32x12 - Now It's About Winning

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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32x12 - Now It's About Winning

Post by bunniefuu »

This season, The Amazing Race

hit one million miles traveled.

- -It all
kicked off in Hollywood,

where 11 teams began
a race around the world.


-This is it.
We're on The Amazing Race.
-Oh, my God.

Three teams
formed an early bond.

Let's make it
to the finals, boys.

Let's do it. Perfect.

Through surprising twists...

Everyone's gonna have the power
to yield.

Next leg is a Mega Leg.

...and hair-raising

- Oh, my God, oh, my God!
- Oh, my God!

...the bond between
these three teams

only grew stronger.

Guys, the alliance is complete.

Yeah, this feels good.

As other teams began to fall...

Nathan and Cody...
Kellie and LaVonne...

Jerry and Frank...
Michelle and Victoria,

you have been eliminated
from the race.

...the alliance made
game-changing moves...

We choose to yield
the Blonde Bandits.

No hard feelings.

We're gonna U-turn
DeAngelo and Gary.

Which means we're just
burning the board.

...to knock out
their competition.

Leo and Alana...
Kaylynn and Haley...

Eswar and Aparna, you have been
eliminated from the race.

And one final move...

- Do not let them see.
- Okay.

He just told them.

They all three banded together
to eliminate us.

...to take out the biggest
competitors of all.

DeAngelo and Gary, you have been
eliminated from the race.

And for the first time
inAmazing Race history,

an alliance of three advanced
to the final leg together.

All according to plan.
Are you kidding me?
All according to plan.

But coming up tonight,

- Riley and Maddison,
Hung and Chee...
- Ow.

- ...and Will and James...
- Just be calm.

- ...will battle each other.
- There it is, Chee!

Okay, let's go, let's go.

Who will win the $1 million

and The Amazing Race?

I'm so mad I have
to do this right now.

Say hello to my little friend.

Now that we're on the final leg,

now it's about winning.

"Fly to New Orleans, Louisiana,

Our final three teams
will now complete

their race around
the world flying east

across the Pacific Ocean
to New Orleans, Louisiana.

There's a party
on Bourbon Street tonight,

and we're here to celebrate
with them.

Teams must now make their way
into the heart of the city

in the oldest neighborhood,
the French Quarter.

Final leg.
We are headed back to U.S.A.

and good old N'awlins.



We started the race
a little shaky.

We finished fourth, fourth,
third, third,

but Maddison and I
are peaking right now.

We've won the past three legs
all in a row.

Feels so good.

To see our alliance work out?

- Oh, yeah...
- Like, who would've thought?

I think one of the
reasons why we feel prepared

for this final is just based
off of how much we've grown.

Not only individually,
but more so

as, like, a cohesive unit,
as brothers.

This is nuts.

Being in the top three
further proves to us

that the relationship we do have

and the foundation
we have set is strong.

The memories to share
with the kids

we hope to adopt one day...

This money would
change our life.

- Crazy.
- Now let's just win.

- Looks like there's a cab.
- The race

refreshed for me in my mind why

I initially fell in love
with Chee.

- Aw.
- Right?

His sparkly quality
is that he's so steadfast.

He's not as intense
or up-and-down as me,

and that's a good thing,

because otherwise
we would be a wreck.

I knew Hung was
a very determined,

loyal and trusting person,
and all those qualities just

came through big-time
on this race.

We've placed above
beard brothers and boyfriends

on previous legs.

No reason why
we can't do it again.

Let's go, let's go.

We are gonna win
The Amazing Race.

No question about it.
We got this.

We're gonna bring our game.

I think we're gonna win it.

Look at my legs.

They don't touch anything.

- What? No way.
- What? What? What?

This is amazing.

Good night, America.

We just got to beat two teams.

For a million dollars.

-Right here, the first one.

- Taxi, taxi, taxi.
- Taxi, taxi.

So, we're going
to Louis Armstrong Park.

And we're racing.
We got to go quick.

Louis Armstrong Park.
Can you take us?

-Yes, thank you.
Can you go very fast?
-Take us there please,

- as fast as you can.
We just left
the airport.

The beards are in front of us,

Hung and Chee are behind us.

It's gonna be neck and neck
this entire leg,

which makes it
a lot more exciting.


- Try and beat that cab
in front of us.
- Yeah.

