish this.
We just need to finish this.

Slow and steady.

All right,
Gary. We got to hurry up.

- I'm hurrying, man. Calm down.
- Okay.

Oh, that sucked, bro.

Come on.

These women
are absolutely incredible.

This is not as easy
as they make it look.


Come on, baby, we got this.

We literally have this.

Oh, my gosh!


"Race to your next
Pit Stop at Plaza Italia."

Teams must now make their way here,
to Plaza Italia,

named after the
many Italian families

who live here in
the neighborhood.

It is now the Pit Stop
for this leg of the race.

The last team to find me
here may be eliminated.

- Good luck. Good luck, you guys.
- Good luck, good luck, good luck.

Please, please. Check.

Thank you.

Did you get it?

Think he got it.

Oh, my God.

- Let's go, babe.
- There he is.

- Hey, Phil! -

- - How we doing, guys?

Welcome to Paraguay.

- - Gracias.

- Will and James... - Yes.

I am pleased to tell you that
you are team number one.

Oh, my God!

And I have some
great news for you.

As the winners of this leg of the race,
you have won

$5,000 each,
which you can enjoy after the race.

- What? - Oh...

How would you assess
your performance so far?

P... I-I mean,
you've done pretty well in the last few.

I think we're
surprising ourselves

and maybe surprising
every other team here.

I knew we had it in us,
but, like,

when you're up against people
like former football players,

here we are in first again.

- Good work, good work, dude.
- Yeah.

I think Riley's
strategy right now is good,

building up one side,

and not doing it all
layer by layer by layer.

It's gonna help us
put together the top.

- Here you go.
- Let's keep going.

So, what-what is the problem,
Chee, what-what are we...?

- You need to talk to me.
- I, uh...

These spaces aren't even, so...

So what do you want to do about it,

I'm not down there.
You need to talk to me.

Are you hearing me,
that you need to talk to me?

Yes, Hung, I am.

I need to talk more.

We got a wrong row four.

Got to go three, two, one, left.

It's not looking good at all.

This is tough.

Gary, I got shiftage.

- See?
- Yeah, you can't shift them.

- Bro. - You got to just stop.

Let's go to the other.

- Let's go to the other one.
- Huh?

- You want to go to the other one?
- No.

Damn it.


Detour. Oh, my God.

Want to do the dance?

We're gonna be
doing the traditional

- Paraguayan bottle dance.
- Yeah.

All right, let's go.



Phil. Hey.

Michelle and Victoria.

You are team number two.


Oh, my God.

Getting closer and closer
to team number one.

- Oh, my God.
- Wait, we were second to last.

I'm so proud of you
for the dance thing.

I'm so proud of you
for that cello thing.

Thank you.

Spending time
together's been awesome.

- - And we fought... like,

we've never,
ever been this close in our lives.

Nope. It's one
of those realization things

that we need each other,
and it's been so awesome

- and great so far. - Mm-hmm.

You did really well today,
you guys.

Thank you, Phil.


- We got to go. We got to go.
- Thank you.

- Gracias. Ooh.
- Somebody might still be in there.

Go, go, go.

- Okay. -

- Alfredo!
- Alfredo!

- Oh, they're...
- Hey, guys, hey.

Hey. Who's still in there?

- No one. - Okay.

- Good luck. - Thank you.

- It's hard. - Be strong.

You guys can do it!

- I am so ready.
- Me, too.

I know that if I,
like, break down,

then it's not gonna do anything,

and I'm just gonna get
even more flustered.

But this is the
hardest freaking thing

I've ever done
in my entire life.

And I literally never want
to look at a cello again.

And I just want to get it done.

How did that happen?

I don't know how the
hell that happened.

- Ready? - Yeah. Ready?

You're good, you're good.

- Check me. - Check!

Ti prego.

Sí. Sí.

- Sí. Sí. Sí! Sí! - Sí. Sí.

- Sí! Sí! - Sí, sí, sí, sí, sí.

- - Yes, Riley!

- What the heck, man?
- Good job, guys!

Nice job, guys.

Damn, they beat us, Gary.

I'm never eating
watermelon again. Ever.

This sucks, bro.

- Uhp.
- Ooh, ooh, ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh.

Leo and Alana,

you are team number three.

- - Yes! Oh, my God!

Riley and Maddison,
I am pleased to tell you that you are

- team number four. Congratulations.
- Yes.

All right.

I'm so happy I'm almost done. Oh,
my God.


- Gracias.
- Thank you so much. Oh, my God.

I thought that would never end.

...Thank you! Thank you, thank you.

We're so close.

We're so close. We
just need to get this

before the blondes get here.

- Okay.
- 'Cause they could be

- really good.
- Let's get out of here.

