03x02 - Big Girls Don't Cry

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Hills". Aired: May 31, 2006 – July 13, 2010.*
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Reality series documented the lives of several students attending Laguna Beach High School as they completed secondary education.
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03x02 - Big Girls Don't Cry

Post by bunniefuu »

Ugh, what a long night. Jeez.

That was one of the crazier
things that's ever happened

to me, her screaming at me.
I'm just like...

- You're pathetic.
- I'm like, What did I do?

I have no idea what
you're even talking about.

You're brainwashed. That's why.

Ooh! Master,
what should I order for lunch?



No, I just don't even know
what her problem is.

And Audrina. Oh, my God.
This is between me and Lauren.

"You can go back to whatever
you were doing, little lady."

Lauren, I think she was
in a really bad relationship

so I think she thinks
I'm the same way as her.

You know, like, you're
choosing the wrong guy and...

Like, I'm going through the same
thing and it's not, you know?

You can't even compare.

We still have to get
all this stuff for the apartment

and start really moving in.

Maybe I'll pick out, like,
some paint colors for the walls.


Like a light yellow.

Light yellow?

[imitates buzzer]

[instrumental music]

'So who is this guy Justin?'

We liked each other
right when we first met.

'I was working
at Quixote Studios.'

But I was actually
dating someone else

and he was calling me.

And when I called him,
he was with someone else.

And then he wasn't,
and then I wasn't

and we started hanging out.

So, why'd you stop dating then?

'Cause I went to Vegas with him

and they were partying
and then...

Wait a minute!

'They wanted to go
to that strip club.'

That was the same Justin?

- Yeah, so...
- He abandoned you in Vegas.

Yeah. I know what you think.

I think there's a reason
you stopped seeing him

and that getting back into it,
you're gonna have

the same reasons
to stop seeing him again.

It's not like
I'm gonna marry the guy.

I'm just going on a date.

I'm keeping my opinions
to myself.

They just get me in trouble.

Meow meow meow meow.

Well, afterwards,
we're going to Forty Deuce.

I'm going with you and Lo.

It'll be fine. You'll have fun.

'Then you'll come out
with the girls'

'and have even more fun.'

[instrumental music]

- Honey, I'm home.
- Oh!

My favorite part of the day.

Oh, my God. What is this?

It's a protein shake.

No, no, no, no. What is this?

You said we needed
to get some art.

- I got us some art.
- 'Did you design this?'

[Spencer] 'I had a little part
to do with it.'

- 'The money signs?'
- 'That was my detail.'

'But I thought you were
gonna pick, like, pick out'

paint colors with me
and we were gonna put up

like paintings
and that kinda thing.

We can still do that. We have
how many walls in this place?

Yeah, but it's a whole
different vibe now.

It's not even, like, a girly...

It's not anything.
I don't know.'


What's wrong?

- It's a gift.
- It's a great gift.

It's a gift to yourself?

That's mean. A gift to myself?

This is our living room.

I guess.

Maybe I can cheer you up
with some good news.

Uh, you have white paint
coming tomorrow?

This weekend, we're going
on a little romantic getaway

to Santa Barbara,
to the beach house.

I got lots of surprises
planned for Santa Barbara.

[jazz music]

- How are you? Good.
- Good. How you doing?

- You look cute.
- So do you.

Nice. I don't know,
it's good to see you.


So, I don't get
what half this stuff is.

Tell me one thing
that you think you know

and then let's get it.


'Audrina's been gone for,
like, two and a half hours'

and she said, she was like,
"I'll only be gone an hour."

Didn't they date, like,
a while ago or something?

[sighs] 'Rekindled flame.'


'I don't think he was very nice
to her, though.'

- What do you mean?
- Stories I've heard.

- Well, what did he do?
- 'He abandoned her in Vegas.'

Oh, oh, my gosh!

You know there's that one
person you always go back to?

'You'll date other people,
but like'

'you kind of want to run
into them when you're out.'

Yeah, well, it's like somebody
that you always have a crush on.

He's kind of that for her.

Do you think that they're
gonna be boyfriend-girlfriend?

Yo no se.

'But I mean, I'm all
about second chances.'

- 'I've done second chances.'
- Yeah.

Do you think people
can really change though?

I think that everyone can change
if the right person comes along

and I think that every girl
wants to be the right person.

She wants to be,
every girl wants to be

the one girl
that can change that guy.

But why do you have to have
a guy that you have to change?

Don't you wanna meet somebody
that's good already?

That's too easy.

Look at you go in this thing.
I like that.

- I'm working out.
- No, you're looking hot.

I like how you're cutting pieces
and I'm eating 'em.

You haven't seen
the new apartment, have you?