We got to beat that cab
in front of us.

- And not let these guys pass us.
- Okay.

Oh, my gosh,
we just passed the beards, Will.


Feels really good to be back
on American soil.

Ah, there's beard bros.

I love passing these cars.

Oh, that's Chee and Hung.

Damn, dude.

Now that we're on the final leg,

it's no longer about survival
and just advancing.

Now it's about winning.

We believe we're in third,

but Karim just said
that he took a shortcut, so...

Where is the park?
It's to the left?

To the left, yeah.

You got this, Karim.
Let's do this, huh?

- Here we go.
- We believe in you.

- Right here. Right here.
- Ah.

- We got to go right there.
- Oh, that's the arch.

Go, baby.

Hurry, hurry, hurry.


"Route Info."

Mardi Gras parades
began in New Orleans

around the 1830s.

Parade crews would toss out
necklaces into crowds.

Today, these necklaces remain
the most popular trinkets

at the celebration.

Teams must now join the party

and collect beaded necklaces
that are being thrown

from Bourbon Street's
iconic balconies.

When they have 50 red
necklaces and 50 gold necklaces

that match what the grand
marshal has around his neck,

they'll get a clue.

Let's go.

Right here?

Yep. Here. Thank you, Mohammed.

Come on, Chee. Come-come on.

"Route Info."

"Join the party
on Bourbon Street

"in the French Quarter
and collect 50 red

and 50 gold beads
to receive your next clue."

Bourbon's straight ahead.

Do you know
where we're going?

Having been
to New Orleans before,

especially the French Quarter,

I knew exactly
where Bourbon Street was.

So running from Armstrong Park
to Bourbon Street

was easy for us because I knew
exactly where to go.

Oh, there's Hung and Chee, Will.

We're in third place.
We've been in last place before

and ended up
winning a leg, so...

Yeah, we got to make up
some time here.

- Here?
Is this the park
right here?

So we overshot it?

I want to make sure we show up
to the right place.

Is this the park right here?

- You have more... Yeah.
- Pull-pull over, pull over.

Let's go.

- You're sure it's that way?
- Yeah, North Rampart...

Well, wait, wait.
Here's North Rampart.

No, it might be that way, Riley.

- Is it down there?
- I don't... I don't know.

You said you saw it.
I didn't see it.

- This is Toulouse.
- I-I see N-North...

Let's just run this way
real fast. Come on.

Now we're lost.

How long is this street?

Really long. Oh, I see it.

- This is it.
- Yes.

How cool.

I've been to Mardi Gras
a few times.

I've ridden on a float
in Mardi Gras.

So I feel like when we got
to Bourbon Street

and we saw the floats and
the beads flying everywhere,

I was in my element.

This is so cool!

Keep going straight.


Keep pushing.
Will and James are right there.

Come on. Let's go.


Red, red, red, red.

Here you go, Hung.
Here you go, Hung.

- Where is it?
- No idea.

Louis Armstrong Park.
Louis Armstrong Park.


Louis Armstrong Park?

- You know where the park is?
- Louis Armstrong Park?

Do you guys know
where the park is? No.

Ugh, this is brutal!

- Louis Armstrong Park.
- It's over there.

That way?

This way? This way.

Go, Riley. Go, go, go.

Oh, right here.

Let's go, let's go, let's go.

"Join the party on Bourbon
Street in the French Quarter

"and collect 50 red
and 50 gold beads

to receive your next clue."

There is a million dollars
on the table.

We're gonna
make up time.
- Yeah, yeah.

Red, red, red.

Yes, gold! Gold!


Bourbon Street? Are we sure?

Yeah. Up there.
There's a crowd up there.

- That's it.
- Oh, okay.

Hurry up.

39, 40.

We need a float.

We got it, dude.
We got this, we got this.

We got to find
the matching ones.


We need gold and red.

Gold and red!

We need these, the big ones.

We're in last place!
We need help!

Oh, thank you so much.

All right, I got 50.

Okay, I have 50. Come on.

- Around your neck,
around your neck.
- Oh.

- No?
- No.

All right, let's do this.

The details were to watch

what the grand marshal
was wearing

and those were the acceptable
beads to catch.

Will, I only have 16.

It was really game-on
at that point.

Everyone was neck and neck.

We need 50.

50 each.


More of these, more of these!

