01x05 - Jason's Birthday

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Hills". Aired: May 31, 2006 – July 13, 2010.*
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Reality series documented the lives of several students attending Laguna Beach High School as they completed secondary education.
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01x05 - Jason's Birthday

Post by bunniefuu »

Golf club is a good gift, right?

I think so.

'Cause I really can't think

of anything else to get him.

'What's, like,
even a good brand?'

- I have absolutely no idea.
- Nike?

Callaway has to be good
'cause it's, like, everywhere.

It just sounds kind of
golf, like, Callaway.

Oh, my gosh,
there's so many of these.

- Why are they so much money?
- I don't know.

- These ones are pretty.
- Those ones are really pretty.

What are we even doing
for his birthday?

We're doing dinner
at Blowfish.

Are you gonna give it
to him that night?

'Cause you should give it to him
so he can use it, right?

No, that's the thing, I don't
want to give it to him at night.

'So I'm gonna have,
I have to figure out a way'

somehow to just have them in the
trunk, like covered with stuff.

Why don't you get Jordan
to do that?

Oh, I forgot something,
I just wanted to get them

so he can play with them.

Do you get a bag with it

'or do you have
to buy a bag also?'

I don't know.

'Oh, maybe we should get help.'

[theme music]

[upbeat music]

Jeans can be really addicting.

'There's, like, always new ones'

and you feel like
you have to have them.

'I can't do it.'


Did they call you to work

- 'No.'
- Or the next day?

They called me for Wednesday
and Friday.

Wednesday is Jason's birthday.

Do you have to plan something?

- Hi.
- Hi.

- Hey. This is Gloria.
- Hi.

She's the fashion director
at Teen Vogue.

This is Lauren.
This is Whitney.

We have a big sh**t on Wednesday

and, uh, what's your schedule
this week?

'Wednesday, I just have
a class at noon.'

So Whitney won't be able to
go to the sh**t on Wednesday.

So, Lauren,
you're gonna be the assistant.

'There's gonna be a lot
going on, so you're kind of'

gonna be the organizer
there all day.

- On Wednesday?
- 'It's Wednesday.'

We're counting on you to really
kind of let it run smoothly.

- Okay.
- Alright.

- Thanks.
- 'Thanks. Bye.'


- That's his birthday.
- Oh, no.

That sucks, we, like,
already had plans

for the day and everything.

'Remember that guy
I told you about?'

- Danny, the really cute one?
- We're gonna go out tonight.

I think this one is a good one.

He seems really nice.

He, like, looks like
he has a good body.

Well, if he's a model,
you hope so, right?

That's the perk of dating
a model.

I wonder if he likes to be
called Dan or Danny.

- Or Daniel or Dan the man.
- Dan, the man!

Is anything happening
with Brian?

- We never, like--
- 'You hooked up.'

- But you didn't, like..
- We just hung out.

We never, like..

...took it to the next level.

You never took it
to the next level.

[both laugh]

Are you gonna take it
to the next level with Dan?

I don't know. It depends.
I don't know anything about him.


I have to make sure this guy
is good enough for you.

If it's a really bad date, we'll
have a signal or something.

- 'And then your--'
- Yeah, I usually always have--

I always did that before.

- I think it's gonna be fun.
- I hope it's good.

- You deserve a really good guy.
- I know.

I'm living my single life
vicariously through you.

We'll see how long
this guy lasts.

[both laugh]


- Hi.
- What up?

What are you doing?

How was work?

Was alright.

- I missed you.
- I missed you, too.

Remember, I told you they asked
me if I could work, like

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday?

- Mm-hmm.
- Lisa Love came in.

And she said that Whitney
has school all day.

And that, like, you know,
"You're the only person."

They don't have
an assistant that day.


So I have to go in
and do this sh**t.

So you have to work
on my birthday.


- I'm sorry.
- Don't worry about it.

I wanted to spend
your birthday with you.


[instrumental music]

- 'Call me after.'
- Okay, I think he's here.

- 'Tell me everything.'
- I'll call you later, okay?

- Okay, bye.
- 'Bye.'

- Hi.
- Hello, baby. How are you?

- It's fancy seeing you again.
- It's good seeing you.

- How you doing?
- Good.

It was nice all day.
Did you go outside?

- On my lunch break.
- Oh, that's right.

I apologize. You work.

So why did you move here?