Unh-unh. I haven't.

You're with, uh, Lauren, right?

- Yeah.
- 'How do you like it?'

'It's fun.'

- See how different I am now?
- 'You are different.'

- See?
- You're better.

You're not so bad.

So what's this guy's name,

- Okay, his name is Justin.
- 'Yeah.'

But he, like, wants
to change it to Bobby.
- Why?

But people keep calling him
Justin Bobby.


We have to be nicer.

'We have to be nicer.'

- Hi.
- Audrina's home!

How are you guys?

Lo, this is Justin. Justin, Lo.

[Lauren] 'Justin, I think
I've met you before.'

I know, I know, I did.
Hi. How's it going?

- 'It's nice to meet you.'
- Nice to meet you, too.

- How was dinner?
- It was good. We went to, uh...

- 'What was it called?'
- Cobra and Matadors.

We couldn't really understand
the menu, but it was good food.

Yeah? So, Justin, I heard

you are trying to change
your name to Bobby?

- My friends call me Bobby.
- Oh. Can I call you...

Everyone was confused on what

you're being called.
Is it Justin or is it Bobby?

No, like all my friends call me
Bobby, and it's just...

Oh! So you don't want us
to call you Justin Bobby?

You can call me
whatever the hell you want.

- I kind of like Justin Bobby.
- 'Whatever floats you.'

Let's see, let's see your room.

Do you think, do you think
we hurt his feelings?

I don't know.

He didn't like us very much.

[Justin coughs]

Well, we're gonna
go to Forty Deuce.

- You're going right now?
- 'Yeah.'

- Oh.
- I know.

I mean...

Are you gonna go?
You have seats, don't you?

Well, I was planning on going,
but you can go.

Do you wanna come or...


- Bye.
- 'Have fun, lovebirds.'

Bye. It was good seeing you.

[Lo] 'Bobby, it was really
nice to meet you.'

- 'Bye.'
- 'Bye. Drive safely.'

That was really weird.
She invited me.

And we had two tickets to go.

I think that Justin Bobby
took your ticket.


- You think?
- Yeah.

[upbeat music]


- How was your night?
- It was fun.

Uh, Justin, I like him.

I mean, basically,
he wants to start over

'and he's definitely changed
since like two years ago.'

So I'm gonna give him a chance

and we're gonna see
what happens.

A chance to, like,
be your boyfriend?

Well, not boyfriend,
we're just seeing, you know?

Jus, he doesn't
open up very easily

but he wants to, like,
get to know you, too

'cause you're, like,
my best friend and roommate.

So we should all
go out together.

Do you want salsa
with your eggs?


You'll like him.
Like, he's different.

And I know I used to vent to you
about what he used to be.

All I know about him is
you, yeah, you venting.

So I don't know
any good things about him.

Well, that was a long time ago

whenever you and Heidi met him.

And I didn't really
know you that well

but I know Heidi
didn't like him either

from right off the bat.

I mean, he's just,
he seems different.

We'll see, you know?

'I wonder if he has
any cute friends for you.'

Remember, Audrina,
you and I have very...

- Different tastes.
- Different tastes. I know.

Different, but the same.

Always the bad boys.

[instrumental music]

This is, uh,
this is a big deal in my life.

I definitely want you
to be my best man, so...

Best man? For what?

Dude, I'm probably
gonna pop the question

tomorrow at my beach house.

- What?
- Dude...

You're talking
about getting married?

You can't even say that
with a straight face.

What is that little smirk?

That's 'cause it's not married,
it's getting engaged.

It's the first step to marriage.

Homie, you've been dating
Heidi for one year...

But it's been the best year
of my entire life.

Just because you all of a sudden
get in a relationship

where it's great, that doesn't
mean you need to get married.

Not great. Flawlessly perfect.

- But you know what I means?
- I can totally...

- You get her hopes up...
- It's not about hopes.

I would go marry her
in Vegas right now.

Is there a rule you have to...

You're not trying to get
married right now, Spencer.

- You're 23 years old.
- I'm turning 24, player.

Oh, but it's like, homie

get married at like 30, 35.

It's like, wait.
You got to live your youth.

'You wanna really waste
your whole youth?'

By the way, did you bring
your credit card?

I think, I'm gonna need to
borrow like $100,000 from you.

You're not using
my credit card, fool.

This is your ring.

I'm not stupid enough
to get married at 23.

'You are.'

[instrumental music]

- 'So what have you been up to?'
- 'Nothing.'

Just summer work and play.

I don't know if I ever told
you about this guy named Justin.

You might have, I think you
might have mentioned him to me

in passing, but not...
Why? What's going on?

Well, I've known him
for two years.