Bro, come on, help me!

- Help! Help!
- We need more of these!

Big beads, big beads, big-big.

I need the big ones!

I need 20 more.

Yo. One more!

One more!

James, I got it.

I think I have it, too.

- All right, we're ready.
- We're ready.

"Roadblock. Who will be left
holding the baby?"

The French brought king cakes
like these

to New Orleans
about 150 years ago.

These colors represent
the Three Wise Men

that visited Christ
during his Epiphany.

It's a tradition to bake
little babies like this

inside the cakes.

Only a few of these cakes
have them,

and teams will need to find
a baby for their next clue.

-King cake? Me! Me!
-You do it. You do it.
Do it, do it, do it.

Yes. That's so you!

- "Have fun with it." Yes.
- Oh, my God.

We're ready!

Let's go.

Eight more, eight more! Come on!

Let's go! Uh-uh-uh...

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Come on.

One more.

Oh, I got one more.
I'm done, Chee! I'm done!

Go, go, go.

-Thank you so much!
-Thank you!
Thank you, thank you.

- Thank you! Thank you!
- Thank you, thank you,
thank you!

"Who will be left
holding the baby?"

You. Okay. Okay.

This is brutal.

We're here!

Thank you!

Right now I have to search
for the baby

in the king cake.

I love king cake.

I've had it probably
every year of my entire life,

and I know what the baby
looks like.

That helped me figure out
a strategy.

I was pushing
with all my fingers

trying to feel the baby.

Oh, we get more.

All right, here's two more cake
racks for you to look through.

Cool. Thank you so much.

I've got to look through
probably over a hundred cakes.

In my mind I was,
you know, trying to coax

our band to dance a little bit faster,
walk a little bit faster

just so we could get started
on the next task,

you know, as soon as possible.

Thank you.

"Who will be left
holding the baby?"

-Do you want to just do it?
Let's do it.
-I'll do it, I'll do it.

All right. Let's do it.

Nobody's here yet.

They might not even know
what the baby looks like

if they've never had
a king cake.

I've already gone through...
a bunch of cakes.

So I have a little bit
of a head start.

My guess is Hung and Chee
are right around the corner.

I hear another band coming.

Go away. Turn around.

It's the wrong place.

Thank you, thank you.

Thank you so much. Thank you.

Oh, my gosh.

Looking for a tiny, little, uh,
baby inside one of these cakes.

Man, this, this is good
forearm exercise.

Yeah, we got two more cake racks
for you to look...

How you feeling, Chee?

Arms are burning.

Forearms are destroyed
right now.

I'm so tired.

Here come the beards.

Here they come. Neck and neck.

Find the baby?

- I found the baby.
Oh, Will,
you're k*lling me.

- You're k*lling me, Will.
- James.


- Did he find it?
- Come on!

We have to eat beignets.

Okay. It's like
a big powdered doughnut.

Just go.


And this is good.

- This is so good.
- There's so much powdered sugar.

We're behind.

No real time to think,
just go time.

Lot of dough.

Uh... Will didn't
go through that much.

He didn't even touch
his second rack.

This is not good for you.

I'm still on one.

- Yeah, I need you to eat faster.
- So now you can eat more.

- I don't want to eat more.
- You might have to.

I'm gonna bloat.

It's like
the cinnamon challenge.

Your mouth dries out.

I can't.

It won't go down.

Will, just drink more water
while you eat.

Yeah, I just finished one rack,

uh, now I'm onto my second one.

Still no sign of the baby.

- Uh-uh.
- Will.

You're gonna make me eat these?

I might throw up.

They were right on our tails,

so I knew that I needed to go
as fast as I could.

But every time I would swallow,
it would just come back up.

Come on, baby. Where are you at?

Where are you at, baby?

We're still in this.

I can't. My stomach hurts.

I need you to do that.
I'm sorry.

We're gonna be here awhile.

- Then...
- I can't... James.

- ...soak up all the water.
- Please eat them.

Sometimes the hard frosting
sounds like

plastic against here,
so it's like,

it's more frustration.

It won't stay down.

Oh, my God.

- Sorry.
- Excuse me.

We're losing so much time.

I'm... babe, I-I'm just,
I'm trying so hard.

I know you are.
You need to finish that.

I c... I literally cannot even
finish what's in my mouth.