Uh, modeling and acting.
I mean, just to give it a shot.

So what beach did you go to?

- Today? I live at the beach.
- Oh.

Wait, did I say
I was going to the beach?

I must have lied.
That's amazing.

[instrumental music]


Well, here's
to an interesting night.


I had a friend from high school.

She just got a brand new fake
which I think is great.

- Yeah.
- And, of course.

She gets too drunk
and gets encouraged to

show everybody
her brand new boobs.

I'm gonna check my machine
if you don't mind.

No, go ahead.

- You've got a lot of messages?
- Yeah, m-my agent.


Thank you.
Oh, that looks wonderful.

So when was
your last relationship?

- Relationship?
- Well, I don't know.

I haven't had a long-term
relationship probably..


[cell phone rings]

- Pick it up.
- Sorry.

It's okay.
It's the right thing to do.

- Hi.
- Are you sitting with him?

- Yeah.
- Okay, so, I'll say something.

If he's really cute and sweet

then tell me that..

...the food is great, okay.


How's the food?

It's a little greasy, but..


Okay, well, call me after
and definitely meet up with us.

Okay. Bye.

♪ I wish I had a dollar ♪

♪ For every time Los Angeles ♪

♪ LA town yeah here I come ♪

♪ Then I change my mind
and I never go ♪

Yeah, so,
is anyone meeting us here?

- Brian doesn't know?
- No!

That's what I told you guys
this is gonna be awkward.


- Hey, what's up?
- Hey!

How's everybody doing?
Thanks for saving me bread.

But, look, we did save you
oil and vinegar.


- Hi.
- Hello, there.

- Hi!
- Hi!

- Are you alone?
- 'I'm alone.'

You want to scoot in?

- So tell us.
- It was good, it went good.

- 'Are you gonna see him again?'
- I don't know.

Is he a good guy?

He feels like a genuine guy

but I don't know him that well.
It's the first date.

So what is the basic info
about him?

Moved here five months ago.

He wants to be a model
or an actor.

'He's never been
in a relationship.'

He's gay.


Shut up. I wanna hear more.
I wanna hear more.

Oh, god, please, enough already.

Make a toast.

Here's to Jason's birthday.

[indistinct chatter]

[rock music]

- Hi.
- Hi.


'When you're done with that,
I think that'

all of the sneakers
are in there.

The sneakers?

'Lauren, if you wanna do them
by categories, like sneakers'

'ballet flats, and then pumps,
that would be great.'

[instrumental music]

Should we have Lauren steam
that a bit?

- You can have it back.
- There you go.

- Did you go buy golf clubs?
- I did.

I stop by and I was like,
"I know nothing about golf."

I said, "What are
the best ones you have?"

and he showed me and I got
the ones down from that

because they were way
too much money.

Okay. So are you gonna
give them to him tonight?

No. Actually, he's golfing
right now

and they're waiting
for him there with, like, a bow.

- Happy birthday!
- You gonna see him tonight?

Yeah. We'll be at dinner.

- Just the two of you?
- No.

There's a big group of us.

- That's nice.
- Yeah.

[instrumental music]

'Yo, Jason.'

Jason, where's my gloves?

It's back here.


Is this from you?

No! Yeah, it's from me.
It's from Lauren.

She got, oh, my god.


hey, she couldn't have got it
at a better time.

- I cannot believe she bought--
- Big berthas.

- Call her, dude.
- Those are Callaways.

You better call her right now.


[cell phone rings]


- Hey, baby.
- Hey.

Thank you very much
for the golf clubs.

- What were you thinking?
- That's what you wanted, right?

Yeah, but what are you
thinking getting me these?

- Do you like them?
- Yes.

Then I did good.

- I really like these a lot.
- You're welcome.

Alright, I'll pick you up
for dinner later.

- Okay, I love you. Bye.
- Okay. Bye.

Alright, let's go already.

Brian, would you like to carry
my golf clubs?


Lauren, we need everyone
to sign a release form

just saying that we can use
their photo in the magazine.

You can just put your name

- Yeah, of course.
- '...signature.'

- You get one too.
- Okay.

[indistinct chatter]

How long did they say
you'd be here till?

- 'I have no idea.'
- They didn't say?

'They have told us
absolutely nothing.'

It's my boyfriend's birthday
today and I'm missing it

and I'm so sad.
They didn't give me a hard out

so I'm like..


