02x11 - Everyone Falls

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Hills". Aired: May 31, 2006 – July 13, 2010.*
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Reality series documented the lives of several students attending Laguna Beach High School as they completed secondary education.
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02x11 - Everyone Falls

Post by bunniefuu »

'As you know,
the Oscars are this week'

'and we have
a wonderful opportunity.'

Andre Leon Talley
is coming into town.

'Andre is the editor-at-large
at "Vogue"'

and they're doing a segment
of "Good Morning America."

'We have now collected

worn by famous actresses
to the Oscars.

- Wow.
- Wow.

You will have Emily
from New York.

'She's coming out
to help on this event.'

'She will be modeling
one of the dresses in the show.'

- Any questions?
- Um...

No, but do you have
a second to talk?

- Absolutely. Yeah. Okay.
- I'm...

- 'Thanks.'
- I'm gonna go to the closet.

- 'Okay.'
- Sorry.

As you know,
I'm graduating in May.

And I just wanted to know, like,
what realm of this whole world

I could possibly work in?
Just kind of want your input.

'And what do you think?
What are you thinking?'

I don't know, it would be
my dream to work for you

to work for Amy.

It's, uh,
there is a job possibility

here at "Teen Vogue"

and that's
as a fashion contributor.

So it's a great time for you
to be graduating from college

'and looking for a job.'

There are other interns
that also have

the same qualifications
and will be interviewing

'for the same job.'

[instrumental music]

♪ Oh it all looks good ♪

♪ I knew I had it coming ♪

♪ And I get high just thinkin' ♪

♪ 'Bout my dreams ♪♪

- Hi.
- Hey.

- How'd it go?
- 'Good.'

Basically, she said that...

...they're looking
for someone to fill

the position called,
like, a fashion contributor.

'She said there's
a bunch of other interns'

that would be applying,
blah, blah, blah.

Ah, it's gonna be
a little competitive.


I would not wanna
compete with Emily.

So I just kinda have to,
like, I guess, prove myself.

And, you know, especially
with this sh**t coming up.

Let's make you look good.



[instrumental music]


Thank you. Alright.

This is...a feast.

Thank you.

So I had fun
at Lauren's birthday.

'Uh, I think it's very ironic'

that I ended up somehow making

Lauren Conrad's,
um, birthday toast.

I bet she hated that
more than anything.

What was that birthday toast
about though?

You thought I was nice.
I was trying to be mean.



I feel like if we really
did start thinking about

moving in together,
honestly, it's like...

...we'd have to really make sure
that there's never gonna be

another, like,
Playmate incident, like

you know, those things,
they can't happen again.

How much I love you now compared
to where we were at then

is...from Earth to the Moon.


I think moving in
would be brilliant.

We'd have to really...

...you know, like,
trust each other, I mean, like--

You don't trust me?

I mean, I just don't
even know what to say.

It's like, I don't...

'Cause I know I trust you.

[singing in foreign language]

Where's Super Emily?

[music continues]

'Your competition has arrived.'

[singing continues]

- Hi, how are you?
- How are you?

- Good. How are you?
- Good.

So, ladies, just quickly
to go over with you

Andre's gonna be here
in a few minutes.

'Um, Lauren? I'm just
making sure you're listening.'

- Yeah.
- 'Um, okay.'

So when he gets here

if we could just eliminate

'as much chaos as possible'

with all the people
and everything...

- 'Okay.'
- Okay?

- 'Okay.'
- Thanks, guys.

This is so exciting,
I mean, this is, like

such a huge thing to be doing.

- 'I know.'
- 'I remember all of these.'

'The pink one's
the Gwyneth Paltrow one.'

- Right?
- Very good.

The blue one's the Hilary Swank.

I wanna wear all of this stuff.

♪ Na na na ♪

♪ Na na-na na na na-na ♪

'Okay, tell me exactly what
his job is. I know he's like...'

'He's the editor-at-large
at "Vogue"'

as in he's, like,
the premier "Vogue" person.