It's super tiny,
the size of this baby,

so you have to be, like,
super diligent going through it.

That's pretty demoralizing.

Get the last chunk in.
Come on, come on.

Okay, I'm done.

-Thank you.
-Thank you so much.
Those were delicious.

- Thank you, thank you.
- You're wasting time.

- I'm wasting time?
- I ate four beignets.

"Travel by taxi to the
New Orleans Convention Center

and search near Hall H
for your next clue."

Okay, we need a taxi.

Being extremely thorough.

Don't want to miss it
a second time.

I can see the baby,

but right at the top
of the table,

Chee is never gonna see it.

I see it and I can't
help him at all.

That was probably
one of the most

frustrating points of the race.

- Man.
- Don't give up.

No, I'm not gonna give up.
I'm gonna find this thing.

Going through my last two here,

and, uh,
it's starting to sink in

that I got to go
through them again.

Chee, we got this, dude.

All right.

Really need this last task
to be impossible

so we can catch up time.

We found a taxi pretty quick.

Jackson, you are
our saving grace.

Hall H. That's it.

Thank you so much.

- Have a good night.
- Near Hall H.

Oh, I see it. Come on.

Come here. Ready?

"Roadblock. Who wants to take
a swing at this Roadblock?"

"If you performed
the last Roadblock,

your partner must
attempt this one."

Looks like it's my turn.

The Mighty Mississippi

is arguably the most
famous river in America.

There are more than 100 bridges

crossing what many people call
Old Man River.

This Roadblock
requires teams to climb

under the Crescent City
Connection bridge,

then climb out
onto this enormous beam

and leap out into the
pitch dark to grab a clue

almost 200 feet

above the dark, imposing
Mississippi River.

"Take a provided marked vehicle
parked by Hall H

with your teammate
to the challenge area."

We're going to Crescent City
Connection bridge.

- Awesome.
- We can do it.

I love heights so much.

Heights is not my thing.

And when you add the darkness
with heights,

that's just not a good equation for James.

That's when the fear
starts kicking in.

- You can do it.
- I know I can do it.

That doesn't mean
I want to do it.

I didn't want to fiddle through

- k-king cakes.
- Yes, you did.

Your face lit up when you saw
the idea of a king cake.

You know, my rushing through
all the cakes

caused me to miss the baby
the first go-around.

No other choice but to just
go back and-and redo it.

I know I'm not supposed
to say sorry, Hung,

- but sorry, Hung.
- Don't say sorry.

I was trying to, like,
telepathically tell him

to look at the baby.


Uh, I'm starting
from the bottom ones

'cause, I mean, I felt like
I was thorough with those,

but I was definitely
more thorough earlier.

Oh, my gosh. It's there.

It's right there. All right.

Found it.

Here you go.


Oh, that looks good.
Thank you so much.

We just eat three a piece?

Have to do it.

I just saw the size of the baby,

and I wasn't expecting it
to be that small.

It was just sitting there
on the table,

and I didn't notice it.

It's not looking good for us.

180 feet?

Have you swung from this bridge?

So I'm, like, the guinea pig?

Just like, of course it's me.
It's me.

I'm the one that has to this.

Oh, my gosh. Holy crap.

All right.

Thank you so much.


I'm so nervous, Will.

This is not fun.

You can do it.

I'm not the best with heights.

I'll be honest.

I feel scared for him

'cause I know
that he's scared of heights.

- Sit down?
- Yep.

The moment the guy told
me I had to sit on the ledge,

that's when it really started
to sink in:

"Okay, I'm gonna swing...
He said 180 feet,"

and I knew I had
to grab the clue

without dropping it
in the Mississippi River.

I know you can do this.
Oh, my gosh.

I'm so mad I have
to do this right now.

This is for a million dollars.

I understand
it's for a million dollars,

but it... you don't just
do this for fun.

Don't look down,
look at the clue.

Three, two...

Don't look down,
look at the clue.

Just grab it.

You got it. You got it.

Three, two...

My God!

You did it.
- Oh, my God, oh, my God,
oh, my God!

Oh, my God!

I did that.

How cool.
I'll never do it again.

Oh, my God.

The feeling was the sensation

of a really tall drop
on a roller coaster

that you regret going on.

My God!

It was a moment
that I'll never forget.

Rappel off the bridge

and roll a gigantic ball
to Mardi Gras World."