Stay calm. Vámonos.

Chee, that's beautiful.

Check, please.

Oh, okay,
I see what you're saying.

Damn it, D.

Dude, this sucks, bro.

This sucks so bad.

I think it looks right, Hung.

- I think we got this, right?
- I think so.

Thank you,
thank you... oh. Thank you.

- Oh... oh, oh. Catch that, catch that.
- Damn it, D.

Catch it, catch it. Catch it.

Hey. Bro, it's all right.

Eswar and Aparna,

I am pleased to tell you,
you are team number five.


- What the heck?
- Dude.

Hung and Chee,
I am pleased to tell you

that you are team number six.

Wow. Okay, that's great.

- You're still in it.
- We'll take it. Absolutely.

My lack of
communication has been

an issue for us
since the day we met.

You know, Hung keeps
reminding me that the more I share,

the closer we can get and
the better we can be as a team.

Dejected but not out.

'Cause you never know.

You know,
we didn't pay attention to detail

like we should have.

So we had a bunch of them
sticking out and it didn't make

that pyramid like this.

It was more like this.

And every time it would fall on us,
I was like,

"That sucks."

All right, "Detour."

- Dance. We're gonna dance.
- We're gonna dance.

All right,
we're going "Use Your Melon."

My dream is...

- That everybody's stuck at the watermelons.
- ...that somebody's stuck

- at the watermelon challenge.
- Like, one person.

- This is it? In there?
- ¿Aquí? ¿Aquí?

All right, Haley,
you ready? We got to move fast.

We're gonna get it,
Haley. We're gonna get it.

Haley, you're crushing it.

All right.

We can do this! We can do this.

From there, I have no idea
what the hell we're doing wrong.

The watermelons keep falling.

It's getting dark.

It's still hot. We have
bugs coming out.

Now we're super
even more frustrated.

This is k*lling me.

You're not the
only one it's k*lling.

Oh, my gosh, we're here,

we can do this,
we can catch back up.

The watermelon challenge
could still be going on.

No, no, no.

We're close, we're close,
we're close, we're close,

- we're close! - Okay.

Put one right there.

- Where?
- Right there in the middle.

- Check. - Check.

I'm done, Gary.


- Thank you. -

Thank you so much.

The last time we saw another
team is when Hung and Chee left.

- Yeah.
- So, you know, hopefully...

that was probably two and a half hours ago.

Today was the hardest
day of my entire life.

I'm pretty sure

we're dead last.

Hopefully, you know,
we're lucky.

- Right here?
- Aquí, aquí.

Come on. Come on,
come on, come on.

All right, gracias, amiga.

- Thank you.
- Thank you so much.

Do you see Phil?

Where is Phil? Come on, Gary.

- I'm coming.
- How do we get in here?

Come on,
Haley. We got to find Phil.

Come on. How do
we get into this place?

All right,
you can drop those bags.

Yeah. I know it's over with for us,

The watermelon stack was tough.

It's been a fun Amazing Race.
We've enjoyed South America.

If there's one thing we
know about you guys,

you guys don't quit.

- No, we don't.
- And that's good,

because you are not
the last team to arrive.


- Are you serious?
- I am serious.

- Oh... Ooh...
- So whatever drive you have left in you,

you still get a chance
to win this race.

- Right? - I thought

- for sure we were dead last.
- Hey. We're good, we're good.

- Somehow, some way...
- Some...

- ...who knows, but we came in seventh place.
- No... Yes.

As long as you're not last,

- it's a win. - Yes.

- Hi.
- You're still smiling

- after this long, long day?
- Today was a day.

- A long, long day.
- So, would you be surprised

to find out that you were last?

- No. We know we're last.
- No.

You might be
surprised to find out

that this is a
non-elimination leg.

- Yes! Oh, my God. - Yes!

- I'm so happy.
- And it does mean that you have a second chance.

- You're going to face a Speed Bump...
- Speed Bump.

- We're so happy about this, Phil.
- ...in the next leg of the race,

and you're going to need to
complete that Speed Bump

before you can continue
racing with the other teams, so...

- That's awesome. We love it.
- We're still going!

- We're really excited to keep going.
- Thanks, Phil.

We went into
the race wanting to win,

because my dad
has been super sick

for the past two years,
and he's not getting

the proper medical treatment
because they can't afford it.

So, for us to still be in
this race gives us hope.

And we want to make them proud.

Next time on The Amazing Race,

we head to Paris where Hung and
Chee get a piece of the pie...

Chee, I can't see.

...Riley and Maddison
are off their game...

We lost this.

...and Will and James...

- ...try to shift gears.
- Baby, we need to go.

It's not working.
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