- 'Next to Anna Wintour.'
- Wow.

You look fabulous
in this dress, fabulous.

'See, it's just changing
the dress on her.'

♪ Na na na
na na-na na na na-na... ♪♪

'I like that shoe.
That's the shoe.'

That's the heel, Lauren.

- This is pretty.
- Mm-hmm.

'Where's the Manolo flat
that you just had?'

'Is there enough... Oh!'

'Oh, she's learning,
the little intern.'

Oh, and she's asserting herself.

That's the way you go ahead
in life. That's it.

'She asserted herself. Divine.'

♪ This love emotion ♪

♪ And I can't escape
from you ♪

♪ And you can't escape me ♪♪


Let's see you walking in this.

Okay, I think you might wanna
try that sandal.

What about Sue London?
Have you seen those flats?

No. What do they look like?

They're basic flats
that come in every color.


Are you a model?
The lady in the little top?

- She should be, right?
- No. I'm an intern.

An intern.
You should be a model.

She walked in one
of the "Teen Vogue" shows.

You're beautiful.
You should be a model.

- Thank you.
- 'You never modeled?'

No one's told you
you should model?

'No, never.'

I mean, people have said it
because of my height, but...

Can we try a dress-up
over here? Can we try--

What about trying
Faye Dunaway's, uh, white dress?

- No.
- It's making me sweat.

- Sophia Loren dress.
- The Sophia Loren dress.


Look how skinny her legs are!

Oh, my goodness, no...
Uh, you missed your calling.

She hasn't got a job yet,
you know. She's just graduating.

'You know what she would
look good in? It's in that...'

Hey, hey, hey...

Can you go back there
and give her

the Hilary Swank dress?
Guy LaRoche.

She's got the look,
television look.

She's got that television face.


- 'Ooh, Whitney.'
- 'Whoa! Come on.'

'A star is born!'

'A star is born!'

We're gonna put her in a show,
she's going on that TV show.

She's going on the show
in that dress.

You're looking great
in the dress.

Thank you very much.

"Good Morning America,"

That's crazy!

You've been discovered.

[instrumental music]

[instrumental music]

♪ I'm dreamin' dreamin' ♪

♪ Dreamin' ♪

♪ I'll never let it go ♪

♪ Go go ♪♪

Have you seen my shoes?

Uh, what do they look like?

Uh, like, black stiletto pumps.

I'm afraid I have not seen
any black stiletto pumps.

Damn, I have to go to work
and I'm late.

And you know why
I don't feel bad for you?

Oh, why?

'Cause if we lived together

you wouldn't have that

inconvenience of always having

to go get that last little thing

you forgot at your apartment.

That really helps right now.

- You know what, Heidi?
- 'What, Spencer?'

Go to work and we'll talk
about it when you get back.

- What is that supposed to mean?
- I'm ready to get serious now.

It's like,
I've been doing the whole

like, single Hollywood thing.

It's like,
if you don't wanna get serious

you just need to tell me that.

I'm serious,
does that mean I have

to move in with you?
Is that the... It's like...

That's the next step?
That's not fair, it's like--

It's not about the next step.

It's about making
this relationship better.

So living together
is gonna make...

'No, living with Lauren'

'is ruining our relationship.'

There's a difference
between a best friend

and a best friend
slash roommate.

'I would rather you live
by yourself than with Lauren.'

Why don't you decide
my living arrangements

and you can just tell me later?

I've already decided
your living arrangements.

It's a huge thing,
it's not just like

"Let's move in together."
You know?

'This is probably
the biggest decision'

I've ever had to make.

This is serious
and you're the first girl

that I've ever
wanted to take it

to that next level
with and that's fine

if you don't wanna do that,
let me just get out.

[instrumental music]

♪ My shining star is my ♪

♪ Delight ♪

♪ You got me rising high ♪

♪ Tonight ♪

[music continues]

[indistinct chatter]

♪ You are my shining star ♪

♪ You are my shining star ♪

[music continues]

♪ Shining star ♪

♪ Shining star ♪♪

[male announcer]
'Alright, everybody.
Quiet, please.'