Both team members
must now rappel

180 feet down to the ground.

Then, teams will make their
way on foot to Mardi Gras World,

rolling a ten-foot-high ball
down the street.

Teams started with a party
in Trinidad,

and will now let the good times
roll here in Louisiana.

This 300,000-square-foot

is the largest float design
and construction facility

- in the world.
- Oh, my gosh, let's go.

I'm so proud of you.

And now we have to rappel
off the bridge. High five.


It's a small world.

- Why is that?
- 'Cause my friend

was waiting for some people to
come out for The Amazing Race.

- I was just on the phone
with him.
- Oh, yes.

That's, uh,
that's o-other people

- that we're trying to beat.
- Yeah.

- Right on.
- Are they still there?

Yeah, they were still there...
As of, like, five minutes ago,

- they was.
- Oh, fantastic.

Will, no other teams
are here yet.

But these heights are no joke.

I, like, am only focusing on
not dying.

- How you feeling, baby?
- Holy caca.

I'm trying not to look down.

Just be calm!

We're not gonna die.

- You good?
- Yeah.

- Wow!
- Oh, my gosh.

We did it. Okay.

There it is.

- Big ball.
- How do you get it out of there?

Let me get in. Let me get in.

Wait, baby, does it open?

- No.
- Do you need help?

Oh, I got it, I got it.

Don't crush me.

Oh, my God, it's so huge.

Wait, there's the...

- there's the arrow, Will.
- Okay, go.

Push it, baby. Go.

Will, come on.

Thank you so much.

We've watched old seasons

and we've seen
how some final legs

can be really tough,
especially that last Roadblock.

- There it is, Chee.
- Okay, let's go, let's go.

So I certainly
didn't give up hope.

Here we go.

"Who wants to take a swing
at this Roadblock?"

Oh. "If you performed
the last Roadblock,

your partner must
attempt this one."

- So this is you.
- "Swing under the Crescent City

-Connection bridge
to receive your next clue."
-All right.

Holy cow.

- This is amazing.
- Hopefully I can do this

in one go.

Um, I don't like heights.

Oh, my God!

Oh, my God! No!

No, I absolutely did not enjoy
the Berlin experience.

And because I have
short T-Rex arms,

there was a chance I
would miss grabbing the clue

when I jumped off the bridge.

If that happened
or if I dropped the clue,

I would have to redo
the whole thing,

and it takes a while
to get re-rigged up.

That is awfully far, my friends.

Jump. Just push off.

Go get it. Go get it.

Hopefully she can grab this.

Oh, my gosh.

Oh, man.


You got it! I'm so proud of you!

Nice job!

- Nice job.
- Oh, my gosh.

Come on, Maddison.

Let's go, baby.

Man, I don't know what to do.

I just want to get through this.

Really, the only way...

Found it?

Found it.

Say hello to my little friend.

I know people have struggled

in other challenges and
have had... been put behind,

but, like, you have to keep
pushing through.

- You never know.
- All right, let's go.

This is Mardi Gras World.

- It is?
- On the left.

There's the entrance
right there.

Will, look it. Right here.

Great, let's go.

This is so cool.

How awesome is this?

I wish I knew
what we were looking for.

You see any... Right there. Go.

"Search the warehouse
for a trunk with puzzle pieces

"and attach the pieces
to your ball

to make a gigantic globe
of planet Earth."

After circling the planet,
teams will now

go around the world again.

They must search this warehouse

among thousands
of Mardi Gras decorations

to find a crate containing 32
pieces of a giant globe puzzle,

which they must correctly place
on their ball

in order to create the world
and get their final clue.

- "Search the warehouse."
- Let's go this way.

We need a court jester.

Oh, my gosh, this place is huge.

Over here. Oh, wait, no.

"Search for a chest." Come on.

Right there.

Oh, my gosh.

- Grab it.
- Okay. Go.

Babe, I'm so proud of you.

- Good work, babe.
- We got this.

We need to make the globe

out of these puzzle pieces
we found.

- Where should we start?
- They're strips.

- Let's put them in order.
- On the ground?


- Here's Florida.
- This is Saudi Arabia.

This is Mexico and California.

We practiced our geography
before coming on the race,

- and James is actually
really good at geography.
- This is...

This is California.

So, that's India.