Oh, well.

Are you guys doing
anything today?

He went golfing with his friends

but we're all doing
dinner tonight.

Oh, they told me that, like,
the sh**t is only gonna go till

like, 3:00 or 4:00,
but I don't know

- But I have to pack up.
- Exactly.

I don't know how, like..

I'll stay and help you.

No, no.

[instrumental music]


Man! At least I hit it!

- Here, you're first, Brian.
- I'm first?

Brian, you make it in the hole,
we'll each give you 20 bucks.


All of these trunks, I don't
wanna have to bring them back

to the office or my hotel room.

Okay. Do you think
it's gonna be till 6:00?

Or do I have to be here,
when they pick it up?

- Yes.
- Okay.

Thanks. Okay, 6 o'clock.

♪ Lay down
all our cigarettes ♪

♪ And beauty magazines ♪

♪ We're like
a caged-up monster ♪

♪ Begging to be free ♪

♪ The whole time all we want ♪

♪ Is just to be who we are ♪


'So we're gonna go do
this last shot at the beach.'

- Do you want to come?
- Do you need me there?

I mean, we're pretty set,
but if you just want to

take it in
and see what's going on.

If you need me to do
something there, I'll go.

Otherwise, I have, like,
something I need to be at.

I thought you might
want to take it in

but you don't have
to be there if you don't care.

Sorry, it's my boyfriend's
birthday party.


[instrumental music]

Please, no traffic.
Please, no traffic.


[rock music]

Come here, doll.

♪ Hello I can see you ♪

♪ I can feel you

♪ I can smell you there
I know.. ♪

Hi, honey. I missed you.

- I missed you.
- Yeah, I can tell.

You look very excited to see me.

What? I was very excited.

I sent you messages all day
every break I got.


'If you could have anything'

for your birthday,
what would you pick?

- Uh, probably you.
- You already got that.

What else would you want?
If you pick any?

- I don't know. We'll see.
- Okay.

Where you going?

- Huh?
- After dinner, where you going?

'If you want to go out,
I'll go out with you.'

I mean, I won't be much fun,
but I don't mind going out.



[rock music]

[indistinct conversations]

- Hi!
- Hey, yo!

Happy birthday!

'Lauren, you look very pretty.'

- 'Happy birthday, Jason .'
- Alright, no worries.

Pass this down.

Can I get everybody's
attention really quickly?

Doesn't really work good
with a wooden stick.

'I've been in LA for, like,
five or six months now'

and I feel good
that I'm at a party here.

'New friends.
Basically the point of this'

is happy birthday, Jason,
everybody at this table

'is here for you.'

- Happy birthday.
- Happy birthday.


Hey, I wanna say thank you
for all you guys coming.

- 'Thank you for having us.'
- [indistinct]

'You're the best in the world.'

Yeah, tilt the glass
when you pour it.

It won't be foamy.

I used to work at Hooters.

- 'Did you really?'
- Yeah.

You were a Hooters girl?

- Audrina worked at Hooters?
- What?


Hottest Hooters girl ever.

It's okay.

Shut up.

I'll be right back.

Where did he go?

- 'Sorry.'
- Happens.

That is a really
mean thing to say.

[indistinct conversations]

Hey, I found a place if you
want to come live with us.

Be trouble, but..

- I'll be right back.
- Go sit with your girlfriend.

'Yeah, I'm gonna get yelled at.
I'll be right back.'

I'm trying to be friendly,
you know, baby?

I'll be back.

Are you okay?


Hey, long time, no see, pal.
Thank you, bro. I appreciate it.

- I get that.
- You get that?

- You ready to go out, baby?
- I'm not going out, sweetie.

'You're not going out?
Alright, I'm out of here.'

It's your birthday, sweetie,
I'm not gonna fight with you

on your birthday, okay?
I love you.

Will you tell me
why you're mad at me?

I rushed home
for your birthday.

Put yourself in my situation.

♪ If it's gonna rain
then let it rain ♪

♪ Clean the streets
and clear the air ♪

♪ But that's not you to me ♪

♪ You weren't lookin' at me ♪

♪ The smile that I can see ♪

♪ With anyone anyone not me ♪

♪ But I'm here holding
on to that ♪

♪ Like a fool I'm holding
on to that ♪

♪ Holding on to you ♪

♪ I'm holding on to you ♪

♪ I'm holding on to you ♪
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