'We're gonna go live
in five, four, three...'

[female interviewer]
'Good morning, Andre.'

'Tell us a little bit
about your exhibition.'

'Well, Laura Ziskin who's
producing the Oscars this year'

'came to "Vogue"
and to me and to Anna Wintour'

and said,
"Let's have a great show

about historical Oscar fashion."

'So what we have is
the history of Oscar fashion.'

We have these
four extraordinary ladies

'coming down the steps now
in a representation'

'that I think is so fabulous.'

'We start first with Didanka,
who's wearing Barb... Uh...'

'Barbra Streisand's
Arnold Scaasi dress, 1969'

'when she won the Oscar
for "Funny Girl".'

Then we have Whitney,
an intern from "Vogue" wearing

Hilary Swank's beautiful
blue silk jersey dress

'from Guy LaRoche
for the year when she got'

'"Million Dollar Baby,"
it's an extraordinary dress'

'and Hilary picked it
because she thought'

'it'd be chilly that night,
so she wanted long sleeves'

'but then when
she turned around'

'you got all the drama'

'of an Oscar-gorgeous gown.'

'And then we have lovely Emily'

'another "Vogue" intern
from New York'

'wearing Vera Wang's
extraordinary dress'

'with a beautiful necklace
from Fred Leighton'

'and it's all about
couture with Vera'

'and this was a great
hourglass shape'

'going to a bombastic sweep
of skirt.'

You see glamour. You see style.

[female interviewer]
'Thanks, Andre.'

'Diane, back to you.'

[male announcer]
'And we're clear.'


Honey, it's fine. It's a great
way to begin your career.

Ouch! What happened?

- Great job. Thank you, dear.
- I don't know.

You didn't fall on the floor,
did you?

- No, I just went to the side.
- It's a train.

'It's real. That's real.'

- 'Thank you.'
- Thank you!

[indistinct chatter]

- Whitney!
- Yeah.

- Hey, you okay?
- Embarrassed.

Whitney, no, you were beautiful.

Please don't be sad.
You looked perfect.

I highly doubt that.

Don't stress, it's fine.

- You looked great.
- Thank you.

At least you didn't really fall.

Like, you could have
actually fallen.

- Yeah.
- I would've, on the ground...

Fell to the side.

- Whitney.
- Relax.

- Why were you so upset?
- No, it's fine.

♪ I should forget about it ♪

♪ There's always
something in the way ♪

♪ Save yourself
before you drown ♪

♪ Hearts get lost ♪

♪ And hearts are found ♪♪

[instrumental music]

'We need to talk about'

'"Good Morning, America."'

You did a great job, Whitney.

I know it was hard for you

'but it was really impressive.'

I think it was a really
endearing moment.

Uh, everybody falls.

Uh, here's a letter
from Amy Astley to you.

Oh, my gosh.

"Dear Whitney,
even Naomi Campbell

"has taken a tumble
on the runway

'so that puts you
in great company."'

- That's so sweet.
- 'It's really sweet.'

- Yeah.
- And besides Amy Astley...

Anna Wintour also called
to say that she thought

you did a really great job.


You just recovered
really well and dignified

and you represented us
really well.

- So...
- Okay, good, yeah.

I just didn't wanna
disappoint you.

- You didn't.
- Okay, good.

Um, on that note, we're thinking

that it would be a really great

idea for you to go to New York

to meet with Amy Astley
about this job

that I spoke to you
about before.


That's amazing. Thank you.

I feel like I am really ready
for this responsibility.

I highly recommend you.

'I think
you've done a great job'

'but I talked to you
about this before'

that Amy will be
interviewing others.

- My gosh. Okay.
- 'Alright.'

- Well, thank you so much.
- 'You are so welcome.'

I feel really so honored
to have this opportunity.

Well, we definitely wanna
keep you in the family.

Yeah, I'm gonna
take this, though.

- Yeah, that's for you.
- 'Okay.'