I'm trying to do
North America over here, Will.

Our strategy, though,
was to really lay out

the pieces on the ground first
before applying it to the ball.

I need more of South America.

- Here's just water.
- The oceans are gonna be hard.

- Right here.
- This goes here.

This is... might be Australia.

No, that doesn't look right.

Oh, my gosh.
There's so many pieces, Will.


- Okay.
- Cool.

- All right.
- First time rappelling.

I have no idea what to expect.



Wow. Look at this.

Yeah. This is it, Riley. Yeah?

Riley, it's in there.

"Who wants to take a swing
at this Roadblock?

"Note, if you performed
the last Roadblock,

-your partner must
attempt this one."
-All right. Here we go, bud.

Babe, I really think
we should start building.

Let's put our puzzle together.

Okay. Let's start here.

Put that on the end?

Line it along the crease,
like this.


'Cause the ball was so big,

you had to do
one piece at a time.

- You good?
- Yeah, that's good.

-Stay there. Hold it.
Hold it there.
-I'll hold it.

So it took a little bit of time.

But I think because
we had mapped out

the entire globe on the floor,

we were able to go
really quickly

to put all the pieces on.

Oh, my gosh, this looks so good.

- I think we're more
than halfway done.
We are.

I want to get out of here before
another team shows up, babe.

- Almost there, Hung.
- Almost there.

Okay, let's go.

I'm getting ready
to do something

I really don't want to do,
but desperate times.

I've never seen him
in high places,

so first time for everything.

You got this.

Yeah, buddy.

Oh, my God. Are you kidding me?

This is gnarly.

- You good?
- Yeah, I guess.

Dude, you got this.

Yeah, buddy!

Holy moly!

- Wow.
- Oh!

Go. Go, go, go.

We're so close.

The white goes up here
'cause it connects to Greenland.

Babe, you're doing so good.
You're almost done.

- Last one.
- We're almost done.

Let me read the clue
one more time.

Wait, Will, we have to place it
upright on the float.

Okay. You ready to lift?

- Okay, go.
- I'm lifting,

just push from the bottom
on your side.

- Okay.
- Good job.

Keep doing it. Stop.

You've got it
on the float, babe.

- That was...
- Okay. Can we get
a check, please?

We got this.

- Hello, sir.
- Hello, sir.

I'm so nervous, Will.

Your map is correct,

but your assembly needs work.

Oh, my gosh,
we have to start over.

It's so hard,
'cause when you put it up there,

- it all comes undone.
- Okay, the pieces don't fit.

- This is ridiculous.
- Got it.

And we had such a strong lead.

This is unbelievable.

Over here! Keep going straight!

Oh, here. Keep going straight!

Go, go, go.

All right. Let's do it, Riley.

Here we go. Let's keep pushing.

Oh, there's the giant ball.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, let's go!

Hurry, hurry, hurry.

- We're almost done.
- Let's go.

Our globe has the right map,

but it's not perfect
in assembly.

Maybe pull that tighter?

There we go.

But push from the bottom,
push from the bottom.

That looks so much better
than last time.

Now can we get a check?


- We did it?
- You finished the float.

Thank you.

This is it. Run to the finish
line of The Amazing Race.

Teams must now make their way

to their final destination,

the New Orleans Superdome,

home to the 2010
Super Bowl champions.

The first team to find me here

on the New Orleans Saints
football field

will win $1 million
and The Amazing Race.

"Travel by taxi
to the main entrance

of where the Saints
go marching in."

Go, go, go, go.

Oh, my God. I'm freaking out.

Do you know where the Saints
go marching in?

- The Superdome.
- The Superdome.

Do you see it?
It's somewhere here.

- "Mardi Gras World."
- Oh, here.

Yeah, I see it.

- Come on, Chee.
- Over here.

- Okay.
- Just up ahead.

- Chee, Chee, Chee, Chee.
- It's right here.

Okay, good.

This is it.

Court jester trunk...
Right here, Chee.

- You just passed it.
- Oh, man. Good eye.

Let's line them up first,

and then put...
Attach it to the ball.

It looks better
on the floor first.

Safe to say we never built
a puzzle this big.

Pick a continent to...
We'll start building from there.

Riley, hurry up. Let's go.

Go, go, go.

- Let's go.
- Yeah, let's do it.