It's always been off and on.
I don't know what we are.

He wants to, like,
start over and, like

take things slow, and I had...

Like, Lauren doesn't like him,
because she knows of

like, you know, things
in-in the past

that have happened, and she
doesn't want me to get hurt.

She's just being a good friend.

'But then, with me, like'

I-I have to learn the hard way

and I have to do things myself.

I can't listen to people
and listen to their cautions.

I just do it.

Are you looking
to be serious with him

though, or are you, like...


I mean, I-I've been single
for like three or four years.

I want a boyfriend.

- This is, like, hard for me.
- Yeah.

[instrumental music]

[Brody] 'Looks like it's got
a lot of purses.'

[Spencer] Yeah, they sell a lot
of high-end things here.

Hello! How are you?
Excellent. Excellent.

- Hi. How are you?
- Excellent. How about yourself?

- How're you doing?
- 'Good.'

We're looking for some bling.

- Where's the most high-end?
- Um, this section right here.

'What do you, what do you
think's the best stuff you got?'

[female #1] 'Um, I would say
this line here.'

It's all 18 karat gold,
white gold, yellow golds.

Um, stones here.

[Spencer] 'Wow.'

'There we go.'



This should be
your little pinky ring.

'Some JLo, Kobe Bryant ring
right there.'

'Heidi better not lose this.'

[imitates Heidi]
'She'd say, Uh, my ring!'

'I should get a little
tracking device on this.'

A little GPS put in there.


- Wow. Done.
- 'Great.'

- Ready to get engaged.
- Aww.

That's so sweet.

- Thank you.
- Actually, you know what?

No returning this.

Take that.

It was done. Did it.

- 'Alright.'
- You're-you're a great helper.

- Alright. Bye.
- Take it easy.

[Brody] You have officially
lost your mind.

[instrumental music]

I am so excited
about getting out of LA

and Hollywood for the weekend.

What's the surprise?


[music continues]

[music continues]

[car beeps]

[Lauren] 'Hey, mom, I'm home.'

- How are you?
- Good.

So you want something to drink?

- Mm-hmm.
- Here you are.

I'm cutting all the middles
out for you, right? Okay.

[Lauren] 'Thanks, mommy.
You're the best.'

I know, 'cause I'm your mom
and that's what I do.

So why did you, um,
head down here today?

Any special reason
or are you just...

I wanted to get out of LA
for a day or two.


It gets a little overwhelming.

And how's, uh, Audrina?

Audrina has started
dating someone

named Justin, who she's, like

on-and-off dated for two years

and she's dating him again now.

Oh. Do you like him?

I was wondering
how you were holding up

with your rough series
of events.

I was worried
it was gonna harden you

a little bit on life and...

I mean, people, a lot of times,
when you go into Hollywood

it brings out a side in people
that isn't necessarily good.

But you have to realize
it's just in Hollywood, right?

'Do you realize that?'

'LA is just
a totally different place'

than the rest of the world.

But the people that

you know, were not
nice to me in LA

and betrayed my trust in LA

they didn't,
they're not from LA.

Yeah, but I think
they get caught up in LA.

'Oh, and in all seriousness...'

...you're pretty much
the most amazing human

I've ever met in my whole life.

And that's so real

and every single day
I'm with you

I really am happier every day

and it's so real that

every time I wake up
next to you, I'm just like

"Ah! You're there! Yay!
You're still there."

I wanna spend
the rest of my life with you

so I got this for you.

- I love you.
- I love you more.

- I really do.
- I don't think so.

I don't even know
what hand the wedding ring

'goes on, so you can...'

'It's a little big, I'm sure,
'cause nobody has'

'such cute hands as you.'

I don't know. I just...

I love you more than anything.

When people told me
don't be with him

I was just like,
"You obviously don't know him

because he's the most amazing
guy I've ever met in my life"

and I never had a relationship
like this.

It's so fun. It's so everything.

And you're always there

and I know for my whole life
that you'll always be there.

And I know that
you're the most loyal

amazing, loving,
everything person

and I love you more than
anything in the whole world.

I just want you to know that

people are,
most people are good.

I know, I mean, I know
there's a difference between

like good people
who do bad things

and bad people
who do bad things.

I don't want you to have
trust issues, because I just...

I'm going to, I had, like

the three most important people
in my life in the last year...

That's why, that's why
I'm worried about you.

You have a great internship
and you've got some good friends

and you're going to school.

'And I don't want you
caught up in all that drama.'

And, you know, if you start
focusing on that again

it's gonna take you off-track.

'I really want you
to stay focused'

and do your thing,
and you're gonna be so great.

[instrumental music]

[music continues]
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