- Absolutely.
- I feel like I should frame it.

[both chuckle]

[instrumental music]

'You're going to New York?
That's awesome.'

'I know, but the
"Good Morning America" thing.'

It's just been, like,
replaying in my head.

- I'm sorry.
- We walked on the stairs.

We did, we rehearsed it
five times, I was, like

"Fine, no problem, whatever,
I can handle this."

- And it's live, right?
- 'And it's live, okay.'

- Oh, my gosh.
- 'I get to the last step...'

And I just, like,
kinda collapse to the side.

She didn't go all the way down.

I didn't go all the way down,
I come up and I'm like

I just keep this smile
on my face because, like

you know, what am I gonna do?
I can't just run off.

It was just embarrassing,
you know, like...

- I started hysterically crying.
- 'But you know what?'

You got up and kept doing it

you didn't run off stage
and start crying.

Yeah, it could have been
a lot worse.

I thought it was gonna be
like a domino effect

with the models and they were
all gonna go down.

At that moment, I thought it
was, like, the end of the world.

'So what is the job, Whitney?'

Lisa titled it, like,
fashion contributor.

'It would have something to do
with styling'

and she said that I would be

like, basically
head of all the interns.

'That's kind of a scary thing.'

You didn't tell me that.

You're head of all the interns?

I mean, it's not something

that I really, like...

Well, if I go back there
and intern next year

then you would be
in charge of me.

I mean, technically.

I would rather you be there
instead of, like...

- Emily. That's a possibility.
- 'Emily.'

You'd love that, Lauren.
Come on.

I would quit.
I actually would quit.

'You know you have
to get the job, right?'


[instrumental music]

- Hello?
- Yeah, I'm in the alley.

Okay, I'll come outside.

- 'Alright.'
- Okay, bye.

What's wrong?

You tell me what's wrong.


I disagree.


I got this unresolved...

...living situation
with my girlfriend.

I don't know. It's just,
like, a really big decision.

Well, for me, it's not,
so that's the difference

in our relationship.

It's just over this
you not ready to go

to the next level
with our relationship.

It's not about going the next
level with our relationship

I have other things
going on too.

- It's like, why now?
- Stop saying other things.

- Just say Lauren.
- You know what? It's like...

- No, it's not just Lauren.
- What else is it then?

No, why now? Why are you
pressuring me so much now?

It's, like, what is this
big moment? It's like...

- Come on, just relax.
- 'It is a big moment.'

- I wanna move on with my life.
- It's not like move on or...

- It is that.
- It's not like that.

For me, it is that. It is.

- You can't wait couple months?
- 'What do I have to wait for?'

For me to be ready to...

It's like everybody's
pulling at me.

For God's sakes, just let me
relax for a minute.

I don't know
what you want me to do.

- You do, though.
- 'Okay.'

You want me to move in

what about the repercussions

for the rest of my life?

- 'Where?'
- For my friends, for work.

It's one person,
you keep on tryin' to pretend.

"How's it gonna affect
your work?" "How's it gonna--"

Okay, but why now? Why can't you
wait? I don't understand.

I've been waiting, we've talked
about this for over a month!

Over a month now, we've been
going back and forth.

Is this, like, your way out?

If you wanna be single,
you wanna run around

with all these girls,
just, like, just tell me.

- Heidi. Heidi.
- Don't blame it on moving--


If I wanted to go around
with all these girls

you think
trying to get you to move in

is what I'd be doing? Is that...

Does that sound
like it makes sense to you?

- Yeah.
- It does?

'Cause it doesn't really
make sense to me.

Hmm, nope. Doesn't really.

Alright, well, my answer is no.

Sweet. My answer
is get out of my car.

Stupid car.

[tires screeching]

♪ There's nothing you can say ♪

♪ Some things
just can't be fixed ♪

♪ Every word sounds the same ♪

♪ You've been hanging on ♪

♪ For too long ♪

♪ Don't you know ♪

♪ That everything
is not alright? ♪

♪ This is goodbye ♪♪
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