All right. Mardi Gras World.

Hurry, hurry, hurry.

- We did it.
- We did it.

We're going to the Superdome.

We're going to the finish line.

Oh, my God.

Our families
are gonna be so proud.

- There it is.
- Let's go.

Come on, babe.

It's lit up in race colors.

Oh, my God.

- Ready? Three, two...
- Here we go.

Look at that!

Oh, my gosh!

I love you.

11 countries, 17 cities,

more than 33,000 miles.

Will and James,
I am pleased to tell you

you have won the $1 million
and The Amazing Race.


- I'm so...
- Ah!

They were rooting for you guys.

- Thank you.
- When did you realize that today

was just going so well,
when y... and-and you were ahead?

When I jumped off a bridge.

- Yeah?
- What the heck was that?

I'm just wondering,
what-what does it feel like?

I mean, I'm a superfan.

I've been watching
since I was 11.

And so, I have applied
for this race

at least nine to ten times
with various family and friends.

But who knew that you were
my partner all along?

Not only in this race
but in life.

I love everything about you.

You're my best friend.

And thank you for being
patient with me

'cause I had so many
crazy moments.

There are no words

for this entire experience,

from day one until now,
all the things

that we've been able to do,
all the experiences that we've had,


With you by my side,
I felt at home

everywhere we were.

This is remarkable. It's really
special to share with Will.

We love you.
We're so happy for you.

Thank you, you guys.

- Thank you.
- Thank you.

I couldn't imagine, uh,

loving a team
that U-turned us more.

In this moment right now,

looking at your life partner,
the winner,

your-your teammate here,
of The Amazing Race,

what do you want to tell
everybody, the world

and-and your friends
and your family a-about James?

What is it that's so special
about him?


He's the kindest person
I've ever met.

And he has the biggest heart
of anybody I know.

And I love you so much.

- And I know The Amazing Race
has been your dream,

but my dream is to spend
the rest of my life with you.


- ...will you marry me?
- Yes.

I can't even speak, but yes.

Oh, my God.

Thanks, baby.

Holy smokes.

- What a great day.
- What a great day.

I mean,

the engagement was
a pretty easy yes.

Like, come on. And how cool,

that it was at the finish line,
of all places?

With Phil and all the other
teams, all our new friends.

Like, they're all coming
to our wedding.

Oh, yeah. Everyone's invited.

- What?
I just heard
some footsteps.

Maybe they're coming, Chee.

There it is. Stop.

This is Mexico and the U.S.
I'm just laying them all out.

- Yeah, yeah, yeah. Good plan.
- You can start putting them
together if you want.

Check, please.

Hi. How are you?

So, uh, your assembly
needs a little work.

- Okay. All right,
we'll tighten it up.
- Okay.

Good work. Yes.

- Ugh...
- Ow.

Oh, my God, Chee.

A lot of it fell.

We can do this, dude.

We just need those
and we're good.

Yeah. Let's go, let's go.

I'm finishing off the bottom.

Yeah, I am, too.

Okay, it looks like
we have another team coming in.

Who's it gonna be?


Hung and Chee,
after 33,000 miles

racing around the world,

I am pleased to tell you
that you're team number two.

Very proud of you guys.

You guys ran a solid race.

- You should be very proud
of yourselves.
Thank you, Phil.

The race was

the honeymoon that we never had.

It was absolutely phenomenal.

We got to do and see things
that we never

would have otherwise
been able to do.

I think the race
has made us closer.

Um, I hope you agree.

This is my opinion.

Riley and Maddison,

you are officially
the third team on Amazing Race,

a pretty extraordinary effort
against some

very, very tough teams,
so congratulations.

Thank you.

Me and Riley compete
in beach volleyball.

People probably thought we're
gonna take our professional

athlete background and
bring it to the race, and, like,

- we've picked up a lot more
things on the race...
- Yeah.

...that we're gonna bring back
to our volleyball careers.

I think the race
is gonna help our careers

more than our careers
helped us on the race.

Well, I can tell you
a cool statistic.

You are all a part
of Amazing Race history

because we have just rolled over
one million miles

on The Amazing Race, and you
are a part of that history.

Thank you.

Good job.

WinningThe Amazing Race
still does not

feel real to me.

It's something I have envisioned

ever since I was 11 years old.

And to be here,
it's a dream come true.
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